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MobRacers langEN.yml 1.1.18

a guest
Dec 3rd, 2015
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  1. prefix: "&f&lMob&2&lRacers &f&l> "
  3. separator-cantselectvehicle: "&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-&4&m-&f&m-"
  4. separator-selectvehicle: "&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-&2&m-&f&m-"
  5. separator-achievement: "&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-&d&m-&f&m-"
  6. separator-purchase: "&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-&6&m-&f&m-"
  8. join: "&r<player> &ajoined the game."
  9. join-alreadyingame: "&cYou are already in game."
  10. join-gamenotready: "&cThe game isn't completly configured."
  11. join-gameclosed: "&cThe game is closed."
  12. join-maxplayers: "&cSorry, you can't join because the game is full."
  13. join-someonehasjoin: "<player> has initiated a race! Click here to join."
  15. leave-notingame: "&cYou are not in game."
  16. leave: "&r<player> &cleft the game."
  17. leave-cantleaveautojoin: To leave the game, please use the command to get on the main server. (/hub ?)
  19. standby-status: There are not enough players to begin.
  20. standby-notenoughtplayers: "&cThere are not enough players to begin."
  21. standby-notenoughtplayerstocontinue: "&cThere are not enough players to continue."
  23. standby-board-header: "&f&lMob&2&lRacers"
  24. standby-board1: "&cNot enough"
  25. standby-board2: "&cplayers"
  26. standby-board3: "&cto begin"
  28. standby-tabheader: "&f[&lMob&2&lRacers&f]"
  29. standby-tabfooter: "&cThere are not enough players to begin."
  31. arenaselect-startorjoin: It's now the time to vote for the arena of your choice.
  32. arenaselect-invalidarena: "&cInvalid arena"
  33. arenaselect-firstvote: You voted properly for this arena.
  34. arenaselect-samearena: "&cYou have already voted for this arena."
  35. arenaselect-changevote: Your vote has been change.
  36. arenaselect-status: The players are currently voting for their arena.
  37. arenaselect-timer: "&7The vehicle selection will begin in &a<time> &7second<plural>."
  38. arenaselect-arenaselected: "&eThe arena will be &f&l<arena> &e!"
  40. arenaselect-tabheader: "&f[&lMob&2&lRacers&f]"
  41. arenaselect-tabfooter-novote: "&ePlease vote for your favorite arena"
  42. arenaselect-tabfooter-voted: "&aYou voted for the arena <arena>"
  44. arenaselect-board-header: "&f&lMob&2&lRacers"
  45. arenaselect-board-arena: "&3&lVoted arena:"
  46. arenaselect-board-arenaauthor: "&a&lAuthor:"
  47. arenaselect-board-othervotes: "&6&lVotes:"
  49. vehicleselect-tabheader: "&f[&lMob&2&lRacers&f]"
  50. vehicleselect-tabfooter-novehicle: "&ePlease choose a vehicle for the next race"
  51. vehicleselect-tabfooter-selected: "&aYou chose the vehicle <vehicle>"
  53. vehicleselect-board-header: "&f&lMob&2&lRacers"
  54. vehicleselect-board-arena: "&3&lArena:"
  55. vehicleselect-board-vehicles: "&e&lVehicles:"
  56. vehicleselect-board-selectedvehicle: "&c&lYours:"
  57. vehicleselect-board-records: "&d&lMusic Discs:"
  58. vehicleselect-board-points: "&a&lPoints:"
  60. vehicleselect-cantselect-vip: Get V.I.P to have access to this vehicle !
  61. vehicleselect-cantselect-achievement: "&d&lYou need to complete an achievement to get this vehicle:"
  62. vehicleselect-cantselect-purchase: "&e&lYou can buy this vehicle for &a&l<points> &e&lpoints."
  63. vehicleselect-cantselect-unknow: "&4&lUnavailable vehicle."
  64. vehicleselect-clicktobuy: Click here to buy this vehicle.
  65. vehicleselect-join: "It's the time to choose your vehicle for the arena &e<arena>&f."
  66. vehicleselect-justselected: "&a&lYou selected this vehicle"
  67. vehicleselect-status: The players are choosing their vehicle on arena <arena>.
  68. vehicleselect-timer: "&7The race will begin in &a<time> &7second<plural>."
  69. vehicleselect-shifttip: "&aYou can get back to the road in anytime just by sneaking !"
