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A Message From The Pharaoh and Government of Osiris
At the major update of Saturday 29th December 2012, forces seeking to damage Osiris entered the region and pushed then Council of Ma'at member New Kervoskia to delegacy. This move was unwittingly helped by members of the United Defenders League, who were responding to a request by the official government of Osiris.
Following this, my nation, as well as that of my Kai Repat, Quadrimminia, was ejected and banned from Osiris by the now publicly rogue High Priest of Ma'at. Helped by prominent members of Nationstates from both within Osiris and without, New Kervoskia and one of his co-conspirators, Biyah, had convinced the government of Osiris that an invasion was about to occur, and that using a maneuver known as the TAO Slingshot they could more effectively deal with the invasion than if we had waited the 6 hours before I would've been online, post major update.
I do not fault my cabinet members for being swayed by influential and prominent members of Osiris. For the past year or more, many of the coup members had acted in Osiris in good faith, and had either lead the region previously or contributed to the region in a positive way, keeping it secure and safe. Other members were more recent to Osiris but had also contributed to making Osiris an accepting, open region in Nationstates.
I do not know the true motivations of those who took part in the coup, but if we believe the words of Biyah then part of it was to expose the loopholes in our constitution. For this I thank him and his co-conspirators, the loopholes will be closed. However this will not prevent the coupers from going on trial. Biyah, Dalimbar, Neenee, Nevadar and New Kervoskia will all face trial for Treason.
For reference, the law on treason is this:
[quote]Article One: Treason
1. "Treason" shall be defined as an act that betrays the regional security of Osiris in favor of an outside personality or organization, motivated by the intention to undermine or overthrow the lawful government of Osiris.
2. Treason may be, but is not limited to, the following acts:
A - Espionage: is the taking of sensitive regional information for the benefit of an outside personality or organization not sanctioned by the government of Osiris.
B - Sedition: is the use of the regional forums or any extension of the region that intends to motivate a mutiny against the lawful government of Osiris.
C - Coup Attempt: is any attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of Osiris, including but not limited to endorsement caps violations and other similar acts.[/quote]
Biyah, Dalimbar, Neenee and New Kervoskia are all suspended from citizenship and all positions within Osiris also, to face trial for the following violation of the Osiris Legal Code:
[quote]5. To ensure conflicts of interests are readily identified;
A - Upon election or selection as a Regional Official, they are to the disclose any and all aliases and identities used as well as any involvement, past or present, in a foreign entity, be it regional, organizational or ideological.
[b]B - Failure to disclose or, if there is reasonable suspicion to believe, deception as to a citizen's or Regional Official's identity or involvement in a foreign entity shall therefore be considered an offense under this act and shall result in an immediate suspension of citizenship and temporary removal from office.[/b]
C - Citizens are responsible for updating their Conflicts of Interest on a regular basis. The Pharaoh, Council of Ma'at or Vizier of Security may request an update of any citizen once every 90 days.[/quote]
To our citizens, the Government of Osiris urges you to keep faith that our Kenbet will return the verdicts that we believe are required. Verdicts of guilty for all members of this coup.
In addition to the above, I would like to thank the regions and organisations who came out to help myself regain the delegacy. Our allies The South Pacific, The North Pacific, Balder, Lazarus, and The Rejected Realms, as well as Europeia, the United Defenders League, assorted member regions of the Founderless Regions Alliance and the Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organisation of the region Ten Thousand Islands. Any groups I miss is entirely accidental, and I apologise in advance for doing so.
In addition to the above, I would like to thank the regions and organisations who came out to help myself regain the delegacy. Our allies The South Pacific, The North Pacific, Balder, Lazarus, and The Rejected Realms, as well as Antarctic Oasis, Europeia, the United Defenders League, assorted member regions of the Founderless Regions Alliance and the Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organisation of the region Ten Thousand Islands. Any groups I miss is entirely accidental, and I apologise in advance for doing so.
Questions and inquiries as to the situation are welcome, and I encourage all of you to participate in our two day New Year's RMB and IRC Booze Party, on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.
Regards to all and well wishes for the new year.
Mad Jack, Pharaoh of Osiris,
On behalf of the Government and Region of Osiris