
Ana meets Tricky & Tojo

Sep 4th, 2015
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  1. [23:46] * Anastasia_Locke is jogging home from school. Kazuma, as often happens, has been held in detention for being an all-around disruptive student
  2. [23:47] * Anastasia_Locke is subsequently alone and enjoying the fresh air
  3. [23:48] <Tojo_Hajimura> Tricky and Tojo are currently exiting the house, to do some shopping, when they notice Anastasia lock running alone. Tricky waves, and Tojo simply stares ahead, as usual.
  4. [23:48] * Anastasia_Locke waves back with a smile
  5. [23:49] <Tojo_Hajimura> "What're you doing running by yourself?" Tricky asked, as Tojo sighed, slightly.
  6. [23:50] <Anastasia_Locke> "Heading home. Y'know"
  7. [23:50] * Anastasia_Locke gestures behind her
  8. [23:51] <Tojo_Hajimura> "Might I ask your name?" Tricky asked, "I mean, we are neighbors so I might as well get to know who you are."
  9. [23:51] <Anastasia_Locke> "Oh, sure. I'm Ana, and you?"
  10. [23:51] * Anastasia_Locke sticks her hand out for a handshake
  11. [23:52] <Tojo_Hajimura> "Trickenfleür Harménst.", Tricky states, as he shakes her hand, "And this is my ever constant friend, Tojo Hajimura!"
  12. [23:52] <Tojo_Hajimura> "hello, as he says"
  13. [23:53] <Anastasia_Locke> "Ooh, cool names! Where you from?"
  14. [23:54] <Tojo_Hajimura> "Sweden, for me," Tricky gestured to Tojo, "And he's originally from Japan. His family was in the process of moving when they died. So he's been a citizen here for a few years."
  15. [23:55] <Anastasia_Locke> "Aww, I'm sorry to hear that."
  16. [23:57] <Anastasia_Locke> "So you two stick together you said, huh?"
  17. [23:58] <Tojo_Hajimura> "Yup. We're both survivors." Tojo continued staring ahead, although he took a red candy from his pocket and ate it.
  18. [23:59] <Tojo_Hajimura> "Same crash accident and all." Tricky continued.
  19. [00:00] <Tojo_Hajimura> "I was in a bus, he was in a sports car. The one time not wearing a seatbelt saved a life." Tricky smiled, "I, on the other hand, can't do anything alone."
  20. [00:01] <Anastasia_Locke> "Mmm"
  21. [00:01] * Anastasia_Locke smiles sympathetically
  22. [00:01] <Anastasia_Locke> "I'm sorry you guys had to go through all that"
  23. [00:03] <Tojo_Hajimura> "Well these've been the best two years of my life, minus the times i've been alone." Tricky grinned, "I'm a lot more active now, Complete 180, and finally, I got away from my smothering family that did absolutely nothing good for me!"
  24. [00:04] <Anastasia_Locke> "Awesome. Good to look on the bright side!"
  25. [00:05] <Tojo_Hajimura> "The sad thing, that crash was one of the best things to happen to me!" Tricky smiled, as he returned the sympathetic smile, "Also, I'm curious, would any of your relatives happen to be a 'Peter'?"
  26. [00:06] == Mathmatt878 [] has joined #RPGStuck_C3S8
  27. [00:06] * Anastasia_Locke blinks
  28. [00:06] <Anastasia_Locke> "What do you mean?"
  29. [00:07] <Tojo_Hajimura> "I was just curious, your hands are well worn for your age, which is usually the sign of having access to guns and, sometimes, physical arms, like batons. I was just asking, recently I said some rude things to a SWAT member named Peter. So I made a false assumption."
  30. [00:08] <Anastasia_Locke> "Uh"
  31. [00:08] <Anastasia_Locke> "What are you talking about?"
  32. [00:08] * Anastasia_Locke gives Tricky a weirded-out look
  33. [00:09] <Tojo_Hajimura> "he is ranting, he does this, side effect of crash" Tojo wrote/text-speeched
  34. [00:09] <Tojo_Hajimura> "I was like this my whole life!" Tricky insisted, "And its not weird, its the same deductional logic Sherlock Holmes used!"
  35. [00:10] <Anastasia_Locke> "Sherlock Holmes only got things right because the author knew the end result to go for."
  36. [00:10] <Anastasia_Locke> "Otherwise you're just making up connections."
  37. [00:11] <Anastasia_Locke> "Like "worn hands", whatever that even means, therefore guns, therefore some SWAT guy?"
