

Sep 9th, 2016
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  1. --[[
  2. Script created by Tocutoeltuco, and tested by Ultraspeedy
  3. Translate to EN: Ultraspeedy
  4. Translate to BR/PT: Bolodefchoco
  5. ]]
  7. loadXml=true--If you want, to load a XML first, put this option in true
  8. xml=''--XML here, between the two '
  10. if loadXml then
  11. tfm.exec.newGame(tostring(xml))
  12. end
  14. admin = "Yuir"
  16. tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true)
  17. tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true)
  19. function eventNewPlayer(playerName)
  20. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(playerName)
  21. end
  22. function eventPlayerDied(playerName)
  23. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(playerName)
  24. end
  25. function eventPlayerWon(playerName)
  26. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(playerName)
  27. end
  29. ui.addTextArea(2,"<a href='event:info'>Eventy</a>",admin,5,25,44,20,nil,0xBabd2f,0.7,true)
  30. ui.addTextArea(5,"<a href='event:neko'>Nekodancer</a>",admin,62,25,74,20,nil,0xBabd2f,0.7,true)
  32. function chooseHouse(event)
  33. if event=="info" then
  34. ui.addTextArea(3,"<p align='center'><ch>Menadżer Chatki Plemiennej (Module Event House) Stworzone przez Relisxx: \n<J><a href='event:k'>Mapa Karnawałowa </a><CH>| <j><a href='event:bn'>Boże Narodzenie </a><ch> | <j><a href='event:r'>Event Rybny </a><ch>| <j><a href='event:bh'>Bar Halloween</a><ch>| <j><a href='event:h'>Halloween </a><ch>| <j><a href='event:801'>Mapa 801</a> <ch>| <j><a href='event:m'>Wodospad</a><G> <ch>| <j><a href='event:plage'>Plaża</a><G> <ch>| <j><a href='event:jungle'>Dżungla</a><G> <ch>| <j><a href='event:nuages'>Niebo</a><G> \n<ch>| <j><a href='event:temple'>Jaskinia</a><G> <ch>| <j></a> <J><a href='event:f1'>Mapa Rybna 2012 (Ouake)</a> <ch>| <j><a href='event:h11'>Mapa Halloween 2012 (Ouake)</a> <ch>| <j><a href='event:tig'>Walentynki 2013 (Tigrounette)</a> <ch>| <j><a href='event:Ou2011'>Halloween 2011 (Ouake)</a></j></p>",admin,5,54,790,54,nil,n,n,true)
  35. ui.addTextArea(4,"<p align='center'><a href='event:zam'>Zamknij</a></p>",admin,5,120,790,20,nil,n,n,true)
  36. elseif event=="neko" then
  37. ui.addTextArea(3,"<p align='center'><ch>Menadżer Chatki Plemiennej (Module Event House) MAPY Z NEKODANCERA Stworzone przez Nicknamepll: \n<j><a href='event:nd1'>Nekodancer mapa 1</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd2'>Nekodancer mapa 2</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd3'>Nekodancer mapa 3</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd4'>Nekodancer mapa 4</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd5'>Nekodancer mapa 5</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd6'>Nekodancer mapa 6</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd7'>Nekodancer mapa 7</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd8'>Nekodancer mapa 8</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd9'>Nekodancer mapa 9</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd10'>Nekodancer mapa 10</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd11'>Nekodancer mapa 11</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd12'>Nekodancer mapa 12</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd13'>Nekodancer mapa 13</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd14'>Nekodancer mapa 14</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd15'>Nekodancer mapa 15</a><CH> | <j><a href='event:nd16'>Nekodancer mapa 16</a>",admin,5,54,790,84,nil,n,n,true)
  38. ui.addTextArea(4,"<p align='center'><a href='event:zam'>Zamknij</a></p>",admin,5,150,790,20,nil,n,n,true)
  39. elseif event=="zam" then
  40. ui.removeTextArea(3,nil)
  41. ui.removeTextArea(4,nil)
  42. elseif event=="tig" then
  43. tfm.exec.newGame([[@3607870]])
  44. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<J>Tigrounette - <CH> Mapa Walentynkowa 2013")
  45. elseif event=="k" then
  46. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P L="1600" D="x_evenements/x_carnaval2014.jpg" mc="" /><Z><S><S L="140" o="324650" X="130" H="40" Y="345" T="12" m="" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S c="2" L="10" o="31324f" X="65" H="110" Y="310" T="12" m="" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S c="2" L="10" o="31324f" X="195" H="110" Y="310" T="12" m="" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="19cbba" X="55" H="70" Y="360" T="12" m="" P="1,0,0,0.2,90,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="19cbba" X="205" H="70" Y="360" T="12" m="" P="1,0,0,0.2,-90,0,0,0" /><S Y="280" L="140" o="324650" X="130" H="10" N="" i="-30,-30," T="12" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S Y="360" L="20" o="324650" X="30" H="10" N="" i="-20,-20," T="13" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S Y="360" L="20" o="324650" X="230" H="10" N="" i="-20,-20," T="13" P="1,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="300" X="149" Y="390" T="0" H="20" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="400" H="20" Y="390" T="0" X="1402" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-50,0,0,0" L="400" H="20" Y="355" T="0" X="544" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,50,0,0,0" L="400" X="950" Y="355" T="0" H="20" /></S><D><DS Y="311" X="118" /><DC Y="260" X="120" /><F Y="312" X="1488" /><T Y="316" X="1589" /></D><O><O C="14" Y="360" P="0" X="30" /><O C="14" Y="280" P="0" X="195" /><O C="14" Y="330" P="0" X="195" /><O C="14" Y="280" P="0" X="65" /><O C="14" Y="330" P="0" X="65" /><O C="14" Y="360" P="0" X="65" /><O C="14" Y="360" P="0" X="85" /><O C="14" Y="360" P="0" X="175" /><O C="14" Y="360" P="0" X="195" /><O C="14" Y="360" P="0" X="230" /></O></Z></C>');
  47. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<J>Unstealshacke - <CH>Mapa Karnawałowa 2014 ")
  48. elseif event=="w" then
  49. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<J>Unsteakhache - <CH> Mapa Walentynkowa<g> | <n>Twórca: <v>Relisxx")
  50. elseif event=="bn" then
  51. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P D="x_evenements/x_fondNowel2013.jpg" /><Z><S><S Y="397" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" o="12bd94" m="" X="400" H="25" /><S Y="361" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="125" o="12bd94" m="" X="254" H="25" /><S Y="361" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="300" o="12bd94" m="" X="136" H="60" /><S Y="201" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" m="" X="-10" H="400" /><S Y="201" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" m="" X="811" H="400" /><S Y="372" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="125" o="12bd94" m="" X="284" H="25" /><S Y="385" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="125" o="12bd94" m="" X="312" H="25" /><S Y="316" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="140" o="12bd94" m="" X="495" H="10" /><S Y="210" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-70,0,0,0" L="160" o="12bd94" m="" X="233" H="10" /><S Y="212" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-70,0,0,0" L="160" o="12bd94" m="" X="249" H="10" /><S Y="187" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="170" o="12bd94" m="" X="80" H="10" /><S Y="135" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="560" o="12bd94" m="" X="536" H="10" /><S Y="108" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" m="" X="422" H="40" /><S Y="120" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" m="" X="365" H="40" /><S Y="115" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" m="" X="656" H="40" /><S Y="107" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" m="" X="752" H="50" /><S Y="119" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.8,0,0,0,0" L="90" o="12bd94" m="" X="705" H="40" /><S Y="-9" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,90,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" m="" X="404" H="900" /></S><D><T Y="329" X="91" /><DS Y="317" X="89" /></D><O /></Z></C>')
  52. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<J>Unsteakhache - <CH> Mapa 801<g> | <n>Twórca: <v>Relisxx")
  53. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P APS="x_evenements/x_fondSVb.png,0,940,0,800,400" L="1660" D="x_evenements/x_fondSVa.jpg" d="x_evenements/x_fondSVc.png" /><Z><S><S Y="201" T="12" P="0,0,0,0.2,90,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" m="" X="-4" H="10" /><S Y="390" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="200" o="12bd94" m="" X="101" H="20" /><S Y="403" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="310" o="12bd94" m="" X="354" H="20" /><S Y="389" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" m="" X="706" H="20" /><S Y="401" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="720" o="12bd94" m="" X="1300" H="20" /><S Y="390" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" m="" X="497" H="10" /><S Y="393" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" m="" X="210" H="10" /><S Y="390" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,15,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" m="" X="927" H="10" /><S Y="241" T="9" P="0,0,,,,0,0,0" L="57" m="" X="1630" H="300" /><S Y="265" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="850" o="12bd94" m="" X="1174" H="10" /><S Y="148" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="850" o="12bd94" m="" X="1176" H="10" /><S Y="201" T="12" P="0,0,0,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="420" o="12bd94" m="" X="1664" H="10" /><S Y="-10" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0,0,0,0,0" L="720" o="12bd94" m="" X="1309" H="20" /><S Y="273" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" m="" X="629" H="10" /><S Y="214" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="565" H="10" /><S Y="66" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="280" o="12bd94" m="" X="266" H="10" /><S Y="218" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,90,0,0,0" L="200" o="12bd94" m="" X="429" H="10" /></S><D><DS Y="362" X="89" /><P Y="143" T="68" X="844" P="0,0" /><P Y="142" T="67" X="801" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="67" X="890" P="0,1" /><P Y="259" T="68" X="850" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="68" X="1017" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="68" X="1182" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="68" X="1334" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="68" X="1507" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="68" X="1513" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="68" X="1339" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="68" X="1174" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="68" X="1019" P="0,0" /><P Y="390" T="68" X="1115" P="0,0" /><P Y="389" T="68" X="1285" P="0,0" /><P Y="391" T="68" X="1459" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="809" P="0,0" /><P Y="143" T="67" X="975" P="0,0" /><P Y="144" T="67" X="1137" P="0,0" /><P Y="144" T="67" X="1290" P="0,0" /><P Y="144" T="67" X="1464" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="971" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="1131" P="0,0" /><P Y="259" T="67" X="1296" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="1468" P="0,0" /><P Y="391" T="67" X="1415" P="0,0" /><P Y="390" T="67" X="1240" P="0,0" /><P Y="391" T="67" X="1070" P="0,0" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="894" P="0,1" /><P Y="390" T="67" X="1504" P="0,1" /><P Y="391" T="67" X="1331" P="0,1" /><P Y="390" T="67" X="1160" P="0,1" /><P Y="144" T="67" X="1552" P="0,1" /><P Y="144" T="67" X="1380" P="0,1" /><P Y="143" T="67" X="1230" P="0,1" /><P Y="143" T="67" X="1063" P="0,1" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="1063" P="0,1" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="1220" P="0,1" /><P Y="260" T="67" X="1387" P="0,1" /><P Y="259" T="67" X="1558" P="0,1" /></D><O><O C="22" Y="282" X="1108" P="0" /></O></Z></C>')
  54. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<J>Unstealshake - <CH> Mapa Boże Narodzenie<g> | <n>Twórca: <v>Relisxx")
  55. elseif event=="r" then
  56. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P D="x_fondpeche1.jpg" d="x_fondpeche2.png" L="3600" /><Z><S><S Y="390" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="180" o="12bd94" m="" X="91" H="20" /><S Y="287" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="130" o="12bd94" m="" X="333" H="10" /><S Y="216" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" m="" X="314" H="10" /><S Y="199" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" m="" X="91" H="10" /><S Y="125" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="200" o="12bd94" m="" X="548" H="10" /><S Y="388" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="1000" o="12bd94" m="" X="1308" H="25" /><S Y="200" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" m="" X="3601" H="10" /><S Y="201" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,90,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" m="" X="0" H="10" /><S Y="360" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="170" o="12bd94" m="" X="362" H="10" /><S Y="300" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" m="" X="1012" H="10" /><S Y="270" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="90" o="12bd94" m="" X="1684" H="10" /><S Y="61" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" m="" X="1515" H="10" /><S Y="48" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" m="" X="1409" H="10" /><S Y="173" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" m="" X="1806" H="10" /><S Y="166" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" m="" X="1833" H="10" /><S Y="135" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="1866" H="10" /><S Y="150" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="1896" H="10" /><S Y="145" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="1943" H="10" /><S Y="145" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="1981" H="10" /><S Y="149" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="2036" H="10" /><S Y="156" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="2076" H="10" /><S Y="62" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" m="" X="1943" H="10" /><S Y="132" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" m="" X="1734" H="10" /><S Y="236" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,90,0,0,0" L="150" o="12bd94" m="" X="2101" H="10" /><S Y="278" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" m="" X="2454" H="10" /><S Y="179" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="270" o="12bd94" m="" X="2746" H="40" /><S Y="145" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="300" o="12bd94" m="" X="2972" H="40" /><S Y="106" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,90,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" m="" X="3107" H="30" /><S Y="69" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" m="" X="3145" H="30" /><S Y="44" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" m="" X="3203" H="30" /><S Y="67" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="110" o="12bd94" m="" X="2579" H="10" /><S Y="273" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="200" o="12bd94" m="" X="3279" H="10" /><S Y="99" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" m="" X="3529" H="10" /><S Y="314" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-15,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="723" H="10" /><S Y="388" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="1000" o="12bd94" m="" X="2529" H="25" /><S Y="396" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="300" o="12bd94" m="" X="1910" H="25" /><S Y="388" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="600" o="12bd94" m="" X="3306" H="25" /><S Y="388" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="300" o="12bd94" m="" X="720" H="25" /></S><D><DS Y="358" X="1460" /><DC Y="247" X="1683" /></D><O /></Z></C>');
  57. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<J>Unstealshake - <CH> Mapa Rybna<g> | <n>Twórca: <v>Relisxx")
  58. elseif event=="bh" then
