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Rednax Temmur is a male troll about 192cm tall(about 6'2), about 11 sweeps of age(24). His eyes, a deep purple similar to that of the void symbol, stare out of a gaunt face well crafted to project an air of Fervent, Zealotous Loyalty to some higher ideal. He appears to be perhaps 11 sweeps old, a young adult. he is dressed in a black shirt and tie, black trousers, and a black leather trenchcoat and gloves. his coat breast bears a small jewelled silver and indigo pin of his sign, his head has a peaked cap bearing a grinning skull flanked by a paired 2x3 trident and a staff both in polished silver. the trouser legs are tucked into polished leather jackboots. holstered on the belt is a dull grey metal pistol.
Rednax Temmur is a male troll about 192cm tall(about 6'2), about 11 sweeps of age(24). His eyes, a deep purple similar to that of the void symbol, stare out of a gaunt face well crafted to project an air of Fervent, Zealotous Loyalty to some higher ideal. He is of indeterminate age, clearly adult, but that means he could be anywhere from 40 sweeps to 500. he is dressed in a black shirt and tie, black trousers, and a black leather trench coat and gloves. his coat breast bears a small jewelled silver and indigo pin of his sign, his head has a peaked cap bearing a grinning skull flanked by a paired 2x3 trident and a staff both in polished silver. the trouser legs are tucked into polished leather jackboots. holstered on the belt is a dull grey metal pistol.
He is, if there are any with knowledge of alternian history seeing him, In the uniform of a mid ranked Officer of one of the imperial internal security services, 4-5 centuries following the alternian empires first major interplanetary scale Galactic civil war.(400 or so sweeps after the sufferer's death) 
if there are any with more specific/in depth knowledge, he is a post-reorganization Stipatormentorturer Obersturmbannführer, (equivalent to a senior captain or a major, OF-3  on the Nato rank structure)