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SCP idea lost rioter guy who is on a one man rioting mission where he can be shot and hurt but the damage never takes. escaped from the 2011 Vancouver riots and now actually avoids big riots he sometimes collects damaged stuff from his days around causing mayhem and makes little shrines of them. Not terribly physically strong but clever and knows how to make tools to enable further rioting
The Foundation tries to contain but he just shows up in other places doing his thing he's never in one spot for long and if he's in one city and the team goes on some kind of winning streak it'll disappear and come back somewhere else
Keter Class because of difficulty in containment and possibility for an escalated response.
Never communicated with it but sometimes it leaves behind old bus tickets, blank pieces of folded paper, cigarette butts, traces of marijuana and cocaine, and the earliest being a tattered luongo vancouver canucks jersey