
Hugbox Chronicles Part 2

May 5th, 2012
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  1. >Take one of your mom's fluffy ponies down to be shaved
  2. >Sedative in full swing
  3. >Fluffy clings to you and babbles nonsense
  4. >Barber, who also helps with fluffy rescue operations comments on how good you are with fluffies
  5. >One day you get a call from her asking if you can adopt/foster one
  6. >Very timid stallion
  7. >Yet quite big
  8. >A coffee coloured fluffy with bright blue eyes
  9. >Eyes are perpetually crossed
  10. >Named 'Fuzzo' by the rescue agency
  11. >Chameleon isn't amused
  12. >She puffs out her cheeks and immediately sets out to corner this strange new fluffy
  13. >Baps him on the nose
  14. >Bites him
  15. >Calls him dumb
  16. >He whimpers and takes it
  17. >Won't come to you for help
  18. >Bedtime, you grab him and shoo Cammi away
  19. >Set him on your chest as you sleep
  20. >He doesn't move at all that night, but you can hear him whimpering
  22. >Day 2, he still hasn't eaten
  23. >Cammi still won't let up on him
  24. >Normal discipline hasn't worked
  25. >Consider that maybe Cammi just won't tolerate a second fluffy
  26. >She's cornered him again
  27. >You growl as you stand up, but what happens next shocks you
  28. >Fuzzo stands up and shouts 'Weave me AWONE!' and baps Cammi on the head
  29. >Cammi flops to her flank for a moment, dumbstruck
  30. >Then she squeals 'DAAAAA-DEEEEEE!' and comes running to you
  31. >You console your crying fluffy as your girlfriend picks up Fuzzo and tells him he's a good boy
  32. >He's relieved, and later that night he eats for the first time
  33. >Cammi later tries to stick her head under his nose in an attempt to get him to groom her
  34. >He concedes
  35. >Beta as fuck, but if they get along you don't care
  37. >One day, you come home to find a shredded comic book
  38. >Fuzzo is laying on it chewing absently
  39. >You howl with rage, and begin chasing him
  40. >He scrambles trying to get away, but you catch up to him as your temper dissappates
  41. >You roll him on his back and rub his chest saying 'Fight! Fight!'
  42. >He squeals at first, bucking at your arm and trying to push your hand away
  43. >Gradually, his squeals turn to giggles and snorts
  44. >He's now holding your arm
  45. >Eventually he's licking your fingers lazily as a calmness spreads over his big crossed eyes
  46. >'Fight fight' is his still his favourite game years later
  47. >Forgive him for the comic
  48. >Transformers IDW is a horrible comic anyways
  50. >Present day
  51. >Fuzzo sleeps with you at night, and loves both you and your now ex
  52. >Still quarrels with Cammi, but they can often be found cuddling
  53. >He's really shy around strangers
  54. >Always up for a game of 'fight fight' though
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