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>On the first day, everything felt as though it were normal.
>No noises, no bright flashing lights… it was all undetectable. The world unaware.
>How tragic that it couldn’t at least stay that way. That if the world were to end, it would have at least done so relatively peacefully. There would be no pain… no suffering.
>No… fire.
>When Canterlot High let the students out at the end of the day, there were smiles on people’s faces everywhere one could look.
>But smiles fade as time goes on, no matter what.
>Twilight heads back to the library… and her smile slowly goes flat as she focuses on her book. Rainbow Dash has a lot of fun out on the soccer fields. She achieves a perfect game and wins a flawless victory.
>But when she goes home and lies down on the couch, her smile turns back into a blank face as she lazily watches TV until she falls asleep.
>The same can be said for everyone. The rest of the mane six, the rest of the kids at school ,the teachers, the other residents of the town, the state, the country and the world. The smiles don’t last forever, and on this day, they really should have lasted as long as they could have.
>Today was the last day they ever had a reason to smile. And yet, they did not know to live this day to the fullest.
>At least they had the privilege of ending their times of happiness on their own terms.
>The night falls upon the town soon enough… and most of the people go to sleep.
>In their beds they unsuspectingly rest, some after partying.
>The mane six in particular are actually planning on going to a party together tomorrow to enjoy their weekend. Most Fridays turn out this way.
>They were all going to meet up there and spend the evening together.
>A perfect Saturday evening.
>Things begin to happen overnight. Distant wailing and humming all around the different places in the world.
>Those who are awake think about recording it somehow, and barely any of them truly believe that it means anything.
>It’s a little bit creepy at first, but the general public, where it’s daylight at the moment, don’t seem to take any sort of notice of it. They have no idea what’s about to happen. And no one will ever have any idea why.
>Canterlot’s side of the world is soon brought back to light as the morning arrives. Applejack is the first to wake up, tending to her farm animals.
>Always bright and early for her responsibilities.
>But there is a drastic change in the environment as Applejack approaches her family’s barn. A loud commotion catches her ears, prompting the girl to grab a nearby pitchfork and assume something is wrong.
>She enters the barn, only to find the horses and cows and everything else within in a collective state of panic and chaos. All of them.
>It’s as though something made them all lose their minds at the same time.
>Applejack first assumes that it was just a storm last night or something, and the animals are still worked up.
>But the ground wasn’t wet when she walked over here, there were no predicted storms for the previous night, and if there was a storm bad enough to keep the animals in a fuss for this long, then Applejack and her family would have surely woken up from it.
>There’s no way that adds up. They sense something.
>Applejack’s next guess is that there is an intruder hiding somewhere in the barn, keeping her mind in the realm of realistic possibilities. She checks every corner, every crevice and gap between the wooden posts. Every single place a person could have hid, no matter how big or small.
>First, Applejack finds that nothing is missing from the barn. Second, she finds that there are so signs of a break in, no other humans in there but her, and the animals STILL freaking out as though whatever is provoking them is still present.
>This is where the first worry of a burglar dissipates, but an ever worse worry sets in.
>What on earth is it that these animals are sensing?
>Is something about to happen?
>After the sun has been hovering over the horizon for a while, Twilight wake up next. Her smile from yesterday still somewhere else.
>She showers, gets dressed and prepares for the day ahead of her after eating breakfast.
>After she knows that more of her friends are up, about noon or so, Twilight begins to text some of them and ask when they are going to be arriving at Pinkie Pie’s house where the party is taking place.
>Twilight texts Rarity first.
>[You up? When are you gonna be at the party?]
>A response doesn’t come in until over twenty minutes later.
>[Sorry, I was in the middle of doing my hair. I saw your text as soon as it came in, and I’ll be there by 5, is that good?]
>[Yup. That sounds great.]
>Twilight texts some of the others, except for Rainbow Dash, since that girl usually sleeps until the late afternoon. Might as well not disturb her.
>Applejack doesn’t respond for some reason, but everyone else agrees to meet at the party by 5 PM. It’s 1:30 right now.
>A few messages to let Applejack know that the party is officially going to start at 5. Pinkie Pie Pinkie Promises to make sure that Applejack is there on time and doesn’t miss out.
>Twilight then heads over to the living room and flips on the TV. She surfs the channels for anything good that might b e on. But she stops right in her tracks as she almost skips past the news.
>The headline: Strange Noises Heard All Over Earth.
>She looks at the screen, and finds shots of different areas of the world with people gathered in large crowds all in one spot.
>After taking a few close looks at the news reports and listening in for a bit, Twilight can’t help but start to feel concerned about all of the things that are simultaneously happening all over the world.
>But Twilight doesn’t let the occurrences bring down her mood; this surely should pass, given that it’s just some stuff she’s seeing on the news.
>She spends the next couple of hours reading a book, thinking about all of the good times she’s going to spend with her friends. Everything appears to be going alright so far, nothing too out of the ordinary happening today other than what Twilight saw on the news.
>4:45 eventually rolls around, and Twilight gets her things ready for the big night. But she gets a text from Rainbow Dash right before she leaves the door.
>[Twilight, you gotta come quick! There’s something happening in town!]
>[What’s happening?]
>Before a response can come in, Twilight can hear a low whining noise coming from outside. It sounds almost like a broken fighter jet, if that’s even a thing. It’s the best was she can describe it in her head.
>Twilight steps out the front door and peers up at the sky. She sees nothing.
>A new response from Rainbow Dash is coming in. [You’re not going to believe this! It’s a legit zombie apocalypse!]
>[Meet me at the school! The other girls are apparently going there now!]
>Twilight goes to her car right away and pulls out of the driveway. She doesn’t waste a second, already fearing for fer friends in every way.
>As she makes it to the town where more people usually are, she begins to make more and more frightening discoveries.
>Car accidents, everywhere.
>So many different vehicles either pulled over to the side of the road or just flipped over in the center with a plume of flames erupting from the bottom. The very sight brings tears of terror to Twilight eyes.
>”Wh-what the…” The girl can barely steer straight.
>She’s shaking violently in her seat. The sharp sound of her phone vibrating catches her off guard, and she almost ends up like half of the other drivers that dared to go on this road.
>Twilight can hardly take a look at downtown as she drives past it. She only prays that the school will be better.
>And she partially gets what she wanted.
>She sees her friends standing there along with a lot of the other students, but the looks of terror on their faces just won’t stop breaking her heart over and over again.
>”Twilight!” Sunset runs over to the car, almost getting hit before Twilight slams on the breaks. “Twilight, what’s going on?”
>Twilight quickly steps out of the car, hardly able to stand from the shakiness.
>”I… I don’t know.” Her own answer scares her.
>”I haven’t seen Applejack anywhere!” Rarity brings up. “I’ve tried to text her and she just dropped off the face of the planet.”
>Just at this moment, Rainbow Dash arrives on foot. “We gotta go inside now!” She blares in the most frightening tone Twilight has ever heard out of her.
>”What is it?” Fluttershy asks.
>”No time! We gotta go inside now!”
>”But…” Twilight starts off, but can’t think of anything to say.
>Just across the field in the stadium, everyone in front of the school can suddenly see a bunch of people running in their direction. They’re too far away for anyone to make out any details aside the strange way they are wildly sprinting as though they are covered in bees or something.
>”INSIDE! NOW!” Rainbow Dash is already heading through the doors.
>Fluttershy starts to cry as she follows the now perturbed group of students into the school. Twilight is still feeling some tears reach her eyes from seeing her friends in such a panic.
>This better just be a dream.
>Questions are being frantically asked over eachother.
>What’s going on? Where are the other people I care about? Am I going to die? How long has this been happening? Who else is here? Is this happening everywhere? Are we safe in here?
>So many things to worry about, too little time to think of a way to barricade the front doors.
>”Is everyone okay?” Twilight tries to get some sort of order established, knowing that nobody in the room, not even herself, feels okay.
>Nobody can answer, as they are all interrupted by the loud banging of fists on the glass doors of the entrance to the school. Pinkie Pie screams in horror before running off to elsewhere in the school. Nobody saw Fluttershy escape to wherever she just went.
>”What’s wrong with them?” Twilight cries out in despair as the now close up runners pound away on the glass.
>They are all… covered in blood. And the looks in their eyes don’t even seem anything close to anything resembling human.
>Flash Sentry comes out from around a corner, spotting Twilight in less than a second.
>”Oh my god! Twilight!” He’s noticing the tears in her eyes.
>”Wh… what’s wrong with them?” Twilight repeats, this time breaking down in tears.
>Flash runs up to her as the other students run as far away from the doors as they can. The people on on the outside of the doors try to push their way in, not appearing to realize that they have to pull the doors to open them.
>”Get away from the door!” Principal Celestia suddenly appears in the doorway to her office.
>She steps into the main hallway with a broken-off broomstick. She herself looks extremely afraid of whatever it is that’s going on.
>”We gotta go, Twilight!” Flash insists as he tries to pull the girl to her feet.
>Celestia approaches them.
>”What are you two doing? We have to go now!”
>”WHAT’S GOING ON?!” Twilight screams at the top of her lungs, tears streaming down her face.
>Flash’s shaky hands manage to help her to her feet. The people outside start to viciously grab onto the door handle and start pushing and pulling.
>Once one of the doors swing open, they somehow figure out the mechanisms of the doors and open all of them. Principal Celestia retreats back to her office, and Flash steps in front of Twilight.
>”Stay back!” He shouts to the six or seven people now running straight towards him.
>Twilight, noticing Celestia run into her office while the blood covered people enter the building, instinctively gets to her feet and runs. Flash sees Twilight fleeing and follows her with the people close behind.
>If these people weren’t running so sloppily and unevenly, they would have easily caught up.
>Twilight loudly wails to herself and Flash as the two helplessly run down hallway after hallway looking for an unlocked door. At this point, this is exactly like a nightmare. It would be just as vivid if it weren’t for the tears clouding up Twilight’s eyes.
>One of the classroom doors are open, allowing Twilight and Flash to enter and close the door as quickly as they can. It’s locked in a heartbeat.
>Twilight falls to her knees while hiding her face in her hands.
>The uneven footsteps accompanied by strained grunting momentarily passes by the classroom door. The number of students standing outside the school literally two minutes ago surely outnumbers the number of bloody people by about 20 to around 8.
>Now with apparent newfound knowledge of how doors work, one of the “zombies” tries the locked door handle. Thank goodness for it being locked.
>Twilight knows to hold in her scream, now coming to her senses.
>And now… a whole minute of silence.
>No footsteps, hardly any audible breathing, nothing.
>Flash then suddenly speaks up. “Are… are you okay?”
>After Twilight’s honest answer, Flash doesn’t say anything else for a few more seconds. He strides over to the locked door and peers through the window.
>Nothing in sight.
>”Are they gone?” Twilight feels the corners of her mouth bending down. “Please tell me there’s nothing there…”
>”I don’t see anything. But I’m not sure about around the corner.”
>Just the very sound of that makes Twilight’s skin crawl.
>”Alright, listen.” Flash tells Twilight. “Everything’s going to be alright. I’m just going to go out there really quickly and see if the hallway’s clear.”
>Twilight silently nods in response.
>With that, Flash unlocks the door as quietly as he can and slowly swings it open. Nothing jumps out at him.
>Nothing in the hallway at all.
>He steps out the doorway and turns back to Twilight.
>”I’m going to take a good look down the hallway in both directions. I need you to do something for me.”
>”…” Twilight can’t find the words to respond with.
>”I don’t wanna get up.”
>”Twilight please!” The urgency can easily be heard in Flash’s voice as he tries his hardest to remain calm.
>The girl shuts her eyes and reluctantly rises to her feet. She walks over to flash on shaking legs, wanting nothing less than to follow him out there.
>”Listen. Just wait here with your hands on the door. If I come running back, I’ll be sprinting right back into here. And I need you to shut the door right after I make it back in, alright?” Flash hesitantly lays out his plan through drawn out breathing.
>Once again, Twilight responds with a silent nod.
>Flash steps out of the room and begins to creep deeper into the hallway to his left of the door. He notices a few of the lockers are open, which doesn’t make sense due to today being a Saturday.
>The doors are opening in Flash’s direction, meaning that he has to go to the other side of the doors in order to see into the lockers.
>He carefully approaches the lockers, ready to run at any given split second.
>First locker… nothing in there aside school supplies.
>Twilight anxiously watches Flash from inside the classroom as he goes to check the other two open lockers. He speaks to her without even looking back.
>”Just stay there, Twily. I’ll handle this.” He isn’t careful enough to speak quietly.
>”Shh… don’t let any of them hear you!” Twilight immediately feels the need to remind him for the good of his safety.
>”Don’t worry. I’m the freaking quarterback, it’s not like I can’t run fast.” Flash replies before turning around to face the classroom door. “Besides I don’t see-” He abruptly pauses.
>The stunned look on his face petrifies Twilight.
>”W-w-what?” She stutters as flash widens his eyes further than Twilight has ever seen.
>In the other direction of the door is another locker, this one opening away where the gap can be seen into from Flash’s position.
>And a face peers through that gap.
>Flash has already moved far out enough into the hallway for the person in the locker to be much closer to the door than he is; Flash is about three times as far away.
>And he lets out a bloodcurdling scream as the stalker promptly leaps out of the locker and charges at the boy.
>Flash sprints in the opposite direction, fleeing deeper into the hallways. He turns a corner and spots two more of the bloody people, running in his direction after hearing his cry of terror.
>Twilight had already shut and locked the door after seeing the other “zombie” appear out of nowhere in pursuit of Flash. She’s not taking any chances with opening the door again.
>She retreats to the far corner of the room, letting out screams of horror and curling up into a ball.
>She retreats to the far corner of the room, letting out screams of horror and curling up into a fetal position.
>Flash’s footsteps, surrounded by pursuing footsteps shuffle around outside in the hall for a few second, with Flash shouting for the zombies to get away.
>They must have had him cornered; Twilight hears him suddenly cry as loudly as he can after the sound of his body being tackled to the floor resounds a few feet from the door.
>He continues loudly writhing in agony as the people covered in blood, the “zombies”, do whatever they’re doing to him. After about fifteen seconds, Twilight can easily tell just what that is.
>She had never heard the sound of flesh being torn apart until this day. This accompanied by desperate sounds from Flash is all Twilight needs to put the pieces together in her head as Flash is torn to pieces in the hall.
>She had never heard the sound of flesh being torn apart until this day. This accompanied by desperate guttural sounds from Flash is all Twilight needs to put the pieces together in her head as Flash is torn to pieces in the hall.
>Twilight actually covers her ears before thinking to cover her eyes. Flash dies somewhere during the time Twilight mutes all of the sounds around her.
>She stays in the position for as long as she can.
>Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash frequently texts Twilight’s number from inside the gym. The doors have all been locked.
>”Why isn’t she picking up?” Dash can only imagine the worst as the other students try to calm eachother down.
>Dash sends a few more text messages to Twilight. They each get more and more frantic as the minutes pass, with still no response.
>”Twilight, please pick up!” Dash aggressively mumbles to her phone.
>No response.
>A few staggering footsteps can be heard rushing past the gym doors. Everyone’s attention is caught by this. Rainbow Dash slips her phone back into her pocket and backs away into the center of the gym with everyone else.
>”Stay quiet!” Rarity keeps her voice just barely hearable enough for the other students next to her to make out what she’s saying.
>Everyone begins to shake again.
>The people outside the doors make a few changes in their directions for a minute or two, likely searching.
>It’s a good thing Pinkie Pie chose the gym to use as a hiding place. If she had led most of everyone else to some other random place in the school where there weren’t locks on the doors, they surely would have been overrun.
>”I saw a lot more of them before I got here. They’ve probably flooded the school by now.” Rainbow Dash tells everyone. “There’s definitely too many of them for us to fight off. We just gotta wait this out.”
>”Can’t we hide on top of the bleachers or something?” Suggests Sunset.
>”The hydraulics make too much noise.” Explains the gym teacher Bulk Biceps. “They’ll definitely hear that.”
>”We don’t have to open them up to climb up to the top. I’ve climbed up there before. It’s like climbing up a rock wall.”
>Bulk does see Sunset’s point, until he looks around at the other seven students or so. “You sure everyone’s going to be able to do the same?”
>He then remembers how the rope climbing sessions during gym classes were for his students.
>”Whenever any of my classes did the rope unit, barely anyone could make it that high. The last thing we need right now is someone falling and breaking their arm or something.”
>”Hey, wait…” Sunset think to herself. “How about we use a rope? Wouldn’t that be easier?” She tries to convince the gym teacher.
>”Can’t. Utility room with the climbing rope is across the hall.”
>Rarity takes a look at how high up the closed bleachers go. They easily go over one entire story high.
>”I’m not sure I can climb that.” She admits with a deep concern in her voice. “You sure we can’t use… something?”
>Rarity is already looking around for anything she could use.
>”Well if we can make it up there, then the people out there can’t reach us if they get in here.” Explains Sunset, trying to convince herself as well. “They… they really shouldn’t be able to.”
>”Are you sure they’re not zombies?” Asks Pinkie. “They looked like zombies!”
>”Whatever it is that’s wrong with them, we shouldn’t get near them. They could have rabies for all we know.”
>”In large groups?”
>Sunset groans. “Whatever. Let’s just look for something already.”
>All of the students in the gym cooperatively begin searching the gym, wanting nothing more than to find whatever it is they can use to get to the top of the bleachers and escape whatever it is that might come in here.
>Bulk Biceps retrieves his keys from his little office next to the locker rooms and uses them to access the smaller utility closets that connect directly to the gym. And this really pays off.
>After a few more minutes of searching, they are actually lucky enough to get their hands on some bungee cords and other wall climbing equipment. Even better than the massive rope that would have been less appropriate for the situation.
>None of them waste a second.
>”I’ll go up first.” Rainbow Dash offers, already jumping up onto the side of the closed bleachers.
>A dull growl sounds from right outside of one of the gym doors, followed by loud banging.
>With a brief squeak, Pinkie Pie leaps up onto the bleachers and climbs up all the way to the top before Rainbow Dash even makes it halfway up. Sunset, Sandalwood and Cherry Crash follow shortly after. They made it up just fine without the bungee cords.
>”I can’t climb this!” Mystery Mint complains after falling back to the floor many times.
>”That’s fine, that’s fine.” Bulk starts to unravel the bungee cords. “It’s a good thing we thought of this.”
>The banging on the gym door becomes louder and more frequent.
>”Pass it up here!” Rainbow Dash calls down from the top of the bleachers, reaching out her hand.
>Bulk passes the bungee cords to Dash before climbing up the side of the bleachers himself. His weight alone slightly bends the things forward, but he manages to get to the top with ease.
>”I can’t do that either!” Rarity hasn’t even made one further attempt to climb up the bleachers.
>Mystery Mint holds up her arms as the ruckus at the gym door continues. ”Throw the cords down! Please!”
>Rainbow Dash tosses one end of the bungee cords down to Mystery Mint. All of the shouting has attracted a series of grunts and banging on the doors on both sides of the gym now.
>”Alright, Mysty. Just wrap it around yourself or something.” Dash instructs the girl. “Sandal and I will pull you up, okay?”
>Mystery Mint is on the verge of tears as she wraps the bungee equipment around herself. Bulk takes Dash’s place at the top of the bleachers, obviously able to pull somebody up with more ease than a runner.
>”Man, we’d probably be screwed without you here. It’s a good thing you were here today.” Sandalwood thanks the gym teacher. “But like… why Saturday?”
>”Catching up on paperwork.” Bulk explains. “But that’s not important now.”
>The two pull Mystery Mint up to the top of the bleachers as she partially climbs as well, leaving only Rarity at the bottom. The remaining girl sticks to the surface of the bleachers and anxiously waits for her turn to be lifted up.
>Her turn arrives in seconds when the equipment is lowered down to her.
>”Come on, Rarity! You got this!” Encourages Dash, showing support for her friend.
>She puts the equipment on, connects the cords like how Mystery Mint did, and holds onto the sides of the bleachers as she is helped up by Sandalwood and Bulk Biceps.
>All of the students now rest atop the closed bleachers with Bulk Biceps.
>They check the battery life on their mobile phones, but soon find that doing so is unnecessary while there are eight electrical outlets around the gym and that Rarity has her charger with her in her purse.
>Now all they have to worry about is the service staying up for them to contact anyone at all. Sunset and Rainbow Dash immediately go back to trying to contacting their friend Twilight, who still doesn’t answer to any text messages.
>But Pinkie Pie gets a response from Fluttershy after texting her.
>[Where are you? A lot of us made it to the gym. The doors are locked, the zombies can’t get in, and we’re all on top of the bleachers anyway in case they do.]
>[OMG are they really zombies?]
>[Yes they are, where are you?]
>[Janitor’s closet. I can’t lock them out, but they don’t know I’m here as long as I’m silent.]
>[How far from the gym are you?]
>[Really far I think.]
>”So where is she?” Rainbow Dash asks Pinkie.
>”She’s in some janitor’s closet. I think they only lock from the outside, so she can’t keep them from opening the door.”
>Rainbow Dash slams her fist onto the metal surface below her, sending out a resounding echo that provokes more banging on the gym doors.
>Sunset steps in and places her hand on Dash’s shoulder. “It’ll be fine. Fluttershy’s like the quietest girl I know. There’s no way they’ll hear her in there.”
>Pinkie continues to text Fluttershy. [Don’t forget to mute all the sounds on your phone. And how did you get into the janitor’s closet anyway?]
>[My phone’s always muted. And the door was already open for some reason. But I didn’t see the janitor anywhere.]
>Sunset still tries to bring calmness to Rainbow Dash as Pinkie texts Fluttershy.
>”And what about Twilight? Huh?” Rainbow Dash gripes with tears beginning to fill her eyes.
>”She’s a smart girl. There’s no way she didn’t run once those things… uh, people came in.”
>”Then how didn’t she make it to the gym?”
>”She probably just ran and hid somewhere else like Fluttershy.” Sunset knows that this statement is most likely false.
>But why isn’t she answering?” Dash brings up.
>And that is exactly why the statement is probably false. Sunset feels a piercing feeling in her stomach when she imagines all of the things that could have happened to Twilight, resulting in her not answering any text messages after being so worried for her friends just a few minutes ago.
>It isn’t hard to put the pieces together.
>”We need her, Sunset! We’re nowhere near as powerful without her!”
>Sunset tries to keep her friend’s morale up. “Get ahold of yourself! We’re strong enough as long as we have eachother!”
>”That only works in movies! Or when there’s less than like five people we need to stop. This is different!”
>”It can’t be anything we don’t-”
>”YES IT IS!” Rainbow Dash snaps, falling back with tears streaming down her cheeks. “This is happening all over the world! Not just here! I’m not even sure if our combined magic can stop this! It’s effecting literally everybody! It’s…” Her voice breaks up as the others try their best to ignore her words. “I… I just…”
>”YES IT IS!” Rainbow Dash snaps, falling back with tears streaming down her cheeks. “This shit is happening all over the world! Not just here! I’m not even sure if our combined magic can stop this! It’s effecting literally everybody! It’s…” Her voice breaks up as the others try their best to ignore her words. “I… I just…”
>She begins to sob, covering her face with her hands. Rarity tries to think of a way to counter Dash’s point, wiping away at the lines of mascara running down her face.
>”Rainbow…” Sunset tries to keep some form of positivity.
>”We’re doomed! Twilight’s dead, Applejack’s dead, and we’re going to be dead before tomorrow, aren’t we?”
>”We’re fucking doomed! Twilight’s dead, Applejack’s dead, and we’re going to be dead before tomorrow, aren’t we?”
>”Stop it! Please just stop!” Pinkie Pie covers her ears and screams at the two. “We’re going to be okay! Everyone’s alive! They probably just dropped their phones somewhere when they ran away! Zombies are weak and we are strong!”
>Rarity begins to sob just as loudly as Rainbow Dash.
>Pinkie begins to trail off in her words. “Please… we have to stay positive…”
>”What can you four do on your own?” Asks Cherry crash. “You still have some power, right?”
>Rainbow Dash bangs the back of her head against the wall. “Not if there are literally hundreds of thousands of these people all over the world running around attacking people! We’re only good for small problems, not things like this. That’s what the military is for.”
>”Wait… wait, the military!” Exclaims Sunset. “They’ll be able to handle this with no problem!”
>”How do you know?” Asks Rainbow Dash before Sandalwood joins in.
>”Hey, wait. Can’t we get like… the news or something on out phones?” The boy brings up as he starts to scroll through his apps. “I’m pretty sure they would tell us about it if the military was on top of this.”
>”I’ve… never thought of that before.” Rarity admits.
>”I saw the news this morning.” Reveals Pinkie Pie. “They didn’t say anything about the military, just weird things happening all over the world.”
>Sunset curses.
>”God damn it.” Sunset curses.
>”But that was this morning.” Rainbow Dash suddenly clings to optimism out of nowhere. “Maybe something’s being done now.”
>The girl can’t allow herself to be on the bright side of things unless she absolutely knows that everything is going to be okay.
>”Somebody check now.” Sunset urges as she herself pulls out her own phone.
>Everyone simultaneously checks their phones. Over the next minute and a half, the group takes turns listing what mobile sites they went to and what stories about the incident they heard so far. And a lot of the news coverages seem to conflict eachother.
>One states that the government has sent fighter jets to “neutralize any threat” to the homeland soil. Another describes SWAT teams actively battling rampant riots in the city. A third informs the public that the national guard has been deployed and the “neutralization of the situation” is being “vigorously approached”.
>There’s even one source that describes New Zealand as one of the only places in the world where nothing is going wrong.
>”Well I guess thats… good?” Sunset then turns to Rainbow Dash. “Still keep trying Twilight. I’ll keep trying to reach Applejack.”
>Twilight’s number is texted at least twenty more times in the next six minutes.
>Still under one of the desks in the classroom, Twilight waits another twenty minutes or so to open her eyes and uncover her ears.
>It is now when she hears her phone on the surface of one of the desks.
>Twilight finds over 40 messages from Rainbow Dash and over 30 messages from Sunset asking where she is and if she’s alive. She knows she must reply immediately to let them know she’s okay.
>[Oh my god, where are you? I’m alive.] She types the message and sends it.
>[TWILIHGT DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT I THOUGH YOU WERE DEAD] Rainbow Dash responds in less than ten seconds. [Gym. Where are you?]
>[TWILIHGT HOLY SHIT DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT I THOUGH YOU WERE DEAD] Rainbow Dash responds in less than ten seconds. [Gym. Where the fuck are you?]
>[One of the classrooms. Door’s locked.] She then hesitates to deliver the next message to them. [Flash didn’t make it.]
>[WTF NO] Dash responds. [Please tell me hes alive]
>Twilight clumsily types the next message and buries her head into her knees as she presses send.
>[I’m so sorry.]
>On the other end, Rainbow Dash nearly throws her phone across the room. She stomps her feet onto the surface of the bleachers and begins to sob once more. Sunset takes the hint, and starts to text Twilight herself.
>[Twilight. Can you call us?] She sends the message before finally getting a reply from Applejack’s number.
>Sunset reads the text from Applejack next.
>[Are you alone?] Is the response to Sunset’s message asking if she’s near enough to meet up.
>On Applejack’s end, the Apple family all finish up boarding up the windows to the house. Not just the ones who live at the house, the entire Apple family. All twenty-something of them.
>They had all grouped together hours ago after the early signs of a disaster became apparent to them.
>Having farm animals has its benefits.
>A lot of the boys and men from the Apple family have brought their guns with them, while Applejack and Big Mac already had their own two shotguns just in case something like this happened.
>Applejack sits at the dining room table with her phone in her lap. She sends Sunset another text, knowing for a fact that there are already a ton of mouths to feed if this disaster becomes long-term.
>[I said are you alone?] Applejack asks again.
>[No, actually. I’m trapped in the gym right now. Most of the girls are here with me.]
>That answer from Sunset was all Applejack needed to see.
>[I’m at my house.] She responds. [Can’t go into town, too much happening everywhere. I’m afraid I’m too far away to come see the rest of yall for now. Looks like we’ll have to wait this one out.]
>Sunset frantically types the next message.
>[How are things going at your place? You live in the outskirts of town, right?]
>[Kinda, yeah. But there’s too much happening in between us to travel to one another. It’s not worth it. If either of us try to go to the other, we’ll probably end up in a bad situation.]
>[Makes sense.] Sunset sends the message right as Rainbow Dash’s phone rings. [We’ll stay in touch, though.]
>[Of course, sugarcube. I’ll text he others now that I’m alright.]
>”Girls, Twilight’s calling us!” Dash exclaims before holding the phone up in front of her.
>They all gather around Rainbow Dash as she sets her phone to speakerphone.
>[“Girls?”] Twilight’s voice sounds from the other end.
>”Twilight!” Exclaims Pinkie Pie as she lurches forward.
>[“Are you all okay?”]
>The students on the top of the bleachers cannot stop talking over eachother. They all try to answer Twilight all at once, more than happy to hear her voice.
>”Twilight, we saw on the news that the military is already taking care of things.” Explains Rarity. “We must stick together until someone comes and saves us. Where are you?”
>[“I’m in a classroom! Flash was with me but they got him.”] Twilight reveals before a chorus of muttering comes from the group. “But are you all okay? You need to answer me one at a time.”]
>”The gang’s all here except for Fluttershy and Applejack.” Rainbow Dash assures Twilight.
>”Applejack is okay. I just got a text from her.” Sunset jumps in.
>”You did?” Dash almost swipes Sunset’s phone out of her hand.
>”Yes, she said she’s fine. She’s at her house with her family in the rural part of town. But they can’t come here because they’re too far away, and there’s too much chaos everywhere else right now.”
>The students all speak amongst eachother.
>[“What about Fluttershy?”] Asks Twilight.
>”She’s in a janitor’s closet. None of the zombies know she’s there.” Pinkie Pie answers. “We need to get her to come over here so we’re all together.”
>[“Okay, okay okay. Just let me think of something.”] Twilight sits upright in a chair on the other end, nervously twiddling her thumbs.
>”Can you leave the room?” Asks Dash.
>[“Please, Rainbow! Just let me think for a minute!”]
>Rainbow Dash backs away from the phone and looks down a little. “Okay, sorry.”
>”Y-you’re going to be able to save us again, right?” Asks Cherry Crash.
>”Of course.” A still in shock Sunset can hardly speak coherently after hearing about Flash. “We’ll be able to regroup and fend of against… whatever this is until the military arrives.”
>She somehow almost silently hyperventilates between her words.
>[“How close to the gym is Fluttershy?”] Asks Twilight.
>”She said that she’s pretty far. I’m texting her now that you’re alright.” Pinkie pounds away at her touch screen with her fingertips.
>On the other end, Twilight stands up and slowly approaches the door to the classroom. She looks through the little window, trying her best to ignore the two tiny specs of blood now on it on the outside.
>But what she sees in the hall forces her to instantly turn away and nearly vomit.
>But shat she sees in the hall forces her to instantly turn away and nearly vomit.
>Flash was literally right in front of the door when he was killed. He lies on it’s back in a pool of blood, facing the ceiling with the entire front side of his torso completely ripped open and disemboweled.
>Flash was literally right in front of the door when he was killed. His mangled corpse lies on it’s back in a pool of blood, facing the ceiling with the entire front side of his torso completely ripped open and disemboweled.
>Twilight gags a second time, but manages to keep her lunch through shutting her eyes and turning her mind off for a second or two.
>[“Twilight, are you still there?”] Rainbow Dash’s voice on the other end begins to sound more worried again.
>”Y-yes…” Twilight forces the words out after another few seconds.
>[“Are you close to the gym?”]
>Twilight thinks about which classroom for a couple of seconds. She usually has them all memorized, but it still takes her a while to get everything in her mind sorted out.
>”I th-think… s-so…” She then realizes that this classroom is actually relatively close to the gym. “Yeah… yeah the room I’m in is kinda close.”
>[“Twilight, you need to come over to us. You’ll be safer in here, darling.”] Rarity urges.
>”I don’t know if it’s safe to go into the hallways.”
>[“What do you see out there?”] Asks Rainbow Dash.
>Without looking through the window yet, Twilight covers her view of the lower portion of the window with her hand so she can’t see the floor. She then leans in to peek through the glass.
>A rugged face stares right back at her, only inches away. There’s blood all around this man’s mouth.
>Twilight lets out a sharp screech and shoots herself backward before the man on the other side of the door begins pounding away. And he’s banging on the thing with all of his strength.
