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[[Module Rate]]
**Item #:** SCP-XXXX
**Object Class: ** Euclid
**Special Containment Procedures:** [SCP-XXXX is to be kept at secure armed bio-containment  site-███ in a 10x10x10m room made of titanium reinforced with steel.  Also with tesla gates around all entrances, and is to have two rapid response fire teams on standby in the event of a containment breach.  Armed bio-containment site-███ is located in the northern half of {DATA REDACTED}
**Special Containment Procedures:** [SCP-XXXX is to be kept at secure armed bio-containment  site-███ in a 10x10x10m room made of titanium reinforced with steel.  Also with tesla gates around all entrances, and is to have two rapid response fire teams on standby in the event of a containment breach.  Armed bio-containment site-███ is located in the northern half of [REDACTED]
**Description:**[ SCP-XXXX is a giant metal spider with a steam punk design based off the goliath bird eater tarantula of South America with ancient Nordic like carvings located on the abdomen, thorax and head. Also SCP-XXXX speaks in the Nordic like language, but completely understands English. SPC -XXXX is Powered with an unknown device, Tests with this device have proven [DATA EXPUNGED], please see test log 1-5 in the addendum. SCP-XXXX has a suite of evolving defensive and offensive tools, so far the foundation has observed tools it has acquired, see list below.
	SCP-XXXX has given himself the name of [REDACTED]. SCP-XXXX was found in the Himalayas and transferred to the foundations care in 1996. The fuel source for SCP-XXXX has been rather difficult to remove, to successful remove the core you must first make it explode and destroy SCP-XXXX before SCP-XXXX re-assembles, approximate time before reconstruction 12 hours, see log [DATA EXPUNGED].
**Addendum: ** [Test Logs Awaiting De-classifation]