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Sheriff: Holocaust is a lie!

a guest
May 3rd, 2015
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  1. <19:02:16> Sheriff: are you guys interested in politik?
  2. <19:02:16> vector: i like maritime history
  3. <19:02:28> MPx: social?
  4. <19:02:31> vector: si politik i likey likey
  5. <19:02:35> ana: MPx a vuelto!
  7. <19:02:36> ana: XD
  8. <19:02:46> MPx: [URL][/URL]
  9. <19:02:51> vector: social too especially human interests etc
  10. <19:02:59> vector: shhhh mpx is back
  11. <19:02:59> ana: sabes despues de medio año lo dice
  12. <19:03:09> vector: do not mention lap dancing xd
  13. <19:03:15> ana: ajaaajaj
  14. <19:03:29> MPx: i dont wanna steal your job, vector
  15. <19:03:34> ana: XD
  16. <19:03:40> vector: ahjajja
  17. <19:03:56> vector: si employo ... mpx pole dancer xd
  18. <19:04:20> MPx: jaja
  19. <19:04:28> vector: sherrif so your history is social then
  20. <19:04:44> vector: hmmm is that to do with migration etc
  21. <19:05:16> Sheriff: i dont know what you mean
  22. <19:05:40> vector: as my country my language is based on a tribe that left germany along time ago
  23. <19:05:47> Sheriff: i know
  24. <19:05:47> ana: ahora vuelvo
  25. <19:05:51> Sheriff: angle saxes
  26. <19:05:56> Sheriff: we are brother kind of :)
  27. <19:05:59> vector: and ventured across france into spain then in to england
  28. <19:06:00> vector: now wales
  29. <19:06:07> vector: kind of yes
  30. <19:06:16> ana: españa :D
  32. <19:06:18> Sheriff: but frenchies are more like a mix
  33. <19:06:25> Sheriff: germanic/celtik + romics
  34. <19:06:32> Sheriff: their language is based on latin
  35. <19:06:35> vector: ja
  36. <19:06:40> Sheriff: our laguage is based on old germanic
  37. <19:06:51> vector: well our language is older than latin
  38. <19:07:04> Sheriff: history is very interesting
  39. <19:07:08> Sheriff: also a lot of politik
  40. <19:07:08> vector: i have been told is oldest in europe
  41. <19:07:14> vector: i do not agree
  42. <19:07:17> Sheriff: i say always: history is the politik from yesterday
  43. <19:07:17> vector: but heyo
  44. <19:07:19> vector: welsh
  45. <19:07:24> vector: yes
  46. <19:07:42> vector: nooo history is politik of tomorrow if we do not learn from it
  47. <19:07:52> Sheriff: nice, :)!
  48. <19:08:08> vector: learn from mistakes etc
  49. <19:08:09> Sheriff: if you know the past, you will understand the future
  50. <19:08:11> vector: ajajja
  51. <19:08:14> vector: yes
  52. <19:08:33> Sheriff: do you know the "talmud"?
  53. <19:08:34> vector: is why napolean always read up on ceaser
  54. <19:08:40> vector: yes i do
  55. <19:08:43> vector: smiles
  56. <19:08:43> Sheriff: great
  57. <19:08:55> Sheriff: then you know a lot more as others in this case...
  58. <19:09:01> Sheriff: interesting topic, isnt it?
  59. <19:09:04> Sheriff: USrael...
  60. <19:09:06> vector: how so
  61. <19:09:11> ana: apaga y vamonos XD bb
  62. <19:09:27> ana: chao os quiero a todos! XDDDD <3!
  63. <19:09:35> vector: ha i am from a jewish background anyway xd
  64. <19:10:02> Sheriff: oh what!
  65. <19:10:07> Sheriff: are you srsly?
  66. <19:10:20> Sheriff: do you believe in the jewish religion?
