
Dealing with Bullies

Oct 8th, 2018
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  1. [f/ffff, m/f, equestria girls, micro, soft/hard/anal vore, digestion, insertion, dog pred]
  3. The clock ticked, second by second, echoing each tick through the small room. The only other noise was the moaning of the purple dog that placed his paw on his owner’s leg to get her attention.
  5. “Just a second Spike, I’m almost done here but I promise I’ll feed you in just a moment.”
  7. Twilight never lost her focus on her workbench as she spoke; tightening one last screw on the device she was working on. Finally finished, she put the screwdriver down and sighed in relief. She had finished making her Alteration Remote. It was a simple device, a rectangular remote, much like any remote for a simple device; a single, red button, a white dial with a screen above and a switch on the side, just to turn it off and on.
  9. Moving the screwdriver to the centre of the workbench, switching on the remote which activating a laser on the top. Aiming the laser at the screwdriver, she turned the dial, causing the screen to suddenly light up and rapidly drop from 100%, down to 36%. Making sure the laser was on the screwdriver; she pressed the red button, watching with delight as the screwdriver began to diminish in size, shrinking to only 36% of its original size.
  11. Excitedly, Twilight began to clap with anticipation as she turned the dial back to 100% and aimed at the tiny screwdriver again, growing it back to its original size. It worked perfectly, exactly how she wanted it to. Getting up with a purpose, she grabbed her backpack and left her small dorm room, out into the corridors of Crystal Prep Academy.
  13. She was looking for a few individuals, luckily for her though; she knew where they were going to be. The Friendship Games were coming up and Crystal Prep has already chosen their 12 contenders to win the games. Of course, only six of the 12 would progress past the first round and compete for the remaining two. While all 12 received special training to prepare for the games, the six best were trained separately with more advanced training. Unfortunately for Twilight, she was part of that group, a group she didn’t want to be a part of.
  15. She had no choice but to compete in the games, and she was willing to do so for what she was promised, a recommendation letter to the school she was hoping to continue her research in. However, the other students had become a bit harder to deal with than she expected. They treated her like an outsider, basically bullying her for not being exactly like them.
  17. Well now it was her turn. Opening the door to their special training room, they were left with videos of past games to observe, practice worksheets to hone their skills, even tools and materials to improve their crafts. Dean Cadence was roped into watching over their training, much to her dismay.
  19. Cadence’s head lifted when Twilight entered. The others were already there, working, only looking up from their activities when they heard Twilight enter. Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet were sitting at a table together, Sugar Coat sat at a table next to them with Lemon Zest banging her head to her music beside her while Indigo Zap sat on the edge of the first table between both of them.
  21. “Well look who finally decided to show up.”
  23. “Sunny Flare, that’s enough of that, now that you’re all here, I hope I can trust you all to keep working while I go grab a cup of coffee.”
  25. As she got up from her desk and walked to the door, she passed Twilight a placed a hand on her shoulder.
  27. “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes. Don’t let them get to you.”
  29. Giving her a smile, Cadence left, closing the door behind her. A couple of minutes, she had to move fast.
  31. “Looks like the Teacher’s pet doesn’t have her owner to protect her for a while.”
  33. The girls began to laugh, except for one who couldn’t hear due to the high volume in her headphones.
  35. “Sunny, take it easy on Twilight, or else none of us will be able to get any shots in.”
  37. This elicited more laughter, only causing a smile to cross Twilight’s face. Sugar Coat was the first to notice Twilight, stopping her laughter and adjusting her glasses.
  39. “You know, you’re not meant to be happy about others insulting you, it’s just weird.”
  41. The others tried to stifle a laugh whilst Twilight lifted the remote to her face, turning the dial down to 3%. Aiming the laser at Indigo first, she pushed the button, watching as she shrunk down on the desk top. The others watched with shock as Indigo shrunk to the size of a finger. Only when Sunny Flare began to shrink in her chair did the others get up in a panic.
  43. Sunny tried to get off her chair but it was too late by that point and the jump from the chair would probably have hurt her. Sour Sweet made a run to the right while Sugar Coat went left, but Twilight casually aimed at Sour, pressed the button before turning to Sugar and shrinking her too. With everyone shrunken, only Lemon Zest remained. She was still focusing on her music when she suddenly looked up, noticing Twilight for the first time. She then looked over at the others, noticing no one except Indigo Zap, jumping up and down on the other table, waving her arms.
