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// [ADVERT] Come on down to The De Rose Lounge, today, we unveil our new drink, the chocolate shake, we are infact one of the old family owned restaurants in town that has the new shake machines, so if you want to see some cutting edge modern technology, then swing by The De Rose Lounge, I can personally guarantee that you will enjoy it!
// [ADVERT] Come on down to The De Rose Lounge, the best establishment in town, whether you want a shake, a drink, or even just a burger. So please, come on down and let us show you what we've got to offer, I can personally promise you that you won't regret it.
// [ADVERT] Come on down to The De Rose Lounge, the best establishment in town, whether you want a shake, a drink, or even just a burger we will be pleased to serve you. So take some time, and come on down and let us show you what we've got to offer, I can personally promise you that you won't regret it.
// [ADVERT] Do you want premium quality service at a low price? Do you want to feel like a king without the cost? Well then come on down to The De Rose Lounge, and get yourself a nice drink.