>[“Twilight! What’s going on?”] The phone is now on the floor a couple of feet away from Twilight.
>She fumbles around on the floor and reaches over to pick the thing up. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! There’s one of them out there right now!”
>[“Listen to me, Twi. You need to find a way out of that classroom.”] Dash tells her. [“You need to come over here with us.”]
>Twilight’s answer is cut off by the shattering of the window’s glass. The girl looks over to find the zombie man reaching through and trying to turn the doorknob from the inside.
>A full on scream is brought out of Twilight, now sounding throughout the halls and attracting even more of the zombies to her location.
>[“Twilight!”] Rainbow Dash shouts on the other end, having heard all of the noises. [“Twilight talk to m-”]
>Not a second is spared as Twilight leaps over all of the desks in the classroom after picking up her phone. She accidentally hung up, and tries to send a text to Rainbow Dash before the deathly clicking of the door being unlocked reaches her ears.
>Twilight opens the window and punches at the screen until it breaks and falls off. By now, the door has been opened and at least five of the zombies are spilling into the room. Twilight barely has a half a second to climb out the window.
>She throws her phone out first before leaping out after it.
>But a sudden hand tightly grabs onto Twilight’s ankle. It pulls her back into the room, where more hands grab onto Twilight’s now desperately kicking legs.
>She hits one of them in the face with her foot and forces him to let go, and it’s just enough to allow Twilight to pull herself halfway out the window again.
>But when she gets a good enough view of what’s going on outside the school, she can tell that her fate is nothing more or less than sealed. These things are still wandering around everywhere outside as well; and in much larger numbers.
>There are at least twenty of them sprinting in Twilight’s direction from all angles. The girl still rapidly kicks at the zombies inside, who are now taking bites out of her up to her thighs.
>Twilight tries to roll onto her stomach and crawl out with a good hold on the outside window sill, even though it’s clearly hopeless at this point.
>However, the shattered glass at the bottom of the frame slices into Twilight’s lower abdomen as she tries to pull herself out. Not only this, but the zombies outside the building have gathered around the girl and pull her arms up towards their twisted faces.
>She screams, and screams, and screams.
>The hands pull Twilight’s clothes back in both directions and start to rip the girl open from the middle.
>At least Twilight was lucky enough to pass out from the pain before the worst of things. What she didn’t stay alive to feel was her pelvic area giving way to the combined tension and getting pulled apart.
>Twilight’s upper half above the waist is pulled out onto the grass while everything below is taken back into the classroom. A few feet away from the feasting zombies, Twilight’s phone vibrates on the grass as Rainbow Dash continuously calls.
>”Come on, come on… just PICK UP!” Dash gripes in a shaky voice in front of the other students on top of the bleachers. “Twilight!” She violently shakes the phone.
>Tears begin to fill everyone’s eyes as more time goes on without a response. They all look down to their knees as they pray for their princess leader.
>”Darling, she’s probably running for her life right now.” Rarity tries to make this positive. “We should listen out for her in case she makes it to here.”
>Rainbow Dash starts to through a fit with her eyes watering up too much for her to see well. Sunset has to hold her still so she doesn’t lose her balance and fall down to the gym floor below. Pinkie Pie tries to send Fluttershy as many text messages as she can, now keeping a fake smile on her face to keep from crying.
>Her hands are almost shaking too much to type anything readable.
>The panic goes on for a few more moments before dying down when nothing happens. Mystery Mint scoots all the way over to the far end of the bleachers and leans against the two walls of the corner as she silently cries.
>After about forty five minutes of silence, Rainbow Dash starts to whimper and try Twilight’s number again for the millionth time. Still no response.
>”Well if she left her phone behind or something, I’m sure that she ran quickly enough to get away.” Rarity tries to convince her after apparently getting a text from Sweetie Belle that she’s okay. “I mean, she did hang up.”
>The two talk to eachother for a little bit longer, with Rarity trying to convince Rainbow Dash that everything is going to be okay. They soon fall silent once more, sitting atop the closed bleachers as the “zombies” outside occasionally walk by the gym doors and try them again.
>The point soon comes when some of the phones are running low on battery. In response to this, Bulk Biceps eventually agrees to be the one to jump down from the top of the bleachers and stay at ground level whenever someone needs to have their phones charged.
>It’s a little bit of an obstacle that the outlets all have to be on or near the floor, but at least they’re there at all.
>The gym teacher climbs down the side of the closed bleachers with ease with Pinkie Pie’s phone and Rarity’s charger in his back pocket. He plugs it into one of the outlets on the nearest walls and stands by while the phone is charged.
>After a few more seconds, a faint banging sound can be heard from somewhere else in the school. Not the kind from on the doors, but… almost like fireworks going off.
>Just after this happens, Pinkie Pie’s phone vibrates with a new text from Fluttershy. Bulk is the only one nearby to read it.
>[Did any of you hear those gun shots?]
>”Hey, you’re not going to believe this!” Bulk calls up to the students. “Fluttershy just texted you, Pinkie. And she says that she can hear gunshots.”
>Rainbow Dash perks up in her seat as Rarity lets out a loud sigh of relief.
>”Well it’s about time!” She groans. “Quick, how do the rest of us get down?”
>”Oh my god, finally!” Sunset joins in before the rest of the students start to chatter.
>Bulk gets another text on Pinkie’s phone.
>[OMG it’s Luna and Cadence!]
>The teacher stares at the screen as more messages come in. The students wait for him to finish reading the messages so they can hear more good news.
>[They just saved me. And a bunch of other students too.] Fluttershy explains. [They told me that Principal Celestia called them over by phone.]
>”She says it’s Dean Cadence from Crystal Prep and Vice Principal Luna.” Bulk tells the students before looking at yet another message. “And uh… they apparently have guns from the other school with them.”
>Whatever, still good enough.
>The students on top of the bleachers get ready to start heading down. This task seems to be a lot harder than going up, due to how high up they are.
>More gunshots can be heard echoing through the halls. They’re getting closer.
>”We’re in here!” Rainbow Dash shouts.
>Some commotion rings about in the outside hallway for a moment before three more loud gunshots followed by knocking on the gym door.
>”Hello? Are you in here?” A female voice calls out.
>”The doors are locked.” Dash curses to herself.
>”Shit, the doors are locked.” Dash curses to herself.
>Bulk Biceps is already headed over to the door. “I got it.” He unlocks it to let in Vice Principal Luna.
>She quickly steps in, pointing her gun to the ceiling like a secret agent in a movie. She looks around for a split second before calling back to her comrades.
>”It’s safe in here!”
>They all start pouring into the gym; Luna, Indigo Zap, Fluttershy, Norman, Derpy, Trixie, Cadence, and Roseluck.
>”Close the doors!” Orders Cadence.
>The students at the top of the bleachers watch the new members of the group down below. They start to feel a rush of excitement and happiness rush over them, until they hear what Cadence says next.
>”I’m out of ammo. There’s just so many of them out there. We need a new plan if we’re going to make it out of here.” She reveals.
>”Alright everyone, listen up.” Luna begins. “Does anyone here know of a safe place to go outside of town?”
>Sunset straightens her back in her seat, remembering Applejack’s distant location from town.
>”We’re so glad you got here.” Bulk starts to speak to the Dean and Vice Principal. “We were kind of on our toes trying to make it here.”
>”Is my sister still in her office?” Luna asks. “We just came in one of the side doors. Thank goodness for this gym being secure. Everyone else can wait here while the ones with guns can go to the office.”
>”It’s not like Trixie can’t do anything to help. She’s just… not going to risk dying when there are other people with guns who can kill those things more easily.” Proclaims Trixie.
>Sunset considers speaking up about Applejack.
>”I think where we are now is our best bet.” Proclaims Rarity as she leans against the wall. “We have a high up place to stay just in case they get in here. And that’s even if they do get in here. Not only that, but we have Bulk Biceps and a couple of handguns to protect us.”
>She has a pretty good point.
>”I think we can defend ourselves with some of the equipment in here as well.” Adds Luna. “I’d rather save the bullets I have for when we truly need them.”
>Fluttershy stands in the corner, not seeming to be willing to climb up to the top of the closed bleachers.
>”As long as we keep the doors locked, we probably won’t have to use the guns. They don’t even have any windows to see into here.” Cadence observes.
>Rainbow Dash jumps down from the top of the bleachers in one leap. She didn’t even hurt her legs or anything.
>”Rainbow, where are you going?” Rarity asks as Rainbow Dash gestures for Bulk to follow her.
>”I’m getting some stuff to use as weapons. Just in case any of them get in here.” She lets the gym teacher unlock the door to the utility closet again and swings it open. “See? We’ve got broom sticks we could use.”
>She gives one of the brooms to Bulk, who removes the sweeper end and snaps the stick in half.
>”You sure it will be enough?” Asks Sunset, jumping into the conversation to work it over to Applejack.
>Sandalwood is already getting the bungee cords ready to lower himself down. He calls down to Bulk for him to come back up and hold onto the cords. The gym teacher tells him to wait a minute while he sorts things out.
>”It really should be, as long as we stick together to keep our numbers high.” Explains Dash. “If there’s anything I’ve learned from zombie movies, it’s to always stay in one big group at all costs.”
>”I agree.” Pinkie Pie confirms. “Splitting up is the dumbest idea for surviving a zombie attack.”
>”Which is why we should all go together when going to get Principal Celestia.” Suggests Cadence. “We can all huddle together in the hallways facing out in all directions.”
>Indigo Zap walks up to her. “You mean like, make a phalanx or something?”
>”Exactly. Work as a single unit.”
>”So… we’re going to leave the gym, then. And like, not come back?” Indigo Zap asks.
>”Well no. I mean, we can lock the doors from the outside with Luna’s keys and come back with Celestia. Why?”
>”I don’t know… it looks pretty safe in here. And like… really unsafe out there.”
>Vice Principal speaks up again. “Well my sister’s still out there, and we need to get her.”
>”And like Pinkie said.” Cadence agrees. “Splitting up is one of the worst moves we can make. You pretty much have to come with us. We have strength in numbers.”
>”But what about if we have too many numbers? As in… like…” Indigo Zap starts off.
>”Like what?”
>”Like… what if… we get too crowded and can’t do as much because there isn’t enough… operating space?”
>Luna stares at the ceiling for a few seconds to think about this. Cadence looks back down at her empty gun.
>Indigo Zap continues. “Plus, wouldn’t it be a good thing to let a couple of us stay behind and watch over the gym? And if any of them get in, they can just text us about it or something?” She looks up to the remaining students atop the bleachers. “And they can stay up there so the… zombie… things can’t reach them.”
>Cadence drops her jaw.
>”Do you not remember how easily they leaped over the fences?”
>”This is different! Those bleachers are over twice as high!”
>The raised voices provokes a new series of banging on the double doors on one side of the gym. The same thing happens on the other side in less than thirty seconds. There must be at least five of them out there this time.
>”Well great! Now there’s even more of them in the school!” Gripes Luna.
>”Doesn’t sound like something I can’t handle.” Bulk Biceps announces as he holds two broken broomsticks in his hands. “As long as they come one at a time, I can take them.”
>”Yeah, but they probably won’t.” Rainbow Dash rebuts.
>”Well of course. They won’t do that right off the bat. I know this isn’t a movie or anything, but what I’m saying is that we can create circumstances in which they have to come one at a time.” Bulk is already starting to walk in the direction of the doors to inspect them.
>”And how are we going to do that?” Questions Indigo Zap.
>”Yeah, how?” Dash backs her up as Bulk eyes the crease between the doors.
>”Do we have anything less stretchy than the bungee cords? I have an idea.” The gym teacher asks everyone else.
>”Mind telling us?” Asks Indigo Zap.
>”We can tie something around the handles just the right way so the doors can only open just enough to let one through at a time. We’ll then unlock the doors and let them come in as such. That’s when I’ll step in.” He tightens his grip on the sticks.
>Norman and Sandalwood get eager grins on their faces as they hear him say this. The type of grin when a little kid sees his favorite action hero appear on the TV screen.
>”Wait!” Sandalwood actually offers to join in. “You got any more broomsticks I can use?”
>Everyone can tell that he’s rather excited to do this as long as the odds are in his favor. It’s about time a day like this included a testosterone rush.
>The idea is discussed for a little bit longer. Sunset watches everyone talk, trying to decide with herself if it’s time to bring up the fact that they could try to travel all the way out of town to see if they can meet up with the Apple family. But she’s not sure if it’s worth the long time of travel.
>After a little bit more discussion and elaboration, the idea soon becomes the plan of attack, and everyone gets ready to carry the thing out.
>The bungee cords end up being used for this after all. They are tied onto the handles of the closed doors in countless loops. The idea is that they will stretch barely enough to allow the doors to open just enough for one person to slip through.
>All of the other students and staff members are helped to the top of the bleachers while Sandalwood, Bulk Biceps and Rainbow Dash wait armed with athletic equipment by one of the double door exits as Indigo Zap unlocks it, holding a lacrosse stick in her own hand.
>”L…let’s see if this works…” She mumbles.
>The zombies are literally right there on the other side when the doors are unlocked and the four defenders get ready to take on the brunt of whatever infected these people one target at a time. They push the doors inward in a heartbeat.
>No order to get ready is needed, the four stand at the ready with their pseudo-weapons pointed at the first zombie/person slipping through the gap between the doors.
>It’s a middle aged man, and he eventually makes it into the gym with his legs still in the gap. He had to try to climb over the bungee cords blocking the middle.
>He’s bet with a barrage of lacrosse stick rods and similar objects straight to the head. Most of the students on top of the bleachers turn away, and Luna keeps her gun pointed at the infected man just in case.
>If she did her math right, she has about seven bullets left. So it’s best not to waste them.
>The four below continue pelting the infected man with every ounce of their strength. Bulk, of course, manages to hit the hardest and soon get the man’s head, which causes him to go completely lifeless.
>The four below continue pelting the infected man with every ounce of their strength. Bulk, of course, manages to hit the hardest and soon impale the man’s head, which causes him to go completely lifeless.
>It takes the next “zombie” about ten seconds to push the first one out of the way, as he had been practically caught onto the bungee cord afterward. It’s not much time for one to catch their breath, but it’s something.
>It takes the next “zombie” about ten seconds to push the first one out of the way, as he had been practically caught onto the bungee cord after being slain. It’s not much time for one to catch their breath, but it’s something.
>The second one is a younger, larger man, with only one more in the hallway.
>Right as all of this is happening, Sunset receives another text from Applejack. What the girl reads surprises her.
>[Alright look. What I told you before wasn’t the entire story. I felt bad for not telling you the whole truth in a time like this, because you’re my friend. But the rest of the family and I figured out that something was going on before yall did.]
>Sunset furrows her brow as she reads the message.
>[There is actually a lot of us here. We’re well defended and everything. And I just felt so terrible for not telling you or any of the girls about this before. I have been told to lie about it if asked about the family being well protected with food and guns, but I can’t can’t being myself to do it. You’re my friend, Sunset. And I don’t want to lie to you.]
>[Applejack.] Sunset responds, still keeping an eye on the action down below in anticipation of anything going wrong. [I don’t understand. why are you telling me this?]
>A couple more minutes pass, and Bulk Biceps finishes off killing the last of the now four zombies that tried to barge through the door.
>[Because it would break my heart if something happened to you when I could have saved you if I just told you that you would have been at least a little safe with me. I feel the same about the rest of ya, but I only responded about this to you because you were the only one who wanted to actually meet up.]
>Another message comes in.
>[I was just specifically told by me family to not bring up the subject of meeting up, and lie about it if someone else did. They don’t want to let others in because that would be too many people to look out for.]
>At this point, Rainbow Dash is yelling out the door to attract more of the zombies to the entrance to the gym. The group has unanimously decided that they’d rather deal with the hordes of zombies this way instead of all at once.
>[Listen, I already know that my family can’t really support much more people over here until this whole thing dies down a little bit. But I’d still feel bad about not telling you if you asked first. There was a reason why I asked you if you were alone. I’m so sorry, Sunset. I haven’t had time before to think about a situation like this. It’s kind of a survival thing.]
>Sunset can see Applejack’s point. She can only imagine how tough these kinds of decisions are to make.
>This only causes her to become more indecisive about whether to tell anyone else about this or not. Applejack is just trying to defend herself and her family. Having a sudden influx on people needing to be protected would surely put a strain on their food supply in the long run.
>And there’s no telling how long this thing is going to last.
>The process of leading the zombies through the tight space between the doors one by one begins to get tot he point where it’s just Rainbow Dash shouting into the halls every five minutes or so to get no response.
>A total of about 8 of the zombies are taken out, and none of the other ones are nearby enough to hear the bait that is Dash’s shouting voice.
>Everyone on the bleachers, for the most part, start to feel more calm and complacent with the current situation. Some of them are beginning to think that the school might be cleared with ease if they keep this up. It’s not like they can’t wait the entire thing out in this room.
>It’s secure and has access to electricity, as well as bathrooms in both the boy’s and girl’s locker rooms.
>After a few more minutes, Dash manages to lure one more zombie over to the doors. She gets arrogant this time and tells the rest of the gang to wait until the attacker is all the way through the door this time.
>After a few more minutes, Dash manages to lure one more zombie over to the doors. She gets cocky this time and tells the rest of the gang to wait until the attacker is all the way through the door this time.
>Bulk tells her to stand back, as it’s smart to not let the zombie biter her.
>It finally makes it through the door under the bungee cords, and this one’s bright colors can be recognized by almost everyone sitting up on the bleachers.
>It’s Lyra Heartstrings.
>”Holy sh…” Gasps Rainbow Dash, not having even paid any attention to half of the other zombies that she helped kill before they made it through the door.
>”Holy shit…” Gasps Rainbow Dash, not having even paid any attention to half of the other zombies that she helped kill before they made it through the door.
>Lyra looks back and forth at the four people standing around her, seeming like she’s about to pounce at them at any second. The whole left side of her neck has been gnawed into, and the left side of her body is drenched in presumably her own blood as a result.
>Dash can’t bring herself to move forward. “L…Lyra…” She knew this girl, and so did Bulk and Sandalwood.
>Indigo Zap lurches forward and begins whaling on the zombie girl. She steals a quick moment of glory as she kicks Lyra to the ground and strikes the head as hard as she can.
>Had Lyra not just tried to jump forward at Sandalwood, she would have been on both feet and harder to knock down.
>Not a single word can escape Dash’s mouth as Indigo Zap repeatedly pummels down upon Lyra’s head. She would even look away if she weren’t in the danger zone below the safety of the tops of the bleachers.
>But she needs to stay on guard.
>The point soon comes where Lyra is completely motionless on the floor, and Rainbow Dash’s eyes start clouding up while she comes to terms with what she just witnessed. Her shock paralyzes her, and she has to stand strong to keep from falling to her knees.
>Pinkie Pie starts to sob loudly on Rarity’s shoulder, and Norman has to take his mind to another place to keep himself from vomiting. They also knew that girl.
>What a horrible coincidence it was that the first one they let all the way in happened to previously be someone most of them knew before. Rainbow Dash can already tell that she would not have been able to do it, which is an obvious issue in this situation.
>But she can’t help it.
>She knew some of these people.
>More minutes pass, with a countless number of moment of silence. The corner in which Mystery Mint was moping in fear now has Sunset sitting in the seat instead, constantly checking her phone and making faces of clear uncertainty.
>She looks back at her peers, and feels a strong sense of sickness in her stomach every time she think about how much of a hardship they are going through.
>They look back at her on occasion, wondering to themselves what she may be thinking about. But they don’t question her wanting to stay at least a little distant. Pretty much everyone here needs some sort of chance to regain their thoughts.
>Rarity continuously checks up on Sweetie Belle to see if she’s holding up alright. Sweetie reveals that she has been apparently taken in by the police station on the other side of town, but there’s too much chaos in between there and the school for even the cops to transport her over.
>Mostly because the cops are too busy fighting off the large hordes of zombies that dwell within he more populated parts of the nearby city. Nobody is hearing a word about how that battle is going.
>In addition to this, nobody talks to eachother about anything. Everyone remains silent, not even coming close to showing the slightest sign of happiness. Not even the smallest smile.
>They cannot begin to imagine how oblivious they were the day before. How everything was fine… how their lives were relatively peaceful and filled with trivial things to worry about.
>And they actually miss that, having no way to actually go back to it. Loved ones are gone, days of peace are in the past. Only darkness in the future.
>Some more time goes by, and Luna gets another call from Celestia. They had apparently been keeping in touch by phone; the phone in the Principal’s office and Luna’s cell phone.
>[“Sister, can you hear me?”] The Principal’s voice sounds on the other end.
>”What happened?”
>[“They found a window to one of the back counseling offices and got in. I’ve been struggling to keep the door shut.”]
>The students sitting nearby begin to whisper curse words.
>”What?! How many?”
>[“It’s hard to tell. But the chair holding the door closed is starting to crack. I have to leave. Now.”]
>”But… wait, sister!”
>[“I’m making a run for it! You said you were in the gym, right?”]
>”You’re too far away!”
>[“I have no other choice. There’s more of them in the counseling office than I saw in the hallway a few minutes ago. There’s none there right now.”]
>”No, no no no… this is crazy!” Protests Luna.
>The students and staff members have all now gathered around the Vice Principal and joined in on her urging Principal Celestia to try and find a way to keep that door closed. They try to make reason out of staying in the office so she doesn’t have to go meandering around in the halls.
>But the loud banging and snapping of wood in the background on the other line tell a different story.
>[“I have to go now! Leave one of the doors open!”] Celestia then hangs up.
>”Sister!” Luna is on the verge of tears.
>Everybody sitting on top of the bleachers has gotten worked up from the sudden tension. Rainbow Dash and the others below momentarily get wind of it and begin to panic, running around the gym to figure out which door the Principal is going to show up behind.
>Celestia can no longer be reached; the phone she was using to call her sister was attached to the front desk by wire.
>Everyone manages to quiet eachother down so they can listen. No footsteps can be heard throughout the halls at first. Only the worst can be imagined for the next couple of minutes or so.
>Rainbow Dash is the first to hear the commotion coming from nearby one of the gym entrances. She knows that the door must be open for the Principal to make it inside. With this, she rushes everyone on ground level over to the door and unlocks it.
>It’s as though the timing couldn’t be more perfect; Celestia rushes right past Rainbow Dash and the others right as the doors swing open. But what can be seen and heard down the hallway proves that the situation is nowhere near as good as the others had imagined it would be.
>A VERY large crowd of the zombies is in relatively close pursuit. It’s no surprise that Celestia’s first words to Dash is to “close the doors”.
>A VERY large crowd of the zombies is in relatively close pursuit. It’s no surprise that Celestia’s first words to Dash is to “close the damn doors”.
>The new crowd is locked out of the gym, now clustered up against the door adjacent to the door with bungee cords still wrapped around the handles.
>Celestia notices the large smears of blood all over the other entrance to the gym. It’s a good thing Bulk threw Lyra’s body back out into the hall, otherwise Celestia would have seen a much worse sight.
>Luna tries to climb down the top of the bleachers, only to find no easy way to do it. “Sister!”
>”Oh my god… Luna!”
>”I’m sorry! They were coming through. I had to make a run for it, there was no other choice!”
>”Don’t scare me like that!” Luna is now dangling over the edge.
>Bulk Biceps runs over and holds his arms out to catch Luna. She sees this and allows herself to drop once he’s right under her. The two sisters embrace eachother less than five seconds later.
>”Oh my god… oh my god, you’re alive.” Celestia whimpers.
>The moment of reunion is cut short by the loud banging of the gym doors, now with even more force than the last time. Everyone jumps at the booming sound of the doors being almost rammed. How many of them are still out there?
>Pretty much everyone in the room is crying at least a little bit now. The emotional trauma is just too much for them to handle all in one day. It’s just one horrifying event after another.
>Fluttershy covers her ears and starts to scream with tears running down her cheeks. She is hardly even slightly calmed down by Rarity’s extremely shaky hand being planted onto her shoulder.
>”Everyone relax!” Bulk tries to convince them all. “I know how strong these doors are. They’re not getting through.” Now he’s trying to convince himself as well.
>The ramming continues, but the doors hold out strong.
>”Let’s do the thing again! Where it’s one at a time!” Sandalwood already has his hockey stick at the ready. “Get the bungee cords!”
>Sunset has now migrated back over to where everyone else is sitting on top of the bleachers, having thought long and hard about what to do about Applejack.
>She approaches Pinkie Pie, who is hyperventilating and frantically looking around the room. Sunset has never seen Pinkie this terrified before, she doesn’t even think she’s seen tears in her eyes at all before.
>”I…it’s okay… We’re up here, and they’re all down there…” Sunset’s words do not in any way help as Pinkie begins to scream as well.
>”Please tell me your car is still here.” Begs Celestia as she still holds onto Luna.
>”I saw it in the parking lot.” Reveals Luna. “None of them got to it. Please tell me you have the keys.”
>Celestia pulls a ring of keys from her pocket, one fo them being the keys to the said car.
>”Oh my god, you are the best!” Luna hugs Celestia again. “You have no idea how long it took to get here on foot! It was horrible!”
>”Yes! We even have another car!” Cadence exclaims. “This really helps, seeing that our group grew a little.”
>It becomes clear that Celestia was the one to drive to the school today while Luna was apparently back at her house.
>After a couple of minutes, the bungee cords are removed from one of the doors and attached to the side of the bleachers once more.
>Before the method of killing the zombies is enacted once more, Bulk helps a lot of the students down from the top of the bleachers. At the same time, he helps charge their phones, since more of the phones were running low on battery.
>Everyone wants to make sure that their phones are good and charged for as long as mobile service is still intact. It’s somehow surprising that it lasted this long. If anything, it’s the best sign of hope that a lot of things out there  are still functional.
>Even Sunset agrees to come down with the rest of the students, leaving only Rarity and Mystery Mint at the top of the bleachers. They’re apparently too afraid to come down and don’t want to fall tot heir death.
>The others try to convince them over and over again to come down, but they would rather stay up in the safety of the top of the bleachers until they know all of the danger is gone. Plus, the drop is too massive to be worth it at the moment for them.
>It’s soon sorted out that Bulk’s car, Celestia’s car, Sunset’s car and Rainbow Dash’s car and about half of everyone else’s cars can be used for an escape. It’s a really good thing that quite a lot of the people here drove here, and still have their keys on them. Cadence reacts even more happily to this, showing a rare emotion in a time like this.
>But a lot of them don’t have a ride, and are more than thankful to go with someone else. But to be safe, Bulk Biceps insists that a lot of the zombies be killed in order to escape with more ease. He explains why it’s better to do it this way and makes their escape a lot less difficult.
>Rarity and Mystery Mint stay on top of the bleachers as the bungee cords are removed from the side and wrapped around the other doors’ handles. They chose to wait this out on the high ground until it is certain that everyone can leave.
>And of course, it is agreed that all of the cars stick together once they get moving.
>Sunset thinks about Applejack once more, and then the number of people that are going to be riding out of town with her to escape the outbreak. The girl can’t bring herself to any kind of decision.
>Half of her wants to tell them, half of her wants to stay silent.
>The same process of wrapping the bungee cords around the door handles is repeated. This time, there are more people to watch the episode go down.
>A few more minutes of collaborative planning occurs, including recalling where everyone’s cars are parked in the school’s parking lot. It is soon decided who would be riding with whom.
>The doors are unlocked, and the clicking sound resounds through the gym before the banging on the doors intensifies. They slightly open, only held mostly closed by the bungee cords in the middle. Sunset stands in the corner, keeping her back turned to the action as the repetitive blows to the zombies’ heads continue to be inflicted.
>She keeps her tears within her, as well as her words from before.
>Applejack has a good reason to keep the number of people staying at the barn a low one. One of the last things Sunset wants is to compromise her safe situation, but another one of the last things she wants is to keep her other friends from knowing about Applejack being in a presumably safe environment.
>It all depends on which option is further down the list of last things the girl wants… and she cannot bring herself to decide.
>The few people with weapons are no longer seeing any people they think would have been nearby in town as they kill more of them. No, most of these came from somewhere outside of town, which would probably mean the city with the high number of them that keep coming.
>Fluttershy’s phone is the last one to finish charging, right as Rainbow Dash delivers the finishing blows unto the eleventh zombie that tries to burst through the doors.
>Mostly all of the people defending the doors begin to grow tired, and leave the majority of the slaying to Bulk Biceps. The man really doesn’t tire out very easily; he continues to strike them down one by one as they slip through the crease between the doors.
>After a couple more minutes, Bulk decides to close the doors and assess the situation with the others. The idea of checking the other set of doors is put out there, in order to see which exit will be the better and safer one to leave.
>The exit where the bungee cord method was first used leads to a hallway where an exit to outside is just a few feet down.
>With this knowledge, everyone agrees to the idea that the said exit is to be used for an escape. But the door stays sealed shut until everyone can have some certainty that the hallways are clear enough to proceed through with safety.
>Sunset knows that Applejack’s place is probably one of the safest places to go. And there really isn’t much of a reason for her not to tell her friends that there is a safe zone out there once everyone is in their cars and driving around through the danger.
>Why isn’t Applejack allowed to trust her friends in this situation?
>Still outside the door, the zombies continuously push, just as hard as before. It’s as though the were replaced by more or something. It is at this point when Bulk orders Rarity and Mystery Mint to come back down to ground level.
>But they still want to hold their position of presumed safety.
>”We’re going to be leaving soon anyway!” Bulk tries to convince them. “And we can get to our cars right away if the two of you were already down here!”
>Rarity leans over the edge to yell down. “I said we can come down once you’re done clearing the hallways. I just don’t want to take any chances. I promised Sweetie Belle I’d see her again.”
>”And you will! It’s completely safe down here now. Can’t you see that? If it weren’t, we’d either be getting attacked or we’d still be up there with you!”
>”This is not up for discussion.” Celestia tells them. “You need to come down here so our escape has more mobility.”
>”Exactly.” Bulk agrees. “We’ll protect you, don’t worry.”
>Rarity and Mystery Mint shake nervously as they look down to the distant floor below. As they exchange glances, it becomes apparent the real reason why they won’t come down until they know they absolutely have to.
>The high up drop is intimidating them. And the others soon realize this.
>”We’ll catch you! Don’t worry!” Shouts Pinkie Pie. “You can even hang over the edge so it’s even easier.”
>”I-I don’t want to.” Argues Mystery Mint. “I just feel safer up here where none of them can reach me.”
>Rainbow Dash walks over as the bungee cords hold the barraged doors shut.
>”Oh come on! It’s not like they’d even get to you if you were on the floor! They’d have to go through all of us first.” She gripes and looks around for something to help catch the girls if they jump.
>Just the thought of that apparently only puts more bad thoughts into Rarity’s head. She imagines the zombies doing just that, going through the rest of the group after the doors miraculously break and going for her next. She scoots back into her previous seat and crosses her arms.
>”I’d rather stay up here. I don’t understand why you can’t level with me on that in a time like this.”
>”This is about survival, Rarity!” Dash still disagrees.
>”Yes! It is! And I feel like I’m more likely to survive if I’m somewhere up high and out of their reach! It’s not like I plan to stay up here forever! Once you all start actually leaving then… then I’ll try and come down.”
>Dash rolls her eyes.
>”Are you kidding me?” Pinkie questions her. “It’s not even that big of a jump!”
>”There are some wrestling mats in the other utility closet across the hall.” Bulk brings up. “If you two don’t feel comfortable jumping straight to the floor, then you can just land on those instead.”
>”But we have to leave the gym to get those. And there’s like… a million of those things out there now.”
>The gym teacher turns towards the bungee doors and gestures his hands towards them. “Well that’s why we’re doing this! So there’s less of them once we go out there!”
>”Why do you have to be so chicken to just come down already!” Pinkie calls up to them. “Why now? Why during a time like this?”
>”I don’t like heights, darling. Okay?”
>The argument continues for a few more minutes as Sunset thinks harder and harder about Applejack. The girl’s plan now is to tell the others about Applejack being somewhere safe, but include that her family told her not to tell anyone about the fact of that matter.
>She might as well be straightforward and upfront to these people. They don’t have to blame her for the decision she had to make if she tells them about it.
>But she waits until it’s relevant; when everyone is actually leaving for their cars. Not when they’re busy talking about all of this.
>”We’ll come down once you’re done with your… killing spree and all that.” Mystery Mint concludes, not willing to leave her spot.
