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Byond key: ELIJAH 11
Character name: Celeryian
Character Race: Saiyan
Character alignment: Chaotic Evil
Character bio: Celeryian is a wildly unpredictable Saiyan with a penchant for violence. Underneath his soft looking exterior, he is a heartless monster that absolutely loves violence, domination and humiliating others. He is particularly prone to giving into the beastly aspect of Saiyan nature, and openly enjoys being a great ape. He is effeminate, vile, ruthless, and uses a fighting style focused on breaking past defense and inflicting maximum damage. 
Race or rank being applied for: Primal Saiyan
	The word "Violence" carried tremendous weight in the Saiyan world of Vegeta. Every single species on the planet lived and died by this word, but none more than the indigenous Saiyans. The culture of these people was entirely based on the exchanging of blows. The sight of limbs being hacked off, and skin being shredded was entertainment for these bloodthirsty people. Out of all these Saiyans, Celeryian had a particular passion for violence. Slaughtering others weaker than him was his life. Every day, he would wake up, murder Tsujins, and maybe even engage in intercourse before sleeping and beginning the cycle anew. This was a wonderful life for such a despicable individual.
	On one such day of casual murder, something peculiar transpired. As usual, Celeryian found an unfortunate Tsujin and tore his arms from his body in a manner akin to tearing the wings from a fly. Then, however, Celeryian discovered another Saiyan on his turf. This was not merely a neighbor sharing land, this was a horrible transgression against Celeryian. Saiyan life was brutal, and the slightest mistake could cost one his life. Upon seeing the other Saiyan, Celeryian rose up on the balls of his feet to look more intimidating and beat his chest. The other Saiyan looked at Celeryian with bewilderment, but understood the underlying message. A fight would commence. 
	Celeryian lunged towards his opponent with uncanny ferocity. He bit the Saiyans ear off, drawing a large amount of blood. A flurry of heavy "Claw" swipes followed this vicious opening act. Celeryian, like other saiyans, was not a clawed creature. At best, he possessed rather long nails, but still used these to tear at flesh. The rival saiyan bellowed in outrage and agony before swinging his heavy fist and clocking Celeryian in the jaw. Warm blood trickled down Celeryian's maw, before dripping to the floor. Celeryian licked the blood and howled as he beat his chest. Utterly infuriated, Celeryian dashed to his assailant and repeatedly bashed his skull with powerful hands. To finish the brawl, Celeryian grabbed his rival by the head and savagely headbutted his nose repeatedly. 
	Despite this horrendous blow, Celeryian still wasn't finished. Taking his rivals testicles in his hand, Celeryian adminstered a powerful crushing force. The saiyan wailed in excruciating pain before falling to his knees. Laughing, Celeryian then picked up a nearby rock and bashed the other Saiyans skull in. Bits of blood, skull, and brain matter flew everwhere, covering Celeryian in the debris. This morbid act filled him with unparalleled joy. 
	Celeryian's rival saiyan dropped to the floor, his head crushed open. Bright red blood spurted out from the grievous injury, and the body twitched. Victorious, Celeryian howled to the sky to signal his superiority. Acting purely out of disrespect and rage, Celeryian traipsed to the corpse and tore at the flesh from its stomach. Savagely, Celeryian consumed his dead rivals flesh. Blood dripped from Celeryian's moving mouth, and he grunted like a beat. After a while, Celeryian composed himself and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief. He giggled, then looked down. "Awwwwwww, you look sick, dearie. Does you head hurt~?" Celeryian taunted before cackling like a hunting hyena. 
	Celeryian strolled around looking up, he was truly happy. Life was truly a blessing, for it was an opportunity to kill. 
This was saiyan life, and for Celeryian, it was a lovely life. Once the sun set, Celeryian entered his familiar cave and sighed. Relaxed, the saiyan kicked off his shoes and curled into a ball. Celeryian piled dirt on himself and began to drift off to sleep. His dreams were populated by dancing Tsujins in Gimp suits, and headless Saiyans. At the end of the dream, Celeryian danced with them. 
	In his sleep, Celeryian's black lips pulled back into a wicked smirk. Saiyan life was joyful.