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Sharpedo is a dual Water Dark Type Pokemon, and is the final evolution stage of the Pokemon, Carvanha. It was first released in the games Ruby and Sapphire, Generation 3.
Carvanha is a dual Water Dark Type Pokemon, and is the first evolution stage of the Pokemon, Sharpedo. It was first released in the games Ruby and Sapphire, Generation 3.
Sharpedo is shaped like a torpedo, and uses this aerodynamic shape to swim through the water like a shark, hence its name, Sharpedo. Sharpedo are capable of swimming at 75 miles per hour in pursuit of their prey, though they are unable to swim far distances. Sharpedo is a generally dreaded and frightening Pokemon.
Like its evolution, its body is filled with rash scales and spikes, which it uses to intimidate and attack the opponent with. These spikes also reduce its turbulence while swimming, and make it much faster than it initially is.
Carvanha have jaws that are powerful enough to tear through a boat hull. These Pokemon attack in packs.
Sharpedo live in the upper regions of the oceans.
This Pokemon lives in warm rivers with other Carvanha and where there is a large store of prey.