
Proof Mariel is retarded

Dec 6th, 2014
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  1. [21:39] <GMC> [23:12:06] <Mariel> [multitasking GO]
  2. [21:39] <GMC> [23:12:15] <GMC> [what is that?]
  3. [21:39] <GMC> [23:12:24] <Mariel> [videogame awards]
  4. [21:39] <GMC> [23:15:01] Mariel keeps her guard up at every moment, following the masked guys
  5. [21:39] <GMC> [23:15:38] <GMC> "Yes, master" replies the mare. "She wihll guide you to another room, where you wihll take your challenge. Perhaps is my pity tahlking, but I hope to see you ahgain after you leave this hall..."
  6. [21:39] <GMC> [23:17:23] Mariel raises her eyebrow as she goes with the other masked person
  7. [21:39] <GMC> [23:18:09] <GMC> The mare leads Mariel outside the hall, through a black gate. They trot accross a corridor with strange symbols on its walls, and end up in a square room made of stone. Torches enlighten the place, and three big cages are in the center of the place. The mare stands at a side of the only entrance. "It's eahsy, Cahnnonite. Enter to a cahge, and it wihll test you. Ihv you succed, your mind wihll
  8. [21:39] <GMC> [23:18:39] <GMC> opehn its eyes. Ihv you fail... let's hope you dohn't fail"
  9. [21:39] <GMC> 23:19:30] <GMC> She smiles in spite on her warning, and chuckles in a smug manner. "Of couhrse, ihv you are scahred.... we can stop right nohw, 'little soul'. Hahahaha"
  10. [21:39] <GMC> [23:20:06] Mariel giggles "the masked one speaks about fear... thats cute"
  11. [21:39] <GMC> [23:21:20] Mariel walks inside "if youre done, cna we start? if im not good for it, im simply not good for it, but i cant speak about facing things with you, right?"
  12. [21:39] <GMC> [23:24:01] <GMC> She giggles, and closes the cage with a magical word. The lock shines and shuts, leaving Mariel trapped inside. "I ahm Pristine Waters, you cahn face me whenever you wahnt, 'little soul', but right now my master gave me the mihssion to take cahre ohv you... Yet..." She sits on her haunches, and before Mariel begins to feel hazy and dizzy, Pristine unmasks herself to reveal her beautiful fea
  13. [21:39] <GMC> [23:24:29] <GMC> tures. "No harm on breahking the ruhles for a dead pony. Good bye little soul"
  14. [21:39] <GMC> [23:26:01] Mariel is not sure if the mare expected some reaction from here for something someone people do everyday, like showing their faces, but she simply waits for the so called challenge to begin
  15. [21:39] <GMC> [23:26:43] <GMC> The cage is magically lifted from the ground, and begins to spin in quick fashion. Mariel feels sick to her stomach, and as if her mind were being drilled. "...HIMKHA:.... The dead can't speak. ... " She hears an ominous voice within her mind, talking random stuff. "Try not to ... --- Nothing to fear but fear itself. AHHAH... .. Don't Fall SLEEP"
  16. [21:39] <GMC> [23:28:41] <Mariel> [15]
  17. [21:40] <GMC> [23:32:18] <GMC> The blonde mare resists and stays awake, but the pain is unbearable at this point. As the cage stop spinning, she can see that her surroundings have changed, and that around her there's wildlife. "On your hooves! On your hooves! You have to think now, pony. Pony? You are not a pony, you little liar~"
  18. [21:40] <GMC> [23:32:59] Mariel examines her surroundings first
  19. [21:40] <GMC> [23:33:10] <Mariel> [then herelf, but surroundings and voice source first]
  20. [21:40] <GMC> [23:33:36] <GMC> Mariel still feels terrible pain in her head, which doesn't let her concentrate, but she can see some trees, grass, and a few bunnies enjoying some flowers around the clear she is in. The voice talks to her from inside her head, sending more pain everytime it does.
  21. [21:40] <GMC> [23:35:29] Mariel tries to snap out of it
  22. [21:40] <GMC> [23:35:40] <GMC> "Bah, you are just cattle." Mariel hears footsteps behind her, and turns around to see the figure of a human mounted on a horse. The sight is foregin for the land of ponies, but oddly familiar. The dark figure aims a bow at her, its face unrevealed by a hunter's hood. A couple of hounds bark volently at the mare before starting the chase! [You have your usual equipment, you can choose to r
  23. [21:40] <GMC> [23:35:54] <GMC> un or stay, staying triggers init]
  24. [21:40] <GMC> [23:37:18] <Mariel> [wait, phone]
  25. [21:40] <GMC> [23:38:28] <GMC> [[also, ahve in consideration the rules for moderate pain for now]
  26. [21:40] <GMC> [23:38:29] <GMC> Pain: You have a penalty to all Dex, Str and Int related rolls depending on the severity. -2 for moderate pain, -4 for severe pain and -6 for terrible pain
  27. [21:44] <Flora> lulz
  28. 54] <Flora> ~
  29. [21:55] <@Mariel> [what the..?]
  30. [21:55] <GMC> Hound 2 Jumps over the Mare and attempts to bite her face
  31. [21:55] <GMC> !roll 1d20
  32. [21:55] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 16 <Total: 16>
  33. [21:56] <GMC> Called shot
  34. [21:56] <@Mariel> [?]
  35. [21:56] <GMC> The creature bites the mare on her face
  36. [21:56] <GMC> !roll 1d5
  37. [21:56] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d5: 2 <Total: 2>
  38. [21:57] <GMC> !roll 1d3
  39. [21:57] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d3: 1 <Total: 1>
  40. [21:57] <GMC> Mariel loses (2) HP and (1) FP
  41. [21:57] <GMC> Mariel's turn
  42. [21:57] <@Mariel> [...why fp?]
  43. [21:57] == Midnight_Glitter [~Archivist@] has joined #FourCannon-Mariel
  44. [21:58] <GMC> Laughter increases around the scenario, and before being bitten, the blonde pony thought to see the figure of some ponies behind a bush...
  45. [21:58] <GMC> [Called shot to the face]
  46. [21:58] == The_Archivist [] has joined #FourCannon-Mariel
  47. [21:58] <@Mariel> "AGH.. YOU!!"
  48. [21:58] == Aurora [] has joined #FourCannon-Mariel
  49. [21:58] * Mariel launches a double attack a the hound with her sword
  50. [21:58] <GMC> [You can use a quick action to roll perception and see if there are ponies around]
  51. [21:59] <@Mariel> [ll do it later after im done fighting]
  52. [21:59] <GMC> [Is that an all out?]
  53. [21:59] <@Mariel> [yes]
  54. [21:59] <@Mariel> [the -2hit thingy]
  55. [21:59] <GMC> [-4]
  56. [21:59] <@Mariel> [oh yeah, keep thinking with SSSS mind]
  57. [22:00] <@Mariel> [i should read the all out on that new system]
  58. [22:00] <GMC> [No worries, looks like rule experts joined :3]
  59. [22:00] <@Mariel> [either way]
  60. [22:00] <@Mariel> !roll 2d20+4
  61. [22:00] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 2d20: 4 5 <Total: 9(+4) = 13>
  62. [22:00] <@Mariel> [ahahahahah check those rolls]
  63. [22:00] <@Mariel> [i forgot kek hated me]
  64. [22:01] <Aurora> [I am da rules, whats habbadin?]
  65. [22:01] * Mariel misses both
  66. [22:01] == Star_ [Mibbit@] has joined #FourCannon-Mariel
  67. [22:01] <GMC> the mare misses both attacks, and is exposed to an attack of the second hound. The mounted archer on the big, tall horse continues to aim at her, and his deep laughter almost engulfs the laughs of the ponies in the woods.
  68. [22:01] <GMC> Hound 1 turn
  69. [22:02] <GMC> Hound 1 attacks Mariel on her right leg.[called shot]
  70. [22:02] <GMC> !roll 1d20+3
  71. [22:02] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 15 <Total: 15(+3) = 18>
  72. [22:02] <@Mariel> [lin to rules of called shot thingy?]
  73. [22:02] <@Mariel> [cause i dont know what it is about]
  74. [22:02] <GMC> !roll 1d5
  75. [22:02] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d5: 3 <Total: 3>
  76. [22:03] <GMC> [ line 351]
  77. [22:03] <GMC> Mariel loses (3) HP
  78. [22:04] <GMC> Mariel's leg continues to be useful.
  79. [22:04] <GMC> Hound 2's turn
  80. [22:04] <GMC> The voice inside Mariel's head resounds before the mutt tries to bite her again, in an All out attack.
  81. [22:05] <GMC> "Ah... That's what you get, for being a liar. You are cattle, a prey, a piece of meat... otherwise they would help you...."
  82. [22:05] <GMC> !roll 1d20+1
  83. [22:05] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 7 <Total: 7(+1) = 8>
  84. [22:05] <GMC> !roll 1d20+1
  85. [22:05] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 15 <Total: 15(+1) = 16>
  86. [22:05] <GMC> One hit
  87. [22:05] <GMC> !roll 1d5
  88. [22:05] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d5: 5 <Total: 5>
  89. [22:05] <GMC> Mariel receives (5) HP damage
  90. [22:06] <GMC> Mariel's turn
  91. [22:06] <@Mariel> [question, how are they getting bonus on all out?]
