

Mar 12th, 2014
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  1. Name: Elysse
  2. Class: Troubador
  3. Character Specific Skill: Renewal
  4. Affinity: Ice
  5. Personal Fault: Shy: After being attacked in melee range, -1 to MOV
  6. Personal Skill: This is how I use it, right? When using a healing subcategory, +5 aditional HP healed
  7. Personal Skill: I can fight too! When using bow of subcategory recurve, +2 base damage
  9. Preferred stats: SPD, LCK
  11. Weapon profs: Staffs (D), Ailment (C), Bows (D), Recur(C)
  13. Level: 15 (0/100)
  14. Total Level: 19
  16. Progression spent: 330%
  18. HP: 15+1 (65%)
  19. STR: 2 (25%)
  20. MAG: 3 (45%)
  21. SKL: 1+1 (45%)
  22. CON: 3+1
  23. AID: 2
  24. LUK: 4 (15%)
  25. DEF: 1+1 (40%)
  26. RES: 6 (50%)
  27. SPD: 5 (45%)
  28. MOV: 4
  31. Inventory:
  33. Name Type ( ) Rng Wt Mt Hit Cr Ql
  34. Iron Bow Recu (E) 2 5 6 85 0 44
  35. Vulnerary (3/3)
  36. =========Current Stats======
  37. Level 2: +HP, +DEF, +RES, +SPD
  38. Level 3: +HP, +RES
  39. Level 4: +HP, +MAG, +SKL
  40. Level 5: +HP, +STR, +SKL
  41. Promotion to Troubadour: +1 HP, +1 MAG, +2 STR, SKL+2, +2 CON, +2 RES, +1 MOV, LUK+2
  42. Level 2: +MAG, +DEF, +RES
  43. Level 3: +HP, +MAG, +SKL, +DEF
  44. Level 4: +HP, +LUK, +SPD
  45. Level 5: +STR, +MAG, +DEF, +RES
  46. Level 6: +HP, +STR, +SPD
  47. Level 7: +MAG, +SKL, +DEF, +SPD
  48. Level 8: +STR, +MAG, +RES
  49. Level 9: +STR, +SKL, +SPD
  50. Level 10: +LUK, +SPD
  51. Level 11: +HP, +STR, +RES
  52. Level 12: +HP, +STR, +MAG, +SKL, +DEF,+RES ,+SPD
  53. Level 13: +MAG, +SKL, +RES, +SPD
  54. Level 14: +MAG, +SKL
  55. Level 15: +HP, MAG
  56. HP: 27(65%)
  57. STR: 11(25%)
  58. MAG: 14(50%)
  59. SKL: 13(45%)
  60. CON: 5+14(Horseback)
  61. AID: 4+14(Horseback)
  62. LUK: 7(15%)
  63. DEF: 8(40%)
  64. RES: 16(50%)
  65. SPD: 13(45%)
  66. MOV: 5+2(Horseback)
  67. ===Battle Stats====
  68. Battle Stats (Heal, Mend and Oblivion Staff):
  69. AT: N/A
  70. Hit: N/A(Weapon hit+sklx2+luk/2)
  71. AS: 13
  72. Eva: 33(ASx2+Luk)
  73. Crt: N/A
  74. DG: 7
  75. ===
  76. Battle Stats (Iron Bow):
  77. AT: 16+2
  78. Hit: 106(Weapon hit+sklx2+luk/2)
  79. AS: 13
  80. Eva: 33(ASx2+Luk)
  81. Crt: 6
  82. DG: 7
  83. Bio:
  84. Born in Terrania and trained in the blessed art of healing magic from an early age, Elysse showed a great skill for using staves. However, she wasn't content just healing people. She liked fighting as well, and as such, ran away from home and headed to Mernid where she learned how to use a bow. She might not be as strong as some of the bow users she trained with, but she learned enough to be able to protect herself. Since then, she's been wandering the world, joining up with different groups as her need for money requires. She vaguely believes in the Defender, but is not a strong believer. Instead, she believes in what she herself can do, since in the end, the only person she can truly depend on being there day in and day out is herself.
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