

Dec 23rd, 2012
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  1. Arena Classes
  2. Foot soldier (Not that kind): Generic class, available to any classification. Comes with copper armor, and an iron sword.
  3. Archer: Another generic class, availible to light or medium classes. Comes with minimal cloth armor, and an iron dagger.
  4. CLONES: Interestingly enough, these are races that have been cloned in the Emperor's genetic labs. Players can play 3 of these clones at a time. Due to a strange effect the Emperor can't figure out at the moment, each Clone can hear each others' thoughts, often the team being in perfect sync, but that comes at the price of the clones feeling each others' pain. For the time being, Clones are kind of weakish, so they're light class.
  5. Psyclones: Already covered
  6. PIKEMAN: A footsoldier class wielding a mighty pole weapon known as a pike. It's 10 feet long, and the Pikeman lacks a shield.
  7. BERSERKER: Holy Shit personified. A Beserker is a class based around any race that isn't a clone or psyclone variant. It wears but a simple loincloth, and is bristling with muscles, making it about 7 feet tall. It can wield only two things. A large hammer or a large axe.
  8. TBC
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