  59. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P Ca="" DS="y;362" D="x_evenements/x_fondHalloweenMap2.jpg" /><Z><S><S Y="390" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" o="12bd94" m="" X="400" H="25" /><S Y="200" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" m="" X="-10" H="20" /><S Y="200" T="12" P="0,0,0,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" m="" X="810" H="20" /><S Y="231" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="27" H="10" /><S Y="221" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" m="" X="61" H="10" /><S Y="221" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" m="" X="153" H="10" /><S Y="223" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" m="" X="237" H="10" /><S Y="223" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" m="" X="332" H="10" /><S Y="222" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" m="" X="398" H="10" /><S Y="222" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" m="" X="491" H="10" /><S Y="231" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" m="" X="517" H="10" /><S Y="197" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="468" H="10" /><S Y="198" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="308" H="10" /><S Y="196" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="130" H="10" /><S Y="195" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="84" H="10" /><S Y="198" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="261" H="10" /><S Y="197" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="421" H="10" /><S Y="114" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="150" o="12bd94" m="" X="531" H="10" /><S Y="231" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" m="" X="194" H="10" /><S Y="284" T="12" P="0,0,20,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="140" o="12bd94" m="" X="733" H="110" /><S Y="222" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="110" o="12bd94" m="" X="741" H="110" /><S Y="150" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="110" o="12bd94" m="" X="747" H="120" /><S Y="231" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" m="" X="366" H="10" /><S Y="115" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="325" o="12bd94" m="" X="245" H="10" /><S Y="-4" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="840" o="12bd94" m="" X="400" H="25" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>');
  60. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<J>Unstealshake - <CH> Mapa Bar Halloween<g> | <n>Twórca: <v>Relisxx")
  61. elseif event=="h" then
  62. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P L="3000" H="734" DS="m;175,680,2961,696,2017,221" D="x_evenements/x_fondHalloween.jpg" d="x_evenements/x_fondHalloween2.png" /><Z><S><S L="1070" o="12bd94" X="1330" H="25" Y="710" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="734" o="12bd94" X="3005" H="20" Y="368" T="12" m="" P="0,0,20,0.2,-90,0,0,0" /><S L="734" o="12bd94" X="0" H="10" Y="367" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,90,0,0,0" /><S L="580" o="12bd94" X="2421" H="10" Y="398" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="1000" o="12bd94" X="2394" H="10" Y="481" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="50" o="12bd94" X="1871" H="25" Y="697" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" /><S L="800" o="12bd94" X="396" H="25" Y="710" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="70" o="12bd94" X="1932" H="25" Y="705" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,40,0,0,0" /><S L="30" o="12bd94" X="1900" H="25" Y="686" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="1070" o="12bd94" X="2480" H="25" Y="725" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="80" o="12bd94" X="2020" H="10" Y="633" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="80" o="12bd94" X="2258" H="10" Y="597" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="150" o="12bd94" X="2443" H="20" Y="659" T="12" m="" P="0,0,1,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="400" o="12bd94" X="2833" H="10" Y="583" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-28,0,0,0" /><S L="170" o="12bd94" X="2445" H="10" Y="603" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="240" o="12bd94" X="2416" H="10" Y="326" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2768" H="10" Y="441" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2672" H="10" Y="356" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2733" H="10" Y="336" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2791" H="10" Y="314" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2850" H="10" Y="296" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2904" H="10" Y="274" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2958" H="10" Y="256" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2903" H="10" Y="214" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="890" o="12bd94" X="2389" H="10" Y="244" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="160" o="12bd94" X="2850" H="10" Y="89" T="12" m="" P="0,0,20,0.2,-90,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2731" H="10" Y="181" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2790" H="10" Y="98" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2738" H="10" Y="59" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2606" H="10" Y="129" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2479" H="10" Y="73" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2430" H="10" Y="194" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="2305" H="10" Y="119" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="330" o="12bd94" X="2069" H="10" Y="142" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.0,0.2,22,0,0,0" /><S L="310" o="12bd94" X="2167" H="10" Y="67" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="70" o="12bd94" X="2324" H="10" Y="37" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" /><S L="50" o="12bd94" X="1893" H="10" Y="80" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="240" o="12bd94" X="1773" H="10" Y="147" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-35,0,0,0" /><S L="340" o="12bd94" X="1734" H="10" Y="475" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="150" o="12bd94" X="1545" H="40" Y="545" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-90,0,0,0" /><S L="120" o="12bd94" X="1546" H="20" Y="393" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="120" o="12bd94" X="1523" H="20" Y="344" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-70,0,0,0" /><S L="120" o="12bd94" X="1568" H="20" Y="341" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,60,0,0,0" /><S L="70" o="12bd94" X="1531" H="50" Y="264" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1107" H="20" Y="313" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1666" H="10" Y="213" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-5,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="1898" H="260" Y="211" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="100" o="12bd94" X="995" H="20" Y="374" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-20,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="648" H="20" Y="486" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="695" o="12bd94" X="2667" H="10" Y="-2" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="2077" H="10" Y="441" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" o="12bd94" X="602" H="10" Y="429" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="100" o="12bd94" X="430" H="20" Y="504" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-20,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1028" H="20" Y="496" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1167" H="20" Y="413" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1286" H="20" Y="481" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1427" H="20" Y="495" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="695" o="12bd94" X="2134" H="10" Y="-1" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="80" o="12bd94" X="1899" H="10" Y="514" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="1899" H="10" Y="551" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="40" o="12bd94" X="85" H="10" Y="662" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /></S><D /><O><O X="1027" C="22" Y="471" P="0" /><O X="1167" C="22" Y="387" P="0" /><O X="1285" C="22" Y="455" P="0" /><O X="1425" C="22" Y="469" P="0" /><O X="1108" C="22" Y="282" P="0" /><O X="982" C="22" Y="346" P="0" /><O X="1682" C="22" Y="184" P="0" /><O X="1727" C="22" Y="153" P="0" /><O X="2276" C="22" Y="45" P="0" /><O C="22" Y="45" P="0" X="2301" /><O C="22" Y="25" P="0" X="2399" /><O P="0" C="22" Y="37" X="2424" /><O C="22" Y="29" X="2375" P="0" /><O C="22" Y="100" X="2306" P="0" /><O X="2606" C="22" Y="105" P="0" /><O X="2479" C="22" Y="50" P="0" /><O X="2738" C="22" Y="36" P="0" /><O X="2876" C="22" Y="38" P="0" /><O X="2370" C="22" Y="304" P="0" /><O X="2469" C="22" Y="304" P="0" /><O X="2422" C="22" Y="373" P="0" /><O X="2420" C="22" Y="449" P="0" /><O X="2444" C="22" Y="560" P="0" /><O X="2274" C="22" Y="580" P="0" /><O X="551" C="22" Y="649" P="0" /><O X="866" C="22" Y="648" P="0" /><O X="1276" C="22" Y="651" P="0" /><O X="120" C="22" Y="518" P="0" /><O X="418" C="22" Y="476" P="0" /><O X="140" C="22" Y="518" P="0" /><O X="120" C="22" Y="533" P="0" /><O X="140" C="22" Y="533" P="0" /><O X="603" C="22" Y="411" P="0" /><O X="1900" C="22" Y="650" P="0" /><O X="1615" C="22" Y="450" P="0" /><O X="2080" C="22" Y="416" P="0" /><O X="2533" C="22" Y="220" P="0" /><O X="1941" C="22" Y="62" P="0" /><O X="648" C="22" Y="456" P="0" /><O X="388" C="22" Y="486" P="0" /><O X="442" C="22" Y="467" P="0" /><O X="960" C="22" Y="355" P="0" /><O X="2349" C="22" Y="37" P="0" /></O></Z></C>');
  63. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<J>Unsteakhache - <CH> Mapa Halloween<g> | <n>Twórca: <v>Relisxx")
  64. elseif event=="801" then
  65. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P D="x_transformice/x_salon801/x_place.jpg,1600,400,x_transformice/x_salon801/x_jardin1.jpg,800,400,x_transformice/x_salon801/x_bar.jpg,2400,400,x_transformice/x_salon801/x_jardin2.jpg,0,400,x_transformice/x_salon801/x_resto.jpg,2400,0,x_transformice/x_salon801/x_pont.jpg,1600,0,x_transformice/x_salon801/x_sona.jpg,800,0,x_transformice/x_salon801/x_ciel.jpg,0,0" H="800" L="3200" APS="x_transformice/x_salon801/x_av_jardin.png,1,0,0,0,0,0,608;x_transformice/x_salon801/x_ap_cabane.png,0,2182,0,581,271,2165,0;x_transformice/x_salon801/x_ap_cabane2.png,0,1515,46,275,181,1472,38;x_transformice/x_salon801/x_av_sona.png,1,0,0,0,0,859,0" /><Z><S><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="200" o="12bd94" X="1739" H="25" Y="788" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="800" o="12bd94" X="-9" H="20" Y="400" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="800" o="12bd94" X="3210" H="20" Y="401" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="2037" H="10" Y="708" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="300" o="12bd94" X="1988" H="25" Y="799" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="280" o="12bd94" X="2276" H="25" Y="786" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-20,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="2121" H="10" Y="785" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,20,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="1855" H="10" Y="786" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="230" o="12bd94" X="2213" H="10" Y="664" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="2191" H="10" Y="549" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="2358" H="10" Y="548" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="160" o="12bd94" X="1718" H="10" Y="608" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="65" o="12bd94" X="1705" H="10" Y="547" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,38,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="1794" H="10" Y="476" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="1877" H="10" Y="519" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-62,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="2095" H="10" Y="523" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="65" o="12bd94" X="1827" H="10" Y="706" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-18,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="2455" H="25" Y="774" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="260" o="12bd94" X="2629" H="25" Y="760" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2596" H="10" Y="712" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2674" H="10" Y="712" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="25" o="12bd94" X="2635" H="10" Y="704" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="25" o="12bd94" X="2638" H="10" Y="522" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="25" o="12bd94" X="2938" H="10" Y="520" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="25" o="12bd94" X="3075" H="10" Y="521" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2568" H="10" Y="529" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="280" o="12bd94" X="2648" H="10" Y="569" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2601" H="10" Y="529" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2678" H="10" Y="529" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2711" H="10" Y="529" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2897" H="10" Y="529" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2977" H="10" Y="529" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="3036" H="10" Y="529" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="3115" H="10" Y="529" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="290" o="12bd94" X="2998" H="10" Y="569" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="2770" H="25" Y="773" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="430" o="12bd94" X="3002" H="25" Y="788" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2821" H="10" Y="740" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2856" H="10" Y="740" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="200" o="12bd94" X="3039" H="10" Y="719" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,,,,0,0,0" L="60" X="3172" H="420" Y="579" T="9" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-55,0,0,0" L="175" o="12bd94" X="2807" H="10" Y="638" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="2483" H="285" Y="543" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="350" o="12bd94" X="2333" H="10" Y="401" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="730" o="12bd94" X="2778" H="10" Y="385" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2590" H="10" Y="344" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2677" H="10" Y="344" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2732" H="10" Y="344" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2821" H="10" Y="344" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2878" H="10" Y="344" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2968" H="10" Y="344" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="3020" H="10" Y="344" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="3109" H="10" Y="344" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="2635" H="10" Y="335" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="2779" H="10" Y="335" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="2927" H="10" Y="335" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="3069" H="10" Y="335" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="1684" H="10" Y="398" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="3165" H="10" Y="203" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="2514" H="10" Y="333" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="2484" H="10" Y="321" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,60,0,0,0" L="95" o="12bd94" X="2446" H="10" Y="267" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="230" o="12bd94" X="2312" H="10" Y="229" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-45,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" X="2328" H="10" Y="168" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="110" o="12bd94" X="2405" H="10" Y="144" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="90" o="12bd94" X="2228" H="10" Y="158" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="2410" H="10" Y="124" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" X="2455" H="10" Y="140" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="250" o="12bd94" X="2326" H="10" Y="53" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-70,0,0,0" L="90" o="12bd94" X="2186" H="10" Y="91" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,60,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" X="2179" H="10" Y="146" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" X="2218" H="10" Y="141" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2194" H="10" Y="134" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2242" H="10" Y="134" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-15,0,0,0" L="90" o="12bd94" X="2162" H="10" Y="248" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="90" o="12bd94" X="2076" H="10" Y="268" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="90" o="12bd94" X="1988" H="10" Y="277" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="90" o="12bd94" X="1904" H="10" Y="271" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" X="1789" H="10" Y="237" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="1717" H="10" Y="223" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-6,0,0,0" L="210" o="12bd94" X="1564" H="10" Y="227" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-35,0,0,0" L="30" o="12bd94" X="2188" H="10" Y="236" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-20,0,0,0" L="70" o="12bd94" X="2487" H="10" Y="102" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2526" H="10" Y="91" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,37,0,0,0" L="70" o="12bd94" X="2562" H="10" Y="111" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2632" H="10" Y="154" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="2696" H="10" Y="136" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="150" o="12bd94" X="2935" H="10" Y="159" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,20,0,0,0" L="20" o="12bd94" X="1675" H="10" Y="219" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="270" o="12bd94" X="1338" H="10" Y="238" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="60" o="12bd94" X="1278" H="10" Y="217" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-40,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="1176" H="10" Y="262" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="220" o="12bd94" X="1052" H="10" Y="278" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="909" H="10" Y="250" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,,,,0,0,0" L="300" X="1049" H="50" Y="258" T="9" /><S