  70. vehicleselect-beginingsoon: "&7&lThe game will start soon."
  72. game-nomoreracers: "&cThe game stopped because there was no more players."
  73. game-spectatorjoin: You joined the game as a spectator.
  74. game-finished-first: You finished on first place !
  75. game-finished-normal: 'You finished in position #.'
  76. game-status: "The players are on arena <arena> by <author>"
  77. game-end: The game is finished !
  78. game-forcefnish: "&cYou took too long to finish your race."
  79. game-start-goodluck: "Good luck ! &l:&fD"
  80. game-passmainline-normal: You are on lap <current> of <laps>.
  81. game-passmainline-final: You are on the last lap !
  82. game-finishtime-normal: "&fYour time: &a<time>"
  83. game-finishtime-newrecord: "&a&lYou just made a new personnal high-score for <arena> !"
  84. game-besttime: "Your best time on &e<arena> &fis &a<time> &fwith &b<vehicle>&f."
  85. game-title-line1: "&c&l<player>"
  86. game-title-line2: "&f&lhas won the game !"
  87. game-go: "&4&lGo !"
  88. game-relocate: "You have been replaced on the track."
  89. game-finish-actionbar: "&2&l<player> &e&lcrossed the finish line !"
  90. game-win: "&f&l<player> &ea gagn\xe9 sur <arena> !"
  92. game-compass-name: "&7Teleportation Compass"
  93. game-compass-lore: "&a>> Click to teleport <<"
  95. game-leaveitem-name: "&4Leave the game"
  96. game-leaveitem-lore: "&c>> Click to leave <<"
  98. game-board-header: "&f&lMob&2&lRacers"
  99. game-board-position: "&d&lPosition:"
  100. game-board-spectator: Spectator
  101. game-board-item: "&a&lItem:"
  102. game-board-ranking: "&6&lRanking:"
  103. game-board-laps: (Lap <current> of <laps>)
  105. game-tabheader: "&f[&lMob&2&lRacers&f]"
  106. game-tabfooter: "&a&l<players> player<plural-player> in game, <spectators> spectator<plural-spectator>"
  108. command-invalid-permission: "&cYou do not have the permission to perform this command."
  109. command-invalid-sender: "&cInvalid command sender."
  110. command-invalid-argument: "&cInvalid argument(s)."
  111. command-invalid-selection: "&cYour selection with the wand is invalid."
  112. command-invalid-player: "&cThis player is not valid."
  114. command-open: "&aThe game is now open ! Type &f/mobracers &ato join !"
  115. command-close: "&cThe game has been temporarily closed by a staff member."
  117. command-usage: Usage
  118. command-blocked-in-game: "&cThis command is blocked in game."
  120. command-achievement-list-todo: 'This is the list of achievements to do (Hover):'
  121. command-achievement-list-others: To look at your finished achievements, do /mr achievement finished
  122. command-achievement-list-done: Here is the list of completed achievements (Hover)
  123. command-achievement-nothingdone: "&cYou did not finish any achievement."
  124. command-achievement-alldone: Well done you completed all the achievements !
  126. command-arena-help-menu: "&e&lArena help menu &fPage <page> of <max>"
  127. command-arena-help-next: "&6Next page: &f/mr arena help <next>"
  128. command-arena-help-nonext: "&6This is the last page."
