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Name: Maya Ridderhelm
Age: 22
Physical Appearance: 5'6 woman with long, brown hair that reaches to her waist. She also has brown eyes and a simple, typical dress of the time. Milky white skin.
Magic Tree: Nature
Gear: Plentiful water and food, some rope, a lantern and a flint and steel.
Weapons: A shortbow and a quiver with a reasonable amount of arrows.
Armor/Shield: None.
Personality: Maya is a calm and collected person, often analyzing problems and obstacles before acting. She is seldom reckless.
During her early childhood, Maya lived in the Kingdom of Ten Gardens. However, she didn't live in any big cities, but in a small village in the outskirts. She always liked the rolling hills and seas of grass, but much preferred to stay inside with a nice, hot mug of milk and a book during the winters. She lived in quite a wealthy family: Her father was a merchant and her mother was an actual adventurer. She disagreed with this behaviour. Frankly, she preferred being a lazy girl and not risking her life. For her early life, they were all happy.
However, Maya's magic abilities were not the only problem. Her mother was simply bored with being a housewife; she wanted to travel, see new places! But in a society like the ones they lived in, such a thing was difficult. Her father harshly disagreed. He wanted her to stay home and not do anything dangerous. Most important of all, to not bring shame and bad word to the family. This conflict lasted for a while, causing the family to already go down the wrong track.
However, there were problems. Her mother was simply bored with being a housewife; she wanted to travel, see new places! But in a society like the ones they lived in, such a thing was difficult. Her father harshly disagreed. He wanted her to stay home and not do anything dangerous. Most important of all, to not bring shame and bad word to the family. This conflict lasted for a while, causing the family to already go down the wrong track.
Then Maya was found to have magical potential. Her mother supported the Council: she wanted Maya to become a powerful wizard and live a great life. Her father disagreed again: he wanted Maya to, not so much be a normal person, but to not get herself in danger and trouble. As a six year old, she had no idea what was right and what was wrong. In the end, her mother broke the cover and revealed the secret that her daughter had magical power. The father was extremely angry, but he couldn't do anything. Maya was taken away and the father booted her mother out of his house, leaving her to an uncertain fate.
Yadayadayada, her family was pretty happy with getting money and shit from their daughter being a wizurd. They sent her to Counciland. However, whilst Maya was training, her mother ran away from her father (who didn't want her to run off into some crazy adventure).
So now Ridderhelm spent a good portion of her life training in the way of being a Nature mage. At first she was very shy and scared of the people, but became more open and friendly as time passed. Maya tried very hard to appear as a wise, mature and calm person (although she can lose it very often, being a young adult and all.). And finally, after all those years, the time has come for her to put her skills to work.