
Anon Goes To Pony Prison. It's quite nice.

Apr 29th, 2015
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  1. It all began with a thread on /MLP/.
  2. A thread about Anon giggling at the phrase 'Penal System'.
  3. What followed was a glorious look into the very soft prison system of Equestria. Featuring Cookies N' Cream the guard, who developed a soft spot for Anon and his ministrations, featuring the major villains all being in prison together, forced to wear black jumpsuits to denote they were Extra Super High Security Prisoners, despite the fact they were mixed in with the other, less dangerous ones, featuring 'The Stool', Equestria's Solitary Confinement (it is a stool in the corner, where inmates are sent for a few minutes at a time to think about what they did.
  4. It was a glorious thread and it lives still in a new incarnation. Anyway, My Contributions:
  6. 1.
  7. >"So, Anonymous, you're finally leaving us today?"
  8. >You scratch the stubble around your chin. For the last few days you haven't been shaving. You used the hour they gave you in the morning for getting ready to chat to the guards.
  9. >"You gave us some real trouble in that first week, you know?"
  10. "Yes, warden."
  11. >"Yes, quite some trouble. But it was nice of you to calm down a little for the final week. Now, do you have somewhere to go?"
  12. "I have some friends to apologise to, and then I'll think about a place to stay. I'm sure my house is still being fumigated."
  13. >For a little while the Warden shuffles some papers and looks busy.
  14. >"Cookies N' Cream will be sad to see you go, I think. You made quite the impression."
  15. "She's nice." You say automatically, you've rehearsed this so she won't get into trouble. "And a terrific guard."
  16. >"Something I am well aware of. It's nice that you were able to make a friend while you were in here."
  17. >You nod.
  18. "I'd say a couple of the other black jumpsuits are my friends too. Sombra's not much of a conversationalist, but he listens."
  19. >The warden chuckles. Then her face falls into something a little more pensive.
  20. >"I've really had to work hard because of you, Anonymous. Really push myself... it's going to be... quiet with you gone."
  21. >For a while you say nothing, then a slow realisation dawns.
  22. "Well, assuming nothing happens that keeps me here a little longer."
  23. >"Don't be silly Anonymous, you couldn't possibly... I don't know... hug me without permission from where you're sat. Just the two of us, alone in my office. It's absurd.
  24. >You slowly stand up.
  26. >The office door is flung open and a furious looking warden addresses the nearest guard.
  27. >"Excuse me, Tough Act? Please escorts Mr Anonymous to solitary confinement immediately. See that he's there for AT LEAST 45 minutes!"
  28. >Tough Act shudders a little, but puts on a brave face as he escorts you to the Naughty Corner.
  29. >Another week behind bars.
  30. >How would you ever cope?
  32. 2.
  33. Anon enjoys being in prison so much that we he's released he gets a job as a guard.
  34. He and Cookie are very happy together.
  36. He's regarded as the finest example of the Equestrian Penal System in recent years. Inmate to correctional officer of high regard in just three weeks.
  38. The prisoners all like him, though they fear his rather harsh punishments. Talking out of turn once got Hardened Crim 40 minutes on the stool!
  39. 40 minutes!
  41. His authority is respected absolutely. And he doesn't abuse his position (beyond the occasional cuddle. Though he never initiates, only responds to whispered requests.)
  43. They say he's being fast-tracked to make warden one day soon.
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