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Apr 28th, 2015
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  1. protected void checkContextMenuRenderedAtCorrectPosition(WebElement target, WebElement contextMenuPopup, InvocationType type, ExpectedCondition<Boolean> conditionTargetIsFocused) {
  2. // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Compiled Code">
  3. /* 0: aload 4
  4. * 2: ifnull 37
  5. * 5: aload_1
  6. * 6: invokeinterface org/openqa/selenium/
  7. * 11: aload_0
  8. * 12: getfield org/richfaces/showcase/contextMenu/AbstractContextMenuTest.webDriver:Lorg/openqa/selenium/WebDriver;
  9. * 15: invokestatic org/jboss/arquillian/graphene/Graphene.waitGui:(Lorg/openqa/selenium/WebDriver;)Lorg/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/WebDriverWait;
  10. * 18: ldc2_w 2l
  11. * 21: getstatic java/util/concurrent/TimeUnit.SECONDS:Ljava/util/concurrent/TimeUnit;
  12. * 24: invokeinterface org/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/WebDriverWait.withTimeout:(JLjava/util/concurrent/TimeUnit;)Lorg/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/FluentWait;
  13. * 29: aload 4
  14. * 31: invokeinterface org/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/FluentWait.until:(Lcom/google/common/base/Function;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  15. * 36: pop
  16. * 37: invokestatic org/jboss/arquillian/graphene/Graphene.waitGui:()Lorg/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/WebDriverWait;
  17. * 40: pop
  18. * 41: getstatic org/richfaces/showcase/contextMenu/AbstractContextMenuTest$1.$SwitchMap$org$richfaces$showcase$contextMenu$AbstractContextMenuTest$InvocationType:[I
  19. * 44: aload_3
  20. * 45: invokevirtual org/richfaces/showcase/contextMenu/AbstractContextMenuTest$InvocationType.ordinal:()I
  21. * 48: iaload
  22. * 49: lookupswitch { // 2
  23. * 1: 76
  24. * 2: 91
  25. * default: 106
  26. * }
  27. * 76: aload_0
  28. * 77: getfield org/richfaces/showcase/contextMenu/AbstractContextMenuTest.actions:Lorg/openqa/selenium/interactions/Actions;
  29. * 80: aload_1
  30. * 81: invokevirtual org/openqa/selenium/interactions/Actions.moveToElement:(Lorg/openqa/selenium/WebElement;)Lorg/openqa/selenium/interactions/Actions;
  31. * 84: invokevirtual org/openqa/selenium/interactions/;
  32. * 87: pop
  33. * 88: goto 116
  34. * 91: aload_0
  35. * 92: getfield org/richfaces/showcase/contextMenu/AbstractContextMenuTest.actions:Lorg/openqa/selenium/interactions/Actions;
  36. * 95: aload_1
  37. * 96: invokevirtual org/openqa/selenium/interactions/Actions.moveToElement:(Lorg/openqa/selenium/WebElement;)Lorg/openqa/selenium/interactions/Actions;
  38. * 99: invokevirtual org/openqa/selenium/interactions/Actions.contextClick:()Lorg/openqa/selenium/interactions/Actions;
  39. * 102: pop
  40. * 103: goto 116
  41. * 106: new java/lang/IllegalArgumentException
  42. * 109: dup
  43. * 110: ldc Wrong type of context menu invocation!
  44. * 112: invokespecial java/lang/IllegalArgumentException."<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
  45. * 115: athrow
  46. * 116: aload_0
  47. * 117: getfield org/richfaces/showcase/contextMenu/AbstractContextMenuTest.actions:Lorg/openqa/selenium/interactions/Actions;
  48. * 120: invokevirtual org/openqa/selenium/interactions/;
  49. * 123: invokeinterface org/openqa/selenium/interactions/Action.perform:()V
  50. * 128: invokestatic org/jboss/arquillian/graphene/Graphene.waitGui:()Lorg/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/WebDriverWait;
  51. * 131: ldc2_w 2l
  52. * 134: getstatic java/util/concurrent/TimeUnit.SECONDS:Ljava/util/concurrent/TimeUnit;
  53. * 137: invokeinterface org/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/WebDriverWait.withTimeout:(JLjava/util/concurrent/TimeUnit;)Lorg/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/FluentWait;
  54. * 142: invokeinterface org/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/FluentWait.until:()Lorg/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/FluentBuilder;
  55. * 147: aload_2
  56. * 148: invokeinterface org/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/FluentBuilder.element:(Lorg/openqa/selenium/WebElement;)Lorg/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/ElementBuilder;
  57. * 153: invokeinterface org/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/;
  58. * 158: invokeinterface org/jboss/arquillian/graphene/wait/IsNotElementBuilder.visible:()Ljava/lang/Object;
  59. * 163: pop
  60. * 164: aload_1
  61. * 165: invokeinterface org/openqa/selenium/WebElement.getLocation:()Lorg/openqa/selenium/Point;
  62. * 170: astore 5
  63. * 172: aload_2
  64. * 173: invokeinterface org/openqa/selenium/WebElement.getLocation:()Lorg/openqa/selenium/Point;
  65. * 178: astore 6
  66. * 180: aload_0
  67. * 181: aload_1
  68. * 182: invokevirtual org/richfaces/showcase/contextMenu/AbstractContextMenuTest.getTargetWidth:(Lorg/openqa/selenium/WebElement;)D
  69. * 185: dstore 7
  70. * 187: aload_0
  71. * 188: aload_1
  72. * 189: invokevirtual org/richfaces/showcase/contextMenu/AbstractContextMenuTest.getTargetHeight:(Lorg/openqa/selenium/WebElement;)D
  73. * 192: dstore 9
  74. * 194: dload 9
  75. * 196: dload 9
  76. * 198: dmul
  77. * 199: dload 7
  78. * 201: dload 7
  79. * 203: dmul
  80. * 204: dadd
  81. * 205: invokestatic java/lang/Math.sqrt:(D)D
  82. * 208: ldc2_w 2.0d
  83. * 211: ddiv
  84. * 212: dstore 11
  85. * 214: aload_0
  86. * 215: aload 5
  87. * 217: aload 6
  88. * 219: invokespecial org/richfaces/showcase/contextMenu/AbstractContextMenuTest.getDistance:(Lorg/openqa/selenium/Point;Lorg/openqa/selenium/Point;)D
  89. * 222: dstore 13
  90. * 224: dload 11
  91. * 226: dload 13
  92. * 228: dsub
  93. * 229: dstore 15
  94. * 231: new java/lang/StringBuilder
  95. * 234: dup
  96. * 235: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>":()V
  97. * 238: ldc The context menu was not rendered on the correct position! The difference is:
  98. * 240: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
  99. * 243: dload 15
  100. * 245: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(D)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
  101. * 248: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
  102. * 251: dload 15
  103. * 253: dconst_0
  104. * 254: dcmpl
  105. * 255: iflt 271
  106. * 258: dload 15
  107. * 260: ldc2_w 3.0d
  108. * 263: dcmpg
  109. * 264: ifge 271
  110. * 267: iconst_1
  111. * 268: goto 272
  112. * 271: iconst_0
  113. * 272: invokestatic org/junit/Assert.assertTrue:(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
  114. * 275: return
  115. * */
  116. // </editor-fold>
  117. }
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