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-Name: Senzai
-Name: Orugoh
-Gender: Female
-Pokemon and will you evolve: Arubeum, it doesn't evolve, but it does Mega Evolve. It's a Grass and Fire type.
-Pokemon and will you evolve: Orugoh, a legendary Pokemon. It has forms, but no evolution. It achieves these forms when exposed to the essence of Osorochi or Arceus. 
-Personality: Senzai often contradicts herself. She acts brave, but she is easily startled. She says she's a stone cold killer, but she's a hot headed softy. She says she never gives up, but she will sometimes. She says she doesn't need anything in return for her deeds, but she actually does want things. She says she isn't worried, but she is filled with dread. She says she doesn't care what others think about her, but she really does. She wishes she could be liked by everybody. She may try and be selfless, but ultimately, she is rather selfish. She hates this about herself, and may actually just do good things, just to try and prove it to herself that she's actually good, which is why she decided to rescue others. She has a habit of starting herself on fire if startled. She may sometimes be lazy, but if provided incentive, or if the cause seems good enough for her, she'll give some dedication. Maybe if someone were to really befriend her, she'd forget her problems and just to the right thing for the sake of it...
-Personality: Orugoh is of divine blood, and is very old, and with this, very wise. She values her responsibilities highly, and cherishes all life. She dearly loves the world, and was torn up when she learned of what was happening to it. She was created by Arceus to protect the land, and was gifted with the power to sculpt Pokemon out of mud, and as such, she treats herself as the caretaker of the world. She seems to have a militaristic and cunning outlook in battle, and rarely battles alone. She gives orders during the battles, but hates sitting back during them as well. She was involved with the original sealing of the Pokemon long ago, but long since, she has lost much of her power due to the deep sleep she had to go into afterwards. She's gentle when addressing the weakened, and is very passionate about them. However, this can lead to her being soft and gullible. She would easily fall for a wounded act by an evil Pokemon...
-Backstory: Arubeum are born as sprites from Forest Fires.  Arubeum are the direct byproduct from a wildfire that destroyed many homes. They rise from the ashes. Born alone, this Arubeum looked around, wandering the barren plains. She saw broken glass, and torched homes. She quickly decided that she wanted to leave. She moved away from this area after a while, looking for somewhere better than the burnt world. She stumbled on a village that was not burnt. She lived here for a while, getting to know everybody, and she was even named by the folks of the town, until it was struck down by a plague. Everybody around Senzai died. It was horrifying to her. So she moved again. In the next village, she learned that these disasters were a huge problem in the world, and that there were groups coming together to try and stop it... So Senzai decided to be useful, and try and stop these things from happening. She refused to sit around watching everybody die, and she didn't want to die either.
-Backstory: Constructed from mud by Arceus, she was created to sculpt Pokemon and land out of mud and rock. She had created a few Pokemon to help her create a civilization in which to create life that could thrive. However, she was interrupted by Osorochi going mad with power, and fought against him and his minions long ago. Fighting alongside Arceus, she valiantly fought. She helped Arceus seal the Pokemon away, but wounded and exhausted, she was forced into slumber to recover. She assumed her original form, and slept for a very long time, until the fateful days when the world was troubled by the reawakening of these Pokemon...
-Moveset: Flame Burst, Magical Leaf, Fairy Wind, Growth, Ancient Power.
-Moveset: Earth Power, Moonblast, Flash, Ice Beam, Hyper Voice.
-Bonus: None really, Senzai joins of her own free will along with everybody else as she hears word of groups forming.
-Bonus: Orugoh is a creation of Arceus, and appears when fighting Giratina.
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