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*7:26 - Context/Logic (minor): "...reason I'm here" gives an impression that he's going to the moon to look for UFOs. "...reason I became an astronaut".
*8:51 - Logic/Context (minor, recurring): You would not expect a chief engineer or whatever his position was to be reporting to "supervisors". Terms like "managers", "boss", "superiors" etc would work better here.
*9:06 - Nuance (minor, recurring): His tone and word choices imply that he was being optimistic and doesn't regret it at all. "lost" job is not appropriate here.
**9:14 - Context/Consistency (minor on an important line): "Naturally, I received a red card on the spot." / Zidanne reference, red notebook on screen.
*14:12 - Context (minor): "Try to heer him up!" or "Try to be supportive!"
*14:12 - Context (minor): "Try to cheer him up!" or "Try to be supportive!"
*15:07 - Detail/Nuance: "At that moment, we brothers{my brother} must have felt the same way."