  92. [22:06] <Aurora> [an all out attack calls for an Attack of Oportunity]
  93. [22:06] <GMC> [Oh, true true]
  94. [22:06] <GMC> [Mariel ,you have an extra attack agains doggy]
  95. [22:06] <GMC> [And if you haven't calculated it already, they have MAB 5]
  96. [22:07] <@Mariel> [thats a lot for a hound, but ok]
  97. [22:07] <@Mariel> [also let me count my hp, hold on]
  98. [22:07] <GMC> Mariel is at 14/23 HP and 4/10 FP
  99. [22:07] * Mariel takes advantage of the opportunity and attacks the hound
  100. [22:08] <@Mariel> [15, not 14]
  101. [22:08] <@Mariel> i mean 13]
  102. [22:08] <GMC> [Mk]
  103. [22:08] <@Mariel> [i have 23hp]
  104. [22:08] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20+8
  105. [22:08] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 20 <Total: 20(+8) = 28>
  106. [22:08] <@Mariel> [in b4 1]
  107. [22:09] <@Mariel> !roll 1d8
  108. [22:09] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d8: 7 <Total: 7>
  109. [22:09] <GMC> The figures around the bushes begin to mumble around them. "Look at it...Yeah, isn't she the hermit? We could help her.What for? She would shushes us away... let's see what happens."
  110. [22:09] <GMC> Mariel deals (14) damage to Hound 2
  111. [22:10] <GMC> The creature falls dead to the ground after the strong stab
  112. [22:10] <@Mariel> [oh wow i 1hit it]
  113. [22:10] <GMC> Is still your turn, Mariel
  114. [22:10] * Mariel grins "Im... not done yet!"
  115. [22:10] * Mariel attacks the other hound
  116. [22:10] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20+8
  117. [22:10] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 5 <Total: 5(+8) = 13>
  118. [22:10] <GMC> The hunter tenses his bow more, and the voices continue to laugh and murmur
  119. [22:10] <@Mariel> [do they have high ac?]
  120. [22:11] <GMC> [Their AC is 13 actually]
  121. [22:11] <GMC> [Calculated from their Re bonus]
  122. [22:11] <@Mariel> [so its a hit?]
  123. [22:11] <GMC> [nope]
  124. [22:11] <GMC> Mariel misses her next strike!
  125. [22:11] <@Mariel> [but they reach my AC and they hit]
  126. [22:12] <@Mariel> [why not the same with me]
  127. [22:12] <GMC> [All out leaves you with -2 AC for a turn]
  128. [22:12] <@Mariel> [hound 1 attacked me first, before i did any action]
  129. [22:12] <@Mariel> [it hit 16 exactly and it hit]
  130. [22:12] <@Mariel> [when my ac is 16]
  131. [22:13] <GMC> [it was 2. Your AC is 15... what armor do you have now?]
  132. [22:13] <GMC> [Remember that you can have things canon only]
  133. [22:13] <@Mariel> [when able told me my armor was low quality, he said it was of the same value of the highest harmor of the lowest tier
  134. [22:13] <@Mariel> [but honestly i dont know about this stuff anymore, rules change so much]
  135. [22:14] <@Mariel> [link to gear?]
  136. [22:14] <GMC> [eh... let's leave it on a chain shirt then. You have 16 AC. Assume the first hit didn't happen. Recover 2 HP and 1 FP]
  137. [22:14] <Midnight_Glitter> [was said that if a legit 'splint armor' would've been made, then it would count as highest tier of light armor.]
  138. [22:14] <GMC> line 341
  139. [22:15] <GMC> [We don't have those, though]
  140. [22:15] <@Mariel> [splint armor is way further and way more complicated]
  141. [22:15] <@Mariel> [thats why able said mine fell on that category]
  142. [22:15] <GMC> [You can take or leave chain shirt, nigga]
  143. [22:15] <@Mariel> [thats what i said!]
  144. [22:15] <GMC> [K, then let's go on]
  145. [22:15] <@Mariel> [why youre telling that to me]
  146. [22:16] <@Mariel> [this is why i didnt want interference, they dont know what tthey are talking about]
  147. [22:16] <GMC> Hound 1 attacks Mariel violently
  148. [22:16] <GMC> !roll 1d20+5
  149. [22:16] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 8 <Total: 8(+5) = 13>
  150. [22:16] <@Mariel> [dude]
  151. [22:16] <GMC> But misses! Mariel's turn
  152. [22:16] <@Mariel> [nvm]
  153. [22:17] * Mariel attacks hound again
  154. [22:17] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20+8
  155. [22:17] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 12 <Total: 12(+8) = 20>
  156. [22:17] <GMC> Hit
  157. [22:17] <@Mariel> [befre you say anything, i know its not crt]
  158. [22:17] <@Mariel> !roll 1d8
  159. [22:17] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d8: 4 <Total: 4>
  160. [22:17] <@Mariel> [wait, qustion
  161. [22:17] <@Mariel> [doesnt my str make is 1d8+3?]
  162. [22:18] <GMC> Some of the ponies begin to laugh more and more. "Oh my god, she's going to die!.... PFFTHAHH HAHAHAHAHA"
  163. [22:18] <@Mariel> [againt, shits confusing]
  164. [22:18] <@Mariel> [i dont know]
  165. [22:18] <GMC> [yes, +2]
  166. [22:18] <GMC> +3*
  167. [22:18] <@Mariel> [BUT]
  168. [22:18] <@Mariel> [i want fairness]
  169. [22:18] <GMC> Mariel damages the hound for (7) damage
  170. [22:18] <@Mariel> [i might be killing myself, bit i prefer good rules over anything]
  171. [22:19] <GMC> [You are getting fairness]
  172. [22:19] <@Mariel> [what about dogs bouses]
  173. [22:19] <GMC> [You just haven't bothered to take your actual chances]
  174. [22:19] <GMC> [Uh? What, yo uwant me to throw you something easier and withotu bonuses? go cry about that to other GMs. Go tough or go home, beaner]
  175. [22:19] <@Mariel> [no, i meant that if dogs had str bonuses as well]
  176. [22:20] <GMC> [You can still take the perception rolls and whatnot]
  177. [22:20] <@Mariel> [stop misreading]
  178. [22:20] <GMC> [Nigga..]
  179. [22:20] <@Mariel> [either way, if you dont care, i shouldnt either]
  180. [22:20] * Mariel stabs the dog, focusing on dealing wit hostiles first
  181. [22:21] <GMC> Hound 1 attacks with even more ferocity than before, using Mighty blow and Precise strike
  182. [22:21] <The_Archivist> [If the dog would've had Str bonuses, then it would've been listed on those damage rolls. Jus' sayin']
  183. [22:21] <GMC> !roll 1d20+9
  184. [22:21] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 3 <Total: 3(+9) = 12>
  185. [22:21] <@Mariel> [can you wait 5 minutes, boiled corn seller is outsie and i want one]
  186. [22:21] <GMC> But misses! Mariel's turn
  187. [22:22] <GMC> [boiled what?... uh, sure]
  188. [22:22] <GMC> [Damn, they sell that shit on the streets on Mexico?]
  189. [22:23] <GreenHoof> [gah it's almost cute how backwards and behind-the-times they are...]
  190. [22:24] <GMC> [ikr?]
  191. [22:24] == GreenLight [] has joined #FourCannon-Mariel
  192. [22:24] <The_Archivist> [... you know, you can say the same thing about yer ice cream trucks]
  193. [22:24] <GMC> [Most we have here are old people selling peanuts and cotton candy, and they are rare unless it's a fair]
  194. [22:24] <The_Archivist> [Shit's deprecated]
  195. [22:25] <GreenLight> [I'll take come cotton candy to eat on the bleachers~]
  196. [22:25] <GMC> [But they have cute parrots :'3]
  197. [22:25] <GMC> [and those strange music boxes ]
  198. [22:27] <@Mariel> [back]
  199. [22:27] <@Mariel> [life is not only hamburgers and hotdogs]
  200. [22:27] <@Mariel> [My turn?]
  201. [22:27] * Mariel attacks dog
  202. [22:27] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20+8
  203. [22:27] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 2 <Total: 2(+8) = 10>
  204. [22:27] <@Mariel> [lol]
  205. [22:27] <@Mariel> [at least not crit fail]
  206. [22:27] * Mariel misses
  207. [22:28] <@Mariel> [oh by the way]
  208. [22:28] <GMC> Hound 2 realizes an all out attack using precision strike
  209. [22:28] <GreenHoof> [>ice cream trucks]
  210. [22:28] <GMC> !roll 1d20+5
  211. [22:28] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 19 <Total: 19(+5) = 24>
  212. [22:28] <GMC> !roll 1d20+5
  213. [22:29] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 8 <Total: 8(+5) = 13>
  214. [22:29] <GMC> one hit
  215. [22:29] <GMC> !roll 1d5
  216. [22:29] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d5: 4 <Total: 4>
  217. [22:29] <GreenHoof> [what, are you stuck in the 1950's?]
  218. [22:29] <GMC> The hunting dog harms Mariel for (4) damage
  219. [22:29] <GMC> Mariel's turn
  220. [22:29] * Mariel attacks dog
  221. [22:30] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20+8
  222. [22:30] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 20 <Total: 20(+8) = 28>
  223. [22:30] <@Mariel> !roll 1d8+3
  224. [22:30] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d8: 1 <Total: 1(+3) = 4>
  225. [22:30] <GMC> The hunter holds his bow tense and with an arrow of thick tip ready, while the laughter around the mare increases
  226. [22:30] <@Mariel> [lol crit 1]
  227. [22:30] <Aurora> [as a note, precision strike can't be used along with an all out attack]
  228. [22:30] <GMC> [Oh, thanks for the info RoraDora!]
  229. [22:30] <GMC> [Is still a hit]
  230. [22:30] <@Mariel> [so that means...?]