  67. <19:10:32> vector: psst i have heard that mpx is charging people to watch the tourney xd
  68. <19:10:45> vector: well yes naturally
  69. <19:10:50> Sheriff: hm
  70. <19:10:52> Sheriff: wow
  71. <19:10:57> vector: is my inheritance
  72. <19:11:11> vector: but i am lucky
  73. <19:11:27> Sheriff: then i take it back
  74. <19:11:33> Sheriff: with the brother thing
  75. <19:11:35> Sheriff: sorry
  76. <19:11:39> vector: what you mean
  77. <19:11:51> vector: are we all not humans
  78. <19:11:55> Sheriff: haha
  79. <19:12:01> vector: are we all deep thinking people
  80. <19:12:12> vector: who strive to feed our families
  81. <19:12:16> vector: quite often
  82. <19:12:25> Sheriff: tyou said, that you believe in jewish religion. i was studieng it. so i know about it. dont say, that you think all ppl are same
  83. <19:12:32> vector: i look at my dog and think who is more clever
  84. <19:12:32> Sheriff: i know, that jews think different
  85. <19:12:38> vector: me who wakes up to go to work
  86. <19:12:49> vector: or him who lays there for me to feed him
  87. <19:12:51> vector: gmmm
  88. <19:13:11> Sheriff: because of the jews we have war in world
  89. <19:13:22> Sheriff: the talmud is such a bad thing
  90. <19:13:27> vector: i believe in people as mpx will verify
  91. <19:13:37> vector: i do lots for any and everyone
  92. <19:13:39> vector: smiles
  93. <19:14:06> vector: its nothing to do with colour creed or nation
  94. <19:14:27> vector: its to do with who you are as a person
  95. <19:14:32> vector: where by do you live
  96. <19:14:36> Sheriff: so, when you believe in jewish religion... you think, that the jews are the chosen folk from god to conquer all other folks? (like this it is written in tora
  97. <19:14:48> vector: yes i do
  98. <19:14:52> Sheriff: haha
  99. <19:15:00> vector: but you do not read it properly
  100. <19:15:00> Sheriff: so how c an you say then that all hu8mans are same
  101. <19:15:02> Sheriff: ?#
  102. <19:15:09> Sheriff: you jews are most racists ever
  103. <19:15:10> vector: precisely
  104. <19:15:14> vector: you just said it
  105. <19:15:49> Sheriff: im a gojim in jewish eyes
  106. <19:15:52> vector: at the time of this ,. the hebrew were chosen by god to understand and to survive
  107. <19:15:56> vector: and we have
  108. <19:15:59> Sheriff: for jews its even allowed to kill gojim
  109. <19:16:17> Sheriff: that is why say can take just palastine and dont have bad considence
  110. <19:16:25> vector: ahh have you been there
  111. <19:16:30> Sheriff: yes
  112. <19:16:36> vector: i have not
  113. <19:16:45> vector: but i have done worse
  114. <19:16:55> vector: i served in service
  115. <19:17:11> vector: and done some awful things
  116. <19:17:20> vector: even today i get nightmares
  117. <19:17:22> vector: sooooo
  118. <19:17:32> Sheriff: anyway, jews thinking, that they are the "best" folk and have to dominate all other folks. and when we look, how the world is going on -> rich banks with pay tax system and the stocket market + war in palastine...
  119. <19:17:39> Sheriff: then we can see the real jewish face
  120. <19:17:53> vector: yes i agree
  121. <19:17:58> vector: i am poor
  122. <19:18:19> vector: but is that a reason not to believe tomorrow will be worse or better
  123. <19:18:30> vector: i think to feed my family and provide
  124. <19:18:34> vector: and i do it well
  125. <19:18:35> vector: xd
  126. <19:18:36> Sheriff: talmud is allowing the jew so much against non-jews. and they teaching the talmud official in jewish schools
  127. <19:18:57> vector: and ?
  128. <19:19:05> vector: you have issues with this
  129. <19:19:05> Sheriff: you should convertate to christ or islam
  130. <19:19:11> vector: sherriff xd
  131. <19:19:16> vector: why
  132. <19:19:19> Sheriff: otherwise i would hate you.
  133. <19:19:25> vector: i would never be muslim
  134. <19:19:46> vector: one i hate at the moment their stance on human life ,............its cheap
  135. <19:20:04> vector: and as for christians are there many left really
  136. <19:20:33> vector: what is a christian
  137. <19:20:42> Sheriff: srsly, how can you beleive, that your folk is the best?