m="" P="0,0,2,0.2,-3,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="870" H="200" Y="69" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="985" H="10" Y="119" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-20,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="1078" H="10" Y="95" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="430" o="12bd94" X="1424" H="25" Y="781" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,20,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="1655" H="10" Y="780" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,100,0,0,0" L="65" o="12bd94" X="1569" H="10" Y="699" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="1571" H="10" Y="668" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-40,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="1627" H="10" Y="618" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,10,0.2,110,0,0,0" L="150" o="12bd94" X="1600" H="10" Y="510" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,-41,0,0,0" L="200" o="12bd94" X="1519" H="10" Y="468" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,2,0.2,20,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="1173" H="10" Y="673" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,2,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="1169" H="10" Y="751" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,2,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="1079" H="10" Y="718" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,2,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="984" H="10" Y="718" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,2,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="893" H="10" Y="751" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,2,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="1085" H="10" Y="649" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,2,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="988" H="10" Y="648" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,2,0.2,-20,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="898" H="10" Y="672" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="430" o="12bd94" X="635" H="25" Y="782" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="447" H="10" Y="753" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="360" o="12bd94" X="235" H="10" Y="735" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="62" H="170" Y="651" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="430" o="12bd94" X="211" H="25" Y="784" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,1,0.2,-7,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="183" H="10" Y="542" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,1,0.2,6,0,0,0" L="220" o="12bd94" X="341" H="10" Y="547" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="235" H="80" Y="454" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,10,-30,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="188" H="40" Y="401" T="12" /></S><D><DS Y="771" X="1930" /></D><O /></Z></C>');
  67. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<J>Unsteakhache - <CH> Mapa 801<g> | <n>Twórca: <v>Relisxx")
  69. elseif event=="f1" then
  70. tfm.exec.newGame([[@4332508]])
  71. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<J>Ouake - <CH> Mapa Fishing 2012<g> | <n>Twórca: <v>Relisxx")
  72. elseif event=="h11" then
  73. tfm.exec.newGame([[@4332385]])
  74. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<J>Ouake - <CH> Halloween 2012<g> | <n>Twórca: <v>Relisxx")
  75. elseif event=="m" then
  76. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_montagne.jpg" d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_montagne2.png" /><Z><S><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="-5" H="400" Y="200" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,20,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="46" H="10" Y="66" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="121" H="10" Y="107" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,60,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="169" H="10" Y="165" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="216" H="10" Y="207" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,60,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="270" H="10" Y="241" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-40,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="468" H="10" Y="249" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="559" H="10" Y="168" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-70,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="500" H="10" Y="219" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-50,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="627" H="10" Y="118" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="708" H="10" Y="90" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="728" H="10" Y="65" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-60,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="754" H="10" Y="42" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="806" H="400" Y="200" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="461" H="10" Y="353" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="379" H="10" Y="361" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="304" H="10" Y="358" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="212" H="10" Y="349" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,90,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="22" H="10" Y="315" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="689" H="10" Y="93" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="660" H="10" Y="92" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="58" H="10" Y="374" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-20,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="123" H="10" Y="365" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="550" H="10" Y="346" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,20,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="638" H="10" Y="362" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="691" H="10" Y="363" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-80,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="769" H="10" Y="317" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="70" o="12bd94" X="371" H="10" Y="319" T="12" /></S><D><DS Y="148" X="558" /></D><O /></Z></C>');
  77. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Fishing mapa 1.")
  78. elseif event=="plage" then
  79. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_plage.jpg" d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_plage2.png" /><Z><S><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="-5" H="400" Y="200" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="51" H="10" Y="311" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-40,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="335" H="10" Y="248" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-40,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="176" H="10" Y="352" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-40,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="130" H="10" Y="392" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="40" H="10" Y="401" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="473" H="10" Y="178" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-33,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="396" H="10" Y="204" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-5,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="639" H="10" Y="161" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="692" H="10" Y="140" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="709" H="10" Y="140" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="806" H="400" Y="200" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" X="449" H="10" Y="313" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-20,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="228" H="10" Y="320" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="649" H="10" Y="151" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="761" H="10" Y="399" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="95" H="10" Y="402" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="667" H="10" Y="324" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="704" H="10" Y="351" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="736" H="10" Y="380" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,70,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="446" H="10" Y="109" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,70,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="431" H="10" Y="62" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,60,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="413" H="10" Y="21" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="381" H="10" Y="3" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="328" H="10" Y="6" T="12" /></S><D><DS Y="290" X="67" /></D><O /></Z></C>')
  80. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Fishing mapa 2.")
  81. elseif event=="jungle" then
  82. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_jungle.jpg" d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_jungle2.png" /><Z><S><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="-5" H="400" Y="200" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="40" H="10" Y="117" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="127" H="10" Y="132" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="204" H="10" Y="148" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,20,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="279" H="10" Y="168" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="341" H="10" Y="204" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="408" H="10" Y="226" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="557" H="10" Y="213" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-70,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="501" H="10" Y="279" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-40,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="636" H="10" Y="160" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-70,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="679" H="10" Y="114" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="708" H="10" Y="93" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-50,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="745" H="10" Y="75" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="806" H="400" Y="200" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-30,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="450" H="10" Y="331" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="360" H="10" Y="358" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="267" H="10" Y="367" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="194" H="10" Y="359" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-90,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="159" H="10" Y="342" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="113" H="10" Y="328" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-110,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="56" H="10" Y="302" T="12" /></S><D><DS Y="98" X="50" /></D><O /></Z></C>')
  83. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Fishing mapa 3.")
  84. elseif event=="nuages" then
  85. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_nuages2.png" D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_nuages.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="-5" H="400" Y="200" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="19" H="10" Y="108" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="62" H="10" Y="134" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="118" H="10" Y="157" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="178" H="10" Y="201" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,30,0,0,0" L="80" o="12bd94" X="243" H="10" Y="240" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="360" H="10" Y="224" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-20,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="531" H="10" Y="194" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="443" H="10" Y="216" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-15,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="623" H="10" Y="164" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-40,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="730" H="10" Y="137" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="773" H="10" Y="120" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="806" H="400" Y="200" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="323" H="10" Y="268" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="395" H="10" Y="276" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="692" H="10" Y="152" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="627" H="10" Y="378" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="150" o="12bd94" X="732" H="10" Y="395" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="441" H="10" Y="286" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="480" H="10" Y="298" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="510" H="10" Y="319" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="543" H="10" Y="339" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="579" H="10" Y="358" T="12" /></S><D><DS Y="358" X="636" /></D><O /></Z></C>');
  86. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Fishing mapa 4.")
  87. elseif event=="temple" then
  88. tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P d="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_temple2.png" D="x_transformice/x_maps/x_peche2014/x_temple.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="-5" H="400" Y="200" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="132" H="10" Y="93" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="400" o="12bd94" X="566" H="10" Y="395" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="538" H="10" Y="108" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,5,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="685" H="10" Y="115" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="621" H="10" Y="106" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="578" H="10" Y="105" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="10" o="12bd94" X="806" H="400" Y="200" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,40,0,0,0" L="200" o="12bd94" X="62" H="10" Y="153" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="201" H="10" Y="90" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-110,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="725" H="10" Y="351" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-10,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="415" H="10" Y="98" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="271" H="10" Y="96" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,5,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="369" H="10" Y="101" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,10,0,0,0" L="50" o="12bd94" X="461" H="10" Y="99" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-40,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="764" H="10" Y="89" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,44,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="172" H="10" Y="250" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,34,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="245" H="10" Y="310" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0,0.2,34,0,0,0" L="100" o="12bd94" X="326" H="10" Y="366" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="235" H="10" Y="55" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-70,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="215" H="10" Y="74" T="12" /><S m="" P="0,0,0.5,0.2,-110,0,0,0" L="40" o="12bd94" X="255" H="10" Y="75" T="12" /></S><D><DS Y="73" X="134" /></D><O /></Z></C>');
  89. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Fishing mapa 5.")
