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<center>  <img src = "">  <p> <font color = "maroon">Enter the Asylum if you dare. <br> No one to enter has ever left quite the same. </p>  <br> <br> <a href = ""> Enter the site here</a> <br> <a href = ""> Come hang out with us in our<br> <hr width = "310"> <p> <button name="send" type="button " value="/transferbucks Asylum Bank, 1">Donate 1 Buck</button> <button name="send" type="button " value="/transferbucks Asylum Bank, 2">Donate 2 Bucks</button> <button name="send" type="button " value="/transferbucks Asylum Bank, 5">Donate 5 Bucks</button> <br> <br> Donating will allow us to improve the league for visitors and to offer a prize for defeating the league.
<center>  <img src = "">  <p> <font color = "maroon">Enter the Asylum if you dare. <br> No one to enter has ever left quite the same. </p>  <br> <br> <a href = ""> Enter the site here</a> <br> <a href = ""> Come hang out with us in our </a><br> <hr width = "310"> <p> <button name="send" type="button " value="/transferbucks Asylum Bank, 1">Donate 1 Buck</button> <button name="send" type="button " value="/transferbucks Asylum Bank, 2">Donate 2 Bucks</button> <button name="send" type="button " value="/transferbucks Asylum Bank, 5">Donate 5 Bucks</button> <br> <br> Donating will allow us to improve the league for visitors and to offer a prize for defeating the league.