  129. command-arena-help-list-info: "&aShow the list of arenas:"
  130. command-arena-help-create-info: 'Create a new arena:'
  131. command-arena-help-delete-info: 'Delete an arena:'
  132. command-arena-help-info-info: 'Show the informations of an arena:'
  133. command-arena-help-list-command: "&f/mr arena list"
  134. command-arena-help-create-command: "&f/mr arena create <name>"
  135. command-arena-help-delete-command: "&f/mr arena delete <arena>"
  136. command-arena-help-info-command: "&f/mr arena info <arena>"
  138. command-arena-help-spawn-add-info: "&aAdd a new start point at your position:"
  139. command-arena-help-spawn-remove-info: "&aDelete a start point at your position:"
  140. command-arena-help-spawn-reset-info: "&aReset the start points:"
  141. command-arena-help-spawn-show-info: "&aShow all the start points:"
  142. command-arena-help-spawn-add-command: "&f/mr arena addspawn <arena>"
  143. command-arena-help-spawn-remove-command: "&f/mr arena delspawn <arena>"
  144. command-arena-help-spawn-reset-command: "&f/mr arena resetspawns <arena>"
  145. command-arena-help-spawn-show-command: "&f/mr arena showspawns <arena>"
  147. command-arena-help-item-add-info: "&aAdd an item at your location(banner):"
  148. command-arena-help-item-remove-info: "&aDelete an item at your location:"
  149. command-arena-help-item-reset-info: "&aReset all the item:"
  150. command-arena-help-item-show-info: "&aShow the items:(You will need to remove them manually after)"
  151. command-arena-help-item-add-command: "&f/mr arena additem <arena>"
  152. command-arena-help-item-remove-command: "&f/mr arena delitem <arena>"
  153. command-arena-help-item-reset-command: "&f/mr arena resetitems <arena>"
  154. command-arena-help-item-show-command: "&f/mr arena showitems <arena>"
  156. command-arena-help-spectator-add-info: "&aAdd a spectator point at your location:"
  157. command-arena-help-spectator-remove-info: "&aRemove a spectator point at your location:"
  158. command-arena-help-spectator-reset-info: "&aReset the spectators points:"
  159. command-arena-help-spectator-show-info: "&aShow the spectators points:"
  160. command-arena-help-spectator-add-command: "&f/mr arena addspectator <arena>"
  161. command-arena-help-spectator-remove-command: "&f/mr arena delspectator <arena>"
  162. command-arena-help-spectator-reset-command: "&f/mr arena resetspectators <arena>"
  163. command-arena-help-spectator-show-command: "&f/mr arena showspectators <arena>"
  165. command-arena-help-jukebox-add-info: "&aAdd a (virtual) jukebox at your location:"
  166. command-arena-help-jukebox-remove-info: "&aRemove a jukebox at your location:"
  167. command-arena-help-jukebox-reset-info: "&aReset jukeboxes:"
  168. command-arena-help-jukebox-play-info: "&aPlay music to the jukeboxes:"
  169. command-arena-help-jukebox-add-command: "&f/mr arena addjukebox"
  170. command-arena-help-jukebox-remove-command: "&f/mr arena deljukebox"
  171. command-arena-help-jukebox-reset-command: "&f/mr arena resetjukeboxes"
  172. command-arena-help-jukebox-play-command: "&f/mr arena playjukeboxes"
  174. command-arena-help-line-add-info: "&aAdd a race line(wand): Line #0 is the finish line."
  175. command-arena-help-line-remove-info: "&aDelete a line (with the ID):"
  176. command-arena-help-line-reset-info: "&aReset lines:"
  177. command-arena-help-line-teleport-info: "&aTeleport to a line (with the ID):"
  178. command-arena-help-line-test-info: "&aTest all the lines:"
  179. command-arena-help-line-add-command: "&f/mr arena addline <arena> [ID]"
  180. command-arena-help-line-remove-command: "&f/mr arena addline <arena> <ID>"
  181. command-arena-help-line-reset-command: "&f/mr arena resetlines <arena>"
  182. command-arena-help-line-teleport-command: "&f/mr arena tpline <arena> <ID>"
  183. command-arena-help-line-test-command: "&f/mr arena testlines <arena>"
  185. command-arena-help-region-info: "&aSet the region(wand):"
  186. command-arena-help-region-command: "&f/mr arena setregion <arena>"
  187. command-arena-help-weather-info: "&aSet the weather: time in ticks, day-cycle and rain are true or false"
  188. command-arena-help-weather-command: "&f/mr arena weather <arena> <time> <day-cycle> <rain>"
  189. command-arena-help-author-info: "&aChange the arena author:"
  190. command-arena-help-author-command: "&f/mr arena setauthor <arena> <author>"
  191. command-arena-help-laps-info: "&aSet the number of laps: (0 = sprint race)"
  192. command-arena-help-timelimit-info: "&aSet the time limit:"
  193. command-arena-help-itemregendelay-info: "&aSet the item regeneration time:"
  194. command-arena-help-speedmodifier-info: "&aSet the speed bonus/penalty on a material:"
  195. command-arena-help-laps-command: "&f/mr arena setlaps <arena> <#>"
  196. command-arena-help-timelimit-command: "&f/mr arena setlimit <arena> <time>"
  197. command-arena-help-itemregendelay-command: "&f/mr arena setregendelay <arena> <delay>"
  198. command-arena-help-speedmodifier-command: "&f/mr arena setspeed <arena> <materialID[:data]> <speed>"
  200. command-arena-help-deathzone-add-info: "&aAdd a death zone with Wand teleporting the players to the track when going into it:"
  201. command-arena-help-deathzone-add-command: "&f/mr arena adddeathzone <arena>"
  202. command-arena-help-deathzone-remove-info: "&aRemove all death zones you are standing in:"
  203. command-arena-help-deathzone-remove-command: "&f/mr arena deldeathzone <arena>"
  204. command-arena-help-deathzone-reset-info: "&aReset all the death zones:"
  205. command-arena-help-deathzone-reset-command: "&f/mr arena resetdeathzones <arena>"
  206. command-arena-help-deathzone-test-info: "&aTell you in how much deathzones you are standing in:"
  207. command-arena-help-deathzone-test-command: "&f/mr arena testdeathzones <arena>"
  209. command-arena-invalidarena: "&cInvalid Arena. /mr arena list"
  211. command-arena-list-list: 'Here is the arena list:'
  212. command-arena-list-noarena: "&cThere's not any arena."