  231. [22:30] <@Mariel> [i see]
  232. [22:30] <Aurora> [sorry, no changes]
  233. [22:30] <GMC> Mariel harms the hound for (8) damage
  234. [22:31] <GMC> The dog lets out a last bark before falling dead under the mare's sword...
  235. [22:31] <GMC> Mariel status. 11 HP 5 FP
  236. [22:31] <@Mariel> [this song is playing for this battle by the way]
  237. [22:32] <GMC> [this pleb...]
  238. [22:32] * Mariel focuses on the current last target
  239. [22:33] <GMC> The hunter holds his aim over the injured mare, and the ponies around don't cease to laugh and chatter among them. "Well well... ready to die like cattle?" Chimes the voice inside her head. "Her Mariel" Cries to her a pony from a bush, his green coat and black mane reveal him as someone she knows... "Need a helping hoof? ~"
  240. [22:34] <@Mariel> [can i reply without wasting turns?]
  241. [22:34] <GMC> The hunter continues to aim, just smiling as the mare ponders her options.
  242. [22:34] <GMC> [ye]
  243. [22:35] <GreenHoof> [damn that's some shitty chinese cartoon music]
  244. [22:36] * Mariel spits some of the blood gotten into her mouth "Dont ask me... ask yourself, do YOU want to help me?" as she faces the target
  245. [22:38] <GMC> The stallion bursts out in laughter, and even the hunter joins him, withotu losing his aim as his ominous chuckle reaches the mare. "Not even now you get to stop being an idiot... You really expect the world to give you everything, eh?"
  246. [22:40] <GreenLight> [[/me likes GMCHoof, hue]]
  247. [22:40] * Mariel laughs between coughs "Hmmhmmhmmhmmhmm... I never expected anything from anyone, same as i dont expect you to help me... *cough*"
  248. [22:40] <@Mariel> "*cough* ...those who wish to help, simply do it"
  249. [22:41] <GMC> "Yes, yes she does... she believes that they are all like her. Tsk Tsk..." Says a zebra that also results familiar to Mariel. "Damn son, you better check those injures.... coz sure I won't. You don't expect anything from me! yet you expect me to jump and do it. You are a contradiction"
  250. [22:43] <GMC> "Oh, let her be... she just wants to do things her way, her lonely, pathetic way... For someone that wants others to help her, she never did anything for the others." The last voice is from a stallion of brown coat and yellow eyes. "C'mon Mariel, I believe in you, but you have to believe in us. Really believe"
  251. [22:43] <@Mariel> [wait, how you say i say i want help, when i never said thhat?]
  252. [22:43] <@Mariel> [or youre misreading agian]
  253. [22:43] <@Mariel> [probably that]
  254. [22:44] <@Mariel> [let me check...]
  255. [22:44] <GMC> [Say that IC, nigga]
  256. [22:47] <@Mariel> [hold on, need to type my answer in some way you can understand, but cnat be too simple]
  257. [22:47] <GMC> [hahahahhaaha]
  258. [22:49] <@Mariel> "It is really amusing, how you have the urge to feel needed... to a point youre trying to make me beg for your help"
  259. [22:52] * Mariel tries to resist her coughing "hmff.. what do you seek for? recongnition? proudness? somone that helps someone for self gain or a dfferent reason than help itself..."
  260. [22:52] <GMC> The brown stallion sighs and shakes his head, while the other ponies laugh even more. "You really don't get what is not living alone, I guess..." He shrugs and glances at the mounted hunter."I could help you now, but for what? you've never proved to be worth anything... You really want that? A single word can save you now. I have nothing to prove to myself, this is not 'my' test, you know"
  261. [22:53] <GMC> The hunter calls Mariel's attention with the voice that had heard on his head before. "Ready, cattle?"
  262. [22:55] <@Mariel> "Then why are you still here? I dont need to prove anything to anyone... same as you dont need to prove anything to me... a real bond goes beyond such matters, because every being has its reasons, and its value"
  263. [22:55] * Mariel starts thinking of the stuff she lived in the current world
  264. [22:56] <@Mariel> "I didnt save booze expecting him to give me something..."
  265. [22:57] <@Mariel> "I didnt aid curi for her to do something for me..."
  266. [22:57] <GMC> The pony shakes his head again. "I guess... I want to see how you fare on this. What real bond? You never care about anybody, or anything that's not you for that matter." The other ponies wave to her, but as she mentions Booze, the hunter begins to distend his bow. "Oh? What was that? In the face of emergency we all do that. You were in danger too, weren't you, cattle?"
  267. [22:58] <@Mariel> "I didnt help flip becuase it was the correct thing to do..."
  268. [22:58] <@Mariel> "I did it because i wanted to"
  269. [22:59] <@Mariel> "And i dont need anyone to give me a reason to do what i believe for!"
  270. [22:59] <@Mariel> [on]
  271. [22:59] * Mariel laughs at the hunter
  272. [23:00] <@Mariel> "I was in danger in many situations"
  273. [23:00] * Mariel raises her head even more "And in none of them i expected help"
  274. [23:01] <@Mariel> "One must always count only with oneself to do the things, and thats where the helping counts"
  275. [23:02] <@Mariel> "Becuase if you help others, without a greddy reason or fame in your mind, it is when it gains its value!"
  276. [23:03] <@Mariel> "Worthy you say? Dont make me laugh, Real value is the one you set by yourself, for yourself"
  277. [23:03] <@Mariel> "What makes you good enough to set value to others?!"
  278. [23:04] <@Mariel> "If you do, then expect the same for you, thats why i do not expect any help"
  279. [23:04] <@Mariel> "Because i am myself, not worthy of help"
  280. [23:04] * Mariel spits into th ground once again "That wont hold me back"
  281. [23:05] <@Mariel> "I will still fight for my own stuff in my own way, becuase i dont need anyone to set any value on me"
  282. [23:05] <GMC> He nods once, in understanding, and then re-tenses the weapon. "Then that makes you my prey. A hunter selects, you see, the one that's left behind, the sick, the injured, the old, the lonely... You've chosen a path, and you are now meeting its end."He shoots his arrow and says. "I'm the Truth, and the Truth hurts. You are weak and alone, and can't see beyond yourself. That is your truth"
  283. [23:05] <GMC> [Make a reflex save if you wish to avoid the arrow]
  284. [23:06] <@Mariel> [reflex counts as reaction thingy?]
  285. [23:06] <GMC> [in your case is 1d20]
  286. [23:06] <@Mariel> [also wait]
  287. [23:06] <GMC> [sure]
  288. [23:06] <@Mariel> [also why he didnt roll?]
  289. [23:07] <@Mariel> [i guess its evasion sde]
  290. [23:07] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20
  291. [23:07] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 16 <Total: 16>
  292. [23:07] <Flora> [you mutha fucka]
  293. [23:08] <@Mariel> [?]
  294. [23:08] <Flora> [ i just got back from amking rice and i saw the line you posted in pink]
  295. [23:08] <Flora> [not you the nigger]
  296. [23:08] <GMC> [lecatface]
  297. [23:09] <@Mariel> [damn its getting quite cold here, ill put some shoes on]
  298. [23:09] <GMC> Mariel jumps to a side right before the missile impacts her, and avoids it by more luck than agility. The hunter readies another arrow without hesitation. [You can roll init now if you want to fight]
  299. [23:09] <@Mariel> [couldnt i say anything while dodging? he said something while shooting]
  300. [23:09] <GMC> [hmmm]
  301. [23:09] <GMC> [you can do it now]
  302. [23:10] * Mariel dodges the arrow and grins "Hmhmhmh... that makes YOU my prey as well!"
  303. [23:10] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20+2
  304. [23:10] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 3 <Total: 3(+2) = 5>
  305. [23:10] <@Mariel> [boo, what a lame roll]
  306. [23:11] <GMC> !roll 1d20+8
  307. [23:11] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 3 <Total: 3(+8) = 11>
  308. [23:12] <@Mariel> [>+8]
  309. [23:12] <GMC> The ponies continue chatting among themselves, this time without laughter in between...
  310. [23:12] <@Mariel> [in b4 the unter is me becuase OMG SO DEEP]
  311. [23:12] <@Mariel> [also that would be senseless becuase i dont have conflict with myself, but meh]
  312. [23:14] <@Mariel> [... my turn?]
  313. [23:15] <GMC> The Truth's turn
  314. [23:15] <@Mariel> [brb bathrooms]
  315. [23:16] <GreenLight> [[Don't fall in?]]
  316. [23:16] <GMC> "Face this!" He says while shooting another arrow
  317. [23:17] <@Mariel> [back]
  318. [23:18] <GreenLight> [Did you wash your hands, that was too fast]
  319. [23:18] <GMC> !roll 1d20+10
  320. [23:18] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 13 <Total: 13(+10) = 23>
  321. [23:18] <GMC> !roll 1d10
  322. [23:18] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d10: 8 <Total: 8>
  323. [23:18] <GMC> The Truth damages Mariel for (8) piercing damage
  324. [23:19] <@Mariel> [why oduble attack?]
  325. [23:19] <@Mariel> [it just attack and its his turn again?]
  326. [23:19] <GMC> The mare receives the big arrow right on her right side [I jsut stated the amount of damage to make it fancy, you recieved 8, nigga]
  327. [23:19] <GMC> [jeez, you are dense...]
  328. [23:19] <Aurora> [that was init]
  329. [23:19] == Star_ [Mibbit@] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  330. [23:20] <@Mariel> [oh]
  331. [23:20] <GMC> Mariel's turn!
