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Yui gets shot, she survives because of her SUPER CARBON WATCH (that is a limited item for the Type-74 sword project people) but decides to fake her death (so she can investigate who tried to kill her in secret? Later turns out it was the Russians, they unmark her afterwards since they think they've basically won a deal regarding use of Soviet TSFs that's mentioned below)
Yuuya is told she is dead and this is kind of a bummer to him, but he decides to honor her memory by using his test pilot expertise to make the Shiranui the MOST POWERFUL MECHA EVER. Because a mere generation 2.5 Terminator fought two 3rd generation Shiranuis trashed one of them and barely lost to the other. And if they can't make something better than that, some America-hating Jap retard will try and make a deal with the USSR to use Soviet TSFs instead of American. Though it's really just one colonel guy (Oomoto) who keeps going on about Soviet shit, saying that they've been building up their relationship with the Russians lately and they ought to unite against the evil Americans (during the Kamchatska bit the thing he mentioned as indicating that the relationship between the two countries is getting better is brought up by the Russians speaking among themselves as "anti-Japanese operations". So yeah Oomoto's an idiot. Later the DIA guy says that would never have really flown.
Around this time Yuuya spends more time with Cryska, relationship points up. And Cryska's esper power starts to inexplicably weaken for some reason.
Yui comes back after a while. Yuuya reaction is like "oh you're alive? that's pretty cool I guess", he's giving more thought to how he's going to make THE MOST POWERFUL SHIRANUI EVER that can fight berkuts and raptors.
Around this time is when Yui has a talk with Heinemann about his history with her father and Yuuya's mom, because of the watch. Heinemann knew Yui's father (Tadamasa) and uncle and Yuuya's mom (Mira) through the Akebono Program, it is established that Yui's dad is also Yuuya's dad and he gave up his position to go be with Mira, but that Yuuya's mom up and vanished when she got pregnant because she could be used as leverage against Yui's dad (this was before Tadamasa returned to Japan). Though Tadamasa never knew she was pregnant and she never told him. Thus Yui and Yuuya are half-siblings. Heinemann knew who Yuuya's parents were, he personally requested Yuuya as XFJ test pilot because of this.
Also Heinemann was in love with Yuuya's mom and considers the machines he designs to be his and her children, and wants their children to populate the world, and is succeeding because many of the TSFs in the world now are descended from his designs. He was behind the leaking of the Tomcat designs to the Soviet Union which was part of this.
His excuse is that "I made all this shit in the first place you dicks, I can do what I like with it". He's kind of eccentric like that.
(btw and Yui and Yuuya's father, Tadamasa, he died at Yokohama hive. G bomb.)
He goes "oh that's cool I like pepper on my potatoes, thanks for the cool sword" and has no clue.
Anyway when Yuuya presents his plan for the POWERFUL SHIRANUI with more SPEEED and vanes Heinemann says "Ha ha we can do better than that, by using this ten year old American machine that I designed." and whips out the Shiranui Second Phase 3 that does what Yuuya wanted to do but better, by incorporating the design of the old YF-23 from ATSF. And of course according to Heinemann the Black Widow he designed is infinitely superior to that shitty ugly Raptor which is rubbish. So a ten year gap is nothing, he's a genius and shit. They weren't originally going to build where the Americans could see them from across the base, but they REALLY need to fight those Russkies. (by the way when they build it seems as though they mighta been using external parts like the armor or whatever from THE Black Widow II because Yuuya is taken to a top secret hangar where he's shown a Black Widow II with the armor stripped. Weren't the two YF-23s mothballed and sent to museums? It's a mystery~)
And then after they build it obviously people notice, and the CIA doesn't take kindly to Heinemann handing that fat pile of state secrets and tech banned for export to the Japanese, and chuck the entire XFJ team in gaol under investigation for espionage. When he's questioned about it his excuse is that it just LOOKS like a Black Widow but it isn't a Black Widow and you're stupid faggots for assuming that they're the same thing just because they look the same, it doesn't have active stealth or the refueling system that apprently lets it refuel or restore power from other TSFs or something(though it actually did). He submitted fake blueprints that looked perfectly innocent and unoffending and then just bullshitted them in the face. Apparently only Unit 1 (Yuuya's unit) has the top secret banned for export shit, Unit 2 (the blue one) doesn't.
Yuuya is let out of the lockup allegedly because he's loyal American F-22 test pilot and is cleared for that info anyway or something, the brigadier general who sent him to Alaska (a friend of Yuuya's FUCKING JAPS grandfather who as it turns out actually cares for Yuuya and asked the brigadier general to take care of him) pulled some strings to get him out. Meanwhile Cryska's power weakens so much that the Soviets decide she's useless, and decide to just kill her by not giving her her esper meds and see how long she lasts like that.
