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a guest
Apr 4th, 2012
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  1. local function InstallThis()
  4. ACP_Data = {
  5. ["sorter"] = "Group By Name",
  6. ["NoRecurse"] = false,
  7. ["NoChildren"] = true,
  8. ["AddonSet"] = {
  9. {
  10. "_NPCScan", -- [1]
  11. "_NPCScan.Overlay", -- [2]
  12. "AdvancedTradeSkillWindow", -- [3]
  13. "Aero", -- [4]
  14. "Altoholic", -- [5]
  15. "Altoholic_Achievements", -- [6]
  16. "Altoholic_Agenda", -- [7]
  17. "Altoholic_Characters", -- [8]
  18. "Altoholic_Guild", -- [9]
  19. "Altoholic_Search", -- [10]
  20. "Atlas", -- [11]
  21. "AtlasMajorCities", -- [12]
  22. "Atlas_WorldEvents", -- [13]
  23. "AtlasLoot", -- [14]
  24. "AtlasLootAdvancedSearch", -- [15]
  25. "AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade", -- [16]
  26. "AtlasLoot_Cataclysm", -- [17]
  27. "AtlasLoot_ClassicWoW", -- [18]
  28. "AtlasLoot_Crafting", -- [19]
  29. "AtlasLoot_Loader", -- [20]
  30. "AtlasLoot_WorldEvents", -- [21]
  31. "AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing", -- [22]
  32. "AtlasMajorCitiesEnhanced", -- [23]
  33. "AtlasQuest", -- [24]
  34. "Auc-Advanced", -- [25]
  35. "Auc-Filter-Basic", -- [26]
  36. "Auc-ScanData", -- [27]
  37. "Auc-Stat-Histogram", -- [28]
  38. "Auc-Stat-iLevel", -- [29]
  39. "Auc-Stat-Purchased", -- [30]
  40. "Auc-Stat-Simple", -- [31]
  41. "Auc-Stat-StdDev", -- [32]
  42. "Auc-Util-FixAH", -- [33]
  43. "AuctionProfitMaster", -- [34]
  44. "Auctionator", -- [35]
  45. "Bartender4", -- [36]
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  57. "ButtonFacade_Sion", -- [48]
  58. "DamnTooltipIcons", -- [49]
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  61. "DataStore_Agenda", -- [52]
  62. "DataStore_Characters", -- [53]
  63. "DataStore_Containers", -- [54]
  64. "DataStore_Crafts", -- [55]
  65. "DataStore_Currencies", -- [56]
  66. "DataStore_Inventory", -- [57]
  67. "DataStore_Mails", -- [58]
  68. "DataStore_Pets", -- [59]
  69. "DataStore_Quests", -- [60]
  70. "DataStore_Reputations", -- [61]
  71. "DataStore_Spells", -- [62]
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  73. "DataStore_Talents", -- [64]
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  75. "GTFO", -- [66]
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  77. "HomingDigeon", -- [68]
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  81. "kgPanelsConfig", -- [72]
  82. "Ace2", -- [73]
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  85. "LibSharedMedia-3.0", -- [76]
  86. "Masque", -- [77]
  87. "Masque_Cards", -- [78]
  88. "Masque_Elegance", -- [79]
  89. "Masque_Jigsaw", -- [80]
  90. "Masque_Sleek", -- [81]
  91. "Masque_Tones", -- [82]
  92. "Masque_Trinity", -- [83]
  93. "Masque_Apathy", -- [84]
  94. "Masque_Caith", -- [85]
  95. "Masque_Darion", -- [86]
  96. "Masque_Entropy", -- [87]
  97. "Masque_Gears", -- [88]
  98. "Masque_LiteStep", -- [89]
  99. "Masque_Onyx", -- [90]
  100. "Masque_Serenity", -- [91]
  101. "MinimapButtonFrame", -- [92]
  102. "MinimapButtonFrame_SkinPack", -- [93]
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  104. "NoBoPWarning", -- [95]
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  106. "OmniCC_Config", -- [97]
  107. "OmniCC_Pulse", -- [98]
  108. "OmniCC_Shine", -- [99]
  109. "Overachiever", -- [100]
  110. "Overachiever_Tabs", -- [101]
  111. "Overachiever_Trade", -- [102]
  112. "PhoenixStyle", -- [103]
  113. "PhoenixStyleMod_CataMiniRaids", -- [104]
  114. "PhoenixStyleMod_DragonSoul", -- [105]
  115. "PhoenixStyleMod_Firelands", -- [106]
  116. "PitBull4", -- [107]
  117. "PitBull4_Aggro", -- [108]
  118. "PitBull4_AltPowerBar", -- [109]
  119. "PitBull4_Aura", -- [110]
  120. "PitBull4_Background", -- [111]
  121. "PitBull4_BlankSpace", -- [112]
  122. "PitBull4_Border", -- [113]
  123. "PitBull4_CastBarLatency", -- [114]
  124. "PitBull4_CastBar", -- [115]
  125. "PitBull4_ClassIcon", -- [116]
  126. "PitBull4_CombatFader", -- [117]
  127. "PitBull4_CombatIcon", -- [118]
  128. "PitBull4_CombatText", -- [119]
  129. "PitBull4_ComboPoints", -- [120]
  130. "PitBull4_DCIcon", -- [121]
  131. "PitBull4_DeadIcon", -- [122]
  132. "PitBull4_DogTagTexts", -- [123]
  133. "PitBull4_DruidManaBar", -- [124]
  134. "PitBull4_Eclipse", -- [125]
  135. "PitBull4_ExperienceBar", -- [126]
  136. "PitBull4_HealthBar", -- [127]
  137. "PitBull4_HideBlizzard", -- [128]
  138. "PitBull4_Highlight", -- [129]
  139. "PitBull4_HolyPower", -- [130]
  140. "PitBull4_HostilityFader", -- [131]
  141. "PitBull4_LeaderIcon", -- [132]
  142. "PitBull4_LeaderIconEx", -- [133]
  143. "PitBull4_LuaTexts", -- [134]
  144. "PitBull4_MasterLooterIcon", -- [135]
  145. "PitBull4_NamePlate", -- [136]
  146. "PitBull4_PhaseIcon", -- [137]
  147. "PitBull4_Portrait", -- [138]
  148. "PitBull4_PowerBar", -- [139]
  149. "PitBull4_PvPIcon", -- [140]
  150. "PitBull4_QuestIcon", -- [141]
  151. "PitBull4_RaceIcon", -- [142]
  152. "PitBull4_RaidRoleIcon", -- [143]
  153. "PitBull4_RaidTargetIcon", -- [144]
  154. "PitBull4_RangeFader", -- [145]
  155. "PitBull4_ReadyCheckIcon", -- [146]
  156. "PitBull4_ReputationBar", -- [147]
  157. "PitBull4_RestIcon", -- [148]
  158. "PitBull4_RoleIcon", -- [149]
  159. "PitBull4_Runes", -- [150]
  160. "PitBull4_SoulShards", -- [151]
  161. "PitBull4_Sounds", -- [152]
  162. "PitBull4_ThreatBar", -- [153]
  163. "PitBull4_Totems", -- [154]
  164. "PitBull4_VisualHeal", -- [155]
  165. "PitBull4_VoiceIcon", -- [156]
  166. "GearScore", -- [157]
  167. "Postal", -- [158]
  168. "Prat-3.0", -- [159]
  169. "Prat-3.0_HighCPUUsageModules", -- [160]
  170. "Prat-3.0_Libraries", -- [161]
  171. "Prat_ArmoryLink", -- [162]
  172. "Quartz", -- [163]
  173. "QuestGuru", -- [164]
  174. "QuestGuru_History", -- [165]
  175. "QuestGuru_History1", -- [166]
  176. "QuestGuru_History2", -- [167]
  177. "QuestGuru_History3", -- [168]
  178. "QuestGuru_History4", -- [169]
  179. "QuestGuru_History5", -- [170]
  180. "QuestGuru_History6", -- [171]
  181. "QuestGuru_History7", -- [172]
  182. "QuestGuru_History8", -- [173]
  183. "QuestGuru_History9", -- [174]
  184. "QuestGuru_Tracker", -- [175]
  185. "ReputationMonitor", -- [176]
  186. "SellOMatic", -- [177]
  187. "SexyMap", -- [178]
  188. "SharedMedia", -- [179]
  189. "Skada", -- [180]
  190. "SkadaAbsorbs", -- [181]
  191. "SkadaCC", -- [182]
  192. "SkadaDamageTaken", -- [183]
  193. "SkadaDamage", -- [184]
  194. "SkadaDeaths", -- [185]
  195. "SkadaDebuffs", -- [186]
  196. "SkadaDispels", -- [187]
  197. "SkadaEnemies", -- [188]
  198. "SkadaHealing", -- [189]
  199. "SkadaPower", -- [190]
  200. "SkadaThreat", -- [191]
  201. "SkadaWindowButtons", -- [192]
  202. "SLDataText", -- [193]
  203. "SLDT_Statline", -- [194]
  204. "Stubby", -- [195]
  205. "TidyPlates", -- [196]
  206. "TidyPlatesHub", -- [197]
  207. "TidyPlatesWidgets", -- [198]
  208. "TidyPlates_Graphite", -- [199]
  209. "TidyPlates_Grey", -- [200]
  210. "TidyPlates_Neon", -- [201]
  211. "TidyPlates_Quatre", -- [202]
  212. "TidyPlates_EPEEN", -- [203]
  213. "TidyPlates_ThreatPlates", -- [204]
  214. "TipTac", -- [205]
  215. "TipTacItemRef", -- [206]
  216. "TipTacOptions", -- [207]
  217. "TipTacTalents", -- [208]
  218. "TitanSpeed", -- [209]
  219. "TitanReputation", -- [210]
  220. "TitanFriends", -- [211]
  221. "TitanGuild", -- [212]
  222. "TitanQuests", -- [213]
  223. "TitanRaidDifficulty", -- [214]
  224. "TitanRoll", -- [215]
  225. "TitanSkills", -- [216]
  226. "TitanMail", -- [217]
  227. "TitanSpec", -- [218]
  228. "TitanSaveInfo", -- [219]
  229. "TitanBag", -- [220]
  230. "TitanClock", -- [221]
  231. "TitanCritLine", -- [222]
  232. "TitanCurrency", -- [223]
  233. "TitanDurability", -- [224]
  234. "titangathered", -- [225]
  235. "TitanGatherer", -- [226]
  236. "TitanGemHelper", -- [227]
  237. "TitanGold", -- [228]
  238. "TitanInfo", -- [229]
  239. "TitanLocation", -- [230]
  240. "TitanLogout", -- [231]
  241. "TitanLootType", -- [232]
  242. "TitanMatTracker", -- [233]
  243. "TitanMobMap", -- [234]
  244. "TitanMount", -- [235]
  245. "TitanPerformance", -- [236]
  246. "TitanProfessions", -- [237]
  247. "TitanRecipeBook", -- [238]
  248. "TitanRecount", -- [239]
  249. "TitanRepair", -- [240]
  250. "TitanSocial", -- [241]
  251. "TitanTradeCooldown", -- [242]
  252. "TitanTokens", -- [243]
  253. "TitanVolume", -- [244]
  254. "TitanXP", -- [245]
  255. "Titan", -- [246]
  256. "TitanSellOMatic", -- [247]
  257. "Unstoppable", -- [248]
  258. "VendorBait", -- [249]
  259. "WIM", -- [250]
  260. "XLoot", -- [251]
  261. "DBM-Core", -- [252]
  262. "DBM-GUI", -- [253]
  263. "DBM-BaradinHold", -- [254]
  264. "DBM-BastionTwilight", -- [255]
  265. "DBM-BlackwingDescent", -- [256]
  266. "DBM-DragonSoul", -- [257]
  267. "DBM-Firelands", -- [258]
  268. "DBM-Party-Cataclysm", -- [259]
  269. "DBM-PvP", -- [260]
  270. "DBM-ThroneFourWinds", -- [261]
  271. "DBM-WorldEvents", -- [262]
  272. ["name"] = "Solo",
  273. }, -- [1]
  274. {
  275. "_NPCScan", -- [1]
  276. "AdvancedTradeSkillWindow", -- [2]
  277. "Altoholic", -- [3]
  278. "Altoholic_Achievements", -- [4]
  279. "Altoholic_Agenda", -- [5]
  280. "Altoholic_Characters", -- [6]
  281. "Altoholic_Guild", -- [7]
  282. "Altoholic_Search", -- [8]
  283. "Atlas_WorldEvents", -- [9]
  284. "AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade", -- [10]
  285. "AtlasLoot_Cataclysm", -- [11]
  286. "AtlasLoot_ClassicWoW", -- [12]
  287. "AtlasLoot_Crafting", -- [13]
  288. "AtlasLoot_Loader", -- [14]
  289. "AtlasLoot_WorldEvents", -- [15]
  290. "AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing", -- [16]
  291. "Auc-Filter-Basic", -- [17]
  292. "Auc-Stat-Histogram", -- [18]
  293. "Auc-Stat-iLevel", -- [19]
  294. "Auc-Stat-Purchased", -- [20]
  295. "Auc-Stat-Simple", -- [21]
  296. "Auc-Stat-StdDev", -- [22]
  297. "Auc-Util-FixAH", -- [23]
  298. "Bartender4", -- [24]
  299. "BaudBag", -- [25]
  300. "ButtonFacade", -- [26]
  301. "ButtonFacade_Vista", -- [27]
  302. "ButtonFacade_simpleSquare", -- [28]
  303. "ButtonFacade_Shadow", -- [29]
  304. "ButtonFacade_Aperture", -- [30]
  305. "ButtonFacade_Aquatic", -- [31]
  306. "ButtonFacade_Dek2", -- [32]
  307. "ButtonFacade_Dek", -- [33]
  308. "ButtonFacade_ItemRack", -- [34]
  309. "ButtonFacade_LiteFlat", -- [35]
  310. "ButtonFacade_Sion", -- [36]
  311. "DamnTooltipIcons", -- [37]
  312. "FactionGrinder2", -- [38]
  313. "GTFO", -- [39]
  314. "HandyNotes", -- [40]
  315. "HomingDigeon", -- [41]
  316. "Informant", -- [42]
  317. "Ace2", -- [43]
  318. "LibReforgingInfo-1.0", -- [44]
  319. "SharedMediaLib", -- [45]
  320. "LibSharedMedia-3.0", -- [46]
  321. "Masque", -- [47]
  322. "Masque_Cards", -- [48]
  323. "Masque_Elegance", -- [49]
  324. "Masque_Jigsaw", -- [50]
  325. "Masque_Sleek", -- [51]
  326. "Masque_Tones", -- [52]
  327. "Masque_Trinity", -- [53]
  328. "Masque_Apathy", -- [54]
  329. "Masque_Caith", -- [55]
  330. "Masque_Darion", -- [56]
  331. "Masque_Entropy", -- [57]
  332. "Masque_Gears", -- [58]
  333. "Masque_LiteStep", -- [59]
  334. "Masque_Onyx", -- [60]
  335. "Masque_Serenity", -- [61]
  336. "MinimapButtonFrame", -- [62]
  337. "MinimapButtonFrame_SkinPack", -- [63]
  338. "MobInfo3", -- [64]
  339. "OmniCC", -- [65]
  340. "OmniCC_Config", -- [66]
  341. "OmniCC_Pulse", -- [67]
  342. "OmniCC_Shine", -- [68]
  343. "Overachiever_Tabs", -- [69]
  344. "Overachiever_Trade", -- [70]
  345. "PhoenixStyleMod_CataMiniRaids", -- [71]
  346. "PhoenixStyleMod_DragonSoul", -- [72]
  347. "PhoenixStyleMod_Firelands", -- [73]
  348. "PitBull4_Aggro", -- [74]
  349. "PitBull4_AltPowerBar", -- [75]
  350. "PitBull4_Aura", -- [76]
  351. "PitBull4_Background", -- [77]
  352. "PitBull4_BlankSpace", -- [78]
  353. "PitBull4_Border", -- [79]
  354. "PitBull4_CastBarLatency", -- [80]
  355. "PitBull4_CastBar", -- [81]
  356. "PitBull4_ClassIcon", -- [82]
  357. "PitBull4_CombatFader", -- [83]
  358. "PitBull4_CombatIcon", -- [84]
  359. "PitBull4_CombatText", -- [85]
  360. "PitBull4_ComboPoints", -- [86]
  361. "PitBull4_DCIcon", -- [87]
  362. "PitBull4_DeadIcon", -- [88]
  363. "PitBull4_DogTagTexts", -- [89]
  364. "PitBull4_DruidManaBar", -- [90]
  365. "PitBull4_Eclipse", -- [91]
  366. "PitBull4_ExperienceBar", -- [92]
  367. "PitBull4_HealthBar", -- [93]
  368. "PitBull4_HideBlizzard", -- [94]
  369. "PitBull4_Highlight", -- [95]
  370. "PitBull4_HolyPower", -- [96]
  371. "PitBull4_HostilityFader", -- [97]
  372. "PitBull4_LeaderIcon", -- [98]
  373. "PitBull4_LeaderIconEx", -- [99]
  374. "PitBull4_LuaTexts", -- [100]
  375. "PitBull4_MasterLooterIcon", -- [101]
  376. "PitBull4_NamePlate", -- [102]
  377. "PitBull4_PhaseIcon", -- [103]
  378. "PitBull4_Portrait", -- [104]
  379. "PitBull4_PowerBar", -- [105]
  380. "PitBull4_PvPIcon", -- [106]
  381. "PitBull4_QuestIcon", -- [107]
  382. "PitBull4_RaceIcon", -- [108]
  383. "PitBull4_RaidRoleIcon", -- [109]
  384. "PitBull4_RaidTargetIcon", -- [110]
  385. "PitBull4_RangeFader", -- [111]
  386. "PitBull4_ReadyCheckIcon", -- [112]
  387. "PitBull4_ReputationBar", -- [113]
  388. "PitBull4_RestIcon", -- [114]
  389. "PitBull4_RoleIcon", -- [115]
  390. "PitBull4_Runes", -- [116]
  391. "PitBull4_SoulShards", -- [117]
  392. "PitBull4_Sounds", -- [118]
  393. "PitBull4_ThreatBar", -- [119]
  394. "PitBull4_Totems", -- [120]
  395. "PitBull4_VisualHeal", -- [121]
  396. "PitBull4_VoiceIcon", -- [122]
  397. "GearScore", -- [123]
  398. "Prat-3.0", -- [124]
  399. "Prat-3.0_Libraries", -- [125]
  400. "Prat_ArmoryLink", -- [126]
  401. "Quartz", -- [127]
  402. "QuestGuru_History", -- [128]
  403. "QuestGuru_History1", -- [129]
  404. "QuestGuru_History2", -- [130]
  405. "QuestGuru_History3", -- [131]
  406. "QuestGuru_History4", -- [132]
  407. "QuestGuru_History5", -- [133]
  408. "QuestGuru_History6", -- [134]
  409. "QuestGuru_History7", -- [135]
  410. "QuestGuru_History8", -- [136]
  411. "QuestGuru_History9", -- [137]
  412. "QuestGuru_Tracker", -- [138]
  413. "SellOMatic", -- [139]
  414. "SexyMap", -- [140]
  415. "SharedMedia", -- [141]
  416. "Skada", -- [142]
  417. "SkadaAbsorbs", -- [143]
  418. "SkadaCC", -- [144]
  419. "SkadaDamageTaken", -- [145]
  420. "SkadaDamage", -- [146]
  421. "SkadaDeaths", -- [147]
  422. "SkadaDebuffs", -- [148]
  423. "SkadaDispels", -- [149]
  424. "SkadaEnemies", -- [150]
  425. "SkadaHealing", -- [151]
  426. "SkadaPower", -- [152]
  427. "SkadaThreat", -- [153]
  428. "SkadaWindowButtons", -- [154]
  429. "SLDataText", -- [155]
  430. "Stubby", -- [156]
  431. "TidyPlates", -- [157]
  432. "TidyPlatesHub", -- [158]
  433. "TidyPlatesWidgets", -- [159]
  434. "TidyPlates_Graphite", -- [160]
  435. "TidyPlates_Grey", -- [161]
  436. "TidyPlates_Neon", -- [162]
  437. "TidyPlates_Quatre", -- [163]
  438. "TidyPlates_EPEEN", -- [164]
  439. "TidyPlates_ThreatPlates", -- [165]
  440. "TipTac", -- [166]
  441. "TipTacItemRef", -- [167]
  442. "TipTacOptions", -- [168]
  443. "TipTacTalents", -- [169]
  444. "TitanSpeed", -- [170]
  445. "TitanReputation", -- [171]
  446. "TitanFriends", -- [172]
  447. "TitanGuild", -- [173]
  448. "TitanQuests", -- [174]
  449. "TitanRaidDifficulty", -- [175]
  450. "TitanRoll", -- [176]
  451. "TitanSkills", -- [177]
  452. "TitanMail", -- [178]
  453. "TitanSpec", -- [179]
  454. "TitanSaveInfo", -- [180]
  455. "TitanBag", -- [181]
  456. "TitanClock", -- [182]
  457. "TitanCritLine", -- [183]
  458. "TitanCurrency", -- [184]
  459. "TitanDurability", -- [185]
  460. "titangathered", -- [186]
  461. "TitanGatherer", -- [187]
  462. "TitanGemHelper", -- [188]
  463. "TitanGold", -- [189]
  464. "TitanInfo", -- [190]
  465. "TitanLocation", -- [191]
  466. "TitanLogout", -- [192]
  467. "TitanLootType", -- [193]
  468. "TitanMatTracker", -- [194]
  469. "TitanMobMap", -- [195]
  470. "TitanMount", -- [196]
  471. "TitanPerformance", -- [197]
  472. "TitanProfessions", -- [198]
  473. "TitanRecipeBook", -- [199]
  474. "TitanRecount", -- [200]
  475. "TitanRepair", -- [201]
  476. "TitanSocial", -- [202]
  477. "TitanTradeCooldown", -- [203]
  478. "TitanTokens", -- [204]
  479. "TitanVolume", -- [205]
  480. "TitanXP", -- [206]
  481. "Titan", -- [207]
  482. "TitanSellOMatic", -- [208]
  483. "Unstoppable", -- [209]
  484. "VendorBait", -- [210]
  485. "WIM", -- [211]
