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You walk into your seemingly perfect house after a day's work. A familiar voice rings, as Lightning Dust speeds around the corner to greet you. Her skirt sweeps around the corner, revealing her firm hips if only for a moment. "Hey," She pauses for a moment to give you her trademark smirk. "Master." You look around at the pristine house, swiping assorted vases and tables with your finger. Lightning Dust nonchalantly trails you, asking you assorted questions about your day. 
	You feel a different texture as you swipe your prized bas-relief, frozen. Upon achieving your statue-esque state, Lightning Dust immediately falls silent and raises a brow. "Lightning Dust, did you dust off everything today before I got home?" She looks around for any nearby cleaning equipment. "I already cleaned out the kitchen today, what more do you want?" You interrupt her, raising your voice. "Did you, or did you not?" She looks at you again, with a face of innocence. You sigh heavily, Lightning looks down as you breathe, feeling the seething fury from your breath.
	 "What do you think I let you live here for, Dust? Your name is LIGHTNING DUST. It's in your name for Celestia's sake, how in all of Equestria do you not know how to dust?" "Yeah, yeah, give me a few minutes! My favorite TV show is on." Your eyes roll automatically in response. "You know the rules, Lightning. Come on now, you need to learn your lesson." 
She places a hoof to her mouth, regaining composure before standing firmly. "No, master, i'm not going down there." You remain silent, but your hand replies with an answer she understands more clearly. She slumps down the long hallway, dusting off the door handle half-heartedly before opening it, as the both of you gaze into the depths of the stairwell's darkness. She continues to plead with you as she walks in front of you down the steps, promising it won't happen again. You shake your head, staring directly at her firm rear, seeing the detailed intricacies of her muscles as she shifts down the steps.
	You finally reach the bottom of the stairs, Lightning Dust is silent and emotionless. You reach for a switch, flicking it as a dim light reveals an oak stool. You shake your head, before pulling something off a wall. It's grip is so familiar to you that you're disgusted, looking down in the dim light as the extension of yourself shimmers in the pale lighting. You look back to a silent Lightning Dust, resting on her haunches near the stool. You stroll back over, before sitting on the sturdy stool. You pat your leg with  your empty hand, looking to Dust as she reluctantly clambers over your legs.
	She looks back to you again for a final time. "Can't you just use your hand this time? I'm still sore from the last time you used the paddle." You look in her quivering eyes, before pulling her skirt up, revealing her back end. You think to yourself for just a moment. "She won't learn her lesson if I don't do it." You decide to go through with it, albeit reluctantly.
	You raise the paddle into the air, delivering a swift blow to her rear. She immediately yelps in pain, only to receive another followup blow. She winces with every strike, giving a retort to each hit. "Is this the hardest you can hit? This has been going on for years, and THIS is still as hard as you can hit me?" The relentless flurry of strikes slowly increase in frequency and strength. The aerodynamic holes drilled into the paddle allow for a swifter hit. Each strike resounds through the room, a booming reminder of every time the paddle connects. You stop only for a moment to catch your breath. As you continue the hail of shots, you notice Lightning Dust has a massive grin on her face. "Come on, Anon. Hit harder, you worthless sack of trash."
	Several minutes of paddling, the only sound being made was the explosion that rang through the room with each hit. You stop again. "I think that's enough for today, don't you think?" She looks up at you, displeased. You lean to examine Lightning's rear. You drop the paddle as you see the shredded mess, seeing the blood caked her coat and your paddle that lies on the floor.
	You're confused as to why she's so resilient. Why is she so nonchalant about a beating like this? Of all of the maids you've had over the years, you've never met one who's had such punishment as willingly as Dust. You slide Dust off your legs, the firm clack of her hooves reaching the floor signifies that she's still okay. The two of you walk upstairs back into the living room.
	You're confused as to why she's so resilient. Why is she so nonchalant about a beating like this? Of all of the maids you've had over the years, you've never met one who's handled such punishment as well as Dust. You slide Dust off your legs, the firm clack of her hooves reaching the floor signifies that she's able to stand, but her wobbly legs say otherwise about her resolve. The two of you walk upstairs back into the living room.
	You decide that after dusting the house, Dust can take the rest of the day off. You can't have your best maid unable to work, after all. She races throughout the house, clearing She looks at you apathetically, a hoof holding up her face as she lies on the couch. You place a hand on her toned rear end, sitting next to her with a sigh. She laughs at you. You put back on a firm tone. "I hope you learned your lesson, Dust." She scoffs, before giving you another smirk.
	You decide that after dusting the house, Dust can take the rest of the day off. You can't have your best maid unable to work, after all. She races throughout the house, clearing the massive house within moments due to her immense speed. She arrives back in the living room, floating down onto the couch. She looks at you apathetically, a hoof holding up her face as she lies on the couch. You place a hand on her toned rear end, sitting next to her with a sigh. She laughs at you. You put back on a firm tone. "I hope you learned your lesson, Dust." She scoffs, before giving you another smirk.
 "It was always like you to be so weak."
 "Shutup already, my show is starting."
~End (To Be Continued?)