  214. command-arena-info-head: Infos for arena <arena>
  215. command-arena-info-breaklines: "Lines: &e#"
  216. command-arena-info-weather: "Time: &e<time> ticks &7| &fTime cycle: <time-locked> &7| &fRain: <raining>"
  217. command-arena-info-lapsandtimelimit: "Laps: &e<laps> &7| &fTime limit: &e<time-limit> seconds"
  218. command-arena-info-spawnsanditems: "Start points: &e<spawns> &7| &fItems: &e<items>"
  219. command-arena-info-region: 'Region correct: <region>'
  220. command-arena-info-jukeboxes: "Jukeboxe(s): &e#"
  221. command-arena-info-spectators: "Spectator point(s): &e#"
  222. command-arena-info-deathzones: "Deathzone(s): &e#"
  223. command-arena-info-itemregendelay: "Regeneration delay for items: &e<delay>"
  224. command-arena-info-roadspeed-normal: 'Speed modifier(s) relative to the road:'
  225. command-arena-info-roadspeed-empty: None
  227. command-arena-info-ready: "&aThe arena is ready to be played on !"
  228. command-arena-info-notready: "&cThe arena isn't ready for the following reasons:"
  230. command-arena-info-notready-nospawns: "  &eThe arena need spawn points at the start of the race to play."
  231. command-arena-info-notready-nospectators: "  &eThe arena need at least a spectator point for the people joining during a game and the finished players."
  232. command-arena-info-notready-nolines: "  &eThe arena need at least 2 lines to be functionnal. (Only 2 is strongly discouraged)"
  233. command-arena-info-notready-noregion: "  &eThe arena need a region containing all the arena."
  234. command-arena-info-notready-badregion: "  &eYour region excludes somes things inside the arena. Verify your lines, your start points and your spectator points."
  236. command-arena-new-alreadycreated: "&cThis arena already exists."
  237. command-arena-new-done: The arena have been created properly.
  239. command-arena-weather-done: The arena weather have been updated.
  240. command-arena-racesettings-done: The arena setting have been updated.
  241. command-arena-author-done: The author of this arena have been changed.
  243. command-arena-breakline-add: The race line have been added.
  244. command-arena-breakline-remove: The race line have been removed.
  245. command-arena-breakline-teleport: You've been teleported to the specified line.
  246. command-arena-breakline-reset: The lines have been resetted.
  248. command-arena-addspawn: The start point have been added.
  249. command-arena-removespawn: The start point have been removed.
  250. command-arena-removespawn-fail: There's not any start point to remove near your location.
  251. command-arena-resetspawns: The start points have been resetted.
  252. command-arena-showspawns: Armor stands have been placed on the start points.
  254. command-arena-addspectator: The spectator point have been added.
  255. command-arena-removespectator: The spectator point have been removed.
  256. command-arena-removespectator-fail: There's not any spectator point to remove near your location.
  257. command-arena-resetspectators: The spectator points have been resetted.
  258. command-arena-showspectators: Armor stands have been placed on the spectator points.
  260. command-arena-addjukebox: The jukebox location have been added.
  261. command-arena-removejukebox: The jukebox location have been removed.
  262. command-arena-removejukebox-fail: There's not any jukebox to remove near your location.
  263. command-arena-resetjukeboxes: The jukeboxes have been resetted.
  264. command-arena-playjukeboxes: A music is playing on the jukeboxes.
