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This match starts with Austin coming out like a freight train, leveling Skunk with a running forearm and clobbering him with a series of mounted punches. Austin looks even more pissed than usual as he battered his foe, repeatedly screaming about how this match was a joke into the camera between hard shots. Austin's indignant rage culminates by driving Skunk into the hard cam corner post, picking up Skunk's head so they were both facing the camera and screaming "Tell all 3 of your fans Merry Christmas you fucking Joke!" This raises Skunk's ire enough to cause a momentary retaliation, but it was short lived as Austin continues the onslaught. 
[url=""][b]Steve Austin (c)[/b][/url] vs [url=""][b]Skunkrocker[/b][/url] in a [b]Street Fight Before Christmas for the WWF Title[/b] started with Austin coming out like a freight train, leveling Skunk with a running forearm and clobbering him with a series of mounted punches. Austin looked even more contemptful than usual as he battered Skunk with hard shots, repeatedly remarking about how this match was a joke to the camera. Austin's beatdown culminated by pulling Skunk out of the ring, driving him into a corner post as well as a Christmas tree set up as ringside, before crouching down beside Skunk and the Tree, picking up his head so they were both facing the camera and screaming "HEY, YOU LITTLE SUMBITCH, SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS! I BET ALL 3 OF YOUR FANS ARE GONNA LOVE THAT, YOU FUCKIN' JOKE!" As Austin's spittle rained onto his face, the words riled Skunk up enough that he was able to start a comeback, but it was short lived as Austin drove him right back onto the apron before dumping him back into the ring.
Austin whips Skunk into the ropes as JR comments that this match was really over before it began, but then a glimmer of hope appears as Skunk somehow manages to reverse Austin's Thesz press into an armdrag. Austin is livid as he gets up from the mat and charges Skunk, only to be met by another armdrag, a third charge is stymied into a drop toe hold. Skunk is revitalized as the crowd erupts. A clothesline gets a 1 1/2, a running knee gets a quick 2. Going for the gold Skunk sets up the Rocker Dropper, but Austin is still far too fresh and reverses it into a powerbomb. 
Austin continued his assault, whipping Skunk into the ropes as JR commented that this match was really over before it began, but as soon as he said it, Skunk started to prove him wrong, reversing the Thesz Press into an armdrag! Austin was livid as he got up from the mat and charged Skunk, only to be met by another armdrag, and had a third charge stymied into a drop toe hold. Skunk was revitalized as the crowd erupted. A clothesline got a 1 1/2, a running knee got a quick 2. Going for the gold, Skunk set up the Rocker Dropper, but Austin still had his wits about him, reversing it into a powerbomb.
This begins another round of Austin full-bore offense. Punches, kicks and elbows rain down freely on the prone skunk. Austin drags Skunk outside and decides to smash his skull into not one, but two ring posts before rolling back into the ring. As the ref counts, Austin inaudibly mocks Skunk on the outside, periodically checking a non-existent wristwatch. Austin then decides to roll again and introduce Skunk into the stairs and the remaining two ring posts before throwing his opponent back in. As Skunk struggles to make it to his feet Austin starts screaming in his face "C'MON SKUNK! YOU AIN'T EVEN A FUCKING JOKE! JOKES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY! YOU AIN'T JACK SHIT SKUNK!" before hitting the stunner. Austin lays on Skunk for a lazy, academic pin. 1...2....2.9 SKUNK GETS HIS SHOULDER UP!
This began another round of Austin full-bore offense. Punches, kicks and elbows rained down freely on the prone Skunk. Austin dragged Skunk outside and decided to knock his skull into not one, but two ring posts, and putting his head through a present before re-entering the ring, leaving Skunk in a heap on the floor. Since this was a Street Fight, the ref didn't start counting Skunk out, but Austin still inaudibly mocked Skunk on the outside, periodically checking a non-existent wristwatch. After a while, Austin then decided to roll back out and introduce Skunk into the stairs, a candy cane Kendo stick, and a few more presents, as well as the remaining two ring posts, before throwing his him back in. As Skunk struggled to make it to his feet, Austin started screaming in his face "C'MON SKUNK! YOU AIN'T EVEN A FUCKING JOKE! JOKES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY! YOU AIN'T JACK SHIT SKUNK!" before kicking him in the gut and hitting the Stunner. Austin laid on Skunk, putting his hands behind his head for a lazy, academic pin.
Austin is apoplectic, screaming at the ref, throwing a chain of swears at Skunk and kicking the ring ropes in utter disbelief and rage. Austin quickly regroups and sets up Skunk for another stunner, only for Skunk to reverse into a backslide. 1...2...2.9 The crowd gasps as Skunk is a millisecond away from being world champ. A superkick by Skunk lays Austin out and as he staggers back up Skunk motions for the Skunk spray. Austin quickly covers his eyes but it's a feint. Skunk kicks Austin in the gut and hits the Rocker Dropper! 1....2...2.5 Austin kicks out. Skunk, realizing that the pinnacle of his profession is almost in his grasp, tries to do a Stone-Cold Stunner of his own, but Austin reverses it and hearkens back to his days as The Ringmaster as he applies the Million-Dollar Dream. Austin, despite around the same size as Skunk, is able to hold Skunk aloft for several seconds and he thrashes and kicks, looking for a way out of the deadly hold. Eventually the thrashing slows and ceases and the ref starts checking his arm. Skunk's arm falls once, then twice...and the third time is the finish. Steve Austin retains his WWF World Heavyweight title.
1...2....2.9 SKUNK GOT HIS SHOULDER UP! Austin was apoplectic, screaming at the ref, throwing a chain of swears at Skunk and kicking the ring ropes in utter disbelief and rage. Austin quickly regrouped, setting up Skunk for another stunner, only for Skunk to reverse into a backslide!
1...2...2.9! The crowd gasped as Skunk was a millisecond away from being world champ! A superkick by Skunk lid Austin out and as he staggered back up Skunk motioned for the Skunk spray. Austin quickly covered his eyes--but the spray doesn't come! It was a feint! Skunk used the opportunity to kick Austin in the gut and hit the Rocker Dropper!
1....2...2.5, Austin kicked out. Skunk, realizing that the pinnacle of his profession was almost in his grasp, tried to hit a Stone-Cold Stunner of his own, but Austin reversed it! Hearkening back to his days as The Ringmaster, he hooked in the Million-Dollar Dream. Austin only had 3 inches and 30 pounds on Skunk, but used every bit of it to hold Skunk aloft for several seconds, as the Skunkrocker thrashed and kicked, looking for a way out of the deadly hold. He caught the ropes, but Austin just kicked his hand away and wrenched further. Eventually the thrashing slowed, Skunk falling limp as the ref started checking his arm. Skunk's arm fell once, then twice...[b]and the third time was the finish. Steve Austin retains his WWF World Heavyweight title.[/b]