  90. elseif event=="Ou2011" then
  91. tfm.exec.newGame([[@4334401]])
  92. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Ouake - <ch>Halloween 2011")
  93. ------------NEKODANCER
  94. elseif event=="nd1" then
  95. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_1.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  96. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 1")
  97. elseif event=="nd2" then
  98. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_2.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  99. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 2")
  100. elseif event=="nd3" then
  101. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_3.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  102. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 3")
  103. elseif event=="nd4" then
  104. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_4.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  105. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 4")
  106. elseif event=="nd5" then
  107. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_5.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  108. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 5")
  109. elseif event=="nd6" then
  110. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_6.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  111. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 6")
  112. elseif event=="nd7" then
  113. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_7.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  114. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 7")
  115. elseif event=="nd8" then
  116. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_8.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  117. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 8")
  118. elseif event=="nd9" then
  119. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_9.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  120. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 9")
  121. elseif event=="nd10" then
  122. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_10.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  123. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 10")
  124. elseif event=="nd11" then
  125. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_11.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  126. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 11")
  127. elseif event=="nd12" then
  128. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_12.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  129. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 12")
  130. elseif event=="nd13" then
  131. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_13.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  132. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 13")
  133. elseif event=="nd14" then
  134. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_14.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  135. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 14")
  136. elseif event=="nd15" then
  137. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_15.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  138. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 15")
  139. elseif event=="nd16" then
  140. tfm.exec.newGame([[<C><P D="x_nekodancer/x_mondes/x_16.jpg" /><Z><S><S m="" X="404" H="130" Y="421" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="800" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>]])
  141. tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Nekodancer mapa 16")
  143. end
  144. end
  146. function eventTextAreaCallback(id,playerName,event)
  147. if playerName==tostring(admin) then
  148. chooseHouse(event)
  149. end
  150. end
  152. can={Altercorp=true,Christouffe=true,Flipgraham=true,Meekoru=true,Sebaisseba=true,The_unspeakable=true,Jacobbbbbbb=true,__Goondad=true,Aewing=true,Bogkitty=true,Celeius=true,Denadir=true,Duckm0d=true,Fishfeathers=true,Hey_guys_its_nichole=true,Hinakagiyama=true,Hohojosco=true,Kalhyra=true,Kissyta=true,Lemodile=true,Littlemandi=true,Modexter=true,Modorex=true,Modquack=true,Momobelly=true,N_n=true,Noedles=true,Null=true,O_o=true,Pumahowl=true,Sharpiepoops=true,Sommersby=true,Sucarin=true,Sukelaci=true,V_v=true,W0lfmod=true,Warfenixkill=true,X_x=true,Eleniah=true,Killerlux=true,Korsakofff=true,Miwakiko=true,Mlledebby=true,Thallium=true,Thewav=true,M_m=true,Grastfetry=true,Jonasmaguinho=true,Kinhusdarsow=true,Kirbyfleur=true,Kookith=true,Littlemermaid=true,Modotts=true,Ninguem=true,Ottowch=true,Qtmari=true,The124c41another=true,Zoommod=true,Ratacp=true,Shyraa=true,Ultraspeedy=true,Yunowears=true,Doraemons=true,Piratearthur=true,Amaethon=true,Arhcies=true,Polat_alemdar=true,Satasma_baba_yorgun=true,Shebnem=true,Yikanantonwashington=true,Arleen=true,Finland=true,Hoyohoyowololowololo=true,Mesmera=true,Milkycoffee=true,Rekichan=true,Staszekowaty=true,X6_6=true,Jordypi=true,Souris_e68d=true,Shinyday=true,Tarmiii=true,Xiaojiemei=true,Mrslouzifer=true,Sweetphoenix=true,Bloodsyn=true,Calysis=true,Cheesuschrist=true,Describe=true,Evilsantah=true,Icewolfbob=true,Mervynpeake=true,O_e=true,Shamousey=true,Veralidaine=true,Vulli=true,Whiskypickle=true,Rainee=true,Tyyphoon=true,Nanjxyz=true,Otilea=true,Yuir=true}
  153. --If you aren't in the can list, put you with a comma (,) and your name (if you have a +, change it with __ (two _)), and a =true, for example, if your name is +Tigrounette, put: ,__Tigrounette=true
  154. mice={}
  155. images={}
  156. objects={}
  157. settings={
  158. ffa=false,
  159. fly=false,
  160. tp=false,
  161. tpall=false,
  162. spawn=false,
  163. speed=false,
  164. jump=false,
  165. coords=false,
  166. img="",
  167. imgp="",
  168. imgu="",
  169. imguu="",
  170. }
  171. tr={
  172. es={
  173. welcome="<V>[•]<rose> Bienvenido a una sala FunCorp, en las salas de FunCorp no cuentan las estadísticas (como el first, el queso), ¡Pero hay mucha diversión!</rose>",
  174. ffaOn="<VP>¡Ahora puedes lanzar cañones con la tecla <J>S<VP> o la tecla <J>↓<VP>!",
  175. ffaOff="<R>Ahora ya no puedes lanzar cañones :(",
  176. miceFfaOn="<VP>¡Diviértete lanzando cañones personalizados!",
  177. miceFfaOff="<VP>¡Diviértete lanzando cañones!",
  178. flyOn="<VP>¡Ahora puedes volar con la tecla espacio!",
  179. flyOff="<VP>Ahora no puedes volar :(",
  180. warning="ADVERTENCIA",
  181. vamp="<R>Argg... Ahora eres un vampiro ¡Vé a cazar ratoncitos!",
  182. respawn="<VP>¡Eres un muerto viviente!",
  183. jumpOn="<VP>¡Ahora tienes supersalto!",
  184. jumpOff="<R>Ahora tienes un salto normal :(",
  185. modLanguage="Modera tu lenguaje.",
  186. snow="<VP>¡Guerra de nieve!",
  187. speedOn="<VP>Bhm... Bhm... ¡Ahora tienes supervelocidad! ¡Apreta la tecla <VI>X</VI>!",
  188. speedOff="<R>¿Un poco cansado? Uff... Tómate un descanso de la supervelocidad",
  189. discoOn="<VP>¡<V>D<R>I<BV>S<BL>C<N>O <VI>T<ROSE>I<CH>M<G>E<J>! <T>¡</T>P</J>a</G>r</CH>t</ROSE>y</VI> h</N>a</BL>r</BV>d</R>!</V>",
  190. discoOff="<R>",
  191. imgU="<VP>¡Prepárate para ser un ratón personalizado!",
  192. admins={
  193. warned="<V>%s</V> ha advertido a %s por<R>%s",
  194. warnedSystem="El sistema ha advertido a %s por decir %s",
  195. funCorpEnter="El FunCorp <V>%s</V> ha entrado a la sala",
  196. funCorpLeave="El FunCorp <V>%s</V> ha salido de la sala",
  197. tpAllOn="<V>%s</V> se ha activado el tpall.",
  198. tpAllOff="<V>%s</V> se ha desactivado el tpall.",
  199. filtroOn="<V>%s</V> ha activado el filtro.",
  200. filtroOff="<V>%s</V> ha desactivado el filtro.",
  201. jumpAllOn="<V>%s</V> ha activado el supersalto para todos.",
  202. jumpAllOff="<V>%s</V> ha desactivado el supersalto para todos.",
  203. jumpOn="<V>%s</V> ha activado el supersalto para %s",
  204. jumpOff="<V>%s</V> ha desactivado el supersalto para %s",
  205. speedAllOn="<V>%s</V> ha activado la supervelocidad para todos.",
  206. speedAllOff="<V>%s</V> ha desactivado la supervelocidad para todos.",
  207. speedOn="<V>%s</V> ha activado la supervelocidad para %s",
  208. speedOff="<V>%s</V> ha desactivado la supervelocidad para %s",
  209. spawnObjectImage="<V>%s</V> ha invocado un objeto de chamán (ID LUA %s) (ID %s) en las coordenadas X: %s Y: %s con la imagen %s",
  210. spawnObject="<V>%s</V> ha invocado un objeto de chamán (ID LUA %s) (ID %s) en las coordenadas X: %s Y: %s",
  211. pwOn="<V>%s</V> ha cambiado la contraseña de la sala a <V>%s",
  212. pwOff="<V>%s</V> ha quitado la contraseña de la sala.",
  213. customSnow="<V>%s</V> ha activado la nieve durante %d segundos.",
  214. snow="<V>%s</V> ha activado la nieve durante 60 segundos.",
  215. discoOn="<V>%s</V> ha activado el disco.",
  216. discoOff="<V>%s</V> ha desactivado el disco.",
  217. funCorpMessage="<V>%s</V> ha enviado un mensaje como \"<font color='#E68D43'>FunCorp</font>\".",
  218. addImage="<V>%s</V> ha puesto la imagen (ID LUA %s) %s con el formato de %s",
  219. removeImage="<V>%s</V> ha quitado la imagen de la ID %s",
  220. ffaOnAll="<V>%s</V> ha activado el FFA para todos.",
  221. ffaOffAll="<V>%s</V> ha desactivado el FFA para todos.",
  222. ffaOnUser="<V>%s</V> ha activado el FFA para %s",
  223. ffaOffUser="<V>%s</V> ha desactivado el FFA para %s",
  224. flyOnAll="<V>%s</V> ha activado el FLY para todos.",
  225. flyOffAll="<V>%s</V> ha desactivado el FLY para todos.",
  226. flyOnUser="<V>%s</V> ha activado el FLY para %s",
  227. flyOffUser="<V>%s</V> ha desactivado el FLY para %s",
  228. vampAll="<V>%s</V> ha hecho vampiro a todos.",
  229. vampUser="<V>%s</V> ha hecho vampiro a %s",
  230. killAll="<V>%s</V> ha matado a todos.",
  231. killUser="<V>%s</V> ha matado a %s",
  232. map="<V>%s</V> ha cambiado el mapa a %d",
  233. respawnAll="<V>%s</V> ha respawneado a todos.",
  234. respawnUser="<V>%s</V> ha respawneado a %s",
  235. infiniteTime="<V>%s</V> ha hecho el tiempo infinito.",
  236. setTime="<V>%s</V> ha cambiado el tiempo a %d",
  237. help=[[<V>[•]<N> Ayuda del script
  238. <VP>!funchat MENSAJE</VP> -- Escribe en el chat privado de FunCorps
  239. <VP>!snow SEGUNDOS</VP> -- Hace nevar
  240. <VP>!disco</VP> -- Cambia el color de nombre de cada ratón cada un corto tiempo
  241. <VP>!warn NOMBRE MENSAJE</VP> -- Advierte a un usuario
  242. <VP>!msg MENSAJE</VP> -- Manda un mensaje al chat como [FunCorp]
  243. <VP>!image ID IMAGEN X Y VALOR</VP> -- Pone una imagen en el mapa, ID es el valor al cual se llamará para quitar la imagen, IMAGEN es el link de la imagen (usa solo lo que va después de la /, ejemplo: si el link es, tienes que poner 1548703e16a.jpg), X es la posición horizontal a partir del punto 0 (si la X es 5, y la imagen está puesta para un jugador, es 5px en X, a partir del punto 0 del ratón, el centro), la Y es la posición vertical a partir del punto 0, VALOR es el valor de la imagen (_ es Z, ! es adelante del todo, ? es atrás del todo, & es como _, pero se queda según tu movimiento, $ es una imagen arriba del ratón, pero con su sprite y % es una imagen arriba del ratón, pero sin su sprite), si el valor es _ o &, tienes que poner la Z, por ejemplo: _1 o &2, si es ! o ? tienes que poner 1, por ejemplo: !1 o ?1, y si es $ o % es un nombre de ratón, como $Tocutoeltuco o %Ultraspeedy.