  266. command-arena-additem: The item location have been added.
  267. command-arena-removeitem: The item location have been removed.
  268. command-arena-removeitem-fail: There's not any item location to remove near your location.
  269. command-arena-resetitems: The items have been resetted.
  270. command-arena-showitems: The item banners have been placed at their locations.
  272. command-arena-setspeedmodifier: The speed have been set for this type of material.
  273. command-arena-ride-nobreakline: "&cThere's not any line to teleport you."
  274. command-arena-regionset: The arena region have been set.
  275. regionwarning: Please note that the area is not selected with WorldEdit but only with wooden axe. Commands like //pos1, //pos2 or //expand will not work with the region.
  276. command-arena-delete-done: The arena have been deleted.
  277. command-arena-delete-failed: The arena could not be deleted.
  279. command-arena-adddeathzone: A death zone has been added.
  280. command-arena-removedeathzone: "# death zone(s) has/have been removed."
  281. command-arena-resetdeathzones: "Death zones have been reset."
  282. command-arena-testdeathzones: "You are standing inside of # death zones."
  284. command-arenastats-notready: Sorry, arena rankings are not ready for the moment.
  285. command-arenastats-noargs: Please type the arena name you want to check the ranking.
  286. command-arenastats-header: "&f&lArena ranking of &a&l<arena>"
  287. command-arenastats-entry: "<pos>: &a<player> &eTime: &f<time> &eVehicle: &f<vehicle>"
  288. command-arenastats-self: "&6&lYour position: &f<pos> / <total> &3&lTime: &f<time> &2&lVehicle: &f<vehicle>"
  289. command-arenastats-invalidarena: Sorry but this arena doesn't exist or has never been played.
  291. command-config-menu: "&e&lSetup menu:"
  292. command-config-menu-warning: Note that some settings are only editable from the config.yml file in the plugin folder.
  293. command-config-menu-pointcoefficient: "&ePoints awarded: &f#%"
  294. command-config-menu-commandlist: "&eList of allowed in game commands:"
  295. command-config-menu-location: "&a(World: &f<world>&a, X: &f<x>&a, Y: &f<y>&a, Z: &f<z>&a)"
  296. command-config-menu-defined: "&aSet"
  297. command-config-menu-undefined: "&cNot set"
  298. command-config-menu-lobby: "&eLobby: <status>"
  299. command-config-menu-exit: "&eExit: <status>"
  300. command-config-menu-region: "&eLobby region: <status>"
  301. command-config-menu-vehicles: "&eLobby vehicles: <status>"
  302. command-config-menu-help: "&aHelp command: &f/mr setup help"
  304. command-config-menu-ready: "&aYour setup for MobRacers is complete."
  305. command-config-menu-almostready: "&aYour lobby setup is ready but you need a working arena to play."
  306. command-config-menu-notready: '&cYour setup is not ready for the following reasons:'
  307. command-config-menu-notready-badregion: Your lobby region should contains all the vehicles locations and the lobby and must not contains the exit.
  308. command-config-menu-notready-noregion: Your lobby region is not set. /mr setup setregion
  309. command-config-menu-notready-nolobby: Your lobby location is not set. /mr setup setlobby
  310. command-config-menu-notready-noexit: Your exit location is not set and you didn't configured the plugin for it to be in auto-join or to keep player states. /mr setup setexit
  311. command-config-menu-notready-novehicles: You need to have at least one vehicle set in the lobby order to play the game.
  313. command-config-help1: "&6&lGame setup help:"
  314. command-config-help2: "&eSet lobby location: &f/mr setup setlobby"
  315. command-config-help3: "&eSet exit lovation: &f/mr setup setexit"
  316. command-config-help4: "&eSet lobby region (wand): &f/mr setup setregion"
  317. command-config-help5: "&eSet a vehicle location: &f/mr setup setvehicle [vehicle]"
  318. command-config-help6: "&eLook at the vehicle list: &f/mr setup vehiclelist"
  319. command-config-help7: "&eRemove a vehicle: &f/mr setup removevehicle"
  320. command-config-help8: "&eReset vehicles: &f/mr setup resetvehicles"
  321. command-config-help9: "&eSpawn the vehicles: &f/mr setup testvehicles"
  322. command-config-help10: "&eDespawn the vehicles: &f/mr setup killvehicles"
  323. command-config-help11: "&eTeleport to a vehicle: &f/mr setup tpvehicles"
  325. command-config-lobbyset: The game lobby have been set.