  332. [23:20] * Mariel launches an all out attack against the hunter
  333. [23:20] <@Mariel> !roll 2d20+4
  334. [23:20] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 2d20: 1 13 <Total: 14(+4) = 18>
  335. [23:21] <@Mariel> [lol 1]
  336. [23:21] <GMC> This causes and attack of opportunity, but The Truth lets it go, amused at the amre
  337. [23:21] <GMC> mare^*
  338. [23:21] == Star_ [Mibbit@] has joined #FourCannon-Mariel
  339. [23:21] <@Mariel> [didnt 1 hit?]
  340. [23:21] <GMC> One hit, roll damage
  341. [23:21] <@Mariel> !roll 1d8+3
  342. [23:21] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d8: 1 <Total: 1(+3) = 4>
  343. [23:21] <@Mariel> [lol, 2 1s]
  344. [23:22] <GMC> Mariel deals (4) slashing damage to The Truth
  345. [23:23] <GMC> The hunter recieves a cut on his right leg, and gives a sigh to Mariel for all reaction.
  346. [23:24] <GMC> Meanwhile, the ponies around continue to chat and observe the battle...
  347. [23:25] * Flora arches her eyebrows as she listens the the hermit go on and then shot at. She looks at her colorful companions and chimes with a slight smile. "She does speak truth but; one can only truly judge one's self. If you say you're unworthy then so be it, if you say otherwise then prove it."
  348. [23:26] <GMC> The Truth's turn
  349. [23:27] <GMC> He gains more distance from the mare, and aims another arrow down to the pony. "Those whithout hope are a husk, that is the truth"
  350. [23:28] <GreenHoof> **A very quiet whisper utters itself in Mariel's mind, the faint image of a green coated, black-maned stallion timidly stepping forth in her mind's eye for a split second, whispering. "Never give up. Fight unt-" *garble* "-elieve you.........succeed," *static* "But humility can sa-" *white noise* "you...."
  351. [23:29] <GMC> !roll 1d20+10
  352. [23:29] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 4 <Total: 4(+10) = 14>
  353. [23:29] <GreenHoof> [wow those colors look different when you actually use them]
  354. [23:29] <GMC> The Truth misses. Mariel's turn
  355. [23:30] <@Mariel> [define distance, becuase in b4 it is too far away to attack and that stuff]
  356. [23:30] == GreenHoof [~GreenHoof@]
  357. [23:30] == realname : GreenHoof
  358. [23:30] == channels : #FourCannon-Mariel #fourcannon-c1 #FourCannon-EastWoods #FourNonCannon #ThePrancingPony #fourcannonwoods #FourCannonPnP #FourCannonInn #FourCannon-Townhall #fourcannon-riverside #fourcannon-Rainsdaycare #fourcannon-library @#FourCannon-GreenFarm #fourcannon-bot #Fourcannon @#citrusgrove
  359. [23:30] == server : [It's a disaster]
  360. [23:30] == account : GreenHoof
  361. [23:30] == End of WHOIS
  362. [23:30] <GMC> [we are using simplified rules, you can reach him. He is more toying with you than something else]
  363. [23:30] <@Mariel> [oh ok]
  364. [23:31] <@Mariel> [can i say something before attacking]
  365. [23:31] <@Mariel> [?]
  366. [23:31] <GMC> [as long as it makes sense timewise]
  367. [23:31] <@Mariel> [like saying it while throwing the attack]
  368. [23:32] * Mariel , badly injured but still standing, launches another all out attack
  369. [23:33] * Mariel says as she rushes "Hope is for those who expect something outside their own actions!"
  370. [23:33] <@Mariel> !roll 2d20+4
  371. [23:33] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 2d20: 5 5 <Total: 10(+4) = 14>
  372. [23:33] <@Mariel> [dubs count?]
  373. [23:33] <GMC> The weakened mare fails miserably
  374. [23:34] <GMC> The Truth's turn
  375. [23:34] <GMC> Chuckling, the hunter prepares another arrow and aims down to the mare's eyes. [Called shot, Precision strike]
  376. [23:35] <GMC> "See it yourself..."
  377. [23:35] * Mariel starts panting
  378. [23:35] <GMC> !roll 1d20+7
  379. [23:35] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 8 <Total: 8(+7) = 15>
  380. [23:35] <GMC> hit
  381. [23:35] <GMC> !roll 1d8
  382. [23:35] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d8: 8 <Total: 8>
  383. [23:36] <GMC> [aw shit]
  384. [23:38] <@Mariel> [dem high rolls]
  385. [23:39] <GMC> Mariel gets to see the point of the arrow before it's shot, and it pierces through her left eye. With the projectile deeply stuck inside her head, she falls to the ground and gets to hear the Truth's laugh a last time...
  386. [23:39] <@Mariel> [dont i get to roll for staying conscious at negative hp?]
  387. [23:39] <GMC> [It's an arrow in your head]
  388. [23:39] <GMC> Make a willsave to resist coma
  389. [23:40] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20-1
  390. [23:40] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 14 <Total: 14(-1) = 13>
  391. [23:40] <Star_> [Still though, it's a very tiny chance she could pull it out]
  392. [23:40] <Flora> [pffft]
  393. [23:41] <Midnight_Glitter> [hory shiii-]
  394. [23:41] <@Mariel> [is that a success?]
  395. [23:42] <GMC> Mariel suddenly opens her eyes, and finds herself trapped in the cage within the room. Pristine Waters observes her with a smile, without hiding her amusement. When the blonde mane tries to get up, she feels her hindlegs numb and still. "Enjoyed the trip, Cahnnonite? Something tehlls me you didn't succeed."
  396. [23:43] <@Mariel> [what, how did i wake up if the willsave was successful?]
  397. [23:43] <GreenHoof> [are you really this fucking stupid...
  398. [23:43] <GMC> [she is]
  399. [23:43] <Flora> [seems so]
  400. [23:44] <@Mariel> [wasnt the roll to be conscious in the battle?]
  401. [23:44] <GMC> [nope]
  402. [23:44] <@Mariel> [lame]
  403. [23:44] <GMC> [You just didn't fall into coma]
  404. [23:44] <Flora> [you fucking dead]
  405. [23:45] <Flora> [dumbass]
  406. [23:45] <@Mariel> [no, i was at like -5]
  407. [23:45] <Flora> [>mfw i don't have a face]
  408. [23:46] * Mariel slowly stands up in the cage while rubbing her head "Uhhmmm..."
  409. [23:46] <GMC> Mariel finds it impossible to stand up
  410. [23:47] <@Mariel> [roll for it?]
  411. [23:47] <GMC> At most, she can get on her forelegs and hold her weight partially. Mariel has her hindlegs crippled.
  412. [23:48] <GreenLight> [Let's give Mariel a HANDicap!]
  413. [23:48] <@Mariel> [lol no]
  414. [23:48] * Mariel stands as much as she can with her forelegs
  415. [23:50] <GMC> "The mark of The Truth... a shame to beahr." Says the cultist mare while opening the cage, shaking her head in dissaproval. The blonde mare looks down to her hindlegs and notices how the fur on them has gained darker color than the rest of her body, and some dark red marks appeared everywhere on the limbs.
  416. [23:51] <GMC> Pristine extends a hoof to the Cannonite. "Neehd some help?"
  417. [23:52] <@Mariel> [how can i notice it when they are covered?]
  418. [23:52] <@Mariel> [anyway]
  419. [23:52] * Mariel shakes her head "Im...fine"
  420. [23:53] * Mariel keep trying to stand up
  421. [23:55] == GreenLight [] has left #FourCannon-Mariel []
  422. [23:55] <GMC> Mariel gives a sad spectacle that Pristine doesn't care on watch. Instead, the cultist gives her back to the cripple and begins to trot towards the door. "I wihll inform Master that you failed. He won't be pleased, bu neither surprised 'little soul'. Youhr friends wihll decide your fate now"
  423. [23:56] <GMC> [eh, I thought you didn't that's all]
  424. [23:56] <@Mariel> [i didnt what?]
  425. [23:56] <GMC> [you didn't have them covered]
  426. [23:57] <@Mariel> [oh]
  427. [23:57] * Mariel moves in a position she find her self sitting on the floor
  428. [23:57] <@Mariel> "..."
  429. [23:57] <@Mariel> "...i want a rematch"
  430. [23:59] <@Mariel> [oh wow its this late already]
  431. [23:59] <@Mariel> [lets hurry this up, please]
  432. [00:01] <@Mariel> [curi?]
  433. [00:01] <GMC> The mare blinks once and then giggles again. "As expected... but the cage is selehctive. You wihll have a harder tihme" Pristine trots up to the cage, and locks Mariel again. "Ihv you die, you have nopony to blame buht yourself"
  434. [00:02] <@Mariel> [>locks me]
  435. [00:02] <@Mariel> [first i im not touched by her]
  436. [00:02] <@Mariel> [second, wait]
  437. [00:02] <GMC> Pristine laughs mischievously as the device begins to spin again, and Mariel falls into a terrible and painful vortex. [Yea sure, what are you gonna do, run? :3]
  438. [00:02] <@Mariel> [i ant go again, it is too late]
  439. [00:03] <GMC> [We can timelock. We are delayed a lot because technicall issues and what not]
  440. [00:03] <@Mariel> [implying i cant push her apart with the forelegs]
  441. [00:03] <@Mariel> [also wasnt the dim guy coming?]
  442. [00:03] <@Mariel> [cuase i wanted to speak with him]
  443. [00:03] <GMC> [hahahahahahha]
  444. [00:04] <@Mariel> [?]
  445. [00:04] <GMC> [She said she was going to report to him]
  446. [00:04] <GMC> [Not that he is coming]
  447. [00:04] <GMC> [but we can RP this properly tomorrow if you want to]
  448. [00:04] <@Mariel> [well, then ill simply go to him]
  449. [00:04] <GreenHoof> [I don't see how you're smart enough to work a computer and type...]
