
What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse (FR Short)

Mar 20th, 2013
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  1. >What a horrible night to have a curse in Equestria
  2. >Not that there's ever a GOOD night to have one.
  3. >You sleep soundly in your bed.
  4. >Dreaming what humans trapped in magic horseland dream about.
  5. >Sweet human booty.
  6. >Awhh yiss, shit's getting hot.
  7. >But you're roused preemptively from your snooze by a violent knock on the door.
  8. >You sit up groggily in bed.
  9. God damn it...
  10. >You walk over to your dresser and throw on some clothes, all while the banging continues.
  11. I swear to God, if it's who I think it is...
  12. >You mutter as you descend the stairs.
  13. >Finally, you reach the door and swing it open.
  14. >What a surprise...
  15. What do you want, Fluttershy?
  16. >She looks terrified, and she pants as if she's out of breath.
  17. Aren't you, like...
  18. >You reach into your pocket, grab your pocket watch, and flick it open.
  19. ...Seven hours too early?
  20. >"No, Anon..." she gasps. "This isn't a guess. You n-need to help us..."
  21. >You sigh.
  22. Great, what's wrong?
  23. >"It's N-Nightmare Moon! Sh-She's back! And she's... constructed some castle in the middle of t-town..."
  24. >You lean to the right and glance out your door toward town.
  25. >...Yep, that's a castle alright.
  26. >It drives itself high into the night air, the giant, full moon stationed behind it, dark clouds rolling past.
  27. >"P-Please, Anon..."
  28. >You look down to the terrified yellow mare.
  29. >Ugh...
  30. Alright, fine. What do I have to do?
  31. >She smiles wide.
  32. >"Oh, th-thank you! Well, first..."
  33. >She blushes and looks to the ground.
  34. >Then spins around and bends over.
  35. >"I m-mean, if you don't mind..."
  36. >She gives you a wink.
  37. >Not with her eyes.
  38. >Groan...
  39. >You punt her over with your foot.
  40. Wait here.
  41. >You step over toward your living room cupboard.
  42. >Opening it up, you grab the one thing you've kept safe just in case such an incident happened...
  43. >Your trusty whip!
  44. >Well, it's for other things, too.
  45. >But Applejack hasn't hosted a rodeo in a while.
  46. >...Okay, maybe you never thought this would ever happen.
  47. >So what?
  48. >You walk back over to the door.
  49. >Fluttershy eyes your weapon.
  50. >"O-Oh..." she mumbles. "I d-didn't think we'd be moving so fast..."
  51. Shut up, Fluttershy.
  52. >You say as you leave your house, pulling her with you.
  53. Let's go.
  55. >You arrive in town, which is completely desolate and vacated.
  56. >The air has a grim vibe to it.
  57. >You and Fluttershy walk slowly up to the castle gates...
  58. >Here we go...
  59. >
  60. >You push the gate open and step into the courtyard of the castle.
  61. >All is silent as you and the yellow one slowly advance forward...
  62. >Suddenly, Fluttershy eeps.
  63. >A skeletal p0ny emerges from the ground!
  64. Don't worry, I got this!
  65. >You yell, as you uncurl your whip in your hand.
  66. >The boney p0ny slowly walks over, moaning an eerie groan.
  67. >You pull your arm back and launch it forward.
  68. >*Wha-PAH!*
  69. >It cracks right at it, exploding its bones in all directions.
  70. >You smile smugly.
  71. Looks like... the ride's over for you...
  72. >...You forgot your sunglasses.
  73. >Fluttershy careens over and latches onto your leg.
  74. >"Oh, Anon! That was so heroic!"
  75. >Her wetness seeps through your jeans.
  76. >You kick her off and continue forward.
  77. >You approach some stairs that lead up to a higher platform.
  78. >Moonwalk up them.
  79. >At the top, two bat-wing pegasus p0nies materialize out the air and cackle.
  80. >You ready your whip once more.
  81. >*Sss!*
  82. What...?
  83. >You glance at the platform in front of you.
  84. >...Some kind of acid is reacting...
  85. >*Sss!*
  86. >It's dripping...
  87. >You glance up.
  88. >...Aha, that's the source of the acid!
  89. >It's seeping from those mares'...
  90. >...
  91. Are you fucking--
  92. >One bat mare tries divebombing you, dripping acid as she does.
  93. >You dodge out of the way, avoiding the corrosive juices, then spin around and crack your whip at her.
  94. >*Wha-PAH!*
  95. >"Ahh~"
  96. >She squirms, an increase of acid pouring from her legs.
