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[center][i][font=times new roman][size=46pt]GENERAL INFORMATION[/size][/font][/i][/center]
[center][size=10pt][font=verdana]Having asked around a number of players and browsing the past tournament history, I have decided to host a Sword & Shield only tournament. It is likely to start after the end of the ECS and Total Annihilation 3v3 tournament, however signups will be opening as of today in order to allow plenty of time for everyone to prepare and enter.
I'd like to wish all combatants the best of luck and I hope the tournament will receive a large enough number of signups that there can be a number of unexpected results and comebacks during the course in which it runs; if you have any questions regarding the format or other rules contact me [url=]HERE[/url] [/font][/size][/center]
I'd like to wish all combatants the best of luck and I hope the tournament will receive a large enough number of signups that there can be a number of unexpected results and comebacks during the course in which it runs; if you have any questions regarding the format or other rules contact me [url=]HERE.[/url] [/font][/size][/center]