  244. <VP>!removeimage ID</VP> -- Quita la imagen con la id seleccionada
  245. <VP>!ffa NOMBRE ON/OFF</VP> -- Activa/desactiva el ffa
  246. <VP>!imgffa [link]</VP> -- Cambia la skin del cañón del FFA (LINK: opcional, cambia la skin)
  247. <VP>!fly NOMBRE ON/OFF</VP> -- Activa/desactiva el fly
  248. <VP>!vamp NOMBRE</VP> -- Hace vampiro a alguien
  249. <VP>!kill NOMBRE</VP> -- Mata a alguien
  250. <VP>!respawn NOMBRE</VP> -- Respawnea a alguien
  251. <VP>!time INF/SEGUNDOS</VP> -- Cambia el tiempo del mapa
  252. <VP>!help</VP> -- Te envía este mensaje
  253. <VP>!map MAPA</VP> -- Cambia el mapa actual (si pones una "@", será aleatorio, incluso si pones "@0", pero si pones "0" se pondrá el mapa 0
  254. <VP>!tpall</VP> -- Te activa/desactiva la opción de que si haces click teletransportes a todos los de la sala
  255. <VP>!spawn ID OID X Y IMAGEN</VP> -- ID, es la ID que se guardará en LUA para luego quitar el objeto, OID es la id de objeto, ejemplo: 0: caja pequeña, X es la posición horizontal a partir del punto 0, Y es la posición vertical a partir del punto 0, IMAGEN (opcional) link de la imagen para ponerle al objeto, subida a atelier801, si el link es<VP>1548703e16a.jpg</VP>, se usa <VP>1548703e16a.jpg</VP>
  256. <VP>!despawn ID</VP> -- Quita un objeto del mapa
  257. <VP>!pw CONTRASEÑA</VP> -- Cambia la contraseña de la sala <R>(CUIDADO, NO SE PUEDE QUITAR)</R>
  258. <VP>!jump USUARIO ON/OFF</VP> -- Le activa/desactiva el supersalto al usuario seleccionado (si USUARIO es all, se seleccionan todos los usuarios)
  259. <VP>!speed USUARIO ON/OFF</VP> -- Le activa/desactiva la supervelocidad al usuario seleccionado (si USUARIO es all, se seleccionan todos los usuarios)
  260. <VP>!sham USUARIO</VP> -- Hace chamán al usuario seleccionado (si USUARIO es all, se seleccionan todos los usuarios)
  261. <VP>!filtro ON/OFF</VP> -- Activa/desactiva el filtro de malas palabras
  262. <VP>!miceimg ID USUARIO</VP> -- Le pone una imagen pre-hecha al usuario seleccionado (si USUARIO es all, se seleccionan todos los usuarios) <R>(CUIDADO, NO SE PUEDE QUITAR)</R>]],
  263. miceFfaOn="<V>%s</V> ha cambiado la skin del cañón.",
  264. miceFfaOff="<V>%s</V> ha vuelto a la normalidad la skin del cañón.",
  265. urlFfa="<V>%s</V> ha cambiado la skin del cañón a %s",
  266. shamanAll="<V>%s</V> ha hecho chamán a todos.",
  267. shamanUser="<V>%s</V> ha hecho chaman a %s",
  268. imageAll="",
  269. failImgU="<R>Esa ID no existe. (ID: <VI>%s</VI>)",
  270. imgUAll="<V>%s</V> ha puesto la imagen <VI>%s</VI> en todos los ratones.",
  271. imgU="<V>%s</V> ha puesto la imagen <VI>%s</VI> en %s",
  272. imgUAllOff="<V>%s</V> ha quitado una imagen en todos los ratones.",
  273. imgUOff="<V>%s</V> ha quitado una imagen en %s",
  274. despawnObject="<V>%s</V> despawneó el objeto de chamán con la ID %s",
  275. },
  276. },
  277. en={
  278. welcome="<V>[•]<rose> Welcome to a FunCorp room, in the FunCorp room the stats don't count (like the first, the cheese), But you have fun!</rose>",
  279. ffaOn="<VP>Now you can throw cannons with the <J>S<VP> key or the <J>↓<VP> key!",
  280. ffaOff="<R>You can't throw cannons anymore :(",
  281. miceFfaOn="<VP>Have fun throwing custom cannons!",
  282. miceFfaOff="<VP>Have fun throwing cannons!",
  283. flyOn="<VP>Now you can fly with the space key!",
  284. flyOff="<R>Now you can't fly :(",
  285. warning="WARNING",
  286. vamp="<R>Argg... You are now a vampire, Go hunt some mices!",
  287. respawn="<VP>You're a undead!",
  288. jumpOn="<VP>Now you have a super jump!",
  289. jumpOff="<R>Now you have a normal jump :(",
  290. modLanguage="Moderate your language.",
  291. snow="<VP>Snow war!",
  292. speedOn="<VP>Bhm... Bhm... You now have super speed! Press the <VI>X</VI> key!",
  293. speedOff="<R>A little bit tired? Uff... take a break of the super speed",
  294. discoOn="<VP><V>D<R>I<BV>S<BL>C<N>O <VI>T<ROSE>I<CH>M<G>E<J>! <T></T>P</J>a</G>r</CH>t</ROSE>y</VI> h</N>a</BL>r</BV>d</R>!</V>",
  295. discoOff="<R>",
  296. imgU="<VP>Prepare to be a custom mice!",
  297. admins={
  298. warned="<V>%s</V> warned %s for<R>%s",
  299. warnedSystem="The system warned %s for say %s",
  300. funCorpEnter="The FunCorp <V>%s</V> has enter the room",
  301. funCorpLeave="The FunCorp <V>%s</V> has leave the room",
  302. tpAllOn="<V>%s</V> turned on the tpall.",
  303. tpAllOff="<V>%s</V> turned off the tpall.",
  304. filtroOn="<V>%s</V> turned on the filter.",
  305. filtroOff="<V>%s</V> turned off the filter.",
  306. jumpAllOn="<V>%s</V> turned on the superjump to all.",
  307. jumpAllOff="<V>%s</V> turned off the superjump to all.",
  308. jumpOn="<V>%s</V> turned on the superjump to %s",
  309. jumpOff="<V>%s</V> turned off the superjump to %s",
  310. speedAllOn="<V>%s</V> turned on the superspeed to all.",
  311. speedAllOff="<V>%s</V> turned off the superspeed to all.",
  312. speedOn="<V>%s</V> turned on the superspeed to %s",
  313. speedOff="<V>%s</V> turned off the superspeed to %s",
  314. spawnObjectImage="<V>%s</V> invocated a shaman object (LUA ID %s) (ID %s) in the coordinates X: %s Y: %s with the image %s",
  315. spawnObject="<V>%s</V> invocated a shaman object (LUA ID %s) (ID %s) in the coordinates X: %s Y: %s",
  316. pwOn="<V>%s</V> changed the room password to <V>%s",
  317. pwOff="<V>%s</V> removed the room password.",
  318. customSnow="<V>%s</V> turned on the snow for %s seconds.",
  319. snow="<V>%s</V> turned on the snow for 60 seconds.",
  320. discoOn="<V>%s</V> turned on the disco.",
  321. discoOff="<V>%s</V> turned off the disco.",
  322. funCorpMessage="<V>%s</V> send a message like \"<font color='#E68D43'>FunCorp</font>\".",
  323. addImage="<V>%s</V> put the image (LUA ID %s) %s with the format of %s",
  324. removeImage="<V>%s</V> removed a image with the id %s",
  325. ffaOnAll="<V>%s</V> turned on the FFA to all.",
  326. ffaOffAll="<V>%s</V> turned off the FFA to all.",
  327. ffaOnUser="<V>%s</V> turned on the FFA to %s",
  328. ffaOffUser="<V>%s</V> turned off the FFA to %s",
  329. flyOnAll="<V>%s</V> turned on the FLY to all.",
  330. flyOffAll="<V>%s</V> turned off the FLY to all.",
  331. flyOnUser="<V>%s</V> turned on the FLY to %s",
  332. flyOffUser="<V>%s</V> turned off the FLY to %s",
  333. vampAll="<V>%s</V> just transformed all the mice in vampires.",--?
  334. vampUser="<V>%s</V> just transformed %s in vampire",--?
  335. killAll="<V>%s</V> killed all.",
  336. killUser="<V>%s</V> killed %s.",
  337. map="<V>%s</V> changed the map to %d",
  338. respawnAll="<V>%s</V> respawned all.",
  339. respawnUser="<V>%s</V> respawned %s",
  340. infiniteTime="<V>%s</V> made infinite the time.",
  341. setTime="<V>%s</V> changed the time to %d",
  342. help=[[DONT TRANSLATE THIS]],
  343. miceFfaOn="<V>%s</V> changed the cannon skin.",
  344. miceFfaOff="<V>%s</V> changed the cannon skin to default.",
  345. urlFfa="<V>%s</V> changed the cannon skin to %s",
  346. shamanAll="<V>%s</V> has made everyone a shaman.",
  347. shamanUser="<V>%s</V> has made %s a shaman.",
  348. imageAll="",
  349. failImgU="<R>This ID don't exists. (ID: <VI>%s</VI>)",
  350. imgUAll="<V>%s</V> put the image <VI>%s</VI> in every mice.",
  351. imgU="<V>%s</V> put the image <VI>%s</VI> in %s",
  352. imgUAllOff="<V>%s</V> deleted a image in every mice.",
  353. imgUOff="<V>%s</V> deleted a image in %s",
  354. despawnObject="<V>%s</V> despawned the shaman object with ID %s",
  355. },
  356. },
  357. br={
  358. welcome="<V>[•]<rose> Bem-vindo(a) à sala Funcorp, nas salas Funcorp as estatísticas não contam (firsts, queijos, etc), mas você se diverte!</rose>",
  359. ffaOn="<VP>Agora você pode atirar canhões pressionando as teclas <J>S<VP> e <J>↓<VP>!",
  360. ffaOff="<R>Você não pode jogar mais canhões :(",
  361. miceFfaOn="<VP>Divirta-se atirando canhões customizados!",
  362. miceFfaOff="<VP>Divirta-se atirando canhões!",
  363. flyOn="<VP>Agora você pode voar pressionando a tecla Espaço.",
  364. flyOff="<R>Agora você não pode voar :(",
  365. warning="ATENÇÃO",
  366. vamp="<R>Argg... Agora você é um vampiro, vá caçar alguns ratos!",
  367. respawn="<VP>Você é um zumbi!",
  368. jumpOn="<VP>Agora você tem um super-pulo!",
  369. jumpOff="<R>Agora você tem um pulo normal :(",
  370. modLanguage="Modere seu linguajar.",
  371. snow="<VP>Guerra de neve.",
  372. speedOn="<VP>Bruuum... Bruuum... Agora você tem super velocidade! Pressione a tecla <VI>X</VI>!",
  373. speedOff="<R>Um pouco cançado? Ufa... dê um tempo à super velocidade!",
  374. discoOn="<VP><V>D<R>I<BV>S<BL>C<N>O <VI>T<ROSE>I<CH>M<G>E<J>! <T></T>P</J>a</G>r</CH>t</ROSE>y</VI> h</N>a</BL>r</BV>d</R>!</V>",
  375. discoOff="<R>",
  376. imgU="<VP>Prepare-se para ser um rato customizado!",
  377. admins={
  378. warned="<V>%s</V> advertido %s por<R>%s",
  379. warnedSystem="O sistema advertiu %s por dizer %s",
  380. funCorpEnter="O FunCorp <V>%s</V> entrou na sala.",
  381. funCorpLeave="O FunCorp <V>%s</V> deixou a sala.",
  382. tpAllOn="<V>%s</V> ativou o tpall.",
  383. tpAllOff="<V>%s</V> desativou o tpall.",
  384. filtroOn="<V>%s</V> ativou o filtro.",
  385. filtroOff="<V>%s</V> desativou o filtro.",
  386. jumpAllOn="<V>%s</V> ativou o super-pulo para todos.",
  387. jumpAllOff="<V>%s</V> desativou o super-pulo para todos.",
  388. jumpOn="<V>%s</V> ativou o super-pulo para %s",
  389. jumpOff="<V>%s</V> desativou o super-pulo para %s",
  390. speedAllOn="<V>%s</V> ativou a super velocidade para todos.",
  391. speedAllOff="<V>%s</V> desativou a super velocidade para todos.",
  392. speedOn="<V>%s</V> ativou a super velocidade para %s",
  393. speedOff="<V>%s</V> desativou a super velocidade para %s",
  394. spawnObjectImage="<V>%s</V> invocou um objeto shaman (ID LUA %s) (ID %s) nas coordenadas X: %s Y: %s com a imagem %s",
  395. spawnObject="<V>%s</V> invocou um objeto shaman (ID LUA %s) (ID %s) nas coordenadas X: %s Y: %s",
  396. pwOn="<V>%s</V> mudou a senha da sala para <V>%s",
  397. pwOff="<V>%s</V> removeu a senha da sala.",
  398. customSnow="<V>%s</V> ativou a neve por %s segundos.",
  399. snow="<V>%s</V> ativou a neve por 60 segundo.",
  400. discoOn="<V>%s</V> ativou o disco.",
  401. discoOff="<V>%s</V> desativou o disco.",
  402. funCorpMessage="<V>%s</V> enviu uma mensagem como \"<font color='#E68D43'>FunCorp</font>\".",
  403. addImage="<V>%s</V> colocou a imagem (ID LUA %s) %s com o formato %s",
  404. removeImage="<V>%s</V> removeu uma imagem com o id %s",
  405. ffaOnAll="<V>%s</V> ativou o FFA para todos.",
  406. ffaOffAll="<V>%s</V> desativou o FFA para todos.",
  407. ffaOnUser="<V>%s</V> ativou o FFA para %s",
  408. ffaOffUser="<V>%s</V> desativou o FFA para %s",
  409. flyOnAll="<V>%s</V> ativou o FLY para todos.",
  410. flyOffAll="<V>%s</V> desativou o FLY para todos.",
  411. flyOnUser="<V>%s</V> ativou o FLY para %s",
  412. flyOffUser="<V>%s</V> desativou o FLY para %s",
  413. vampAll="<V>%s</V> fez todos os ratos de vampiros.",--?
