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1. You've been active. Well, online. Online you could meet millions of people, chat with them, have fun! So when a convention was nearby and you decided to go, you met a few of your friends. And nope, your parents were completely wrong. They are just as great as in chat! And you have a lot of fun with them before they leave. And well, you also met someone there, and you hit right off. They were just sweet, so adorable, and you had a lot of fun. But sadly, they lived far away and you could only resort to video chats to keep your relationship working. It worked out, for a bit, until they broke up with you. You cried, complained, cried some more. You told your friends, and they consoled you. Then, your ex apologized and you couldn't stop yourself from forgiving them. The relationship started again. And again, it broke up. And again, you got together again. And again, and again, the endless cycle of crying and complaining to your friends until you realized that only one of them was left, and he kept listening. It wasn't forever, though. His patience must have run out, because after the 50th time of dealing with this he started to get angry, shout at you, told you to get a grip on your life and finally end this shit with your ex and just stay away. He blocked you, deleted all connections you had to him, just like the others did. It was your only escape, and now you destroyed all your relationships you built over the past few years. You trigger, seeing your ex message you with an apology again.
4. You and your son were always fans of capes, before he died. There was a certain resentment there, that all the powers in the world didn't have a healer that could help him. But he was at peace, and you promised that you would smile and keep going forward. Your spouse probably took it harder than you, and they threw themselves into work. You were always the stay-home kind of person, enjoyed cooking and gardening, and while you had lost of your interest in the cape scene, you still kept listening to the news, of course. Local villains had been rather problematic lately, but the heroes had been efficient with their powers. You sit down, waiting for your spouse to come home before starting dinner, and watch the news about a local hero, who has the power to make the arrows they use fly at the enemy after purposefully missing them. They had been grievously injured in a fight just this morning, and the media has been over the case. Now, though, it seems they finally passed away due to her wounds. The phone rings, and you pick up. "Hello," the voice on the other end says. "I'm calling about your spouse..." - You stare back to the TV as the man who introduced himself as a PRT official explains that the hero was your spouse, and that the entire time, even while your son was sick, she had been lying to you.