  138. <19:20:47> vector: a person who is a giver i believe
  139. <19:21:08> vector: but no one gives now as it is a sign of weakness or isiocy
  140. <19:21:13> vector: idiocy
  141. <19:21:22> vector: ha
  142. <19:21:33> vector: well look round the word
  143. <19:21:43> vector: and share the world we do
  144. <19:21:45> Sheriff: tora is just a zionism weapon. with that they become the state israel.
  145. <19:21:55> vector: yes i agree
  146. <19:22:01> Sheriff: + their strategy of banks with pay tax and stocket market
  147. <19:22:06> vector: it is used well
  148. <19:22:20> vector: and what is wrong with that............
  149. <19:22:38> vector: it is in the bible that jews were money makers xd
  150. <19:23:03> Sheriff: do you have also a double citizenship`?
  151. <19:23:08> Sheriff: israel + england?
  152. <19:23:09> vector: btw what denomination are you
  153. <19:23:57> vector: yes i do actually three
  154. <19:24:05> vector: usa spain and uk
  155. <19:24:16> Sheriff: ppl will see the truth again vector. and then they expose the jew
  156. <19:24:17> vector: am citizen of espania
  157. <19:24:31> vector: and uk also has usa green card
  158. <19:27:51> vector: btw can i say its not what religeon you are in ,,,,,,,,,,,,its who you are and what you do with it
  159. <19:29:22> Sheriff: jewish religion says clearly, that they are (the jews) the kings from world and have to be over all other folks. talmud says (which is big part of the jewish religion) that everything is allowed (for example killing) against a gojim (non-jew)
  160. <19:29:30> Sheriff: so is it really doesnt matter which religion?
  161. <19:29:38> vector: yes i feel that way too
  162. <19:29:43> vector: i am king
  163. <19:29:45> Sheriff: tora and talmud are the relgion from the jews kinda
  164. <19:30:03> vector: king of my family who I work hard for and provicde for
  165. <19:30:08> vector: you read it wrong
  166. <19:30:18> Sheriff: what do you say to it? what stands in tora and talmud
  167. <19:30:39> vector: i say it is not allowed to kill ,,but i have anyway
  168. <19:30:41> vector: soo
  169. <19:30:53> Sheriff: did you read the talmud?
  170. <19:30:56> Sheriff: or a talmud
  171. <19:31:03> Sheriff: the babilony one or which one?
  172. <19:31:05> vector: yes of course
  173. <19:31:10> Sheriff: ok me too :)
  174. <19:31:45> vector: i was brought up with a prayer room at bottom of garden
  175. <19:32:03> vector: every satruday we were busy xd
  176. <19:32:07> vector: enough said
  177. <19:32:24> vector: sherrif tell me more
  178. <19:32:34> vector: what are you or what is it you want to be
  179. <19:32:45> vector: not all jews are bad people
  180. <19:33:17> Sheriff: do you really believe, that god said for example to the jews :" go there and kill all ppl and take the land." (like it is in tora)
  181. <19:33:22> vector: i grew up in a liberal ideal
  182. <19:33:30> vector: yes
  183. <19:33:37> vector: and you
  184. <19:33:39> vector: ?
  185. <19:33:47> Sheriff: do you really beleive, that god said to them:" go to all pregnant non-israel wifes and put knife in belly"
  186. <19:34:06> vector: nice one
  187. <19:34:09> vector: but yes
  188. <19:34:10> Sheriff: do you really beleive, that god said to them:" take their children and hit the heads against walls"
  189. <19:34:14> Sheriff: hahaha
  190. <19:34:18> Sheriff: the tora is so nice
  191. <19:34:22> Sheriff: full with this shit :D
  192. <19:34:30> Sheriff: do you really think, that was god?
  193. <19:34:30> vector: yes maybe
  194. <19:34:34> Sheriff: JHWH = SATAN
  195. <19:34:43> vector: nada
  196. <19:34:52> Sheriff: you praying to Iblis dude
  197. <19:35:08> vector: i prey to no one these days xd
  198. <19:35:18> vector: i feed my family and thats all
  199. <19:35:38> Sheriff: ok, im sorry
  200. <19:35:38> vector: and donate some money to what i feel i right
  201. <19:35:58> Sheriff: twho invented the bank system with pay taxes?
