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Smogon Ban Clause for X/Y
Smogon is clearly OP and should be banned from Ubers for this generation.
-It is completely uncounterable. Once the nublets make a choice without thinking of a counter, they ban it with no appeal. On the ban forums, they simply complain about how something is OP.
-It is anti-meta, but to every meta and every normal tier as well, thus forcing people to leave and play on 3DS
-Smogon bans things that are not problems, thus reducing diversity in the game and causing overlooked powerhouses to continue, and become less counterable.
-Smogon bans things that are not problems, thus reducing diversity in the game and causing overlooked powerhouses to continue, and become less counterable.
-Smogon completely ruins teams on it's own without any set up or process and before the team can counter, said team gets banned for being OP because it counters
-Smogon makes all playstyles worthless because key assets are banned
-It also only considers 1 possible role for a pokemon ban, and bases its ban on only that (See Deoxys-S only being used as a lead)
All in all, Smogon reduces diversity and clearly ruins all forms of the game and thus should be banned from all tiers as soon as possible.