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I know everyone who gets VAC banned says they didn't cheat, but I really didn't. I was stupid and accidentally left VAC enabled on my local server while I was messing around with/debugging the engine. I wasn't doing anything cheat related, I was trying to binary patch the CSGO/CSS server dlls (and then later turn it into a server plugin) to fix the infamous surf ramp glitch. I'm a nerd. I got an automated response from Steam Support that told me to go fuck myself, essentially.
I know everyone who gets VAC banned says they didn't cheat, but I really didn't. I was stupid and accidentally left VAC enabled on my local server while I was messing around with/debugging the engine. I wasn't doing anything cheat related, I was trying to binary patch the CSGO/CSS server dlls (and then later turn it into a server plugin) to fix the infamous surf ramp glitch. I'm a nerd. I got an automated response from Steam Support that told me to go fuck myself, essentially. Don't let anyone ever tell you "VAC only detects known cheats" because it's bullshit. Change one byte in engine.dll and you're fucked.