>Rarity continues to stay in contact with Sweetie Belle, who now tells about the police of the town constantly having to get back into action as the zombies keep coming. She does however assure her sister that she is safe where she is.
>”Alright, look.” Bulk Biceps begins. “The utility closet where the wrestling mate are is in the other hallway.” He points to the first door where they killed the zombies one at a time. “And it sounds like they’re all at the other door. Making all that commotion and stuff.”
>”Wait!” Rarity’s eyes fill with tears as she holds her phone in her hand. “I’ll come down! I’ll come down right now!”
>”You will?” Asks Rainbow Dash.
>”Sweetie Belle just texted me saying that she ’s safe at the police station! And I need to be there for her! Just please promise me you’ll catch me.”
>Bulk responds by holding his arms out to catch her. “Ready when you are!” He’s not wasting a second.
>Sandalwood, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash join in to help. They all call up to the girl with promises that they’ll catch her.
>Rarity’s message about Sweetie Belle being safe provokes Sunset to reveal what she knows about Applejack’s position. She bites her lower lip in anxiety as Rarity cautiously lets herself fall off the edge of the top of the bleachers and into the arms of the people waiting below.
>”Alright. See?” Bulk now calls up to Mystery Mint. “It’s that easy! Now you go!”
>Everyone watches Mystery Mint slowly creep back to the edge of the top of the bleachers. Her hands shake uncontrollably as they grab onto the corner.
>It’s such a long way down.
>Just at this very moment, the loudest bang so far is emitted onto the current bungee doors. Everyone jumps in response to this… but that’s not the worst part of this.
>The screws holding the doors onto the frame through the hinges are starting to come loose. It’s just enough for some of the people to finally begin to notice. It looks like Rarity and Mystery Mint had a good reason to want to stay on top of the bleachers after all.
>”Okay, everybody back!” Luna points her gun while Bulk Biceps gets his broomsticks.
>The doors appear to be holding for now, but not as well as before. It’s enough to send Norman climbing back up the bleachers to join Mystery Mint in her apparent safe zone.
>Neither of them know what they’re going to do if the zombies flood the gym. As far as they’re concerned, they’re pretty much stuck up there until the military or something swoops in to save them.
>Pinkie Pie’s lower lip quivers as the girl holds back her tears of fear. Luna keeps her gun raised as Cadence unreasonably checks her empty gun once more for ammo.
>”I’m going into the locker room!” Proclaims Rarity as she heads in the direction of the girls’ locker room. “Let me know once we’re leaving.”
>Roseluck, Fluttershy and Trixie follow her. Indigo Zap keeps a metal baseball bat she found raised. Rainbow Dash now has one too, having looked even harder for something better to use.
>”Where did you get those?” Asks Sandalwood as Bulk Biceps walk up behind him with a large bag of baseball equipment.
>”I must have overlooked these before. They’ve always been so hard to spot in the corner under the blanket.” Bulk Biceps reveals. “It’s a good thing Indigo went back into the supply closet for me and found all this.”
>Of course, Bulk soon realizes that his broomsticks won’t be as effective as the baseball bats. The broomsticks are promptly replaced by one of the provided baseball bats.
>Trixie soon exits the girls’ locker room with the other’s still inside.
>Sunset steps forward to speak up about Applejack. She knows that now is the best time to do so.
>”Hey, everyone.” She brings up. “I have an announcement.”
>Sunset feels the awkwardness as she thinks up a way to tell them without letting it sound as though she had kept it a secret on purpose. But if Rarity can be upfront to her friends in a time of crisis and do whatever she can to be there for everyone, the so can Sunset.
>”What is it?” Rainbow Dash keeps an eye on the double doors which are still taking a beating a little too rough for comfort.
>”It’s about Applejack. She just texted me.”
>The crowd of peers begins to gather around Sunset.
>”Is she okay? Did something happen?” Asks Luna.
>”Well…” Sunset searches hard for the right words. “It’s more of a confession than an announcement. You see… uh…”
>Everyone begins to give her confused looks. Rainbow Dash urges Sunset to continue through hand gestures, and Sunset begins to stutter.
>”Applejack kind of told me a secret that she was… t-told not to say to anyone. And… that’s the fact that… she and her family are actually completely safe because they were… p-prepared for this or something. And she told me not to say anything because… if we knew, then they assumed that we’d try to take shelter there and they don’t have enough food for everyone.”
>The others take a few seconds to answer, and Sunset uses this moment state another part of her piece.
>”I didn’t want to jeopardize their plans or anything like that. She told me that I cold come if I was alone, I think. I don’t remember if he actually said that, but she did ask if I was alone as though she would have let me in if it was just me.”
>”Well why the hell is she doing this?!” Dash is beginning to seem angry. “Why didn’t she text me about this?! I’ve seen her barn, it can hold like thirty people!”
>”Wait, Dash, I don’t think….” Sunset starts off.
>”What happened to friends sticking together?”
>”This is bullshit! What happened to friends sticking together?”
>Celestia walks up to Rainbow Dash and joins in on the conversation. “I’m sure you could understand that they’re simply taking drastic measures during drastic times. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t have a choice.”
>”Oh trust me, they have a choice. There’s tons of food and shelter they have there.” Explains Dash. “I’ve been to their house so many times. They grow their own food and everything.”
>Everyone begins to look at Rainbow Dash.
>”Really?” Asks Pinkie Pie.
>Dash’s eyes can easily be seen tearing up again; she remembers all of the good times she’s spent with Applejack. Those times that her friend is simply throwing away because of some unnecessary step for survival.
>”They have so much over there! Easily enough to protect all of us! And it’s not like they’re going to have much of a crop market or whatever since the world’s gone south. And once it goes back to normal…” Rainbow Dash really has to force out the word ‘once’. “We won’t need to stay there anymore anyway. They could have at least told us about it. Applejack’s our friend.”
>”They have so much over there! Easily enough to protect all of us! And it’s not like they’re going to have much of a crop market or whatever since the world’s gone to shit. And once it goes back to normal…” Rainbow Dash really has to force out the word ‘once’. “We won’t need to stay there anymore anyway. They could have at least told us about it. Applejack’s our friend.”
>”I think I remember her saying that her whole family was over there. Like… all of them.”
>Rainbow Dash takes a step back. “WHAT?! Why are they all going to one place?”
>The entire conversation is slowly becoming derailed into the subject of somewhat demonizing Applejack. All of the others start to join in, describing how they also previously knew about the safe situation that Applejack is currently in.
>Celestia, Cadence, Bulk Biceps and Luna try to convince the students that Applejack simply put her family first. To be honest, that’s a pretty good premise to go on, but it still doesn’t explain why Applejack has literally ALL of her family over. Well, that is the case according to Sunset.
>It soon comes to the point where a huge argument breaks out. Everyone raises their voices, and the zombies outside the gym doors begin to furiously barrage into the wooden surface once more. Even the remaining girls inside the locker room can hear the shouting.
>Trixie has to go back in there and explain what’s going on out in the gym.
>Norman and Mystery Mint try to look away from the developing drama, and end up completely ignoring the situation when the hear Rainbow Dash break down crying once more.
>”WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE FRIENDS!” Dash’s voice is broken with despair. “She… she just abandoned us!”
>The girl can hardly speak in between sobs, not showing any signs of calming down as the others do what they can to console her.
>Meanwhile, Vice Principal Luna and Bulk Biceps return their attention to the gym doors. All of the commotion in the room has provoked a brand new wave of attackers, and they are even more eager to get inside than the last group.
>Bulk does what he can to make sure the doors won’t be pushed off of their hinges, but it really doesn’t do much. As more time goes in, the screws are just becoming more and more worn out.
>Too much pressure over too much time. It’s no surprise that things have a hard time staying together after prolonged stress that doesn’t let up.
>”I’m sure you can find some sort of reason to understand.” Cadence tries to keep Dash’s view of Applejack in a good light.
>But Rainbow Dash just can’t stop feeling worse the more she thinks about it. She’s heartbroken that her long time friend would do this.
>If anything, it’s surprising that Rainbow Dash is the one who’s reacting to this the most, as she’s always been the tougher and no-nonsense girl. She continues to cry and curse Applejack’s name, calling her a traitor.
>Sunset immediately regrets telling her friends about all of this. She checks her phone and re-reads the messages, looking over the conversation just in case there was anything she missed that can make things better.
>”Why would Applejack do something like that?” Pinkie Pie jumps on the bandwagon. “How could they have been prepared for something like this?”
>Nothing can be found by Sunset’s scrolling, shaking fingers. The girl nearly drops her phone at least three times from her nervous grip.
>”I’ll tell you how!” Rainbow Dash takes the conversation in a troubling direction. “They KNEW ABOUT ALL OF THIS!” Her screams echo throughout the gym, careless to the hungry zombies right outside the door. “Before we did! And… they said… NOTHING! Nothing to you, nothing to me, nothing to anyone until AFTER IT WAS TOO LATE!”
>Dash’s face has turned bright red, nearly heating the tears rolling down her cheeks to a boil.
>”But how did they know?”
>”They had a way! I don’t know how, but… wait…” Rainbow Dash comes to a realization. “The animals! That’s how they knew. Animals can sense things all the time, and that must be how they knew!”
>”They had a way! I don’t know how, but… wait…” Rainbow Dash comes to a realization. “The animals! That’s how they knew. Animals can sense shit all the time, and that must be how they fucking knew!”
>”How dare they?” Trixie sides with Rainbow Dash after coming back out of the locker room. “They had that advantage of getting signs ahead of time… and now they just leave us to get eaten alive out here?!”
>Rainbow Dash faces the side of the bleachers. “I know!” Rainbow chucks the baseball bat in her hand at the side of the bleachers, causing it to emit a deafening bang that vibrates the surface.
>Rainbow Dash faces the side of the bleachers. “I know! What… BULLSHIT!” Rainbow chucks the baseball bat in her hand at the side of the bleachers, causing it to emit a deafening bang that vibrates the surface.
>Norman and Mystery Mint jump from the impact.
>“We’re all going to suffer, and it’s all Applejack’s fault!” Pinkie Pie backs up against a wall with tears in her eyes again and slides to the floor. “We’re going to die out here!”
>Fluttershy’s weeping voice can be hears coming from the locker room. She heard all of this.
>Rainbow Dash starts to head over to the entrance to the locker room.
>”Oh, god damn it.” Rainbow Dash starts to head over to the entrance to the locker room.
>”Just cover your ears, darling. I’m sure they’ll sort thing out in due time.” Rarity tries to keep Fluttershy is a relatively tranquil state alongside Roseluck.
>But Fluttershy cannot put the harsh words she heard everyone say to eachother out of her head.
>”Fluttershy…” Dash approaches the three girls. “Wait… you need to understand.”
>”Why do you hate Applejack all of a sudden?” She whimpers. “Please…”
>”Flutters. Just try and hear me out.” Dash begins.
>”Can you explain it to me too? I don’t understand either.” Roseluck tell Rainbow.
>”You see, it’s-” Rainbow is cut off by a sudden blackness that surrounds everyone on the entire locker room.
>Fluttershy is unable to let out a scream, too shocked to make a simple sound or movement.
>Screams come from the gym, prompting the girls to leave the locker room. Rainbow Dash leads the way, given that she was already the closest to the exit.
>The most horrifying thing any of these people ever heard so far in this starts up right as the group of girls makes it to the center of the gym.
>Outside the doors, the zombies all begin to collectively ram against the door in unison. Not only this, but it almost sounds as though they are chanting or something. This puts frozen expressions of horror on everyone’s faces.
>All of the lights have gone out. The electrical outlets no longer functional… everyone’s phones doomed to be left without life support if their batteries run low in this school.
>It didn’t matter who it was defending the doors, literally everyone is unable to hold in their fear when the darkness creeps into the room. A chorus of ruckus from the other side of the doors sends the students and teachers backing themselves up to the sides of the closed bleachers, tightly grabbing into the creases with their fingers as though it will do anything to save them.
>Those wooden doors now seem like thin sheets of paper; vulnerable to anything that might try to barge through them. Nobody dares to say a word, only focusing on the fate that they could meet at any waking second.
>Probably being the only one who gathered enough nerve to move, Rarity back up towards the door to the girl’s locker room to retreat inside. Her sights are glued to the gym doors, causing her to take longer to find the handle without looking.
>No one else sees her slip inside for a couple of seconds; she comes back out after realizing that she cannot lock the door. But she can’t find it in her to speak up to Bulk Biceps and ask for a key.
>But what would become of everyone if they locked themselves in the locker rooms? Are there even any plugs in there? Not that it matters anymore.
>The doors look as though they are going to give way any second. Everyone’s brains scramble for the most desperate reactions to what’s about to happen.
>All they can really do is pray.
>Rainbow Dash can hardly hold the bat in her hand; her eyes unable to look anywhere other than the failing hinges on the door. “S-somebody do something!” She frantically searches the gym for an escape other than the doors.
>Everyone keeps their backs to the bleachers, silently praying that the zombies on the other side of the doors will let up. Fluttershy collapses to the floor with tears rolling down her face, unable to keep her violently shaking hands in front of her eyes. But the same can be said for pretty much everyone else in the room as well.
>Rarity has changed her mind once again and disappears back into the girl’s locker room, remembering seeing some of the locker doors open with an idea in her head.
>It’s no surprise that Trixie Sandalwood and Roseluck are already dangling from the side of the bleachers, their terrified eyes constantly darting back at the door, expecting those… people… to storm to gym.
>There’s really no point in keeping quiet any more.
>Everyone who isn’t immediately able to climb to the top of the closed bleachers begins to scream with each new sound at the doors behind them. They reach up, but are too far below to feel a helping hand touch theirs. Cries of desperation continue to escape their lungs.
>Everyone who isn’t immediately able to climb to the top of the closed bleachers begins to scream with each new bash at the doors behind them. They reach up, but are too far below to feel a helping hand touch theirs. Cries of desperation continue to escape their lungs.
>Bulk Biceps, now standing before the gym doors, keeps his weapon raised in trembling hand. It’s hard to see how badly damaged the hinges are through the clouds in his eyes, but he still noticed the surface pulsate with each banging sound. He never thought he’d end up as a first line of defense like this.
>He even tries to call out as some of the students on the floor decide to retreat to the locker rooms instead. But all he’s able to utter is the slightest squeak, which is replied to by a sickening crack on the doors’ hinges. The wailing of the helpless students is the only sound that motivates him to stay at his post.
>Luna steps up behind him, gun raised right beside his head and pointing towards the general direction of the door. The man, too preoccupied by the vicious hands on the other side of the door longing to tear him to pieces, had completely forgotten that the Vice Principal was there, though it probably didn’t matter. There’s no way Luna’s hands could hold the thing still when they’re shaking this much.
>She bites her lower lip and wipes a tear away from her face with her shoulder. The screams of terror from the students have brought her right in front of the doors as well.
>They don’t deserve this. None of them.
>To Bulk’s surprise, he sees one of the students hop down from the top of the bleachers out of the corner of his eyes. He yells back, “Stay up there!” Fear choking his voice to the point where it sounds much higher pitched than before. “I said STAY THERE!” He desperately tried to turn them around.
>Sandalwood picks up one of the baseball bats and walks towards the doors. He looks back to see Cadence and Celestia hold eachother tightly, shutting their eyes with wincing expressions. The boy hardly understands what he’s doing, only feeling an urge of protection wash over him.
>How the doors have still managed to stay at least a little bit on the hinges must be some kind of miracle.
>”SANDAL!” Bulk repeats, now recognizing who it was that jumped down as his head spins from the disbelief of this whole moment actually happening.
>The other students on top of the bleachers either stare down at the trio at the door or cover their tear soaked faces. Death lurks behind the flimsy, paper-thin doors… and it has its sights set on everyone in the gym.
>And almost everyone in the gym sets their sights right back into the face of death… almost all. A few clicks from the other doors being unlocked are drowned out by the banging on the other doors and the screaming combined.
>It isn’t until Luna turns around to look at her sister for the last time ever when she notices Rainbow Dash slip through the exit and into the other hallway, taking the biggest risk of her life. “Rainbow!” She accidentally pulls the trigger and sends a bullet careening into the wooden surface of the breaking doors in front of her. Bulk ducks out of the way from the gunshot and lands on the floor.
>Everyone turns their attention to the spot where Rainbow Dash used to stand… in front of the other exit… with the doors swung wide open.
>Out in the hall, Rainbow quickly plans to spin around a full 360 degrees, prepared to dodge anything that leaps out at her in the next half of a second. Her heart beats in her ears as she spots two of the zombies at another door a long ways down the hallway.
>Out in the hall, Rainbow quickly plans to spin around a full 360 degrees, prepared to dodge anything that leaps out at her in the next half of a second. Her heart throbs in her ears as she spots two of the zombies at another door a long ways down the hallway.
>But it skips a beat when she slips on the cold pool of blood from before and lands on a bloody, slightly clothed skeleton breaking her fall… and the two zombies down the hall rush towards her.
>Her eyes meet Luna’s betrayed expression through the open doors after she springs back to her feet as quickly as she can. “I’m sorry!” She loudly croaks before stumbling into a hasty sprint, lucky that the hungry zombies ended up tripping over a few mangled remains of their previous meals on their way over to her.
>Indigo Zap doesn’t see the zombies until she bumps into them as she attempts to follow Dash in her risky sprint to freedom. They all collide and fall to the floor, and Indigo can only kick and scream as they tower over her outside of the doorway, grabbing at her arms. The bat she planned to take with her had fallen away from her as she went down.
>All of a sudden, the banging at the barely closed doors stops. Bulk Biceps turns around to look at the now completely wide open entrance and rushes over while Luna feels her heart sink from the glaring eyes peering through the gap where she still has her gun pointed towards. Well… relatively towards.
>But the eyes immediately disappear from behind the gaps between the beaten doors, as well as the shadows and figures that all move in one direction. They all migrate in the direction of Indigo Zap’s screams of what is now sheer agony.
>The length of the hallways around the gym to the other side suddenly feels like it would be nothing more than two steps for the eager zombies. They are on the other side in a terrified heartbeat, but find the doors being slammed before them as Bulk’s quick thinking pays off.
>Automatically remembering what they did with the other set of doors, they begin bombarding their fists onto the wood, just as powerfully.
>The two zombies who were biting at Indigo’s arms were knocked over by the sudden crowd that rammed into them. And the girl atop the cold pool of blood desperately crawls along the bottom edge of the wall away from the new set of doors that the zombies ram into with full force. Everyone on the inside of the gym resumes their panic as Bulk leans against the doors under fire.
>Abandoned outside in the hallway, Indigo can only think about making it away, crawling on her stomach and pulling herself forward in the direction of the nearest door at the end of the hallway. The pain from the bites taken out of her forearms will have to wait until another time.
>She notices someone standing in the frame of that nearest door… the similar outline of Rainbow Dash. The girl stands stationary, frantically ricochetting her gaze back and forth between Indigo Zap and the door she apparently didn’t leave through.
>At the door, Rainbow Dash notices the girl in need, pleading only through the horror in her eyes for Dash to have a change of heart and come to her rescue. The girl standing at the door thinks twice about venturing back into the danger.
>The door handle shakes under Dash’s trembling, indecisive grip.
>The door handle convulses under Dash’s trembling, indecisive grip.
>Indigo continues to crawl forward until she feels a hand aggressively grab her shoulder. After the girl lets out a yelp, this hand is followed by another, and another, and then two more. The hands overpower the girl and flip her over onto her back.
>She faces the zombies leaning in over her in larger numbers than before and pinning her down to the floor. “No! No, please no!” She tries to swat them away, only to feel more teeth sinking into her arms as they are held in place. “Help me! PLEASE!”
>And squirming around won’t do anything other than prompt the attackers to lean in closer to hold the girl down while they rip into her clothes. Indigo screams as loudly as her lungs are able to once she feels the teeth and clawing hands sink in all over the front side of her body. Her tears roll down the side of her face and are flung onto the floor after the girl fiercely shakes her head from the excruciating pulling and biting.
>She has no other option but to give in and lower her screams to hopeless sobbing as her teary eyes make their way back to the ajar door at the end of the hallway.
>Back in the gym, Bulk Biceps senses the last of his morale diminish after hearing Indigo Zap’s final cries for help cease. He loses the strength to keep leaning on the door and slides to a squatting position. The banging on the doors pushes against him, jerking him to the side a little bit as he looks back up to the students who are still alive.
>Nobody speaks. All eyes and one barrel of a gun are kept focusing on the looser, weaker doors to the outside hallways. All hopes have gone out the tiny windows lining the ceiling of the gym.
>And in the girls’ locker room, Trixie, Derpy, Fluttershy and Roseluck wander aimlessly in the darkness.
>Rarity’s voice calls out to them from one of the far corners of the room. “Who’s in here?” The girl trembles nervously as she tightens her fetal position inside of one of the lockers.
>All four of the other girls can’t stop talking over eachother, mostly asking Rarity where she is.
>”I’m in a locker!” Rarity informs them, barely able to call out to them without her voice cracking. “I saw more open lockers in here! You need to find them!”
>Trixie uses her phone’s screen as a pseudo-flashlight in the pitch black room. Once Roseluck notices her do this, she does the same thing.
>But Fluttershy backs away into the door, having no desire to explore the locker room. She shivers, crying with her arms tightly crossed. “I-I… want to… g-get out of here…” She turns around to rest her forehead on the door, almost silently letting her eyes well up. “It’s dark…”
>”Fluttershy, come on. It’s dangerous out there.” Roseluck approaches her, holding her hand out. “We gotta stick together.” She pauses and waits for Fluttershy to take her hand while Trixie desperately searches for an open locker to retreat into.
>Derpy starts to loudly cry along with Fluttershy, apparently just as afraid of the dark as she is.
>”L-listen to me…” Roseluck tries to reassure herself as well. “We’ll be safe in here. All we have to d-do is hide.” She begins to stutter as Derpy pushes the door open to leave, letting a brief flood of light into the locker room. “P-please stay…”
>In response to the tantalizing influx of light dying back into the blackness, Fluttershy promptly follows Derpy back into the gym, perhaps to try the bleachers one more time as a substitute for the pitch black locker room. Trixie’s footsteps soon approach the direction of the door, and the screen of Trixie’s phone shines a blob of light moving in the same direction.
>”Where are you two going? Get back in, we’re safe here!” Trixie calls out to the two as she leaves right after them. “Stay there.” She tells Roseluck before letting the door shut behind her.
>”D-don’t leave!” Roseluck whimpers, wanting almost nothing less than to be left alone in here.
>Trixie peers through the crack of the closing door. “Hold on, just two seconds!” She leaves Roseluck and Rarity in the dark.
>The sounds against the wooden doors has stopped on both sides, allowing silence to creep throughout the hallways surrounding the gym. The growling, the grunting, the banging, it has all come to an abrupt halt outside the doors. Leaving nothing but a deathly silence.
>Roseluck finds herself too afraid to even turn her phone back on; she stands in place surrounded by total darkness.
>”I’m still here.” Rarity’s voice eventually sounds out of the nothingness. “Just find a locker… they’ll be back.” Her words fall upon the ears of a girl too afraid to move.
>Roseluck stands there… and nothing more.
>The gym overflows with panic, now that the element of the unknown has begun to reign down upon them. Bulk Biceps maintains his position between the two entrances, haphazardly spinning around again and again to face each of his posts. Neither one of them seem at all appealing to him.
>Getting the attention of the zombies almost seems like the better idea at this moment somehow. This silence… it’s too nerveracking. All of the places the zombies could be, and no one knows a thing. And through that danger of the unknown, a greater fear becomes known.
>Getting the attention of the zombies almost seems like the better idea at this moment somehow. This silence… it’s too nerve racking. All of the places the zombies could be, and no one knows a damn thing. And through that danger of the unknown, a greater fear becomes known.
>Mostly because of what they saw the zombies have been capable of. The people in the gym slowly realize that they are more comfortable knowing exactly where the zombies are and what they’re doing. They can’t be so unprepared like this; in their minds, literally anything happen.
>And all they can imagine is the worst.
>”This is all Applejack’s fault!” Trixie repeats for the tenth time.
>No one answers her, now mostly staring at the floor in attempt to hear any sounds from outside. Trixie stares at them for a brief moment, then clenches her fists.
>She begins to pace back and forth. “She didn’t warn us! That girl had knowledge of this happening BEFORE it got out of hand, and she didn’t choose to at least tell any of us about it.” Trixie raises her fist in the air, trying to compensate her lack of a close friendship with Applejack with passion in her rant. “I bet Rainbow is going over to her place right now!”
>She begins to pace back and forth. “She didn’t warn us! That girl had knowledge of this happening BEFORE it got out of hand, and she didn’t choose to at least tell any of us about it.” Trixie raises her fist in the air, trying to compensate her lack of a close friendship with Applejack with passion in her rant. “I bet Rainbow is going over to her place right now to kick her ass!”
>Trixie is leaning against the side of the bleachers before she realizes it. Her lips quiver.
>”This isn’t fair.” Her voice is starting to constantly crack. “T-trixie wasn’t supposed to die like this!” She struggles to hold onto her third-person speaking.
>Exclusively outside the broken doors, a low, sustained moaning starts up. It gradually fades into everyone’s earshot, but sends the most discouraging shivers down the spines of everyone who hears it. And the moaning doesn’t stop, soon making it clear that it is being deliberately emitted.
>Bulk drops his bat from sheer terror.
>Now curled up into a ball, Trixie loses her composure and explodes into a mess of tears, shaking uncontrollably. “MAKE IT STOP!” The corners of her mouth twist into the sharpest frown.
>Something’s definitely about to happen.
>Doing his best to stand tall in the face of the sound emitting through the doors, Bulk scrambles to pick the bat up from the ground. Luna stands right behind him with her back faced to him, pointing her gun towards the other entrance.
>Fluttershy hides behind the gym teacher, preferring to be near him rather than out in the open.
>”Where’s Rarity?” Pinkie begins to scream along with the rest on top of the bleachers in between loud screeches now accompanying the moans outside. “Where is she?”
>Derpy takes a look back to the locker rooms. “She’s hiding in one of the lockers! Roseluck is still with her, I think.” Already on the floor level, she picks up a bat of her own from the pile near the corner.
>Just at the very second, the banging on the broken doors resumes. There’s no way they’re going to be able to hold this time, and a single gunshot from Luna makes this very clear.
>It’s hard to tell whether or not she hit one of them, but the Vice Principal was standing right in front of the doors when she fired that shot. And this caused the zombies, even behind the doors of the other entrance to the gym, to go absolutely nuts.
>They all migrate towards the sound of the gunshot, and soon fill the one side hallway with their surprisingly still large numbers. Just seeing how many of them there still are through the gap is too much for Bulk biceps. He knows for a fact that he can’t take all of them on; he shouldn’t when there’s literally someone right behind him whom he needs to protect.
>These doors aren’t holding. The hinges are practically stretching at this point.
>In much less than a heartbeat, Sandalwood is seen at the other doors. He’s working the locks as quietly as he can, already aware that it won’t matter for long if they are open or closed.
>As this becomes known to the others, they automatically see the idea he has and begin to either climb down the bleachers or run over to help back him up. Whatever it is on that other side, it can’t be anywhere near as bad as the thing that’s about to happen on the opposite side of the gym.
>All of the students except for Mystery Mint have made it to the floor, with Mystery Mint still too afraid to jump down. She peers over the edge, keeping the imminent fate behind the shattering doors in mind. “Guys! Get me down!”
>With bats raised, Bulk and Sandalwood slowly swing the doors open. Adrenaline rushes at maximum force as their eyes scan more and more of the blood coated hallway as the opening doors unveil it. Expecting something to jump out at any given second.
>For a split second, they analyze the surroundings to find nothing moving… at least nothing standing up straight.
>Still on her back on the floor, Indigo Zap violently reaches out a mangled arm in the direction of Bulk and Sandalwood. It’s pretty clear that she cannot get up, given that the entire front side of her body has been disemboweled, including what’s left of her legs and neck. But they’d rather her not even sit up with that deathly, lifeless glare in her eyes.
>She isn’t even Indigo Zap anymore.
>Back in the gym, Norman is holding out his arms. “Just jump! We’ll catch you!” He tries to say this as quietly as possible, now accompanied by Cadence and Celestia. “Just do it! There’s literally no time!”
>Absolutely nothing seems more like a fact than this at the moment. There is no time to get the bungee cords, like it would matter anyway with the-
>The sound of the doors crashing onto the floor is all that everyone needed to hear.
>No longer being silent, the entire group practically climbs over eachother to get out of the gym. At this moment, there are no individuals running from the danger… everyone is equally vulnerable.
>An extremely frightened Bulk Biceps has no other choice but to kick Indigo out of the way in order for everyone to escape the gym in less than three seconds. on top of the bleachers, Mystery Mint screams at the top of her lungs, echoing her voice throughout the entire school now that the doors are all open, broken or unbroken.
>But she is completely abandoned now.
>As Cadence stumbles through the door with Luna behind her, she spots Indigo Zap’s butchered shell hungrily grabbing in her direction. The undead girl tries to make a sound, calling out to her own kind, but her lack of vocal cords prevents this and causes more blood to pour out instead. These zombies are almost like piranhas. 
>The sight alone forces the Dean to break down as she continues to run, only assisted in persisting by Luna edging her forward from behind.
>A collective set of bloody trails of footprints is made down the hallway with the patter of terrified feet under shoes.
>Still stop the bleachers, Mystery Mint momentarily learns that she is not safe at her high position. The zombies flooding into the gym notice her right away, and do the most terrible, unexpected thing.
>They jump. High.
>Not only this, but they find themselves able to easily latch onto the side of the bleachers and climb. At least thirty of these things swarm the room and charge towards a completely defenseless Mystery Mint on top of the bleachers. Four of the zombies make it to her level in a matter of seconds, followed by at least seven more.
>Mint falls over to her side, shutting her eyes and curling up into a fetal position, praying to every deity possible that this is nothing more than a dream. Her prayers are interrupted by a storm of tense hands pulling her away from the corner and yanking in the direction of the space over the edge.
>They throw the helpless girl down to a crowd below, who eagerly catch her and pull her into their masses, with the zombies on top of the bleachers jumping down after her and into their feast. Mystery Mint’s lungs produce the loudest screams she’s ever screamed until they are forcefully torn out of her body by famished hands. The final screams prompt Roseluck in the locker room to hurry up as much as she can to find a hiding spot.
>Rarity tries to remember where exactly she saw more open lockers before the lights went out. “Forget about the others!” She tells Roseluck to abandon her post at the door to the gym and find somewhere to hide. “It’s too late to wait for them! You need to hide!”
>The girl can already tell that Roseluck will not be able to fit inside of the locker that she is inside of. Rarity alone can barely fit in the small compartment.
>Roseluck shines the light of her phone screen around once more, finding a couple of open lockers in the far corners. But right when she starts to head over to them, she hears a rattling at the door to the gym. Of course, it has no locks on it, and it swings open.
>With less than a second to run, Roseluck just barely doesn’t make it out of the zombie’s line of sight before returning to her shield of darkness. The zombie, formerly a middle aged lady, detected her out of the corner of her eye. This becomes obvious with the sudden growling and snarling.
>A few horrified whimpers give away Roseluck’s position as she ducks into the bathroom; she’s too afraid out of her mind to refrain from making a sound. She finds herself followed in seconds.
>Roseluck’s cries for salvation all run together in a tight echo from the walls of the bathroom. “Rarity! Help me! Help me, please! RARITY!” Her calls are met with no answer as Rarity remains curled up into a ball inside of the locker, covering her mouth when more zombies enter the room.
>They obviously heard the screams, automatically rushing in their direction.
>”NO! Stay back! STAY BAC- AAAAHH!” Roseluck can be heard shuffling around, failing to dodge her attacker. “NOOO! GET OFF! RARITY, HELP!”
>Rarity stays put, too afraid to move. She starts to hear more and more zombies entering the locker room, and swarming around the aisles like a colony of ants. She knows that leaving this locker is nothing other than certain death.
>Rarity stays put, too afraid to move. She starts to hear more and more zombies entering the locker room, and swarming around the aisles like a colony of ants. She knows that leaving this locker is nothing other than suicide.
>And every ounce of her that wants to help Roseluck must be held back.
>Roseluck’s bloodcurdling screams rise in pitch and volume as she slowly becomes more and more outnumbered. “RARITY!” Her clothes are heard being ripped apart right before the sound of teeth sinking into flesh can be heard in her very heart-crushing shrieks of anguish.