Yuuya gets wind of it from Inia, and the Defense Intelligence Agency (because Central Intelligence wasn't enough) come to him and offer him a deal, he will steal the Shiranui Second Phase Three, break into the Soviet base and kidnap the Scarlet Twins and facilitate their defection to Freedomland under cover of being a deserter, in exchange they can get the XFJ people out of incarceration and Yuuya can come home to Freedomland and get his shiny promotion (he wasn't actually sent to Alaska as a punishment, it was more like an internship and he would be promoted on his return, Leon volunteered for XFJ but was turned down), and he is hero who save poor girls from evil communists who experiment on humans. He is to avoid combat as much as possible, they'll just sort of half-assedly go after him under the pretext that he is a deserter. The Soviets will just wake up and find Kriska and Inia missing because the DIA hack their cameras and Inia helps him dodge guards.
However scientist dude changed the password on her cell so they had to have him to open it and knock him out, but he woke up and sounded the alarm while they were busy talking to Kriska because Yuuya is best spy. They get separated from Inia and attacked by Sandek in the Scarlet Twins' Terminator. Yuuya beats Sandek, who drops the bomb about Cryska needing those immersion tank treatments every now and again to not die, and if Yuuya takes her away she'll drop dead in 5-10 days. He also talks about how Inia and Kryska are related to his sister somehow (Cryska and other mass produced espers are probably clones of her or at least genetically based on her or something). Sandek asks Cryska to see if she can read him to see if he's lying but her limiter is like Kagami's ribbon and stops her from doing that (if she takes it off she reads everyone around her uncontrollably like Mao from Geass and that drove previous espers nuts like Mao from Geass).
However scientist dude changed the password on her cell so they had to have him to open it and knock him out, but he woke up and sounded the alarm while they were busy talking to Kriska because Yuuya is best spy. They get separated from Inia and attacked by Sandek in the Scarlet Twins' Terminator. Yuuya beats Sandek, who drops the bomb about Cryska needing those meds every now and again to not die, and if Yuuya takes her away she'll drop dead in 5-10 days. He also talks about how Inia and Kryska are related to his sister somehow (Cryska and other mass produced espers are probably clones of her or at least genetically based on her or something). Sandek asks Cryska to see if she can read him to see if he's lying but her limiter is like Kagami's ribbon and stops her from doing that (if she takes it off she reads everyone around her uncontrollably like Mao from Geass and that drove previous espers nuts like Mao from Geass).
Now that Yuuya has outright fought the Soviets the Americans and UN people really have to chase him for going rogue instead of what they were going to do earlier and sorta half-ass it. They dick around Alaska waiting for a chance to go back and get Inia. Russians chase them, then Argos chases them, then Argos fights the Russians that chased them, also the base commander talks about a phoenix from Europe who is working for the fox from Yokohama who is also chasing them (you should be able to solve this). 
Now that Yuuya has outright fought the Soviets the Americans and UN people really have to chase him for going rogue (The assumption they have to take is that he's a terrorist remnant. When Yui was shot the DIA showed up to investigate and put all of the Argos squad under questioning because they may be terrorists (also it turns out VG was sleeping with Natalie as well as a whole bunch of other terrorists) instead of what they were going to do earlier and sorta half-ass it. They dick around Alaska waiting for a chance to go back and get Inia. Russians chase them, then Argos chases them, then Argos fights the Russians that chased them, also the base commander talks about a phoenix from Europe who is working for the fox from Yokohama who is also chasing them (you should be able to solve this). 
Anyways they end up fighting a crazy killer Inia in a berkut with an esper pod who is sent to kill them. Cryska removes her ESP limiter and attempts to contact Inia but fails. However the esper clone in the pod (Martika) who has some of Cryska's memories through her Inia prafka link with stops Inia. They extract Inia and Cryska shoots the pod esper with an apology for killing her other self (it was a mercy, she asked to be shot).
Yui shows up to have a sword duel with Yuuya as the snow falls around them, she's using the other Shiranui Second Phase 3 unit. They charge at each other with swords, fade to black and there's a sword in the ground (since Yui still has both her swords, probably Yuuya's), Yuuya is flying off while Yui watches, and Yui talks about this is how the men of the Takamura family are like, huh, making his choice to be with the woman he loves. Be happy, Cryska.
(Incidentally thanks to Yuuya stealing the Shiranui Second Phase 3 Unit 1, the CIA can't pick it apart to prove that Heinemann was bullshitting them. CIA guy wants to take Unit 2 and pick that apart, but DIA guy tells him he'd just embarrass himself because obviously Heinemann wouldn't have put the offending stuff in there and left it for them to examine).
Then Cryska dies in Yuuya's arms of newtype cancer a few days later. Elements involved are
-her love for him could just be because of Inia's influence
-because Inia thinks the pretty colors (white darkness or something) of Yuuya's shitty childhood are a real turn-on, her second favorite is the pretty colors of Yui's past traumas
-but Yuuya says that doesn't matter what matters is she loves him, he loves her too
-she does not regret loving Yuuya
Instead of meeting up with the DIA like he was supposed to to hand Inia to them, Yuuya decides he wants to bury Cryska in the motherland that she loved (plus maybe the DIA guys might use Inia for experimentation or something) and runs off to Kamchatka.
