
Chapter 10

Mar 3rd, 2017
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  1. ##Chapter 10: Doctor Disaster
  3. #165
  4. [Info]: Cover page is styled as a dramatic movie poster
  5. [Text]: Doctor Disaster versus the Creepy Space Aliens from Outer Space
  6. [Text]: Featuring the Gunnerkrigg Spacemonauts
  8. #166
  9. [Info]: Students are in a boring class
  10. Teacher: When water freezes, it expands by nine percent.
  11. Teacher: If water enters a crack in a stone and freezes, the pressure exerted by the ice is enough to widen the crack.
  12. Teacher: Once melted, more water enters the larger crack, and the cycle is repeated.
  13. Teacher: In areas of frequent temperature change, erosion wears away at rocks relatively quickly.
  14. [Door]: KA-SLAM!
  15. Randy: *Spacemonauts!*
  16. Randy: The *Earth* is *in peril!*
  18. #167
  19. Students: *Yaay!*
  20. [Info]: Students run happily out the door
  21. [Info]: Teacher stands dumbfounded after his classroom has emptied
  22. [WhiteBoard]: Erosion
  23. Teacher: Well that clears *my* next 40 minutes.
  24. [Info]: Students exit dressing rooms wearing Spacemonaut gear
  26. #168
  27. Annie: I must admit I question the educational value of Dr. Disaster's classes.
  28. Kat: Aw come on, Annie, just think of it as a drama lesson.
  29. [Sign]: LAUNCH PAD
  30. [Text]: SKREE!
  31. [Info]: Doctor Disaster is riding a motor scooter, screeching around a corner and past the students
  32. [Text]: WHRRRRR
  33. Randy: Hurry along now, Spacemonauts!
  34. Randy: The rocket *awaits!*
  36. #169
  37. [Sign]: Imaging Chamber
  38. [Info]: Visuals inside imaging chamber are in gray-scale
  39. [Annie]: Looks at glove
  40. Annie: How does all this work, Kat, Is it like that room with the cherry tree?
  41. [Info]: Students board rocket
  42. Kat: Nah, everything in that room except the sky was real.
  43. Kat: In here everything we see is made with holograms.
  44. Kat: I bet we're able to feel stuff because of some kinda haptic feedback in our suits.
  45. Kat: But that's not the point. You're supposed to enjoy it!
  46. [Rocket]: RRRMBLE
  48. #170
  49. [Info]: Randy is displayed on a screen
  50. [Label]: COM1
  51. Randy: *Spacemonauts!* The evil *Enigmarons* are threatening the Earth from their moon base *on the moon!*
  52. Randy: They have a *death ray* of epic proportions trained on the capital cities of every country *this very second!*
  53. [Info]: Rocket blasts off
  54. [Rocket]: ROCKET!
  55. Annie: Isn't there *always* a death ray?
  57. #171
  58. Crew: Doctor! We are approaching the moon!
  59. Randy: Excellent!
  60. Randy: I will be sending down an elite team to deal with the *Enigmaron menace!*
  61. [Info]: Students jump out of the rocket
  63. #172
  64. [Text]: BWOIMF!
  65. Enigmaron: Horf!
  66. Winsbury: They must be the *bad guys!*
  67. Annie: *Those* are the terrible Enigmarons? They don't even have arms.
  68. [Info]: Students go into battle with Enigmarons
  70. #173
  71. [Text]: BOUND! BYOO! BYOO!
