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Hello, Turtlezens!
So guess what, the radio is all foreigner built and still hosted out of Lois's on-paper suite. As a result, it is still up and running! She is making the announcement about it <a href=>here</a>. As a kind of meta-level challenge to Malikitten, I'll be going ahead and posting it to the Network comm.
As there is only one broadcast station, Lois is opening it up to people to use for emergency broadcast if necessary. Sign up to use it here in this post, as Lois might exercise judgment about who gets to use it. Also sign up here if you want to help out.
Please note: if you <i>do</i> make a post, please CLEARLY mark in the subject line (and possibly an ooc reminder in the post itself) that this is a radio post and not via network console.
Please note: if you <i>do</i> make a post, please CLEARLY mark in the subject line (and possibly an ooc reminder in the post itself) that this is a radio post and not via network console. Also remember that all replies MUST be action and not voice, video, text, or anything else. It can go in a log or the post itself, but action <i>only</i>.
So sign up to prove you cannot stop the signal.