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This is the staff Point System. Every Staff Memeber should reach 20 points per month. Every Time a staff member reaches 20 points They are eligiable to have their own room for the month or an icon not both.
This is the staff Point System. Every Staff Member should reach 20 points per month. Every Time a staff member reaches 20 points They are eligible to have their own room for the month or an icon not both.
When that staff member reaches 20 points they are entered in a draw for a 20-50 (depending on kairu) dollar giftcard to any online store of their choice. The person picked from the draw wins the gift card.
For everyday the staff member sows up to do their job they get a point. When they volunteer to do an extra job they are not scheduled for they get a point. To prove you did extra work a screenshot with date
For everyday the staff member shows up to do their job they get a point. When they volunteer to do an extra job they are not scheduled for they get a point. To prove you did extra work a screenshot with date must be provided or proof from 3 regular members.
must be provided or proof from 3 regular members.
Extra work includes:
advertising (bringing new members in from you), pictures you want us to use, inhouses, random non scheduled events, recruiting 10 or more guests in that day, coaching one more person then needed counts as a an extra
point. Every coach must coach at least 3 people 45 min -1 hour session
per week.
You can only receive 5 extra points per week.
The point system will be tallied by a Manager, Master or Grandmaster only.