  202. <19:36:05> Sheriff: who invented "democracy"?
  203. <19:36:05> vector: haha
  204. <19:36:07> vector: nice
  205. <19:36:08> vector: lok
  206. <19:36:11> Sheriff: who invented the stocket market?
  207. <19:36:23> Sheriff: who was developer of slave system in usa?
  208. <19:36:28> Sheriff: all that were jews
  209. <19:36:28> vector: well first one was denmark i think
  210. <19:36:37> Sheriff: because why?
  211. <19:36:48> vector: they did
  212. <19:36:55> Sheriff: because in talmus it stands, that all gojim (non-jews) are like animals :)
  213. <19:37:02> Sheriff: Talmud
  214. <19:37:07> vector: denmark had first democratic system
  215. <19:37:21> Sheriff: denmark is just a name of a state
  216. <19:37:23> vector: and are they not
  217. <19:37:35> Sheriff: today we all know, that biggest power in states have the economy
  218. <19:37:42> Sheriff: and who is owner of economy?
  219. <19:37:43> vector: sherrif you do not answer
  220. <19:37:45> Sheriff: stocket market
  221. <19:37:50> vector: what are you ?
  222. <19:37:52> Sheriff: and who is owner of stocket market?
  223. <19:37:53> vector: who are you ?
  224. <19:37:58> Sheriff: how has most kapital there?
  225. <19:38:01> Sheriff: jews of course
  226. <19:38:11> vector: well is that a problem
  227. <19:38:18> vector: i like what i am
  228. <19:38:28> Sheriff: what do you mean with who i am?
  229. <19:38:37> vector: does not mean i am an awful person
  230. <19:38:48> Sheriff: because of your folk the world is suffering
  231. <19:38:56> vector: how so
  232. <19:39:06> vector: i am me
  233. <19:39:12> Sheriff: becaue of your folk my forfathers were killed in two world wars
  234. <19:39:17> Sheriff: 20 million germans died
  235. <19:39:23> Sheriff: and we lost our counntry
  236. <19:39:37> Sheriff: BRD is nothing at all
  237. <19:39:47> vector: do you want me to kneel against a wall and let the world kick me
  238. <19:40:02> vector: thats your fault
  239. <19:40:08> Sheriff: i cant understand how can someone support the talmud
  240. <19:40:51> vector: i can understand that,, hitler played games with peoples lives , but do not blame the jews
  241. <19:41:06> vector: check out 1st world war
  242. <19:41:07> vector: lo
  243. <19:41:45> vector: sooo you do not llke jews then
  244. <19:41:48> vector: is ok
  245. <19:42:26> vector: so perhaps then you should disconnect off internet ........ as probs we own most of it xd
  246. <19:43:28> vector: or do not watch rambo or american films as they are made in holiwood..........jewish capitol of america xd
  247. <19:43:45> Sheriff: vector
  248. <19:43:48> vector: i am what i am sherrif
  249. <19:44:05> vector: yes sheriff
  250. <19:44:08> vector: ?
  251. <19:44:17> Sheriff: you know all that... and you have the possiblity to put the religion off (i mean the jewishtum)
  252. <19:44:21> Sheriff: you should do it
  253. <19:44:35> Sheriff: next war will come and it will be not nice for the jews then...