  45. When she turned back to Twilight, she was already aiming her remote at her as everything around her began to grow. Taking her backpack off of her left shoulder, she pulled it around to her right as she walked to the side of the room. Down by her feet, Sour Sweet tried to hide between the legs of some of the other chairs, not well enough though as Twilight reached down, grabbing her by the waist and tossing her into the bag. Over by Sugar Coat, she was trying to hide herself under Cadence’s desk, easily being found and tossed into the bag too. As she approached Indigo Zap, she lifted a pencil up, attempting to defend herself, but could barely lift one side of the pencil, let alone the whole thing.
  47. Without any effort, Twilight casually flicked her, sending her back onto her rear before grabbing her by the leg and adding her to the collection. She pulled out the seat Sunny Flare sat on, finding her still there, peering over tumbling over as the chair scrapped across the floor. As Twilight reached down for her, she made a leap over the edge of the table. Closing her eyes, she expected everything to end, but instead, landed softly on Twilight palm. Closing her fist around her, Twilight dropped her into her bag and then turned to Lemon Zest.
  49. “Last one…”
  51. She pulled her chair out too, finding her in the middle, still unsure of what had happened as Twilight easily scooped her up and threw her into the bag before swinging it back over her left shoulder. She turned off the remote and placed it in her pocket as she opened the door, looking both ways for anyone. No one was around so she quickly ran out, hurrying to her room.
  53. As she turned the corner, Cadence emerged from the other corner, opening the door to find the room empty.
  56. Twilight rushed into her dorm room, slamming the door shut, turning the dial on the knob, locking it. With a wide smile on her face, she walked over to her workbench, pulling out a tall, lidless jar. She wasn’t going to need a lid. Unhooking her bag from her left shoulder again, she opened it up, reaching in and pulling out two of the squirming girls from her bag. Dropping them into the jar, she reached in, pulling the others one by one, dropping the last one in on top of the others.
  58. She held the jar in both hands and lifted it to her face, smiling as she jiggled the jar around, causing the five of them to tumble over themselves as they lost their balance.
  60. “Now I’m sure you all know why you’re here. Don’t you know it’s the quiet ones you should always be worried about?”
  62. She reached inside, causing the girls to scatter and avoid her hand. However, she was focused on one in particular. Grabbing Lemon Zest by the hips, she pulled her out as her screams echoed in the jar.
  64. “Calm down Lemon. I don’t have an issue with you. You never gave me a hard time at all, so I’ll let you go.”
  66. Lemon sighed as she stopped struggling between Twilight’s fingers. Pulling out the remote from her pocket, she flicked it back on and got up from her chair, walking to the other side of the room and placing it on the floor, aiming it back the way she came. She sat back in her chair and leaned down, placing Lemon Zest on the ground.
  68. “All you need to do is walk over there, turn the dial back to 100% and then press the button while standing in front of it.”
  70. Twilight crossed her arms as she watched Lemon slowly step backwards from Twilight, moving in the direction of the remote.
  72. “Go ahead. I promise, I won’t stop you.”
  74. Still uneasy about the whole thing, Lemon looked up at the work bench, seeing the other girls leaning against the jar, watching her. She turned and began to run for the remote, her shoes ‘clacking’ on the floor with every tiny step she took. Half way there, she turned as she ran; noticing Twilight was still sitting there, just watching. Perhaps she wasn’t going to stop her after all.
  76. A little out of breath, Lemon dropped to a hurried walk as she kept making her way to the remote. If Twilight did get up to stop her, surely she would hear and feel her footsteps at her size.
  78. As she got closer, a new, louder ‘clacking’ began to emit from the floor. Lemon Zest stopped and turned around to Twilight, seeing her still sitting on her chair, unmoved, yet the there was still a constant ‘clacking’ that was getting louder.
  80. A sudden warm air began to blast her in the back. Slowly turning around, a giant, purple dog stood above her, his mouth open as he panted heavily, blasting her with his breath. With wide eyes, Lemon Zest began to back up, slowly making her way away from the giant canine.
  82. Spike watched as she tried to get away and bared his teeth, growling at her. She barely got a scream out as Spike’s jaws enclosed around her legs. As she stood back up, her feet kicked and flailed from between his lips as her muffled screams could be heard from inside.