  486. "XLoot", -- [212]
  487. "DBM-Core", -- [213]
  488. "DBM-GUI", -- [214]
  489. "DBM-BaradinHold", -- [215]
  490. "DBM-BastionTwilight", -- [216]
  491. "DBM-BlackwingDescent", -- [217]
  492. "DBM-DragonSoul", -- [218]
  493. "DBM-Firelands", -- [219]
  494. "DBM-Party-Cataclysm", -- [220]
  495. "DBM-PvP", -- [221]
  496. "DBM-ThroneFourWinds", -- [222]
  497. "DBM-WorldEvents", -- [223]
  498. ["name"] = "Raid",
  499. }, -- [2]
  500. {
  501. "_NPCScan", -- [1]
  502. "AdvancedTradeSkillWindow", -- [2]
  503. "Altoholic", -- [3]
  504. "Altoholic_Achievements", -- [4]
  505. "Altoholic_Agenda", -- [5]
  506. "Altoholic_Characters", -- [6]
  507. "Altoholic_Guild", -- [7]
  508. "Altoholic_Search", -- [8]
  509. "Atlas_WorldEvents", -- [9]
  510. "AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade", -- [10]
  511. "AtlasLoot_Cataclysm", -- [11]
  512. "AtlasLoot_ClassicWoW", -- [12]
  513. "AtlasLoot_Crafting", -- [13]
  514. "AtlasLoot_Loader", -- [14]
  515. "AtlasLoot_WorldEvents", -- [15]
  516. "AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing", -- [16]
  517. "Auc-Filter-Basic", -- [17]
  518. "Auc-Stat-Histogram", -- [18]
  519. "Auc-Stat-iLevel", -- [19]
  520. "Auc-Stat-Purchased", -- [20]
  521. "Auc-Stat-Simple", -- [21]
  522. "Auc-Stat-StdDev", -- [22]
  523. "Auc-Util-FixAH", -- [23]
  524. "Bartender4", -- [24]
  525. "BaudBag", -- [25]
  526. "ButtonFacade", -- [26]
  527. "ButtonFacade_Vista", -- [27]
  528. "ButtonFacade_simpleSquare", -- [28]
  529. "ButtonFacade_Shadow", -- [29]
  530. "ButtonFacade_Aperture", -- [30]
  531. "ButtonFacade_Aquatic", -- [31]
  532. "ButtonFacade_Dek2", -- [32]
  533. "ButtonFacade_Dek", -- [33]
  534. "ButtonFacade_ItemRack", -- [34]
  535. "ButtonFacade_LiteFlat", -- [35]
  536. "ButtonFacade_Sion", -- [36]
  537. "DamnTooltipIcons", -- [37]
  538. "FactionGrinder2", -- [38]
  539. "GTFO", -- [39]
  540. "HandyNotes", -- [40]
  541. "HomingDigeon", -- [41]
  542. "Informant", -- [42]
  543. "Ace2", -- [43]
  544. "LibReforgingInfo-1.0", -- [44]
  545. "SharedMediaLib", -- [45]
  546. "LibSharedMedia-3.0", -- [46]
  547. "Masque", -- [47]
  548. "Masque_Cards", -- [48]
  549. "Masque_Elegance", -- [49]
  550. "Masque_Jigsaw", -- [50]
  551. "Masque_Sleek", -- [51]
  552. "Masque_Tones", -- [52]
  553. "Masque_Trinity", -- [53]
  554. "Masque_Apathy", -- [54]
  555. "Masque_Caith", -- [55]
  556. "Masque_Darion", -- [56]
  557. "Masque_Entropy", -- [57]
  558. "Masque_Gears", -- [58]
  559. "Masque_LiteStep", -- [59]
  560. "Masque_Onyx", -- [60]
  561. "Masque_Serenity", -- [61]
  562. "MinimapButtonFrame", -- [62]
  563. "MinimapButtonFrame_SkinPack", -- [63]
  564. "MobInfo3", -- [64]
  565. "OmniCC", -- [65]
  566. "OmniCC_Config", -- [66]
  567. "OmniCC_Pulse", -- [67]
  568. "OmniCC_Shine", -- [68]
  569. "Overachiever", -- [69]
  570. "Overachiever_Tabs", -- [70]
  571. "Overachiever_Trade", -- [71]
  572. "PhoenixStyleMod_CataMiniRaids", -- [72]
  573. "PhoenixStyleMod_DragonSoul", -- [73]
  574. "PhoenixStyleMod_Firelands", -- [74]
  575. "PitBull4_Aggro", -- [75]
  576. "PitBull4_AltPowerBar", -- [76]
  577. "PitBull4_Aura", -- [77]
  578. "PitBull4_Background", -- [78]
  579. "PitBull4_BlankSpace", -- [79]
  580. "PitBull4_Border", -- [80]
  581. "PitBull4_CastBarLatency", -- [81]
  582. "PitBull4_CastBar", -- [82]
  583. "PitBull4_ClassIcon", -- [83]
  584. "PitBull4_CombatFader", -- [84]
  585. "PitBull4_CombatIcon", -- [85]
  586. "PitBull4_CombatText", -- [86]
  587. "PitBull4_ComboPoints", -- [87]
  588. "PitBull4_DCIcon", -- [88]
  589. "PitBull4_DeadIcon", -- [89]
  590. "PitBull4_DogTagTexts", -- [90]
  591. "PitBull4_DruidManaBar", -- [91]
  592. "PitBull4_Eclipse", -- [92]
  593. "PitBull4_ExperienceBar", -- [93]
  594. "PitBull4_HealthBar", -- [94]
  595. "PitBull4_HideBlizzard", -- [95]
  596. "PitBull4_Highlight", -- [96]
  597. "PitBull4_HolyPower", -- [97]
  598. "PitBull4_HostilityFader", -- [98]
  599. "PitBull4_LeaderIcon", -- [99]
  600. "PitBull4_LeaderIconEx", -- [100]
  601. "PitBull4_LuaTexts", -- [101]
  602. "PitBull4_MasterLooterIcon", -- [102]
  603. "PitBull4_NamePlate", -- [103]
  604. "PitBull4_PhaseIcon", -- [104]
  605. "PitBull4_Portrait", -- [105]
  606. "PitBull4_PowerBar", -- [106]
  607. "PitBull4_PvPIcon", -- [107]
  608. "PitBull4_QuestIcon", -- [108]
  609. "PitBull4_RaceIcon", -- [109]
  610. "PitBull4_RaidRoleIcon", -- [110]
  611. "PitBull4_RaidTargetIcon", -- [111]
  612. "PitBull4_RangeFader", -- [112]
  613. "PitBull4_ReadyCheckIcon", -- [113]
  614. "PitBull4_ReputationBar", -- [114]
  615. "PitBull4_RestIcon", -- [115]
  616. "PitBull4_RoleIcon", -- [116]
  617. "PitBull4_Runes", -- [117]
  618. "PitBull4_SoulShards", -- [118]
  619. "PitBull4_Sounds", -- [119]
  620. "PitBull4_ThreatBar", -- [120]
  621. "PitBull4_Totems", -- [121]
  622. "PitBull4_VisualHeal", -- [122]
  623. "PitBull4_VoiceIcon", -- [123]
  624. "GearScore", -- [124]
  625. "Prat-3.0", -- [125]
  626. "Prat-3.0_Libraries", -- [126]
  627. "Prat_ArmoryLink", -- [127]
  628. "Quartz", -- [128]
  629. "QuestGuru_History", -- [129]
  630. "QuestGuru_History1", -- [130]
  631. "QuestGuru_History2", -- [131]
  632. "QuestGuru_History3", -- [132]
  633. "QuestGuru_History4", -- [133]
  634. "QuestGuru_History5", -- [134]
  635. "QuestGuru_History6", -- [135]
  636. "QuestGuru_History7", -- [136]
  637. "QuestGuru_History8", -- [137]
  638. "QuestGuru_History9", -- [138]
  639. "QuestGuru_Tracker", -- [139]
  640. "SellOMatic", -- [140]
  641. "SexyMap", -- [141]
  642. "SharedMedia", -- [142]
  643. "Skada", -- [143]
  644. "SkadaAbsorbs", -- [144]
  645. "SkadaCC", -- [145]
  646. "SkadaDamageTaken", -- [146]
  647. "SkadaDamage", -- [147]
  648. "SkadaDeaths", -- [148]
  649. "SkadaDebuffs", -- [149]
  650. "SkadaDispels", -- [150]
  651. "SkadaEnemies", -- [151]
  652. "SkadaHealing", -- [152]
  653. "SkadaPower", -- [153]
  654. "SkadaThreat", -- [154]
  655. "SkadaWindowButtons", -- [155]
  656. "SLDataText", -- [156]
  657. "Stubby", -- [157]
  658. "TidyPlates", -- [158]
  659. "TidyPlatesHub", -- [159]
  660. "TidyPlatesWidgets", -- [160]
  661. "TidyPlates_Graphite", -- [161]
  662. "TidyPlates_Grey", -- [162]
  663. "TidyPlates_Neon", -- [163]
  664. "TidyPlates_Quatre", -- [164]
  665. "TidyPlates_EPEEN", -- [165]
  666. "TidyPlates_ThreatPlates", -- [166]
  667. "TipTac", -- [167]
  668. "TipTacItemRef", -- [168]
  669. "TipTacOptions", -- [169]
  670. "TipTacTalents", -- [170]
  671. "TitanSpeed", -- [171]
  672. "TitanReputation", -- [172]
  673. "TitanFriends", -- [173]
  674. "TitanGuild", -- [174]
  675. "TitanQuests", -- [175]
  676. "TitanRaidDifficulty", -- [176]
  677. "TitanRoll", -- [177]
  678. "TitanSkills", -- [178]
  679. "TitanMail", -- [179]
  680. "TitanSpec", -- [180]
  681. "TitanSaveInfo", -- [181]
  682. "TitanBag", -- [182]
  683. "TitanClock", -- [183]
  684. "TitanCritLine", -- [184]
  685. "TitanCurrency", -- [185]
  686. "TitanDurability", -- [186]
  687. "titangathered", -- [187]
  688. "TitanGatherer", -- [188]
  689. "TitanGemHelper", -- [189]
  690. "TitanGold", -- [190]
  691. "TitanInfo", -- [191]
  692. "TitanLocation", -- [192]
  693. "TitanLogout", -- [193]
  694. "TitanLootType", -- [194]
  695. "TitanMatTracker", -- [195]
  696. "TitanMobMap", -- [196]
  697. "TitanMount", -- [197]
  698. "TitanPerformance", -- [198]
  699. "TitanProfessions", -- [199]
  700. "TitanRecipeBook", -- [200]
  701. "TitanRecount", -- [201]
  702. "TitanRepair", -- [202]
  703. "TitanSocial", -- [203]
  704. "TitanTradeCooldown", -- [204]
  705. "TitanTokens", -- [205]
  706. "TitanVolume", -- [206]
  707. "TitanXP", -- [207]
  708. "Titan", -- [208]
  709. "TitanSellOMatic", -- [209]
  710. "Unstoppable", -- [210]
  711. "VendorBait", -- [211]
  712. "WIM", -- [212]
  713. "XLoot", -- [213]
  714. "DBM-Core", -- [214]
  715. "DBM-GUI", -- [215]
  716. "DBM-BaradinHold", -- [216]
  717. "DBM-BastionTwilight", -- [217]
  718. "DBM-BlackwingDescent", -- [218]
  719. "DBM-DragonSoul", -- [219]
  720. "DBM-Firelands", -- [220]
  721. "DBM-Party-Cataclysm", -- [221]
  722. "DBM-PvP", -- [222]
  723. "DBM-ThroneFourWinds", -- [223]
  724. "DBM-WorldEvents", -- [224]
  725. }, -- [3]
  726. {
  727. "_NPCScan", -- [1]
  728. "AdvancedTradeSkillWindow", -- [2]
  729. "Altoholic_Achievements", -- [3]
  730. "Altoholic_Agenda", -- [4]
  731. "Altoholic_Characters", -- [5]
  732. "Altoholic_Guild", -- [6]
  733. "Altoholic_Search", -- [7]
  734. "Atlas_WorldEvents", -- [8]
  735. "AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade", -- [9]
  736. "AtlasLoot_Cataclysm", -- [10]
  737. "AtlasLoot_ClassicWoW", -- [11]
  738. "AtlasLoot_Crafting", -- [12]
  739. "AtlasLoot_Loader", -- [13]
  740. "AtlasLoot_WorldEvents", -- [14]
  741. "AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing", -- [15]
  742. "Auc-Filter-Basic", -- [16]
  743. "Auc-Stat-Histogram", -- [17]
  744. "Auc-Stat-iLevel", -- [18]
  745. "Auc-Stat-Purchased", -- [19]
  746. "Auc-Stat-Simple", -- [20]
  747. "Auc-Stat-StdDev", -- [21]
  748. "Auc-Util-FixAH", -- [22]
  749. "Bartender4", -- [23]
  750. "BaudBag", -- [24]
  751. "ButtonFacade", -- [25]
  752. "ButtonFacade_Vista", -- [26]
  753. "ButtonFacade_simpleSquare", -- [27]
  754. "ButtonFacade_Shadow", -- [28]
  755. "ButtonFacade_Aperture", -- [29]
  756. "ButtonFacade_Aquatic", -- [30]
  757. "ButtonFacade_Dek2", -- [31]
  758. "ButtonFacade_Dek", -- [32]
  759. "ButtonFacade_ItemRack", -- [33]
  760. "ButtonFacade_LiteFlat", -- [34]
  761. "ButtonFacade_Sion", -- [35]
  762. "DamnTooltipIcons", -- [36]
  763. "DataStore", -- [37]
  764. "DataStore_Achievements", -- [38]
  765. "DataStore_Agenda", -- [39]
  766. "DataStore_Characters", -- [40]
  767. "FactionGrinder2", -- [41]
  768. "GTFO", -- [42]
  769. "HandyNotes", -- [43]
  770. "HomingDigeon", -- [44]
  771. "Informant", -- [45]
  772. "ItemDataCache", -- [46]
  773. "Ace2", -- [47]
  774. "LibReforgingInfo-1.0", -- [48]
  775. "SharedMediaLib", -- [49]
  776. "LibSharedMedia-3.0", -- [50]
  777. "Masque", -- [51]
  778. "Masque_Cards", -- [52]
  779. "Masque_Elegance", -- [53]
  780. "Masque_Jigsaw", -- [54]
  781. "Masque_Sleek", -- [55]
  782. "Masque_Tones", -- [56]
  783. "Masque_Trinity", -- [57]
  784. "Masque_Apathy", -- [58]
  785. "Masque_Caith", -- [59]
  786. "Masque_Darion", -- [60]
  787. "Masque_Entropy", -- [61]
  788. "Masque_Gears", -- [62]
  789. "Masque_LiteStep", -- [63]
  790. "Masque_Onyx", -- [64]
  791. "Masque_Serenity", -- [65]
  792. "MinimapButtonFrame", -- [66]
  793. "MinimapButtonFrame_SkinPack", -- [67]
  794. "MobInfo3", -- [68]
  795. "OmniCC", -- [69]
  796. "OmniCC_Config", -- [70]
  797. "OmniCC_Pulse", -- [71]
  798. "OmniCC_Shine", -- [72]
  799. "Overachiever", -- [73]
  800. "Overachiever_Tabs", -- [74]
  801. "Overachiever_Trade", -- [75]
  802. "PhoenixStyleMod_CataMiniRaids", -- [76]
  803. "PhoenixStyleMod_DragonSoul", -- [77]
  804. "PhoenixStyleMod_Firelands", -- [78]
  805. "PitBull4", -- [79]
  806. "PitBull4_Aggro", -- [80]
  807. "PitBull4_AltPowerBar", -- [81]
  808. "PitBull4_Aura", -- [82]
  809. "PitBull4_Background", -- [83]
  810. "PitBull4_BlankSpace", -- [84]
  811. "PitBull4_Border", -- [85]
  812. "PitBull4_CastBarLatency", -- [86]
  813. "PitBull4_CastBar", -- [87]
  814. "PitBull4_ClassIcon", -- [88]
  815. "PitBull4_CombatFader", -- [89]
  816. "PitBull4_CombatIcon", -- [90]
  817. "PitBull4_CombatText", -- [91]
  818. "PitBull4_ComboPoints", -- [92]
  819. "PitBull4_DCIcon", -- [93]
  820. "PitBull4_DeadIcon", -- [94]
  821. "PitBull4_DogTagTexts", -- [95]
  822. "PitBull4_DruidManaBar", -- [96]
  823. "PitBull4_Eclipse", -- [97]
  824. "PitBull4_ExperienceBar", -- [98]
  825. "PitBull4_HealthBar", -- [99]
  826. "PitBull4_HideBlizzard", -- [100]
  827. "PitBull4_Highlight", -- [101]
  828. "PitBull4_HolyPower", -- [102]
  829. "PitBull4_HostilityFader", -- [103]
  830. "PitBull4_LeaderIcon", -- [104]
  831. "PitBull4_LeaderIconEx", -- [105]
  832. "PitBull4_LuaTexts", -- [106]
  833. "PitBull4_MasterLooterIcon", -- [107]
  834. "PitBull4_NamePlate", -- [108]
  835. "PitBull4_PhaseIcon", -- [109]
  836. "PitBull4_Portrait", -- [110]
  837. "PitBull4_PowerBar", -- [111]
  838. "PitBull4_PvPIcon", -- [112]
  839. "PitBull4_QuestIcon", -- [113]
  840. "PitBull4_RaceIcon", -- [114]
  841. "PitBull4_RaidRoleIcon", -- [115]
  842. "PitBull4_RaidTargetIcon", -- [116]
  843. "PitBull4_RangeFader", -- [117]
  844. "PitBull4_ReadyCheckIcon", -- [118]
  845. "PitBull4_ReputationBar", -- [119]
  846. "PitBull4_RestIcon", -- [120]
  847. "PitBull4_RoleIcon", -- [121]
  848. "PitBull4_Runes", -- [122]
  849. "PitBull4_SoulShards", -- [123]
  850. "PitBull4_Sounds", -- [124]
  851. "PitBull4_ThreatBar", -- [125]
  852. "PitBull4_Totems", -- [126]
  853. "PitBull4_VisualHeal", -- [127]
  854. "PitBull4_VoiceIcon", -- [128]
  855. "GearScore", -- [129]
  856. "Prat-3.0", -- [130]
  857. "Prat-3.0_Libraries", -- [131]
  858. "Prat_ArmoryLink", -- [132]
  859. "Quartz", -- [133]
  860. "QuestGuru_History", -- [134]
  861. "QuestGuru_History1", -- [135]
  862. "QuestGuru_History2", -- [136]
  863. "QuestGuru_History3", -- [137]
  864. "QuestGuru_History4", -- [138]
  865. "QuestGuru_History5", -- [139]
  866. "QuestGuru_History6", -- [140]
  867. "QuestGuru_History7", -- [141]
  868. "QuestGuru_History8", -- [142]
  869. "QuestGuru_History9", -- [143]
  870. "QuestGuru_Tracker", -- [144]
  871. "SellOMatic", -- [145]
  872. "SexyMap", -- [146]
  873. "SharedMedia", -- [147]
  874. "Skada", -- [148]
  875. "SkadaCC", -- [149]
  876. "SkadaDamageTaken", -- [150]
  877. "SkadaDamage", -- [151]
  878. "SkadaDeaths", -- [152]
  879. "SkadaDebuffs", -- [153]
  880. "SkadaDispels", -- [154]
  881. "SkadaEnemies", -- [155]
  882. "SkadaHealing", -- [156]
  883. "SkadaPower", -- [157]
  884. "SkadaThreat", -- [158]
  885. "SkadaWindowButtons", -- [159]
  886. "SLDataText", -- [160]
  887. "Stubby", -- [161]
  888. "TidyPlates", -- [162]
  889. "TidyPlatesHub", -- [163]
  890. "TidyPlatesWidgets", -- [164]
  891. "TidyPlates_Graphite", -- [165]
  892. "TidyPlates_Grey", -- [166]
  893. "TidyPlates_Neon", -- [167]
  894. "TidyPlates_Quatre", -- [168]
  895. "TidyPlates_EPEEN", -- [169]
  896. "TidyPlates_ThreatPlates", -- [170]
  897. "TipTac", -- [171]
  898. "TipTacItemRef", -- [172]
  899. "TipTacOptions", -- [173]
  900. "TipTacTalents", -- [174]
  901. "TitanSpeed", -- [175]
  902. "TitanReputation", -- [176]
  903. "TitanFriends", -- [177]
  904. "TitanGuild", -- [178]
  905. "TitanQuests", -- [179]
  906. "TitanRaidDifficulty", -- [180]
  907. "TitanRoll", -- [181]
  908. "TitanSkills", -- [182]
  909. "TitanMail", -- [183]
  910. "TitanSpec", -- [184]
  911. "TitanSaveInfo", -- [185]
  912. "TitanBag", -- [186]
  913. "TitanClock", -- [187]
  914. "TitanCritLine", -- [188]
  915. "TitanCurrency", -- [189]
  916. "TitanDurability", -- [190]
  917. "titangathered", -- [191]
  918. "TitanGatherer", -- [192]
  919. "TitanGemHelper", -- [193]
  920. "TitanGold", -- [194]
  921. "TitanInfo", -- [195]
  922. "TitanLocation", -- [196]
  923. "TitanLogout", -- [197]
  924. "TitanLootType", -- [198]
  925. "TitanMatTracker", -- [199]
  926. "TitanMobMap", -- [200]
  927. "TitanMount", -- [201]
  928. "TitanPerformance", -- [202]
  929. "TitanProfessions", -- [203]
  930. "TitanRecipeBook", -- [204]
  931. "TitanRecount", -- [205]
  932. "TitanRepair", -- [206]
  933. "TitanSocial", -- [207]
  934. "TitanTradeCooldown", -- [208]
  935. "TitanTokens", -- [209]
  936. "TitanVolume", -- [210]
  937. "TitanXP", -- [211]
  938. "Titan", -- [212]
  939. "TitanSellOMatic", -- [213]
  940. "Unstoppable", -- [214]
  941. "VendorBait", -- [215]
  942. "WIM", -- [216]
  943. "XLoot", -- [217]
  944. "DBM-Core", -- [218]
  945. "DBM-GUI", -- [219]
  946. "DBM-BaradinHold", -- [220]
  947. "DBM-BastionTwilight", -- [221]
  948. "DBM-BlackwingDescent", -- [222]
  949. "DBM-DragonSoul", -- [223]
  950. "DBM-Firelands", -- [224]
  951. "DBM-Party-Cataclysm", -- [225]
  952. "DBM-PvP", -- [226]
  953. "DBM-ThroneFourWinds", -- [227]
  954. "DBM-WorldEvents", -- [228]
  955. }, -- [4]
  956. nil, -- [5]
  957. {
  958. "AdvancedTradeSkillWindow", -- [1]
  959. "Altoholic", -- [2]
  960. "Altoholic_Achievements", -- [3]
  961. "Altoholic_Agenda", -- [4]
  962. "Altoholic_Characters", -- [5]