  254. <19:44:37> Sheriff: :)
  255. <19:44:42> vector: hmmm you do not know me or what i have done in my life
  256. <19:45:02> vector: i have done things you can only dream of,,,,,,,or have nightmares of
  257. <19:45:19> Sheriff: <00:40:53> "vector": check out 1st world war
  258. <19:45:20> Sheriff: <00:40:53> "vector": check out 1st world war
  259. <19:45:21> vector: i have seen ships sinking
  260. <19:45:21> Sheriff: <00:40:53> "vector": check out 1st world war
  261. <19:45:22> Sheriff: yes
  262. <19:45:24> Sheriff: i did
  263. <19:45:29> vector: where
  264. <19:45:44> Sheriff: i am study hostory dude :D
  265. <19:45:49> Sheriff: on a university
  266. <19:45:51> vector: explain
  267. <19:45:54> vector: ahh books
  268. <19:45:57> vector: ..lool
  269. <19:45:57> Sheriff: + i was reading things from jews
  270. <19:46:00> Sheriff: which jews wrote
  271. <19:46:04> vector: am talking real life
  272. <19:46:14> Sheriff: ppl from jewish race but not jewish religion
  273. <19:46:22> Sheriff: they put the relgion off
  274. <19:46:28> Sheriff: stop to pray to Satan
  275. <19:46:36> Sheriff: and go back to god :)
  276. <19:46:40> vector: 30 years ago i was in a liitle shit hole fighting for my country
  277. <19:47:00> vector: today my country celebrates it
  278. <19:47:18> vector: me i think of the people left behind
  279. <19:47:24> Sheriff: do you know benjamin freedman?
  280. <19:47:31> vector: yes
  281. <19:48:11> vector: can i tell you this
  282. <19:48:21> vector: i have lkilled 5 that i know of
  283. <19:48:30> vector: i wish it was less
  284. <19:48:41> vector: i wish i was not even there
  285. <19:48:45> Sheriff: [URL][/URL]
  286. <19:49:02> vector: but i have to live with that so do not go on about gods lol
  287. <19:50:02> vector: sherriff can i say this
  288. <19:50:17> Sheriff: stop lie
  289. <19:50:26> vector: history is to used to guide the future
  290. <19:50:27> Sheriff: you are not even over 20 yerars old
  291. <19:50:45> Sheriff: anyway, you know all that in world and still supporting it
  292. <19:50:45> vector: not as an edict to preculate your ideas
  293. <19:50:51> Sheriff: you are really a son of satan
  294. <19:51:04> vector: so tell me shall i disapear and all of my race xd
  295. <19:51:26> vector: no i think you read history wrong
  296. <19:51:36> vector: we will always be here
  297. <19:51:44> vector: always
  298. <19:51:44> Sheriff: disapear of the jewish religion. otherwise you will end in hell
  299. <19:51:51> vector: hmmm
  300. <19:52:00> Sheriff: you have your fun here now. but after it you are brunung in hell
  301. <19:52:09> vector: so i guess you and i cannot be friends then xd
  302. <19:52:12> Sheriff: 70 years fun here and 1000 years in hell
  303. <19:52:15> Sheriff: your choice
  304. <19:52:18> pizza: whats your religion sheriff?
  305. <19:52:24> vector: who cares
  306. <19:52:25> Sheriff: i have no relgion
  307. <19:52:35> pizza: hell doesnt exist lol
  308. <19:52:40> Sheriff: pizza, are you a jew?
  309. <19:52:43> pizza: no
  310. <19:52:46> vector: seems to me sherriff you take it too serious
  311. <19:52:48> Sheriff: if not, study the talmud
  312. <19:52:51> pizza: i have no religion either
  313. <19:52:52> Sheriff: read about Talmud
  314. <19:52:53> Sheriff: pls
  315. <19:52:58> pizza: but i respect other peoples religion lol
  316. <19:53:00> Sheriff: then you understand much more
  317. <19:53:17> Sheriff: Talmud
  318. <19:53:23> Sheriff: and read about the money system
  319. <19:53:30> Sheriff: banks and there pay taxes
  320. <19:53:33> vector: sherrif do you know one thing is important,,,,,,,,,,,,survive
  321. <19:53:37> Sheriff: why we have war because of pay tax
  322. <19:53:42> Sheriff: and the stocket market...