  84. He flicked his head up, opening his maw a little to let her slide in some more. Once fully inside, his tongue curled over the soles of her shoes, pulling back, pushing her head into his throat as he swallowed, pulling her upper body into his throat too. Twilight leaned in closer from her chair as Spike opened his maw once more, only Lemon Zest’s legs remained, kicking in his maw as he swallowed, causing them to slip past and disappear.
  86. A squirming lump descended his neck, quickly disappearing behind his chest as he yipped loudly, rolling on his back, begging for another. Twilight smiled as she leaned down, rubbing his belly, feeling the small girl kicking from inside, her small kicks could be felt on her palm. Twilight then turned back to the others, some of which were hiding their faces, Indigo though was screaming at Twilight.
  88. “You said you’d let her go!”
  90. Twilight scoffed.
  92. “I wasn’t lying when I said I had no issue with her, but unfortunately, she’s a witness and I can’t let her go, knowing what I’ve done. But since you’re so brave…”
  94. Twilight reached inside the jar. As her fingers neared Indigo, she tried to fight back, punching at the fingers. Twilight simply batted her head with a finger, causing her to tumble over, a little dizzied by the blow. Grabbing her by the foot, she hoisted her tiny body out and dangled her in front of her face.
  96. “You seem like a fighter, so I’ve got a special job for you.”
  98. Twilight kicked off her shoes, tossing them aside as she placed Indigo on the ground. Spike immediately rolled back over and tried to get closer but Twilight easily grabbed him before he could have his second treat.
  100. “No Spike, not unless I say so.”
  102. Twilight put him back on the ground. He stared at the tiny girl but groaned as his ears lowered and he wandered off to the other side of the dorm. Indigo was sure she was about to be the next doggy treat and was quite relieved Twilight intervened. As she watched Spike walk away, a shadow loomed over her. She turned back just in time to see Twilight’s socked sole come down on her.
  104. “Now that feels nice…”
  106. Twilight moaned out as the small struggles of her class mate made for a nice tickle on her sole. She steadily applied more pressure, finding it increased the squirming.
  108. “You’ll need to keep that up now. If I have to press any harder to get that kind of stimulation, you might just pop.”
  110. She laughed as she began to roll her sole along the ground, Rolling Indigo across the ground with her foot. It was so empowering, having her entire form pinned by a foot without any effort. Indigo however was steadily pulling herself out from beneath, using the fibres of the sock as hand holds, however even that was difficult as the sock was slightly moist from usage.
  112. She finally managed to break her arms free as she grabbed onto the front of Twilight’s toes, pulling herself out from her foot. As she tried to turn and run, Twilight effortlessly reached over with her sole and grabbed her with her toes, scrunching her in the gap between her toes and sole.
  114. “A little disobedient are we? Well I’ve got a solution for that.”
  116. She lifted her foot with Indigo still caught in her toes and crossed her legs as she peeled her from her foot. Holding her in one hand, she pulled her sock off with the other. Placing her sock across her lap, she fiddled with Indigo in her hands, pinching both of her hands between her fingers. She dangled from her hands, her body and legs squirming about as Twilight lowered her back to her foot, spreading her first and second toe and lowered her body between. Clenching her between the toes, she gave Indigo one last smile before sliding her sock back onto her foot.
  118. As she put her foot back on the ground, she could feel her struggles between her toes, every now and then clenching a little, just to get some more squirming out of her.
  120. “Now who’s next?”
  122. The remaining girls were all huddled together at the back of the jar, each one hoping Twilight would have had enough for today. Above them, Twilight’s purple fingers came down, ready to take the next one away. Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare both grabbed Sugar Coat, pushing her in front of the two of them, allowing Twilight to grab her between her fingers.
  124. She was lifted off the glass, screaming for a moment before Twilight dropped her, suddenly reaching over and grabbing Sour Sweet by the arm.
  126. “Now why would you do something like that? I guess you volunteered to be next then.”
  128. Twilight looked over Sour Sweet’s body as her tongue rolled along her lips.
  130. “I think we should put that name of yours to the test and see, are you sour or are you sweet.”
  132. Sour screamed and tried to yank her arm free as Twilight brought her to her face, parting her lips and rolling her tongue over her legs.
  134. “No… this isn’t right.”
  136. For a moment, Sour was sure she wasn’t going to be a snack, but after all that had happened, she wasn’t going to let her guard down so easily. She was right not to as Twilight’s other hand came from below, pinching her tiny shoes and pulling them off. Piece by piece, Twilight removed shoes, pulled off socks and even ripped off her shirt, tossing the loose clothing into the jar on top of the remaining girls.
