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Brian Pillman is in the ring with his half of the World Tag Team titles draped over his shoulder and the mic in his hand.
Brian Pillman was in the ring with his half of the World Tag Team titles draped over his shoulder and the mic in his hand.
"Not to be outdone by my fellow Power-Tripper Steve Austin and his Dungeon of Destiny, I've decided to make a little event of my own. 8 Teams, one tournament. The winner faces Me and Joanna at the Next In Your House. The preliminaries start..."
5- plays and Triple H comes down to ring.
[url=""]Triple H came down to the ring, fuming.[/url]
"Whoa, whoa wait wait. Brian, what are you doing? I don't recall clearing any sort of tournament. Is this another of your temper tantrums Brian? Are you so pissed at me after showing you up last week that you're scheduling entire tournaments behind my back now? You're endangering those tag team titles again just so, what? You can prove you're a big bad man who don't fear anybody. You have a tournament, you're taking 8 teams in this company and you're saying 'I think I'll jeopardize our domination over this company by taking the best of you on?" Brian, I was convinced and reassured that you're smarter than that. We have to approach this situation with..."
"Whoa, whoa, wait, wait. Brian, what are you doing? I don't recall clearing any sort of tournament. Is this another of your temper tantrums Brian? Are you so pissed at me after showing you up last week that you're scheduling entire tournaments behind my back now? You're endangering those tag team titles again, and for what? You wanna prove you're a big bad man who don't fear anybody. You have a tournament, you're taking 8 teams in this company and you're saying 'I think I'll jeopardize our domination over this company by taking the best of you on?" Brian, I was convinced and reassured that you were smarter than that. We have to approach this situation with..."
"Oh shit here we go, Hunter thinks I'm the fucking help again! I got news for you Helmsley, this company is every bit as much mine as it is yours. I don't need your damn permission to set up this tournament and I don't need your damn permission to defend this title."
"Oh shit, here we go, Hunter thinks I'm the help again! I got news for you, Helmsley, this company is every bit as much mine as it is yours. I don't need your damn permission to set up this tournament and I don't need your damn permission to defend this title."
"It has nothing to do with permission and everything to do with teamwork. We have to work together or else we're going to fall apart and I am seriously starting to question your commitment to the Power Trip Brian!"
"It has nothing to do with permission and everything to do with teamwork. We have to work together or else we're going to fall apart and you know, sometimes I doubt your commitment to the Power Trip, Brian!"
Brian started screaming again by it was mostly drowned out by as Joanna came out, she grabs the mic from Brian and begins trying to placate the two.
Brian started screaming again, but it was mostly drowned out by [url=""]Hell Bent For Leather as Joanna came out[/url], grabbed the mic from Brian and began trying to placate the two.
"Boys, boys, there's no need for this fighting. Hunter, I really don't get what you're so upset about. Brian made the tournament so that the winner would have to wrestle twice in one night. I thought you'd be proud of him, and you probably would have been if you had thought things through. Brian, Hunter has worked really hard to make this dream, a WWF controlled by the Power Trip a reality. Can't you try to humor him a little and maybe understand where he's coming from?" 
"Boys, boys, there's no need for this fighting. Hunter, I really don't get what you're so upset about. Brian made the tournament so that the winner would have to wrestle twice in one night. I thought you'd be proud of him, and you probably would have been if you had thought things through. Brian, Hunter has worked really hard to make this dream, a WWF controlled by the Power Trip, a reality. Can't you try to humor him a little and maybe understand where he's coming from?" 
HHH's look turns from consternation to pride. He pats Brian on the shoulder.
"Brian, I gotta admit, maybe I got a bit carried away there. I guess I just expected the worst to come out of you. To think you could come up with something this devious on your own is really kinda encouraging. If you keep that kind of thinking up this Power Trip thing could work out after all."
Brian responded by slapping HHH's shoulder away.
"Oh well shit Hunter I'd hate to disappoint you. I'd hate for you to mistakenly think I'm your partner and associate, not your damn monkey butler, so I guess I better do something stupid and reckless so you can keep looking at me like your goddamn problem. So here's how it's gonna go down! That tag title shot for the winner of the tournament, off the fucking table. That's because the winner isn't going to need a damn shot because I am entering myself and Joanna INTO the damn tournament. That's right. And guess what, every match we wrestle is going to be a title match, so if you get us in the first round, well arn't you just a lucky fuck. Except not really because Me and Joanna are gonna plow a damn path through EACH AND EVERY TEAM THAT FACES US! WE ARN'T JUST A COUPLE OF BELTHOLDERS! WE ARE BEST TAG TEAM IN THIS COMPANY AND WE'RE GONNA PROVE IT!" Now Hunter if you don't mind, the champs have a match to prepare for."
"Oh well shit, Hunter, I'd hate to disappoint you. I'd hate for you to think I'm your partner and associate, not your damn monkey butler, so I guess I better do something stupid and reckless so you can keep looking at me like your goddamn problem. Because goddamnit, the only thing worse than when you demean me is when you try to butter me up. So here's how it's gonna go down! That tag title shot for the winner of the tournament, off the fucking table. That's because the winner isn't going to need a damn shot because I am entering myself and Joanna INTO the damn tournament. That's right. And guess what, every match we wrestle is going to be a title match, so if you get us in the first round, well aren't you just a lucky son of a gun. Except not really, because Me and Joanna are gonna plow a damn path through EACH AND EVERY TEAM THAT FACES US! WE AREN'T JUST A COUPLE OF BELTHOLDERS! WE ARE BEST TAG TEAM IN THIS COMPANY AND WE'RE GONNA PROVE IT!" Now Hunter if you don't mind, the champs have a match to prepare for, THE FIRST MATCH IN DDT4, THE DYNAMIC DUUMVIRATE TAG TEAM TITLE TOURNAMENT!"
Brian storms off to the back with HHH chasing him and Joanna chasing both of them.
Brian stormed off to the back, with HHH chasing him and Joanna right behind.