  323. <19:53:46> vector: survive to see your family
  324. <19:53:46> Sheriff: read about it
  325. <19:53:57> vector: you read to many books sher
  326. <19:54:07> vector: try real life
  327. <19:54:15> Sheriff: your folk stoled my country
  328. <19:54:17> vector: if you ever want to know come and ask me
  329. <19:54:29> vector: not my folk
  330. <19:54:47> vector: i am just a british hebrew
  331. <19:54:58> Sheriff: well but you said, that you beleive in this relgion. so you are one of them
  332. <19:55:01> vector: that does not make me a god or satan xd
  333. <19:55:14> vector: and your german
  334. <19:55:19> vector: should i hate you
  335. <19:55:21> vector: noooooo
  336. <19:55:22> Sheriff: humans, which live after talmud are sons of satan
  337. <19:55:23> vector: i do not
  338. <19:55:52> Sheriff: there is anyway no reason to hate german
  339. <19:55:54> vector: i am talking to you as someone who shares ac with me
  340. <19:56:02> vector: what
  341. <19:56:05> Sheriff: yes
  342. <19:56:15> vector: 6 milllion reasons
  343. <19:56:19> Sheriff: hahaha
  344. <19:56:23> Sheriff: 20 million germans
  345. <19:56:39> Sheriff: and the war already started in WW1
  346. <19:56:43> Sheriff: look this:
  347. <19:56:44> Sheriff: [URL][/URL]
  348. <19:56:51> vector: yep my father shot a few i admit xd
  349. <19:56:54> Sheriff: and 6 million is anyway a lie
  350. <19:57:07> vector: how so
  351. <19:57:11> Sheriff: in big german kingdom there were 3,4 million jews
  352. <19:57:14> vector: your east german
  353. <19:57:17> Sheriff: so how could die 6 millioon?
  354. <19:57:26> Sheriff: 400000 died
  355. <19:57:28> Sheriff: not more
  356. <19:57:29> vector: no west german thinks this way
  357. <19:57:41> vector: hmmm i will say no more
  358. <19:57:44> Sheriff: this stupid propaganda lie
  359. <19:58:00> Sheriff: holocaust is a lie.
  360. <19:58:05> Sheriff: no gas
  361. <19:58:16> vector: be careful sherrif
  362. <19:58:27> Sheriff: i was studing it
  363. <19:58:39> vector: well not hard enough it seems
  364. <19:58:42> Sheriff: and for me the truth is, that the germans never made a "planed masacre"
  365. <19:58:48> MPx: maybe you are reading the wrong books
  366. <19:58:58> Sheriff: no
  367. <19:59:12> MPx: because ppl lie all the time
  368. <19:59:33> Sheriff: i asked before, from how is the stocket market? (it steels the nationaly folk the kapital, comes like a parasite and take the firms)
  369. <19:59:42> vector: sherriff can i tell you somethiing really simple............ your looking at the wrong info
  370. <19:59:43> Sheriff: and who invented the banks with pay taxes?
  371. <19:59:45> Sheriff: i asked before, from how is the stocket market? (it steels the nationaly folk the kapital, comes like a parasite and take the firms)
  372. <19:59:48> Sheriff: jews
  373. <19:59:54> Sheriff: of course we wanted them out
  374. <20:00:02> vector: sheriff where from ?
  375. <20:00:07> pizza: thats not a reason to kill them
  376. <20:00:08> MPx: capitalism is here to stay, go on
  377. <20:00:17> Sheriff: our plan was: deportate them in concentration camps and after war give them madagaskar
  378. <20:00:36> vector: ohhhhh like the film xd
  379. <20:00:38> Sheriff: [URL][/URL]
  380. <20:00:42> vector: we were so happy us jews
  381. <20:01:04> MPx: yeah, right
  382. <20:01:18> vector: your east german and poluted by ideas
  383. <20:01:27> vector: stop
  384. <20:01:39> vector: actually he is correct
  385. <20:01:51> Sheriff: germany was fighitng against the stocket market and pay tax system.
  386. <20:01:51> vector: that was the origiinal plan
  387. <20:01:56> Sheriff: tghey lost
  388. <20:02:01> vector: silly
  389. <20:02:02> Sheriff: and jews invented the holocaust lie
  390. <20:02:07> Sheriff: today
  391. <20:02:17> vector: your history is wrong
  392. <20:02:22> Sheriff: we have just two country on earth left, which are not infiltrated from the stocket market
  393. <20:02:27> Sheriff: do you guys know which one?
  394. <20:02:35> vector: it all began in 1918
  395. <20:02:50> vector: when germany signed armactice
  396. <20:03:00> Sheriff: i asked you
  397. <20:03:04> Sheriff: we have just two country on earth left, which are not infiltrated from the stocket market
  398. <20:03:06> Sheriff: do you guys know which one?