  138. Finally, Twilight grabbed her skirt, pulling it down her legs, against her best attempt to keep them on. Now in nothing but her underwear, Twilight brought her closer again.
  140. “Can’t get your proper flavour with all those clothes on.”
  142. Twilight’s mouth opened wide as she lowered Sour Sweet towards them. Her legs flailed about, trying to stop her descent. She managed to get one foot onto Twilight’s lower lip and quickly stretched her other leg over, stepping onto her upper lip. Twilight let out a little giggle, threatening to shake Sour free from her footing, but decided to let go of her arm. As soon as her arm was free, Sour found that her position was much more difficult than she initially thought, as it was now a balancing act. Twilight sat still for a moment, watching as best she could as Sour Sweet balanced between her lips. As time moved on, Twilight became rather board. It was time to throw a wrench in the works.
  144. Her tongue extended from her maw, gently licking at Sour’s legs. Her legs began to shake as the tongue rolled along them, coating them in saliva. She wanted to kick it away, but knew if she did, she’d fall inside. Twilight’s tongue steadily slid up her leg, eventually rubbing against her panties, licking between her legs.
  146. Sour Sweet’s legs became much weaker as she struggled more to keep her balance. The tongue slowly moved away from between her legs, now rolling down her other leg, eventually rolling over her foot before returning to Twilight’s mouth. For another moment, Sour thought she had given up, but soon realised that she was done for. Her foot started to slip as she noticed it was coated in saliva, making it very slippery. Her other foot was solid but coated in saliva, her foot was slipping slowly.
  148. She tried to push her foot back up into place but it only slipped from its position, causing her to fall back between Twilight’s lips. The lips sealed over her as Twilight straightened her head, leaning closer to the jar. Picking up the jar, she placed one hand on the bottom and the other over the top and tilted it to the side, tossing the two onto the wall.
  150. Twilight’s lips pressed to the glass before she opened her mouth and sealed her lips over the curved jar like a suction cup. Sugar Coat and Sunny Flare screamed as Sour Sweet leapt over Twilight’s tongue, banging her fists on the glass. The other two scooted back as best they could as Sour continued to bang on the glass, begging for help. As she banged her fists on the solid glass, Twilight’s tongue curled up from between her legs, flicking back into her chest and pulling her back from the jar.
  152. Pulling back from the jar, Twilight sealed her lips again and turned the jar back over, placing it back on the bench, now a drooled lip imprint pressed along the glass, a couple of globs of fluid still sliding down the wall. Twilight continued to toss Sour around, eventually pulling her under her tongue.
  154. “She’s actually quite sweet on the outside…”
  156. Sunny’s and Sugar’s jaws dropped as they heard the loud ‘crunch’ come from Twilight as they watched in horror as her jaws began to rotate, each rotation emitting another ‘crunch’. A drop of red tinted drool slipped from the corner of Twilight’s mouth, a drop she was quick to lick up, giving the two a very quick glimpse of the mangled remains in her mouth.
  158. After a few more chews, Twilight tilted her head and swallowed, licking any remaining morsels left between her teeth.
  160. “…but very sour on the inside… How appropriate.”
  162. The remaining girls were quiet, staring at the ground, given up on getting out of this alive. They didn’t even notice as Twilight grabbed Sunny Flare by the neck of her shirt, hoisting her out of the jar.
  164. “You have been a little shit to me for far too long. And I know just what to do with little shits like you.”
  166. Twilight lifted her legs up from the floor, bracing them on the side of her work bench, her feet pressed on either side of the jar. Holding Sunny in one hand, she used the other and grabbed the rim of her panties. She closed her legs as she pulled them down her legs, squirming on her seat until they were pulled down to her knees. Bringing her feet together, she slid them the rest of the way, eventually pulling them off her feet and tossing them behind her, onto Spike’s head who jumped at the sudden attack of panties.
  168. Disturbing his rest, he decided to go for a walk around the dorm whilst Twilight repositioned her legs where they were before she removed her panties. Bringing Sunny down to between her legs, she could see Twilight’s sex, gaping and wet, but some part of her knew that wasn’t her problem for now. Beneath Twilight’s sex was the pulsating anus that flexed and twitched with Twilight’s movements.
