

Apr 17th, 2014
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  1. command /autodropparty <text>:
  2. permission: dp.epic
  3. usage: /autodropparty <hidden/nonhidden>
  4. trigger:
  5. arg is "nonhidden":
  6. broadcast "<red><italic>ThePrisonServer <reset><gray>> <light red>Drop Party at spawn!"
  7. wait 3 seconds
  8. broadcast "<red><italic>ThePrisonServer <reset><gray>> <light red>Drop Party at spawn!"
  9. wait 3 seconds
  10. broadcast "<red><italic>ThePrisonServer <reset><gray>> <light red>Drop Party at spawn!"
  11. wait 3 seconds
  12. broadcast "<red><italic>ThePrisonServer <reset><gray>> <light red>Drop Party at spawn!"
  13. loop 180 times:
  14. wait 0.5 seconds
  15. set {_temp} to {_temp}+1
  16. chance of 50%:
  17. drop 1 diamond at {spawn3}
  18. drop 1 diamond at {spawn1}
  19. drop 1 diamond at {spawn2}
  20. chance of 25%:
  21. drop 1 emerald at {spawn3}
  22. drop 1 emerald at {spawn1}
  23. drop 1 emerald at {spawn2}
  24. chance of 10%:
  25. drop 1 diamond block at {spawn3}
  26. drop 1 diamond block at {spawn1}
  27. drop 1 diamond block at {spawn2}
  28. chance of 5%:
  29. drop 1 emerald block at {spawn3}
  30. drop 1 emerald block at {spawn1}
  31. drop 1 emerald block at {spawn2}
  32. chance of 5%:
  33. drop 10 steak at {Spawn3}
  34. drop 10 steak at {Spawn1}
  35. drop 10 steak at {Spawn2}
  36. chance of 25%:
  37. drop 1 iron ingot at {spawn1}
  38. drop 1 iron ingot at {spawn2}
  39. chance of 0.1%:
  40. drop diamond sword of sharpness 3, knockback 2 named "<aqua>Diamond Sword" at {spawn}
  41. chance of 0.1%:
  42. drop diamond pickaxe of unbreaking 5, efficiency 5 named "<aqua>Diamond Pickaxe" at {spawn1}
  43. chance of 0.1%:
  44. drop diamond shovel of unbreaking 5, efficiency 5 named "<aqua>Diamond Shovel" at {spawn2}
  45. loop all players:
  46. chance of 0.1%:
  47. chance of 25%:
  48. chance of 25%:
  49. execute console command "/kit bedrock %loop-player%"
  50. broadcast "<red><italic>ThePrisonServer <reset><gray>> A random player has gained a <dark gray>Bedrock Kit!"
  51. execute console command "/kit aqua %loop-player%"
  52. broadcast "<red><italic>ThePrisonServer <reset><gray>> A random player has gained a <aqua>Diamond Kit!"
  53. execute console command "/kit gold %loop-player%"
  54. broadcast "<red><italic>ThePrisonServer <reset><gray>> A random player has gained a <gold>Gold Kit!"
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