>Rarity cries as silently as she can, still completely unseen in the locker shrouded in blackness… outnumbered.
>”P-please…. heLP MEEE!”
>Mascara saturated tears drench Rarity’s face. The girl doesn’t move a muscle, too afraid to even dream of doing so.
>Rainbow Dash keeps her eyes open, watching the splatter of vomit hit the ground. This would seem mildly disgusting to her if it weren’t for her own disgust with what she did back in the school. Or rather… didn’t do.
>Indigo Zap is dead, without a doubt. And even though there’s a high chance that Dash couldn’t really do anything to change that, she still feels the weight of the guilt plunder her shoulders. She continues to heave into the bushes, hardly able to come to terms with this horrific day.
>At least there’s less of a chance her sobs can be heard as easily this deep into the woods. If Rainbow Dash ran hard enough for her own body to retaliate in order to force her to stop, then she made it pretty far. Her legs have become weathered twigs, her lungs themselves aching from exhaustion.
>Dash recollects her thoughts, slows her breathing for her lungs, walks softly and calmly for her legs, and doubles over beneath a nearby oak tree. But she is far from feeling any better.
>This girl abandoned her friends, even after saying to them millions of times before that she’d stick by their side no matter what. She left them for dead in that school, barely with a second thought. Even when one of them was right there in front of her, in the jaws of death.
>She still didn’t do anything to help, and simply left to save her own life. Rainbow Dash cannot decide whether she lost her lunch because of this, or the fact that she has been sprinting full-force for at least a whole minute non-stop.
>After (somewhat) managing to calm down, the girl looks back in the direction if the school. There are a few hills and trees in the way, but Rainbow Dash can still see it in her mind. She can still hear those screams, pleading her to come back.
>She stumbles in the direction, pulling out her phone to take a look at the screen. With a flick of her finger, she finds no new messages from anyone. Part of her is glad, and another part is disheartened. But the girl still soldiers on with trembling legs.
>Past the trees and brush Dash solemnly strides, shuddering every time the slight breeze picks up. She crosses her arms without realizing it, and starts to let the tears flow out once more. Everything inside of her cannot move forward, but wants nothing more than to do so.
>She was doing well walking for the first couple of minutes… until she collapsed under her own guilt once more. Her quivering knees remorsefully hit the soft soil below. Dash raises her hands up to her face, letting her tears soak into the thin layer of dirt on her palms.
>But those tears will not cleanse these hands. Not after what happened.
>Rainbow Dash’s weeping goes unheard of for the rest of the people in town. But that doesn’t mean that her crying can’t be heard from the woods; any ears close enough to hear it either belong to the dead or the undead. No ears belonging to those who are still people.
>This thought only amplifies Rainbow Dash’s despair. Absolute loneliness is something the girl never imagined she would have to go through… at least not like this.
>Nor did she foresee that enduring such a feat would break her faithfulness towards others… that she would choose her own freedom and leaving her friends in the absolute loneliness over staying trapped with them.
>As Dash turns her phone’s screen off, she refuses to look at her reflection in the small rectangle. The girl she is now is someone she never thought she’d be, and someone she never hoped she’d become.
>”Quick! My car!” Celestia urges, pointing to the administrator’s parking spot that’s closest to the school.
>Not wasting a second, the group scrambles for the parking space, still practically climbing over each other. Celestia fumbles to get her keys out, while Luna follows Bulk Biceps over to his staff member parking space.
>A few of the zombies appear in the distance, having either followed the group out of the gym or wandered outside of the school for a while now. Derpy and Fluttershy scream loudly upon noticing them, and Sandalwood raises a shaky bat over his head in hesitant preparation.
>”Go go go go GO GO GO GO GO!” Pinkie Pie hastily chants with her fists clenched.
>The clicking sound fo the doors on Celestia’s car being unlocked could not have come sooner. All four doors are pried open and the car is stormed in less than a second. The same can be said for Bulk Bicep’s car.
>Having stayed by the gym teacher’s side, Fluttershy and Derpy follow him into the car with him in the driver’s seat. The doors are instantly closed behind them, and for a good reason. These zombies can run too fast for comfort.
>It’s a little hard to make out exactly how things play out until the doors are locked and the engines start. Sunset, Cherry Crash, Norman, Pinkie, Luna and Cadence make it into Celestia’s car. Fluttershy, Derpy, Trixie and Sandalwood all make it into Bulk Biceps’s car.
>The prying hands of the zombies collide with the windows within seconds as the cars pull out with everything but hesitation. Just one pound on the glass is enough to inflict a few cracks. Fluttershy covers her eyes as this happens, pretending to be literally anywhere but here.
>Even in (relative) safely, nothing stop the terror from swarming into her head and bringing her to harder tears than any other time in her life. Bulk’s shivering hands struggle to hold the steering wheel straight, almost crashing the car three times on the way out of the parking lot.
>Celestia’s car follows right behind, bumping into the back of Bulk’s car without a single one of the people in either care caring in the slightest bit.
>At this moment, it’s hard to imagine a pair of cars speeding away faster than these two.
>To see the town like this is nothing short of a living nightmare. Fluttershy is lucky she kept her eyes closed. She’s lucky she missed the countless other cars and trucks flipped over, scattered all over and around the road… some far out into the lawns and fields of tall grass.
>She’s lucky she missed the charred outer walls of some building from feeble attempts to stop the invasion. Lucky her eyes never found the hungry eyes of crowds of zombies outside in the surrounding lands, eyeing her and everyone else in the car down at they drive past.
>It really does take a lot to come to terms with the situation. Words are something unobtainable at the sight of the world that everyone used to know, burning and crumbling around them. All of the familiar places, friendly faces… destroyed by this horrible event that nobody of the past could ever possibly imagine.
>It’s scary how many years of happiness can disappear in a matter of hours filled with despair, violence and death. All that is left is pain and loneliness. Far too humbling for anyone in either fo the cars to come to terms with as Celestia and Bulk continue to drive off in to the distance, searching for the slightest shred of good hope. Which they cannot find.
>Not even a good spot to hide.
>Sunset is the first one in either of the cars to speak up, being the only one with a reason to say anything at all. A few minutes ago, Applejack has sent her another text, asking if everyone is doing alright. “I think Applejack is in a better situation than us.” Sunset brings up, occasionally taking glances at the screen. “We should stop looking for somewhere to hide and go where she is.”
>”But… didn’t you say it was too much trouble going there?” Cherry Crash recalls, keeping her eyes away from the window. “I remember you girls said that she was fending for herself, and that it was too late for us to team up with her or something.”
>”That was before we started driving places.” Sunset slams the phone back down to the seat, barely having much room to do so with everyone being cramped inside of the car. “When I said that it was too much trouble, I thought that we’d be on foot or something. I wish Rainbow Dash listened better, but she had the wrong idea. Applejack isn’t abandoning us! She didn’t have a choice!”
>”You know…” Pinkie brings up. “I find it kinda ironic that Rainbow Dash went on and on about how Applejack is a traitor and all that, and then soon goes onto leave us behind.” This is probably the first time she didn’t call the girl ‘Dashie’. “I mean… who does she think she is?”
>”Pinkie, it’s not like that!” Sunset tries to defend Rainbow.
>”THEN WHAT IS IT LIKE? HUH?” Pinkie Pie jerks forward in her seat with tears forming in her eyes. “She obviously left us for DEAD! She didn’t care! But she’s still quick to call it out when someone else does it.”
>”She’s a hypocrite.” Norman provides his input followed by a nod from Cherry Crash.
>”She’s a fucking hypocrite.” Norman provides his input followed by a nod from Cherry Crash.
>Sunset gulps, needing to be wise about choosing her next words. “F-fear… makes people do things. Okay? It’s not like any of us planned for any of this to happen.” She looks back to the phone just in case any new text messages came in, but the mobile phone service just went out.
>Pinkie Pie gives Sunset a combative stare before answering. “SO?” Her voice reeks with disbelief. “We’re ALL afraid! And she knew this! And she still CHOSE to leave us all behind! What kind of loyalty is that?”
>Pinkie Pie gives Sunset a combative stare before answering. “SO?” Her voice reeks with disbelief. “We’re ALL afraid! And she knew this! And she still CHOSE to leave us all behind! What the fuck kind of loyalty is that?”
>”I’m not saying that what she did was a good thing!” Argues Sunset with a rising tone. “We were in a desperate situation! Do or die! You can’t just expect everyone to be themselves in times like these!”
>”D-” Pinkie starts off, instantly stuttering into a silent mess as she realizes Sunset’s point. “I… you… th-” An answer refuses to come out of her mouth.
>Sunset clenches her fists once more, shutting her eyes and turning back to face forward, wishing that she wasn’t right. Wishing that Rainbow Dash could have been able to retain herself and stay the loyal girl she’s always known.
>Wishing that her friend was still out there somewhere, instead of someone who has been molded into nothing more than a stranger with a familiar name. Wishing that the same thing wasn’t happening to everyone else all the while.
>”But…” Pinkie’s voice is breaking up, her face contorting. “I-I…”
>”I’m afraid she has a point.” Luna backs Sunset up in her argument, turning to face the girls from the front seat. “You’re not yourself when you’re fighting for your life. It’s just… just something people…” The vice principal trails off, unable to finish her sentence without succumbing to the harsh reality of it.
>”It’s something people do.” Celestia finishes for her sister, gritting her teeth and clenching onto the steering wheel. “We can’t help it. Fear and pressure… it does things to us after a while…”
>Pinkie loses it instead of answering with words. Her deafening afflicted wailing is one of the most heartbreaking sounds one would ever hear from her. Her mouth, after spending so many years of smiling, twists into the most painful frown the girl has ever felt.
>All of her loved memories… tainted by this horrible day. Her happiness crushed by something as simple as human nature. Who knew that friendship could be thwarted from within this easily?
>All of her loved memories… tainted by this hellish day. Her happiness crushed by something as simple as human nature. Who knew that friendship could be thwarted from within this easily?
>The weeping from Pinkie Pie starts to become mixed with distressful screams. The girl’s mind just cannot accept what the friends she’s known and loved for so long have done. Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack.
>She truly, truly believed that they would be there every step of the way for her. And she was willing to do the same for them.
>That bond has just been broken, no matter how much Pinkie wants to deny it.
>Luna, along with everyone else, covers her ears in the wake of Pinkie’s carrying on. “Please… calm down.” The jittery vice principal can’t think of anything actually supportive to say. What the hell would even be supportive in this situation?
>It isn’t long before Luna’s own eyes start to accumulate tears of her own, feeling the same stinging misery that Pinkie is feeling. The same stinging misery that everyone here is feeling, one way or another.
>In a few seconds, Sunset does everyone’s ears a favor and reaches out to grab onto Pinkie Pie, who instinctively reaches back for a desperate embrace. Pinkie cries hard into Sunset’s shoulder… really hard. Her own tears eventually start dripping down from Sunset’s jacket onto the springy, bright pink heart on her shirt, darkening the spots they land on.
>No one in the car is able to speak, once again.
>As Bulk Biceps’s car continues to lead the way to… wherever, Fluttershy waits again and again for her phone to vibrate. Nothing happens.
>Part of her wishes that Rarity is there in the other car somehow, away from that school. But the other part of her knows that wishes don’t actually work. Fluttershy can’t even text anyone in the other car to confirm that Rarity is alright.
>She can only scout for heads as she looks out the back window as her phone continues to spit out the same message: No signal.
>In Celestia’s car, Sunset looks back down at her phone. If there are any new messages being sent by Applejack, there’s no way Sunset would be able to tell. She keeps her lips sealed, staring at the little message on her screen that clearly states: No signal.
>On the other end, Applejack keeps pulling her phone out of her pocket whenever her family members don’t need her for anything. She opens up Sunset’s number, checking for any new messages providing an update of some sort.
>And she would have been a little bit more surprised at the fact that no responses have come in, if it weren’t for the message in the corner of the screen telling her: No signal.
>Now making her way back to a nearby neighborhood, Rainbow Dash wields a large stick she found in the woods. It already drips with the scattered splatter of blood from a couple of preliminary opponents that Dash came across on her way over to places where streets and buildings await her.
>Now, with asphalt finally beneath her feet, Rainbow Dash stands sturdy as she prepares for the real challenge to defend herself. If she wants resources, she needs to be in the placed that used to have the higher populations before everyone’s smiles were taken away.
>She heads into the danger, quickly glancing at her phone for… well, any sign of the others making it out alive. The very thought of not being there to know still sickens the girl; but something else brings a more horrifying churn to her emptied stomach.
>A message in the corner of the screen, telling her: No signal.
>Rarity, still scrunched into the tiny gym locker, turns the brightness of her phone’s screen as low as it can go. She covers it on the side of the porous locker door, and takes a look at the screen after silencing every single little thing on her phone.
>The zombies must not see or hear anything. The girl is first confused as to why her friends have not contacted her… until she sees a message on her screen bearing the words: No signal.
>Nothing will ever be the same.
>The town of Canterlot has faced the most destructive conflict its ever seen, far beyond anyone’s imagination. The disaster does not care who you are or what you’ve done… or who your loved ones are or what you care about. There is no such thing as entitlement during times like these.
>The end of the days of happiness has reigned down upon the town, just like the rest of the world. And no one was spared the suffering, with the exception of the individuals who chose to end their lives over living such unhappy ones for the days, weeks, months and possibly years to come.
>Like many others, the friendship of the mane six has felt the brunt of the apocalypse, unable to ignore the pressure being exerted on it.
>In the back seat of Principal Celestia’s car, Pinkie Pie stares out the window with the cold glass pressing against her cheek. Her eyes bloodshot, and her heart shattered into tiny pieces. She doesn’t even recognize the town she’s in anymore.
>It’s nothing but incinerated remains of the placed she used to love to go to. All of those days she’d skip down the sidewalks to Sugarcube Corner, when she’d happily kick her legs back and forth at the park while sitting on a bench, even getting up early in the morning to go see her friends at school… all of those moments are lost in the past.
>A quiet sigh briefly fogs up a small portion of the glass. Wherever it is Pinkie is now is a chilly, gloomy version of hell, home to familiar faces belonging to mysterious unknown wanderers. Not her friends.
>Whether they breathe or not, all of Pinkie Pie’s friends are dead to her. She turns her back to the world she sees and covers her face, trying to keep as many memories of the past within her spinning brain as she can while they’re at least still there.
>But the more she sees them, the more it hurts to compare them to the present.
>There’s no going back.
>With her phone in her hand, Sunset continuously makes attempts to reach both Applejack and Rainbow Dash. There needs to be something else said… something else to patch up this bitterness she still senses in everyone’s eyes. Something to provide the others with some closure and justification regarding both Applejack’s and Rainbow Dash’s actions.
>Just… something.
>There is still not the slightest hint of a signal, only reinforcing the sensation of hopelessness in not only Sunset’s, but everyone’s hearts. They may have escaped the school, but they are far from any form of freedom. They can just feel it.
>All they have besides each other in the car is the other car in front of them, leading the way. Another car in which there is no doubt that the feelings are mutual. That would have been a good feeling if the feelings themselves didn’t hurt so much.
>All they have besides each other in the car is the other car in front of them, leading the way. Another car in which there is no doubt that the feelings are mutual. That would have been a good feeling if the feelings themselves didn’t hurt so damn much.
>Cadence watches the car in front, wondering if they managed to actually strike up some sort of conversation. And right when she wonders this, she notices a yellow hand rise up from one of the seats and point in the direction of the next right turn. Almost as though it’s instructing the car behind.
>She blinks. “H-huh?” Soon breaking the eternity long silence and grabbing everyone’s attention. “What is she doing?”
>”I think she wants us to turn.” Confirms Luna.
>Sunset redirects her eyes from her phone and peers over at the car in front, shaking away the world of worry for her friends she’s been. “Can anyone text them? My phone isn’t getting a signal.” She gets a collection of shocked looks in response.
>”WHAT?” Norman blurts out. “You too?!” He looks back at his own phone with begging eyes.
>”Are you saying you’re not getting anything on your phone either?” Cadence shuffles around to pull her phone out of her pocket, her voice is instantly extremely worried.
>As her quivering hands struggle to hold the phone still, she finds the lack of a signal on her phone as well. The panic spreads like wildfire as everyone else makes this same discovery.
>Morale takes yet another nosedive.
>”Whatever, just follow them!” Cherry Crash points out the car in front already making the turn, which Celestia mirrors once she makes it to the same turn.
>Everyone tries to focus their thoughts on following Bulk’s car to an apparently planned destination. They’ll honestly take anything to drown out the realization of their phones officially being practically useless.
>In the other car, a conversation has indeed been initiated.
>”You promise Trixie that she doesn’t have to go back to that school?” Trixie feels the idea of being safe at the police station flooding confidence into her.
>Bulk watches Celestia’s car make the same turn he just made. “Well I don’t know what you’re going to do if the police station’s overrun.”
>”But it shouldn’t be! Rarity said so, right?” Trixie turns to Fluttershy and puts the girl in the spotlight.
>”I… I said that Rarity told me… that her sister was safe there…” Fluttershy tries to sound convincing enough for Trixie to back off. “It was only an hour ago… and it’s a police station!”
>Trixie wanted to hear precisely that. “Exactly! There’s no way we won’t be safe there!” She says it proudly enough to convince herself.
>Just at this moment, the street ahead bears a pack of about five or six of the zombies standing right in the middle of the path. What feels strange at first is how no one in either of the cars has seen any of them during the few minutes of driving through the normally more populated part of town — downtown.
>But seeing the zombies clustered in a group like this starts to make this make more sense. These people… well, former people… are traveling in packs. And it looks like they’re not randomly wandering around in the streets either.
>It would be hard to assume this right away if it weren’t for all of them facing each other as they stand there, as though conversing… and then beginning to simultaneously turn their heads towards the cars at they approach.
>These aren’t the same kinds of zombies from the movies.
>Bulk realizes that making this turn was a horrible mistake.
>”Shit!” Bulk manages to blare out as he realizes that making this turn was a horrible mistake.
>Celestia notices Bulk’s car come to an abrupt stop right in front of her, almost crashing into the back bumper after slamming on the breaks herself. It isn’t until through the windows of Bulk’s car does she see the small troop of zombies menacingly heading in the direction of the cars.
>They aren’t running… carefully eyeing the grill of Bulk’s car as it slows to a screeching halt.
>Sunset staggers forward in her seat and catches a glimpse of the sight as well. Sandalwood does the same, and looks directly into their starving eyes. “RUN THEM OVER!” He shouts in an instant, pointing his finger with indescribable urgency.
>Bulk gladly slams his foot on the gas pedal, sending the car careening ahead at the pack of undead corpses. He can’t wait to see the front of his car run them through, tearing their feeble bodies apart from the momentum. Fluttershy squeals and covers her face in her hands as she’s jerked back into her seat.
>Soon speeding into the open road ahead, Bulk Bicep’s car does not hit a single thing. It flies past it’s targets which now stumble over eachother on the sides of the street.
>They ducked out of the way.
>Derpy notices them now beginning to look at the car from the back side. All it took from her was one scream for Bulk to realize what just happened… and the man slams on the gas a second time.
>It’s a good thing he did; the zombies are indeed running this time, hot on their trail.
>But the zombies’ pursuit is interrupted by the front bumper of Celestia’s car; it plows through the group and ends up pursuing Bulk’s car instead.
>”Gogogogogogogogo!” Sunset bounces around in her seat with heightening anxiety, falling back as the car speeds up.
>Needless to say, the zombies at least can’t measure up to the speed of a car. They’re (just) not fast enough.
>After a bit of walking around, Rainbow Dash finally finds a reason to raise her bat over her head.
>There are about three of them about two blocks over, kneeling down on a house’s lawn and huddled together over something that Dash is certain is their latest victim. Rage builds up in her heart as she does a few hops in place and takes a few practice swings.
>The adrenaline builds up within Rainbow Dash as she makes her way over, knowing that if she wants to keep going in this direction, she needs to confront these former humans with as much energy as she can. She doesn’t want to go down the street where nothing waits for her.
>Because Applejack’s farm isn’t in that direction.
>With nothing more than caution in her mind, Rainbow dash creeps a little bit closer to the feasting zombies before her. The girl doesn’t make a sound, keeping an eye on her surroundings, lest she be seen by another one of… those.
>Only the wind is there to cover her ever-so-soft footfalls… and Rainbow Dash stalks the zombies after taking refuge behind a hedge. She stares through the leaves while feeling the ground for anything that makes enough sound when thrown far enough.
>She keeps a tight hold onto her bat as she does this. The bat, while actually just being a large blunt stick she found in the woods, has been smoothened on one slightly thinner end for Dash to maintain a sturdy grip on. She knows that it was a lot easier to use one o the bats from the gym, but she hadn’t taken hers with her.
>Fear makes people panic. Panic makes people forget.
>Rainbow Dash’s bat is largely just a bat in name. It’s more of a club, but Dash still wants to imagine it as a bat.
>After a little bit more rummaging around in the gravel, a small rock will have to do — Dash picks it up, not wasting a second. Her hype won’t last forever, she better use it while she has it.
>There’s no need to try and hit the car that’s across the street, still somehow, by some miracle, sitting in a driveway. Though, it starts to make more sense when Rainbow Dash spots the blood coating the inside of the windows of the house the which the driveway leads.
>The poor suckers must have never made it out.
>Rock in hand, but not for long, Dash sets her sights on the side of the car. The rock is flung out of the crouched girl’s hand, and is sent soaring through the air in the direction of the car. Rainbow Dash ducks down as though she just tossed a grenade.
>The sound of the rock colliding with the asphalt echoes throughout the suburban blocks. It was loud enough to provoke the three zombies to jolt their heads up in response, hungrily scanning the landscape for the source of the sound.
>One of them even stands up, leaving the other two to guard the half eaten meal.
>Rainbow Dash gets a better look at the victim, which barely remains identifiable as a human being any more. They were clearly working at this thing for a while.
>But Dash only catches a brief glimpse as time to dwell on the corpse slips away in an instant; the zombie on her feet creeps directly in the direction of Rainbow Dash. She doesn’t appear to know that the girl is there, simple sniffing the air and cautiously eyeing the hedge from one end to the other.
>Thinking ahead of time, Dash silently picks up another rock and waits for the zombie to turn around. Once this finally happens, she tosses the second rock in the exact same direction, which is now further away from where the zombie vehemently stands its ground.
>While having been meant to hit the car, it still misses.
>The sound not only drives the closer zombie into a fit of eager pursuit, but one of the other two stands up to join her. They’re all facing away from Rainbow Dash, giving a green light for a third rock to be thrown.
>Only a smaller rock is left, but it’s still presumably enough to make noise. A still unnoticed Rainbow Dash stands up entirely this time, and chucks the rock with more precision while the zombies still face away from her. This pays off, resulting in the rock smashing right into the windshield of the car.
>In a half of a second, the alarm blares into the open air. Absolutely perfect.
>The third zombie now gets up, but appears to be indifferent regarding whether or not he wants to go over to the car with an unfinished meal still right there in front of him. The other two start banging on the car’s windows while the third zombie succumbs to… some sort of instinct… and goes back to keeping the rest of the previous feast all to himself. This is where Rainbow Dash comes in, seizing the opportunity.
>Still at the car’s windows, the first two zombies make progress in breaking the glass. Rainbow Dash creeps over with her makeshift bat raised, wanting the still kneeling zombie to see her only when it’s too late.
>But as she approaches the location of the noises and action, an unmistakable gunshot rings from the car… catching both parties outside of it by surprise.
>The feasting zombie perks its head up, and Rainbow Dash makes a dive for it. She lunges at the zombie and swings with all of her might in one motion, waning nothing less than to make this first hit count. It really needs to.
>A satisfying crack ravages the side of the zombie’s head. It’s loud, and convincing in a way that brings Rainbow Dash confidence that the first hit did indeed count. It’s too bad she can’t celebrate.
>A satisfying crack ravages the side of the zombie’s head. It’s damn loud, and convincing in a way that brings Rainbow Dash confidence that the first hit did indeed count. It’s too bad she can’t celebrate.
>She only has about two seconds to move on from the first zombie she reached; the other two, now on either side of the car, direct their attention towards the approaching warrior.
>With this, Rainbow Dash charges, not even looking back to see if the one she hit did so much as go down. Drawing her arms back for another swing as she draws close, she prays that these last two are the only ones she needs to worry about.
>The zombie on her side of the car snarls her teeth and reaches out her hand towards Rainbow Dash. A second swing is taken, as precisely as possible. This time, the jagged bat clips the front of the zombie’s face, reaching mainly the teeth.
>A pair of hands from behind grab Dash, prompting her to immediately spin around and take a third swing. She’s basically wildly thrashing the club/bat around at this time out of rushed desperation.
>Why didn’t the first one go down?
>Desperation quickly rises within Dash as she quickly realizes that she made the mistake of believing she could take on three of these things at once. It was nothing but one-on-one situations in the woods.
>With a kick to the chest, the first zombie is sent stumbling back before Rainbow Dash turns back around and swings just in time to swipe an advancing hand out of the way. This zombie was on the other side of the car, and now stands on the front hood.
>Right next to the hood, Rainbow Dash catches the short-lived image of a splatter of blood inside of the car… that she doesn’t remember being there before.
>The girl had no idea that someone… was… hiding in there.
>It’s no surprise that Rainbow Dash is forced to retreat, seeing that taking these things down is going to take more than just a pseudo-bat to the head.
>Being the natural runner she is, the girl bolts away from the scene. But not giving up on her greater goal, she chooses the direction of Applejack’s farm, now leading some company along the way. Dash doesn’t look back, solely focusing on her needlessly desperately escape that could have been avoided altogether.
>Rainbow Dash’s hair is flung all the way back as she sprints. Her rapid footsteps are hastily followed by three sets of others.
>She makes a charge towards one of the fences of a house’s yard, hoping that she can be able to lose at least one of them over the fence itself. She knows she’s going to run out of steam at any second, having learnt how long she can maintain a full-on sprint.
>After slinging the bat over the fence, a quick leap sends Dash halfway up the side of the obstacle with her hands just grappling onto the top ends of the wooden planks, leaving her to make a climb to the top in order to get all the way over. Just as she does this, a pair of hands is felt at her ankle in a matter of seconds; nowhere near enough time to get all the way over.
>Dash kicks instinctively, batting the incoming teeth away with the sole of her shoe. By some miracle, the other two zombies didn’t even make it to the fence yet. One of them even further behind with a noticeable clumsy limp in its walk. It’s the one Rainbow Dash clubbed in the head.
>The feeling of the grass hitting Rainbow Dash’s body as she lands on it couldn’t be more welcoming. But it doesn’t last long as a pair of heads appears at the top of the fence… followed by tensed arms and legs.
>The girl scrambles around on the surface of the grass and re-obtains her weapon as one of the zombies dangles from the edge of the fence. He falls down right before meeting a thick cylinder of wood to the side of his skull… the wood snapping in two from the impact.
>Rainbow Dash notices this, and automatically thinks to perceive her weapon as a newfound spear. She rams it into the zombie’s eye before her can stand up, leaning into the stab with her own bodyweight.
>She feels… something… give way, and the wood sinks in further. It can’t be pulled out, no matter how hard Dash tries after the hands grabbing at her lose the effort in their attempts.
>It’s a good thing he first zombie over the fence falls over, since the next one, the undead lady, catches Dash by surprise and tackles her to the ground.
>She would have bitten into Dash already if it weren’t for the girl gripping her by the throat and holding her mouth back. On the other side of the fence, the last zombie struggles to jump over, somewhat disoriented and crashing into the wooden surface.
>Rainbow Dash wrestles the zombie trying to bite her as the other one slowly tries to stand up.
>Rainbow Dash wrestles the zombie trying to bit her as the one she impaled slowly tries to stand up.
>She automatically thinks about the lady’s teeth, what with it being hard not to with the constant biting motions directly at the girl’s face. Balling up one fist and keeping the other hand stationed at the zombie’s neck for dear life, Rainbow Dash draws her arm back after rolling on top.
>Punching something never felt so good. Dash takes all of her feelings and channels them into her fist as her left hand keeps the face in front of her steady. And she aims for nowhere else but the teeth, with intention to take this zombie’s ability to bite away.
>Blow after blow is struck, with every ounce of Rainbow Dash’s strength behind it. They are briefly interrupted by the first zombie over the fence managing to grab onto Dash’s unguarded ankle. He leans in to bite, but only meets Dash’s other shoe hammering into the jutting wood further into her eye socket like a nail.
>Something fatal in the skull was reached after the third or fourth kick; the now completely dead man doubles over, motionless in the grass. The cost for this was a series of nearly toothless bites into Dash’s forearm.
>But the blood that drips all over the skin does not belong to Rainbow Dash.
>The previous routine of zombie dentistry resumes… for the sake of whatever teeth remain. Rainbow Dash doesn’t realize how lucky she is until she sees failure after failure for the zombie still trying to make it over he fence.
>After another minute or so, the toothless zombie grabs at Rainbow Dash with ten intentionally broken fingers. The girl she now cannot do anything to hope to eat has thought of everything. Dash, extremely sickened by having to do what she just did, takes a step back to look away.
>She never knew how much force it would take to overpower those small bones… but she needed to find out for her own survival out here.
>After having to bat away at the now harmless bites at her neck every few seconds for the next minute, Rainbow Dash pushes the lady to the ground in a spurt of rage.
>The last zombie that poses any thread to Dash has disappeared from right behind the fence, having been unable to get over. Dash knows that she needs to find a better weapon than a simple stick — and her memory immediately tracks back to that gunshot she heard.
>It takes a full five minutes of checking the surroundings until Dash can confirm that it’s relatively safe enough to return to that car. The windshield blocks visibility from the front with the collage of scattered cracks, but Rainbow Dash uses it as the easiest way to enter. One kick to the damaged glass and she’s in.
>The man who (was) fearing for their life in here lies on the bottom of the musty floor, appearing to even be covered in a thin layer of dust. Aside the blood, of course. Holding her breath and not even trying to think about the blood, Dash reaches down for the gun in the young man’s right hand, and pulls it away from his loose grip.
>The clip falls out, empty.
>It’s no wonder why a man would point the barrel towards his own head instead of the two zombies outside of his car when he only has one bullet left.
>Dash drops the useless gun onto the man’s back and escapes the car so she can breathe again. She’s back on her now more cautious journey to Applejack’s house in less than a minute.
>The hallways are quiet in the police station. But that doesn’t mean that nobody is there.
>Many officers of the law constantly look back out the windows with stern, concerned expressions. Never before have they faced a situation so dire. They carefully guard and patrol the silent hallways, stepping as lightly as they can to keep the halls silent.
>If anything makes it in, they need to be able to hear it and respond as immediately as possible.
>The main reason for the quick defense is the growing group of people they need to protect in the station’s small gym. Everyone has to huddle up in the one room, as nowhere else had enough space to comfortably fit over thirty people.
>And in the room, along with a few more young kids and teenagers, are Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. The two speak amongst eachother as their worry for their friends and family grows.
>The look on Sweetie Belle’s face becomes more and more impatient. “I swear she just texted me like a half an hour ago.” She fiddles with the wifi connection on her phone with her sister’s number on her screen.
>”Maybe we need to go higher up.” Scootaloo stares at the ceiling.
>”No, it’s not that. I just made sure my phone’s connection is good and everything. She’s not responding to anything!” Sweetie Belle sends the fifth desperate text message in about ten minutes. “If she’s not headed over here right now… I… I’m gonna scream.”
>”Please don’t.”
>As though the timing were from right out of a movie, one of the cops from outside in the halls steps through the door into the room. “Get ready, folks! We got some more coming in. Make some room.”
>”Maybe she’s in this group!” Scootaloo attempts to reassure Sweetie Belle.
>The police officers watch a pair of cars approach the station from down the street, one behind the other.
>”Alright, check for bites and bring ‘em in!” An officer signals for the two parties to carefully exit their vehicles. He and a couple of other armed officers watch them closely.
>Luna and Cadence lock shaking arms with Bulk right behind them. Sunset, trying to think every positive thought she can, lets Pinkie Pie remain leaning onto her shoulder during the walk inside. Pinkie’s hair is completely deflated and flattened, just like her hopes for things going back to the way they were before.
>With shivers running all over her body, Principal Celestia leads the way at the front of the group. Each of the cars empty out after parking in the middle of the crowded parking lot. All of the other cars are extremely disorderly placed, just haphazardly stopped over the lines and onto the grass from one end of the asphalt to the other. It was nearly a miracle to drive in, and it will take even more than a miracle to get any more cars into here with two more taking up the last sliver of space.