  414. vampUser="<V>%s</V> fez %s um vampiro.",--?
  415. killAll="<V>%s</V> matou todos.",
  416. killUser="<V>%s</V> matou %s.",
  417. map="<V>%s</V> mudou o mapa para %d",
  418. respawnAll="<V>%s</V> reviveu todos.",
  419. respawnUser="<V>%s</V> reviveu %s",
  420. infiniteTime="<V>%s</V> fez o tempo infinito.",
  421. setTime="<V>%s</V> mudou o tempo para %d",
  422. help=[[DONT TRANSLATE THIS]],
  423. miceFfaOn="<V>%s</V> mudou a skin do canhão.",
  424. miceFfaOff="<V>%s</V> mudou a skin do canhão para padrão.",
  425. urlFfa="<V>%s</V> mudou a skin do canhão para %s",
  426. shamanAll="<V>%s</V> fez todo mundo shaman.",
  427. shamanUser="<V>%s</V> fez %s shaman.",
  428. imageAll="",
  429. failImgU="<R>Esta ID não existe. (ID: <VI>%s</VI>)",
  430. imgUAll="<V>%s</V> colocou a imagem <VI>%s</VI> em todos os ratos.",
  431. imgU="<V>%s</V> colocou a imagem <VI>%s</VI> em %s",
  432. imgUAllOff="<V>%s</V> removeu a imagem em todos os ratos.",
  433. imgUOff="<V>%s</V> removeu a imagem em %s",
  434. despawnObject="<V>%s</V> removeu o objeto shaman de ID %s",
  435. },
  436. },
  437. }
  439. filtro={"puto"}--Para añadir palabras al filtro, tienes que poner una coma (,) dos comillas (") y adentro de esas dos comillas la palabra, pero en minúscula, si quieres usar comillas en el texto, usa \"
  440. keys={32,0,1,2,3,16,17,88}
  441. fireTS={}
  442. facingLeft={}
  443. toDespawn={}
  444. goTo={}
  445. goToImages={}
  446. iAT="imageAll"
  447. images[iAT]={}
  448. filtre=false
  449. id=""
  450. idd=""
  451. spawn=""
  452. disco=false
  453. despawnTime=1000
  454. fireDelay=3000--Delay (IN MS) to throw cannons in FFA, 1000ms = 1 second
  455. mouseCannons=false
  456. cannon="153d3352946.png"
  457. offsetX = 0
  458. offsetY = 0
  459. micesImg={
  460. pink_kitty={"153ec4eef26.png", -23, -30, "153ec4ec77d.png", -26, -30},
  461. nekoburger={"153ec7e82d6.png", -23, -26, "153ec7e664b.png", -26, -26},
  462. kitty={"154c592261e.png", -30, -32, "154c5925a15.png", -27, -32},
  463. mice={"154d0db2d3d.png",-30,-52,"154d0db0d8c.png",-27,-52},
  464. pokeball={"1507b1faa2a",-8,-9,"1507b1faa2a",-8,-9},
  465. egg={"1507b1fbc31",-40,-40,"1507b1fbc31",-40,-40},
  466. missingno1={"1507b1fcd7a",-40,-40,"1507b1fcd7a",-40,-40},
  467. missingno2={"1507b1fde7a",-28,-28,"1507b1fde7a",-28,-28},
  468. missingno3={"1507b1fef38",-30,-30,"1507b1fef38",-30,-30},
  469. missingno4={"1507b2002ac",-30,-30,"1507b2002ac",-30,-30},
  470. peppa={"155777ce1ab",-40,-50,"155777cc660",-40,-50},
  471. slowpoke={"155777d20fc",-35,-50,"155777d4247",-35,-50},
  472. nyan_cat={"155c9b28b20",-35,-30,"155c9b2a3d1",-90,-30},
  473. justin_bieber={"155ca086a04",-25,-40,"155ca086a04",-25,-40},
  474. mouse={"1557c362613",-65,-50,"1557c364a52",-85,-50},
  475. dora={"155c4d1de05",-25,-46,"155c4d1f100",-25,-46},
  476. toilet={"155c9ec2886",-20,-40,"155c9ec40ff",-30,-40},
  477. waddles={"155c51325da",-40,-28,"155c5133917",-35,-26},
  478. bus={"155ca4312a0",-40,-30,"155ca432666",-40,-30},
  479. minion={"155ca547459",-26,-30,"155ca54900a",-28,-30},
  480. kenny={"155ca4bdc51",-25,-42,"155ca4bdc51",-25,-42},
  481. computer_mouse={"155ca47030c",-30,-25,"155ca47179a",-40,-25},
  482. annoying_orange={"155ca0f4af3",-25,-25,"155ca0f5ca7",-25,-25},
  483. annoying_dog={"155ca0da03c",-25,-28,"155ca0db1f4",-25,-28},
  484. broom_mouse={"155c9fa9ef2",-35,-35,"155c9fab3f1",-38,-35},
  485. package_pony={"155c9ca6f74",-24,-40,"155c9ca85bd",-22,-40},
  486. copatych={"155c9c3b2d6",-22,-28,"155c9c3c8cd",-22,-28},
  487. homunculus={"155c9ba73b5",-22,-28,"155c9ba84e0",-40,-28},
  488. thomas={"155c50812d1",-28,-32,"155c50829b0",-20,-32},
  489. cock_a_doodle_doo={"155c4cdbb4c",-14,-32,"155c4cdd0e3",-37,-32},
  490. shawarma={"155c4b131dc",-36,-38,"155c4b14458",-24,-38},
  491. wild_sponge_bob={"155c4aac0b4",-18,-34,"155c4aadc1c",-24,-34},
  492. pony={"155c49ce65c",-35,-16,"155c49d0331",-25,-16},
  493. sponge_bob={"155c49750bd",-27,-26,"155c4976244",-33,-26},
  494. squirrel={"155c48fadff",-28,-42,"155c48fbfea",-32,-42},
  495. peter_pig={"155c4890ec0",-26,-42,"155c4892353",-32,-42},
  496. emote1={"150ab0c288e",-15,-10,"150ab0c288e",-15,-10},
  497. emote2={"150ab0c4bd0",-15,-10,"150ab0c4bd0",-15,-10},
  498. emote3={"150ab0c6e66",-15,-10,"150ab0c6e66",-15,-10},
  499. emote4={"150ab0d3ac2",-15,-10,"150ab0d3ac2",-15,-10},
  500. emote5={"150ab0cd43a",-15,-10,"150ab0cd43a",-15,-10},
  501. emote6={"150ab0d18c5",-15,-10,"150ab0d18c5",-15,-10},
  502. emote7={"150ab0cb1d1",-15,-10,"150ab0cb1d1",-15,-10},
  503. emote8={"150ab0c9044",-15,-10,"150ab0c9044",-15,-10},
  504. emote9={"150ab0cf763",-15,-10,"150ab0cf763",-15,-10},
  505. emote0={"150ab0d5da4",-15,-10,"150ab0d5da4",-15,-10},
  506. --[[ You can add more images, following the next instructions:
  507. id={"link",x,y,"link",x,y},
  508. the first link, is the link of image when the mice is facing left, and the first x & y are the coords
  509. the second link, is the link of image when the mice is facing right, and the second x & y are the coords
  510. ( all the link's must be in the middle of two " ) ]]
  511. }
  512. for a,b in next,micesImg do
  513. for i,v in next,b do
  514. if type(v)=="string" then
  515. if v:sub(#v-3,#v-3)~="." then
  516. micesImg[a][i]=micesImg[a][i]..".png"
  517. end
  518. end
  519. end
  520. end
  522. function t(x,n)
  524. if x:sub(0,7)=="admins." then
  525. if tr[q] then
  526. return tr[q].admins[x:sub(8)]
  527. else
  528. return tr.en.admins[x:sub(8)]
  529. end
  530. else
  531. if tr[q] then
  532. return tr[q][x]
  533. else
  534. return tr.en[x]
  535. end
  536. end
  537. end
  539. function eventGoTo()
  540. goTo={}
  541. for a in pairs( do
  542. if can[a:gsub("+","__")] then
  543. table.insert(goTo,a)
  544. end
  545. end
  546. end
  548. function funChat(n,m,to)
  549. if n=="LUA" then
  550. tfm.exec.chatMessage("<V>[•]<N> "..m,to)
  551. else
  552. eventGoTo()
  553. for i=1,#goTo do
  554. tfm.exec.chatMessage("<N>></N> <font color='#E68D43'><b>FunCorp</b> <N>></N> <CH>"..string.upper([n].community).."</CH> <V>"..n.."</V> <N>></N>"..m.."</font>",goTo[i])
  555. end
  556. end
  557. end
  559. function eventNewPlayer(n)
  560. mice[n]={
  561. ffa=settings.ffa,
  564. tpall=settings.tpall,
  565. spawn=settings.spawn,
  566. speed=settings.speed,
  567. jump=settings.jump,
  568. coords=settings.coords,
  569. img=settings.img,
  570. imgp=settings.imgp,
  571. imgu=settings.imgu,
  572. imguu=settings.imguu,
  573. time=os.time()+300,
  574. }
  575. facingLeft[n] = false
  576. fireTS[n] = 0
  577. for i=1,#keys do
  578. system.bindKeyboard(n,keys[i],true,true)
  579. end
  580. if can[n:gsub("+","__")] then
  581. eventGoTo()
  582. for i=1,#goTo do
  583. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.funCorpEnter",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  584. end
  585. end
  586. system.bindMouse(n)
  587. if tr[[n].community] then
  588. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("welcome",n),n)
  589. else
  590. tfm.exec.chatMessage("<V>[•]<R> I'm so sorry, but I don't have your language in my system, I will use english language.",n)
  591. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("welcome",n),n,goTo[i])
  592. end
  593. end
  595. table.foreach(, eventNewPlayer)
  597. function eventPlayerLeft(n)
  598. if can[n:gsub("+","__")] then
  599. eventGoTo()
  600. for i=1,#goTo do
  601. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.funCorpLeave",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  602. end
  603. end
  604. end
  606. function eventMouse(n,x,y)
  607. if mice[n].tp==true then
  608. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,x,y)
  609. end
  610. if mice[n].tpall==true then
  611. table.foreach(,function(a) tfm.exec.movePlayer(a,x,y) end)
  612. mice[n].tpall=false
  613. eventGoTo()
  614. for i=1,#goTo do
  615. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.tpAllOff",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  616. end
  617. end
  618. if mice[n].coords==true then
  619. tfm.exec.chatMessage("<V>[•]<N> X: "..x.." Y: "..y,n)
  620. end
  621. end
  623. function eventKeyboard(n,k,d,x,y)
  624. if mice[n].fly==true then
  625. if k==32 then
  626. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,0,0,true,0,-50)
  627. end
  628. end
  629. if k==0 then
  630. facingLeft[n] = true
  631. if micesImg[mice[n].imgu] then
  632. tfm.exec.removeImage(mice[n].imguu)
  633. mice[n].imguu=tfm.exec.addImage(micesImg[mice[n].imgu][1],"%"..n,micesImg[mice[n].imgu][2],micesImg[mice[n].imgu][3])
  634. else
  635. tfm.exec.removeImage(mice[n].imguu)
  636. end
  637. end
  638. if k==2 then
  639. facingLeft[n] = false
  640. if micesImg[mice[n].imgu] then
  641. tfm.exec.removeImage(mice[n].imguu)
  642. mice[n].imguu=tfm.exec.addImage(micesImg[mice[n].imgu][4],"%"..n,micesImg[mice[n].imgu][5],micesImg[mice[n].imgu][6])
  643. else
  644. tfm.exec.removeImage(mice[n].imguu)
  645. end
  646. end
  647. if mice[n].ffa==true then
  648. if k==3 and os.time() > fireTS[n] + fireDelay then
  649. fireTS[n] = os.time()
  650. local dx,a,id
  651. if facingLeft[n]==true then
  652. dx,dy,a = -30,0,-90
  653. else
  654. dx,dy,a = 30,0,90
  655. end
  656. id = tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, x+dx+offsetX, y+offsetY, a)
  657. table.insert(toDespawn, {id, os.time()})
  658. if mouseCannons then
  659. tfm.exec.addImage(cannon, "#", -37, -19)
  660. --tfm.exec.addImage("153a43d39b8.png", "#", -14, -13)
  661. end
  662. end
  663. end
  664. if mice[n].jump==true then
  665. if k==1 then
  666. if[n].isJumping==true then
  667. else
  668. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n, 0, 0, true, 0, -70, false)
  669. end
  670. end
  671. end
  672. if can[n:gsub("+","__")] then
  673. if k==17 then
  674. if mice[n].tp==true then
  675. mice[n].tp=false
  676. else
  677. mice[n].tp=true
  678. end
  679. end
  680. if k==16 then
  681. if mice[n].coords==true then
  682. mice[n].coords=false
  683. else
  684. mice[n].coords=true
  685. end
  686. end
  687. end
  688. if k==88 then
  689. if mice[n].speed==true then
  690. local vx = facingLeft[n] and -50 or 50
  691. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n, 0, 0, true, vx, 0, true)
  692. end
  693. end
  694. end
  696. function randomColor()
  697. return "0x" .. string.format("%X", math.random(0x000000, 0xFFFFFF))
  698. end
  700. function eventLoop()
  701. if disco==true then
  702. for p in pairs( do
  703. tfm.exec.setNameColor(p, randomColor());
  704. end
  705. end
  706. for i,o in ipairs(toDespawn) do
  707. if os.time() > o[2]+despawnTime then
  708. tfm.exec.removeObject (o[1])
  709. table.remove (toDespawn, i)
  710. end
  711. end
  712. end
  714. function comando(q,n,v)
  715. if q=="ffa" then
  716. if n~="all" then