  399. <20:03:09> vector: we france usa and others took and raided germany
  400. <20:03:27> vector: yeah your mind and your thoughts
  401. <20:03:32> vector: what is left
  402. <20:03:39> Sheriff: you dont know?
  403. <20:03:49> vector: who cares
  404. <20:03:57> vector: tell us
  405. <20:04:00> vector: amuse us
  406. <20:04:03> Sheriff: atm humans are dieng
  407. <20:04:08> Sheriff: maybe they care?
  408. <20:04:14> Sheriff: you are really a satan
  409. <20:04:26> vector: well it seem your brain is dead already
  410. <20:04:29> vector: poluted
  411. <20:04:38> Sheriff: you have bno plan of politic
  412. <20:04:41> Sheriff: no plan
  413. <20:04:47> Sheriff: cant you answer the question?
  414. <20:04:52> vector: of course i do
  415. <20:05:14> vector: i save money so i can buy your country one day
  416. <20:05:20> vector: as a good jew does
  417. <20:05:25> Sheriff: your brain is dead. because you are the one which is poluted by the propaganda of tv (jewish system
  418. <20:05:27> vector: xd
  419. <20:05:39> vector: shhhh
  420. <20:05:44> vector: slow down
  421. <20:05:59> vector: once again lets say hello
  422. <20:06:01> vector: .
  423. <20:06:09> vector: hello sherriff
  424. <20:06:19> Sheriff: who is owner of the oil fields in norht irak (kurdistan now) since 2003?
  425. <20:06:19> MPx: hola
  426. <20:06:38> MPx: capitalism
  427. <20:06:42> vector: i am trying me best here to be nice
  428. <20:06:43> vector: lol
  429. <20:06:55> vector: so say hello sherrif
  430. <20:06:57> Sheriff: jewish embossed stocket market
  431. <20:07:19> Sheriff: i am nice. you saw no insult at all from me. for me it is possible to discuss
  432. <20:07:23> vector: btw mpx is unemployed and i was his boss
  433. <20:07:28> vector: i fired him
  434. <20:07:40> Sheriff: i am discusting atm with my "arch enemy"
  435. <20:07:41> vector: now he cannot feed his family
  436. <20:07:41> Sheriff: :)
  437. <20:07:52> MPx: and he didnt paid me
  438. <20:07:58> vector: or go pole dancing
  439. <20:08:08> MPx: im shy
  440. <20:08:30> vector: yeah i said "MPX thats it...get your argentinian ass out the door"
  441. <20:08:34> vector: no pay
  442. <20:08:40> MPx: haha
  443. <20:09:10> MPx: after i warm it
  444. <20:09:19> vector: and worse i used his salary to win lottery
  445. <20:09:31> MPx: and buy his car
  446. <20:09:44> vector: and since then i used the winnings to but palestine
  447. <20:09:50> MPx: now his is paying an overprizced fuel
  448. <20:10:30> MPx: he is*
  449. <20:10:33> MPx: dat english
  450. <20:10:42> vector: sheriff if you want you can come here lots and amuse us
  451. <20:11:01> vector: infact i will pay you
  452. <20:11:21> MPx: with my money
  453. <20:11:26> vector: give me paypal account and i shall payt you out of my jewsih gold
  454. <20:11:47> vector: i am same as you really
  455. <20:11:54> vector: just a person
  456. <20:11:56> vector: smiles
  457. <20:11:59> vector: hello
  458. <20:12:13> vector: hopes you see this as a welcome
  459. <20:12:33> vector: if not i will shoot your ass in ac xd
  460. <20:14:29> Sheriff: <01:11:35> "vector": i am same as you really
  461. <20:14:38> Sheriff: as long you believe in satan , i doubt that
  462. <20:14:40> Sheriff: :)
  463. <20:14:52> Sheriff: anyway, i have to go now: 88 vector
  464. <20:15:06> Sheriff: /bye U|
  465. <20:15:23> vector: adios
  466. <20:15:30> vector: haste luego
  467. <20:15:36> MPx: jaja
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