>It only takes a few minutes for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to start recognizing faces. It’s the most reassuring thing in the world to them after starting to lose hope that anyone else had survived this day. Luna is the first to recognize the two, and herds everyone in the group over to their direction.
>”Where’s Rarity?” Sweetie Belle can only get the same question out of her mouth with each few seconds. “Where is she?”
>Norman looks around the group upon hearing Rarity’s name, as does Fluttershy. Both of them had believed that the girl had just been in the other car or something before, but soon learn that this wasn’t the case.
>Sweetie Belle locks her fingers together, replacing her relief from seeing some familiar faces with the absence of a specific one. She looks over the group again and again in a matter of seconds, just in case she didn’t see her sister. But Rarity is still nowhere to be seen.
>”Hey…” Celestia holds her phone up to her face. “Do we have wifi here?”
>The officer who helped the group into the building approaches her, having overheard her comment. “Yeah. Long story short, it took a little bit of manually getting the station’s IP address connected to a new satellite. With some help from the FBI.” He gestures with a tilt of his head in the direction of two techie-looking guys in front of a computer in another room. One is dressed in a blue T-shirt with glasses while the other in a dress shirt with suspenders.
>The officer who helped the group into the building approaches her, having overheard her comment. “Yeah. Long story short, it took a little bit of manually getting the station’s IP address connected to a new satellite. With some help from the FBI.” He gestures with a cock of his head in the direction of two techie-looking guys in front of a computer in another room. One is dressed in a blue T-shirt with glasses while the other in a dress shirt with suspenders.
>The didn’t even notice everyone who just swarmed in, keeping their eyes glued to whatever it is they are doing on the computer screen.
>Celestia widens her eyes in amazement, tilting to the side the get a better look at the two heroes. “…Wow… can you tell them I said thank you?” She nods her head a little bit.
>”Where’s my sister?!” Sweetie Belle groans with her pupils widening in worry. “I know she’s alive! I’ve been texting her all day!”
>”Where’s my sister?!” Sweetie Belle groans with her pupils dilating in worry. “I know she’s alive! I’ve been texting her all day!”
>No one who hears her can think of an answer that she’d want to hear. They remember Rarity mentioning that Sweetie Belle had texted her stating that she’s safe at the police station; it’s how they knew to come here in the first place.
>When they tell the poor girl that her sister did not make it out like (most of) everybody else, they still can’t verify whether or not she is still alive or dead. The need for preventing even more despair seems crucial at this point; everyone’s already having a hard time keeping their moods up.
>As the rest fo the group doesn’t answer, everyone else in the makeshift waiting room turns their attention the Sweetie Belle. The longer she doesn’t receive an answer from the group, the more concerned and heartbroken noises come from the rest of the crowd.
>They know, having seen this story take place before them over and over again with each new arrival. The unacceptable loss of a loved one.
>A lot of them, including everyone from the group that just arrived, turn away as Sunset walks up to Sweetie Belle and delivers the news. The ones who keep watching notice Sunset place her and over her heart multiple times to express sincerity. Sweetie Belle inevitably tears up, and Sunset changed the direction of the topic as this happens.
>At first, she was trying to get it through to Sweetie Belle that it just can’t be determined where Rarity is or what she’s doing. She explained that she most likely doesn’t have mobile phone connection and that the girl is probably too occupied with running for her life to text.
>But now that Sweetie’s eyes are beginning to well up, Sunset starts to make… suggestions… regarding going back over to the school and finding Rarity. The entire premise on its own sounds like nothing short of a long shot, at least to Sunset.
>”You gotta! She has to still be alive out there!” Rarity’s sister falls to her knees in a desperate begging mess. “These cops will protect us! They have guns! We can easily go get her!” Scootaloo tears up and turns away as an officer hears what Sweetie Belle just said and strides over.
>The officer sits down next to Sweetie Belle and Sunset on the marble floor. His light tangerine skin still has a drop of blood from an earlier episode on it… he quickly wipes it off so the girl doesn’t see.
>He takes a sorrowful gaze back at the gym filled with defenseless civilians. There must be over forty of them now. “Miss…” The officer takes a deep exhale and then briefly glances over to his exhausted but alert partners. “I’m afraid that… my squadron has to stay here. It’s our job to protect all of the citizens that come here from all over town.”
>The pain in pushing these words out can be felt in his tone; he didn’t want to have to say this.
>But he continues. “I…. I wish there was something we could do. But, we need to protect this place. It’s the only known safe zone left in town.”
>His words collide with Sweetie’s heart like a rock. The girl winces in discouragement. “W-what? NO! You gotta save her! She’s still out there somewhere!” Her voice begins to crack, prompting another officer to walk in their direction.
>”But remember, there’s still the national guard.” The first officer continues, trying to keep the hopelessness from invading the girl’s thoughts. “I can give them a call right now and tell them to go wherever they need to go t-” He’s interrupted by his comrade.
>”Silver?” He addresses the other officer by his name, having been listening to the entire conversation. “Will you be needing me stationed somewhere any time before six?”
>Officer Silver slowly rises to his feet, already aware of his deputy’s intentions. He’s divided on what his answer should be to this, not wanting to jeopardize the safety of the other citizens in the gym across the hall. “There’s no telling if I’ll need you between now and six. Those… people… almost got in twice already. We have to stay on our toes!” He looks at the other officer with hesitant eyes. “Mocha’s squadron isn’t enough to keep this place secured. We need to be here. I’m so sorry, I wish there was something we could do… but…” He looks back down at the crying girl.
>Sweetie’s eyes are now shut with tears still rolling out. She’s visibly shaking.
>Officer Silver has trouble choosing his next words. “Lives are at stake, here.”
>”I volunteer.” A much younger officer, likely a rookie, steps in with his hand raised. He overheard as well.
>Officer Silver and his deputy chance a glance over to him. “Moss! Didn’t you just hear me?” Officer Silver gestures to the dozens of civilians in the gym. “We. Literally. Can’t!”
>The rookie keeps his hand in the air with a stern expression locked onto his face. “I can go alone.” His ambitious words shock his superior.
>”This is not up for discussion!” Officer Silver berates him. “We cannot afford to do this.”
>Sunset covers Sweetie Belle’s ears. “One of us brought a gun with us.” She reveals, looking over at Luna.
>The officers can barely notices the handle poking out from the Vice Principal’s back pocket.
>”We could get my gym teacher to fill in for you while you’re out. I think he used to be a cop.” Sunset continues, watching Officer Moss stressfully grab the sides of his head and Officer Silver immediately go to Luna to address her about her firearm.
>Sweetie belle keeps checking her phone for a new text from Rarity.
>Vice Principal Luna was not at all reluctant to give up her firearm, given that it likely wasn’t even hers in the first place.
>As she hands it over to Officer Silver, it’s as though it has been burning a hole into her hand this whole time. The officer takes possession of the weapon, makes sure the safety is on, and examines the grooves and designs engraved into the metal surface.
>The crystal Prep emblem catches his eye first, and he asks Luna where the gun is from, and who the owner is. Luna replies with a shake of her head, indicating that the owner of the firearm has not made it to the station.
>”Alright, listen. Who is it you’re missing?” Officer Moss tries to get Sweetie to stop crying.
>A few seconds of sniffling pass before Sweetie Belle forces her eyes back open and looks up to the officer. “M-my sister…” She squeaks. “She’s at Canterlot High. That’s the high school on the west side of town.”
>Officer Moss nods his head as he listens intently to the girl speak. Just the sight alone of seeing the man nodding his head uplifts Sweetie Belle’s spirit, putting thoughts of him going to save Rarity in her head.
>”Her name’s Rarity.” She adds.
>The officer stands up and fixes his belt. “Alright, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to go get one of my fellow officers and tell her about what happened, and that someone on the other side of town needs to be save. She has a squad car that can get us there. And I’ll be riding with you… and we’ll protect you AND your sister.”
>Now back from talking to Luna, Officer Silver overhears the far fetched plans and gives his deputy a glance of disapproval. But after seeing those pleading eyes of a girl who wants to see her sister alive, Officer Moss won’t back down so easily.
>”It’s just me… and Officer Snow that will be gone. and for like… thirty minutes!” He tries to convince Officer Silver, who still wisely wears the same look of disapproval.
>A swift beginning later, and a quiet but heated back-and-forth between Officer Silver and Officer Moss ensues. The two of them are sure not to argue loudly enough to alarm any of the civilians inside of the gym, let alone distract themselves or their comrades from the dangers outside the station that are still present.
>It doesn’t take much to pick up on it, Officer Moss is taking a serious risk by leaving for his proposed “30 minutes” to go save one high schooler and reunite her with her sister.
>Officer Silver repeatedly expresses how bad of an idea this is, and urges his deputy that it’s simply not worth it. Sunset and Sweetie Belle hopefully keep their eyes on the dispute as the third officer joins Officer Moss’s side. They learn his name when Officer Silver tells him that he and Officer Moss are letting their feelings get the best of them during an inconvenient crisis.
>”Listen to me, Quartz! We cannot. Afford. To do. This.” Officer Silver chops the open air with his hand in front of himself for further articulation. “This is a BAD idea and you know it!”
>”Thirty… minutes! That’s all!” Defends Officer Moss.
>”We can’t even hold certainty for five minutes! Let alone fifteen or thirty!”
>Officer Quartz turns around to take a look at the citizens in the gym. There are about five other officers guarding the doors to the room from the hallways outside. Every single one of them are armed.
>”Well what about all of the time we’ve been here so far? Nothing’s really even happened for a couple of hours.” Suggests Officer Quartz. “I know that it would be unreasonable to say that thirty minutes won’t make much of a difference, but this place can still be held off with what we have for only thirty minutes. It’s not like we have to spend the entire day doing it that way. And there would only be two or three of us gone in that timeframe! Out of the twelve who are here.”
>With a reluctant shake of his head, Officer Silver responds. “It doesn’t matter. It’s too much of a risk to have even the smallest break in out defenses even for a minute.” His eyes scan the clustered parking lot, finding no movement aside a sheet of paper blowing in the breeze. “Those things are smart… fast learners. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have been silent and hiding on purpose to get us to let our guard down.”
>Officer Moss actively tries to think of a plan that could work out for both sides of the argument that still rants on at both ends.
>It’s getting harder and harder for Rarity to keep her eyes open as she remains curled up in this total blackness. Though, it’s not due to fatigue.
>Given what she’s seen of the zombies so far, they could very well be keeping silent so anyone who is hiding will no longer suspect their presence. The thought itself seemed like crazy talk at first, but then again, the idea of a zombie apocalypse seemed like something only conspiracy theorists believed.
>It’s a little hard not to let fear take over logic in situations like this… in the dark… alone.
>After a while, Rarity doesn’t even turn on the screen of her phone, due to her concern of one of the zombies being able to see it through the grates of the locker door. There isn’t even a lock on this thing; the only object holding the door closed is Rarity’s belt, which has been attached to the door itself by looping through two of the holes. It was just able to fit through, with enough force.
>There was literally nothing to use to sturdily tie through the holes in the locker door. at least the belt should hold.
>Silence is key in this situation… far beyond movie theater silence.
>The girl even calms her breathing as much as she can, for the purpose of not being heard. The silence and darkness combined would be enough to make her fall asleep if the factor of absolute horror didn’t come into play. The only reason why she can’t keep her eyes open is due to the smearing mascara starting to sting.
>She keeps her eyes shut, and listens to her heart gradually begin to beat more slowly. There can’t be any sighs of relief as Rarity realizes that she’s still somehow alive after the gym was overrun.
>After a while, the prolonged silence really starts to calm Rarity’s nerves.
>It wasn’t until now that the girl had realized how much she had been shaking — she had been to focused on any little bit of sound that could still come from the bathroom, where she last heard the zombies… claiming their latest victim.
>A victim that Rarity had known for so many years. Roseluck.
>The terror is slowly replaced by trickles of grief as the memories resurface in Rarity’s thoughts. All of the times she and Roseluck hung out together after school, talking about their favorite bands and places they wanted to go once it was summer.
>Every single week, they would talk to eachother. It might not have been as close as a day-by-day connection, but the loss of any kind of friend like Roseluck makes it as though it might as well have been day-by-day. More tears are forced to Rarity’s eyes as she remembers the time she shared with Roseluck, along with a lot of the other girls. Most of whom are likely in Roseluck’s current position.
>There’s no possible way the world will ever be the same.
>As the depression starts to become a little bit more overbearing to the fear in Rarity’s head, the smallest, quietest squeak of a sob escapes the girl’s mouth.
>That’s all it took for the mood to change back. Out of the bathroom, literally less than a second later, sounds a chorus of growls from multiple zombies. The echo of the bathroom walls only causes the group within those walls to sound even more numerous. Especially when the rushed footsteps spill into the locker room, in pursuit of the noise they heard.
>Rarity actually can’t bring herself to believe that they were waiting this entire time for something else to make a sound. She didn’t hear them moving around in there, she didn’t hear them… eating.
>That thought alone almost brings Rarity to vomit, despite her best spurts of restraint.
>As one grunting pair of footfalls reaches right outside of Rarity’s locker… and stops, it can’t look like anything other than the end for Rarity. She covers her mouth and presses her hand down hard, as though it’s supposed to make any difference in suppressing the sounds that could give away Rarity’s position.
>Literally forever passes before the footfalls migrate to somewhere else in the room. Rarity can only break down crying on the inside, still keeping her mouth covered while the tears flood over her knuckles.
>There it is.
>It must have taken about another half an hour of walking until this moment finally arrived. Rainbow Dash peers down into the familiar meadow from a cluster of trees on a hill. Her legs have even gotten used to being tired, that’s pretty much the best way she can explain it to herself.
>Too much adrenaline to stop now. The girl has a brand new reason to be amped up at the moment.
>As she had been journeying through the neighborhoods before making it into the woods once more, Rainbow Dash had taken the liberty of raiding as many back yards as she could along the way. And only since she took a look at the most recent house was she glad she had done so.
>Most of the houses had nothing useful to offer in the backyards. Rainbow Dash only settled for less when she found a few tool sheds that were far and few between. Wrenches, screwdrivers, some mild gardening equipment… nothing perfect, but it was the best Dash could get her hands on.
>But everything changed when the girl made it to that house at the edge of the woods. Right away, Dash could tell that a lumberjack lived there, with the stumps in the backyard and all of the equipment scattered across the back patio.
>The first thing she looked for was a chainsaw, and she spend over five minutes scouting the patio for one. Something inside of her wanted to at least live the dream that those zombie movies had presented to her in the past. She might as well, given the circumstances.
>But the thing that made her drop all of the tools she was struggling to carry at once was what she saw jutting out from the top of a stump near the far right corner of the yard — an ax.
>That same ax is what Rainbow Dash is wielding as she hides behind the bushes, stalking Applejack’s house in the distance. That same ax is the reason for Dash to be overflowing with adrenaline.
>A few residents can be seen scurrying about like ants, barely noticeable at Rainbow Dash’s distance.
>Rainbow Dash knows that they most likely have guns over there… and a lot of them. It’s obvious that she needs to take a slow and cautious approach, namely leaving her ax behind. But then again, the ax can still be present under the excuse of the need to defend against the zombies.
>With this thought in her head, she strides out into the open, waving her arms around in the air to ensure that she doesn’t meet a barrage of bullets upon arriving at Applejack’s house.
>Something long ago had snapped within Rainbow Dash. Ever since she found out about what her former friend neglected to do. How she left her and the other students in their bliss while she and her family prepared for the worst event to ever hit the town.
>Applejack didn’t help; she didn’t even let anyone know what was coming. And as a result, loved ones have lost their lives. This is unforgivable.
>After being noticed by one of the family members of the farm, Rainbow Dash slowly forms a plan in her head. She knows that Applejack will likely be close to her at all times, even when no one else is around at some points in time.
>With the conditions just right, retribution can be delivered to the traitor. But the girl knows that she has pretty much one chance and nothing more.
>Rainbow Dash hears one of the family members call out to her, ordering for her to come closer.
>In less than a minute, Rainbow Dash is escorted into the house through the side door. The floorboards creak under her shoes as she draws further away from the light coming from outside; barely any of the lights in this hallway are on.
>The people here basically ask her how she got here, to which she tells them that she traveled on foot and lost a lot of friends on the way over here.
>Distant talking in another room reveals Applejack’s voice. Dash’s hand tightens on the handle of the ax as she hears this, not having expected to hear from the girl right away after entering the house.
>She practically has to restrain herself from bolting towards the sound of the voice as she passes the room. But as she does so, she’s apparently in the doorway long enough for her former friends to recognize her. That same voice calls over to the hallway.
>”Rainbow?” Applejack peers around the corner to make sure that what she saw was real.
>”Rainbow?” Applejack peers around the cornet to make sure that what she saw was real.
>A tall young man donning a cowboy hat similar to Applejack’s steps out behind her next. “You know her?”
>Right after Turning around, Rainbow Dash finally sees Applejack for the first time in what feels like years given all of the traumatizing things that have happened today. The two girls stare at eachother for the longest time, unable to find fitting words that would spark up a conversation that fits the circumstances.
>”She’s mah friend.” Applejack explains to the young man behind her. She walks over to Rainbow Dash and spreads her arms. “Oh… oh god! Rainbow!” Her tone rises slightly.
>Rainbow Dash barely finds herself able to keep still as her “friend” pulls her into a hug. All she’s able to think about is all of the space in this house. All the places where people could have stayed at least for a day or two.
>Hiding spots that could have been for those who are already dead.
>”Where’s everyone else?” Applejack finally notices that her friend has arrived here alone.
>The fact alone that Applejack brought up the others right when Rainbow Dash was thinking about how they could have been kept alive is just… it’s too-
>The man behind Applejack turns away, already wary of what Dash might say next in response to being asked about the whereabouts of her friends. Applejack locks her fingers and takes a single step back after letting go of her friend.
>”Rainbow, where are they?” Her relieved voice soon turns to something sounding quite the opposite. “Where are they?”
>Swallowing the words she wants to say, Rainbow Dash answers. “I… I don’t know…” She groans through nearly chattering teeth.
>Applejack’s pupils widen.
>Applejack’s pupils dilate.
>”Wait… before you get any ideas, there are some things I need to explain.” Rainbow looks past Applejack and into the room where she had been talking.
>This was the only signal Applejack needed. “Oh…” She starts to turn around. “Um, well while we’re at it, there’s a few things ah need to explain to you too.”
>Neither girl wastes a second on preliminaries. Dash follows Applejack and her apparent family member into the room to find a table with four chairs. The three sit down — and Rainbow Dash keeps her ax close to herself.
>As Rainbow Dash imagines it, her desertion of the others back at the school really shouldn’t be too frowned upon in Applejack’s eyes, seeing that the girl seems to only care about her family when the chips are down. And Applejack wasn’t even in a do or die situation in the beginning, she was in the situation BEFORE the do or die situation.
>There is probably a half second of silence as the three sit at the table. In a hasty fashion, Applejack introduces her relative Red Delicious and goes on to anxiously belt out questions.
>She keeps her shaking hands locked together. “Did you get separated or somethin’?” Her questions start to come out at a rapid pace. “Are they alive? How many of them were with you?”
>The distressed expression in Applejack’s eyes is almost enough to get Rainbow Dash to drop her internal rage for a split second and try to calm her fr-
>None of this would have happened if Applejack had at least given a warning about this. She didn’t even need to tell anyone how much of an advantage she had, she could have lied and said that she wasn’t able to even stay at the house or something.
>All she had to do was tell everyone about what was about to happen.
>”Do… do you want me to go first?” Applejack’s tone softens with a hint of mercy. “Ah swear I’ll explain everything.”
>A slight rise of Rainbow Dash’s eyebrows gives Applejack the cue to elaborate.
>”Okay… so everything that happened today just hit a lot faster than ah could keep up with. I’m sure we can level on that.” Applejack pauses briefly for Dash to nod in response. “It was the livestock. Those darn animals were goin’ crazy, and well… ah just couldn’t figure it out at first.”
>Rainbow Dash feels her legs tense a little bit as she discovers just how correct that part of her assumption was. Red Delicious stares down at the surface of the table without saying a word.
>”It had to be something big. Even after Big Mac and I took some of the livestock to the other side of the house and tried to subdue them, they were still going just as crazy as before. Whatever it was that was making them act this way, it was still going on, and it was not just in the barn.”
>Applejack deeply sighs and stares up at the ceiling while Rainbow Dash can’t help but start to subtly interrogate her. “So when was it when you figured out that it was a zombie apocalypse?” She leans in to listen more closely.
>”It wasn’t until about a little bit under an hour later… when… some of the other members of the Apple Family were asking us if we were doing alright. We were gettin’ calls from all over town… every one of us were calling each other asking if their livestock were freakin’ out too.” Applejack now looks down to the table and shudders at the memory. “That’s when… that’s when ah knew. That’s when we all knew.”
>And yet, not a single word was uttered to Rainbow Dash or any of the others.
>”What time of day was it when you all found this out?” Asks Rainbow Dash, squinting her eyes and thinking about how things could have played out differently.
>Applejack leans back in her seat. “Aw hell if ah know. Ah wasn’t exactly paying attention to the time, Rainbow. Right after we all found out what was goin’ on, every Apple from all around town said they were coming here. Since most of them are closer to downtown or don’t have a big enough place.”
>Rainbow Dash blinks. “Wait… like, you mean… all of you?” She didn’t even think about this being the reason for Red Delicious being here. “How many of you are there?”
>”Thirty nine, ah think. Well, at least the last time ah checked.” Reveals Applejack, looking in the general direction where the rest of the house is.
>A staggered screeching across the wooden floor sounds after Dash briefly scoots back in her chair with her jaw dropped. “Thirty nine?!” There’s no way she will believe this without seeing it.
>”Well, thirty nine in total. We’re still missing a few of us, which is something I’ve been worrying about for the last couple of hours. Everyone here has been trying to contact them, but they didn’t respond.” A lump forms in Applejack’s throat. She takes her hat off of her head and holds it to her chest. “And… I’m so scared…”
>”We Apples need to stick together, you see. It’s just how it’s always been.” Red hesitantly joins in. “And after hearing all of those news reports of… infected people, or somethin’… we knew that we all had to group together. Y’know… strength in numbers.”
>Applejack stays silent in her seat, holding back what Rainbow Dash can tell are tears. Red does the rest of the talking for the girl.
>”Alright, here’s what basically happened. We don’t even have much of an idea of what’s going on. All we know is that it’s… some sort of zombie apocalypse like the ones from the movies. It sounded like crazy talk… or probably some kinda ruse at first. Hell, even from the news reports.” Red recalls. “Until… well until my brother and I heard some commotion next door.”
>A couple of quiet sniffles from Applejack almost interrupt him.
>”We heard windows breaking and everything. So naturally, we went over with our guns to see what was goin’ on. Ah honestly thought it was a break-in. But then we saw a couple of the zombies running around. I guess I was kinda right ‘bout the break in part, but not in the way ah expected.” He reaches his arm over to Applejack and places his hand on her shoulder. “This thing that’s goin’ on is a lot more real than any of us hoped. We all came over here as fast as we could.”
>Right as this happens, heavy footsteps moving around on the second floor resonate above her. They sound rather rushed. Rainbow Dash hardly even notices it as she watches Applejack fight the tears away to continue talking. This kind of sight isn’t something she had expected from the Applejack she imagined.
>The ax beside her chair starts to fade away from existence in Dash’s mind as her intended use for it does the same.
>”Rainbow… you don’t understand how happy I am to see you.” Applejack croaks. “It’s just… I’m so pained to hear that the others are missing. Ah think only Twilight and Sunset have texted me so far, and I’m so worried about the others.”
>With more effort than she’d like to admit, Rainbow Dash pushes out a response as she hears the footsteps on the first floor now. “Wh… why didn’t you text them first?” The questions that was supposed to sound angry and overbearing now sounds humble as it comes out of Rainbow Dash’s mouth.
>Applejack stays silent as the footsteps stop right at the doorway. Rainbow Dash looks over to find Braeburn and Big Mac staring at the guest. Applejack speaks up after Red stands up to face the two in the doorway. “Applejack, Red… what is she doing here?” A few soft but concerned words come from Braeburn.
>Applejack stays silent as the footsteps stop right at the doorway. Rainbow Dash looks over to find Braeburn and Big Mac staring wide-eyed at the guest. Applejack speaks up after Red stands up to face the two in the doorway. “Applejack, Red… what is she doing here?” A few soft but concerned words come from Braeburn.
>”Half-Baked and Hayseed let her in.” Red immediately answers, standing up straight. “By the time I got to where they were, she was already on the other side of the fence. She apparently fought her way over here.”
>”She was already inside when I saw her.” Applejack confirms, dropping her hat to the floor.
>Braeburn promptly steps inside the room and walks right up to Red. “She can’t stay here. How did she even find out how to get here?” His voice is stern and domineering. “How, Red?”
>”She’s mah friend, Braeburn. Remember?” Applejack speaks up after rising up from he chair. “I’ve told ya about her!”
>”Well she can’t stay here! We don’t have the proper resources!” After stepping away from Red, Braeburn paces around the room while grunting and placing his hands on the sides of his face. “Oh, why? Why did you tell her about us over here?” Her turns to Applejack. “Didn’t we tell ya-”
>”Well she can’t stay here! We don’t have the proper resources!” After stepping away from Red, Braeburn paces around the room while grunting and placing his hands on the sides of his face. “Oh, god damn… why? Why did you tell her about us over here?” Her turns to Applejack. “Didn’t we tell ya-”
>”Ah didn’t tell Rainbow anything! Ah swear!” Applejack steps closer to Braeburn. “She found out on her own.”
>”Sunset told me about here. It wasn’t Applejack.” Rainbow rethinks her plans after a gulp.
>She almost realizes exactly why Applejack hadn’t said anything to the mane six. It doesn’t take much time to piece it together in her head, but Dash soon sees the desperation for secrecy in Braeburn’s darting eyes. She gets the idea in about a second.
>She almost realizes exactly why Applejack hadn’t said anything to the mane six. It doesn’t take much time to piece it together in her head, but Dash soon sees the desperation for secrecy in Braeburn’s darting eyes. She gets the gist in about a second.
>The sanctuary around the Apple Family has been discovered, possibly implying more attention to be drawn to the place.
>It was made clear to Dash when he mentioned ‘proper resources’.
>”Listen to me, Applejack!” Braeburn articulates, gritting his teeth. “She. Cannot. Stay here! She is not in the survival plan!”
>Rainbow Dash’s heart begins to sink as she hears him mention a survival plan. It’s almost certain that she’s doomed to be thrown back out at this point… and this doesn’t help in stopping the fury from coming back. This type of exclusion is exactly what Dash had imagined before.
>This is why she ALMOST realizes why Applejack didn’t gave a warning. There was still the possibility for Applejack to secretly text at least one of the mane six ahead of time and give a heads up without revealing how safe she was. The girl literally just thought about this a couple of minutes ago.
>Even if she was specifically told not to say a word to anyone, her friends’ lives were on the line in this. Applejack wasn’t running for her life like Dash was.
>”It’s just her alone, Braeburn! Ah even asked! Can’t we at least add one extra person to the plan?” Applejack remembers her questions and turns back to Rainbow Dash. “In fact, maybe they can help us out! We got Twilight and Sunset who might know how to deal with this! Rainbow, where did ya last see them?”
>”In the school gym, but that was like an hour ago I think!”
>Braeburn slams his hand on the table in protest. “No! There’s no way they can-”
>Braeburn slams his hand on the table in protest. “No! There’s no way in tarnation they can-”
>”You don’t know that!” Applejack cuts him off.
>”They… aren’t… part… of… the plan!”
>”They don’t need to be! They are mah friends!”
>”It doesn’t matter!”
>The altercation between the two escalates, and Red tries to calm each of them down. Braeburn, unable to sway Applejack in the topic of whether or not Rainbow Dash can stay at the Apple Family Home, storms out of the room in search for Half-Baked and Hayseed. “Where the hell are those two? Where are they?” His voice disturbs the rest of the house with a harsh tone.
>A few of the family members answer him as the ones left in the room silently listen.
>”WHERE ARE THEY?” Braeburn repeats, getting no direct answers in response to the simple pronouns he uses.
>”Everyone was just in the dining room about twenty minutes ago I think.” A female voice answers. “Who are you looking for?”
>”Half-Baked and Hayseed. They just compromised our position!” Braeburn gets a few startled gasps on concern in response.
>”You can have a room if you want.” Red breaks the silence. “As long as there’s only one of you, we can manage to keep you here for about a couple of days.”
>Big Mac stands awkwardly in the doorway. Red turns his head to Applejack’s brother and softly nods. Big Mac takes one long glance at rainbow Dash, remembering how close she and Applejack have always been. Having no knowledge of how Rainbow Dash is… well, at least trying to feel about Applejack at this point.
>”Uhh… yup.” Big Mac agrees to the condition with little to no protest.
>Applejack turns back towards her friend. “Rainbow… how did you and the others get separated?”
>After Applejack asks this, Rainbow Dash remembers exactly how this happened. She’s anything but proud of it, especially now that she is starting to question her views of Applejack being in the wrong.
>”They all came flooding into the gym.” Dash answers, assuming that this had happened anyway. “We were forced to split up. Went running in all directions. Just… I don’t know who made it, alright?”
>Of course, Applejack and the other two buy this. They all nod in unison as Braeburn storms through the house, apparently having found the other two men. Applejack can tell by his voice not yelling, but more scolding this time.
>”Ah understand.” Applejack picks her hat off of the floor, brushing the dust off of it. “Listen, if ya want, we can go looking for them.” She holds the hat up to her chest again, emphasizing herself holding it to her heart. “It’s not like ah don’t have my own shotgun. And you know I’d do anything to save my friends.”
>Dash starts to feel sick in her stomach.
>”With that ax ya got there, I’m sure that you, Big Mac and I could make a great team.” She turns to her brother for verification. “Uhhh… right?”
>Big Mac hesitantly nods as Applejack steps over to the door, hearing footsteps re-approaching. Braeburn stands in the doorway once more with his arms crossed.
>”Braeburn, you gotta listen.” Applejack starts off.
>”No need.” Braeburn looks over to Rainbow Dash and quietly sighs. “Alright, look. We’ll work something out. Follow me.”
>”Wh-what?” Red starts over in Braeburn’s direction.
>”Just follow me, okay?”
>Braeburn gestures for the group to leave the room with him as he heads down the hallway. They follow.
>Officer Silver shakes his head and turns away as Sunset and Officer Moss go look for Officer Snow. A long debate has just ended, the result of which lands in favor of Officer Moss’s cause.
>”How long until they’ll be back?” Scootaloo walks up to Sweetie Belle, not having heard exactly what the argument in the hallway was about.
>Sweetie Belle wipes a tear from her face, but seems to have mellowed down a bit. “They said 30 minutes.”
>The two girls glance out the door once more to see that everyone had some to somewhere where they can’t be seen from inside the gym.
>Scootaloo leans back against the wall. “How are they even going to get there? Isn’t this place like… the only safe spot in town?” She gazes around the room, watching all of the other civilians impatiently wait for… anything good to happen.
>”They’re taking one of the officers’ cars. They said something about leading a chunk of the zombies away from the building with the car.” Explains Sweetie Belle, trying to recall how the discussion went the best she can.
>In the hallway, Sunset Shimmer walks alongside Officer Moss. “The main entrance to the school is on the opposite side to the gym.” She tries to lay out the blueprints of the place in her head.
>”Do you know of any easy entry points?” Officer Moss turns a corner, pointing towards a room near the back for Sunset to follow him to. “Open windows, locked doors?” He perks his head up. “Wait, where did you and the others leave the building? Was it through a window or door?”
>The two enter the back storage room and Officer Moss knocks on the wide open door to catch someone’s attention. “Alright, I’m gonna need you to tell me where to park the car so we can make a fast entry, okay? I’m not familiar with the layout of the school.”
>”Alright.” Sunset responds just as another female voice speaks over hers.
>”Yeah?” The supposed Officer Snow starts to walk over; Sunset can hear the rushed footsteps.
>From around a corner of boxes on a shelf emerges a female officer. Her skin is a silky off-white, much brighter than Officer Moss’s olive green skin. Her light peach hair is pulled back in a bun, shining slightly in the storage room’s overhead fluorescent bulbs.