  717. if v=="on" then
  718. mice[n].ffa=true
  719. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("ffaOn",n),n)
  720. else
  721. tfm.exec.chatMessage(tostring(t("ffaOff",n)),tostring(n))
  722. mice[n].ffa=false
  723. end
  724. else
  725. if v=="on" then
  726. table.foreach(,function(a) mice[a].ffa=true tfm.exec.chatMessage(tostring(t("ffaOn",a)),a) end)
  727. else
  728. table.foreach(,function(a) mice[a].ffa=false tfm.exec.chatMessage(tostring(t("ffaOff",a)),a) end)
  729. end
  730. end
  731. end
  732. if q=="fly" then
  733. if n~="all" then
  734. if v=="on" then
  735. mice[n].fly=true
  736. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("flyOn",n),n)
  737. else
  738. mice[n].fly=false
  739. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("flyOff",n),n)
  740. end
  741. else
  742. if v=="on" then
  743. table.foreach(,function(a) mice[a].fly=true tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("flyOn",a),a) end)
  744. else
  745. table.foreach(,function(a) mice[a].fly=false tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("flyOff",a),a) end)
  746. end
  747. end
  748. end
  749. end
  751. function eventChatCommand(n,c)
  752. local a = {}
  753. for arg in c:gmatch ("[^%s]+") do
  754. table.insert (a, arg)
  755. end
  756. a[1]=a[1]:lower()
  757. if can[n:gsub("+","__")] then
  758. if a[1]=="filtro" then
  759. if filtre==true then
  760. filtre=false
  761. eventGoTo()
  762. for i=1,#goTo do
  763. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.filtroOff",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  764. end
  765. else
  766. filtre=true
  767. eventGoTo()
  768. for i=1,#goTo do
  769. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.filtroOn",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  770. end
  771. end
  772. end
  773. if a[1]=="speed" then
  774. if a[3] then
  775. if a[3]=="on" then
  776. if a[2]=="all" then
  777. table.foreach(,function(a) mice[a].speed=true tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("speedOn",a),a) end)
  778. settings.speed=true
  779. eventGoTo()
  780. for i=1,#goTo do
  781. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.speedAllOn",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  782. end
  783. else
  784. mice[a[2]].speed=true
  785. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("speedOn",a[2]),a[2])
  786. eventGoTo()
  787. for i=1,#goTo do
  788. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.speedOn",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  789. end
  790. end
  791. else
  792. if a[2]=="all" then
  793. table.foreach(,function(a) mice[a].speed=false tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("speedOff",a),a) end)
  794. settings.speed=false
  795. eventGoTo()
  796. for i=1,#goTo do
  797. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.speedAllOff",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  798. end
  799. else
  800. mice[a[2]].speed=false
  801. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("speedOff",a[2]),a[2])
  802. eventGoTo()
  803. for i=1,#goTo do
  804. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.speedOff",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  805. end
  806. end
  807. end
  808. end
  809. end
  810. if a[1]=="jump" then
  811. if a[3] then
  812. if a[3]=="on" then
  813. if a[2]=="all" then
  814. settings.jump=true
  815. table.foreach(,function(a) mice[a].jump=true tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("jumpOn",a),a) end)
  816. eventGoTo()
  817. for i=1,#goTo do
  818. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.jumpAllOn",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  819. end
  820. else
  821. mice[a[2]].jump=true
  822. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("jumpOn",a[2]),a[2])
  823. eventGoTo()
  824. for i=1,#goTo do
  825. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.jumpOn",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  826. end
  827. end
  828. else
  829. if a[2]=="all" then
  830. settings.jump=false
  831. table.foreach(,function(a) mice[a].jump=false tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("jumpOff",a),a) end)
  832. eventGoTo()
  833. for i=1,#goTo do
  834. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.jumpAllOff",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  835. end
  836. else
  837. mice[a[2]].jump=false
  838. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("jumpOff",a[2]),a[2])
  839. eventGoTo()
  840. for i=1,#goTo do
  841. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.jumpOff",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  842. end
  843. end
  844. end
  845. end
  846. end
  847. if a[1]=="spawn" then
  848. if a[5] then
  849. if objects[a[2]] then
  850. tfm.exec.removeImage(objects[a[2]].image)
  851. tfm.exec.removeObject(objects[a[2]].object)
  852. end
  853. objects[a[2]]={}
  854. objects[a[2]].object=tfm.exec.addShamanObject(tonumber(a[3]),tonumber(a[4]),tonumber(a[5]))
  855. if a[6] then
  856. objects[a[2]].image=tfm.exec.addImage(a[6],"#"..objects[a[2]].object,(a[7] and tonumber(a[7]) or 0),(a[8] and tonumber(a[8]) or 0))
  857. eventGoTo()
  858. for i=1,#goTo do
  859. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.spawnObjectImage",goTo[i]),n,a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5],a[6]),goTo[i])
  860. end
  861. else
  862. objects[a[2]].image=""
  863. eventGoTo()
  864. for i=1,#goTo do
  865. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.spawnObject",goTo[i]),n,a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5]),goTo[i])
  866. end
  867. end
  868. end
  869. end
  870. if a[1]=="despawn" then
  871. if a[2] then
  872. if objects[a[2]] then
  873. tfm.exec.removeImage(objects[a[2]].image)
  874. tfm.exec.removeObject(objects[a[2]].object)
  875. eventGoTo()
  876. for i=1,#goTo do
  877. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.despawnObject",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  878. end
  879. end
  880. end
  881. end
  882. if a[1]=="pw" then
  883. if a[2] then
  884. local msg=a[2]
  885. if a[3] then
  886. for i=3,#a do
  887. msg=msg.." "..a[i]
  888. end
  889. end
  890. tfm.exec.setRoomPassword(msg)
  891. eventGoTo()
  892. for i=1,#goTo do
  893. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.pwOn",goTo[i]),n,msg),goTo[i])
  894. end
  895. else
  896. tfm.exec.setRoomPassword("")
  897. eventGoTo()
  898. for i=1,#goTo do
  899. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.pwOff",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  900. end
  901. end
  902. end
  903. if a[1]=="tpall" then
  904. if mice[n].tpall==true then
  905. mice[n].tpall=false
  906. eventGoTo()
  907. for i=1,#goTo do
  908. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.tpAllOff",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  909. end
  910. else
  911. mice[n].tpall=true
  912. eventGoTo()
  913. for i=1,#goTo do
  914. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.tpAllOn",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  915. end
  916. end
  917. end
  918. if a[1]=="sham" then
  919. if a[2] then
  920. if a[2]=="all" then
  921. table.foreach(,function(a) tfm.exec.setShaman(a) end)
  922. eventGoTo()
  923. for i=1,#goTo do
  924. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.shamanAll",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  925. end
  926. else
  927. tfm.exec.setShaman(a[2])
  928. eventGoTo()
  929. for i=1,#goTo do
  930. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.shamanUser",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  931. end
  932. end
  933. end
  934. end
  935. if a[1]=="funchat" then
  936. local msg=""
  937. for i=2,#a do
  938. msg=msg.." "..a[i]
  939. end
  940. funChat(n,msg)
  941. end
  942. if a[1]=="snow" then
  943. if a[2] then
  944. tfm.exec.snow(tonumber(a[2]))
  945. table.foreach(,function(a) tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("snow",a),a) end)
  946. eventGoTo()
  947. for i=1,#goTo do
  948. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.customSnow",goTo[i]),n,tonumber(a[2])),goTo[i])
  949. end
  950. else
  951. tfm.exec.snow()
  952. table.foreach(,function(a) tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("snow",a),a) end)
  953. eventGoTo()
  954. for i=1,#goTo do
  955. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.snow",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  956. end
  957. end
  958. end
  959. if a[1]=="disco" then
  960. if disco==false then
  961. disco=true
  962. table.foreach(,function(a) tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("discoOn",a),a) end)
  963. eventGoTo()
  964. for i=1,#goTo do
  965. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.discoOn",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  966. end
  967. else
  968. disco=false
  969. table.foreach(,function(a) tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("discoOff",a),a) end)
  970. eventGoTo()
  971. for i=1,#goTo do
  972. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.discoOff",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  973. end
  974. end
  975. end
  976. if a[1]=="warn" then
  977. local msg=""
  978. for i=3,#a do
  979. msg=msg.." "..a[i]
  980. end
  981. tfm.exec.chatMessage("<font color='#EB0000'>[FunCorp] "..t("warning",a[2])..":"..msg,a[2])
  982. eventGoTo()
  983. for i=1,#goTo do
  984. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.warned",goTo[i]),n,a[2],msg),goTo[i])
  985. end
  986. end
  987. if a[1]=="msg" then
  988. local msg=""
  989. for i=2,#a do
  990. msg=msg.." "..a[i]
  991. end
  992. eventGoTo()
  993. for i=1,#goTo do
  994. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.funCorpMessage",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  995. end
  996. tfm.exec.chatMessage("<font color='#E68D43'>[FunCorp]"..msg.."</font>")
  997. end
  998. if a[1]=="image" then
  999. if a[6] then
  1000. if not images[a[2]] or images[a[2]]==nil then
  1001. else
  1002. tfm.exec.removeImage(images[a[2]])
  1003. m=a[2].."aNa"
  1004. images[m]=nil
  1005. end
  1006. m=a[2].."a"
  1007. images[m]={a[3],a[6],a[4],a[5]}
  1008. images[a[2]]=tfm.exec.addImage(a[3],a[6],a[4],a[5])
  1009. eventGoTo()
  1010. for i=1,#goTo do
  1011. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.addImage",goTo[i]),n,a[2],a[3],a[6]),goTo[i])
  1012. end
  1013. end
  1014. end
  1015. if a[1]=="removeimage" then
  1016. if a[2] then
  1017. if images[a[2]] then
  1018. tfm.exec.removeImage(images[a[2]])
  1019. m=a[2].."a"
  1020. images[m]=nil
  1021. eventGoTo()
  1022. for i=1,#goTo do
  1023. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.removeImage",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1024. end