So at Kamchatka he meets up with Latrova who is actually not dead, along with probably most of Zhar (who have a new name now) after they were attacked by what Yuuya assumes must have been the esper in the pod (Martika) because the Scarlet Twins were somewhere else at the time. She's currently underground in the care of bald russian officer base commander dude (who good old Comrade Rogofsky tried to fuck over this one time so he's holding her and Zhar as insurance), he joins them because now the Russians, Americans and Japanese are all after him because he fucked them all over.
He buries Cryska and marks her grave with a rock, promises to move her to her real homeland (the Alternative 3 research facility) some day when they take back Europe. When Inia hums the snow maiden song (apparently she and Kriska heard it from a cleaner at the alt III facility) at her grave Latrova identifies the song and explains the fairy tale.
Then we get a timeskip to Operation Cherry Blossom. I suppose Yuuya was just counting trees or something during this time (speculah joke).
Yuuya and Latrova with Zhar were supposed to be heading to Japan for reasons unknown but Yuuya and Latrova decided to link up with the Soviet force in charge of the diversionary attack on Evensk Hive.
There's a squadron of esper pod-controlled Berkuts led by a white Berkut with a dude and a pod under the command of good old Comrade Rogofsky and scientist dude Belyayev (who was supposed to destroy all the research materials when the terrorists attacked but ran away instead like a coward so he's now Sandek's bitch because Sandek could tattle on him). Said Berkuts totally rape Hive 26 because the lasers can't fucking hit them, they wipe out all the lasers and leave to refuel. And then a nine laser fort BETA appears, digging itself out of the ground with its lasers because that totally makes more sense than just walking out of a Gate, that doesn't give a shit about friendly fire and starts vaporizing everything. The first fully charged shot alone vaporizes a few hundred orbital divers flying at it at supersonic (twenty times the speed of sound) speed as well as a few dozen armoured space destroyers, and also makes a giant storm cloud that jams all communications. The second shot vaporizes the entire second division of the Soviet pacific fleet and damaged or destroyed 40% of all the TSFs participating in the operation.
The esper squadron are sent out again but the prafka knocks Inia out and the whole squadron goes berserk, the dude in the white berkut gets chucked to the BETA to get eaten and all the rest just sorta chill around the battlefield not getting hit by the laser fort because prafka is like the Zero System and lets them see a little into the future somehow. Scientist guy Belyayev spazzes out and throws chairs around while he and Rogofsky have no fucking clue what's going on or why.
Laser Fort keeps raping everything and the huge storm cloud made by its vacuum-generating superlaser is still jamming communications so they can't tell UN high command about the problem, though they can still receive. They deduce that the Laser Fort is actually intercepting and reading their communications through the cloud somehow. Somebody wonders if a G-bomb would work and someone else says it probably won't because it could probably overload G-bomb Rutherford fields with pure firepower causing the bombs to go off prematurely.
Bunch of Russians blow themselves up with S-11s to clear the way to the Laser Fort, this is kind of a big deal to the Georgian/Kazakh/whatever Zhar kids who were butthurt about being used as cannon fodder so the Russians could take it easy, though some of them get vaporized when they use the opening to attack the laser fort anyway. Latrova decides she has to S-11 the Laser Fort, calling Yuuya her son from a foreign land.
Bunch of Russians blow themselves up with S-11s to clear the way to the Laser Fort, this is kind of a big deal to the Georgian/Kazakh/whatever Zhar kids who were butthurt about being used as cannon fodder so the Russians could take it easy, though some of them get vaporized when they use the opening to attack the laser fort anyway. (Only Russians are given S-11, not them, because why should we give tactical nuke-class bombs to butthurt non-Russian faggots that might decide to bomb some poor innocent Russians). Latrova decides she has to S-11 the Laser Fort, calling Yuuya her son from a foreign land.
Yuuya starts yelling about how he wants to protect everything and shit while we have a montage of Argos and Yifei with their own countries in their own favorite TSFs fighting across the world, then singing starts and Cryska's ghost appears because of the prafka, Yuuya, Inia, her memories and the esper clone pods doing some SCIENCE stuff to cause Zeta Gundam (the Berkuts had red auras before, but now they have blue auras because IT'S THE SIGN OF ZETA I AIN'T GOTTA EXPLAIN SHIT). Yui seems to hear the song (it's just a "!?" when the song starts)
The clone Berkuts all turn blue flames and become Funnels for the Shiranui Second. Latrowa and Natasha and Inia are clearly seeing the blue flame, Sandek who's chilling on a ship with the other espers and Soviet officers and scientists sees the whole thing from far away (ring of light makes it look like a total eclipse GET IT GET IIIIIIT) sees it and is all YEAH HE WAS THE BEST CATALYST AFTER ALL with his smug look. Soviet officers salute the ring of fire (dude do you guys even know what's going on)
The Laser Fort starts trying to snipe at the XG-70d and its escorts (by the way it can also take control of all the other lasers around it so they ignore anti-laser shells and shoot at stuff that it wants them to shoot, like the spaceships with A-04). Inia says Kriska is with them (he's not HEARING things, and the blue flames are the prafka, but the ghost itself miiiiiiight be him seeing things). Yuuya and Inia in Shiranui with ring of flaming Berkuts charge the Laser Fort.
The end.
Epilogue - 2002 - hundreds of thousands of people died but humanity won that day. so there.