  97. >What in the name of --
  98. >"Anon!" Fluttershy calls from a mild distance, "They're masochists!"
  99. >What!?
  100. >You jump quickly out of the way as the bat p0ny attempts again to knock you off the platform.
  101. >Well, no other choice!
  102. >You ready your whip once more.
  103. >*Wha-PAH!*
  104. >"Ahh~"
  105. >*Wha-PAH!!*
  106. >"OHH!~"
  107. >She can hardly contain it.
  108. >The acid is guzzling from her snatch.
  109. >One more...!
  110. >*Wha--PAH!!*
  111. >"AAAHHH!!!~"
  112. >The liquid geysers from between her legs as she orgasms, propelling her like a rocket ship.
  113. >She launches up at the speed of three RDs, disappearing Team Rocket style into the distance.
  114. >The other bat p0ny, having seen her friend fired away, backs up into the air and throws acid from a distance.
  115. >You try to reach her with your whip...
  116. >...But she's too far!
  117. Damn it!
  118. >"Anon!" you hear from behind you, "Use this!"
  119. >Still focused on the bat p0ny, you reach behind you and feel a handle of some sort.
  120. >...Ah, must be an axe!
  121. >You grip it, then with all your might, chuck the weapon as hard as you can.
  122. >A big, floppy, horsecock dildo gyrates through the air.
  123. >...
  124. >It slams into the bat mare's head, knocking her unconscious.
  125. >She falls into the pit below.
  126. >"...Oh, um... I meant on me..."
  127. >You turn around and face the yellow pegasus.
  128. >She's bashfully smiling.
  129. >...
  130. >You punt her as hard as you can into the pit below.
  131. >
  132. >She flutters back up behind you like Tails the Fox.
  133. >"I am eternal... like love..."
  134. You are annoying. Like chlamydia.
  135. >You sigh.
  136. Let's just hurry to the castle.
  137. >You and Fluttershy quickly make your way to the entrance and push open the doors.
  138. >Inside, several more skeletal p0nies await.
  139. >You dispatch them easily, your whip's crack audible throughout the halls, and perhaps even the town.
  140. >You reach a set of spiral stairs and climb as fast as you can, until you reach the top tower.
  141. >You push open the heavy wooden doors.
  142. >A pitch black alicorn greets you.
  143. >She cackles deliciously.
  144. >"Greetings, Anonymous! We've been expecting your arrival!"
  145. That's literally impossible.
  146. >You and Fluttershy walk up to her.
  147. >"I suppose you want to defeat us!" She bellows. "Well, there's only one way!"
  148. >You sigh.
  149. Let me guess, I have to rut y--
  150. >"YOU HAVE TO RUT US!"
  151. ...Perfect.
  152. >Nightmare Moon turns around, presenting her glory to you.
  154. >You groan.
  155. >Fuck this...
  156. >You reach into your pocket and pull out your pocket watch.
  157. >You press the button in the middle.
  158. >...BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.
  159. >Time freezes as a noise counter begins.
  160. >Both mares in the room are completely immobile, paused from reality.
  161. >You walk over to Fluttershy.
  162. >She's mashing her twat looking in your direction.
  163. >...Does she always do this when you aren't looking...?
  164. >That aside, you pick her up and walk over to Nightmare Moon.
  165. >Vagoo first, you slide her down on top of NMM's horn until she can't go any further.
  166. >Then, you wrap your whip back up and take your leave.
  167. >Time returns to normal as you shut the large doors behind you.
  168. >You hear moans and wails of pleasure as you descend back down the stairs.
  169. >Fucking Equestria...
  171. >Days later, you sit quietly at your kitchen table with a nice cup of joe, reading the newspaper.
  172. >Princess Luna seems to have eloped with some mysterious mare, fleeing the country.
  173. >Huh.
  174. >Coincidently, Fluttershy hasn't been around doing her usual guesses.
  175. >Funny how that works.
  176. >You take a sip of your coffee and exhale happily.
  177. >...*KNOCK* *KNOCK* KNOCK*
  178. >You groan a little.
  179. >Who could that be...?
  180. >You rise from the table and walk over to your door, flinging it open.
  181. >Daring Do stands exhausted before you.
  182. >"Anon!" she bellows, "The p0nazis have stolen the Sapphire Stone from the Canterlot Museum! You gotta help me get it back!"
  183. >You inhale deeply, then exhale.
  184. ...Alright, fine.
  185. >You step over to your cupboard and grab your whip.
  186. Can we stop by Rarity's on the way?
  187. >You say as you and Daring exit your house.
  188. I want a hat made real quick.
  190. END.
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