  38. [00:12] <Tojo_Hajimura> "I don't like that way of looking at it. Way too pessimistic, Its a small town, and he lived in the same appartment as you, so, its not a far jump to make!"
  39. [00:12] <Tojo_Hajimura> "want a tamale" Tojo intervened, as he offered a red candy to Anastasia
  40. [00:12] <Anastasia_Locke> "I'm fine, thank you."
  41. [00:12] <Anastasia_Locke> "It's not pessemistic, it's REAListic."
  42. [00:14] <Tojo_Hajimura> "very well" Tojo wrote, as he ate the hot tamale, Tricky sighed, and began flailing his arms, as if to emphasise something grand, "Its all about the tiny notes! No scars, yet calluses on the curve between thumb and forefinger, which generally indicates either rapid gunfire or whoring. Since you're nicely dressed, and very polite, I'm assuming its the former!"
  43. [00:15] <Tojo_Hajimura> "shut up" Tojo wrote, as he elbowed Tricky in the gut, again.
  44. [00:15] <Tojo_Hajimura> "i apologize for this, he has no sense of boundaries, at all"
  45. [00:15] <Anastasia_Locke> "I noticed."
  46. [00:16] * Anastasia_Locke sets her jaw
  47. [00:16] <Tojo_Hajimura> "I do have a sense of boundaries!" Tricky insisted, as he got elbowed in the gut again.
  48. [00:17] <Tojo_Hajimura> "no, you do not, stop embarassing us"
  49. [00:18] <Tojo_Hajimura> "Sorry..." Tricky muttered, as he took a step closer to Tojo and away from Anastasia, "Sorry..." he stated again, in Ana's direction
  50. [00:18] <Anastasia_Locke> "Uh... huh."
  51. [00:19] <Anastasia_Locke> "Fine, sure"
  52. [00:20] <Anastasia_Locke> "Just maybe stop with the immediately asking people random questions based on guesswork?"
  53. [00:22] <Tojo_Hajimura> "Not a chance..." Tricky said, quietly, as he looked at the apartment, "Window room, right?" Then he chuckled quietly to himself, "Which room is yours? So I can avoid it, when I apologize to Mr. Peter, that is."
  54. [00:22] <Anastasia_Locke> "What?"
  55. [00:22] <Anastasia_Locke> "I'm not telling you which room is mine."
  56. [00:23] == Cass_ [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  57. [00:23] <Tojo_Hajimura> "By the way, have I seen you before?" Tricky inquired, as he put on a contemplating face.
  58. [00:24] <Anastasia_Locke> "Stop."
  59. [00:24] == Terry_Hoots [] has joined #RPGStuck_C3S8
  60. [00:24] <Tojo_Hajimura> "That's a yes, then!" Tricky grinned
  61. [00:25] * Anastasia_Locke readies an action to decaptcha her revolver
  62. [00:25] <Terry_Hoots> *An owls flies in the distance, dropping a bird poo on Tricky's head. ''Hoot.''*
  63. [00:25] <Tojo_Hajimura> Tricky sidesteps, swiftly, as he throws his scissors in the general direction of the attack
  64. [00:26] <Tojo_Hajimura> roll 1d20+3 to hit
  65. [00:26] <`DICE> Tojo_Hajimura rolled 1d20+3 to hit [ 1d20=11 ]{14}
  66. [00:26] <Anastasia_Locke> "Um."
  67. [00:26] <Anastasia_Locke> "Did you just... ?"
  68. [00:26] <Tojo_Hajimura> "An owl in the middle of the day." Tricky said aloud, as he squinted his eyes, "That can't be right.", A small ting noise is made as the scissors hit the ground
  69. [00:27] * Anastasia_Locke backs away slowly
  70. [00:28] <Tojo_Hajimura> Tricky walks over and picks up the scissors, putting them away, then grinning at Anastasia, "Very well, Have a nice day. Avoid Owls, it seems!" As he wheeled Tojo off with him, "We've got Groceries to buy!"
  71. [00:29] * Anastasia_Locke watches them leave to a safe distance, then hurries inside. She then takes the elevator up to the roof and climbs down to her own floor.
  72. [00:29] <Anastasia_Locke> "Those were scissors."
  73. [00:30] * Anastasia_Locke glances at the door, thinking back to her recent encounter with Jacob.
  74. [00:30] <Anastasia_Locke> "Okay. Getting stalked."
  75. [00:31] <Anastasia_Locke> "Time to move again."
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