  326. command-config-exitset: The game exit have been set.
  327. command-config-regionset: The game region have been set.
  328. command-config-vehicleset: The vehicle in the lobby have been set.
  330. command-config-invalidvehicle: "&cThis vehicle is not supported/invalid."
  331. command-config-vehiclelist: 'Here are the available vehicles:'
  332. command-config-removevehicle: "&aThe vehicle has been successfully removed."
  334. command-info-title: "&fHelp:"
  335. command-info-command-join: "&a&lJoin the game: &f/mr join"
  336. command-info-command-leave: "&c&lLeave the game: &f/mr leave"
  337. command-info-command-vote: "&e&lVote for an arena: &f/mr vote <arena>"
  338. command-info-command-stats: "&3&lYour stats: &f/mr stats"
  339. command-info-command-achievements: "&d&lYour achievements: &f/mr achievement"
  340. command-info-command-ranking: "&9&lArena ranking: &f/mr ranking <arena>"
  341. command-info-command-buy: "&6&lThe in-game shop: &f/mr buy"
  342. command-info-command-arena: "&4&lArena config: &f/mr arena"
  343. command-info-command-config: "&7&lGame setup: &f/mr setup"
  344. command-info-command-version: "&a&lVersion: &f/mr version"
  346. command-reload-done: "&aBoth config.yml and lang.yml have been reloaded."
  347. command-reload-error: "&cAn internal error occured while trying to reload MobRacers."
  349. command-stats-header: "&f&lGame Statistics"
  350. command-stats-victories: "&aVictories:"
  351. command-stats-gamesplayed: "&bGames played:"
  352. command-stats-bestvehicle: "&dMost played vehicle:"
  353. command-stats-bestvehicle-gamesplayed-hover: games played
  354. command-stats-items: "&6Items taken:"
  355. command-stats-passings: "&cPassings:"
  356. command-stats-points: "&aPoints:"
  357. command-stats-score: "&eScore:"
  359. command-buy-invalidpurchase: "&cThe purchase you are trying to do is invalid. Type &f/mobracers buy &cto look at the list or things you can purchase."
  360. command-buy-list: Here is the list of things you can buy.
  361. command-buy-nothingleft: You bought everything.
  363. command-vote-cantvotenow: "&cYou can't vote for this moment."
  364. command-vote-cantoutofgame: "&cYou need to be in game to vote for an arena."
  365. command-vote-usage-arena: <arena>
  366. achievement-complete: "&e&lYou completed an achievement:"
  368. achievement-victories-desc: 'Win # race(s) in total.'
  369. achievement-victories-name-7: God
  370. achievement-victories-name-6: Legend
  371. achievement-victories-name-5: Expert
  372. achievement-victories-name-4: Pro
  373. achievement-victories-name-3: Advanced
  374. achievement-victories-name-2: Rookie
  375. achievement-victories-name-1: Newbie
  377. achievement-gamesplayed-desc: 'Play # race(s) in total'
  378. achievement-gamesplayed-name-7: Junkie
  379. achievement-gamesplayed-name-6: Addict
  380. achievement-gamesplayed-name-5: Maniac
  381. achievement-gamesplayed-name-4: Fan
  382. achievement-gamesplayed-name-3: Amateur
  383. achievement-gamesplayed-name-2: Little player
  384. achievement-gamesplayed-name-1: First race !
  386. achievement-cavespider-desc: 'Win # games with the spider'
  387. achievement-cavespider-name: Spider Maniac
  388. achievement-cavespider-unlock: "&a&lYou unlocked the Cave Spider vehicle !"
  390. achievement-donkey-desc: 'Do # passings with any kind of horse in total'
  391. achievement-donkey-name: Jockey
  392. achievement-donkey-unlock: "&a&lYou unlocked the Donkey vehicle !"
  394. achievement-elderguardian-desc: 'Win # games with the Guardian'
  395. achievement-elderguardian-name: 'Sea King'
  396. achievement-elderguardian-unlock: '&a&lYou unlocked the Elder Guardian vehicle !'
  398. achievement-magmacube-desc: 'Have your best time with the Slime on # arenas'
  399. achievement-magmacube-name: Sticky records
  400. achievement-magmacube-unlock: "&a&lYou unlocked the Magma Cube vehicle !"
  402. achievement-mushroomcow-desc: 'Play # races with the Cow'
  403. achievement-mushroomcow-name: Moo !!!