>The annoyed look on the lady’s face beings a slight worry to Sunset.
>”Who’s this?” Officer Snow asks as Sunset feels an obligatory need to walk up the the cop and introduce herself.
>The lady doesn’t look like she’d appreciate wasted time.
>”I’m Sunset Shimmer. And there’s a… friend of mine who’s trapped in a school on the other side of town. And her sister is absolutely crushed with the thought of her being there alone.” Sunset introduces herself, sounding as friendly as possible.
>Officer Snow briefly slips her gun into her holster and reaches out to shake Sunset’s hand. “April Snow. Officer of the law.” That steely voice she uses to introduce herself sounds like it’s right out of a video game cutscene. Her grip nearly crushes Sunset’s hand. “May I ask why we’re doing this?”
>Sunset glances eyeballs Officer Moss, giving him the cue to fill in with the plan. With a slight pause, Officer Moss steps forward and starts to recite exactly what he said to Officer Silver.
>”We’re gonna need you and your cruiser. And we’re gonna need to drive fast.” He emphasizes. “Basically, our plan is to distract a good number of the zombies by driving around the station a few times and luring them out into other parts of town.” He stops for a second to see how Officer Snow sees this.
>”Mhm… go on…” She pulls her gun back out and takes a quick peek at wherever her post is.
>”And on the way, we’re going to see if we can rescue someone who’s trapped in Canterlot high. You know where that is, right?”
>”Yeah. Friend graduated from there.”
>”Well… Sunset here still goes there, and we sort of need her to know where to go once we’re inside.” Officer Moss is starting to sound timid in his voice. Sunset gets the impression that he might not be used to talking to Officer Snow for this long.
>The rest of the plan is brought forth, and Officer Snow responds to the whole idea with one certain nod of her head. “Super.” She trots back over to her post with her gun raised, just in case something got inside. “This way. If we’re going to do this, we gotta do it now and we gotta do it quickly.”
>Sunset and Officer Moss follow Officer Snow around two or three dimly lit corners of the storage room; boxes on the shelves are literally stacked up to the ceiling. They eventually reach a garage door, which is presumably Officer Snow’s post.
>The only thing that Sunset can imagine this room being for is loading/unloading supplies or something.
>”You ready for this?” Officer Snow presses the red button to open the garage door, loading her gun. “Here we go.”
>”You ready for this shit?” Officer Snow presses the red button to open the garage door, cocking her gun. “Here we go.”
>A loud clanging noise accompanies the opening garage door. Officer Snow starts over to the parking lot outside, making sure to keep her gun drawn. Officer Moss follows behind her, doing the same thing.
>Nothing immediately attacks them, nor does anything emerge into visibility. There aren’t any zombies in sight. Sunset follows close behind, waiting to find out which car Officer Snow is going to use.
>The jingling of keys soon reaches Sunset’s ears, and she knows that she might need to hop into something really quickly.
>”Wait… we’re not taking your cruiser?” Officer Moss’s voice points out, bringing Sunset to question what she needs to do next. “Snow!”
>Officer Snow walks up to an SUV with metal bars welded onto the front. “Forget that. If we’re gonna drive through hordes of those things, we’re gonna do it with some real horsepower.”
>”I… I can’t believe…” Officer Moss takes another look at the SUV in front of him. But he doesn’t care for long, what with the distant grunt he hears from right behind him. “Whatever. This works. Sunset get in!” His voice suddenly snaps to an urgent tone right as the doors are unlocked and opened.
>The couple of zombies are already a few feet away from the SUV as the doors are closed. Officer Snow could swear that they were clear across the entire parking lot just a few seconds before.
>The couple of zombies are already a few feet away from the SUV as the doors are closed. Officer Snow could swear that they were clear across the entire parking lot just a few seconds before. Damn these things for moving so fast.
>She hastily turns the keys in the ignition, and practically sets the vehicle into drive and slams on the gas pedal all in one motion. “Hang tight.” She ignores the hands banging on the glass as the tires climb up the curb and make it onto the grass.
>The windshield is already cracked.
>After swerving around and leaving a winding trail into the patch of grass, the SUV careens forth onto the street. The vehicle is tilting and shaking around too much for Sunset to buckle up.
>Officer Snow accelerates the SUV forward as three more zombies head in the direction of the commotion.
>With vice-like hands, Sunset holds her grip on the back seat as the car goes on and off the road and pretty much everywhere else imaginable. Officer Snow takes the vehicle around the building through the grass, rocks and anywhere else where the SUV could at least fit through a gap in he trees.
>And she leaves a trail of pursuing Zombies close behind her.
>Every time Sunset sees one of their faces staring directly at her through a window, she ducks and keeps her eyes shut for a couple of seconds. It’s hard to stay in the same position due to the change in terrain making this car ride more like a rollercoaster ride.
>It’s hard to imagine how the underside components of the vehicle survive after about a minute of this.
>”Alright, that’s plenty of them.” Mutters Officer Snow as she spins the steering wheel to turn the SUV away from the station.
>Sunset falls to the far left side of the back seat as the vehicle makes a sharp turn onto the road. Officer Moss clutches onto the passenger seat, and watches the zombies desperately try to keep up as Officer Snow keeps the SUV’s speed just slow enough to make them think they have a chance at catching up.
>They’re buying into it so far.
>Back at the station, Officer Silver watches the vehicle disappear into the distance from the window. His fist clenches as he realizes that Snow had taken one of the SUV’s instead of the promised cruisers. The man prays that Officer Snow won’t be as much of a wild cannon as he knows she usually is.
>Rarity, still in the same position since however long it’s been at this point, remains perfectly still and silent in the dark. It’s hard to tell how many times she must have dozed off at this point. The fear she had before could only mix more and more with the exhaustion as her stress takes over.
>Her breathing softens, her heart rate slows, and her eyelids occasionally feel heavy at certain instances.
>Rarity hears the shuffling of many footsteps around the locker. With her hand over her mouth, she waits for the shuffling to go away.
>Just the slightest sound, whether it was her shifting her position inside of the cramped locker or her phone falling out of her lap and hitting the metal surface, would mean the absolute end for Rarity. She doesn’t even cross her fingers, somehow under the impression that doing so would make a sound as well.
>One set of footsteps stops right outside of the locker. It’s as thought Rarity’s booming heartbeat was loud enough to be heard by the predator on the other side of the metal door. And that heartbeat accelerates when Rarity hears the sound of a person squatting down… accompanied by a hungry growl.
>Two or three more sets of footsteps approach the locker after this, only giving Rarity two or three more reasons to remain as silent as possible.
>Rarity can’t hold her breath for much longer, but there’s no way she could be able to breathe undetected in this deathly silence that the zombies carefully scan. As she continues to hold her breath, breathing from the other side of the door emerges out of the growling voice.
>Someone…. or something… is getting eager. As though it is well aware of the potential meal right in front of its snarling face.
>This grim moment takes an eternity and a half before a mechanical whirring undermines the terrifying quiet sounds that used to dominate the room. It’s soon accompanied by an electrical hissing, which catches the zombies’ attention.
>Not more than a few seconds later, the lights in the locker room gradually flicker back on; it’s about time the emergency generators kicked in. Though, it’s hard to tell whether or not somebody manually activated them or not. But what the lights reveal right outside the door only lifts the curtain of Rarity’s now inevitable doom.
>The twisted sneer of a former middle aged man stares directly into Rarity’s bloodshot eyes through the grates. And this face almost looks as though it begins to smile as it causes Rarity to let out a cry of horror.
>And that was all it took.
>The zombie yanks on the handle of the door with all his strength, apparently knowing how to grab on to the thing. It’s more than difficult for Rarity to push her hands and feet against the inner walls of the locker for any sliver of friction, but it is practically of no use.
>With her belt still tied onto the porous door, Rarity is forced to slide forward in the direction of the door itself being pulled open. It seems as though that the zombie could rip the metal door off of its hinges if it hauls with enough strength.
>Even the hinges themselves loudly squeak for a split second, not that it matters.
>At least five more of the zombies crowd around the now open locker door… with all but Rarity’s legs still actually inside of the rectangular crawlspace. Multiple pairs of hands wrap around Rarity’s body and drag her upward.
>She can’t kick hard enough or scream loudly enough to break free.
>The zombies bite into her arms while pulling her away from the locker and further into their grasp. Rarity’s belt, tightly fastened to the door, keeps its hold. But that doesn’t stop the zombies from getting Rarity further into their cluster.
>Like a flimsy cloth, Rarity’s skirt is dragged down her legs by the tight belt, and the girl is soon brought to the center fo the group. Rarity begins to kick once her now bare legs are free again; the zombies lift the legs up tot heir faces and bite into the flesh.
>Both fighting back and crawling away are completely futile with the girl’s arms and legs completely restrained by hands and rows of teeth. The zombies rip her shirt open and bite in to the skin they find, only adding more pain into Rarity’s final moment.
>Rarity’s screams die down before her rapid jolts to break free do, the wounds further motivating her to try to escape the room. But escaping is something she cannot do.
>Out of seemingly nowhere, the sound of a jackhammer through the rooms aisles of lockers. Upon hearing them, Rarity desperately tries to squirm free, only to find herself completely unable to move.
>From all sides.
>…And in the dark once more, surrounded by the interior of the metal locker.
>A faint light appears right at the bottom of Rarity’s field of view. But Rarity doesn’t register it too well with the rampant growling outside of the locker. She doesn’t register much at all when she gradually wakes up.
>The girl turns the brightness of her phone’s screen down to the minimum amount before finding a new text on her screen. She turns the vibrate mode to silent, hoping that the zombies can’t figure out where the first one came from.
>A text from Sunset appears on the extremely dim screen, somehow thwarting the absence of wifi.
>[Rarity are you getting these?] The latest message from Sunset really shouldn’t exist.
>The message is still actually there after Rarity rapidly blinks at it during the brief half of a second she sees it before shielding the screen’s glow from view.
>Something within Rarity fiercely wants to respond, to let the others know that by some miracle, she’s actually still alive. But the labored breathing on the other side of the locker door convinces Rarity otherwise. If the girl had hidden the screen of her phone just a split second later, then there would be quite a bit more than labored breathing on the other side of the door.
>Just the tiniest sliver of light would be enough to provoke an attack. Rarity remains still, praying to anything she can imagine for the monster in the dark to retreat.
>After about ten more minutes of driving, Sunset considers sending another text to Rarity’s number. “You sure it worked?” She looks over to Officer Moss.
>”It should. I plugged her mobile phone’s IP address into the system and everything.” He looks back down at the tracking equipment beside his seat. “If you sent a text to her phone, it would surely get there.”
>These words force Sunset’s heart to sink. She tries her hardest not to imagine the worst of possibilities… even though it looks like the most probable at this point.
>Sunset lurches forward in her seat, holding her phone out once more for Officer Moss to plug it back into the cord. “Maybe you put the number in wrong!” Every spurt of hope that Rarity is still alive crashes into Sunset’s mind.
>Officer Moss can tell what’s going on in Sunset’s mind. He frowns slightly as he hears the urgency in her voice, and knows that nothing he alone does can give her closure.
>”She has to answer! There’s no way she wouldn’t answer!” Sunset repeats to reassure herself. “When the zombies came flooding into the gym, they were after the rest of us! And Rarity was safe hiding in the locker room.”
>Officer Snow mumbles under her breath as she listens to Sunset’s now unrealistic rambling. “I knew this was a bad idea.” She gets ready to turn at the next corner, eyeing the paper map of the town with a marker line on the designated route to the school form the station.
>”Hey, now.” Officer Moss immediately states the contrary to at least keep Sunset’s hopes up. “It’s worth a shot. Every life counts, and this life has a huge chance of still being alive!”
>”How do you know, Moss? Huh? What’s your confirmation on that?” Snow has to keep her arms steady with effort as she turns the steering wheel. “This person could have been dead hours ago.”
>Officer Moss turns to Sunset, trying to get her to continue what she was saying before. Sunset turns to the driver with tears starting to cloud up her eyes.
>”You don’t understand.” She tries to explain, setting her phone back down on the seat. “She wasn’t even anywhere where the zombies could know where she is. She was literally already hiding before they came in. The others told me.” Her voice is starting to audibly quiver.
>”You don’t understand.” She tries to explain, setting her phone back down on the seat. “She wasn’t even anywhere where the zombies could know where she is. She was literally already hiding before they came in. The others told me.” Her voice is starting to audibly quaver.
>Officer Snow quietly scoffs before turning her attention back to the road. She takes a quick glance into the rear view mirror after this, just barely able to see the silhouettes of the zombies still in pursuit of the SUV, barely appearing in the distance. “Yeah, well… we already did out part in getting a few of those things away from the station.” She bites her lower lip with squinting eyes. “And to be honest, I was willing to see how far away we can take them, but that would mean taking longer to get back to the station.”
>Officer Snow quietly scoffs before turning her attention back to the road. She takes a quick glance into the rear view mirror after this, just barely able to see the silhouettes of the zombies still in pursuit of the SUV, barely appearing in the distance. “Yeah, well… we already did out part in getting a few of those bastards away from the station.” She bites her lower lip with squinting eyes. “And to be honest, I was willing to see how far away we can take them, but that would mean taking longer to get back to the station.”
>A shock makes Sunset’s eyes go wide as she hears this. “But we’re almost at the school.” Sunset tries to find a way to point it out to her from this side of town.
>The current location they’re in should be at least remotely close enough to be able to see the school in the distance. This HAS to be worth it. If Sunset can at least save one… just one of her friends, then she can at least have one thing to remind herself about this day as she tries to go through whatever it is that awaits her tomorrow.
>”But if she’s not replying right now… like…” Officer Snow tries to lay in on Sunset easily, having picked up on this being one of the girl’s friends in question here. “Time is a major factor, here.” Between the lines, Sunset can hear the words “we have to turn around” in what she’s trying to say.
>”I can try again.” Officer gestures for Sunset to hand him the phone so he can connect it to the wire.
>The SUV turns once again right as he does this, and Sunset recognizes this street. She glances ahead through the windshield to spot Canterlot High just down the block.
>”It’s there.” Sunset immediately points her finger at the building. “That’s it right there.”
>Officer Snow sighs as it dawns upon her that it’s too late to turn back. She thinks about how much of a waste of time it would be to go into that building only to find nobody alive. If only there had been a reply on the girl’s phone would there be a confirmed reason to go into the school that now stands right in front of the SUV; the horse statue a few feet away from the metal bars over the front grill.
>”We just have to go to the gym, I promise!” Reminds Sunset, already unbuckling herself. “I can lead the way if you want, Officer Snow.”
>Officer Snow holds her hand out to shush Sunset, watching the distance in the direction from which she just drove. Surely enough, about three of the zombies appear running, having locked their sights on their target: the SUV itself.
>Upon seeing the approaching danger, Officer Snow keeps her hand held out. “Moss! With me, now. Sunset, stay here.” She steps out of the vehicle onto the open road with Officer Moss doing the same on the passenger side.
>Their presence becomes known to the zombies in an instant.
>”O-officer Snow?” Stutters Sunset.
>”Just sit tight until I say it’s safe!” The lady sternly replies after drawing her gun. “And you can call me April.”
>Officer Moss is the second one to draw his gun. He slowly backs away from the approaching trio, bumping into the SUV as they get close enough to see the whites of his eyes. The whites of Sunset’s eyes explode with anxiety before the girl covers them with her hands.
>Without hesitation, April pulls her trigger, and Moss does the same after hearing the first ear-splitting shot ring out.
>The first hit goes right to the front zombie’s head, blowing the undead lady back and nearly making her fly out of her own torn shoes. Once the sound of her head hitting the asphalt before the rest of her body reaches April’s ears, the officer directs her barrel towards the next target and fires.
>It’s like clockwork; the second zombie goes down in exactly the same way the first one had, and the same happens with the third zombie. Officer Moss lowers his gun after he realizes that it’s better for him to save his bullets until his partner needs to reload. The extensive focus in April’s eyes as she mows the zombies down one by one reassures Moss that it will take a lot more than just three zombies to get past her when her gun still has ammo.
>One more shot later and four zombies lie in the middle of the street, three of which are motionless. April approaches the only one still moving and hits the target Officer Moss barely missed on it before — the head.
>But April is not convinced that the first four will be all; she eyes distant far end of the street, hastily reloading despite having a couple of bullets left. “Moss, check the other direction.” She scans a number of the yards of surrounding houses along with the grounds of the school.
>Now a little bit more confident about who has his back, Officer Moss raises his gun once more and finds a lone zombie slowly approaching on his side from one of the houses. He aims as precisely as he can and waits for the undead man to get just a little bit closer. “We got one right there!” His finger gets ready to squeeze the trigger.
>”Same here! Smoke him!” April points her reloaded gun and shoots first. “Try not to miss!”
>Officer Moss waits until the zombie he has his gun pointed towards reaches about fifteen feet from him. He knows that it would only take about two more seconds for those rapid legs to move that scowling face to his neck. Moss pulls the trigger in an instant, praying that he’s had at least enough experience to pull off a rushed hit from ten feet away.
>Officer Moss waits until the zombie he has his gun pointed towards reaches about fifteen feet from him. He knows that it would only take about two more seconds for those rapid legs to move that scowling face to his neck. Moss pulls the trigger in an instant, praying that he’s had at least enough experience to pull off a rushed headshot from ten feet away.
>A hole in the zombie’s forehead appears and the lifeless body slams down onto the grass below. After seeing nothing else coming in his direction, Moss spins around after hearing a gunshot behind him. He sees another zombie fall forward into the street.
>Over a (nearly) silent minute of heavy breathing goes by before April turns her attention over towards the school. “Alright, we’re clear. Let’s move in.” She lightly taps on the side window of the SUV with the butt of her handgun. “Sunset, come on.”
>Sunset scrambles out of the back seat and nearly falls out of the vehicle. She clumsily follows the two Officers already heading to the school before regaining composure.
>”Offic- uh, April?” She stutters, still shivering from the event. “Did you shoot all of those?”
>April smirks at the girl. “Most of them, yeah. Why? You weren’t looking?”
>Sunset shakes her head, staying silent as April continues.
>”Heh… well I’ve been in the force for ten years. Got pretty handy with a pistol. But that’s a story for another time… we need to find somewhere to enter.” She turns to the other officer. “Moss, stay on your toes!”
>Officer Moss perks up as he reaches the glass front doors. “Oh, uh, right.” He gets ready to try the front doors, but instantly backs away and draws his gun.
>He saw a LOT of movement in there, and April can tell through how fast he jumped away from view from inside the building. It was too dark inside through the tinted windows to see what was going on.
>”How many? Did they see you?” April grunts one question after another in a half-whisper while pointing her gun towards the front entrance.
>Officer Moss trembles in his shoes. “Like… t-ten… maybe more.” His voice suddenly sounding a lot more submissive than before.
>”TEN?” April’s own arms start to tremble as this dawns upon her. “Around the corner! Now!” She directs the other two along the outside of the school without a second of hesitation.
>”TEN?” April’s own arms start to tremble as this dawns upon her. “Sssshit! Around the corner! Now!” She directs the other two along the outside of the school without a second of hesitation.
>They stop around a corner to ensure their absence from the zombies’ line of sight in the apparent pack were to swarm out the doors. No noises so far; no doors opening, no banging, no footsteps, no growling, nothing.
>April turns back to Sunset, still keeping most of her attention focused on her surroundings. “Where did you say you left from again?” Her voice stays in a hushed tone.
>”The… the gym. It’s on the other side. We have to go around.” Sunset brings up.
>”Alright…” April already starts off to the other side of the building. “Go go go!”
>The three turn around another corner, momentarily along the side of the school at about the midpoint between the front entrance and the gym at the back. What sounds like the shuffling of footsteps just barely makes it to April’s earshot. She of course alerts her partner about this, hardly haven taken two more steps.
>The three turn around another corner, momentarily along the side of the school at about the midpoint between the front entrance and the gym at the back. What sounds like the shuffling of footsteps just barely makes it to April’s earshot. She of corse alerts her partner about this, hardly haven taken two more steps.
>Each officer turns in the direction of the noise with their fingers on the triggers while Sunset nearly gags at the sight of things.
>Each officer turns in the direction of the noise with their fingers on the triggers while Sunset nearly gags at the sight of a mangled corpse over by one of the classroom windows.
>Sunset takes a closer look, recognizing something she can’t quite put her finger on at first. But after another second or two of glancing over at it, a vice starts to relentlessly close in on Sunset’s heart.
>It slowly dawns upon her when she recognizes that dark blue tuft of hair with a messy pink stripe in the cluster of…. The remnants of clothing can barely be pointed out in the parts that aren’t stained with blood. Everything else appears to be nothing more than scrambled bones… and still remaining on some of them is… it’s too sickening to think about.
>It slowly dawns upon her when she recognizes that dark blue tuft of hair with a messy pink stripe in the cluster of… sheer carnage. The remnants of clothing can barely be pointed out in the parts that aren’t stained with blood. Everything else appears to be nothing more than scrambled bones… and still remaining on some of them is… it’s too sickening to think about.
>The hair may be the only thing that Sunset can recognize, but it’s all she needs to realize. And it brings her to her knees as the tears leak out from her eyes. “T… T-tw… Twi…” It hurts so much more every time she tries to get the word out.
>Every single part of the world falls away from Sunset. The girl briefly forgets what world exists around her as the sharp wail coming from her lungs echoes off of the side of the school. She shuts her eyes and turns around from the horrible sight, not able to even stand back up.
>Her whimpers drown out any real words she was about to say, only growing louder as she now falls forward onto her elbows. Sunset’s heart begins to race in absolute distress — it isn’t long before she begins to shake all over her body.
>Having heard the crying before seeing it, April takes a quick glance back at the girl, finding her hunched over. The despair in Sunset’s voice can’t come from anything other than someone who just lost someone extremely close to them. Sunset’s disheartened cries start turning into full on screams as the girl feels the brunt of her shock.
>April has no other choice than to clasp her hands over Sunset’s mouth to keep their position from being found out. There’s no way Sunset would have gone silent; she continues to sob uncontrollably into the officer’s hand, still quite loud.
>Officer Moss points his gun directly on the line from his point of view that separates brick wall from open air. The first sign of movement, and he will unconditionally pull that trigger.
>”Shhh… Sunset, look at me! Look at me!” April tries to get the girl to come back to her senses, already feeling compromised enough to scan the building for any quick escapes to inside. “Sunset!” After failing to get Sunset to calm down, she noticed a smashed open window right behind the remains that Sunset could not bear to look at.
>”Shhh… Sunset, look at me! Look at me!” April tries to get the girl to come back to her senses, already feeling compromised enough to scan the building for any quick escapes to inside. “Sunset!” After failing to get Sunset to calm down, she noticed a smashed open window right behind the bloody carcass that Sunset could not bear to look at.
>After another few seconds, Sunset goes completely limp and unwilling to stand up no matter how hard April pulls her. “TWILIGHT!” The name of her closest friend repetitively spills out from her shattering heart. Her breath exasperated and broken as it drowns out her voice whenever she cries out her friend’s name. “Twi… Twilight!”
>After all of that time praying that Twilight was alive. After all of those minutes, then hours of hoping that Twilight had run off to somewhere. That time Sunset spent convincing herself that Twilight was going to be okay in the end. That she was going to be able to see her friend once more. All of the instances during which she was sure that Twilight was going to take the time to text her friends once she was out of harm’s way, and let them know that she was coming up with some sort of plan to fix everything.
>There’s no way her hero could have ended up like this. It was beyond something Sunset could ever hope to imagine and that fact alone only amplifies the pain of seeing… what’s left of Twilight. Sprawled all over the grass over a dark stain.
>Gunshots ring out from Moss’s direction; something must have turned the corner. But the gunshots cease when April catches a glimpse of him running past her and Sunset, and soon making a dash for the open window.
>”Moss!” April shifts her attention to where he just ran from — trampling over one already dead one, there are zombies hungrily emerging from around the corner… in two’s and three’s.
>Her partner had underestimated their numbers when he said there might only be 10.
>Needless to say, Officer Moss has already leaped through the window by the time April looks back in his direction. The next thing April thinks about is getting Sunset to follow him; Sunset doesn’t have a gun. The split second comes when April forcefully drags the bawling Sunset up from her knees and over to the window.
>Three pairs of clawing hands close in on the two, and April has no choice but to use one of her arms to point her gun towards the attackers. One of them dives directly for Sunset’s leg, and would have succeeded if it weren’t for the bullet flying through its head.
>”MOSS! MOSS!!” The cry for help blares from April’s lungs as her partner scrambles back over to the window with his own gun drawn. “PULL HER IN!” April fires another shot, barely hitting another zombie in the shoulder.
>Her aim isn’t as efficient under this pressure.
>From inside and outside the room, hands lift Sunset through the shard coated window pane and send her tumbling into the classroom. Sunset lands on something relatively soft, and springs away from it immediately.
>Sunset only saw it for the shortest length of time.
>She looks below to discover two rows of what look like more bones… the remains of two legs leading up to a torn up skirt with… with a… familiar looking shade of purple to it. And that’s all Sunset sees before the loudest of screams explode out of her.
>The only thing that drowns out the screams is the gunshots, some coming from inside the classroom and others entering through the window.
>”MOSS!” April fires wildly until she runs out of bullets. “MOSS!”
>Not wasting a second, Officer Moss pulls April in, sending her crashing down to the same spot Sunset had. At this point, Sunset keeps her eyes shut with her hands tightly over her ears.
>The gunshots continue as April snatches Moss’s gun out of his hand. She has less than two seconds each time a zombie comes climbing through the window, wanting nothing more than for each shot to count.
>A massive panic attack overcomes Sunset as she shrieks at the top of her lungs, blocking out all sight and noise from her universe. She wants to force all of this to somehow no longer be real — the girl has had enough. She doesn’t pray, she doesn’t beg, she doesn’t hope, she only screams with lines of tears rolling down her reddened cheeks.
>And her screams are drowned out by the desperate gunshots as each new zombie is blown back after climbing up to the window frame. Each time two of them try to fit in at once serves as a golden moment of opportunity for the two officers; it gives them an extra few seconds to pull out their last clips and reload.
>There’s no telling how the miracle is pulled off. One could say that it was out of pure adrenaline, one could say that it was dumb luck, and others can look to the skies and choose to see an angel watching over the three in the classroom.
>The constant flow of zombies is only truly halted when Officer Moss picks up one of the desks and hauls it right into the window frame once both he and his comrade have no time to reload. The extra weight brings momentum, and the current zombie making an attempt to get in finds his or herself slammed in the face — Moss didn’t even take the time to look and what he was aiming for other than the window itself.
>Sunset screams at the floor the entire time, resisting her world falling apart around her.
>”I’m out!” April announces after finding her spare clips of ammo used up.
>After ferociously wedging the desk into the window frame, Moss tosses his gun in April’s direction, and his last ammunition clip follows. “It’s all I’ve got left.” He nods over to her. “I’d rather it count.”
>And of course, the desk is certainly not going to hold for long.
>Right as April slaps the clip on, she and Moss notice something else making ruckus in the room on top of Sunset’s devastated cries. April turns the barrel towards the door to the hallway, finding it open. And already halfway across the room, savagely climbing over the desks is another zombie.
>With a hardened clench of her teeth, April pulls the trigger after aligning the front sight with the space between the undead man’s eyebrows. He goes down, and Sunset is forced to her feet while the desk in the window is on the verge of falling out of its tight hold with every push from the outside.
>”Come on, go go go go go!” Officer Moss is already edging his way along the front whiteboard, peering out into the hallway.
>Sunset can hardly see with the tears clouding her vision. “Twilight! Tw… Twilight!” She still sobs, but only while making an attempt to get away from this horrific place.
>The sound of the desk crashing to the floor from the window prompts everyone in the room to pick up their pace. April, only by a half a second, is the last to leave the room. She takes glances in every direction, seeing the remains of another student lying on the floor right outside the door. If Sunset had looked down, she would have (somewhat) recognized him as Flash Sentry.
>”I have about eight shots left!” April spins around and struts backwards as she finds out how many zombies are in pursuit. She spends a couple more seconds waiting for at least one more to come out the door. “Wait, hold on!”
>And just like that she aims and fires. Two shots resound through the hallway, followed by the echoes of bodies hitting the marble floor. “Alright… six shots.” April announces before a third zombie appears from the classroom. “Wait wait wait wait…” She waits until it gets close enough and fires again.
>Nothing else comes after the third zombie — April hadn’t come to realize exactly how many of the large group from before she had eliminated back in the classroom.
>April Snow hyperventilates as she and Moss scan every possible direction something could come running at them from. “Okay… five… I’ve got five shots left…” She says in between breaths after waiting another ten seconds to be sure. “F-five shots. But… but that’s it.”
>Sinking to the floor, Sunset covers her tear ridden face and lets her anguish wash over her. Officer Moss carefully places a hand on her shoulder, trying not to let the blood from the injury on his palm get onto the girl.
>Sinking to the floor, Sunset covers her tear ridden face and lets her anguish wash over her. Officer Moss carefully places a hand on her shoulder, trying not to let the blood from the gash on his palm get onto the girl.
>”What happened to you? Did they bite?” Asks April with even more concern filling her.
>Moss perks up. “No, no… window.” He holds his palm out, displaying the evenness of the cut. “There was still some glass on there.”
>April starts to answer, but the words that come out of her mouth are changed by the dull roar coming from the very back of the school. “Oh… …”
>April starts to answer, but the words that come out of her mouth are changed by the dull roar coming from the very back of the school. “Oh… fucking hell…”
>”Sunset, we need you to cooperate with us, okay?” Officer Moss kneels down to the sobbing girl. “Please… this is crucial.”
>April Snow examines her gun before taking a couple of steps in the direction of the noise. “…Five… five bullets.” She clicks the gun and narrows her eyes. “These sure as hell better count.”
>April Snow examines her gun before taking a couple of steps in the direction of the noise. “…Five… five bullets.” She cocks the gun and narrows her eyes. “These sure as hell better count.”
>Rarity is not entirely sure, but she could swear on her life that she just heard distant gunshots.
>To peer out of her locker is something Rarity can’t bring herself to do; it’s probably not the best idea. The footsteps in the room from before never die down, only moving to different places in the locker room as though they are searching for something.
>Rarity thinks about the text message that Sunset sent her, and thinks about how long it would take for the girl on the other end to get the impression that Rarity is no longer alive.
>These thoughts are interrupted by a dull roar coming from within the gym. Rarity freezes even more, despite being completely motionless anyway a couple of seconds ago.
>Like cheetahs responding to the outcry of a wounded impala in the savannah, the zombies in the locker room shuffle through the aisles towards the door. It takes very little time for Rarity to realize that these things are organized enough to somewhat communicate with eachother like predators in the wild.
>Rarity continues to listen, noticing a small flood of light enter the blackened room every time the door is opened. It’s hard to see past the lumbering shadow of the aisles of lockers between the light source and Rarity’s position, but the dull green metal of the lockers and the beige ceiling can still be made out. Judging by the number of times something blocks the light entering the room from the doorway, at least five or six zombies just went from the locker room to the gym, joining however many zombies were already still in there from before.
>Rarity continues to listen, noticing a small flood of light enter the blackened room every time the door is opened. It’s hard to see past the lumbering shadow of the aisles of lockers between the light source and Rarity’s position, but the dingy green metal of the lockers and the beige ceiling can still be made out. Judging by the number of times something blocks the light entering the room from the doorway, at least five or six zombies just went from the locker room to the gym, joining however many zombies were already still in there from before.
>How many of them had the others led out of the school as they ran away? That part is impossible to tell from Rarity’s point of view, but she can verify that at least a couple of made it away of Sunset can still send her a text messages.
>Another second passes, and Rarity’s heart skips a beat.
>It’s unmistakable this time — the sound that Rarity heard a couple of minutes ago were indeed gunshots. They the next two emitted are close enough to become obvious now.
>April holds her arms as steady as she can, and aims right at the approaching zombie’s head. She doesn’t even remember when the thing came barreling around the corner.
>The shot rings out, and the bullet pierces through the zombie’s forehead right as it makes it to within arms reach of April. Only four bullets now.
>Remembering what Sunset told her, April leaps around the corner and scans the hallways for any doors that look like the entrance to a gym. This school didn’t look too big, and April knows that she should find a gym sooner or later.
>But the rushed crowds of footsteps convince the Officer to go back in the direction from which she came; they sound as thought there are nearly double the amount of targets to hit than bullets in April’s gun.