  450. [00:05] <GMC> [Some monkeys can]
  451. [00:05] <Flora> [how can you get out of a locked cage when it's spinning and be a cripple at the same time?]
  452. [00:05] <GMC> [Mariel, I'll ask again. Do you want to continue now or tomorrow?]
  453. [00:05] <@Mariel> [>Says the cultist mare while opening the cage]
  454. [00:05] <@Mariel> [flora pls]
  455. [00:05] <Flora> [i hope she says now]
  456. [00:05] <GMC> ¬[me too]
  457. [00:05] <@Mariel> [ill continue tomorrow, but wanted to go see the cultist guy first]
  458. [00:06] <Flora> [ah you're a fag]
  459. [00:06] <GMC> [So you want to RP from the point on which Pristine opens the cage, right?]
  460. [00:06] <GMC> [ok]
  461. [00:06] <GMC> Mariel gives a sad spectacle that Pristine doesn't care on watch. Instead, the cultist gives her back to the cripple and begins to trot towards the door. "I wihll inform Master that you failed. He won't be pleased, bu neither surprised 'little soul'. Youhr friends wihll decide your fate now"
  462. [00:07] <@Mariel> [then she left and i sit on myself]
  463. [00:07] <@Mariel> [after saying i want a rematch, but before i got insta-dragged into the cage in 0.5 seconds]
  464. [00:07] <GMC> [because you wanted to hurry and a rematch]
  465. [00:07] <@Mariel> [never said a rematch at the second tho]
  466. [00:08] <@Mariel> [and obviously i need to recover first]
  467. [00:08] <@Mariel> [dont be retarded]
  468. [00:08] <@Mariel> [or at least ask what the marks are]
  469. [00:08] <@Mariel> [hurr]
  470. [00:09] <GMC> Pristing is at the door's threshold, looking back to the crippled pony with her smug smile untouched. "I'm suhre you'll be fine by yourself... not lihke you can run somehwere else." With her cruel laugh echoing on the chamber, the cultist mare closes the door behind her and leaves Mariel alone.
  471. [00:09] * Mariel spends some time, trying to recover from the challenge
  472. [00:12] * Mariel starts remebering the battle, again and again, trying to think on other possible outcomes depending on different actions, all of the obvious without counting anyone else
  473. [00:12] <GMC> After several minutes, the door opens again, and Pristine re-enters the room, alone and still bearing her smile. "Good news, little soul, you cahn re-take the challenge ihv you want to. But careful, the cage is merciless and veehry selective"
  474. [00:13] * Mariel turns at the masked person "First i need to know some things"
  475. [00:13] <@Mariel> "What happened to me and how do i recover from it?"
  476. [00:13] <GMC> "Proceed" She says with a careless tone, more busy closing the door than replying. "I'm here to help~"
  477. [00:15] == GreenLight [] has joined #FourCannon-Mariel
  478. [00:15] <@Mariel> [curi?]
  479. [00:16] <GMC> [I'm here]
  480. [00:16] <@Mariel> [oh, becuase i already asked and you sayed silent]
  481. [00:17] <@Mariel> "...well?"
  482. [00:18] <GMC> "OH... that. Yes, you did fail big time, cahnnonite" Replies the masked equine while sitting on her haunches. Her wings spread and she begins to preen them in between sentences. "The cahge is attempting to ohpen the eyes ohv your mind. *nomnom* Grm... But that has a cohst. When you cahn free from your own cahge, you wihll be able to lohse the marks. Ihv you fail again... well, maybe your
  483. [00:19] <GMC> mihnd wohn't resist it this time. *nom nom* Master cahn take the marks away, but I douhbt he will... noht after your little spectahcle"
  484. [00:20] * Mariel giggles while she says that "I know he wont, i bet you heard what happened there, and this just proves my point"
  485. [00:21] <@Mariel> "I will... get out of this somehow, with, or without help, because help comes from those who ARE willing to help, not from those who need to be over the needed"
  486. [00:23] <@Mariel> "Now if you excuse me, i need to recover before going again"
  487. [00:23] * Mariel sits over herself again and starts resting
  488. [00:24] <@Mariel> [alright, thats enough for now i guess, ill probably rest until tomorrow]
  489. [00:24] <GMC> Pristine shrugs. "Whatever you say, oh mighty crihpple. If Master's words failed when they were so cleahr, I doubt the cage wihll do much more... and what do you mean recover?" The mare chuckles and gets up, going towards Mariel. "Your lehgs will stay like that uhntil either you ohvercome the test, or youhr mind dies. you cahn sleep in the cage ihb you want, crippled soul"
  490. [00:24] <GMC> [mk]
  491. [00:25] * Mariel raises an eyebrow "Recover as in resting, are you that dense? Wait, dont answer, i know already"
  492. [00:27] * Mariel makes a gesture with her working legs , telling the cultist she can leave now
  493. [00:27] <@Mariel> [aaaaand done]
  494. [00:27] <@Mariel> [goodnight everyone]
  495. [00:27] <GMC> The mare yawns and shrugs, and tosses Mariel into the cage
  496. [00:27] <@Mariel> [>tosses]
  497. [00:27] <GMC> "Night, Crippled Soul"
  498. [00:27] <@Mariel> [>implying]
  499. [00:27] <GMC> [Oh, you want to roll against her? :3+
  500. [00:27] <@Mariel> [i WILl roll against her]
  501. [00:28] <@Mariel> [not having the back legs doesnt mean i cant move]
  502. [00:28] <@Mariel> [specially as a horse, with such strength in the legs]
  503. [00:28] <@Mariel> [specially as a MLP pony]
  504. [00:29] <@Mariel> [so what do i roll to resist grabbing?]
  505. [00:29] <Midnight_Glitter> [your Mo is reduced to prone/disabled stat]
  506. [00:29] <GMC> [You have 1 movement while crippled]
  507. [00:29] <Midnight_Glitter> [^ pretty much]
  508. [00:29] <@Mariel> [doesnt mean i can simply get grabbed]
  509. [00:29] <GMC> [At most you can make a STR roll against one of her own]
  510. [00:29] <@Mariel> [and you know it]
  511. [00:29] <GMC> Roll Strenght (1d20+3 in your case)
  512. [00:29] <@Mariel> [k]
  513. [00:29] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20+3
  514. [00:29] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 19 <Total: 19(+3) = 22>
  515. [00:30] <@Mariel> [in b4 nat20]
  516. [00:30] <GMC> Pristinegrabs the mare by her tail, and begins to drag her to what will probably be her home for a while.
  517. [00:30] <GMC> !roll 1d20+6
  518. [00:30] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 14 <Total: 14(+6) = 20>
  519. [00:30] <@Mariel> [>+6]
  520. [00:31] <@Mariel> [even OPs can beat me]
  521. [00:31] <Flora> [bretty good]
  522. [00:31] <@Mariel> [cant*]
  523. [00:31] <GMC> but Mariel doesn't want to move, and is only dragged a bit before Pristine has to release her, or risk pulling off her tail. "Oh, Crippled Soul doesn't lihke to be foalsitted?"
  524. [00:31] <@Mariel> [>implying she lets go]
  525. [00:32] <GMC> "You cahn go in yourseld ihv you want, I don't mind seeing the worms crawl"
  526. [00:32] * Mariel pulls her tail almost at the second she is grabbed, forcing the masked mare to let go before she gets injured by the pulling
  527. [00:32] <GMC> [lel, this nigga]
  528. [00:33] * Mariel laughs "Dont touch me, only advice ill give you this time"
  529. [00:34] * Mariel stays resting on the spot she picked
  530. [00:34] <@Mariel> [there, now goodnight]
  531. [00:34] == Mariel [webchat@] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  532. [00:34] <GMC> The cultist trots around the cripple while smiling viciously, seemingly enjoying the cannonite's predicament. "Ihv you ask properly, I can geht you to a bed, what do your say?" And at the menace she bursts into giggles. "What will you do, wrihggle?"
  533. [00:35] <GMC> [Mariel just wants to die, huh]
  534. [00:35] <Flora> [seems so]
  535. [00:36] <Flora> [i didn't know someone could be that dumb and illeterate
  536. [00:37] <GMC> [Well, he is mexican...]
  537. [00:40] <Flora> [ugh...]
  538. [00:41] <Flora> [can we do mine tomorrow cury? it's getting late
  539. [00:43] <Midnight_Glitter> [well now... this will be interesting to sort out...]
  540. [00:43] <Midnight_Glitter> [... given that our characters are bound to try and save her]
  541. [00:44] <Flora> [>implying]
  542. [00:45] <GMC> [It's up to you guys, and ye flo, no probs.]
  543. [00:45] <GMC> [Star's is practically done. Only yours and Midnight are pending.]
  544. [00:45] <Flora> kk
  545. [00:45] <Midnight_Glitter> [Well we *are*. I'm not sure why Flora would decide to leave one of the town mate's behind.]
  546. [00:46] <Midnight_Glitter> [Mine's hanging out thar... not sure if I'll have attention span tomorrow, ugh...]
  547. [00:46] <GMC> [we can continue right now, Glitter. I'm still awake and we can go quick now that I'm free of most others]
  548. [00:47] <Flora> [reason why is because i would want to find out the story of why that happned and seeing that it was from her own stubornness... i just wouldn't help]
  549. [00:47] <Flora> [maybe help carry your sorry ass back but i wont help your legs if you did it to yourself]
  550. [00:48] <Midnight_Glitter> [I'm ready. Your turn. PMs or somewhere?]
