
The Angel

Jan 29th, 2014
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  1. El Malak [Solar Light]
  2. Pegasus Male
  3. Ascendant [Paladin/Cleric]
  4. Talent: +2 Blast
  6. Skills:
  7. Pegasus Flight [Racial]
  8. Dogfighting [Racial]
  9. Empower Weapon [Multiclass]
  10. Blast [Evil]
  11. Heal
  12. Compassion
  14. Inventory:
  15. Golden Platemail Armor
  16. Hierophiete [Magic Greatsword]
  17. Belt Pouch of Holding [Rope, Food, Water, First Aid, Tents,
  18. Sleeping Bags, Books, Scrolls, Maps, Spare Clothing, Robes,Bits,
  19. Etc]
  21. Traits:
  22. Solar Light was born in Saddle Arabia, far to the south, past
  23. the Bad Lands, through the desert. The son of two Earth Pony
  24. peasants, he was mired even in his childhood. His wings came in
  25. too large and too bulky, far in excess of bulk for his small
  26. size, such that as a foal he could wrap himself in his pinions
  27. for warmth. And worse yet the cities of the western desert knew
  28. not of pegasi, and flying things were there unheard of. Though
  29. in every other feature the young creature was perfect. His coat
  30. was pure white, his mane long and golden, flowing over his
  31. shoulder in shining locks that glimmmered in the daylight. His
  32. parents were nomads, who wandered with a tribe of Arabians who
  33. were called called Ahl al-Youm, the People of Day, though they
  34. could not remember why.
  36. The young stallion grew quickly in the desert. He learned the
  37. way of getting food when it is scarce, and how to find water
  38. where others would not see water. He learned the names of many
  39. things, and was talk to read and to write by the merchants, for
  40. the boy was clever and good at counting, and honest besides [a
  41. thing of note, for the Element of Honesty is nearly unknown in
  42. the cities of the western deserts]. One evening, as he lay in
  43. his tent, a poisonous serpent slithered into his tent as he lay,
  44. and bit him on his neck. For three days the boy lay innert and
  45. in delirium, knowing not if he was alive or dead. On the fourth
  46. day he heard a voice telling him to get up, and head to the
  47. place it would show him. And so, though not in the body, Light
  48. headed through the deserts to the north, till he came upon a
  49. cave which is called Hikmah, for it was a Palace of Wisdom.
  50. There the voice appeared to him as a spirit in white, with the
  51. sun at her head and wings that filled the cavern. Spirits of
  52. fire rose and fell around her, going up into Heaven and down
  53. into Tartarus, speaking in strange languages and calling to one
  54. another. Then also did he see a great black shadow consume the
  55. scene, and a large warrior in gold standing before the shadow,
  56. his eyes with rage.
  58. When he awoke he was in his tent, alive, the poison had left
  59. him. He picked up his stick and marched, for his tribe had left
  60. him alone, with only his parents with him, for they feared they
  61. would die without water if they lingered longer. A day hence
  62. they came upon the tribe, surrounded by raiders. When the young
  63. Solar saw what was becoming of his people, his rage filled him,
  64. and taking his stick he took to the air, flying at his foes and
  65. striking them till they died or fled, saying praise be Celest,
  66. the Compassionate, the Merciful, though he knew not what he was
  67. saying. When the Ahl al-Youm saw that Light was a warrior, and
  68. spoke with conviction also, and that he flew through the air
  69. [which nopony in all the cities of the western desert could do],
  70. they named him El Malak, because he was angelic in their sight,
  71. and took him for their leader.
  73. Thus did the boy grow to stallionhood, leading the merchants
  74. through all the cities of the western desert, absorbing their
  75. wisdom and taking their knowledge into himself, and learning the
  76. thrill of the Sandworms surfacing at morning, and the cool light
  77. of dusk at the capital of Jannah and the dancing of the veiled
  78. mares, and learning the proper way to hold a sword and fight an
  79. enemy without killing him [for Malak was compassionate and kind
  80. and loathed violence in all forms save when necessary]. When at
  81. last he came to the age of reason, he left his people to the far
  82. north, for he was overcome with visions calling him onward. So
  83. beginning his pilgrimage, he took only his sword and his cloak,
  84. and headed again to the cave that is called Hikmah. There again
  85. he saw a vision, of three lights in a ring, one white, one blue,
  86. and one pink. A purple light started to rise to join it, and
  87. others trailing, but again the scene was swallowed in blackness.