  404. achievement-mushroomcow-unlock: "&a&lYou unlocked the Mushroom Cow vehicle !"
  406. achievement-silverfish-desc: 'Take # items on race in total'
  407. achievement-silverfish-name: Forever mor items
  408. achievement-silverfish-unlock: "&a&lYou unlocked the Silverfish vehicle !"
  410. achievement-supersheep-desc: 'Have your best time with the Sheep on # arenas'
  411. achievement-supersheep-name: Wool records
  412. achievement-supersheep-unlock: "&a&lYou unlocked the Super Sheep vehicle !"
  414. achievement-block-desc: 'Build an arena of MobRacers and play on it'
  415. achievement-block-name: 'Nice builder'
  416. achievement-block-unlock: '&a&lYou unlocked the Block vehicle !'
  418. achievement-discmellohi-desc: 'Win # races with the Undead Horse'
  419. achievement-discmellohi-name: "Frankenstein"
  420. achievement-discmellohi-unlock: "&a&lYou unlocked the Mellohi music disc  !"
  422. achievement-discstal-desc: 'Do # passings with the pig in total'
  423. achievement-discstal-name: "Curly Tail"
  424. achievement-discstal-unlock: "&a&lYou unlocked the Stal music disc !"
  426. achievement-discwait-desc: 'Play # races with the Wolf'
  427. achievement-discwait-name: "Friends for life !"
  428. achievement-discwait-unlock: "&a&lYou unlocked the Wait music disc !"
  430. item-fakeitem: Fake Item
  431. item-groundpound: Earthquake
  432. item-missile: Missile
  433. item-shield: Shield
  434. item-sugar: Sugar
  435. item-wall: Wall
  436. item-bomb: Bomb
  437. item-grapplinghook: Grappling Hook
  438. item-cloud: Cloud
  439. item-fireball: "Fireball"
  441. item-special-cow: Cow Rush
  442. item-special-guardian: Ocean Terror
  443. item-special-donkey: Fat Butt
  444. item-special-pig: Mudbath
  445. item-special-wolf: Rage
  446. item-special-chicken: Egg Cannon
  447. item-special-horse: Knight
  448. item-special-undeadhorse: Zombification
  449. item-special-skeletonhorse: Bone Bow
  450. item-special-slime: Sticky Trap
  451. item-special-magmacube: Ghost Rider
  452. item-special-ocelot: Pampering
  453. item-special-spider: Slingshot
  454. item-special-cavespider: Venom
  455. item-special-squid: Darkness
  456. item-special-supersheep: Rainbow
  457. item-special-sheep: Chop Chop Chop
  458. item-special-mushroomcow: Corruption
  459. item-special-silverfish: Thief
  460. item-special-rabbit: Super-Jump
  461. item-special-babycow: Moomoo Milk
  462. item-special-elderguardian: Frozen Cage
  463. item-special-minecart: Mega-Pickaxe
  464. item-special-block: Build Master
  466. item-special-wolf-title: "&4Hit your opponents to increase the rage !"
  467. item-special-rabbit-title: "&3Jump !"
  468. item-special-silverfish-title: "&cClick on someone else vehicle to steal it !"
  470. purchase-vehicle: "&6&lVehicle"
  471. purchase-vehicle-done: "&a&lYou just puchased the vehicle &d&l<product>"
  473. purchase-music: "&3&lDisc"
  474. purchase-music-done: "&a&lYou just puchased the record &d&l<product>"
  475. purchase-notenoughtmoney: "&cYou don't have enough points to purchase this."
  476. purchase-alreadypurchased: "&cYou have already purchased this."
  477. purchase-clicktobuy: "&a>> Clic to buy <<"
  478. purchase-notenoughttobuy: "&cNot enought points"
  479. purchase-price: "Price: &f<price>"
  481. purchase-cat: Cat
  482. purchase-blocks: Blocks
  483. purchase-chirp: Chirp
  484. purchase-far: Far
  485. purchase-mall: Mall
  486. purchase-mellohi: Mellohi
  487. purchase-stal: Stal
  488. purchase-strad: Strad
  489. purchase-ward: Ward
  490. purchase-wait: Wait
  492. points-add: '&aPoints +#'
  493. points-remove: '&cPoints -# &f(Balance: <bal>)'
  495. record-cat: "&a&lCat Record"
  496. record-blocks: "&6&lBlocks Record"
  497. record-chirp: "&c&lChirp Record"
  498. record-far: "&e&lFar Record"
  499. record-mall: "&5&lMall Record"
  500. record-mellohi: "&d&lMellohi Record"
  501. record-stal: "&8&lStal Record"
  502. record-strad: "&f&lStrad Record"
  503. record-ward: "&2&lWard Record"
  504. record-wait: "&9&lWait Record"
  505. record-nomusic: "&4&lNo Music"
  507. record-lore: "&a>> Clic to change <<"
  509. vehicle-cavespider-name: Cave Spider
  510. vehicle-cavespider-desc: "&e&lJust a small bite could be fatal."