  551. [00:49] == GreenLight [] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  552. [12:40] <GMC> 13:28:52] <GMC> Mariel wakes up from her uneasy slumber. It didn't last much, as she could judge from the same cultist from last night still looking over her, sitting against one of the walls of the place. "Did Crippled Soul sleehp well?" She asks in the condescending manner she's done all the time since Mariel got here. "Ready fohr another trip?"
  553. [12:40] <GMC> [13:29:07] <GMC> [probably from last night]
  554. [12:40] <GMC> [13:29:43] <@Mariel> [doesnt explain why]
  555. [12:40] <GMC> [13:29:50] <@Mariel> [either way]
  556. [12:40] <GMC> [13:30:03] <GMC> [They were here last night and just didn't quit the channel][
  557. [12:40] <GMC> [13:30:06] <GMC> [duh]
  558. [12:40] <GMC> [13:30:39] Mariel wakes up
  559. [12:40] <GMC> [13:30:48] <@Mariel> " ready"
  560. [12:40] <GMC> [13:31:18] <GMC> The mare has barely recovered much from sleeping on the floor, uncovered and unable to move her body much. [Mariel recovers 2 FP]
  561. [12:40] <GMC> [13:32:01] <GMC> The cultist approaches the cripple and looks down to her, then to the cage. "Uhm... so want me to leave you ihnside? or ahre you going to crawl like a worm?"
  562. [12:40] <GMC> [13:32:35] Mariel ignores the cultist as she goes inside herself
  563. [12:40] <GMC> [13:34:38] <GMC> Giving a sad spectacle once more, the blonde mare takes her time to crawl back into the strange cage. "*yaaawn*Ihv you die this time, you have nopony to blahme but yourself. Ready?" Asks the cultist mare while locking Mariel inside.
  564. [12:40] <GMC> [13:35:08] CrystalShine [crystalshi@2001:19f0:7400:83c3::13] ha entrado a #FourCannon-Mariel
  565. [12:40] <GMC> [13:35:51] Mariel shakes her head in pity, knowing the cultist hasnt gotten the idea yet
  566. [12:40] <GMC> [13:37:54] <GMC> Pristine takes it as if the mare isn't ready yet, and looks down to her with a smug smile plastered on her face. "need sohme time to get acustomed to the idea of being a wohrm now? Or perhaps you want to crawl back to Master and see ihv your marks can be removed by him?... It's up to you really. He cahn do it, buht you have to let him do it"
  567. [12:40] <GMC> [13:39:14] Mariel facepalms at the cultists speech "You really dont get it, do you?"
  568. [12:40] <GMC> [13:39:52] <@Mariel> "It is really sad, but i honestly didnt expect more from you"
  569. [12:40] <GMC> [13:40:08] <@Mariel> "Help is given by those who wish to help"
  570. [12:40] <GMC> [13:40:48] <@Mariel> "If he wants to help, he would do it, i dont need anyone who waits for a dept to accumulate"
  571. [12:40] <GMC> [13:41:05] <@Mariel> "and i dont wish to owe anyone to anything"
  572. [12:40] <GMC> [13:41:28] <@Mariel> "Same as i dont charge for my own actions"
  573. [12:40] <GMC> [13:41:30] <GMC> "Enlight me, Cahnnonite~" Replies the masked mare, eyes no longer over the blonde, but on the lock of the device she is in. "You have.. uhm. Thirty sehconds before it works again..." At Mariel's words, she sighs and gives her back to the cage. "Good luhck Crippled Soul. You refuhse to do your part on Life. May the spirit of Death be gentle with you"
  574. [12:40] <GMC> [13:42:22] <@Mariel> "You wouldnt understand, youre a mere servant"
  575. [12:40] <GMC> [13:42:49] <@Mariel> "You will and thought do not have value anymore"
  576. [12:40] <GMC> [13:43:08] Orange_Burst [] ha entrado a #FourCannon-Mariel
  577. [12:40] <GMC> [13:43:52] <GMC> Mariel gets to see the mare a last time before the cage starts to spin at vertiginous speed, sending her into a vortex of places and moments from her past. The voice of The Truth returns to drill on her head, sending waves of pain into the mare. "Welcome back, cattle... Oh, I see you bear my gift with the lack of dignity I expected from you! Hahahah!" [Make a willsave to resist severe pain]
  578. [12:40] <GMC> [13:44:28] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20-1
  579. [12:40] <GMC> [13:44:29] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 14 <Total: 14(-1) = 13>
  580. [12:40] <GMC> [13:46:54] <GMC> Mariel endures the pain and grows acustomed to it, to the point it mostly annoys her than something else. The cage stops spinning, and dissapears from sight as the blonde mare regain movement and sense on her hindlegs. "You couldn't get out the last time. What makes you think you can now?" Around the pony extends a desert. Unending sands that take the shape of dunes as far as the eye can see
  581. [12:40] <Flora> how do you copy paste all this shit so fast
  582. [12:40] <GMC> [14:02:10] <GMC> The mare can't quite see where she's going beyond 'forward', and neither does hear a thing on the deadly ambiance of the desert The Truth called her world. His voice, although still a pain, is some sort of blessing as it breaks the silence. "You aren't going to find anything here, Mariel. This is your world as it is. There is nothing here but you. Only one thing to believe in, isn't that what
  583. [12:40] <GMC> [14:02:14] <GMC> you wanted?"
  584. [12:40] <GMC> [14:02:18] <GMC> [ye]
  585. [12:40] <GMC> [14:03:04] <GMC> [Mariel is at 4 FP]
  586. [12:40] <GMC> [14:06:21] <@Mariel> [sorry phone]
  587. [12:40] <GMC> [14:06:25] <@Mariel> [back]
  588. [12:40] <GMC> [14:06:33] <GMC> [it's k]
  589. [12:40] <GMC> [14:06:41] <GMC> [I know the feel]
  590. [12:41] <GMC> [14:08:26] Mariel keeps moving foward "This only reflects how little you can be without something to shield behind, this is not my world, it is you feel without your protection"
  591. [12:41] <GMC> [14:09:18] <@Mariel> [your feelings]
  592. [12:41] <GMC> [14:11:06] Mariel keeps walking "You really need for someone to fill your emtpy soul? Why dont you fight for it instead"
  593. [12:41] <GMC> [14:11:13] <GMC> The mare goes on and The Truth continues to talk to her, be it to tease her or to test her. "Poor Mariel is all alone~ I don't need to shield, cattle. I'm The Truth, and you aren't going to find me in your little world, I'm already with you. What does it take to find The Truth?" His laughter resounds again as Mariel hears something coming from behind, far away, the roar of wind.
  594. [12:41] <GMC> [14:12:31] <GMC> "You are facing me already. Remember, The Truth hurts"
  595. [12:41] <GMC> [14:13:29] Mariel turns around, trying to see what is coming as she keeps speaking to herself "Unfortunately for you, i know the real truth"
  596. [12:41] <GMC> [14:14:12] <@Mariel> "You dont seek for something to be truth... you MAKE it true"
  597. [12:41] <GMC> [14:19:04] <GMC> The little pony turns around to see the horizon above the dunes covered in brown convoluted clouds. The roar of a sadnstorm fills the silence, and its fearsome sight approaches at more speed than what the tired pony could dream to run. "And so you've crafted this. Trapped in a prison of your own, the only key being three-words... Enjoy what you've made for yourself."
  599. [GM died, panic!]
  600. [12:41] == Curiosity [~pallmall@] has joined #FourCannon-Mariel
  601. [12:41] <@Mariel> [nvm hes back]
  602. [12:41] <Curiosity> [Of course I am :3]
  603. [12:41] == Curiosity has changed nick to GMC
  604. [12:42] <@Mariel> [panicked for a second]
  605. [12:42] <GMC> [So, what are you doing now?]
  606. [12:42] <@Mariel> [wasnt i crafting the thingy?]
  607. [12:42] <@Mariel> [hoever its called in english]
  608. [12:42] <GMC> Mariel crafts the sail... [then what?]
  609. [12:43] <GMC> The sandstorm will strike in less than twenty seconds
  610. [12:44] * Mariel scures he sail to the handle of her sword, piercing the bag with with and iting it as well, inscreasing the base's area
  611. [12:44] * Mariel grabs the ropes tightly in hope it works somehow
  612. [12:45] <@Mariel> "Hope is for those who expect something from the outside of their actions... but it is all i have for now"
  613. [12:45] <GMC> The sandstorm lashes its wrath upon the dune where Mariel is. The strong winds and painful embrace of flying sand envelop her as she can only hope her invention works.
  614. [12:46] <GMC> [I take it you are using your sword to stand on, right?]
  615. [12:47] <@Mariel> [yes, with a bag pierced one reaching to the handle and tied up]
  616. [12:47] <GMC> [uh huh...]
  617. [12:48] <@Mariel> [basically using the bag to gain as much grip as possible]
  618. [12:50] <GMC> The powerful storm blinds Mariel with its dust, and the currents of wind begin to rip apart her poorly made sail, causing her bag to fly away from the ropes before the sword can be pulled. The mare doesn't have to wiat much more to be blown away as well, when the gusts of wind become so powerful to lift her from the ground in spirals to the sky. Suffering from this sandy hell, Mariel is left to
  619. [12:50] <@Mariel> [how the bag flies if its on the ground, below me?]
  620. [12:50] <GMC> think why she had such a stupid idea. The sandstorm continues to unleash its fury, relentless, ignorant of the pony it carried away with it.