  963. "Altoholic_Guild", -- [6]
  964. "Altoholic_Search", -- [7]
  965. "Atlas_WorldEvents", -- [8]
  966. "AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade", -- [9]
  967. "AtlasLoot_Cataclysm", -- [10]
  968. "AtlasLoot_ClassicWoW", -- [11]
  969. "AtlasLoot_Crafting", -- [12]
  970. "AtlasLoot_Loader", -- [13]
  971. "AtlasLoot_WorldEvents", -- [14]
  972. "AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing", -- [15]
  973. "Auc-Advanced", -- [16]
  974. "Auc-Filter-Basic", -- [17]
  975. "Auc-Stat-Histogram", -- [18]
  976. "Auc-Stat-iLevel", -- [19]
  977. "Auc-Stat-Purchased", -- [20]
  978. "Auc-Stat-Simple", -- [21]
  979. "Auc-Stat-StdDev", -- [22]
  980. "Auc-Util-FixAH", -- [23]
  981. "Bartender4", -- [24]
  982. "BaudBag", -- [25]
  983. "BeanCounter", -- [26]
  984. "ButtonFacade", -- [27]
  985. "ButtonFacade_Vista", -- [28]
  986. "ButtonFacade_simpleSquare", -- [29]
  987. "ButtonFacade_Shadow", -- [30]
  988. "ButtonFacade_Aperture", -- [31]
  989. "ButtonFacade_Aquatic", -- [32]
  990. "ButtonFacade_Dek2", -- [33]
  991. "ButtonFacade_Dek", -- [34]
  992. "ButtonFacade_ItemRack", -- [35]
  993. "ButtonFacade_LiteFlat", -- [36]
  994. "ButtonFacade_Sion", -- [37]
  995. "DamnTooltipIcons", -- [38]
  996. "FactionGrinder2", -- [39]
  997. "HandyNotes", -- [40]
  998. "ItemDataCache", -- [41]
  999. "Ace2", -- [42]
  1000. "LibReforgingInfo-1.0", -- [43]
  1001. "SharedMediaLib", -- [44]
  1002. "LibSharedMedia-3.0", -- [45]
  1003. "Masque_Cards", -- [46]
  1004. "Masque_Elegance", -- [47]
  1005. "Masque_Jigsaw", -- [48]
  1006. "Masque_Sleek", -- [49]
  1007. "Masque_Tones", -- [50]
  1008. "Masque_Trinity", -- [51]
  1009. "Masque_Apathy", -- [52]
  1010. "Masque_Caith", -- [53]
  1011. "Masque_Darion", -- [54]
  1012. "Masque_Entropy", -- [55]
  1013. "Masque_Gears", -- [56]
  1014. "Masque_LiteStep", -- [57]
  1015. "Masque_Onyx", -- [58]
  1016. "Masque_Serenity", -- [59]
  1017. "MinimapButtonFrame", -- [60]
  1018. "MinimapButtonFrame_SkinPack", -- [61]
  1019. "MobInfo3", -- [62]
  1020. "NoBoPWarning", -- [63]
  1021. "OmniCC", -- [64]
  1022. "OmniCC_Config", -- [65]
  1023. "OmniCC_Pulse", -- [66]
  1024. "OmniCC_Shine", -- [67]
  1025. "Overachiever_Tabs", -- [68]
  1026. "Overachiever_Trade", -- [69]
  1027. "PhoenixStyleMod_CataMiniRaids", -- [70]
  1028. "PhoenixStyleMod_DragonSoul", -- [71]
  1029. "PhoenixStyleMod_Firelands", -- [72]
  1030. "PitBull4_Aggro", -- [73]
  1031. "PitBull4_AltPowerBar", -- [74]
  1032. "PitBull4_Aura", -- [75]
  1033. "PitBull4_Background", -- [76]
  1034. "PitBull4_BlankSpace", -- [77]
  1035. "PitBull4_Border", -- [78]
  1036. "PitBull4_CastBarLatency", -- [79]
  1037. "PitBull4_CastBar", -- [80]
  1038. "PitBull4_ClassIcon", -- [81]
  1039. "PitBull4_CombatFader", -- [82]
  1040. "PitBull4_CombatIcon", -- [83]
  1041. "PitBull4_CombatText", -- [84]
  1042. "PitBull4_ComboPoints", -- [85]
  1043. "PitBull4_DCIcon", -- [86]
  1044. "PitBull4_DeadIcon", -- [87]
  1045. "PitBull4_DogTagTexts", -- [88]
  1046. "PitBull4_DruidManaBar", -- [89]
  1047. "PitBull4_Eclipse", -- [90]
  1048. "PitBull4_ExperienceBar", -- [91]
  1049. "PitBull4_HealthBar", -- [92]
  1050. "PitBull4_HideBlizzard", -- [93]
  1051. "PitBull4_Highlight", -- [94]
  1052. "PitBull4_HolyPower", -- [95]
  1053. "PitBull4_HostilityFader", -- [96]
  1054. "PitBull4_LeaderIcon", -- [97]
  1055. "PitBull4_LeaderIconEx", -- [98]
  1056. "PitBull4_LuaTexts", -- [99]
  1057. "PitBull4_MasterLooterIcon", -- [100]
  1058. "PitBull4_NamePlate", -- [101]
  1059. "PitBull4_PhaseIcon", -- [102]
  1060. "PitBull4_Portrait", -- [103]
  1061. "PitBull4_PowerBar", -- [104]
  1062. "PitBull4_PvPIcon", -- [105]
  1063. "PitBull4_QuestIcon", -- [106]
  1064. "PitBull4_RaceIcon", -- [107]
  1065. "PitBull4_RaidRoleIcon", -- [108]
  1066. "PitBull4_RaidTargetIcon", -- [109]
  1067. "PitBull4_RangeFader", -- [110]
  1068. "PitBull4_ReadyCheckIcon", -- [111]
  1069. "PitBull4_ReputationBar", -- [112]
  1070. "PitBull4_RestIcon", -- [113]
  1071. "PitBull4_RoleIcon", -- [114]
  1072. "PitBull4_Runes", -- [115]
  1073. "PitBull4_SoulShards", -- [116]
  1074. "PitBull4_Sounds", -- [117]
  1075. "PitBull4_ThreatBar", -- [118]
  1076. "PitBull4_Totems", -- [119]
  1077. "PitBull4_VisualHeal", -- [120]
  1078. "PitBull4_VoiceIcon", -- [121]
  1079. "Prat-3.0", -- [122]
  1080. "Prat-3.0_Libraries", -- [123]
  1081. "Prat_ArmoryLink", -- [124]
  1082. "Quartz", -- [125]
  1083. "QuestGuru", -- [126]
  1084. "QuestGuru_History", -- [127]
  1085. "QuestGuru_History1", -- [128]
  1086. "QuestGuru_History2", -- [129]
  1087. "QuestGuru_History3", -- [130]
  1088. "QuestGuru_History4", -- [131]
  1089. "QuestGuru_History5", -- [132]
  1090. "QuestGuru_History6", -- [133]
  1091. "QuestGuru_History7", -- [134]
  1092. "QuestGuru_History8", -- [135]
  1093. "QuestGuru_History9", -- [136]
  1094. "QuestGuru_Tracker", -- [137]
  1095. "SellOMatic", -- [138]
  1096. "SharedMedia", -- [139]
  1097. "Skada", -- [140]
  1098. "SkadaAbsorbs", -- [141]
  1099. "SkadaCC", -- [142]
  1100. "SkadaDamageTaken", -- [143]
  1101. "SkadaDamage", -- [144]
  1102. "SkadaDeaths", -- [145]
  1103. "SkadaDebuffs", -- [146]
  1104. "SkadaDispels", -- [147]
  1105. "SkadaEnemies", -- [148]
  1106. "SkadaHealing", -- [149]
  1107. "SkadaPower", -- [150]
  1108. "SkadaThreat", -- [151]
  1109. "SkadaWindowButtons", -- [152]
  1110. "SLDataText", -- [153]
  1111. "Stubby", -- [154]
  1112. "TidyPlates", -- [155]
  1113. "TidyPlatesHub", -- [156]
  1114. "TidyPlatesWidgets", -- [157]
  1115. "TidyPlates_Graphite", -- [158]
  1116. "TidyPlates_Grey", -- [159]
  1117. "TidyPlates_Neon", -- [160]
  1118. "TidyPlates_Quatre", -- [161]
  1119. "TidyPlates_EPEEN", -- [162]
  1120. "TidyPlates_ThreatPlates", -- [163]
  1121. "TipTac", -- [164]
  1122. "TipTacItemRef", -- [165]
  1123. "TipTacOptions", -- [166]
  1124. "TipTacTalents", -- [167]
  1125. "TitanSpeed", -- [168]
  1126. "TitanReputation", -- [169]
  1127. "TitanFriends", -- [170]
  1128. "TitanGuild", -- [171]
  1129. "TitanQuests", -- [172]
  1130. "TitanRaidDifficulty", -- [173]
  1131. "TitanRoll", -- [174]
  1132. "TitanSkills", -- [175]
  1133. "TitanMail", -- [176]
  1134. "TitanSpec", -- [177]
  1135. "TitanSaveInfo", -- [178]
  1136. "TitanBag", -- [179]
  1137. "TitanClock", -- [180]
  1138. "TitanCritLine", -- [181]
  1139. "TitanCurrency", -- [182]
  1140. "TitanDurability", -- [183]
  1141. "titangathered", -- [184]
  1142. "TitanGatherer", -- [185]
  1143. "TitanGemHelper", -- [186]
  1144. "TitanGold", -- [187]
  1145. "TitanInfo", -- [188]
  1146. "TitanLocation", -- [189]
  1147. "TitanLogout", -- [190]
  1148. "TitanLootType", -- [191]
  1149. "TitanMatTracker", -- [192]
  1150. "TitanMobMap", -- [193]
  1151. "TitanMount", -- [194]
  1152. "TitanPerformance", -- [195]
  1153. "TitanProfessions", -- [196]
  1154. "TitanRecipeBook", -- [197]
  1155. "TitanRecount", -- [198]
  1156. "TitanRepair", -- [199]
  1157. "TitanSocial", -- [200]
  1158. "TitanTradeCooldown", -- [201]
  1159. "TitanTokens", -- [202]
  1160. "TitanVolume", -- [203]
  1161. "TitanXP", -- [204]
  1162. "Titan", -- [205]
  1163. "TitanSellOMatic", -- [206]
  1164. "Unstoppable", -- [207]
  1165. "VendorBait", -- [208]
  1166. "WIM", -- [209]
  1167. "XLoot", -- [210]
  1168. "DBM-Core", -- [211]
  1169. "DBM-GUI", -- [212]
  1170. "DBM-BaradinHold", -- [213]
  1171. "DBM-BastionTwilight", -- [214]
  1172. "DBM-BlackwingDescent", -- [215]
  1173. "DBM-DragonSoul", -- [216]
  1174. "DBM-Firelands", -- [217]
  1175. "DBM-Party-Cataclysm", -- [218]
  1176. "DBM-PvP", -- [219]
  1177. "DBM-ThroneFourWinds", -- [220]
  1178. "DBM-WorldEvents", -- [221]
  1179. }, -- [6]
  1180. [10] = {
  1181. "_NPCScan", -- [1]
  1182. "_NPCScan.Overlay", -- [2]
  1183. "AdvancedTradeSkillWindow", -- [3]
  1184. "Aero", -- [4]
  1185. "Altoholic", -- [5]
  1186. "Altoholic_Achievements", -- [6]
  1187. "Altoholic_Agenda", -- [7]
  1188. "Altoholic_Characters", -- [8]
  1189. "Altoholic_Guild", -- [9]
  1190. "Altoholic_Search", -- [10]
  1191. "Atlas", -- [11]
  1192. "AtlasMajorCities", -- [12]
  1193. "Atlas_WorldEvents", -- [13]
  1194. "AtlasLoot", -- [14]
  1195. "AtlasLootAdvancedSearch", -- [15]
  1196. "AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade", -- [16]
  1197. "AtlasLoot_Cataclysm", -- [17]
  1198. "AtlasLoot_ClassicWoW", -- [18]
  1199. "AtlasLoot_Crafting", -- [19]
  1200. "AtlasLoot_Loader", -- [20]
  1201. "AtlasLoot_WorldEvents", -- [21]
  1202. "AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing", -- [22]
  1203. "AtlasMajorCitiesEnhanced", -- [23]
  1204. "AtlasQuest", -- [24]
  1205. "Auc-Advanced", -- [25]
  1206. "Auc-Filter-Basic", -- [26]
  1207. "Auc-ScanData", -- [27]
  1208. "Auc-Stat-Histogram", -- [28]
  1209. "Auc-Stat-iLevel", -- [29]
  1210. "Auc-Stat-Purchased", -- [30]
  1211. "Auc-Stat-Simple", -- [31]
  1212. "Auc-Stat-StdDev", -- [32]
  1213. "Auc-Util-FixAH", -- [33]
  1214. "AuctionProfitMaster", -- [34]
  1215. "Auctionator", -- [35]
  1216. "Bartender4", -- [36]
  1217. "BaudBag", -- [37]
  1218. "ButtonFacade", -- [38]
  1219. "ButtonFacade_Vista", -- [39]
  1220. "ButtonFacade_simpleSquare", -- [40]
  1221. "ButtonFacade_Shadow", -- [41]
  1222. "ButtonFacade_Aperture", -- [42]
  1223. "ButtonFacade_Aquatic", -- [43]
  1224. "ButtonFacade_Dek2", -- [44]
  1225. "ButtonFacade_Dek", -- [45]
  1226. "ButtonFacade_ItemRack", -- [46]
  1227. "ButtonFacade_LiteFlat", -- [47]
  1228. "ButtonFacade_Sion", -- [48]
  1229. "DamnTooltipIcons", -- [49]
  1230. "DataStore", -- [50]
  1231. "DataStore_Achievements", -- [51]
  1232. "DataStore_Agenda", -- [52]
  1233. "DataStore_Characters", -- [53]
  1234. "DataStore_Containers", -- [54]
  1235. "DataStore_Crafts", -- [55]
  1236. "DataStore_Currencies", -- [56]
  1237. "DataStore_Inventory", -- [57]
  1238. "DataStore_Mails", -- [58]
  1239. "DataStore_Pets", -- [59]
  1240. "DataStore_Quests", -- [60]
  1241. "DataStore_Reputations", -- [61]
  1242. "DataStore_Spells", -- [62]
  1243. "DataStore_Stats", -- [63]
  1244. "DataStore_Talents", -- [64]
  1245. "FactionGrinder2", -- [65]
  1246. "GoblinVendorFilter", -- [66]
  1247. "GTFO", -- [67]
  1248. "HandyNotes", -- [68]
  1249. "HomingDigeon", -- [69]
  1250. "Informant", -- [70]
  1251. "ItemDataCache", -- [71]
  1252. "kgPanels", -- [72]
  1253. "kgPanelsConfig", -- [73]
  1254. "Ace2", -- [74]
  1255. "LibReforgingInfo-1.0", -- [75]
  1256. "SharedMediaLib", -- [76]
  1257. "LibSharedMedia-3.0", -- [77]
  1258. "Masque", -- [78]
  1259. "Masque_Cards", -- [79]
  1260. "Masque_Elegance", -- [80]
  1261. "Masque_Jigsaw", -- [81]
  1262. "Masque_Sleek", -- [82]
  1263. "Masque_Tones", -- [83]
  1264. "Masque_Trinity", -- [84]
  1265. "Masque_Apathy", -- [85]
  1266. "Masque_Caith", -- [86]
  1267. "Masque_Darion", -- [87]
  1268. "Masque_Entropy", -- [88]
  1269. "Masque_Gears", -- [89]
  1270. "Masque_LiteStep", -- [90]
  1271. "Masque_Onyx", -- [91]
  1272. "Masque_Serenity", -- [92]
  1273. "MinimapButtonFrame", -- [93]
  1274. "MinimapButtonFrame_SkinPack", -- [94]
  1275. "MobInfo3", -- [95]
  1276. "NoBoPWarning", -- [96]
  1277. "OmniCC", -- [97]
  1278. "OmniCC_Config", -- [98]
  1279. "OmniCC_Pulse", -- [99]
  1280. "OmniCC_Shine", -- [100]
  1281. "Overachiever", -- [101]
  1282. "Overachiever_Tabs", -- [102]
  1283. "Overachiever_Trade", -- [103]
  1284. "PhoenixStyle", -- [104]
  1285. "PhoenixStyleMod_CataMiniRaids", -- [105]
  1286. "PhoenixStyleMod_DragonSoul", -- [106]
  1287. "PhoenixStyleMod_Firelands", -- [107]
  1288. "PitBull4", -- [108]
  1289. "PitBull4_Aggro", -- [109]
  1290. "PitBull4_AltPowerBar", -- [110]
  1291. "PitBull4_Aura", -- [111]
  1292. "PitBull4_Background", -- [112]
  1293. "PitBull4_BlankSpace", -- [113]
  1294. "PitBull4_Border", -- [114]
  1295. "PitBull4_CastBarLatency", -- [115]
  1296. "PitBull4_CastBar", -- [116]
  1297. "PitBull4_ClassIcon", -- [117]
  1298. "PitBull4_CombatFader", -- [118]
  1299. "PitBull4_CombatIcon", -- [119]
  1300. "PitBull4_CombatText", -- [120]
  1301. "PitBull4_ComboPoints", -- [121]
  1302. "PitBull4_DCIcon", -- [122]
  1303. "PitBull4_DeadIcon", -- [123]
  1304. "PitBull4_DogTagTexts", -- [124]
  1305. "PitBull4_DruidManaBar", -- [125]
  1306. "PitBull4_Eclipse", -- [126]
  1307. "PitBull4_ExperienceBar", -- [127]
  1308. "PitBull4_HealthBar", -- [128]
  1309. "PitBull4_HideBlizzard", -- [129]
  1310. "PitBull4_Highlight", -- [130]
  1311. "PitBull4_HolyPower", -- [131]
  1312. "PitBull4_HostilityFader", -- [132]
  1313. "PitBull4_LeaderIcon", -- [133]
  1314. "PitBull4_LeaderIconEx", -- [134]
  1315. "PitBull4_LuaTexts", -- [135]
  1316. "PitBull4_MasterLooterIcon", -- [136]
  1317. "PitBull4_NamePlate", -- [137]
  1318. "PitBull4_PhaseIcon", -- [138]
  1319. "PitBull4_Portrait", -- [139]
  1320. "PitBull4_PowerBar", -- [140]
  1321. "PitBull4_PvPIcon", -- [141]
  1322. "PitBull4_QuestIcon", -- [142]
  1323. "PitBull4_RaceIcon", -- [143]
  1324. "PitBull4_RaidRoleIcon", -- [144]
  1325. "PitBull4_RaidTargetIcon", -- [145]
  1326. "PitBull4_RangeFader", -- [146]
  1327. "PitBull4_ReadyCheckIcon", -- [147]
  1328. "PitBull4_ReputationBar", -- [148]
  1329. "PitBull4_RestIcon", -- [149]
  1330. "PitBull4_RoleIcon", -- [150]
  1331. "PitBull4_Runes", -- [151]
  1332. "PitBull4_SoulShards", -- [152]
  1333. "PitBull4_Sounds", -- [153]
  1334. "PitBull4_ThreatBar", -- [154]
  1335. "PitBull4_Totems", -- [155]
  1336. "PitBull4_VisualHeal", -- [156]
  1337. "PitBull4_VoiceIcon", -- [157]
  1338. "GearScore", -- [158]
  1339. "Postal", -- [159]
  1340. "Prat-3.0", -- [160]
  1341. "Prat-3.0_HighCPUUsageModules", -- [161]
  1342. "Prat-3.0_Libraries", -- [162]
  1343. "Prat_ArmoryLink", -- [163]
  1344. "Quartz", -- [164]
  1345. "QuestGuru", -- [165]
  1346. "QuestGuru_History", -- [166]
  1347. "QuestGuru_History1", -- [167]
  1348. "QuestGuru_History2", -- [168]
  1349. "QuestGuru_History3", -- [169]
  1350. "QuestGuru_History4", -- [170]
  1351. "QuestGuru_History5", -- [171]
  1352. "QuestGuru_History6", -- [172]
  1353. "QuestGuru_History7", -- [173]
  1354. "QuestGuru_History8", -- [174]
  1355. "QuestGuru_History9", -- [175]
  1356. "QuestGuru_Tracker", -- [176]
  1357. "ReputationMonitor", -- [177]
  1358. "SellOMatic", -- [178]
  1359. "SexyMap", -- [179]
  1360. "SharedMedia", -- [180]
  1361. "Skada", -- [181]
  1362. "SkadaCC", -- [182]
  1363. "SkadaDamageTaken", -- [183]
  1364. "SkadaDamage", -- [184]
  1365. "SkadaDeaths", -- [185]
  1366. "SkadaDebuffs", -- [186]
  1367. "SkadaDispels", -- [187]
  1368. "SkadaEnemies", -- [188]
  1369. "SkadaGraph", -- [189]
  1370. "SkadaHealing", -- [190]
  1371. "SkadaPower", -- [191]
  1372. "SkadaThreat", -- [192]
  1373. "SkadaWindowButtons", -- [193]
  1374. "SLDataText", -- [194]
  1375. "SLDT_Statline", -- [195]
  1376. "Stubby", -- [196]
  1377. "TidyPlates", -- [197]
  1378. "TidyPlatesHub", -- [198]
  1379. "TidyPlatesWidgets", -- [199]
  1380. "TidyPlates_Graphite", -- [200]
  1381. "TidyPlates_Grey", -- [201]
  1382. "TidyPlates_Neon", -- [202]
  1383. "TidyPlates_Quatre", -- [203]
  1384. "TidyPlates_EPEEN", -- [204]
  1385. "TidyPlates_ThreatPlates", -- [205]
  1386. "TipTac", -- [206]
  1387. "TipTacItemRef", -- [207]
  1388. "TipTacOptions", -- [208]
  1389. "TipTacTalents", -- [209]
  1390. "TitanSpeed", -- [210]
  1391. "TitanReputation", -- [211]
  1392. "TitanFriends", -- [212]
  1393. "TitanGuild", -- [213]
  1394. "TitanQuests", -- [214]
  1395. "TitanRaidDifficulty", -- [215]
  1396. "TitanRoll", -- [216]
  1397. "TitanSkills", -- [217]
  1398. "TitanMail", -- [218]
  1399. "TitanSpec", -- [219]
  1400. "TitanSaveInfo", -- [220]
  1401. "TitanBag", -- [221]
  1402. "TitanClock", -- [222]
  1403. "TitanCritLine", -- [223]
  1404. "TitanCurrency", -- [224]
  1405. "TitanDurability", -- [225]
  1406. "titangathered", -- [226]
  1407. "TitanGatherer", -- [227]
  1408. "TitanGemHelper", -- [228]
  1409. "TitanGold", -- [229]
  1410. "TitanInfo", -- [230]
  1411. "TitanLocation", -- [231]
  1412. "TitanLogout", -- [232]
  1413. "TitanLootType", -- [233]
  1414. "TitanMatTracker", -- [234]
  1415. "TitanMobMap", -- [235]
  1416. "TitanMount", -- [236]
  1417. "TitanPerformance", -- [237]
  1418. "TitanProfessions", -- [238]
  1419. "TitanRecipeBook", -- [239]
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  3829. },