  88. He heard a spirit calling to another light in the east, beyond
  89. the sun's resting place, saying "How long shall it be until all
  90. these things are fulfilled?", and another answering saying
  91. "There will be three thousand evenings and mornings, and then
  92. Darkness will come from the Icy North, beyond the Gates of
  93. Firdaws.".
  95. His head burning his vision, and his understanding failing him,
  96. El Malak flew past the farthest city, and into the Bad Lands,
  97. where dragons are. Finding the land hospitable, he tarried,
  98. living there for three years stretching his massive wings over
  99. the canyons and plateus, and living on berries and nuts. During
  100. this time he came across many creatures of the wild, and slew
  101. them or drove them off. But after over one thousand days, the
  102. voice spoke to him again, as he laid down to rest, calling to
  103. him from his camp fire. The voice said "A fallen angel you will
  104. be, if you tarry here. Head to the north, for rightly is the
  105. canyon behind you called the Gates of Firdaws. Get up and go to
  106. the land of your fathers, for doom is coming from the Icy North,
  107. which is cursed by a Shadow".
  109. And so again Malak headed north, until he reached Equestria, the
  110. land of his fathers. When he saw green grass, and rivers that
  111. flowed in all seasons, and beasts that sang and played instead
  112. of kill, and cities that stood in the sky, he fell down and
  113. worshipped, praising the sky and the moon and the air and the
  114. flowing waters [because the Arabians of the cities of the
  115. western deserts knew not the names of any gods besides these],
  116. and most of all he praised that Voice which called him onwards,
  117. for it had indeed let him to Firdaws, which in the language of
  118. his people is Paradise.
  120. As he wandered, covering in a robe of yak's fur, and holding a
  121. sword curved like a moon, into this land, he did eventually come
  122. across a group of traders wandering through the woods, and,
  123. being hungry, went to meet with them. Now quite obviously when
  124. the traders from Appleloosa saw a deranged and large wingd
  125. pegasus coming at them, with long ragged hair and a dirty robe,
  126. they did panic and flee, forcing the Angel to give chase.
  128. Till quite by chance a group of Paladins, who swore their souls
  129. to the Sun and the Moon and Love, seeing this scene, took to the
  130. air and battled him. El Malak fought with muscle and sinew, and
  131. his great wings which bore him aloft with greater might then the
  132. tiny appendages of his fellows, but eventually he was caught and
  133. bound, and taken north to Canterlot to be tried. By sheer
  134. chance, a wizard lived in Canterlot, young in years, who spoke
  135. the obscure and ancient tongue of the Ahl al-Youm, and gave word
  136. to the Princess what he had said and heard and understood, the
  137. Voice that had called him hence from so very far. Right away was
  138. Solar Light freed and bathed and given bread and cheese and
  139. fruit to eat, and red wine from the Unicorn Valley to drink, and
  140. water also, and he rested in the palace for three days, and
  141. things went well with him. On the evening of the third day,
  142. Celestia called the strange pilgrim to her, and using magic
  143. asked him to explain all that had happened that called him there
  144. from so far, and being told, her thoughts shook with fear, for
  145. the shadow in his vision was called Sombra, and it was a
  146. corruption and a death to all ponykind, but she herself stood
  147. stoic. El-Malak was to be educated in all the wisdom of
  148. Equestria and all the magic of Friendship, and also in the ways
  149. of the knights of the Sun. And when the Angel asked the name of
  150. his benefactor, who rewarded him so highly for delivering such
  151. pedestrian news, he fell down and worshipped, for at last he
  152. recognized the Voice that called him hence, though the Voice
  153. itself did not remember him. And he sang out praise be to the
  154. Sun which gives the Day, and gave me Life and Dreams and
  155. Purpose, and which called me out of the lands of the south to
  156. this place which is rightly called Paradise, and more rightfully
  157. called Equestria, because it was a Land fit to be lived in.
  159. And so the Angel, at this point still quite in his youth, was
  160. trained in every detail that was mentioned, and in the use of
  161. the large swords of the Paladin, and in the healing arts, and in
  162. Compassion and when it should be applied, and when it should be
  163. withheld, and he soon found that his large wings, too often a
  164. burden that slowed him, also gave him great strength, so that he
  165. could fly in armor heavier then any other knight before him, and
  166. stay shielded by more then faith. Over the next few years he did
  167. distinguish himself, racking up the dead, slaying bandits and
  168. undead and Changlings and much else, and his visions ended and
  169. he was content. He learned all that Equestria's scholars could
  170. teach him, of mathematics and the sciences and the arts of
  171. magic, and how to read the stars like a map, and how to see how
  172. much time remains in the day by looking at the Sun, how to fight
  173. in heavy armor and with a great sword, and most of all he
  174. learned the arts of strategy and warfare, because he knew the
  175. Shadow Called Sombra still lurked to the far and Icy North.
  177. When the War began, Solar Light again distinguished himself.
  178. Armored in heavy golden plate, and carrying a magic sword given
  179. to him by Celestia, he slew many Griffons and Changlings, and
  180. led paladins and guards into battle, and saved the lives of
  181. many. And when he would rise into the air, his shadow would cast
  182. his massive winged siloutte upon the ground, and the people
  183. would cry out the Angel is coming, and praise the Sun for saving
  184. them. But alas the armies of evil were too great, and too many.