  1025. end
  1026. end
  1027. end
  1028. if a[1]=="listaimagen" then
  1029. local lista="<V>[•]</V> Lista de imágenes\n"
  1030. local signo="•"
  1031. for k,v in pairs(images) do
  1032. lista=lista.."• <VP>"..k.."</VP>: "
  1033. local asd={}
  1034. for lol in v:gmatch("[^,]+") do
  1035. lol=tostring(lol)
  1036. if lol:sub(0,18)=="tfm.exec.addImage(" then
  1037. lol=lol:sub(19)
  1038. end
  1039. if lol:sub(#lol-1)==")" then
  1040. lol=lol:sub(0,#lol-1)
  1041. end
  1042. table.insert(asd,lol)
  1043. end
  1044. lista=lista.."<VP>"..asd[1].."</VP>, X: <VP>"..asd[3].."</VP>, Y: <VP>"..asd[4].."</VP>, Formato: <VP>"..asd[2].."</VP>\n"
  1045. end
  1046. tfm.exec.chatMessage(lista,n)
  1047. end
  1048. if a[1]=="ffa" then
  1049. if a[3] then
  1050. if a[2]~="all" then
  1051. if a[3]=="on" then
  1052. comando("ffa",a[2],"on")
  1053. eventGoTo()
  1054. for i=1,#goTo do
  1055. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.ffaOnUser",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1056. end
  1057. else
  1058. comando("ffa",a[2],"off")
  1059. eventGoTo()
  1060. for i=1,#goTo do
  1061. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.ffaOffUser",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1062. end
  1063. end
  1064. else
  1065. if a[3]=="on" then
  1066. comando("ffa",a[2],"on")
  1067. settings.ffa=true
  1068. eventGoTo()
  1069. for i=1,#goTo do
  1070. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.ffaOnAll",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1071. end
  1072. else
  1073. settings.ffa=false
  1074. comando("ffa",a[2],"off")
  1075. eventGoTo()
  1076. for i=1,#goTo do
  1077. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.ffaOffAll",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1078. end
  1079. end
  1080. end
  1081. end
  1082. end
  1083. if a[1]=="fly" then
  1084. if a[3] then
  1085. if a[2]=="all" then
  1086. if a[3]=="on" then
  1087. comando("fly",a[2],"on")
  1089. eventGoTo()
  1090. for i=1,#goTo do
  1091. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.flyOnAll",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  1092. end
  1093. else
  1094. comando("fly",a[2],"off")
  1096. eventGoTo()
  1097. for i=1,#goTo do
  1098. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.flyOffAll",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  1099. end
  1100. end
  1101. else
  1102. if a[3]=="on" then
  1103. comando("fly",a[2],"on")
  1104. eventGoTo()
  1105. for i=1,#goTo do
  1106. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.flyOnUser",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1107. end
  1108. else
  1109. comando("fly",a[2],"off")
  1110. eventGoTo()
  1111. for i=1,#goTo do
  1112. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.flyOffUser",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1113. end
  1114. end
  1115. end
  1116. end
  1117. end
  1118. if a[1]=="vamp" then
  1119. if a[2] then
  1120. if a[2]=="all" then
  1121. table.foreach(,function(a) tfm.exec.setVampirePlayer(a) tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("vamp",a),a) end)
  1122. eventGoTo()
  1123. for i=1,#goTo do
  1124. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.vampAll",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  1125. end
  1126. else
  1127. tfm.exec.setVampirePlayer(a[2])
  1128. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("vamp",a[2]),a[2])
  1129. eventGoTo()
  1130. for i=1,#goTo do
  1131. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.vampUser",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1132. end
  1133. end
  1134. end
  1135. end
  1136. if a[1]=="kill" then
  1137. if a[2] then
  1138. if a[2]=="all" then
  1139. table.foreach(,function(a) tfm.exec.killPlayer(a) end)
  1140. eventGoTo()
  1141. for i=1,#goTo do
  1142. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.killAll",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  1143. end
  1144. else
  1145. tfm.exec.killPlayer(a[2])
  1146. eventGoTo()
  1147. for i=1,#goTo do
  1148. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.killUser",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1149. end
  1150. end
  1151. end
  1152. end
  1153. if a[1]=="map" then
  1154. if a[2] then
  1155. if a[2]:sub(1,1)=="@" then a[2]=tonumber(a[2]:sub(2)) else for i=0,9 do if a[2]:sub(1,1)==tostring(i) then a[2]=tonumber(a[2]) end end end
  1156. tfm.exec.newGame(a[2])
  1157. eventGoTo()
  1158. for i=1,#goTo do
  1159. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("",goTo[i],tonumber(a[2])),n,tonumber(a[2])),goTo[i])
  1160. end
  1161. end
  1162. end
  1163. if a[1]=="respawn" then
  1164. if a[2] then
  1165. if a[2]=="all" then
  1166. table.foreach(,function(a) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(a) tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("respawn",a),a) end)
  1167. eventGoTo()
  1168. for i=1,#goTo do
  1169. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.respawnAll",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  1170. end
  1171. else
  1172. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(a[2])
  1173. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("respawn",a[2]),a[2])
  1174. eventGoTo()
  1175. for i=1,#goTo do
  1176. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.respawnUser",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1177. end
  1178. end
  1179. end
  1180. end
  1181. if a[1]=="time" then
  1182. if a[2] then
  1183. if a[2]=="inf" then
  1184. tfm.exec.setGameTime(99999)
  1185. eventGoTo()
  1186. for i=1,#goTo do
  1187. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.infiniteTime",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  1188. end
  1189. else
  1190. tfm.exec.setGameTime(tonumber(a[2]))
  1191. eventGoTo()
  1192. for i=1,#goTo do
  1193. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.setTime",goTo[i]),n,tonumber(a[2])),goTo[i])
  1194. end
  1195. end
  1196. end
  1197. end
  1198. if a[1]=="help" then
  1199. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("",n),n)
  1200. end
  1201. if a[1]=="imgffa" then
  1202. if a[2] then
  1203. cannon=a[2]
  1204. eventGoTo()
  1205. for i=1,#goTo do
  1206. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.urlFfa",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1207. end
  1208. else
  1209. if mouseCannons==false then
  1210. eventGoTo()
  1211. for i=1,#goTo do
  1212. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.miceFfaOn",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  1213. end
  1214. table.foreach(,function(a) tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("miceFfaOn",a),a) end)
  1215. mouseCannons=true
  1216. else
  1217. eventGoTo()
  1218. for i=1,#goTo do
  1219. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.miceFfaOff",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  1220. end
  1221. table.foreach(,function(a) tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("miceFfaOff",a),a) end)
  1222. mouseCannons=false
  1223. end
  1224. end
  1225. end
  1226. if a[1]=="imgall" then
  1227. if a[5] then
  1228. local q={}
  1229. for a in pairs( do
  1230. table.insert(q,a)
  1231. end
  1232. for i=1,#q do
  1233. if images[iAT][q[i]] then
  1234. tfm.exec.removeImage(images[iAT][q[i]])
  1235. end
  1236. images[iAT][q[i]]=tfm.exec.addImage(a[2],a[5]..q[i],a[3],a[4])
  1237. end
  1238. end
  1239. end
  1240. if a[1]=="imgalloff" then
  1241. local q={}
  1242. for a in pairs( do
  1243. table.insert(q,a)
  1244. end
  1245. for i=1,#q do
  1246. tfm.exec.removeImage(images[iAT][q[i]])
  1247. images[iAT][q[i]]=nil
  1248. end
  1249. end
  1250. if a[1]=="miceimg" then
  1251. if a[3] then
  1252. if a[3]=="all" then
  1253. if a[2]=="off" then
  1254. table.foreach(,function(b) mice[b].imgu="none" end)
  1255. settings.imgu="none"
  1256. eventGoTo()
  1257. for i=1,#goTo do
  1258. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.imgUAllOff",goTo[i]),n),goTo[i])
  1259. end
  1260. else
  1261. if micesImg[a[2]] then
  1262. table.foreach(,function(b) mice[b].imgu=a[2] tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("imgU",b),b) end)
  1263. settings.imgu=a[2]
  1264. eventGoTo()
  1265. for i=1,#goTo do
  1266. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.imgUAll",goTo[i]),n,a[2]),goTo[i])
  1267. end
  1268. else
  1269. tfm.exec.chatMessage(string.format(t("admins.failImgU",n),a[2]),n)
  1270. end
  1271. end
  1272. else
  1273. if a[3]:sub(1,1)=="+" then a[3]="+"..a[3]:sub(2,2):upper()..a[3]:sub(3):lower() else a[3]=a[3]:sub(1,1):upper()..a[3]:sub(2):lower() end
  1274. if a[2]=="off" then
  1275. mice[a[3]].imgu="none"
  1276. eventGoTo()
  1277. for i=1,#goTo do
  1278. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.imgUOff",goTo[i]),n,a[3]),goTo[i])
  1279. end
  1280. else
  1281. if micesImg[a[2]] then
  1282. mice[a[3]].imgu=a[2]
  1283. tfm.exec.chatMessage(t("imgU",a[3]),a[3])
  1284. eventGoTo()
  1285. for i=1,#goTo do
  1286. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.imgU",goTo[i]),n,a[2],a[3]),goTo[i])
  1287. end
  1288. else
  1289. tfm.exec.chatMessage(string.format(t("admins.failImgU",n),a[2]),n)
  1290. end
  1291. end
  1292. end
  1293. end
  1294. end
  1295. end
  1296. end
  1298. cmds={"funchat","snow","disco","warn","msg","image","removeimage","listaimagen","ffa","fly","vamp","kill","map","respawn","time","imgffa","help","tpall","spawn","pw","jump","speed","sham","imgall","imgalloff","filtro","miceimg","despawn"}
  1299. for i=1,#cmds do
  1300. system.disableChatCommandDisplay(cmds[i])
  1301. end
  1304. function eventChatMessage(n,m)
  1305. if filtre==true then
  1306. m=m:lower()
  1307. local a = {}
  1308. for arg in m:gmatch ("[^%s]+") do
  1309. table.insert (a, arg)
  1310. end
  1311. for i=1,#filtro do
  1312. for v=1,#a do
  1313. if a[v]==filtro[i] then
  1314. tfm.exec.chatMessage("<font color='#EB0000'>[FunCorp] "..t("warning",n)..": "..t("modLanguage",n),n)
  1315. eventGoTo()
  1316. for i=1,#goTo do
  1317. funChat("LUA",string.format(t("admins.warnedSystem",goTo[i]),n,m),goTo[i])
  1318. end
  1319. end
  1320. end
  1321. end
  1322. end
  1323. end
  1325. function eventGoToImages()
  1326. goToImages={}
  1327. for a in pairs(images) do
  1328. local q=(#a-3)
  1329. if a:sub(q)=="aNa" then
  1330. if images[a]~=nil then
  1331. table.insert(goToImages,a)
  1332. end
  1333. end
  1334. end
  1335. end
  1337. function eventNewGame()
  1338. eventGoToImages()
  1339. for i=1,#goToImages do
  1340. images[goToImages[i]]=tfm.exec.addImage(images[goToImages[i]][1],images[goToImages[i]][2],images[goToImages[i]][3],images[goToImages[i]][4])
  1341. end
  1342. end
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