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  3834. },
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  3836. },
  3837. },
  3838. },
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  3840. },
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  3848. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  3849. },
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  3852. ["location"] = "out_right",
  3853. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  3854. },
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  3857. ["position"] = 29,
  3858. },
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  3863. },
  3864. },
  3865. },
  3866. },
  3867. },
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  3874. },
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  3876. ["position"] = 24,
  3877. },
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  3880. ["location"] = "center",
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  3882. },
  3883. ["TTt"] = {
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  3885. ["location"] = "center",
  3886. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  3887. },
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  3889. ["position"] = 22,
  3890. ["location"] = "left",
  3891. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  3892. },
  3893. },
  3894. },
  3895. },
  3896. },
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  3899. ["Cata 2"] = {
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  3902. ["kind"] = "Border",
  3903. },
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  3905. ["enabled"] = false,
  3906. },
  3907. ["Target"] = {
  3908. ["enabled"] = false,
  3909. },
  3910. ["TTt"] = {
  3911. ["enabled"] = false,
  3912. },
  3913. },
  3914. },
  3915. },
  3916. },
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  3918. },
  3919. ["HostilityFader"] = {
  3920. },
  3921. ["MasterLooterIcon"] = {
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  3926. ["enabled"] = false,
  3927. ["position"] = 28,
  3928. },
  3929. ["player"] = {
  3930. ["position"] = 27,
  3931. },
  3932. ["TTt"] = {
  3933. ["enabled"] = false,
  3934. ["position"] = 27,
  3935. },
  3936. ["5MAN"] = {
  3937. ["position"] = 25,
  3938. },
  3939. },
  3940. },
  3941. },
  3942. },
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  3947. ["Normal"] = {
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  3949. ["elements"] = {
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  3951. ["events"] = {
  3952. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  3953. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  3954. },
  3955. ["exists"] = true,
  3956. ["code"] = "return math.abs(Power(unit,SPELL_POWER_ECLIPSE))\n",
  3957. ["location"] = "center",
  3958. ["attach_to"] = "Eclipse",
  3959. },
  3960. ["Lua:Experience"] = {
  3961. ["events"] = {
  3962. ["UNIT_PET_EXPERIENCE"] = true,
  3963. ["PLAYER_XP_UPDATE"] = true,
  3964. },
  3965. ["exists"] = true,
  3966. ["code"] = "local cur, max, rest = XP(unit), MaxXP(unit), RestXP(unit)\nif rest then\n return \"%s/%s (%s%%) R: %s%%\",cur,max,Percent(cur,max),Percent(rest,max)\nelse\n return \"%s/%s (%s%%)\",cur,max,Percent(cur,max)\nend",
  3967. ["location"] = "center",
  3968. ["attach_to"] = "ExperienceBar",
  3969. },
  3970. ["Lua:Name"] = {
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  3973. ["UNIT_NAME_UPDATE"] = true,
  3974. },
  3975. ["exists"] = true,
  3976. ["code"] = "return '%s %s%s%s',Name(unit),Angle(AFK(unit) or DND(unit))",
  3977. ["location"] = "left",
  3978. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  3979. },
  3980. ["Lua:Threat"] = {
  3981. ["events"] = {
  3982. ["UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE"] = true,
  3984. },
  3985. ["exists"] = true,
  3986. ["code"] = "local unit_a,unit_b = ThreatPair(unit)\nif unit_a and unit_b then\n local _,_,percent = UnitDetailedThreatSituation(unit_a, unit_b)\n if percent and percent ~= 0 then\n return \"%s%%\",Round(percent,1)\n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  3987. ["location"] = "center",
  3988. ["attach_to"] = "ThreatBar",
  3989. },
  3990. ["Lua:Reputation"] = {
  3991. ["events"] = {
  3992. ["UNIT_FACTION"] = true,
  3993. ["UPDATE_FACTION"] = true,
  3994. },
  3995. ["exists"] = true,
  3996. ["code"] = "local name,_,min,max,value = GetWatchedFactionInfo()\nif IsMouseOver() then\n return name or ConfigMode() \nelse\n local bar_cur,bar_max = value-min,max-min\n return \"%d/%d (%s%%)\",bar_cur,bar_max,Percent(bar_cur,bar_max)\nend",
  3997. ["location"] = "center",
  3998. ["attach_to"] = "ReputationBar",
  3999. },
  4000. ["Lua:Druid mana"] = {
  4001. ["events"] = {
  4002. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4003. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4004. },
  4005. ["exists"] = true,
  4006. ["code"] = "if UnitPowerType(unit) ~= 0 then\n return \"%s/%s\",Power(unit,0),MaxPower(unit,0)\nend",
  4007. ["location"] = "center",
  4008. ["attach_to"] = "DruidManaBar",
  4009. },
  4010. ["Lua:Alternate power"] = {
  4011. ["events"] = {
  4012. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4013. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4014. },
  4015. ["exists"] = true,
  4016. ["code"] = "local max = MaxPower(unit,ALTERNATE_POWER_INDEX)\nif max > 0 then\n return \"%s%%\",Percent(Power(unit,ALTERNATE_POWER_INDEX),max)\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4017. ["location"] = "right",
  4018. ["attach_to"] = "AltPowerBar",
  4019. },
  4020. ["Lua:Cast"] = {
  4021. ["events"] = {
  4022. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"] = true,
  4023. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED"] = true,
  4027. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP"] = true,
  4028. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_START"] = true,
  4030. },
  4031. ["exists"] = true,
  4032. ["code"] = "local cast_data = CastData(unit)\nif cast_data then\n local spell,stop_message,target = cast_data.spell,cast_data.stop_message,\n local stop_time,stop_duration = cast_data.stop_time\n if stop_time then\n stop_duration = GetTime() - stop_time\n end\n Alpha(-(stop_duration or 0) + 1)\n if stop_message then\n return stop_message\n elseif target then\n return \"%s (%s)\",spell,target\n else\n return spell \n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4033. ["location"] = "left",
  4034. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  4035. },
  4036. ["Lua:Health"] = {
  4037. ["events"] = {
  4038. ["UNIT_HEALTH"] = true,
  4039. ["UNIT_AURA"] = true,
  4040. ["UNIT_MAXHEALTH"] = true,
  4041. },
  4042. ["exists"] = true,
  4043. ["code"] = "local s = Status(unit)\nif s then\n return s\nend\nlocal cur, max = HP(unit), MaxHP(unit)\nreturn \"%s/%s || %s%%\",Short(cur,true),Short(max,true),Percent(cur,max)",
  4044. ["location"] = "right",
  4045. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  4046. },
  4047. ["Lua:PVPTimer"] = {
  4048. ["events"] = {
  4049. ["PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED"] = true,
  4050. },
  4051. ["exists"] = true,
  4052. ["code"] = "if unit == \"player\" then\n local pvp = PVPDuration()\n if pvp then\n return \"|cffff0000%s|r\",FormatDuration(pvp)\n end\nend",
  4053. ["location"] = "out_right_top",
  4054. },
  4055. ["Lua:Class"] = {
  4056. ["events"] = {
  4057. ["UNIT_LEVEL"] = true,
  4059. ["UNIT_AURA"] = true,
  4060. },
  4061. ["exists"] = true,
  4062. ["code"] = "local dr,dg,db = DifficultyColor(unit)\nlocal form = DruidForm(unit)\nlocal classification = Classification(unit)\nif UnitIsPlayer(unit) or (not UnitIsFriend(unit,\"player\") and not IsPet(unit)) then\n local cr,cg,cb = ClassColor(unit)\n if form then\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r (%s) %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),cr,cg,cb,Class(unit),form,SmartRace(unit) or ''\n else\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),cr,cg,cb,Class(unit),SmartRace(unit) or ''\n end\nelse\n if form then\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r (%s) %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),form,SmartRace(unit) or ''\n else\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),SmartRace(unit) or ''\n end\nend",
  4063. ["location"] = "left",
  4064. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  4065. },
  4066. ["Lua:Cast time"] = {
  4067. ["events"] = {
  4068. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED"] = true,
  4069. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_START"] = true,
  4071. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"] = true,
  4074. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP"] = true,
  4076. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED"] = true,
  4077. },
  4078. ["exists"] = true,
  4079. ["code"] = "local cast_data = CastData(unit)\nif cast_data then\n if not cast_data.stop_time then\n local delay,end_time = cast_data.delay, cast_data.end_time\n local duration\n if end_time then\n duration = end_time - GetTime()\n end\n if delay and delay ~= 0 then\n local delay_sign = '+'\n if delay < 0 then\n delay_sign = ''\n end\n if duration and duration >= 0 then\n return \"|cffff0000%s%s|r %.1f\",delay_sign,Round(delay,1),duration\n else\n return \"|cffff0000%s%s|r\",delay_sign,Round(delay,1)\n end\n elseif duration and duration >= 0 then\n return \"%.1f\",duration\n end\n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4080. ["location"] = "right",
  4081. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  4082. },
  4083. ["Lua:Power"] = {
  4084. ["events"] = {
  4085. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4086. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4087. },
  4088. ["exists"] = true,
  4089. ["code"] = "local max = MaxPower(unit)\nif max > 0 then\n return \"%s/%s\",Power(unit),max\nend",
  4090. ["location"] = "right",
  4091. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  4092. },
  4093. },
  4094. },
  4095. ["player"] = {
  4096. ["first"] = false,
  4097. ["elements"] = {
  4098. ["Lua:Eclipse"] = {
  4099. ["events"] = {
  4100. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4101. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4102. },
  4103. ["exists"] = true,
  4104. ["position"] = 7,
  4105. ["location"] = "center",
  4106. ["code"] = "return math.abs(Power(unit,SPELL_POWER_ECLIPSE))\n",
  4107. ["attach_to"] = "Eclipse",
  4108. },
  4109. ["Lua:Reputation"] = {
  4110. ["events"] = {
  4111. ["UNIT_FACTION"] = true,
  4112. ["UPDATE_FACTION"] = true,
  4113. },
  4114. ["exists"] = true,
  4115. ["position"] = 15,
  4116. ["location"] = "center",
  4117. ["code"] = "local name,_,min,max,value = GetWatchedFactionInfo()\nif IsMouseOver() then\n return name or ConfigMode() \nelse\n local bar_cur,bar_max = value-min,max-min\n return \"%d/%d (%s%%)\",bar_cur,bar_max,Percent(bar_cur,bar_max)\nend",
  4118. ["attach_to"] = "ReputationBar",
  4119. },
  4120. ["Lua:Power"] = {
  4121. ["events"] = {
  4122. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4123. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4124. },
  4125. ["exists"] = true,
  4126. ["position"] = 4,
  4127. ["location"] = "center",
  4128. ["code"] = "local max = MaxPower(unit)\nif max > 0 then\n return VeryShort(Power(unit))\nend",
  4129. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  4130. },
  4131. ["Lua:Threat"] = {
  4132. ["events"] = {
  4133. ["UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE"] = true,
  4135. },
  4136. ["exists"] = true,
  4137. ["position"] = 3,
  4138. ["location"] = "center",
  4139. ["code"] = "local unit_a,unit_b = ThreatPair(unit)\nif unit_a and unit_b then\n local _,_,percent = UnitDetailedThreatSituation(unit_a, unit_b)\n if percent and percent ~= 0 then\n return \"%s%%\",Round(percent,1)\n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4140. ["attach_to"] = "ThreatBar",
  4141. },
  4142. ["Lua:Experience"] = {
  4143. ["events"] = {
  4144. ["UNIT_PET_EXPERIENCE"] = true,
  4145. ["PLAYER_XP_UPDATE"] = true,
  4146. },
  4147. ["exists"] = true,
  4148. ["position"] = 6,
  4149. ["location"] = "left",
  4150. ["code"] = "local cur, max, rest = XP(unit), MaxXP(unit), RestXP(unit)\nif rest then\n return \"%s/%s (%s%%) R: %s%%\",cur,max,Percent(cur,max),Percent(rest,max)\nelse\n return \"%s/%s (%s%%)\",cur,max,Percent(cur,max)\nend",
  4151. ["attach_to"] = "ExperienceBar",
  4152. },
  4153. ["Lua:Druid mana"] = {
  4154. ["events"] = {
  4155. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4156. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4157. },
  4158. ["exists"] = true,
  4159. ["position"] = 14,
  4160. ["location"] = "center",
  4161. ["code"] = "if UnitPowerType(unit) ~= 0 then\n return \"%s/%s\",Power(unit,0),MaxPower(unit,0)\nend",
  4162. ["attach_to"] = "DruidManaBar",
  4163. },
  4164. ["Lua:Cast"] = {
  4165. ["events"] = {
  4166. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"] = true,
  4167. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED"] = true,
  4171. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP"] = true,
  4172. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_START"] = true,
  4174. },
  4175. ["exists"] = true,
  4176. ["position"] = 8,
  4177. ["location"] = "center",
  4178. ["code"] = "local cast_data = CastData(unit)\nif cast_data then\n local spell,stop_message,target = cast_data.spell,cast_data.stop_message,\n local stop_time,stop_duration = cast_data.stop_time\n if stop_time then\n stop_duration = GetTime() - stop_time\n end\n Alpha(-(stop_duration or 0) + 1)\n if stop_message then\n return stop_message\n elseif target then\n return \"%s (%s)\",spell,target\n else\n return spell \n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4179. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  4180. },
  4181. ["Lua:Health"] = {
  4182. ["events"] = {
  4183. ["UNIT_HEALTH"] = true,
  4184. ["UNIT_AURA"] = true,
  4185. ["UNIT_MAXHEALTH"] = true,
  4186. },
  4187. ["exists"] = true,
  4188. ["position"] = 9,
  4189. ["location"] = "center",
  4190. ["code"] = "local s = Status(unit)\nif s then\n return s\nend\nreturn \"%s/%s\",Short(HP(unit),true),Short(MaxHP(unit),true)",
  4191. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  4192. },
  4193. ["Lua:PVPTimer"] = {
  4194. ["events"] = {
  4195. ["PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED"] = true,
  4196. },
  4197. ["exists"] = true,
  4198. ["position"] = 13,
  4199. ["location"] = "out_right_top",
  4200. ["code"] = "if unit == \"player\" then\n local pvp = PVPDuration()\n if pvp then\n return \"|cffff0000%s|r\",FormatDuration(pvp)\n end\nend",
  4201. },
  4202. ["Lua:Class"] = {
  4203. ["enabled"] = false,
  4204. ["events"] = {
  4205. ["UNIT_LEVEL"] = true,
  4207. ["UNIT_AURA"] = true,
  4208. },
  4209. ["exists"] = true,
  4210. ["position"] = 12,
  4211. ["location"] = "left",
  4212. ["code"] = "local dr,dg,db = DifficultyColor(unit)\nlocal form = DruidForm(unit)\nlocal classification = Classification(unit)\nif UnitIsPlayer(unit) or (not UnitIsFriend(unit,\"player\") and not IsPet(unit)) then\n local cr,cg,cb = ClassColor(unit)\n if form then\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r (%s) %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),cr,cg,cb,Class(unit),form,SmartRace(unit) or ''\n else\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),cr,cg,cb,Class(unit),SmartRace(unit) or ''\n end\nelse\n if form then\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r (%s) %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),form,SmartRace(unit) or ''\n else\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),SmartRace(unit) or ''\n end\nend",
  4213. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  4214. },
  4215. ["Lua:Cast time"] = {
  4216. ["events"] = {
  4217. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED"] = true,
  4218. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_START"] = true,
  4220. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"] = true,
  4223. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP"] = true,
  4225. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED"] = true,
  4226. },
  4227. ["exists"] = true,
