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Duskull is a pure ghost Type Pokemon, and is the first evolution stage of the Pokemon, Dusknoir. It was first released in the games Ruby and Sapphire, Generation 3. 
Dusclops is a pure Ghost Type Pokemon, and is the second evolution stage of the Pokemon, Dusknoir. It was first released in the games Ruby and Sapphire, Generation 3. 
Duskull is a classic example of a personification of the human idol of death, the Grim Reaper. It wears a mask, which to many resembles a skull of a dead Pokemon. It has two eyes, both which may be called as "floating" in its sockets. While Duskull is a ghost type, it has one quality that many of the same type do not have, which is bulk. It is a nocturnal Pokemon, and is generally seen out in the night.
Dusclops is a Pokemon with a rare example of one eye, located near the centre of its forehead. It is a Pokemon who has gained a reputation to be fearsome and frightening to the eyes of other trainers, however, it can be loyal to its trainer if it is properly cared for. It is blessed with the ability to absorb anything into its body cavity.
Duskull has been known to adapt to many habitats; however, it is usually found in the caves or other dark places.
Dusclops' are nearly always found in think forests where not much sunlight can penetrate through the trees.