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Feb 19th, 2017
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  1. theory
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  4. the control of the surface web 2.0 is maintained by state agencies and corporations – the bourgeoisie and also the Communist Party itself – using photo recognition software to monitor people IRL as well as on line – the algorithms are also used by corporations to predict and influence consumer behaviour and there is little difference between state and corporate espionage. As individuals we are encouraged and controlled into limiting responses more and more through social media – limiting circles of influence and friendships – by hardening character armour and becoming cliches, shadows and representations of ourselves. in other words social media encourages individuals to close their minds.
  6. identity, a closed form of selective consciousness, is based on text and language – and is essential for nationalist consciousness – social media – as controlled by corporations (US or other) try to control identity and limit it at a national stage – hence the control of characters and fonts available to use in a name is limited to only one (natinal) language. sites like facebook try to also limit emotional responses by providing a limited emotional palette to respond with
  8. however identity is but also a basis for a mature situational consciousness of class but in order to develop this we must go beond the limiting function of bourgeois identity built on nationalisms – and that includes not just country states and language – but also industry, job, gender, race, ethnicity – and any limiting identity or character definition. the multiple user name / open login project is designed to do just this.
  12. Firstly we intervene on the General Intellect: by sharing identities we disrupt the surveillance of social media. tagging ourselves as Tae Ateh (or other shared identities) disrupts the facial recognition algorithms used to identify us. Different people around the world using a shared login also disrupts the algorithms used to predict and influence behaviour both online and offline.
  14. Secondly we manifest as the Human Species Being: by sharing our production we, as workers, become able to empathise more with each other. by sharing identity we can take on each others manners, habits, intimate thoughts and therefore transcend as well as share our own.
  16. Thirdly we expand as the Working Class: we can identify more with non-human workers – ie the means of production itself – namely the internet and technology that we are using and is being used to use us – capital used by capitalists can be reclaimed through our labour. Datamoshing, data bending and data moshing like the chaos acting on the perfektion of the computers. Since identities are Binaries and Hex codes, that put together makes reality. Or at least a digital version of it. The spectacle. The idea of moving some binaries some 1s and 0s from one place do another, in order to glitch identity and making it look chaotic, is like a Golden Apple from modernity. We’re going to show you the ways of data bending.
  20. instructions:
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  22. 1. login to account
  23. 2. change the profile pic
  24. 3. change the banner pic
  25. 4. check the chat mesages and join the conversations
  26. 5. post news articles relating to popular protest and organising in your area
  27. 6. tag yourself in pictures – not only pictures of people
  28. 7. change the name
  30. 8. change the language
  32. 9. create a social media or email and share the login details
  38. notes:
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  42. when you encounter a profile in a foreign language you are freed from the constraints of national language. you are free to click links at random or through a different language: icons, hypergraphics, visual language, emotional language, intutition, chance.
  43. when using / posting text please consider using translation site to translate your text into a different language. this way we can combat national consciousness and expand it to collective situational class consciousness
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