  512. vehicle-cow-name: Cow
  513. vehicle-cow-desc: "&e&lCharge brutally your opponents!"
  515. vehicle-donkey-name: Donkey
  516. vehicle-donkey-desc: "&e&lUse your heavy weight!"
  518. vehicle-elderguardian-name: Elder Guardian
  519. vehicle-elderguardian-desc: '&e&lWise choice, kid.'
  521. vehicle-guardian-name: Guardian
  522. vehicle-guardian-desc: "&e&lA powerful guardian of the sea at your fingertips."
  524. vehicle-horse-name: Horse
  525. vehicle-horse-desc: "&e&lGet the victory with the nobility of a knight."
  527. vehicle-magmacube-name: Magma Cube
  528. vehicle-magmacube-desc: "&e&lReady to face the flames of hell?"
  530. vehicle-minecart-name: Minecart
  531. vehicle-minecart-desc: '&e&lMining is an art !'
  533. vehicle-mushroomcow-name: Mushroom Cow
  534. vehicle-mushroomcow-desc: "&e&lGet for yourself the magic mushrooms !"
  536. vehicle-ocelot-name: Cat
  537. vehicle-ocelot-desc: "&e&lWatch your fish or someone's gonna eat it !"
  539. vehicle-pig-name: Pig
  540. vehicle-pig-desc: "&e&lAlways be ready to get dirty."
  542. vehicle-rabbit-name: Rabbit
  543. vehicle-rabbit-desc: "&e&lWin with cuteness !"
  545. vehicle-sheep-name: Sheep
  546. vehicle-sheep-desc: "&e&lDo not be afraid to shear it!"
  548. vehicle-silverfish-name: Silverfish
  549. vehicle-silverfish-desc: "&e&lIt gets you everywhere."
  551. vehicle-skeletonhorse-name: Skeleton Horse
  552. vehicle-skeletonhorse-desc: "&e&lThe victory is found in the soul!"
  554. vehicle-slime-name: Slime
  555. vehicle-slime-desc: "&e&lGet everyone sticky !"
  557. vehicle-spider-name: Spider
  558. vehicle-spider-desc: '&e&lGood cobweb, good game.'
  560. vehicle-squid-name: Squid
  561. vehicle-squid-desc: "e&lNever scare an octopus!"
  563. vehicle-supersheep-name: Super Sheep
  564. vehicle-supersheep-desc: "&e&lWant a rainbow of victories?"
  566. vehicle-undeadhorse-name: Zombie Horse
  567. vehicle-undeadhorse-desc: "&e&lEven death can not stop it."
  569. vehicle-wolf-name: Dog
  570. vehicle-wolf-desc: "&e&lMan's best friend."
  572. vehicle-chicken-name: Chicken
  573. vehicle-chicken-desc: "&e&lDon't be a chicken."
  575. vehicle-block-name: Block
  576. vehicle-block-desc: '&e&lDo you even build ?'
  578. vehicle-babycow-name: Baby Cow
  579. vehicle-babycow-desc: "&e&lTake a good glass of milk!"
  581. sign-header: "&f&lMob&2&lRacers"
  582. sign-join: "&a&lJoin"
  583. sign-leave: "&4&lLeave"
  584. sign-stats: "&9&lStats"
  585. sign-arenastats: "&6&lRanking"
  586. sign-info: "&lInfo"
  587. sign-buy: "&3&lBuy"
  588. sign-vote: "&e&lVote"
  589. sign-achievement: "&d&lAchievements"
  590. sign-click: "&8(Click)"
  592. wand: '&aPosition # set at &f(<x>, <y>, <z>)'
  594. number-separator: ','
  596. update-notification: "&aA new version is available ! Type &f/mr version &afor more infos."
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