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Paranoia: Will plans a dastardly plan!

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Sep 22nd, 2012
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  1. 11:54 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: AI, check up on the copy we left to monitor the ship in orbit.
  2. 11:55 PM - Friend_Computer: "It is not in orbit but it is safely tucked in a small nebula near the planet."
  3. 11:55 PM - Friend_Computer: "I have wounded the navigator repeatedly to ensure he does not attempt anything, given he already has tried."
  4. 11:56 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Status of the Ork fleet that prevented the ship's approach?
  5. 11:56 PM - Friend_Computer: "The techpriest does not seem intent on removing me either, infact he adores my company."
  6. 11:56 PM - Friend_Computer: "The fleet is in disarray currently as a small SDF fleet hiding regrouped and attacked
  7. 11:56 PM - Friend_Computer: "It was a suicide run but their main cruuza is destroyed leaving with three frigates."
  8. 11:57 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: What are the odds of the freighter successfully landing near town?
  9. 11:58 PM - Friend_Computer: "Given the size of it not very likely, it has two large shuttles for a reason."
  10. 11:58 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: And the odds of the shuttles making successful runs back and forth between the planet and the ship?
  11. 11:59 PM - Friend_Computer: "Depending on maneuvres taken and EXACT status and needs of the ork fleet it can be successful or end up in failure."
  12. 12:00 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Remaining time until Imperial Reinforcements arrive?
  13. 12:01 AM - Friend_Computer: "It has been three SOLAR DAYS since we have arrived and since the message was sent."
  14. 12:01 AM - Friend_Computer: "Four days remaining until fleet arrives"
  15. 12:02 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: How long would the SDF be able to stand against the Orks in a renewed assault on their fleet?
  16. 12:03 AM - Friend_Computer: "There is no COMFIRMED sdf presence in the fleet anymore."
  17. 12:04 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Cargo capacity of the shuttles combined?
  18. 12:05 AM - Friend_Computer: "One shuttle could potentially take the entire cargo of this vessel, however in terms of volume it can only take 1/3 of a cargo bay at a time"
  19. 12:05 AM - Friend_Computer: "In terms of people itw ould probably be able to take 20-30 per trip depending on space management given your needs
  20. 12:06 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Hmm...I need a way to get rid of these three frigates.
  21. 12:08 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Store the construction material for the manufactoria and the plasma weapons in the shuttles. Split it up evenly so that even if one shuttle is lost, we can have one manufactoria assembled.
  22. 12:09 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Prepare evacuation of the Techpriest and as many servitors as possible.
  23. 12:09 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: That is, they will also be on the shuttles.
  24. 12:11 AM - Friend_Computer: AI transmits the orders to the inhabitants of the ship
  25. 12:11 AM - Friend_Computer: by that you he means the navigator and techpriest
  26. 12:12 AM - Friend_Computer: the servitors automatically follow ship protocol
  27. 12:12 AM - Friend_Computer: and that currently is load shit up
  28. 12:12 AM - Friend_Computer: :U
  29. 12:12 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: AI, status of the ship's armament?
  30. 12:12 AM - Friend_Computer: "Two lance batteries, the generator would be enough to fuel them for thousands of shots if not millions."
  31. 12:12 AM - Friend_Computer: "Depends on actual maintenance on ship"
  32. 12:13 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: AI, can we somehow detach the Warp Drive from the ship?
  33. 12:14 AM - Friend_Computer: "This would require extensive man-servitor power and time."
  34. 12:14 AM - Friend_Computer: "And it would have to be CAREFULLY disassembled and slowly moved into each shuttle"
  35. 12:15 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: ...I see.
  36. 12:15 AM - Friend_Computer: "The risk of losing just one piece would set us back tremendously given our lack of design specs"
  37. 12:15 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Do we have an excess of empty metal boxes to send off into space?
  38. 12:15 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: //METAHL BAWKSES
  39. 12:15 AM - Friend_Computer: "Not an excess but a large amount."
  40. 12:16 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Would the orks fall for a large number of them being jettisoned?
  41. 12:16 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: I...I suppose it's worth a shot.
  42. 12:16 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Alright.
  43. 12:16 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Planned course of action.
  44. 12:17 AM - Friend_Computer: "If we did a similiar tactic with the beacon then yes."
  45. 12:17 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Alright - is that possible with the stuff currently aboard the freighter? If so, we are going to do that.
  46. 12:17 AM - Friend_Computer: "Yes.
  47. 12:17 AM - Friend_Computer: "
  48. 12:18 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Prepare a larger number of beacons in boxes.
  49. 12:18 AM - Friend_Computer: The servitors get to work!
  50. 12:18 AM - Friend_Computer: A plot hour later
  51. 12:18 AM - Friend_Computer: You have created a mass beacon!
  52. 12:18 AM - Friend_Computer: You could potentially get a message out
  53. 12:18 AM - Friend_Computer: far as six systems
  54. 12:18 AM - Friend_Computer: if you were to combine all the power
  55. 12:18 AM - Friend_Computer: for one message
  56. 12:18 AM - Friend_Computer: or you can just use it to idly transmit to troll the orks
  57. 12:20 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: The plan is the following. Execute only after I finish explaining.
  58. 12:20 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Scatter all the beacons transmitting a generic message about how the Imperial Fleet will crush these accursed Xenos until they die. Send them drifting in a way that makes it seem like there's a fleet trying to encircle the Orks.
  59. 12:21 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Once the orks are sufficiently distracted, the shuttles and the freighter will make a run for the surface, aiming to land near the town we're at.
  60. 12:21 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: In case the orks go after them, the freighter is to be considered expendable and will take the bullets heading for the shuttles.
  61. 12:22 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: In case this fails, the shuttle without the Techpriest/Navigator duo is considered expendable and will take bullets heading for the shuttle containing those two guys.
  62. 12:23 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Freighter is to return fire if Orks engage, further drawing attention away from the shuttles.
  63. 12:23 AM - Friend_Computer: // You done explaining?
  64. 12:23 AM - Will-Y-DIE-11: "Operation...START!"
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