>She weaves around corner after corner, soon making her way back to Sunset and Officer Moss, who aren’t in the same location as they were before. An open janitor’s closet door slowly starts to close as Moss emerges out of the room with a broomstick in his hand. The broom portion has already been snapped off.
>Moss frantically looks down the hallway as the footsteps draw closer. “Sunset told me the door was unlocked. A friend of hers hid there!”
>”Oh my god, that’s perfect.” April gasps, pulling out her taser. “Here, take this. I have an idea.” She has to basically ram the device into Officer Moss before he takes it.
>”Wait, what? We’re not supposed to use these! They don’t work on them, remember?” Moss almost continues before three zombies lead a few more into his line of sight.
>”Go!” April already has her gun pointed and pulls the trigger once the leading one is close enough for her aim to be as accurate as possible, only hitting the attacker in the collarbone.
>Officer Moss no longer questions the taser and heads to the nearest exit from the hallways with desperate feet. Having started running when April handed Moss the taser, Sunset is far ahead of the two officers.
>The corridor connecting to the previous hallway is the longest stretch Sunset can imagine. She frantically searches for a place to hide, heart racing and eyes darting. There’s no easy way of telling if the gym will be safe; given that Rarity is the only reason why she and the officers arrived her to begin with.
>But the fight for Rarity’s life is quickly turning into a fight for her own life, and the same can be said for Moss and Snow as the narrowly escape the crowd behind them. The zombie that was shot in the collarbone starts to lag behind, temporarily subtracting one from the group of many advancing undead.
>Three bullets left, and presumably five targets left to shoot until comfort can at least slightly resume.
>…Hopefully only five.
>Moss makes it to the end of the corridor first, having ran faster without turning back to shoot or figure out where to hide. He only wants out, completely regretting his decision to do this. And it may have cost him not only his life, but two others.
>Moss almost turns around until Sunset shouts over to him. “Keep going! The gym’s that way!” She instantly catches up to him with April only a few feet behind, at least closer to her comrade than the remaining zombies.
>”Which way?” April gets ready to fire again once the three reach an intersection.
>Sunset points to the right towards two large double doors. “There!” She immediately starts running with the other two as the zombies are merely feet away from them at this point.
>About twenty steps later, Moss and Sunset ram up against the doors, pushing them open as they open away from their direction. April points her barrel at the closest zombie: within arm’s reach. The good part of this is that she can’t exactly miss with the barrel inches away from the zombie’s face, but the bad part is that the next zombie is right behind the one that falls to the floor with a hole in its head.
>Two more bullets.
>Sunset and Officer Moss are already on the other side of the doors while April had fallen behind to ensure that her limited bullets count. Without second thought, Officer Moss looks down at the broom stick in his hands and haphazardly forms a plan. He hands the broomstick to Sunset as the zombies catch up to April close enough to almost reach her shoulders. But that changes when one of them actually grabs her by the shoulder and yanks her back.
>”Jam the door!” Moss had barely noticed the handles on the other side, knowing what purpose they could serve.
>Sunset watches him spring back into the hallway right before April sticks the barrel of her gun right under the chin of the zombie that grabbed her and sends a single bullet up through his skull. And that sight is the last thing Sunset catches a glimpse of before the gap between the doors closes and the broomstick is anything but hesitantly slid through the handles.
>Less than a half second later, an extremely loud and forceful collision of the other side of the door nearly snaps the broom stick in half. Sunset jumps out of her skin and falls backwards against the wall on the opposite side of the hallway. Her broken heart pounds away at her chest like a sledgehammer.
>Collective shouting from the two officers and one last gunshot echoes throughout the school. Whatever is banging against the doors isn’t stopping, and Sunset finds herself unable to move.
>”Get him! Get him!” April grunts a second and a half before repeated blows against flesh replace what would have been another gunshot if there were any bullets left. “Aaaargh!”
>”Come oooon!” Moss’s voice is suddenly brave and domineering as the noises continue on the other side of the door. “Just. Ergh. Die!” Each word sounds along with an audible blunt hit into the zombie.
>”Come oooon!” Moss’s voice is suddenly brave and domineering as the noises continue on the other side of the door. “Just. Ergh. Fucking. Die!” Each word sounds along with an audible blunt hit into the zombie.
>There’s obviously one last zombie against the doors, Sunset becomes certain when something growls almost like a tiger into the crack between the doors. That little broomstick never looked so flimsy before.
>”Gottem!” Moss blurts out in an exasperated tone as Sunset barely notices the sound of the lifeless zombie falling to the floor through the continuous banging on the doors. “Got one more coming, I’ll get the one at the door. You alright?”
>”He didn’t bite hard enough, I’m fine.”
>”The fucker didn’t bite hard enough, I’m fine.”
>Sunset stays frozen in place, not even having the ability to scream. The streams of tears running down her cheeks begin to dry as she waits for the final sounds to stop. The ceasing of the banging against the door… and it being replaced by the sounds of a struggle between Officer Moss and the undead human he eventually puts to rest.
>However April takes care of the further away zombie isn’t close enough for Sunset to hear. But but what Sunset does hear is April’s bone chilling announcement after Moss finishes his business right outside the doors.
>”Moss! We got more of ‘em!” Her rapid footsteps can already be heard approaching the doors. “Tons more!”
>A low moan distracts Sunset from Moss’s reply to April… a moan on her side of the door. The girl spins around to immediately notice something crawling towards her on the floor.
>A low gargling moan distracts Sunset from Moss’s reply to April… a moan on her side of the door. The girl spins around to immediately notice something crawling towards her on the floor.
>It’s Indigo Zap.
>The undead girl can barely crawl with any speed at all, only having been noticed after she actually made a sound. Luckily, she’s far enough away from Sunset to keep her from responding to what the two officers say next through the doors, despite the scream that is brought out of Sunset regardless.
>”Sunset! Open the door!” Moss begs at the top of his lungs. “Open the door! Open the door!” He slaps his hands on the surface even harder than the zombie had before.
>April says the exact same thing during the next literal millionth of a second before the stick is slid away and the doors are swung open from the weight of the terrified police officers.
>”Close ‘em!” April spots the broomstick and reaches for it.
>A brief two further seconds of Sunset’s ability to see into the previous hallway reveal at least four more zombies approaching in a close pack. The door is slammed in their faces. April goes the extra mile to slide the broomstick to the side enough to snap it in half again with one part still blocking the doors.
>She takes the broken off piece and slides it over the first piece, and the trio likely would have been dead meat if it weren’t for this. The force against the doors from the other side is like that of a freight train.
>April turns to Sunset to tell her to stop screaming, but only finds the girl pointing down to the half eaten remains of Indigo Zap. She fixes her bun as Moss provides the doors with extra support, then goes on to approach the slowly crawling zombie before her.
>April turns to Sunset to tell her to stop screaming, but only finds the girl pointing down to the half eaten zombified remains of Indigo Zap. She fixes her bun as Moss provides the doors with extra support, then goes on to approach the slowly crawling zombie before her.
>Indigo reaches out to April and aggressively tries to grab ahold of her leg, but the foot at the end of that leg promptly collides with he undead girl’s face. April Snow repeatedly stomps down again and again onto Indigo Zap’s head, and forced the skull to elicit sickening cracking sounds after the tenth stomp or so.
>What’s left of Indigo Zap falls limp, and April Snow lets out a deep sigh of relief before turning away from the bloody mess on the floor.
>”How close are we?” She simply casually asks Sunset after all of the stuff that just happened.
>Sunset answers without even looking anywhere. “It should be down this hallway.” She points in the direction that doesn’t lead to the door leading outside.
>A door that Rainbow Dash would see as familiar.
>”It’s one of the doors that way.” Sunset adds, knowing for a fact that the gym is nearby.
>But she doesn’t know because of he prior knowledge of the building. She knows because of Indigo Zap’s motionless corpse lying right here in front of her. Sunset doesn’t even recognize this place anymore.
>April nods and wastes no time in heading in the direction. “Looks like we’re going melee.” She examines her empty gun.
>With careful feet, April makes sure not to slip on the pool of blood in front of open double doors. The mats lining the wall signify what could pretty much only be a gym, and April knows to prepare herself for whatever may come through these open doors.
>She steps through the doorway, briefly turning back towards Sunset to see the girl sliding down to the floor once more, shrinking away from the hallway with an exhausted look in her teary eyes.
>The size of the gym lets April’s shoes resound with a slight echo with each step on the floor she takes.
>On the other side of the gym, an empty doorway reveals yet another hallway filled with countless corpses, all lying on the floor. Momentarily halting her steps forward in order to keep herself from vomiting, April grimaces at the sight before looking away.
>She instantly notices the other two doors, which can lead to no other places that the locker rooms. It takes a few seconds to creep across the gym to check the signs for which one is the door to the girls’ locker room.
>The gym itself is silent, allowing the loudest noises heard by April to be the aggressive clawing and thrashing against the hallways doors – merely held by Moss and a broomstick.
>Each echoing step in the gym could trigger a response from an even remotely close zombie, given what April had previously learned about their attentive hearing of these things.
>She continues across the deathly silent gym until she’s close enough to the door to grab onto the handle. Every couple of seconds, she looks over her shoulder to check for anything that might have follower her through the doorway from which she entered. Each time, there is nothing there, but that confirms nothing after the next ten seconds.
>No more movements behind the officer so far as she looks again while slowly swinging the door open. A low creak has to be suppressed just enough to be masked by the distant sounds of the zombies behind the other doors.
>April finds herself face to face with silent blackness, waiting anxiously for anything to emerge towards her.
>April cautiously steps forward, instinctively keeping her gun raised despite it being out of bullets. Though, it’s not like her shot would have been all that accurate with all of this shivering.
>Then again, there would be less shivering if even one bullet had remained.
>Officer Moss grunts in the distance as he holds the doors together, almost out of April’s earshot as she continues into the locker room.
>After a couple of seconds, April reaches the point where she would have to let go of the automatically closing door if she wants to take another step into the blackness.
>She grabs her flashlight from her belt and flicks it on while pointing it straight ahead.
>The dingy green lockers hardly reflect any of the light back, stretching in two aisles standing alone and one aisle lining the walls. Nothing can be seen between these aisles, not even after April takes a few more steps into the room to completely see down the aisles.
>Other than the soft thud of the door completely closing off the room, not a sound to be heard.
>The smell of blood is becoming slightly thicker in the air as April starts scouting in between the aisle not connected to the walls.
>April knows that she cannot confirm Rarity to be dead until she sees a body.
>No other options; she needs to make some noise. “…Police…” April tries to somehow make her voice only ring into the locker room without escaping into the gym and god forbid the hallways. “I-is there anyone here?”
>Rarity’s eyes shoot open.
>Not even realizing that she had drifted back to sleep, the girl meekly tries to put it together in her head whether or not the voice she just heard was part of her imagination.
>One bad judgment call can mean certain death.
>She listens with her hand back over her mouth before even realizing it; but the beam of light soon catches her eye.
>”Police.” The officer repeats herself with just barely more volume this time. “Is anyb-”
>”HELP! HELP ME!” Rarity involuntarily blurts out, startling April enough to almost jump all the way back out to the gym in one leap. “YES, I’M HERE! PLEASE SAVE ME!” Her voice shrill and desperate and her mind in utter disbelief.
>She couldn’t help it, not after everything she’s gone through today.
>April falls back into the darkness, crashing into the wall behind her with her flashlight clanging against the cold floor.
>”R…Rarity?” April scrambles to her feet and swipes the flashlight back up. “I’m gonna have to ask you to keep your voice low, okay?”
>”Yes! Yes, I’m Rarity!” The girl in the locker already starts to tear up once again. “Please… get me out of here.” She gasps for a breath of fresh air after literally falling out of the locker.
>Her belt is still tightly fastened to the grates on the door.
>After scouting the rest of the room, April shines the light slightly away from Rarity’s eyes as she approaches the locker. That doorway to the bathroom looked extremely unsettling with that blood pooling out from around the corner.
>”W-wait…” Rarity starts to come to terms with the fact that this isn’t some sort of dream. “How did you know I was here?”
>”Shhh! I said keep your voice low! They’ll hear!” Repeats the officer, holding out her hand. “And your friend Sunset told me all about it.” She takes ahold of Rarity’s hand, finding Rarity to be rather spaced out with an exhausted expression.
>Rarity sinks to the floor as she already tanks her friend in her mind. The text message resurfaces in her memory, now linked with some sort of validation that it too was not in some sort of fear-induced fever-dream.
>April momentarily realizes why the girl can’t stand up, noticing her belt practically welded to the locker door. Rarity just sits there, staring up at the officer as the light shines down from above.
>Her cheeks are coated with streams of diluted eyeliner, her hair disheveled and her eyes bloodshot.
>The officer can only hope that this girl is always this pale.
>”Alright.” April takes a look at how tight the knot in the belt is. “How do we-”
>She’s interrupted by the deafening bang of the door to the locker room being slammed open from the gym. Thinking upon instinct, April immediately flips the flashlight off to avoid being seen.
>In the blackness, Rarity keeps a straight face on the outside at first, only feeling her stomach sink on the inside until the low growl from the direction of the door causes her to wince.
>Literally anything can happen next.
>It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out; the zombie must have heard Rarity from out in the hallways. April internally curses the girl as a hungry set of footfalls creeps across the floor along the outer aisle.
>After somehow making it this far, the last thing Rarity is going to allow to happen is her becoming a live meal. She’s still in the state of shock from this police officer suddenly appearing into her life.
>She’s not going to give up after a small taste of freedom and safety was dangled in front of her face like this; she works on loosening the knot.
>But April’s feelings towards this are ever stronger than those in Rarity’s mind. The officer slaps together in her head the most desperate plan she’s ever come up with; she’s not going to tangle with one of these monsters again.
>Knowing that unclipping anything else from her belt would make noise, April finds her only option to toss something is the flashlight in her hand.
>She reaches forward and feels the opening of the locker Rarity is attached to, getting a decent bearing on where that doorway to the bathroom was. She takes her only shot as the footsteps reach within five feet of her and Rarity.
>The flashlight ricochets off of a couple of walls before smacking loudly against what should be the bathroom floor.
>Less than a half second later, the zombie’s footsteps become increasingly rapid along with its labored grunting… but in the direction of the sudden commotion. Rarity frantically tries the tight knot once more, but make no progress in getting her belt free.
>It’s hard to get this thing undone when she’s also trying to stay as silent as possible.
>No matter what Rarity’s hands do, the knot isn’t showing any signs of coming loose within the next ten seconds, and even that timeframe might be too long.
>April starts to feel around for the girl in a panicked fashion, expecting the zombie to come charging out from the bathroom at any second. She listens to it move around in there for a moment.
>It can be heard sliding the tips of its fingers along the wall while sniffing the air almost like a dog. Hungry grunting starts to resonate back into the locker room as the intruder closes in on something in the bathroom. It almost lets out a laugh as it falls forward to reach something below.
>April soon starts to hear the now familiar sound of flesh being torn. She pauses for a half a second to repress certain memories from earlier in the day.
>Rarity struggles to hold in a scream as she too recognizes the sound April hears, remembering it from just about an hour ago… and in the exact same spot.
>The zombie resumes its unfinished meal, distracted as April finds her way into a strong grasp on Rarity and starts to pull her away from the door.
>April no longer cares about the belt; her only goal is to get out of the near blackness. She’s eyeing the small sliver of light from under the door leading back out to the gym, almost too dim to be visible.
>The crunching of bones can soon be heard emitting from the bathroom. It’s a good omen that the zombie has been occupied for the moment, but there’s no telling how long this moment will last.
>Rarity responds to the now insistent pulling by moving her efforts to the buckle of her belt; she’d rather choose her life than an accessory on her clothing.
>April feels the resistance come to a halt in an instant after the buckle is slipped loose. The zombie in the bathroom doesn’t hear the two luckily fall back into the open space without crashing into the lockers.
>They silently hold onto each other while feeling around for the lockers as a sense of bearing. The increasing number of rows of lockers being put between the pair and the zombie obscures the ripping and tearing sounds from the bathroom.
>The sounds grow quieter ever so slightly, and the cold metal surfaces of the lockers nearly shock Sunset’s fingers as she follows April towards the hint of the door.
>By the time the sliver of dim light is practically within arm’s reach, Sunset fights the urge to rush towards it.
>The cautious walk over to the door couldn’t possibly be quiet enough; April can only imagine the zombie somehow seeing the two carefully striding through the dark in the direction of the exit. She can hardly decide whether or not to pause halfway though to possibly dodge any attacks if it came to that.
>But her eagerness to reach the handle is too strong, and she ends up surveying the surface fo the door with her fingers in search for that longed for handle.
>In the bathroom, the ripping and tearing sounds temporarily die down for a momentary cluster of tense seconds. April was just about to open the door as this happens, only stopping when she imagines the zombie noticing the light from the door.
>The two at the door wait, now shivering so hard that their movement might as well be audible. April’s hand brushes past the handle of the door, almost jumping back when it recognizes the cold surface.
>Uneventful seconds pass followed by the resume of the eating sounds. This is when April takes the leap of faith of grabbing onto the handle itself.
>In a split second, the two slip by the door in a swift and orderly fashion, being sure to close it as soon and silently as possible.
>April doesn’t even need to give the order to run; the two are already darting across the gym, Rarity holding her skirt up to be able to move her legs further apart in her steps. Neither of them even look back to find out of the zombie heard enough of their movements to follow them out the door.
>The gym, coated with small spurts of blood in places, echoes with the frightened footsteps. It starts to fall silent once more as the two make it to the double doors.
>Rarity nearly slips on the blood all over the hallway floor, and takes less than a second to spot Sunset’s bright hair towards the end of the hallway. The two girls gaze at eachother, already empathizing with how horrible the other one feels.
>Sunset turns to face her friend, and locks her fingers together in front of her as Officer Moss struggles to hold the jammed doors in place behind her. Rarity approaches her with April rushing to help her comrade.
>”I…” Sunset’s lips quiver as she notices how many tears must have run down Rarity’s face. “Y-you… I’m s-so sorry…” She does everything she can to hold back the tears as she sees one of her friends alive.
>Without another word, Rarity pulls Sunset in for a hug, already letting her face contort as she feels Sunset’s arms wrap themselves around her. Her breathing intensifies and quickens, while Sunset shuts her eyes and tries to imagine that she and her friend are somewhere else.
>Not in this school. Not in the midst of this disaster.
>”Girls, we gotta go.” April is already trying to pull them apart. “We gotta go NOW! Moss?” She glances over to the other officer.
>April would have asked how he’s holding up, but the soft cracking sound in the broomstick says it all.
>Officer Moss is violently shivering as his stamina runs dangerously low. “There’s… a hell of a lot more now…” he grunts. “At least twenty… this thing’s not gonna hold.”
>It isn’t hard to see what would happen if Moss lets go of the doors. Whatever little strength he has left is the only thing that keeps the zombies from swarming into the hallway, likely planning to run in one huge pack. Their fingers begin to poke through the forming gap between the struggling doors.
>”MOSS!” April blares, sternly gesturing for the two girls next to her to escape through the door leading outside. “I’m gonna count to three! And when I say three, you follow me out that door, do you hear me?”
>Officer Moss looks back at the doors he keeps sealed, now almost ajar enough for the zombies right on the other side to stick their entire hands and arms through. He pushes harder, shutting his eyes as his maximum effort is reaches a lot more quickly than before.
>”Do you hear me?” April repeats as Sunset and Rarity race over to the door before checking outside.
>So far, there don’t appear to be any zombies waiting for anyone to come outside. It could probably be assumed that all of the zombies at the school are either behind that door, or chowing down in that locker room. The clear school grounds prompt Rarity and Sunset to open the door without hesitation.
>A gust of wind blasts the two in their faces, giving them a reminder of how hot and stuffy it had been in the school.
>”I… d-don’t think I can outrun them…” Moss confesses, growing a pained look on his face as he loses even more strength. “I don’t… I don’t have the head start you have.” Tears start to fill his own eyes as his situation becomes more and more apparent.
>”Moss, listen to me!” April backs up towards the exit next, feeling for the door with shaky hands. “I’m gonna hold the door open for you! You gotta run fast, okay?”
>”I’m not gonna make it!” Moss shakes his head.
>”You better if you don’t wanna die!”
>Now just around the corner from the front of the school, Sunset explains the location of the police SUV to Rarity. “It’s right in front of the school, right by the main entrance, okay?” She grabs Rarity by the shoulders and shakes her to get her to come to. “Rarity?”
>Disoriented, Rarity lets out a small peep of an answer.
>”Listen to me, we gotta wait for the officers to catch up to us. They’ll drive us back to the station, you hear me?” Sunset’s voice starts to crack.
>Rarity nods, resisting her state of shock the best she can. Sunset looks back towards the door leading back into the hallway; April stands in the doorway, holding the door open and shouting back inside.
>Officer Moss quivers in his shoes, losing his stance and starting to fall back. There are streams of tears running down his cheeks. “I-I’m sorry!”
>”NO YOU’RE NOT YOU GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW!” April harshly encourages. “NOW, DO YOU HEAR ME?” She holds up her right hand with her left arm propping the door wide open. “Once you’re out here, I’ll slam this in their faces.”
>”NO YOU’RE NOT YOU GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW!” April harshly encourages. “NOW, DO YOU HEAR ME?” She holds up her right hand with her left arm propping the door wide open. “Once you’re out here, I’ll slam this shit in their faces.”
>Moss shakes his head with forlorn defeat.
>”One…” April tilts her hand forward and sticks out her index finger, concentrating on her fellow officer. “Two…”
>”N-no…” Whimpers the exhausted Officer Moss.
>”THREE!” April’s face explodes with aggression.
>Instinctively listening to April, Moss weakly jumps away from the door and stumbles in the direction of the exit. The snapping of the broomstick couldn’t even be heard over the crowd of zombies on the other side.
>April turns even more red in the face as she screams for her comrade to pick up his pace, but he only slows down and trips; one of them dove in and grabbed his ankle. April screams as she pulls out every ounce of resistance to going in to help him.
>She knows that she has those two girls to save.
>Instinctively slamming the door, April catches the horrifying glimpse of half of the zombies piling on top of Moss… while the other half blocks her view by drawing closer to the door. She bolts away to the front of the school.
>Before either of the girls can see her, April takes them by the hands and practically drags them over to the SUV with the crowd soon emerging from the inside of the school and swarming around the school grounds in search of their prey. The fact that April came back alone is all Sunset needed to know that Moss didn’t make it.
>It’s as though Rarity had faded out between the time she was next to the brick side of the building and the moment she finds herself in the back seat of the SUV. Sunset embraces her once more from right beside her as the front door on the driver’s side slams shut and the engine starts up.
>It’s as though Rarity had blacked out between the time she was next to the brick side of the building and the moment she finds herself in the back seat of the SUV. Sunset embraces her once more from right beside her as the front door on the driver’s side slams shut and the engine starts up.
>The loud sound of April’s foot slamming on the gas pedal might as well have been one last gunshot. Neither Rarity nor Sunset take a look of any kind out the window as the vehicle jolts forward.
>Rarity solemnly gazes out the window as the world flies by. Her eyes are still adjusting to the outside lighting after being in the dark for so long.
>There are a million and one things Sunset could say to Rarity. Apologies, expressions of concern, questions asking how she managed to last in there. Sunset even turns towards Rarity to say something multiple times, but nothing escapes her mouth.
>April resists the urge to run over the stray zombies meandering along the sidewalks. Just any form of retribution would have soothed her boiling rage and calmed her nerves.
>But she does nothing, almost not even saying anything.
>”April Snow… officer of the Law.” She blurts out, hardly in a hesitant fashion.
>The three in the car share a long moment of silence after April introduces herself to Rarity out of nowhere — several minutes until Rarity speaks up. “I… she’s the one who saved me from the locker room.” She tries to find something to say within the spinning depths of her head.
>Just anything to make the silence go away. Anything to give this car ride a little bit more life as it rolls through a realm of death.
>”I… I know…” Sunset answers with a lack of a desire to speak.
>Rarity feels a bit of guilt for a split second. She takes a brief glance at the officer driving, only feeling more sick in her stomach when she remembers seeing one more officer in the school holding those doors together.
>Rarity feels a twinge of guilt for a split second. She takes a brief glance at the officer driving, only feeling more sick in her stomach when she remembers seeing one more officer in the school holding those doors together.
>”How many of you were there before you came to save me?” Rarity winces and waits for whatever answer is sent her way.
>April bites her lower lip after making a right turn. “Just… just Officer Moss and I.” She forces her voice not to sound shaky, still skeptical about what happened to Moss. “We d-didn’t lose anyone else.”
>And that was it… the last words before the silence resumed to last all the way back to the station.
>The entire police station falls even more silent as the notice only three people exit the vehicle. Officer Silver ceases his barking of orders for a few minutes as he looks around for Officer Moss.
>The trio approaches the police station ever so slowly, with Rarity letting tears roll down her cheeks once more.
>Sweetie Belle could have recognized her sister anywhere.
>April Snow walks right up to Officer Silver, and gives him the most hardhearted look he has ever seen from her. Nobody can hear what she says to him, but they apparently didn’t need to.
>After telling Silver what she needed to say, April turns away from the officer and looks back at Sunset and Rarity. She watches them lumber towards their loved ones, embracing them as they collide with them.
>Rarity embraces Sweetie Belle as tightly as she can, having though of everything other than the possibility of seeing her again.
>Pinkie Pie has to pick Sunset up as the girl starts to fall to the ground with tears of her own flooding out of her eyes. The memories of Twilight just can’t help but come back to her thoughts after seeing more of the girl’s friend… how she’s always seen Twilight with them.
>How she’s going to have to find a way to let them know what she discovered.
>The group has to retreat back into the safety of the station before more of the zombies notice them loitering outside. They return to their posts, with no intention of going back outside until the long awaited military arrives.
>Or so their hopes pray for.
>And there it is… a small twin-sized mattress on the floor.
>Rainbow Dash frowns at the sight, shrugging her shoulders as the voices downstairs continue to argue with each other.
>Rainbow Dash frowns at the sight, shagging her shoulders as the voices downstairs continue to argue with each other.
>Her ax lie propped against a far corner, looking as though it will slip away at any second.
>Despite the nature of this new bed that the girl has gazed upon, she sets herself down on top of the soft surface. Right away, she feels a wave of comfort pull her into a state of tranquility. Something she hasn’t felt for a good while.
>But the comfort doesn’t last very long as Rainbow Dash spends more time to think.
>A familiar wave of guilt starts to smother the girl once more as she stares at the ceiling. It screams at her the names of those whom she knows is surely dead, those she could have saved.
>Or at least gave an extra shoulder to lean on when everything they know and love is crumbling to the ground around them.
>”Rainbow?” Applejack’s voice breaks Dash’s train of thought out of nowhere.
>The athlete springs to a sitting position as her friend remains stationary in the doorway.
>”So uh… how ya doin’?” Applejack begins.
>Rainbow Dash waits a few seconds for Applejack to say anything else. Her friend just stand there in the same position, at least wearing an expression of concern.
>”Rainbow?” Applejack repeats, leaning in a little bit.
>With a quiet grunt, Rainbow Dash exhales and looks down to the wooden floor beside her mattress. “I… I don’t know what to say…” She keeps her ax in the corner of her eye, keeping note of how far away it is.
>For the slightest of a split second, Rainbow Dash considers jolting up to get the ax. She almost even comes up with a little plan to casually get up and pretend to be doing something else while working her way over to the weapon.
>”I guess… I guess I…” Rainbow Dash thinks of so many words she could use to describe whatever it is she’s feeling right now.
>Applejack cuts in and keeps her from finishing the stuttering sentence. “Hey, hey… you did the best ya could.” She rests her hand on Dash’s shoulder.
>Dash can only clench her fists and try to think of a way to go back and make it so she did better.
>But all she can do is keep going back in her mind to the places where she screwed up. Where she could have done something different, and still chose the wrong thing. Something that she had accused Applejack of doing. Except the difference is… Rainbow is supposed to be loyal while Applejack is supposed to be honest.
>And times like these, they do things to people. where it brings out the truth while killing away the morals and values that held friendships together. If anything, Applejack was better suited to do what she did, and that is what makes Rainbow’s hands begin to shake again.
>So much of Rainbow Dash wants to fill in the empty spaces in time, so she at least has a reason to point her quivering finger at Applejack without being a hypocrite. She truly wants it more than anything else, for presumably the most selfish reasons.
>She doesn’t want the guilt to eat away at her any more, there must be some way to at least ensure that she doesn’t have to feel alone. Because Rainbow Dash has been feeling along quite a lot these days… and most of that is her own fault.
>Just someth-
>Rainbow Dash didn’t even realize that she’s crying until Applejack’s hand wipes the tear away from her cheek.
>”You’re shivering, sugarcube.” Applejack sympathetically watches Dash tremble before pulling her into an embrace.
>”I…” Rainbow forces an answer out.
>”I j-just need some time alone… okay?” Rainbow Dash’s voice croaks as it bends to the point where it’s about to break completely.
>Applejack pets Rainbow’s back a couple of times. “Ah understand.” She holds her friend in the embrace for another minute or two before slowly releasing her.
>During the whole time she was holding her, she had no idea how many times Dash’s eyes went back to that ax in the corner. And she still doesn’t register how many times Dash takes quick glances at that same ax when she has her head turned as she walks through the door.
>And she has no idea how long Rainbow Dash sits there on the edge of the mattress on the floor, staring at the ax when she knows that Applejack is nowhere near the room.
>It’s hard to see the details on the thing with the tears clouding everything up. And it’s hard to decide what to do with the ax with the guilt clouding everything up.
>Later on in the day, the urgency from an hour or two before finally starts to lift.
>Everyone in the police station huddles together in a group as they notice the light of the sky begin to change through their view of the windows. Rarity rests in a fetal position on the floor next to Sweetie Belle, with their friends close by. Sunset keeps her face covered.
>Celestia, Luna and Cadence all stay in one group facing one another; they occasionally comfort each other with memories of brighter days during the deceased era of smiles.
>Fluttershy leans on Bulk Biceps’s right shoulder while Derpy leans on his left, both of the girls shutting their eyes in order to make it easier to pretend that they are somewhere else.
>The rest of the students and everyone else continues to shiver in despair as the sky outside begins to grow considerably dark.
>April Snow stands aside Officer Silver, perched against a wall. One would have thought that the absence of any incidents would be a good thing, but all it does is heighten the anticipation with each minute of decreasing visibility goes by.
>They could very well be waiting.
>Each officer keeps a steadfast hand close to their reloaded guns, keeping the well-being of the station at the surface of their minds.
>Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash drifts off to sleep, having taken her ax and placed it parallel to the edge of the mattress. She and Applejack both think about their friends, as those whom they think about reciprocate.
>The sky grows pitch black.
>”How are the generators doing?” Asks Officer Silver with his gun remaining pointed towards the blackness outside.
>”The outlook isn’t too good.” His deputy explains before he leads Silver over to the door to a utility room. “I really want to say that these back up generators will last the night, but…” He quiets down before the next thing he was about to say.
>The last working back up power generator struggling to keep the lights on lets out a few sputtering noises as it continues to run. Officer Silver’s expression grows increasingly concerned the longer he watches and listens to the machine.
>”How low does it have to be running to at least keep the lights on?” Silver steps towards the generator. “Maybe we can get the others working again from this one. You give that a try yet?”
>His deputy twiddles his thumbs as he softens his answer in his head as much as he can. “There’s no easy way of telling.” He can tell that Silver is mentally crossing his fingers through his attention towards the generator.
>”But did you give it a try yet?” Silver repeats a little bit more loudly.
>”But did you give it a try yet?” Silver repeats a little bit mote loudly.
>”Yes… and it didn’t do anything. This is all we’ve got.” Says the deputy right before a worried sigh from Silver makes him wish his answer came off as a little bit less dire.
>Silver is just about to order the deputy to check again, but finds himself distracted by the gunshots coming from the direction of April Snow’s post.
>Everyone inside the gym heard the shots as well. They all huddle closer to each other as the notice some of the officers running by the doors to the gym.
>Officer Silver holds onto his gun as steadily as he can as he leads three deputies towards the back storage room. Two more louder shots ring out as the cops draw closer to April Snow’s position. But the next sound they pick up is the sound of the garage door opening.
>April is nowhere to be found when the cops reach her position. They glance out the open door and point their guns towards the darkness of the night outside.
