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Chester quite liked the look of the woman in Greggs who came in briefly and would not mind dating her. She had slightly dark skin and was a white woman with slightly blonde hair.  She looked she was in her 30's? She was standing next to the Greggs counter left of chester as he was sat down and had blue jeans?   At the time chester was thinking no, but now on reflection he thinks yes.
Chester quite liked the look of the woman in Greggs who came in briefly and would not mind dating her. She had slightly dark skin and was a white woman with slightly blonde hair.  She looked she was in her 30's? She was standing next to the Greggs counter left of chester as he was sat down and had blue jeans?   At the time chester was thinking no, but now on reflection he thinks yes.
She was only there briefly but then she left.  Chester remembers this because there were three or young white lads looking at chester, as if to say, do you want her?  But for some weird reason chester was thinking no, but now is a yes.