  170. Twilight slowly moved Sunny to her back door and on cue; her tiny body struggled against her hand. It was nice, but what she really wanted, was to feel the squirming on the inside. Manoeuvring Sunny between her fingers, she managed to pinch her feet between her index and middle finger as she lay back along her fingers.
  172. Unable to pull herself away, Twilight easily fed Sunny’s feet into her anus which immediately clenched at the sudden intrusion of an unknown source. Once she had grabbed her feet anally, Twilight dropped Sunny Flare, her back and head hitting the chair, dizzying her for a moment. Twilight’s anus however began to clench along her legs, each clench pulling her a little further in before unclenching and repeating.
  174. Sunny’s legs were soon completely swallowed up, her skirt covering the anus, allowing Sunny to push back with her hands, using the skirt to prevent direct contact. She was afraid that if she touched it, her hands too might accidentally slip in. Regardless, she continued to be swallowed up, eventually inverting her skirt as it too was sucked in along with her waist.
  176. Now up to her chest, Sunny braced her arms along the rim of Twilight’s anus, trying to hold herself afloat as her legs kicked about inside. The kicks each caused pleasure to Twilight, but unfortunately kept her clenched with each kick, preventing her from being able to continue her pull.
  178. Figuring she couldn’t get pulled any further in in this current situation, Sunny Flare attempted to push herself out, managing to slowly move her way out. In an instant, Twilight’s fingers came down from above as a single finger landed on her head, pushing down on her as she was forcefully pushed between the tightened anus. Once her head broke past the rim, Twilight pulled her hand away; only Sunny’s hands remained flailing outside as another clench pulled them inside too.
  180. She could feel the squirming in her rear as she slowly worked it deeper into her rectum. Regardless, at this point, there was no escape. Her attention was then brought back to her last victim.
  182. Sugar Coat sat at the back of the jar, her hands and head in lap, unaware as Twilight grabbed her waist and suddenly lifted her out of the jar.
  184. “I’ve saved the best part for last.”
  186. Twilight’s other hand reached down, lifting the top of her skirt up as her fingers braced against either side of her sex, spreading it apart. Sugar Coat was renewed with new energy as she struggled in Twilight’s fingers, but it was ultimately useless as her from was forced into the vagina. With a finger on her back and another on her calves, Twilight pushed her fingers in deep, forcing Sugar Coat deep into her.
  188. Her fingers retracted as she slipped their juice covered tips between her lips as she suckled on them whilst her other hand began to rub along her nethers. Twilight lowered her legs from the bench, placing one on the floor and the other on the edge of her chair, her heel sitting on the edge as she continued to rub, steadily getting more violent with her masturbation.
  190. As she pleasured herself with closed eyes, the heel of her foot which was barely sitting on her chair suddenly fell flat on the chair completely. Not to mention that her other foot no longer reached the floor. Twilight’s eyes opened wide as she found her dorm room to be bigger than a moment ago. She quickly looked around the room towards Spike who was standing by her remote, his paw batting at the top. She had only a moment to look down between her legs, seeing the laser of the remote shine beneath her chair. It must have hit her foot.
  192. Twilight finally stopped shrinking and got up on shaky legs, her legs now wet with the fluids she had produced midway through her pleasure. She ran over to the edge of the chair, looking over at Spike.
  194. “Spike!”
  196. She yelled, getting Spike’s ears to lift as he looked around and noticed her on the chair. He gave a quick ‘yip’ before running towards Twilight, accidently skidding along the floor and bumping into the chair. Twilight tried to hold on as the chair tilted, causing her to slide on her bare rear before flying off the chair, onto the ground.
  198. Twilight groaned as she got back up, rubbing her rear before ‘clacking’ noises got her attention again. Spike walked around the tipped chair, now standing before Twilight.
  200. “Good boy. Now, go get the remote, get the remote and bring it to me.”
  202. Spike just tilted his head as he stared down at Twilight. She was beginning to become nervous, more so when Spike’s stomach began to growl. Twilight turned around, looking at his bowl and the bag of food beside it. She hadn’t fed him yet. She was meaning to, but got too distracted with her remote and revenge. She needed to get his food before he made her his next meal, but there was no way she’d cross that distance without him catching her.
  204. Twilight looked back at Spike who was leaning in, sniffing her, but the licking of his lips was an omen. Twilight moved suddenly, running between Spike’s legs. Taken by surprise, Spike turned around and ran; ready to chase down another of those creatures. He suddenly stopped as he quickly noticed nothing was behind him. He scanned the room quickly before turned back around, seeing his prey had run towards his bowl.