  185. And when the Shadow came, doom was sealed.
  187. When Sombra came to Canterlot he found the city a fortress.
  188. Celestia was prepared to sacrifice everything to keep the city,
  189. and the Angel had no doubts. The city would be kept, and Sombra
  190. would die. When the Axis raged against the mountain city, spells
  191. flew and guns fired, swords clashed with chitlin and spears
  192. against griffon plate. Crystal Golems scaled the side of the
  193. mountain, and the Angel led his pegasi in fierce bombardment
  194. from above, dropping stones and light explosives, shattering the
  195. holy mountain itself down on them, but still they came. As the
  196. battle continued eventually the paladins and knights keeping the
  197. city fell, one by one. The great city gates were torn open by
  198. horrible manatech siege engines, and darkness entered the city
  199. of the Sun. The Angel made for the escape of many from the city,
  200. and personally guarded airship after civilian airship as they
  201. fell back from the slaughter. Till as last the Equestrian Forces
  202. were pushed back to the Noble Palace itself, the north star
  203. around which Malak's spirit turned. Civilians and soldiers and
  204. knights rushed into the Palace, fearing the horror that was
  205. coming upon them. Yet when all were inside Malak did not shelter
  206. himself in the walls with the others. The Angel of Arabia
  207. slammed shut the Gates of Canterlot Castle, and waited for the
  208. surge to come, and come it did. Changelings and Griffons, a few
  209. at a time at first, then many roared against him, yet at the
  210. bridge they were funneled, and Malak screamed hot ecstaties of
  211. rage and bodies piled, funneling them only more. Till at least
  212. did the Dark Lord, old and wrathful, come upon the Gate himself,
  213. and the Angel felt himself small. The less said of the battle
  214. then the better, for it was not in the Sun's favor. The Darkness
  215. surged itself against him, releasing dark and terrible magicks.
  216. For a mere five minutes did Malak hold the twisting Tyrant at
  217. bay, for only a brief respite did the Angel hold the Gates
  218. sealed shut. Yet it was enough, Malak did think. For Celestia
  219. told him to hold the gate and buy time, and with blood and bones
  220. five minutes did he purchase, till at the last his body, cold
  221. and broken, was tossed from the bridge, his armor chinked and
  222. one wing broken, to crumble slowly down the mountain side. The
  223. Angel awoke to see the city taken, and at once he saw a vision.
  224. The Moon was rising in the south, and a light was dawning there.
  225. So healing his bruised body and lesser wounds, and tying back
  226. his broken wing, Malak make himself a ship of Goldenleaf Oak and
  227. sailed south to meet Luna, and wait the War's continuation.
  229. Now El-Malak waits for the return to the Paradise he lost, to
  230. wreak vengeance against the Demon of his dreams, and find his
  231. missing god. The Angel is of moderate size, but has enormous
  232. massive wings, far in excess of his bulk. His coat is pure
  233. white, and his mane long flowing locks of gold. His armor is
  234. pure gold, with solar insignias and caligraphy decorating the
  235. hardened magic plate. His sword, a modern blade, forged in the
  236. Equestrian style, is designed for the slaying of large numbers of
  237. weaker enemies and can shine brightly with sunlight at his command.
  238. He is extremely educated, especially in
  239. knowledge of warfare, and has a great hatred for all the enemies
  240. of Equestria, but most especially Sombra. He views Equestria as
  241. a kind of heaven on earth, and worships the Princess [and to a
  242. lesser extent, the other Princesses] as gods, with a
  243. superstitious zeal that is a clear example of his heritage in
  244. Saddle Arabia. He is extremely compassionate, and dislikes
  245. violence intensely. When he fights, he fights like a wild beast,
  246. and when the fight is over he returns nearly-immediatly to a
  247. relaxed calm. He is a comparitively young stallion for one of
  248. his station, and is most noted to Luna as a military advisor and
  249. a powerful war hero. He is known to occasionally suffer
  250. epileptic fits, during which he believes he is recieving divine
  251. inspiration. On occasion, when dreaming, he will see visions,
  252. usually very symbolic, which tell him hints about the future.
  253. His hobbies include the study of nature, sports [especially
  254. relating to flying], astronomy [and astrology], and simpler
  255. pleasures of food and drink and warm clothing. Most ponies do
  256. not know his original pony name of Solar Light, and only
  257. Celestia called him it with any frequency.
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