  4228. ["position"] = 11,
  4229. ["location"] = "out_right",
  4230. ["code"] = "local cast_data = CastData(unit)\nif cast_data then\n if not cast_data.stop_time then\n local delay,end_time = cast_data.delay, cast_data.end_time\n local duration\n if end_time then\n duration = end_time - GetTime()\n end\n if delay and delay ~= 0 then\n local delay_sign = '+'\n if delay < 0 then\n delay_sign = ''\n end\n if duration and duration >= 0 then\n return \"|cffff0000%s%s|r %.1f\",delay_sign,Round(delay,1),duration\n else\n return \"|cffff0000%s%s|r\",delay_sign,Round(delay,1)\n end\n elseif duration and duration >= 0 then\n return \"%.1f\",duration\n end\n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4231. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  4232. },
  4233. ["Lua:Name"] = {
  4234. ["enabled"] = false,
  4235. ["events"] = {
  4236. ["PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED"] = true,
  4237. ["UNIT_NAME_UPDATE"] = true,
  4238. },
  4239. ["exists"] = true,
  4240. ["position"] = 5,
  4241. ["location"] = "left",
  4242. ["code"] = "return '%s %s%s%s',Name(unit),Angle(AFK(unit) or DND(unit))",
  4243. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  4244. },
  4245. },
  4246. },
  4247. ["5MAN"] = {
  4248. ["first"] = false,
  4249. ["elements"] = {
  4250. ["Lua:Eclipse"] = {
  4251. ["enabled"] = false,
  4252. ["events"] = {
  4253. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4254. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4255. },
  4256. ["exists"] = true,
  4257. ["position"] = 6,
  4258. ["location"] = "center",
  4259. ["code"] = "return math.abs(Power(unit,SPELL_POWER_ECLIPSE))\n",
  4260. ["attach_to"] = "Eclipse",
  4261. },
  4262. ["Lua:Reputation"] = {
  4263. ["events"] = {
  4264. ["UNIT_FACTION"] = true,
  4265. ["UPDATE_FACTION"] = true,
  4266. },
  4267. ["exists"] = true,
  4268. ["position"] = 13,
  4269. ["location"] = "center",
  4270. ["code"] = "local name,_,min,max,value = GetWatchedFactionInfo()\nif IsMouseOver() then\n return name or ConfigMode() \nelse\n local bar_cur,bar_max = value-min,max-min\n return \"%d/%d (%s%%)\",bar_cur,bar_max,Percent(bar_cur,bar_max)\nend",
  4271. ["attach_to"] = "ReputationBar",
  4272. },
  4273. ["Lua:Power"] = {
  4274. ["enabled"] = false,
  4275. ["events"] = {
  4276. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4277. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4278. },
  4279. ["exists"] = true,
  4280. ["position"] = 3,
  4281. ["location"] = "center",
  4282. ["code"] = "local max = MaxPower(unit)\nif max > 0 then\n return \"%s/%s\",Power(unit),max\nend",
  4283. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  4284. },
  4285. ["Lua:Threat"] = {
  4286. ["events"] = {
  4287. ["UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE"] = true,
  4289. },
  4290. ["exists"] = true,
  4291. ["position"] = 2,
  4292. ["location"] = "center",
  4293. ["code"] = "local unit_a,unit_b = ThreatPair(unit)\nif unit_a and unit_b then\n local _,_,percent = UnitDetailedThreatSituation(unit_a, unit_b)\n if percent and percent ~= 0 then\n return \"%s%%\",Round(percent,1)\n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4294. ["attach_to"] = "ThreatBar",
  4295. },
  4296. ["Lua:Experience"] = {
  4297. ["events"] = {
  4298. ["UNIT_PET_EXPERIENCE"] = true,
  4299. ["PLAYER_XP_UPDATE"] = true,
  4300. },
  4301. ["exists"] = true,
  4302. ["position"] = 5,
  4303. ["location"] = "left",
  4304. ["code"] = "local cur, max, rest = XP(unit), MaxXP(unit), RestXP(unit)\nif rest then\n return \"%s/%s (%s%%) R: %s%%\",cur,max,Percent(cur,max),Percent(rest,max)\nelse\n return \"%s/%s (%s%%)\",cur,max,Percent(cur,max)\nend",
  4305. ["attach_to"] = "ExperienceBar",
  4306. },
  4307. ["Lua:Druid mana"] = {
  4308. ["enabled"] = false,
  4309. ["events"] = {
  4310. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4311. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4312. },
  4313. ["exists"] = true,
  4314. ["position"] = 12,
  4315. ["location"] = "center",
  4316. ["code"] = "if UnitPowerType(unit) ~= 0 then\n return \"%s/%s\",Power(unit,0),MaxPower(unit,0)\nend",
  4317. ["attach_to"] = "DruidManaBar",
  4318. },
  4319. ["Lua:Cast"] = {
  4320. ["events"] = {
  4321. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"] = true,
  4322. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED"] = true,
  4326. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP"] = true,
  4327. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_START"] = true,
  4329. },
  4330. ["exists"] = true,
  4331. ["position"] = 7,
  4332. ["location"] = "left",
  4333. ["code"] = "local cast_data = CastData(unit)\nif cast_data then\n local spell,stop_message,target = cast_data.spell,cast_data.stop_message,\n local stop_time,stop_duration = cast_data.stop_time\n if stop_time then\n stop_duration = GetTime() - stop_time\n end\n Alpha(-(stop_duration or 0) + 1)\n if stop_message then\n return stop_message\n elseif target then\n return \"%s (%s)\",spell,target\n else\n return spell \n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4334. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  4335. },
  4336. ["Lua:Health"] = {
  4337. ["events"] = {
  4338. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED"] = true,
  4339. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_START"] = true,
  4341. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"] = true,
  4344. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP"] = true,
  4346. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED"] = true,
  4347. },
  4348. ["exists"] = true,
  4349. ["position"] = 8,
  4350. ["location"] = "out_right",
  4351. ["code"] = "local cast_data = CastData(unit)\nif cast_data then\n local spell,stop_message,target = cast_data.spell,cast_data.stop_message,\n local stop_time,stop_duration = cast_data.stop_time\n if stop_time then\n stop_duration = GetTime() - stop_time\n end\n Alpha(-(stop_duration or 0) + 1)\n if stop_message then\n return stop_message\n elseif target then\n return \"%s (%s)\",spell,target\n else\n return spell \n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4352. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  4353. },
  4354. ["Lua:PVPTimer"] = {
  4355. ["events"] = {
  4356. ["PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED"] = true,
  4357. },
  4358. ["exists"] = true,
  4359. ["position"] = 11,
  4360. ["location"] = "out_right_top",
  4361. ["code"] = "if unit == \"player\" then\n local pvp = PVPDuration()\n if pvp then\n return \"|cffff0000%s|r\",FormatDuration(pvp)\n end\nend",
  4362. },
  4363. ["Lua:Class"] = {
  4364. ["enabled"] = false,
  4365. ["events"] = {
  4366. ["UNIT_LEVEL"] = true,
  4368. ["UNIT_AURA"] = true,
  4369. },
  4370. ["exists"] = true,
  4371. ["position"] = 10,
  4372. ["location"] = "left",
  4373. ["code"] = "local dr,dg,db = DifficultyColor(unit)\nlocal form = DruidForm(unit)\nlocal classification = Classification(unit)\nif UnitIsPlayer(unit) or (not UnitIsFriend(unit,\"player\") and not IsPet(unit)) then\n local cr,cg,cb = ClassColor(unit)\n if form then\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r (%s) %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),cr,cg,cb,Class(unit),form,SmartRace(unit) or ''\n else\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),cr,cg,cb,Class(unit),SmartRace(unit) or ''\n end\nelse\n if form then\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r (%s) %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),form,SmartRace(unit) or ''\n else\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),SmartRace(unit) or ''\n end\nend",
  4374. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  4375. },
  4376. ["Lua:Cast time"] = {
  4377. ["enabled"] = false,
  4378. ["events"] = {
  4379. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED"] = true,
  4380. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_START"] = true,
  4382. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"] = true,
  4385. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP"] = true,
  4387. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED"] = true,
  4388. },
  4389. ["exists"] = true,
  4390. ["position"] = 9,
  4391. ["location"] = "right",
  4392. ["code"] = "local cast_data = CastData(unit)\nif cast_data then\n if not cast_data.stop_time then\n local delay,end_time = cast_data.delay, cast_data.end_time\n local duration\n if end_time then\n duration = end_time - GetTime()\n end\n if delay and delay ~= 0 then\n local delay_sign = '+'\n if delay < 0 then\n delay_sign = ''\n end\n if duration and duration >= 0 then\n return \"|cffff0000%s%s|r %.1f\",delay_sign,Round(delay,1),duration\n else\n return \"|cffff0000%s%s|r\",delay_sign,Round(delay,1)\n end\n elseif duration and duration >= 0 then\n return \"%.1f\",duration\n end\n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4393. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  4394. },
  4395. ["Lua:Name"] = {
  4396. ["events"] = {
  4397. ["PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED"] = true,
  4398. ["UNIT_NAME_UPDATE"] = true,
  4399. },
  4400. ["exists"] = true,
  4401. ["position"] = 4,
  4402. ["location"] = "center",
  4403. ["code"] = "return '%s %s%s%s',Name(unit),Angle(AFK(unit) or DND(unit))",
  4404. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  4405. },
  4406. },
  4407. },
  4408. ["TTt"] = {
  4409. ["first"] = false,
  4410. ["elements"] = {
  4411. ["Lua:Eclipse"] = {
  4412. ["events"] = {
  4413. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4414. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4415. },
  4416. ["exists"] = true,
  4417. ["position"] = 9,
  4418. ["location"] = "center",
  4419. ["code"] = "return math.abs(Power(unit,SPELL_POWER_ECLIPSE))\n",
  4420. ["attach_to"] = "Eclipse",
  4421. },
  4422. ["Lua:Reputation"] = {
  4423. ["events"] = {
  4424. ["UNIT_FACTION"] = true,
  4425. ["UPDATE_FACTION"] = true,
  4426. },
  4427. ["exists"] = true,
  4428. ["position"] = 16,
  4429. ["location"] = "center",
  4430. ["code"] = "local name,_,min,max,value = GetWatchedFactionInfo()\nif IsMouseOver() then\n return name or ConfigMode() \nelse\n local bar_cur,bar_max = value-min,max-min\n return \"%d/%d (%s%%)\",bar_cur,bar_max,Percent(bar_cur,bar_max)\nend",
  4431. ["attach_to"] = "ReputationBar",
  4432. },
  4433. ["Lua:Power"] = {
  4434. ["events"] = {
  4435. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4436. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4437. },
  4438. ["exists"] = true,
  4439. ["position"] = 5,
  4440. ["location"] = "center",
  4441. ["code"] = "local max = MaxPower(unit)\nif max > 0 then\n return \"%s/%s\",Power(unit),max\nend",
  4442. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  4443. },
  4444. ["Lua:Threat"] = {
  4445. ["events"] = {
  4446. ["UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE"] = true,
  4448. },
  4449. ["exists"] = true,
  4450. ["position"] = 4,
  4451. ["location"] = "center",
  4452. ["code"] = "local unit_a,unit_b = ThreatPair(unit)\nif unit_a and unit_b then\n local _,_,percent = UnitDetailedThreatSituation(unit_a, unit_b)\n if percent and percent ~= 0 then\n return \"%s%%\",Round(percent,1)\n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4453. ["attach_to"] = "ThreatBar",
  4454. },
  4455. ["Lua:Experience"] = {
  4456. ["events"] = {
  4457. ["UNIT_PET_EXPERIENCE"] = true,
  4458. ["PLAYER_XP_UPDATE"] = true,
  4459. },
  4460. ["exists"] = true,
  4461. ["position"] = 8,
  4462. ["location"] = "left",
  4463. ["code"] = "local cur, max, rest = XP(unit), MaxXP(unit), RestXP(unit)\nif rest then\n return \"%s/%s (%s%%) R: %s%%\",cur,max,Percent(cur,max),Percent(rest,max)\nelse\n return \"%s/%s (%s%%)\",cur,max,Percent(cur,max)\nend",
  4464. ["attach_to"] = "ExperienceBar",
  4465. },
  4466. ["Lua:Druid mana"] = {
  4467. ["events"] = {
  4468. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4469. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4470. },
  4471. ["exists"] = true,
  4472. ["position"] = 15,
  4473. ["location"] = "center",
  4474. ["code"] = "if UnitPowerType(unit) ~= 0 then\n return \"%s/%s\",Power(unit,0),MaxPower(unit,0)\nend",
  4475. ["attach_to"] = "DruidManaBar",
  4476. },
  4477. ["Lua:Cast"] = {
  4478. ["events"] = {
  4479. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"] = true,
  4480. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED"] = true,
  4484. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP"] = true,
  4485. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_START"] = true,
  4487. },
  4488. ["exists"] = true,
  4489. ["position"] = 10,
  4490. ["location"] = "left",
  4491. ["code"] = "local cast_data = CastData(unit)\nif cast_data then\n local spell,stop_message,target = cast_data.spell,cast_data.stop_message,\n local stop_time,stop_duration = cast_data.stop_time\n if stop_time then\n stop_duration = GetTime() - stop_time\n end\n Alpha(-(stop_duration or 0) + 1)\n if stop_message then\n return stop_message\n elseif target then\n return \"%s (%s)\",spell,target\n else\n return spell \n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4492. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  4493. },
  4494. ["Lua:Health"] = {
  4495. ["enabled"] = false,
  4496. ["exists"] = true,
  4497. ["position"] = 11,
  4498. ["location"] = "center",
  4499. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  4500. },
  4501. ["Lua:PVPTimer"] = {
  4502. ["events"] = {
  4503. ["PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED"] = true,
  4504. },
  4505. ["exists"] = true,
  4506. ["position"] = 14,
  4507. ["location"] = "out_right_top",
  4508. ["code"] = "if unit == \"player\" then\n local pvp = PVPDuration()\n if pvp then\n return \"|cffff0000%s|r\",FormatDuration(pvp)\n end\nend",
  4509. },
  4510. ["Lua:Class"] = {
  4511. ["enabled"] = false,
  4512. ["events"] = {
  4513. ["UNIT_LEVEL"] = true,
  4515. ["UNIT_AURA"] = true,
  4516. },
  4517. ["exists"] = true,
  4518. ["position"] = 13,
  4519. ["location"] = "left",
  4520. ["code"] = "local dr,dg,db = DifficultyColor(unit)\nlocal form = DruidForm(unit)\nlocal classification = Classification(unit)\nif UnitIsPlayer(unit) or (not UnitIsFriend(unit,\"player\") and not IsPet(unit)) then\n local cr,cg,cb = ClassColor(unit)\n if form then\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r (%s) %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),cr,cg,cb,Class(unit),form,SmartRace(unit) or ''\n else\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),cr,cg,cb,Class(unit),SmartRace(unit) or ''\n end\nelse\n if form then\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r (%s) %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),form,SmartRace(unit) or ''\n else\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),SmartRace(unit) or ''\n end\nend",
  4521. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  4522. },
  4523. ["Lua:Cast time"] = {
  4524. ["events"] = {
  4525. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED"] = true,
  4526. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_START"] = true,
  4528. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"] = true,
  4531. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP"] = true,
  4533. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED"] = true,
  4534. },
  4535. ["exists"] = true,
  4536. ["position"] = 12,
  4537. ["location"] = "right",
  4538. ["code"] = "local cast_data = CastData(unit)\nif cast_data then\n if not cast_data.stop_time then\n local delay,end_time = cast_data.delay, cast_data.end_time\n local duration\n if end_time then\n duration = end_time - GetTime()\n end\n if delay and delay ~= 0 then\n local delay_sign = '+'\n if delay < 0 then\n delay_sign = ''\n end\n if duration and duration >= 0 then\n return \"|cffff0000%s%s|r %.1f\",delay_sign,Round(delay,1),duration\n else\n return \"|cffff0000%s%s|r\",delay_sign,Round(delay,1)\n end\n elseif duration and duration >= 0 then\n return \"%.1f\",duration\n end\n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4539. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  4540. },
  4541. ["Lua:Name"] = {
  4542. ["events"] = {
  4543. ["PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED"] = true,