  206. Twilight managed to trick Spike for a while, getting much closer to the dog food than she would have if she just headed for it. Soon, the ‘clacking’ of Spikes nails on the floor began to ring out as he found Twilight and made his way towards her.
  208. Spike’s food was in a small, woven sack that she had made just for him. She was glad she did as she leapt onto the bag, managing to climb on its material. She quickly tried to climb up the bag but halfway through, he foot suddenly became drenched. Twilight looked back just in time to see her foot completely hidden behind his lips.
  210. “No Spike! Let me go!”
  212. She screamed, yanking her foot free and feeling the very cold air on her leg. She looked back in time to see the end of her sock get slurped up and swallowed. Also, her toes were suddenly bare of Indigo Zap, most likely still in that tiny sock, but now was not the time to care. She continued to climb the bag but Spike was quick to bite onto her skirt, trying to pull her off the bag.
  214. “I said no Spike! Stop it!”
  216. Spike growled as he tried to pull her back, meanwhile her arms held onto thing strands and her legs were curled around whatever she could. Twilight was slowly losing her grip, screaming as her legs slipped, soon followed by one of her hands. Her last hand let go too but luckily for her, the bag had been falling over as Spike pulled on her. The bag tipped over just as Spike pulled her free, causing him to yelp and jump back, dropping her onto the floor as an avalanche of dog food fell on her.
  218. Twilight couldn’t breathe. Last she saw was an avalanche of food falling onto her. She was sure she was dead but instead, just felt massive pain as she steadily got up, pushing the giant pieces of dog food out of the way. As her head broke through the food, she looked over to see Spike with his snout in the pile, sniffing at the food
  220. “Ok Spike, you got your food, now please get me the remote.”
  222. Spike kept on sniffing at the food as he made his way further into the pile of food, in the direction Twilight was in.
  224. “Spike? What are you doing?”
  226. Spike either didn’t listen or couldn’t either way, he sniffed more and more. Twilight tried to move away from his directions, but found herself trapped between multiple pieces of food. She tried to climb up over a piece but it too late as Spike’s snout was over her as he sniffed, her hair getting lifted as Spike took in his scent.
  228. Spike didn’t seem interested in his regular dog food after getting a taste of one of those tiny creatures before. And here another was, basically swimming in his food, begging to be eaten. Twilight fell onto her back as Spike’s maw parted as he engulfed Twilight’s screaming body, his lips curling over her body and pulled her onto his tongue.
  230. Twilight attempted to stop herself from being eaten by pressing her feet on either side of his throat, but the inside of his maw was constantly in a state of wet coating, causing her feet to easily slip as his tongue curled, pushing her into his throat. Her arms flailed as she tried to grab onto anything but anything she grabbed, like his teeth or tongue just slipped off as she was soon pulled completely into his throat.
  232. Steadily massaged by the muscles in his throat, Twilight was worked down, eventually deposited into his stomach that was already quite active.
  234. “Spike! Please let me out!”
  236. She banged on his stomach lining, trying to get his attention but a part of her knew it was not going to happen. A skull, burned clean by the acids suddenly broke the surface between her legs, causing her to jump back which only jostled Spike’s stomach for a second.
  238. Spike however was satisfied. Twilight had given him a tasty treat, one that was far better than anything he had eaten before. He did feel a little bad though, Twilight did say not to eat another without her say so, but when he found another, she wasn’t around to say he could eat it, but, she wasn’t around to say he couldn’t. However, feeling a little bored, he made his way back to that strange thing Twilight was working on earlier that she had left on the ground.
  240. Whilst batting at it, there was a knock on the door before the lock ‘clicked’ open and Dean Cadence entered the room. Only she and Principal Finch had an all access key to the entire school, just in case they needed to get inside.
  242. “Twilight? Are you here?”
  244. As Cadence walked into the dorm room, she didn’t notice the red dot on her foot at Spike hit the red button on the remote again. The room around Cadence began to grow. She was taken by surprise that she didn’t have a chance to react before she was now standing in the middle of the room, almost unnoticeable to anyone if they walked in. Spike however was quick to notice as another treat appeared before him. He could feel the last one not moving as much as he’d hoped so adding another to his belly was very appealing.
  246. He gave his lips another lick, ready to send another treat past them as he got up and made his way to his prey.
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