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Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. 10-31 10:33:04:471 !!! Mirall::CheckServerJob created for QUrl( "https://cloud.XXX.XX" ) querying "status.php"
  2. 10-31 10:33:04:563 SSL-Errors happened for url "https://cloud.XXX.XX/status.php"
  3. 10-31 10:33:04:564 Error in QSslCertificate( "3" , "ab:ef:36:07:00:00:00:00" , "5C4fQ/udfgdfU1K/DtwlvEqg==" , "NEW SIGNER" , "XXX.XX" , QMap() , QDateTime("Wed Oct 22 15:41:28 2014") , QDateTime("Thu Oct 22 15:41:28 2015") ) : "The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate" ( "The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate" )
  4. 10-31 10:33:04:564 Error in QSslCertificate( "3" , "ab:ef:36:07:00:00:00:00" , "5C4fQ/udfgdfU1K/DtwlvEqg==" , "NEW SIGNER" , "XXX.XX" , QMap() , QDateTime("Wed Oct 22 15:41:28 2014") , QDateTime("Thu Oct 22 15:41:28 2015") ) : "The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found" ( "The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found" )
  5. 10-31 10:33:04:564 Error in QSslCertificate( "3" , "ab:ef:36:07:00:00:00:00" , "5C4fQ/udfgdfU1K/DtwlvEqg==" , "NEW SIGNER" , "XXX.XX" , QMap() , QDateTime("Wed Oct 22 15:41:28 2014") , QDateTime("Thu Oct 22 15:41:28 2015") ) : "The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose" ( "The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose" )
  6. 10-31 10:33:04:564 Error in QSslCertificate( "3" , "ab:ef:36:07:00:00:00:00" , "5C4fQ/udfgdfU1K/DtwlvEqg==" , "NEW SIGNER" , "XXX.XX" , QMap() , QDateTime("Wed Oct 22 15:41:28 2014") , QDateTime("Thu Oct 22 15:41:28 2015") ) : "No certificates could be verified" ( "No certificates could be verified" )
  7. 10-31 10:33:04:566 # # # # # #
  8. 10-31 10:33:04:566 "<html><head><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='format.css'></head><body><h3>Warnings about current SSL Connection:</h3><div id="ca_errors"><div id="ca_error"><p>The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate</p><p>The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found</p><p>The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose</p><p>No certificates could be verified</p></div><div id="cert"><h3>with Certificate XXX.XX</h3><div id="ccert"><p>Organization: XXX.XX<br/>Unit: XXX.XX<br/>Country: DE</p><p>Fingerprint (MD5): <tt>a7:25:59:43:fc:94:d4:af:13:b7:09:6b:e3:bd:84:aa</tt><br/>Fingerprint (SHA1): <tt>c5:e2:35:39:43:Cb:e1:4c:d4:7b:2f:d3:a0:e7:f2:6c:53:73:d9:04</tt><br/><br/>Effective Date: Wed Oct 22 15:41:28 2014<br/>Expiry Date: Thu Oct 22 15:41:28 2015</p></div><h3>Issuer: NEW SIGNER SecurityProxy</h3><div id="issuer"><p>Organization: NEW SIGNER<br/>Unit: IT<br/>Country: DE</p></div></div></div></body></html>"
  9. 10-31 10:33:04:566 Style: "#cert {margin-left: 5px;} #ca_error { color:#a00011; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px; }#ca_error p { margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom:2px; }#ccert { margin-left: 5px; }#issuer { margin-left: 5px; }tt { font-size: small; }"
  10. 10-31 10:33:07:991 Failed to reach version check url: "SSL handshake failed"
  11. 10-31 10:33:11:364 SSL-Connection is trusted: true
  12. 10-31 10:33:11:365 Certs are already known and trusted, Errors are not valid.
  13. 10-31 10:33:11:501 status.php returns: QMap(("edition", QVariant(QString, "") ) ( "installed" , QVariant(QString, "true") ) ( "version" , QVariant(QString, "") ) ( "versionstring" , QVariant(QString, "7.0.2") ) ) 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyImpl(0x15c8bd0)
  14. 10-31 10:33:11:501 ** Application: ownCloud found: QUrl( "https://cloud.XXX.XX/status.php" ) with version "7.0.2" ( "" )
  15. 10-31 10:33:15:490 !!! Mirall::PropfindJob created for QUrl( "https://cloud.XXX.XX" ) querying "/"
  16. 10-31 10:33:15:491 # checking for authentication settings.
  17. 10-31 10:33:15:667 Stop request: Authentication failed for "https://cloud.XXX.XX/remote.php/webdav/"
  18. 10-31 10:33:15:667 void Mirall::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 5 "Operation canceled"
  19. 10-31 10:33:15:667 5 "Operation canceled"
  20. 10-31 10:33:15:667 ******** Password is wrong!
  21. 10-31 10:33:15:668 Connection Validator Result: "Credentials Wrong"
  22. 10-31 10:33:15:668 Quota request *not* successful, http result code is 0 ""
  23. 10-31 10:33:15:698 "/home/USER/.local/share/data//ownCloud//cookies.db"
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