  4544. ["UNIT_NAME_UPDATE"] = true,
  4545. },
  4546. ["exists"] = true,
  4547. ["position"] = 7,
  4548. ["location"] = "center",
  4549. ["code"] = "return '%s %s%s%s',Name(unit),Angle(AFK(unit) or DND(unit))",
  4550. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  4551. },
  4552. },
  4553. },
  4554. ["Target"] = {
  4555. ["first"] = false,
  4556. ["elements"] = {
  4557. ["Lua:Eclipse"] = {
  4558. ["events"] = {
  4559. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4560. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4561. },
  4562. ["exists"] = true,
  4563. ["position"] = 10,
  4564. ["location"] = "center",
  4565. ["code"] = "return math.abs(Power(unit,SPELL_POWER_ECLIPSE))\n",
  4566. ["attach_to"] = "Eclipse",
  4567. },
  4568. ["Lua:Reputation"] = {
  4569. ["events"] = {
  4570. ["UNIT_FACTION"] = true,
  4571. ["UPDATE_FACTION"] = true,
  4572. },
  4573. ["exists"] = true,
  4574. ["position"] = 17,
  4575. ["location"] = "center",
  4576. ["code"] = "local name,_,min,max,value = GetWatchedFactionInfo()\nif IsMouseOver() then\n return name or ConfigMode() \nelse\n local bar_cur,bar_max = value-min,max-min\n return \"%d/%d (%s%%)\",bar_cur,bar_max,Percent(bar_cur,bar_max)\nend",
  4577. ["attach_to"] = "ReputationBar",
  4578. },
  4579. ["Lua:Power"] = {
  4580. ["events"] = {
  4581. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4582. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4583. },
  4584. ["exists"] = true,
  4585. ["position"] = 4,
  4586. ["location"] = "center",
  4587. ["code"] = "local max = MaxPower(unit)\nif max > 0 then\n return \"%s/%s\",Power(unit),max\nend",
  4588. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  4589. },
  4590. ["Lua:Threat"] = {
  4591. ["events"] = {
  4592. ["UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE"] = true,
  4594. },
  4595. ["exists"] = true,
  4596. ["position"] = 3,
  4597. ["location"] = "center",
  4598. ["code"] = "local unit_a,unit_b = ThreatPair(unit)\nif unit_a and unit_b then\n local _,_,percent = UnitDetailedThreatSituation(unit_a, unit_b)\n if percent and percent ~= 0 then\n return \"%s%%\",Round(percent,1)\n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4599. ["attach_to"] = "ThreatBar",
  4600. },
  4601. ["Lua:Experience"] = {
  4602. ["events"] = {
  4603. ["UNIT_PET_EXPERIENCE"] = true,
  4604. ["PLAYER_XP_UPDATE"] = true,
  4605. },
  4606. ["exists"] = true,
  4607. ["position"] = 9,
  4608. ["location"] = "left",
  4609. ["code"] = "local cur, max, rest = XP(unit), MaxXP(unit), RestXP(unit)\nif rest then\n return \"%s/%s (%s%%) R: %s%%\",cur,max,Percent(cur,max),Percent(rest,max)\nelse\n return \"%s/%s (%s%%)\",cur,max,Percent(cur,max)\nend",
  4610. ["attach_to"] = "ExperienceBar",
  4611. },
  4612. ["Lua:Druid mana"] = {
  4613. ["events"] = {
  4614. ["UNIT_MAXPOWER"] = true,
  4615. ["UNIT_POWER"] = true,
  4616. },
  4617. ["exists"] = true,
  4618. ["position"] = 16,
  4619. ["location"] = "center",
  4620. ["code"] = "if UnitPowerType(unit) ~= 0 then\n return \"%s/%s\",Power(unit,0),MaxPower(unit,0)\nend",
  4621. ["attach_to"] = "DruidManaBar",
  4622. },
  4623. ["Lua:Cast"] = {
  4624. ["events"] = {
  4625. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"] = true,
  4626. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED"] = true,
  4630. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP"] = true,
  4631. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_START"] = true,
  4633. },
  4634. ["exists"] = true,
  4635. ["position"] = 11,
  4636. ["location"] = "left",
  4637. ["code"] = "local cast_data = CastData(unit)\nif cast_data then\n local spell,stop_message,target = cast_data.spell,cast_data.stop_message,\n local stop_time,stop_duration = cast_data.stop_time\n if stop_time then\n stop_duration = GetTime() - stop_time\n end\n Alpha(-(stop_duration or 0) + 1)\n if stop_message then\n return stop_message\n elseif target then\n return \"%s (%s)\",spell,target\n else\n return spell \n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4638. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  4639. },
  4640. ["Lua:Health"] = {
  4641. ["events"] = {
  4642. ["UNIT_HEALTH"] = true,
  4643. ["UNIT_AURA"] = true,
  4644. ["UNIT_MAXHEALTH"] = true,
  4645. },
  4646. ["exists"] = true,
  4647. ["position"] = 12,
  4648. ["location"] = "center",
  4649. ["code"] = "local s = Status(unit)\nif s then\n return s\nend\nlocal cur, max = HP(unit), MaxHP(unit)\nreturn \"%s/%s || %s%%\",Short(cur,true),Short(max,true),Percent(cur,max)",
  4650. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  4651. },
  4652. ["Lua:PVPTimer"] = {
  4653. ["events"] = {
  4654. ["PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED"] = true,
  4655. },
  4656. ["exists"] = true,
  4657. ["position"] = 15,
  4658. ["location"] = "out_right_top",
  4659. ["code"] = "if unit == \"player\" then\n local pvp = PVPDuration()\n if pvp then\n return \"|cffff0000%s|r\",FormatDuration(pvp)\n end\nend",
  4660. },
  4661. ["Lua:Class"] = {
  4662. ["enabled"] = false,
  4663. ["events"] = {
  4664. ["UNIT_LEVEL"] = true,
  4666. ["UNIT_AURA"] = true,
  4667. },
  4668. ["exists"] = true,
  4669. ["position"] = 14,
  4670. ["location"] = "left",
  4671. ["code"] = "local dr,dg,db = DifficultyColor(unit)\nlocal form = DruidForm(unit)\nlocal classification = Classification(unit)\nif UnitIsPlayer(unit) or (not UnitIsFriend(unit,\"player\") and not IsPet(unit)) then\n local cr,cg,cb = ClassColor(unit)\n if form then\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r (%s) %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),cr,cg,cb,Class(unit),form,SmartRace(unit) or ''\n else\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r |cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),cr,cg,cb,Class(unit),SmartRace(unit) or ''\n end\nelse\n if form then\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r (%s) %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),form,SmartRace(unit) or ''\n else\n return \"%s%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s\",classification or '',classification and ' ' or '',dr,dg,db,Level(unit),SmartRace(unit) or ''\n end\nend",
  4672. ["attach_to"] = "PowerBar",
  4673. },
  4674. ["Lua:Cast time"] = {
  4675. ["events"] = {
  4676. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED"] = true,
  4677. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_START"] = true,
  4679. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"] = true,
  4682. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP"] = true,
  4684. ["UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED"] = true,
  4685. },
  4686. ["exists"] = true,
  4687. ["position"] = 13,
  4688. ["location"] = "center",
  4689. ["code"] = "local cast_data = CastData(unit)\nif cast_data then\n if not cast_data.stop_time then\n local delay,end_time = cast_data.delay, cast_data.end_time\n local duration\n if end_time then\n duration = end_time - GetTime()\n end\n if delay and delay ~= 0 then\n local delay_sign = '+'\n if delay < 0 then\n delay_sign = ''\n end\n if duration and duration >= 0 then\n return \"|cffff0000%s%s|r %.1f\",delay_sign,Round(delay,1),duration\n else\n return \"|cffff0000%s%s|r\",delay_sign,Round(delay,1)\n end\n elseif duration and duration >= 0 then\n return \"%.1f\",duration\n end\n end\nend\nreturn ConfigMode()",
  4690. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  4691. },
  4692. ["Lua:Name"] = {
  4693. ["events"] = {
  4694. ["PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED"] = true,
  4695. ["UNIT_NAME_UPDATE"] = true,
  4696. },
  4697. ["exists"] = true,
  4698. ["position"] = 7,
  4699. ["location"] = "center",
  4700. ["code"] = "return '%s %s%s%s',Name(unit),Angle(AFK(unit) or DND(unit))",
  4701. ["attach_to"] = "CastBar",
  4702. },
  4703. },
  4704. },
  4705. },
  4706. },
  4707. },
  4708. },
  4709. ["CastBarLatency"] = {
  4710. ["profiles"] = {
  4711. ["Cata 2"] = {
  4712. ["layouts"] = {
  4713. ["5MAN"] = {
  4714. ["enabled"] = false,
  4715. },
  4716. ["player"] = {
  4717. ["enabled"] = false,
  4718. },
  4719. ["Target"] = {
  4720. ["enabled"] = false,
  4721. },
  4722. ["TTt"] = {
  4723. ["enabled"] = false,
  4724. },
  4725. },
  4726. },
  4727. },
  4728. },
  4729. ["CombatText"] = {
  4730. ["profiles"] = {
  4731. ["Cata 2"] = {
  4732. ["layouts"] = {
  4733. ["Target"] = {
  4734. ["enabled"] = false,
  4735. ["font"] = "X360",
  4736. ["position"] = 19,
  4737. ["location"] = "right",
  4738. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  4739. ["size"] = 1.75,
  4740. },
  4741. ["player"] = {
  4742. ["enabled"] = false,
  4743. ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT",
  4744. ["position"] = 17,
  4745. ["location"] = "right",
  4746. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  4747. ["size"] = 1.75,
  4748. },
  4749. ["TTt"] = {
  4750. ["enabled"] = false,
  4751. ["font"] = "X360",
  4752. ["position"] = 18,
  4753. ["location"] = "out_left",
  4754. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  4755. ["size"] = 1.75,
  4756. },
  4757. ["5MAN"] = {
  4758. ["enabled"] = false,
  4759. ["font"] = "X360",
  4760. ["position"] = 15,
  4761. ["location"] = "out_left",
  4762. ["attach_to"] = "HealthBar",
  4763. ["size"] = 1.75,
  4764. },
  4765. },
  4766. },
  4767. },
  4768. },
  4769. ["DeadIcon"] = {
  4770. ["profiles"] = {
  4771. ["Cata 2"] = {
  4772. ["layouts"] = {
  4773. ["Normal"] = {
  4774. ["position"] = 1.00001,
  4775. },
  4776. ["player"] = {
  4777. ["position"] = 30,
  4778. },
  4779. ["Target"] = {
  4780. ["position"] = 30,
  4781. },
  4782. ["TTt"] = {
  4783. ["position"] = 30,
  4784. },
  4785. ["5MAN"] = {
  4786. ["position"] = 28,
  4787. },
  4788. },
  4789. },
  4790. },
  4791. },
  4792. ["RaidRoleIcon"] = {
  4793. ["profiles"] = {
  4794. ["Cata 2"] = {
  4795. ["layouts"] = {
  4796. ["Normal"] = {
  4797. ["position"] = 1.00003,
  4798. },
  4799. ["player"] = {
  4800. ["position"] = 31,
  4801. },
  4802. ["Target"] = {
  4803. ["position"] = 31,
  4804. },
  4805. ["TTt"] = {
  4806. ["position"] = 31,
  4807. },
  4808. ["5MAN"] = {
  4809. ["position"] = 29,
  4810. },
  4811. },
  4812. },
  4813. },
  4814. },
  4815. ["ReadyCheckIcon"] = {
  4816. ["profiles"] = {
  4817. ["Cata 2"] = {
  4818. ["layouts"] = {
  4819. ["Target"] = {
  4820. ["position"] = 23,
  4821. },
  4822. ["player"] = {
  4823. ["position"] = 21,
  4824. },
  4825. ["TTt"] = {
  4826. ["position"] = 22,
  4827. },
  4828. ["5MAN"] = {
  4829. ["position"] = 19,
  4830. },
  4831. },
  4832. },
  4833. },
  4834. },
  4835. ["Highlight"] = {
  4836. ["profiles"] = {
  4837. ["Cata 2"] = {
  4838. ["layouts"] = {
  4839. ["5MAN"] = {
  4840. ["enabled"] = false,
  4841. ["while_hover"] = false,
  4842. },
  4843. ["player"] = {
  4844. ["enabled"] = false,
  4845. ["while_hover"] = false,
  4846. },
  4847. ["Target"] = {
  4848. ["while_hover"] = false,
  4849. },
  4850. ["TTt"] = {
  4851. ["while_hover"] = false,
  4852. },
  4853. },
  4854. },
  4855. },
  4856. },
  4857. ["Totems"] = {
  4858. },
  4859. ["AltPowerBar"] = {
  4860. ["profiles"] = {
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  5061. },
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  5063. },
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  6430. },
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  6435. },
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  6612. ["Vesperr - Dentarg"] = "Vesperr - Dentarg",
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  6614. ["Vessper - Area 52"] = "Vessper - Area 52",
  6615. ["Valkyriie - Area 52"] = "Valkyriie - Area 52",
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  6619. ["Vessper - Dentarg"] = "Vessper - Dentarg",
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  6629. ["Vdq - Dentarg"] = "Vdq - Dentarg",
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  7299. {
  7300. ["name"] = "Chilled Meat",
  7301. ["value"] = 1,
  7302. }, -- [1]
  7303. {
  7304. ["name"] = "Embersilk Cloth",
  7305. ["value"] = 229,
  7306. }, -- [2]
  7307. {
  7308. ["name"] = "Heavenly Shard",
  7309. ["value"] = 24,
  7310. }, -- [3]
  7311. {
  7312. ["name"] = "Black Diamond",
  7313. ["value"] = 2,
  7314. }, -- [4]
  7315. {
  7316. ["name"] = "Runecloth",
  7317. ["value"] = 18,
  7318. }, -- [5]
  7319. {
  7320. ["name"] = "Essence of Fire",
  7321. ["value"] = 90,
  7322. }, -- [6]
  7323. {
  7324. ["name"] = "Fiery Core",
  7325. ["value"] = 8,
  7326. }, -- [7]
  7327. {
  7328. ["name"] = "Elemental Fire",
  7329. ["value"] = 43,
  7330. }, -- [8]
  7331. {
  7332. ["name"] = "Essence of Earth",
  7333. ["value"] = 10,
  7334. }, -- [9]
  7335. {
  7336. ["name"] = "Volatile Air",
  7337. ["value"] = 13,
  7338. }, -- [10]
  7339. {
  7340. ["name"] = "Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper",
  7341. ["value"] = 6,
  7342. }, -- [11]
  7343. {
  7344. ["name"] = "Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish",
  7345. ["value"] = 9,
  7346. }, -- [12]
  7347. {
  7348. ["name"] = "Raw Brilliant Smallfish",
  7349. ["value"] = 3,
  7350. }, -- [13]
  7351. {
  7352. ["name"] = "Greater Celestial Essence",
  7353. ["value"] = 8,
  7354. }, -- [14]
  7355. {
  7356. ["name"] = "Zephyrite",
  7357. ["value"] = 6,
  7358. }, -- [15]
  7359. {
  7360. ["name"] = "Carnelian",
  7361. ["value"] = 3,
  7362. }, -- [16]
  7363. {
  7364. ["name"] = "Jasper",
  7365. ["value"] = 3,
  7366. }, -- [17]
  7367. {
  7368. ["name"] = "Hessonite",
  7369. ["value"] = 5,
  7370. }, -- [18]
  7371. {
  7372. ["name"] = "Nightstone",
  7373. ["value"] = 3,
  7374. }, -- [19]
  7375. {
  7376. ["name"] = "Alicite",
  7377. ["value"] = 1,
  7378. }, -- [20]
  7379. {
  7380. ["name"] = "Maelstrom Crystal",
  7381. ["value"] = 46,
  7382. }, -- [21]
  7383. {
  7384. ["name"] = "Mote of Water",
  7385. ["value"] = 7,
  7386. }, -- [22]
  7387. {
  7388. ["name"] = "Netherweave Cloth",
  7389. ["value"] = 403,
  7390. }, -- [23]
  7391. {
  7392. ["name"] = "Lesser Celestial Essence",
  7393. ["value"] = 10,
  7394. }, -- [24]
  7395. {
  7396. ["name"] = "Raw Rainbow Fin Albacore",
  7397. ["value"] = 1,
  7398. }, -- [25]
  7399. {
  7400. ["name"] = "Frostweave Cloth",
  7401. ["value"] = 46,
  7402. }, -- [26]
  7403. {
  7404. ["name"] = "Silk Cloth",
  7405. ["value"] = 26,
  7406. }, -- [27]
  7407. {
  7408. ["name"] = "Sharp Claw",
  7409. ["value"] = 1,
  7410. }, -- [28]
  7411. {
  7412. ["name"] = "Soul Dust",
  7413. ["value"] = 3,
  7414. }, -- [29]
  7415. {
  7416. ["name"] = "Cocoa Beans",
  7417. ["value"] = 40,
  7418. }, -- [30]
  7419. {
  7420. ["name"] = "Greater Mystic Essence",
  7421. ["value"] = 1,
  7422. }, -- [31]
  7423. {
  7424. ["name"] = "Solid Stone",
  7425. ["value"] = 25,
  7426. }, -- [32]
  7427. {
  7428. ["name"] = "Deeprock Salt",
  7429. ["value"] = 18,
  7430. }, -- [33]
  7431. {
  7432. ["name"] = "Mageweave Cloth",
  7433. ["value"] = 16,
  7434. }, -- [34]
  7435. {
  7436. ["name"] = "Lesser Nether Essence",
  7437. ["value"] = 2,
  7438. }, -- [35]
  7439. {
  7440. ["name"] = "Vision Dust",
  7441. ["value"] = 5,
  7442. }, -- [36]
  7443. {
  7444. ["name"] = "Large Glowing Shard",
  7445. ["value"] = 7,
  7446. }, -- [37]
  7447. {
  7448. ["name"] = "Greater Eternal Essence",
  7449. ["value"] = 2,
  7450. }, -- [38]
  7451. {
  7452. ["name"] = "White Spider Meat",
  7453. ["value"] = 2,
  7454. }, -- [39]
  7455. {
  7456. ["name"] = "Red Wolf Meat",
  7457. ["value"] = 2,
  7458. }, -- [40]
  7459. {
  7460. ["name"] = "Wool Cloth",
  7461. ["value"] = 27,
  7462. }, -- [41]
  7463. {
  7464. ["name"] = "Strange Dust",
  7465. ["value"] = 7,
  7466. }, -- [42]
  7467. {
  7468. ["name"] = "Mageroyal",
  7469. ["value"] = 10,
  7470. }, -- [43]
  7471. {
  7472. ["name"] = "Monstrous Claw",
  7473. ["value"] = 2,
  7474. }, -- [44]
  7475. {
  7476. ["name"] = "Snake Eye",
  7477. ["value"] = 1,
  7478. }, -- [45]
  7479. {
  7480. ["name"] = "Raw Slitherskin Mackerel",
  7481. ["value"] = 13,
  7482. }, -- [46]
  7483. {
  7484. ["name"] = "Ichor of Undeath",
  7485. ["value"] = 1,
  7486. }, -- [47]
  7487. {
  7488. ["name"] = "Raw Greater Sagefish",
  7489. ["value"] = 1,