  621. [12:51] <GMC> [see the bright side, at least is a cheery tune]
  622. [12:51] <GMC> [Make a vit save, then a will save]
  623. [12:51] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20
  624. [12:51] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 10 <Total: 10>
  625. [12:51] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20-1
  626. [12:51] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 16 <Total: 16(-1) = 15>
  627. [12:51] <GMC> !roll 1d6
  628. [12:51] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d6: 1 <Total: 1>
  629. [12:52] <GMC> Mariel loses 1 FP and stays conscious during the sandstorm. Mariel is Blinded
  630. [12:54] * Mariel shakes her head as she stands up
  631. [12:54] <@Mariel> "brrbrbrbrbrbrr"
  632. [12:54] <@Mariel> "ow..."
  633. [12:54] <GMC> The mare lands on the ground heavily
  634. [12:55] <GMC> !roll 1d10
  635. [12:55] <GameServ> GMC rolled 1d10: 4 <Total: 4>
  636. [12:55] <GMC> Mariel received (4) damage
  637. [12:55] <GMC> After standing up and shaking her head, the blonde mare begins to clean her eyes from sand in attempts to see where she is now
  638. [12:56] <@Mariel> [actually first i try to reel my stuff up, checking overall damage]
  639. [12:56] <GMC> [you can't see]
  640. [12:56] <@Mariel> [basically tied?]
  641. [12:56] <@Mariel> [thats why im reeling, not looking for]
  642. [12:57] <GMC> Mariel feels some ropes tied to her hooves, but can't feel her sword or bag anywhere
  643. [12:57] <@Mariel> "Great..."
  644. [12:58] <GMC> Equally, she can't feel sand beneath her body, or anywhere for that matter
  645. [12:59] <@Mariel> [can i still feel th wind blowing?]
  646. [13:00] <GMC> Nope, Mariel only feels... nothing. She can feel her own body when she touches it, or the ropes still tied to her limbs, but there is no wind or sand
  647. [13:00] <GMC> Mariel's status. 7 HP 3 FP
  648. [13:00] <@Mariel> [7 hp?]
  649. [13:00] <@Mariel> [why so low?]
  650. [13:01] <GMC> [from all the damage you took last night. Didn't you notice how your FP didn't recover much as well?]
  651. [13:03] <GMC> Added to all the nothingness around her, the mare feels her body more light, and finds it easy to move around. In fact, when she touches herself, she discovers that she is naked, and there is no sand impregnated on her body as well...
  652. [13:03] <@Mariel> [why naked?]
  653. [13:03] <@Mariel> [thats ridiculous]
  654. [13:04] <Flora> [getting impregnated by sand hehe]
  655. [13:04] <GMC> [lel, my spanish leaked there :3]
  656. [13:04] <@Mariel> [no really, why naked?]
  657. [13:05] <GreenHoof> [Cury confirmed for sand impregnation fetish]
  658. [13:05] <GMC> [impregnated = staining/sticked (in spanish)]
  659. [13:05] <GMC> [Sh-shhh]
  660. [13:05] <@Mariel> [which is pretty disturbing]
  661. [13:05] <GreenHoof> [haha I know]
  662. [13:05] <GMC> [But Mariel, you jsut don't have your shit with you, that's all]
  663. [13:06] <GMC> [It's a mind trip, I'm surprised you question this and not having appeared in a desert with a voice talking to your head]
  664. [13:06] <GMC> [hmm,,.. in retrospective, I'm not surprised]
  665. [13:06] <@Mariel> [by that logic i could do anythign i wanted in there]
  666. [13:06] <@Mariel> [but alright]
  667. [13:07] * Mariel sees nothing and feels nothing around her
  668. [13:07] <@Mariel> "....?"
  669. [13:07] <GMC> [:3]
  670. [13:09] <GMC> As she cleans her eyes, the mare discovers a world of white around her. The air smells of.. nothing, and is not either cold or warmth. She barely knows what is the difference between up and down, yet she is not exactly floating around. Her hooves touch the 'ground', but there is nothing to see. Truly, she is in the nothingness itself when The Truth speaks to her again. "I thought maybe this wo
  671. [13:09] <GMC> ould suit you more. What do you say?"
  672. [13:10] * Mariel looks aroud, looks at herself and raises an eyebrow "....are you still trying to project on me?"
  673. [13:11] <@Mariel> "That is trully pathetic"
  674. [13:13] * Mariel begins to walk again
  675. [13:13] <GMC> The mare is greeted by a million laughs coming from everywhere. "But I am you. Your Truth. I am not projecting more than what you truly wish to see. A hollow space in your mind and soul is what will be left after you've faced the end of this road you've paved yourself. Are you ready for it, Mariel?"
  676. [13:14] * Mariel keeps walking "You are wrong, what you see for me is nothingnes-no, what YOU want to see for me is nothingness"
  677. [13:15] <@Mariel> "You call yourself the truth, yet all you do is to keep hiding"
  678. [13:15] <GMC> "Change your Truth. These are truly your last moments..."
  679. [13:16] <GMC> The mare hear her hoofsteps echo on the empty reality she is in.
  680. [13:16] <@Mariel> "You cant face difficulties by yourself, and you dont even try to do it because you are used to your cowardice"
  681. [13:17] <GMC> "Tsk tsk... calling yourself a coward won't get you out of your prison. Perhaps I am truly too deep inside you for you to see. Let's give you... a little help"
  682. [13:19] <@Mariel> "You think you are me?"
  683. [13:19] <GMC> A couple of meters ahead of the mare, a black spot sprouts from the white nothingness, and grow more and more until it takes the shape of a pony. Its blackness gains colors and shape, until Mariel is facing a copy of her own. The clone talks, and the voice of The Truth comes out. "Congratulations, now none of us will be a virgin, hahahaha"
  684. [13:20] <@Mariel> [dat comic touch killed my imersion completely]
  685. [13:20] <@Mariel> [well, damn]
  686. [13:20] * Mariel looks at her copy "Very impressive, but i am prettier"
  687. [13:22] <@Mariel> "So whats your goal wth taking my form, hmm?"
  688. [13:22] <GMC> "A little humor doesn't harm... not like The Truth." She trots around the wounded Mariel, looking at her with compassion and care. "Seeing myself like that... you certainly haven't gone beyond our limits, or taken care of us. I'll ask one more time. Are you ready to change your truth? Or will you... you know. Live on this, your world"
  689. [13:23] * Mariel starts troting around the lone as well, in some sort of circle dance
  690. [13:23] <@Mariel> "And what truth you seek for, yours"
  691. [13:24] <@Mariel> "You somehow think humillating yourself and begging for help is a truth, and you know what? it might be one"
  692. [13:25] <@Mariel> "It might be true for some... for many"
  693. [13:25] <@Mariel> "As i have told you before, one makes its own truth"
  694. [13:25] <@Mariel> "Good or bad, truth is truth"
  695. [13:26] <@Mariel> "What you seek is to make your truth my truth"
  696. [13:26] <@Mariel> "And to be honest... i really like that of you"
  697. [13:26] <GMC> "Us, Mariel. You are me, you see yourself trotting behind you, but I am not you. You are me, or rather, what I've allowed you to keep from me"The circular dance goes on as they talk. "Oh you really think an universal vision is what I am worried about? You have to make a decission now, me. The Truth has many faces... Are you going to say it?"
  698. [13:27] <@Mariel> "And what is exactly what you want me to say"
  699. [13:28] * Mariel keeps troting as she thinks she have told her the answer already
  700. [13:30] <GMC> "You like my Truth? Of course, it is your truth after all, your perception. You see in others nothing, and pretend to be full of everything... Sadly, Mariel, I've grown tired of it. Being on this nothingness gets boring really quickly" The Truth stops, and deadpans at Mariel. "You don't have to beg, you don't have to suffer. The answer was in front of you many times and you refused it. What
  701. [13:30] <GMC> I want now is our body."
  702. [13:32] * Mariel stops right in front of the copy, staring right into her eyes "-I need help-, is probably what you want to hear"
  703. [13:33] <@Mariel> "But theres a thiiiiiiiick line between -needing" and -wanting-"
  704. [13:34] <GMC> The Truth smiles softly. "That you do... Help to see, help to live. But you need something else beyond wanting and needing help right now. Have you guess what it is?"
  705. [13:34] <@Mariel> "And as i have sated before, i wont seek help of those who doesnt want to give it"
  706. [13:34] <@Mariel> [i wanted to say that before you said something else...]
  707. [13:34] <GMC> [k]
  708. [13:35] <GMC> "And you have been offered that, but you still lack something to truly receive the help of others. Go on, time is running out for you, and mine approaches"
  709. [13:35] * Mariel raises an eyebrow "...what is it?"
  710. [13:39] <GMC> The Truth begins to approach Mariel, slowly, talking as she does it. "Looking back at it... we don't have any of that. You alone can't do it, and even if I am you, I can't help for this one. You need something you have avoided, something you won't find on the nothingness of your mind. What do you place on this void?"
  711. [13:39] <GMC> "Is one simple thing you refuse... Facing The Truth is more than just accepting it."
  712. [13:40] <@Mariel> "And that is...?"
  713. [13:41] <GMC> Both mares are standing right in front of each other, less than an inch away. "...You really need it spelled it out? Don't make us laugh. Look behind you, to the past, to this travel... Oh, well, you can think about it for a long while as I take care of us"
  714. [13:42] * Mariel keeps her eyebrow risen "So you cant tell me either?... Not surprising"
  715. [13:43] <GMC> The face of the clone becomes a blank slate, and eventually a black void.[Make a willsave]
  716. [13:43] <@Mariel> !roll 1d20-1
  717. [13:43] <GameServ> Mariel rolled 1d20: 7 <Total: 7(-1) = 6>
  718. [13:44] <GMC> [gib sec]
  719. [13:44] <@Mariel> [k]
  720. [13:47] <GMC> [lil' sis' was on the fone. Such a cutie]
  721. [13:47] <@Mariel> [np]
  722. [13:49] <GMC> Mariel is literally sucked into The Truth's void, and before she can do anything, she is in a new nothingness. This time there is no color around, just an empty void of misty darkness, and her body is no more part of her. Her mind drifts around the place seeking for anything to follow...