  72. [Info]: Kat and all the other students are having fun
  73. Kat: Hurry!
  74. Kat: The others are going on ahead!
  75. Annie: You can join them if you wish. I'm sure I'll catch up eventually.
  76. [Info]: Annie is being boring and taking her time
  77. Kat: Grr!
  78. [Text]: STOMP
  80. #174
  81. Kat: Come on, Annie, we only get to do this like, once a month.
  82. Kat: Everyone is having a good time but you.
  83. Kat: Why can't you just enjoy it?
  84. Annie: I find it all... a little silly.
  85. Kat: That's kinda the point! It's a chance for us to dress up and run around like crazies.
  86. Kat: It's a nice change from the classroom.
  87. [Info]: Annie thinks
  88. Annie: I suppose you are right, Kat.
  89. Annie: I'm sorry I...
  90. [Info]: Kat has disappeared
  91. Annie: ... Kat?
  93. #175
  94. [Info]: Annie's watch is a comm unit, Randy starts speaking through it to Annie
  95. Randy: In their haste, the Spacemonauts were *captured* by the Enigmarons and taken to their *evil lair!*
  96. Randy: It is up to *you,* Spacemonaut Carver, to rescue them and *complete the mission!*
  97. [Info]: Annie thinks
  98. Annie: Well...
  99. Annie: Kat said I should try and have fun.
  100. [Info]: Annie jumps off towards evil lair, a large castle in the distance
  102. #176
  103. [Info]: Randy is connected to a screen inside the evil lair
  104. Randy: *You fiends!*
  105. Randy: You'll never get away with this!
  106. [Info]: Students are tied up and guarded by Enigmarons, in the same room as a death ray
  107. [Info]: Annie has snuck into the lair and is peering in through a vent
  108. Annie: I know I shouldn't, but...
  109. Annie: I can't help but wonder how creatures without arms could make such a device. And tie my friends up.
  111. #177
  112. Annie: Oh well, here I go.
  113. [Info]: Annie kicks in the vent and swings into the room on a cable
  114. [Text]: SWRANG!
  115. [Text]: WOOOOOSH!
  116. [Info]: Annie drops in, surprising everyone, and lands feet-down on the death ray
  117. [Text]: BADOOF!
  118. [Info]: Death ray explodes, Enigmarons fly, Annie is fine
  119. [Info]: Other students are now smiling
  120. Winsbury: Go on, Carver!
  121. Kat: Yaaaay!
  123. #178
  124. Kat: Now say something witty to the Enigmarons and finish the mission!
  125. Annie: Do I have to?
  126. Students: *Yes!*
  127. Annie: Um...
  128. Annie: I hope you like your... smashed... death ray!
  129. Students: Hahahaha! Excellent! Splendid!
  130. Annie: It would appear witty phrases are not my forte.
  131. [Info]: Other students are being untied
  132. Winsbury: Nice one, Carver. Let's get back to the ship.
  133. [Info]: Annie is untying Kat
  134. Kat: So, did you have a good time?
  135. Annie: Yes, I did.
  137. #179
  138. [Info]: Rocket landed on surface, students climbing in
  139. John: Hey! We got into a *space battle!*
  140. Winsbury: Awesome!
  141. [Text]: HI-5
  142. [Info]: Annie and everyone else are smiling
  143. Annie: I suppose some things *are* better learned away from a text book.
  144. [Narraration]: Meanwhile...
  145. [Info]: Randy looking into a screen, watching the rocket take off from the moon
  146. Randy: Good good.
  147. Randy: The Earth is safe...
  148. Randy: Until next time...
  149. [Text]: THE END?
  150. [Info]: End of Chapter
  152. #180
  153. [Info]: Bonus Page: Pressing Matters
  154. Mulder: Katerina...
  155. Kat: Special Agent Fox Mulder!
  156. Mulder: Kat, I need your help!
  157. Kat: But I have homework to do!
  158. Mulder: This is more important than homework. Only you can discover the link between the alien-human hybrids and the international government conspiracy.
  159. Kat: What about Agent Scully?
  160. Mulder: She can come too.
  161. Kat: Yaay!
  162. [Info]: Kat is asleep, dreaming. Annie is in the chair next to her, reading a book
  163. [Book]: Tannhauser Gate
  164. [Text]: ZZZZZZ
  165. Kat: Will Skinner have his shirt off?
  166. Kat: Yaay!
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