  7490. }, -- [48]
  7491. {
  7492. ["name"] = "Linen Cloth",
  7493. ["value"] = 28,
  7494. }, -- [49]
  7495. {
  7496. ["name"] = "Murloc Fin",
  7497. ["value"] = 5,
  7498. }, -- [50]
  7499. {
  7500. ["name"] = "Lesser Magic Essence",
  7501. ["value"] = 2,
  7502. }, -- [51]
  7503. {
  7504. ["name"] = "Chunk of Boar Meat",
  7505. ["value"] = 9,
  7506. }, -- [52]
  7507. {
  7508. ["name"] = "Small Egg",
  7509. ["value"] = 3,
  7510. }, -- [53]
  7511. {
  7512. ["name"] = "Boar Ribs",
  7513. ["value"] = 1,
  7514. }, -- [54]
  7515. {
  7516. ["name"] = "Tigerseye",
  7517. ["value"] = 1,
  7518. }, -- [55]
  7519. {
  7520. ["name"] = "Crunchy Spider Leg",
  7521. ["value"] = 1,
  7522. }, -- [56]
  7523. {
  7524. ["name"] = "Tough Condor Meat",
  7525. ["value"] = 2,
  7526. }, -- [57]
  7527. {
  7528. ["name"] = "Bolt of Linen Cloth",
  7529. ["value"] = 3,
  7530. }, -- [58]
  7531. {
  7532. ["name"] = "Small Spider Leg",
  7533. ["value"] = 1,
  7534. }, -- [59]
  7535. {
  7536. ["name"] = "Mote of Mana",
  7537. ["value"] = 23,
  7538. }, -- [60]
  7539. {
  7540. ["name"] = "Volatile Water",
  7541. ["value"] = 1,
  7542. }, -- [61]
  7543. {
  7544. ["name"] = "Lavascale Catfish",
  7545. ["value"] = 2,
  7546. }, -- [62]
  7547. {
  7548. ["name"] = "Blackbelly Mudfish",
  7549. ["value"] = 1,
  7550. }, -- [63]
  7551. {
  7552. ["name"] = "Heartblossom",
  7553. ["value"] = 5,
  7554. }, -- [64]
  7555. {
  7556. ["name"] = "Fathom Eel",
  7557. ["value"] = 2,
  7558. }, -- [65]
  7559. {
  7560. ["name"] = "Crocolisk Tail",
  7561. ["value"] = 3,
  7562. }, -- [66]
  7563. {
  7564. ["name"] = "Crystallized Water",
  7565. ["value"] = 2,
  7566. }, -- [67]
  7567. {
  7568. ["name"] = "Ravager Flesh",
  7569. ["value"] = 16,
  7570. }, -- [68]
  7571. {
  7572. ["name"] = "Arcane Dust",
  7573. ["value"] = 3,
  7574. }, -- [69]
  7575. {
  7576. ["name"] = "Primal Nether",
  7577. ["value"] = 1,
  7578. }, -- [70]
  7579. {
  7580. ["name"] = "Elemental Earth",
  7581. ["value"] = 1,
  7582. }, -- [71]
  7583. {
  7584. ["name"] = "Heart of Fire",
  7585. ["value"] = 41,
  7586. }, -- [72]
  7587. {
  7588. ["name"] = "Lava Core",
  7589. ["value"] = 1,
  7590. }, -- [73]
  7591. {
  7592. ["name"] = "Star Ruby",
  7593. ["value"] = 1,
  7594. }, -- [74]
  7595. {
  7596. ["name"] = "Greater Nether Essence",
  7597. ["value"] = 1,
  7598. }, -- [75]
  7599. {
  7600. ["name"] = "Core of Earth",
  7601. ["value"] = 2,
  7602. }, -- [76]
  7603. {
  7604. ["name"] = "Delicate Wing",
  7605. ["value"] = 1,
  7606. }, -- [77]
  7607. },
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  7635. {
  7636. ["name"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:26045:0:0:0:0:0:0:2109565184:85:0|h[Halaa Battle Token]|h|r",
  7637. ["value"] = 15,
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  7639. {
  7640. ["name"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:56836:0:0:0:0:0:0:2115790464:85:0|h[Overflowing Purple Brewfest Stein]|h|r",
  7641. ["value"] = 1,
  7642. }, -- [2]
  7643. {
  7644. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:15198:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Knight's Colors]|h|r",
  7645. ["value"] = 1,
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  7647. {
  7648. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:15196:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Private's Tabard]|h|r",
  7649. ["value"] = 1,
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  7652. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:32620:0:0:0:0:0:0:1065842400:85:0|h[Time-Lost Scroll]|h|r",
  7653. ["value"] = 12,
  7654. }, -- [5]
  7655. {
  7656. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:33047:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Belbi's Eyesight Enhancing Romance Goggles]|h|r",
  7657. ["value"] = 1,
  7658. }, -- [6]
  7659. {
  7660. ["name"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:71334:0:0:0:0:0:0:292813192:85:0|h[Bubblier Brightbrew Charm]|h|r",
  7661. ["value"] = 1,
  7662. }, -- [7]
  7663. {
  7664. ["name"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40643:0:0:0:0:0:0:1863150848:85:0|h[Tabard of the Achiever]|h|r",
  7665. ["value"] = 1,
  7666. }, -- [8]
  7667. {
  7668. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:20414:0:0:0:0:0:0:581479828:85:0|h[Hallowed Wand - Wisp]|h|r",
  7669. ["value"] = 1,
  7670. }, -- [9]
  7671. {
  7672. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:31775:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sporeggar Tabard]|h|r",
  7673. ["value"] = 1,
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  7675. {
  7676. ["name"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:23705:0:0:0:0:0:0:639068992:85:0|h[Tabard of Flame]|h|r",
  7677. ["value"] = 1,
  7678. }, -- [11]
  7679. {
  7680. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:17202:0:0:0:0:0:0:356838256:85:0|h[Snowball]|h|r",
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  7682. }, -- [12]
  7683. {
  7684. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:26048:0:0:0:0:0:0:1801198592:85:0|h[Letter to Kialon]|h|r",
  7685. ["value"] = 1,
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  7687. {
  7688. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:17712:0:0:0:0:0:0:755492160:85:0|h[Winter Veil Disguise Kit]|h|r",
  7689. ["value"] = 1,
  7690. }, -- [14]
  7691. {
  7692. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:17202:0:0:0:0:0:0:227620635:85:0|h[Snowball]|h|r",
  7693. ["value"] = 20,
  7694. }, -- [15]
  7695. {
  7696. ["name"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:20873:0:0:0:0:0:0:1802416768:85:0|h[Alabaster Idol]|h|r",
  7697. ["value"] = 1,
  7698. }, -- [16]
  7699. {
  7700. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:12846:0:0:0:0:0:0:870849483:85:0|h[Argent Dawn Commission]|h|r",
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  7702. }, -- [17]
  7703. {
  7704. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:65904:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Tabard of Ramkahen]|h|r",
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  7707. {
  7708. ["name"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:44731:0:0:0:0:0:0:-2094480896:85:0|h[Bouquet of Ebon Roses]|h|r",
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  7711. {
  7712. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:46723:0:0:0:0:0:0:627044224:85:0|h[Pilgrim's Hat]|h|r",
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  7715. {
  7716. ["name"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:20885:0:0:0:0:0:0:1044813968:85:0|h[Qiraji Martial Drape]|h|r",
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  7719. {
  7720. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:20824:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Simple Grinder]|h|r",
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  7723. {
  7724. ["name"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:65897:0:0:0:0:0:0:1658913280:85:0|h[Figurine - Earthen Guardian]|h|r",
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  7728. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:69647:0:0:0:0:0:0:942688016:85:0|h[Mysterious Gurubashi Bijou]|h|r",
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  7731. {
  7732. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:21713:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Elune's Candle]|h|r",
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  7743. {
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  7747. {
  7748. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:38953:0:0:0:0:0:0:1159303680:85:0|h[Enchant Gloves - Precision]|h|r",
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  7755. {
  7756. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:23324:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mantle of the Fire Festival]|h|r",
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  7768. ["name"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52194:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Demonseye]|h|r",
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  7770. }, -- [34]
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  7772. ["name"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52572:0:0:0:0:0:0:1668571776:85:0|h[Ashen Band of Endless Might]|h|r",
  7773. ["value"] = 1,
  7774. }, -- [35]
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  7783. {
  7784. ["name"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:20400:0:0:0:0:0:0:-2012478914:85:0|h[Pumpkin Bag]|h|r",
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  7787. {
  7788. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:33866:0:0:0:0:0:0:960724672:85:0|h[Stormchops]|h|r",
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  7791. {
  7792. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:34086:0:0:0:0:0:0:2005519360:85:0|h[Winter Boots]|h|r",
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  7796. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:6835:0:0:0:0:0:0:2130823216:85:0|h[Black Tuxedo Pants]|h|r",
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  7800. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:34085:0:0:0:0:0:0:1042775232:85:0|h[Red Winter Clothes]|h|r",
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  7807. {
  7808. ["name"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:32897:0:0:0:0:0:0:1744847104:85:0|h[Mark of the Illidari]|h|r",
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  7815. {
  7816. ["name"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:21220:0:0:0:0:0:0:1490372672:85:0|h[Head of Ossirian the Unscarred]|h|r",
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  7818. }, -- [46]
  7819. {
  7820. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:65908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Tabard of the Wildhammer Clan]|h|r",
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  7823. {
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  7841. ["value"] = 1,
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  7843. {
  7844. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:53062:0:0:0:0:0:0:1592061440:85:0|h[Sharptooth]|h|r",
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  7853. ["value"] = 13,
  7854. }, -- [55]
  7855. {
  7856. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:29905:0:0:0:0:0:0:763585696:85:0|h[Kael's Vial Remnant]|h|r",
  7857. ["value"] = 1,
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  7859. {
  7860. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:17307:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purple Ribboned Wrapping Paper]|h|r",
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  7863. {
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  7866. }, -- [58]
  7867. {
  7868. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:65905:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Tabard of the Earthen Ring]|h|r",
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  7870. }, -- [59]
  7871. {
  7872. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:20815:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jeweler's Kit]|h|r",
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  7875. {
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  7879. {
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  7885. ["value"] = 1,
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  7891. {
  7892. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:21100:0:0:0:0:0:0:1351839872:85:0|h[Coin of Ancestry]|h|r",
  7893. ["value"] = 26,
  7894. }, -- [65]
  7895. {
  7896. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:7077:0:0:0:0:0:0:2074072288:85:0|h[Heart of Fire]|h|r",
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  7903. {
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  7906. }, -- [68]
  7907. {
  7908. ["name"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23079:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1989332096:85:0|h[Deep Peridot]|h|r",
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  7911. {
  7912. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:64670:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Vanishing Powder]|h|r",
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  7915. {
  7916. ["name"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:31303:0:0:0:0:0:0:709057856:85:0|h[Valanos' Longbow]|h|r",
  7917. ["value"] = 1,
  7918. }, -- [71]
  7919. {
  7920. ["name"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:27829:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1103205632:85:0|h[Axe of the Nexus-Kings]|h|r",
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  7923. {
  7924. ["name"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:42420:0:0:0:0:0:0:1577962240:85:0|h[Shadow Crystal Focusing Lens]|h|r",
  7925. ["value"] = 1,
  7926. }, -- [73]
  7927. {
  7928. ["name"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:20867:0:0:0:0:0:0:433871056:85:0|h[Onyx Idol]|h|r",
  7929. ["value"] = 1,
  7930. }, -- [74]
  7931. {
  7932. ["name"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:62540:0:0:0:0:0:0:1689026944:85:0|h[Lil' Deathwing]|h|r",
  7933. ["value"] = 1,
  7934. }, -- [75]
  7935. {
  7936. ["name"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32863:0:0:0:0:0:0:194243184:85:0|h[Skybreaker Whip]|h|r",
  7937. ["value"] = 1,
  7938. }, -- [76]
  7939. {
  7940. ["name"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:28189:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1823386112:85:0|h[Latro's Shifting Sword]|h|r",
  7941. ["value"] = 1,
  7942. }, -- [77]
  7943. {
  7944. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:44114:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1626579456:85:0|h[Old Spices]|h|r",
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  7946. }, -- [78]
  7947. {
  7948. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28558:0:0:0:0:0:0:-627267584:85:0|h[Spirit Shard]|h|r",
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  7950. }, -- [79]
  7951. {
  7952. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:7077:0:0:0:0:0:0:-544722688:85:0|h[Heart of Fire]|h|r",
  7953. ["value"] = 10,
  7954. }, -- [80]
  7955. {
  7956. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:12840:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1788280832:85:0|h[Minion's Scourgestone]|h|r",
  7957. ["value"] = 15,
  7958. }, -- [81]
  7959. {
  7960. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:12841:0:0:0:0:0:0:1715515904:85:0|h[Invader's Scourgestone]|h|r",
  7961. ["value"] = 87,
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  7963. {
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  7971. {
  7972. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:21229:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1838688000:85:0|h[Qiraji Lord's Insignia]|h|r",
  7973. ["value"] = 6,
  7974. }, -- [85]
  7975. {
  7976. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:26043:0:0:0:0:0:0:1839607872:85:0|h[Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample]|h|r",
  7977. ["value"] = 58,
  7978. }, -- [86]
  7979. {
  7980. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:31666:0:0:0:0:0:0:1771297536:85:0|h[Battered Steam Tonk Controller]|h|r",
  7981. ["value"] = 1,
  7982. }, -- [87]
  7983. {
  7984. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:24579:0:0:0:0:0:0:151826903:85:0|h[Mark of Honor Hold]|h|r",
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  7987. {
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  7991. {
  7992. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:33458:0:0:0:0:0:0:2015336960:85:0|h[Scroll of Intellect VI]|h|r",
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  7995. {
  7996. ["name"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:59503:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1882874176:85:0|h[Terrastra's Legguards]|h|r",
  7997. ["value"] = 1,
  7998. }, -- [91]
  7999. {
  8000. ["name"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23192:0:0:0:0:0:0:335794032:85:0|h[Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade]|h|r",