  723. [13:49] <GMC> Mariel is in coma
  724. [13:49] <@Mariel> [what, no clone fight? what a disapointment]
  725. [13:50] <@Mariel> [i actually was waiting for it]
  726. [13:52] <GMC> Outside Mariel's mind, the cage has stopped spinning. A dissapoint Pristine Waters opens the container and drags the unconscious body of the mare outside, to leave it over a yellow mattress she had prepared. The pegasus leaves Mariel resting in a way she doesn't drown or suffocates, and proceeds to carry her outside the room...
  727. [13:52] <GMC> Coma: You suffer a complete bodily collapse, similar to unconsciousness. You get a single Vit roll to recover after 12 hours at SN 10, bringing you back to the health you would be according to your HP (usually still unconscious or disabled). If you fail, you will not recover without medical assistance. You still recover HP as would be normal for your situation (which might be negative if you are bleeding). Until you receive medical attention (long t
  728. [13:52] <GMC> erm care, intensive care, an operation or a healing spell, as described under the First Aid, Physician and Surgery skills), you must roll Vit versus SN 10 every 12 hours. If you fail, you DIE!
  729. [13:52] <GreenHoof> [murderhoboing doesn't get you everywhere. Sometimes you actually have to have an IQ greater than 70]
  730. [13:53] <@Mariel> [question, what does the SN means?]
  731. [13:53] <GMC> [The number you have to beat]
  732. [13:53] <@Mariel> [oh]
  733. [13:54] <@Mariel> [ no clone fight?]
  734. [13:54] <GMC> []
  735. [13:54] <@Mariel> [lame]
  736. [13:54] <GMC> [You needed to use your brain to survive this one. Sorry Mariel... perhaps I placed too big of a challenge for you]
  737. [13:55] <@Mariel> [actually you just wanted to force something that cant be, but its ok]
  738. [13:55] <@Mariel> [quests arent perfect]
  739. [13:55] <@Mariel> [so what now?]
  740. [13:55] <GMC> [see it the way you want, you lost a huge lot of chances]
  741. [13:55] <CrystalShine> [>can't beat quest >blame quest]
  742. [13:56] <CrystalShine> [I saw many opportunities there… *shrugs* Basically served to you by GM]
  743. [13:57] <GMC> [So now you wait for the others to be ready and that we proceed with the rest of the storyline. You should get your vitsave by then. If you succeed, I take it you wake up (by SLSS standards), and if you fail, you continue to be in coma]
  744. [13:57] <@Mariel> [i see]
  745. [13:57] <GMC> [Aurora is probably more instructed on what happens than me]
  746. [13:58] <Aurora> [hihihi]
  747. [13:58] <GreenHoof> [/me bows to the SLSS master]
  748. [13:58] <@Mariel> [im still sad there was no clone fight]
  749. [13:58] <GMC> [hey roradora]
  750. [13:58] <GMC> [Mariel is in coma, what happens to her?]
  751. [13:59] <Aurora> [is it a typical coma or a magical coma?]
  752. [13:59] <Aurora> [if its magic n shit, then you decide what its effect is]
  753. [13:59] <Flora> [probably starves or dehydrates]
  754. [14:00] <GMC> [well it's magical and shit, huh]
  755. [14:00] <@Mariel> [being beaten in a dream counts as magical?]
  756. [14:00] <CrystalShine> [magically induced dream? Well]
  757. [14:01] <GMC> [Actually brain dead]
  758. [14:01] <GMC> [I've talked with my researchers and the challenge deems it so.]
  759. [14:02] <GMC> Mariel is Brain dead
  760. [14:02] <GMC> [so just like before, but unconscious]
  761. [14:02] <@Mariel> [dohohohoh]
  762. [14:02] <CrystalShine> [oh]
  763. [14:03] <@Mariel> [so ill roll unti tomorrow?]
  764. [14:03] <GMC> [Good news is that she can be 'resurrected' by Dim, with some consequences, though]
  765. [14:03] <@Mariel> [so no roll?]
  766. [14:03] <CrystalShine> [you can't into will if your brain doesn't work]
  767. [14:04] <CrystalShine> [or mind…]
  768. [14:04] <GMC> [Uhm... nope, you brain dead, that means no roll. Is not like you are sleeping. You brain ceased functioning to a higher degree, only your vitals do. You have no rolls to recover and rely fully on what the witches and your friends determine]
  769. [14:04] <Aurora> [so now Flora has to feed you and give you water :3]
  770. [14:04] <CrystalShine> [brain dead = dead character, this sounds more like mind gone]
  771. [14:05] <GMC> [Yea I'm just not good with words]
  772. [14:05] <@Mariel> [... cant it be somoene else than flora?]
  773. [14:05] <GMC> [Mariel is basically dead]
  774. [14:05] <@Mariel> [>instakilling on coma]
  775. [14:05] <@Mariel> [thats retarded]
  776. [14:05] <GreenHoof> [Usually brain dead (at least in the US) refers to what Cury described]
  777. [14:05] <@Mariel> [and you know it]
  778. [14:05] <Flora> [thanks a lot now I actually have to do my ic job]
  779. [14:05] <GreenHoof> [That's fitting, because you're retarded, heh]
  780. [14:05] <CrystalShine> [/me noms on vegetable]
  781. [14:05] <GMC> [Hey, Mariel, psst, Mariel]
  782. [14:05] <GMC> [cry me a river, dickface]
  783. [14:06] <@Mariel> [i still think its sily, you basically doing that because evereyone wants to see someone die]
  784. [14:06] <Flora> [all you needed to do was say you needed some help]
  785. [14:06] <GMC> [If it had been ike that, I would have killed you at the woods or somewhere else. Why would I go through all this?]
  786. [14:07] <CrystalShine> [ Mariel: that's not instakill in coma, calling it coma was Cury's mistake if I get it right. The effect could have been braindead from the moment you lost challenge]
  787. [14:07] <@Mariel> [i did, flora]
  788. [14:07] <GMC> [and yep]
  789. [14:07] <@Mariel> [read up]
  790. [14:07] <@Mariel> [nope, curi said coma, then ganged it becuase you guys meddled up]
  791. [14:07] <Flora> [no you didn't you said if people wanted to help they would, people wont help you unless you ask them to]
  792. [14:07] <GMC> [Rules are rules nugga]
  793. [14:08] <@Mariel> [coma rule is pretty specific]
  794. [14:08] <Flora> [a closed mouth doesn't get fed my dad always tells me]
  795. [14:08] <CrystalShine> [ Mariel: She changed it, because it would be inconsistent with what lore about challenges says.]
  796. [14:08] <@Mariel> [no, reading everything agan and you guys chnged it]
  797. [14:08] <@Mariel> [i dont mind dying, but at least make it legit and sticked to the rules]
  798. [14:08] <GMC> [And Mariel basically had to believe in others, that's what was implied all the while. That's beyond the point now, Mariel is brain deadPeriod.]
  799. [14:09] <@Mariel> [whiich is not the case]
  800. [14:09] <GMC> [you rely entirely on external help to recover from that, because you are practically dead]
  801. [14:09] <GMC> [We'll see what happens. And don't call it a grave]
  802. [14:09] <GreenHoof> It's the future you chose
  803. [14:09] <@Mariel> [well, what is happening is EXACTLY what i said on all the challenges]
  804. [14:10] <@Mariel> [which also proves the forced answer was incredibly solid]
  805. [14:10] <CrystalShine> [Let her enjoy playing victim. inb4 she cries in thread.]
  806. [14:10] <@Mariel> [which aslo quite silly]
  807. [14:10] <GMC> [she can, I have to attend Flora's challenge now. I hope you enjoyed the quest, Mariel, sorry if it didn't end like you wanted]
  808. [14:10] <@Mariel> [now see why i said i wanted no interfecrence? crowd can easly corrupt a GM]
  809. [14:10] <GMC> [>corrupt]
  810. [14:10] <CrystalShine> [ GMC Flora's challenge where?]
  811. [14:11] <GMC> [nigga, all I did was ask roradora if yoru situation was actually a coma or something else, because I wasn't sure]
  812. [14:11] <GMC> [FourcannonPnP]]
  813. [14:11] <CrystalShine> [ Mariel: Nobody talked here until it happened.]
  814. [14:11] <GMC> #FourCannonPnP
  815. [14:12] <Flora> 1 sec'
  816. [14:12] <@Mariel> [quite lame, to be honest]
  817. [14:12] <@Mariel> [i dont like induced results]
  818. [14:12] <CrystalShine> [ Mariel: I talked with Cury via PM, but just about mind quests in general. But yeah, now blame conspiracy. It's better to look for mistakes in others.]
  819. [14:12] <@Mariel> [or altered, however they are called]
  820. [14:13] <@Mariel> [nah, you cant fool me, you just wanted me dead, then changed]
  821. [14:13] <GMC> [actually, flora, I'll prepare lunch. It won't take me long. I need the breake anyways]
  822. [14:13] <GMC> [Be in PnP in about 20~30]
  823. [14:13] <GMC> [Mariel, your tears only make penis harder]
  824. [14:14] <@Mariel> [say whatever you want, you know what happened]
  825. [14:14] <CrystalShine> [I really didn't care if you are dead or not. And I've seen so many chances here for you… You even talked about one. Sadly, OOC without even trying. ]
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