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Divine Saiyan Scaris Vs Saiyan Hero God(Superman prime one million, rune king thor, the destroyer asura, omni form sonic, super saiyan god super saiyan 4 goku, divine spawn, god cloth seiya pegasus, Super Godzilla, Genesis Form Arceus, Sailor Cosmos, Holactie the Creator of Light, Ultimate Alien X, Berserker Mode Saitama, Satsui Ryu, Super Armor Mega Man, Star Spirit Mario,  Alternity form Optimus Prime, Six Sage Paths Naruto, Final Getsuga Ichigo, Fourth Gear Luffy, And Alexandrite Fusion)
Divine Saiyan Scaris Vs Saiyan Hero God(Superman prime one million, rune king thor, the destroyer asura, omni form sonic, super saiyan god super saiyan 4 goku, divine spawn, god cloth seiya pegasus, Super Godzilla, Genesis Form Arceus, Sailor Cosmos, Holactie the Creator of Light, Ultimate Alien X, Berserker Mode Saitama, Satsui Ryu, Super Armor Mega Man, Star Spirit Mario,  Alternity form Optimus Prime, Six Sage Paths Naruto, Final Getsuga Ichigo, Fourth Gear Luffy, Alexandrite, Avatar State Aang, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, And Fusion Dragonoid Drago Fusion,)
Winner: Divine Saiyan Scaris