  8001. ["value"] = 1,
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  8003. {
  8004. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:29735:0:0:0:0:0:0:489305920:85:0|h[Holy Dust]|h|r",
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  8006. }, -- [93]
  8007. {
  8008. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:35221:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Tabard of the Shattered Sun]|h|r",
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  8011. {
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  8015. {
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  8019. {
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  8023. {
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  8027. {
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  8031. {
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  8039. {
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  8043. {
  8044. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:33868:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brewfest Boots]|h|r",
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  8047. {
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  8055. {
  8056. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:46800:0:0:0:0:0:0:2017390720:85:0|h[Pilgrim's Attire]|h|r",
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  8059. {
  8060. ["name"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:7078:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Essence of Fire]|h|r",
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  8071. {
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  8075. {
  8076. ["name"] = "|cff9d9d9d|Hitem:32823:0:0:0:0:0:0:200941168:85:0|h[Illidari Lord Balthas' Instructions]|h|r",
  8077. ["value"] = 1,
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  8079. {
  8080. ["name"] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:44803:0:0:0:0:0:0:-673592649:85:0|h[Spring Circlet]|h|r",
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  8083. {
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  8087. {
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  8091. {
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  8095. {
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  8115. {
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  8135. {
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  8147. {
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  9147. "", -- [1]
  9148. "", -- [2]
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  9152. "", -- [2]
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  9156. "", -- [1]
  9157. "", -- [2]
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  9162. "", -- [1]
  9163. "", -- [2]
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  9513. ["issue"] = "",
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  9515. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
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  10152. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
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  10250. "", -- [1]
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  10311. ["IgnoreMultiRoll"] = 0,
  10312. ["AnnouncePattern"] = "[Roll]: $aNo active rolls.$b$w won with a roll of $r$d$y rolled lowest with $z. There were $n rolls.$c Invalid rolls were made by: $i",
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  10316. },
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  10322. },
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  10331. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
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  10354. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
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  10384. ["issue"] = "",
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  10386. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
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  10408. },
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  10429. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
  10430. }, -- [29]
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  10433. [0] = nil --[[ skipped userdata ]],
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  10437. "", -- [1]
  10438. "", -- [2]
  10439. },
  10440. ["BuildPts"] = {
  10441. "", -- [1]
  10442. "", -- [2]
  10443. },
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  10446. "", -- [1]
  10447. "", -- [2]
  10448. },
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  10450. ["ShowNumbers"] = 1,
  10451. ["BuildName"] = {
  10452. "", -- [1]
  10453. "", -- [2]
  10454. },
  10455. ["ShowLabelText"] = 1,
  10456. },
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  10462. },
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  10469. ["issue"] = "",
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  10471. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
  10472. }, -- [30]
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  10479. ["menuText"] = "Titan|cffffaa00Spe|r|cffff8800ed|r",
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  10485. },
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  10492. },
  10493. },
  10494. ["notes"] = "",
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  10502. }, -- [31]
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  10505. [0] = nil --[[ skipped userdata ]],
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  10508. ["id"] = "Speed",
  10509. ["menuText"] = "Titan|cffffaa00Spe|r|cffff8800ed|r",
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  10512. ["ShowTenth"] = false,
  10513. ["ShowIcon"] = 1,
  10514. ["ShowLabelText"] = false,
  10515. },
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  10519. ["frequency"] = 0.5,
  10520. ["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Rogue_Sprint.blp",
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  10522. },
  10523. },
  10524. ["notes"] = "",
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  10527. ["category"] = "General",
  10528. ["button"] = "TitanPanelSpeedButton",
  10529. ["issue"] = "Plugin already loaded. Please see if another plugin (Titan or LDB) is also loading with the same name.\n<Titan> or <LDB>.label",
  10530. ["isChild"] = false,
  10531. ["status"] = "|cffff2020Failed_to_Register|r",
  10532. }, -- [32]
  10533. {
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  10535. [0] = nil --[[ skipped userdata ]],
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  10544. },
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  10551. ["issue"] = "",
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  10553. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
  10554. }, -- [33]
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  10571. },
  10572. ["buttonTextFunction"] = "TitanPanelTradeCooldownButton_GetButtonText",
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  10574. ["category"] = "Profession",
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  10577. },
  10578. },
  10579. ["notes"] = "",
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  10584. ["issue"] = "",
  10585. ["isChild"] = false,
  10586. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
  10587. }, -- [34]
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  10589. ["self"] = {
  10590. [0] = nil --[[ skipped userdata ]],
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  10602. ["VolumeOutboundChat"] = 1,
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  10610. },
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  10615. ["category"] = "Built-ins",
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  10617. ["issue"] = "",
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  10619. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
  10620. }, -- [35]
  10621. {
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  10623. [0] = nil --[[ skipped userdata ]],
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  10632. ["ShowSimpleToLevel"] = false,
  10633. ["ShowSimpleNumOfGains"] = false,
  10634. ["ShowLabelText"] = 1,
  10635. ["DisplayType"] = "ShowXPPerHourSession",
  10636. },
  10637. ["controlVariables"] = {
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  10640. ["ShowRegularText"] = false,
  10641. ["DisplayOnRightSide"] = false,
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  10649. },
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  10653. ["accumXP"] = 0,
  10654. ["levelTime"] = 1599403.398006074,
  10655. ["sessionTime"] = 1333589390,
  10656. ["sessionXP"] = 0,
  10657. },
  10658. ["notes"] = "",
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  10663. ["issue"] = "",
  10664. ["isChild"] = false,
  10665. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
  10666. }, -- [36]
  10667. {
  10668. ["self"] = {
  10669. [0] = nil --[[ skipped userdata ]],
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  10673. ["menuText"] = "Gathered",
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  10677. ["ShowSkills"] = 1,
  10678. ["ShowMisc"] = 1,
  10679. ["clearItems"] = {
  10680. },
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  10683. },
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  10685. },
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  10810. ["notes"] = "\nThis is a LDB 'launcher' without .label using .text instead!!!!",
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  10821. [0] = nil --[[ skipped userdata ]],
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  10860. ["issue"] = "",
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  10862. ["status"] = "|cff20ff20Registered|r",
  10863. }, -- [40]
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  11006. ["num"] = 1,
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  11010. ["num"] = 2,
  11011. }, -- [2]
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  11014. ["num"] = 3,
  11015. }, -- [3]
  11016. {
  11017. ["id"] = "Atlas",
  11018. ["num"] = 4,
  11019. }, -- [4]
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  11022. ["num"] = 5,
  11023. }, -- [5]
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  11025. ["id"] = "GatherMate2",
  11026. ["num"] = 6,
  11027. }, -- [6]
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  11030. ["num"] = 7,
  11031. }, -- [7]
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  11039. }, -- [9]
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  11042. ["num"] = 10,
  11043. }, -- [10]
  11044. {
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  11046. ["num"] = 11,
  11047. }, -- [11]
  11048. {
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  11050. ["num"] = 12,
  11051. }, -- [12]
  11052. {
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  11054. ["num"] = 13,
  11055. }, -- [13]
  11056. {
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  11058. ["num"] = 14,
  11059. }, -- [14]
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  11061. ["id"] = "DBM",
  11062. ["num"] = 15,
  11063. }, -- [15]
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  11066. ["num"] = 16,
  11067. }, -- [16]
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  11069. ["id"] = "Outfitter",
  11070. ["num"] = 17,
  11071. }, -- [17]
  11072. {
  11073. ["id"] = "XLoot",
  11074. ["num"] = 18,
  11075. }, -- [18]
  11076. {
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  11078. ["num"] = 19,
  11079. }, -- [19]
  11080. {
  11081. ["id"] = "Enchantrix",
  11082. ["num"] = 20,
  11083. }, -- [20]
  11084. {
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  11086. ["num"] = 21,
  11087. }, -- [21]
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  11089. ["id"] = "Auc-Util-SearchUI",
  11090. ["num"] = 22,
  11091. }, -- [22]
  11092. {
  11093. ["id"] = "AucAdvanced",
  11094. ["num"] = 23,
  11095. }, -- [23]
  11096. {
  11097. ["id"] = "Archy",
  11098. ["num"] = 24,
  11099. }, -- [24]
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  11103. }, -- [25]
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  11105. ["id"] = "Accountant",
  11106. ["num"] = 26,
  11107. }, -- [26]
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  11111. }, -- [27]
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  11114. ["num"] = 28,
  11115. }, -- [28]
  11116. {
  11117. ["id"] = "DBM-LDB",
  11118. ["num"] = 29,
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  11122. ["num"] = 30,
  11123. }, -- [30]
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  11125. ["id"] = "Recount",
  11126. ["num"] = 31,
  11127. }, -- [31]
  11128. {
  11129. ["id"] = "AtlasLoot",
  11130. ["num"] = 32,
  11131. }, -- [32]
  11132. {
  11133. ["id"] = "Armory",
  11134. ["num"] = 33,
  11135. }, -- [33]
  11136. {
  11137. ["id"] = "TitanWG",
  11138. ["num"] = 34,
  11139. }, -- [34]
  11140. {
  11141. ["id"] = "WoW-Pro",
  11142. ["num"] = 35,
  11143. }, -- [35]
  11144. {
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  11147. }, -- [36]
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  11150. ["num"] = 37,
  11151. }, -- [37]
  11152. {
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  11154. ["num"] = 38,
  11155. }, -- [38]
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  11159. }, -- [39]
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  11162. ["num"] = 40,
  11163. }, -- [40]
  11164. },
  11165. },
  11166. },
  11167. },
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  11181. ["name"] = "Christmas",
  11182. }, -- [2]
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  11186. ["name"] = "Charcoal Metal",
  11187. }, -- [3]
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  11196. ["name"] = "Cursed Orange",
  11197. }, -- [5]
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  11212. }, -- [8]
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  11217. }, -- [9]
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  11221. ["name"] = "Frozen Metal",
  11222. }, -- [10]
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  11226. ["name"] = "Graphic",
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  11231. ["name"] = "Graveyard",
  11232. }, -- [12]
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  11236. ["name"] = "Hidden Leaf",
  11237. }, -- [13]
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  11241. ["name"] = "Holy Warrior",
  11242. }, -- [14]
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  11246. ["name"] = "Nightlife",
  11247. }, -- [15]
  11248. {
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  11250. ["path"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\Titan\\Artwork\\Custom\\Orgrimmar Skin\\",
  11251. ["name"] = "Orgrimmar",
  11252. }, -- [16]
  11253. {
  11254. ["titan"] = true,
  11255. ["path"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\Titan\\Artwork\\Custom\\Plate Skin\\",
  11256. ["name"] = "Plate",
  11257. }, -- [17]
  11258. {
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  11260. ["path"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\Titan\\Artwork\\Custom\\Tribal Skin\\",
  11261. ["name"] = "Tribal",
  11262. }, -- [18]
  11263. {
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  11266. ["name"] = "X-Perl",
  11267. }, -- [19]
  11268. {
  11269. ["name"] = "Test",
  11270. ["path"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\Titan\\Artwork\\Custom\\Test\\",
  11271. }, -- [20]
  11272. {
  11273. ["name"] = "Vhei2",
  11274. ["path"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\Titan\\Artwork\\Custom\\Vhei2\\",
  11275. }, -- [21]
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  11279. }, -- [22]
  11280. {
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  11282. ["path"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\Titan\\Artwork\\Custom\\Vhei black tint\\",
  11283. }, -- [23]
  11284. {
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  11287. }, -- [24]
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  11290. }
  11291. ServerHourFormat = {
  11292. }
  11295. SLASH_InstallThis1 = "/install"
  11296. SlashCmdList.InstallThis = function()
  11297. StaticPopup_Show("SNIFFLESINSTALLER")
  11298. end
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