>Two more nearby gunshots almost force Officer Silver’s finger to clench the trigger. April soon appears from around a corner with a startled expression.
>”Snow!” Silver begins to bark, soon figuring out the dangers of April being away from her post. “What the hell are you doing out here?”
>April frantically spins herself around. “They’re trying to cut out the power!”
>After making sure he heard April correctly, Silver becomes skeptical about this claim. He keeps his sights on a few moving bushes across the street as April continues.
>”I already got like three of them. They were trying to get one of those fuse boxes open… or whatever you call them! The things on the sides of the-” She’s soon interrupted by a growl that comes from the exact spot Silver was pointing the barrel of his gun at.
>Silver pulls the trigger and sends a single bullet at where he sees the most motion in the bushes. Whatever was in there flies back.
>”We need to go around the perimeter of this place and take them out.” Explains April as she head back into the night. “This is crucial! they were really going for those things!”
>The lights begin to flicker.
>Everyone in the gym jolts to the momentary darkness, jumping out of their skin with horrific images in their heads. And the shouting form the back of the station isn’t helping them feel any more assured that they are in  zone f safety.
>Some of them, namely Rarity and Sunset, listen closely to the sounds to at least gain a tiny idea of what is going on.
>Scanning the outside perimeter of the station, each of the officers have a brief couple of seconds when they think about the citizens they must protect. They try to figure out whether or not the small amount of officers left behind would be enough to guard the gym.
>The beams of their flashlights catch nothing at first, but they still keep their guns raised.
>A slight sweep against the grass is all April needs to pull the trigger, and she hits the zombie right in the head. Everything starts to get out of control in a matter of seconds.
>Three more zombies attempt an ambush from behind, having somehow avoided being noticed in the dark. Shots ring out, and only one of them is hit with one of the many bullets. An officer is tackled to the ground by the other two zombies, and fights to push them off as he tries his best to avoid getting bitten.
>April’s next bullet pierces through one of the attackers’ heads, and her foot sweeps the leg of the next. The last zombie falls over before April stands on top of its neck to hold it still while Officer Silver carefully aims.
>The zombie goes limp, and the three standing officers check on their comrade.
>”Hazel!” Officer Silver’s voice frightfully calls out the deputy’s name. “You okay?”
>April eyes a line of bushes next the the station, pointing her gun in the direction when she could have sworn something is out of place. “We got more!” She warns the others anyway just in case.
>Fluttershy hides her face as she sits on the gym floor, imagining the officers going through the worst outside.
>Hazel doesn’t have time to answer his superior. Right as he opens his mouth and holds his arm out, April’s inference turns out to be more accurate than expected. They start charging towards the officers.
>April points her gun and fired by instinct, having a hard time telling of she hit any of them in the darkness.
>”Cover me!” April fumbles around to put another clip into her gun, praying that she hit at least one of those things.
>The other officers step in front of her as another zombie approaches. Quick reflexes are of essence, and it would have only taken another second for the officers to be dead. They have to keep firing more and more as the number of zombies continues to increase.
>”I’m out!” Silver reaches down to his belt to reload his gun next
>His comrades struggle to give him cover, as they too run out of ammunition within the next ten seconds. The entire group of four has no other choice but to fall back as the growling from right across the small grass field only grows louder faster than they can smack the clips into their guns. The only officer with their gun fully reloaded is April, and the lady does not take her time with her bullets.
>This time, she picks out the zombies one by one and precisely points and shoots at each snarling face she sees emerging out of the dark. April soon finds herself on the front-lines as her fellow officers fall back in the the safety of the lit portion of the back driveway around the corner.
>The blood dripping down Officer Hazel’s arm can now be seen a lot more clearly, and the man covers the wound with his trembling hand. But Officer Silver saw the whole thing.
>He eyes the deputy before holding hid gun pointed at the gunshots still ringing in the dark around the corner. “Hazel?” His eyes grow wide.
>””I-I’m fine. It just scratched me.” Officer Hazel looks the other way while catching his breath.
>The zombie in the front of the crowd of its peers barely takes a step forward before April’s bullet thrusts through it’s head. The officer didn’t even take any time to see if the zombie used to be a man or a woman. No thought to look into who this could have been before their mind was overcome with some sort of monster.
>April has no insight towards the identity of the one she fires towards, as the monster in front of her no longer has an identity. The officer must only worry about protecting herself.
>More bullets are fired, and April makes sure that the bullets land correctly into the places that count.
>Zombies are blown back as April continues pulling her trigger. She has to constantly shift her aim form side to side as each one comes. One creeps up behind a dumpster in the parking lot, letting two of it’s comrades shift April’s attention in the other direction as it gets ready to pounce.
>April fires at the zombie behind the dumpster in a flash, giving up just enough time for the other two zombies to barely make it within five feet of her. But she kept her gaze on them as she fired towards the third zombie, making an inference on where she will need to quickly set her aim in order to blow the closest zombie back. She pulls the trigger and holds her firearm steady, ignoring the yelling coming from the officers behind her.
>”You’re bit!” An officer screams to Hazel. “We can see it, you’re bit!”
>Officer Hazel back away in intense defensiveness. “No! I’m fine! I’m fine! Look out!” He points out another zombie approaching from behind some more bushes.
>These things really know how to stalk their prey like a tiger in the grass.
>Silver gets his gun completely loaded just in time before mowing the zombie down with as many bullets as he can. He stops after April goes running past behind him.
>”We gotta fall back! There’s too many!” She urges Silver to follow her back into the garage.
>After the group of officers goes back inside, the harsh growling of the zombies around the corner goes back to an increasing volume before everyone in the garage can safely come to the conclusion that there is no way they will be able to take on all of the attackers at once. It almost makes April wonder how there are so many arriving at the police station at once. She really doesn’t want to believe that these things are that smart.
>But any actual kind of safe feeling is going to have to wait while this garage door is still open. “Come on, come on…” Silver mashes the button into the little mechanism in the wall as the door very slowly begins to close.
>But any actual kind of safe feeling is going to have to wait while this garage door is still open. “Come on, come on…” Silver bashes the button into the little mechanism in the wall as the door very slowly begins to close.
>The zombies are immediately in sight, and Silver has to use the last of the bullets in his gun to fend off against the troop of hungry attackers as they try to infiltrate the station through the open garage.
>April searches for another clip of her belt to find none left once again.
>Right as the door lowers enough to sink below eye level, the zombies have to duck more and more to get under the door. April kicks the closest one to herself in the face to at least stall it enough for Silver to take care of the other two ducking under the door that are closer to his position.
>But the door seems to be closing fast enough to start helping the officer return to a state of comfort. That is… until one last zombie rolls under the thinning space unexpectedly and pounces onto officer Hazel. As though it sensed his wound, the zombie lady bites Hazel in the exact same spot as the other zombie had bitten him before.
>”Aaargh!” Officer Hazel falls back as his partners beat off the zombie lady climbing on top of him.
>April elbows the attacker in the jaw before kicking it back into the night. But that does little to save any time as the garage door is already closed. What April essentially has to do is repeat the same thing she did with other zombies earlier in the day; go full melee.
>Officer Hazel now screams in anguish as April takes care of the zombie that bit him, soon turning away from his partners to hide his wounds. But Officer Silver has already seen enough.
>”Hazel!” He forces himself to bark out, knowing what must be done for the well being of the civilians inside. “H… Haz…” He can’t think of anything to say.
>”We gotta find away to get them away from the building!” April warns at multiple pairs of hands claw the outside of the garage door, causing a ruckus.
>”We gotta find away to get them away from the building!” April warns at multiple pairs of hands claw the outside of the garage door, causing a hellish ruckus.
>The other officer has already left the storage room to alert the rest of his comrades. Silver notices him slip through the door and stands up to chase after him. “Rust!” He calls out to the officer. “Where do you think you’re going?”
>Officer Rust doesn’t answer, still running down the hallway.
>”Rust!” Officer Silver glances back down at Officer Hazel, noticing him beginning to fluctuate slightly more than before.
>Hazel’s pain is beginning to turn into… something else. Officer Silver hold him still, looking back over to April as she backs away from the increasing commotion against the garage door. He almost uses a calm voice to call out to her, but the flickering lights prompt him to raise his tone.
>”Snow!” Officer Silver is shaking as he fears the darkness that might block his view of the violently undulating man he is restraining. “Check the generators!”
>Even the civilians in the gym can hear Silver’s concerned shouting, knowing that the top member of their protectors sees the imminent danger that could come with the darkness. The lights in the gym had flickered as well.
>Staying pinned against the walls of the corner in which she sits, Pinkie Pie fights back even more tears in attempt to steel herself in the face of the oncoming horror. She can hear it starting to come into fruition through the screams from the garage; the battle cry of absolute doom.
>To the left and right of her are her former classmates.
>Each one of these people whom Pinkie has known before have anything but a hint of happiness on their faces. Something Pinkie had always loved to see from someone else when she wasn’t feeling her best.
>It certainly doesn’t help that the girl isn’t just feeling far from her best, but feeling her worst.
>Pinkie Pie’s mouth twists into a sharp frown for the millionth time today as she listens to the further screaming and gunshots ringing outside of the gym. Are they getting closer?
>The lights flicker once more as Pinkie Pie’s eyes begin to well up, and the girl surrenders as those whimpers of despair escape her throat.
>She couldn’t tell when it was when she began to shake. She only thought to look at her own hands when she saw everyone else curling up tighter into their fetal positions. Pinkie Pie covers her eyes to shield those terrified faced from reaching her sights.
>Their anguish only breaks her heart a little more with each second she stares at them.
>More gunshots continue to ring out before the officers begin to call eachother by name. A lot of things can be speculated by this, and everyone in the gym naturally assumes the worst in the light of everything else they have witnessed on this day.
>However, Pinkie Pie doesn’t need to cover her eyes for much longer to block out the frowns on everyone else’s faces. In an instant, resounding click along with a ghastly electrical hissing, every light goes out.
>Nobody in the gym is brave enough to make a sound during the first couple of minutes of darkness. They all remain frozen in the same position they were in before the blackness engulfed the room, tensing their muscles and doing everything they can to sharpen their hearing.
>Anything to know whether or not they’re safe enough to not need to run through the dark. Everyone quickly discovers that doing so is among the last things they want.
>The gunshots become more distant with an increased amount of echo with each shot.
>Sunset quiets down her shaky breathing, expecting literally anything to happen next. She soon hears the others in the gym start to murmur in a collective panic, and desperately tries to get her eyes to adjust to the darkness so she can see… anything.
>”…Rarity?” Sweetie Belle’s voice croaks.
>A little bit of shuffling around can be heard before the young girl’s sister responds. “Shhh… I got you, darling. I’m right here.” Rarity’s voice would have sounded more reassuring without the crying soon erupting out of many sources in the blackened room.
>Sunset listens for any hints that people might be getting up and moving around.
>”Get your phone!” Norman’s voice calls out to someone.
>Soon after Sunset hears this, she notices numerous rectangles of light appear, speckling the darkness like stars in a clear night sky.
>The total darkness is gone for now.
>It may be hard to make out everyone’s faces even to the point of it being hard to tell who is who, but the expressions of terror are more recognizable than familiar features of the faced of loved ones.
>”HAZEL!” April’s voice soon echoes throughout the halls. “HAZEL ANSWER ME!”
>A rancid growling soon comes after, prompting April to call for Officer Silver and Officer Rust next.
>Everyone grows quiet as the growling draws closer to the darkened room. Some point the screens of their phones towards the entrance, giving it a slight spotlight that does little to ease their fears from wondering what might await them in the dark.
>The only indication of any new developments taking place is April’s panicked yelling. “Silver! Silver!”
>None of the people she calls out to respond.
>The officer can be heard running around through the hallways in search of something. Her pace quickens with each step, and the light from her flashlight soon flooding the surfaces of the walls and ceiling. This light is a lot dimmer than the flashlight she left behind at Canterlot High.
>The people in the gym start to call out to her as she gets closer.
>”Snow?” Officer Silver’s voice distantly sounds from somewhere outside.
>April stops dead in her tracks and spins around to try to face the voice of her comrade.
>”Snow! Rust and I need help right now!” His call is followed by a couple of gunshots.
>April looks back at the civilians in the gymnasium, knowing from the fearful looks on their faces that they heard the same growling rolling through the halls that she had heard. She knows that the last thing they want to see is her leave them behind when there is a prominent threat right here in the station.
>Not to mention any of the other zombies that could enter with that door April remembers being wide open during the last hectic minute. She wants to kill Silver for opening it to kill one of the zombies, though she can’t blame him since the zombie he shot was following some cables over to a fuse box.
>No more growling can be heard in the hallways.
>”Yo Snow…” Another officer’s voice sounds from around a corner. “I can see here from my post. You’re good.”
>”SNOW!” Officer Silver is now sounding a lot more terrified as April starts back over to the garage area. “Help!”
>”It’s okay… I’ve gotcha.” The officer who has been guarding the gym entrance assures the people inside.
>For a split second, his heavy breathing is the only thing to be heard, that is, before the gunshots from April’s direction start to sound once again. The officer shines his flashlight into the gym, almost entering the door so he can guard form the inside.
>”Officer Snow’s a good shot. Those things are gonna have a hard time dodging her.” He musters up a fer reassuring words as he notices the tears on more of the faces in front of him. “Everyone listen up. I’m Officer Willow. And until the others get back, I’m going to be right around this corner.” He points towards the hallway behind him with his chin, keeping both of his hands on his gun. “If anyone hears anything… and I mean anything, holler. I’ll be right-”
>A sudden snarl cuts the officer off, and he spins around in an instant to confront whatever made the noise.
>He’s tackled to the ground before he can point his gun.
>It takes less than a second for the people in the gym to figure out what just happened. The panic spreads through the room like wildfire, except half of the civilians are standing up this time.
>Already feeling extremely intolerant to darkened rooms, Rarity stumbles in the direction of the only other gym entrance with Sweetie Belle tightly in her grasp.
>”Somebody do something!” Trixie’s voice calls out as Officer Willow’s screams start to become louder.
>Sunset, not knowing what else to do, calls out for April.
>Rushed footsteps can be heard hurrying towards the exit. Had it not been for the small amount of light coming from everyone’s screens, those footsteps would have been running straight into each other. By the time Sunset herself stands up, half of the people have left the gym.
>”Somebody help him!” Derpy’s voice sounds out from somewhere in the gym.
>A few of the people collectively answer her over each other, but the fact that their voices are either outside the door or moving towards the door says enough. Derpy soon follows them after she realizes that even Bulk Biceps is out there with the crowd.
>Three of the remaining cops guarding the station try to escort the crowd back into the gym before they learn what just happened. Two cops take the long way through the hallways to confront the situation while another tells everyone to line up against the wall and quiet down.
>Bulk Biceps takes a countless amount of looks at the crowd to make sure that everyone made it out of the gym. Those screams he heard back there meant nothing other than bad news for whoever was unfortunate enough to stay in the gym once the danger reached the room.
>Bulk Biceps takes a countless amount of looks at the crowd to make sure that everyone made it out of the gym. Those bloodcurdling screams he heard back there meant nothing other than bad news for whoever was unfortunate enough to stay in the gym once the danger reached the room.
>At the other door on the other side of the gym, Officer Willow can still be heard fighting for his life. No one can tell exactly how dire the situation is, but the worst is assumed no matter what.
>”We need to leave.” Cadence shudders as she glares back into the gym that’s now back to complete blackness. “They’re getting in here.”
>Trixie perks up and spins around to answer. “What? Are you kidding?”
>”We have to!”
>”I’m not g- Trixie’s not going out there with those things running around!” Trixie almost violently points out the window.
>”Didn’t you see what happened when we tried to secure Crystal Prep?”
>”Why do you think I was there when that happened?”
>Cadence steps closer to Trixie. “Do you realize how nearly impossible it is to secure a school?”
>”Stop right there!” One fo the cops’ voices sounds on the other side of the gym.
>The ruckus that follows sounds like something straight out of a movie. A couple of shots are fired and the sound of a limp body hitting the floor soon concludes the first series of loud noises.
>”It isn’t safe here! The cops are good protection, yes, but we’re setting ourselves up for destruction if we stay in one place! We need mobility!” Cadence turns to some of the other students and starts to tell them the exact same thing, like a broken record.
>A pair of hands slams against the window behind Rarity as she leans against it. The glass nearly shatters behind her, startling her enough to spring forward and fly right into the wall of the other side of the hallway.
>A pair of hands slams against the window behind Rarity as she leans against it. The glass damn near shatters behind her, startling her enough to spring forward and fly right into the wall of the other side of the hallway.
>Everyone shrieks and migrates to the middle of the hallway. The two cops who had ventured to the other side of the gym have yet to be heard from.
>”No! Leaving is stupid!” Argues Trixie as she tries to regain Cadence’s attention. “We could easily secure this place! Aren’t there jail cells in police stations?”
>”That doesn’t matter!” Cadence carefully watches the windows, remembering events that happened last time she and a few others were next to a window when her group was larger. “They learn. And they lean fast. I don’t think you understand.”
>”We will be fine here! We have… COPS! Okay? Cops protecting us! They have guns!”
>”One of the officers was just caught off guard, Trixie! It’s only a matter of-”
>April’s voice cuts Cadence off from down the hallway. “Hey!” She’s waving her hands in a frantic gesture for the civilians to come towards her direction, but her silhouette can hardly be seen in the near pitch blackness. “They got in!”
>”What?” Trixie freezes. “But… but how?”
>”Just get away for there now! NOW!” April’s voice is slightly overshadowed by a sharp snarling sound from the other end of the hallway.
>Nobody needs to take the time to question what it was, they need to leave now.
>The entire group turns into a cramped cluster of panic as everyone tries to escape in the same direction all at once. Luna and Celestia try their best to stay near one another, as do Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Fluttershy hold into Bulk’s arm for dear life as she lets him pull her to the front of the fleeing crowd.
>The people cannot get away from the noise quickly enough, especially when they can hear it sound off again.
>”Follow me!” April continues down the dark hallway, already surging ahead of those who follow her.
>But the rest of the terrifies people catch up to her after she slows down a little bit on account of the weight of all of the new ammunition she just picked up.
>Every second that goes by feels like the very last second in everyone’s life with the darkness hiding nearly everything. That presence of the danger forces each mind to imagine a pair of claw-like hands and hungry teeth waiting for them inches away in every little bit of the darkness.
>It’s extremely difficult to fit everyone into the storage room.
>After recognizing where she is, Sunset starts to question why April led everyone to here instead of somewhere she imagines is more safe. The battered corpse on the floor only prompts the group to migrate to the side of the room where there aren’t pools of blood.
>In this moment, no one can think of themselves as an individual. Despite fearing for their lives, the danger still somehow establishes, in everyone’s minds, that they are a single group of people waiting to be overrun by hordes of zombies. That’s all they see — clusters of terrified faces that reflect every single thing they’re feeling.
>Just as shaken and fragile as they are. Just as doomed.
>April runs around the room, dragging around a number of the cardboard boxes that fell off of the shelves and pushing them in front of the door. The boxes are lined up all along the bottom of the door except for about three feet of space.
>After this is completed, April trots over to the red button on the wall, thinking to herself that she is about to go on a suicide mission. But she doesn’t waste a second, and slams her hand onto the button twice, a few seconds apart to create a tiny rectangular gap.
>The group watches her slip through, screaming something along the lines of “Stay away from the door!” as she pulls her gun out.
>A cold gust of wind hits April’s face as she aims before doing anything else.
>A slight movement in the shadows catch’s April’s eye before she points and shoots, squeezing the trigger with even the force of her forearm tensing. It’s hard to make out the zombie getting blown back in the darkness of the night air, but April’s sight makes it out just fine with the fire in her eyes.
>It turns out that there are at least two more zombies opposite of the direction in which April faces, and the officer knows from the sounds of their hungry groaning that the first thing that turns around to meet them is her elbow.
>Which she delivers directly to a snarling face the very second she sternly hold her arm up and spins around to confront the danger. The blow sends the zombie falling back more than April thanks to her sturdy footing.
>And with her other hand, April pulls her trigger just as hard as the last time. The zombie is hit in the neck at first, but gets a metallic kiss on the lips from the immediate follow up bullet.
>With an almost calm sense of focus, the officer turns again and counts the remaining visible targets. Two more out in the distance so far, about to come close enough for April to aim with confidence. After delivering one round into the elbowed zombie that almost succeeded in rising back up to its feet, April turns her barrel to the two approaching zombies an instant before the get within arms reach. Her breathing remains steady —  not in a relaxed fashion, but even despite being heavy and labored.
>She could have sworn the very next bullet fired sent one’s head spinning, until the head itself never hits the ground on account of what looks like a single tendon forcing it to dangle over the edge of its shoulders.
>Stumbling a little bit as April sweeps its leg, the last zombie to have been fully standing straight up ruthlessly grabs into the cold open air. This is the first one that actually got close to April for long enough for her to make out any details on its face. That soulless gaze in its eyes… there’s no way there could be anything human behind that.
>The only life that’s given to those eyes is the glow of aggressive hunger that lightens the zombie’s entire face as it charges towards the officer. Those predatory eyes remain focused on April, until a bullet soars it way right between them and puts that light out.
>A disoriented last zombie standing can’t find out where April is standing, despite hearing the gunshots right next to it. April trots up to the wandering beast, cautiously pointing her gun directly at its dangling head. A hint of mercy crosses April’s mind for the slightest second.
>That hint of mercy tells her to save the bullet, that this last zombie deserves to waddle around a little bit longer as long as it doesn’t prove to be a thorn in April’s side.
>But April wouldn’t have had a change of heart if rushed footfalls from the dark behind her barely rose above the moaning of the wind. A final gunshot interrupts and silences that hint of mercy, sending one bullet into the dangling head before the new attacker gets close enough to become an easier target.
>But April wouldn’t have had a change of heart if rushed footfalls from the dark behind her barely rose above the moaning sonority of the wind. A final gunshot interrupts and silences that hint of mercy, sending one bullet into the dangling head before the new attacker gets close enough to become an easier target.
>The footsteps make it within accurate firing range of, and April Snow spins around to deliver a quick shot right into the zombie’s forehead just like (almost) all of the others. Two things are discovered the very instant after April pulls the trigger.
>The gun clicks; out of ammunition. And right during the very echo of this initially deathly click, officer Silver’s voice calls out from the target’s direction. “Whoa!”
>A shock crashes into April before she realizes that Silver didn’t come face to face with Brass.
>”Sorry…” April blurts out without thinking about anything else to say.
>She finds herself in a state of utter shock as she realizes how lucky Silver was just now.
>”It’s fine, whatever. Let’s get the van.” Officer Silver is already striding along the side of the building towards the cluttered parking lot.
>Everyone in the storage room tries to stay quiet as they await the return of the cops outside. Whatever it was that April had planned, it better have worked. That gap in the door is still there, and there’s no telling what things out there could hear the rustling around in the room.
>The gunshots they just heard from before have ceased, and the silence outside that follows leaves it to their imagination to decide what it was that happened to cause the noises to stop.
>Nobody is speaking quietly enough to each other when the faint uneven footsteps of another zombie barely skim past along the wall outside, heading towards the garage. Nobody hears it approach the gap in the door, speeding up its pace.
>Only when an arm reaches under the bottom of the door does the screaming start up, directing the entire crowd’s attention towards the gap.
>It’s as though death is grabbing each person by the arm, tightening its grip as the zombie’s grimacing face appears next as it dips under. Bulk Biceps springs into action, tackling the zombie back down to the floor after it makes it all the way into the room except for its feet.
>He bear-hugs the zombie as it squirms around, but not to get out of his grasp. The zombie is turning its head in attempt to get a bite into Bulk’s arm.
>An attempt to grab the zombie by the neck does little to no help as Bulk struggles to get the zombie to face away from him. The zombie lowers his face the instant Bulk’s hand reaches the throat and take a slow, gradual bite into his wrist. The pain shoots through Bulk, somewhat giving him enough of a shock of energy to throw the zombie out of his grasp and start stomping on its head before it can stand back up a second time.
>The zombie largely ignores the blows it receives to the head as Bulk continues. The thing’s only objective is to sink its teeth into Bulks arm, nothing else even coming close to crossing its mind.
>”Hey!” Luna’s voice sounds from behind, almost throwing Bulk off guard. “Take this!” Luna can be seen holding a shovel in her hands after Bulk turns around to look at her.
>The man hadn’t even noticed the thing when he threw the zombie halfway across the room.
>Swinging motions towards the zombie’s head are almost uncontrollable when the shovel reaches Bulk’s hands. Feeling the urgency pushing him to eliminate this zombie as quickly as he can, Bulk pummels the zombie’s head with something immediately a lot more effective than the sole of his shoe.
>Had Bulk been paying more attention to his surroundings rather than immediately taking out the zombie, it’s flailing arms would have ceased grabbing a lot sooner than just now. Those who had turned away slowly allow their eyes to find the aftermath after the noises have stopped.
>As it hits the concrete floor, the metal head of the shovel makes an ear piercing clanging sound. The first thing Bulk does next is take a look at his upper forearm.
>That bite… despite how painful it was, just didn’t have enough force to break skin. The teeth marks don’t look like anything short of severe bruises, but nothing more either.
>He can’t dwell on it for long before a loud engine roars right outside the garage door, sounding like it’s approaching the building. Bulk and the others immediately jump out of the way.
>A loud crash leads to the garage door being busted inward towards where the group used to stand. April is behind a driver’s seat, gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles.
>Silver yells for everyone to form a single file line as he steps out of the vehicle with his firearm drawn. Letting his feet loudly slap against the garage floor from the drop from the SUV, he points it into the darkness. Nothing comes for him.
>”Alright, listen up, we’re going to need everyone to split up into groups and get into separate vehicles!” He starts to explain as noises begin to erupt from inside of the station.
>All of the unsettling noises seem to be coming from the inside of the station rather than outside of it. Including the sounds of guns being fired. It doesn’t take much to figure out that there’s enough of a battle going on in the station to have gotten the civilians in the gym caught in the crossfire.
>Everyone scrambles through the parking lot in search for the protection of one of the police SUV’s, soon finding that the doors have all been unlocked ahead of time to save every second. They permeate through the cramped clusters of metal and wheels.
>Silver’s orders to close and lock the doors echo across the parking lot as the crowd follows his orders. At this point, everyone is just ready to end this day as it slowly finishes turning into night. The town is so much darker without the street lights on, letting the blackness hide the remnants of what everyone once loved. 
>Bulk can’t find his car in the darkness outside the wind shield of the SUV.
>Though, it’s not like he’s going to be able to get to the thing at this point. Even the inside of the police station is no longer safe based on what can be heard coming from within. Fluttershy, Trixie and Derpy all sit in the back seat while Cadence sits in the passenger seat.
>”What are we doing?” Trixie frantically looks back at the building.
>Cadence turns back at her. “What do you think we’re doing? We can’t stay in there!”
>”We’re out in the open out here!” Argues Trixie, getting red in the face as rushed footsteps begin to sound in all directions outside. “What are we even supposed to-”
>Bulk starts up the engine of the car, letting the growl from below the seats cut Trixie off in mid sentence. It’s a good thing that all of the police vehicles had been parked in the parking spaces beforehand; the cars flooding the rest of the parking lot have literally no room to move.
>The wheels climb up the curb as they roll onto the grass.
>”We have to go back inside!” Trixie protests.
>Fluttershy and Derpy hold onto eachother with their eyes tightly shut. The yelling means nothing to them anymore — all they want to do is shut it out completely.
>Every police vehicle on the outer reaches of the parking lot eventually make it to the road.
>Down the musty road, the vehicles form a line through the darkness. Their headlights connecting through the illumination shone by the beams desperately reaching out to the word in front of them.
>All are silent, even the engines of the SUV’s run at a low tone.
>The night drags on as everyone stops praying for something to go right and simply wait for the horrible experience to be over. Those smiles from before…. it’s as though the never existed in the first place at this point.
>The night drags on as everyone stops praying for something to go right and simply wait for the hellish experience to be over. Those smiles from before…. it’s as though the never existed in the first place at this point.
>This day… and this night has transformed the entire universe. Destroyed any chance at happiness anyone could have gotten. The hours grow later, and the occasional growls from nearby passing by zombies send chills into everyone’s souls.
>More hours pass, and the tanks of the law enforcement vehicles begin to run lower and lower on fuel. But they still have more fuel than there is hope in anyone’s heart.
>Pinkie Pie herself has run out of tears to cry. Sunset and Rarity keep their own eyes closed to replace the ugly darkness with one they’ve at least gotten used to when they went to sleep every night… back when good times existed.
>There used to be words of encouragement between the people in the cars. There used to be an attempt at obtaining hope that no one had. Now the attempts have stopped.
>No point.
>Loneliness has conquered the night around the cars, and despair has conquered the world.
>Trixie is the first to notice an orange light soon appearing on the horizon — it is far, far too early for morning to have come.
>There is no morning that could come from this night, and there will be no morning.
>The orange light is sharp and churning with what are soon to be identified as flames. They are… spreading. Far too fast to be un-aided in their growth.
>Once the line of small dots of lights hovering over the flames become apparent, it’s clear where the flames come from.
>And where they are about to be.
>No one, not a single person makes an attempt to drive out of the path of the inferno. They keep driving forward at first, perhaps imagining the entire event to be a mirage. But that doesn’t explain the fact that their former friends see the same thing.
>No one can be friends anymore. There can’t be friendship with no happiness.
>And it was quite strange how long it took the military to do something about the outbreak. Then again, this action they’re taking does feel a bit… early. If only everyone was given some more time to at least fight for their lives. Time to live at least a few more hours.
>Or some other solution to solve the problem that sows pain unto the world.
>But who is anyone kidding? No one is fighting for their lives anymore. Almost everyone has lost such a privilege already.
>What is there even left to fight for?
>One by one, the cars stop in their tracks. No one cries — just stares straight forward as the wall of flames draws closer.
>The military approaches… soon to fulfill their promised duty and end the suffering.
>Here they come.
>Everyone in the cars, never seeing themselves as unique individuals again, collectively accept their fate. Death is such a relief in this situation. Having nowhere to run, to eventually have nowhere to hide.
>Nowhere to go in hell.
>The sounds of the plane engines draw closer, as well as the sounds of countless explosions. Incinerary weapons used to clear out the undead threat that has killed the spirit of the world.
>More and more are being dropped, closer.
>One by one, the cars stop, soon finding themselves in stationary positions not far from one another. They sit there, watching the line of explosions draw closer still.
>It looks like carpet bombing was the military’s only option. This would have been everyone’s fate whether they stayed at the station or not.
>The explosions become close enough to shake the ground beneath the tires, soon spreading their flames onto the glass of the windows.
>And it was finally over.
>Pinkie Pie jolts awake with heavy circles under her eyes. “Wha… huh?” She looks around for the flames that no longer surround her.
>”Shh…” Celestia’s voice sounds beside her. “It’s just a nightmare. Everything’s going to be okay.” Not even the principal herself is willing to believe those words.
>The dream Pinkie just woke up from isn’t any different from those of everyone else. Fatigue has been delivering visions of now sought after relief from the nightmare life has become. Some dream of fire, some dream of simply careening off the edge of a cliff.
>Anything to end this.
>Had there been no one else in the car he’s driving, Bulk would have made his thoughts a reality. He has passed a few high up ledges.
>Pinkie jolts up again a few minutes later, having almost been trying to go back to the same dream. This has been going on since several miles back.
>Officer Silver slows down the SUV after Pinkie goes silent once more. He noticed the tail lights of the SUV in front of his brighten and get closer.
>Why are the others slowing down?
>Luna watches from the passenger’s seat as the doors of the other two vehicles in front open. Silver cautiously steps out into the darkness of the night with his mind set on the gun in his holster.
>”Do any of these have extra gas in the trunk?” April exchanges glances with Cadence and Sunset.
>Trixie leaps back into the front SUV, cursing to herself.
>”I think mine does.” Silver tries to recall the best he can, spinning back around to check the trunk of his own SUV.
>”What time is it?” Sunset asks, shivering.
>”About 11:45.” Bulk answers. “And we’re out of gas over here.”
>”How did this thing run out of gas so quickly?!” Trixie nervously criticizes from the inside of the SUV.
>”How did this damn thing run out of gas so quickly?!” Trixie nervously criticizes from the inside of the SUV.
>”Whoever drove it before must not have refueled.” April explains before mumbling under her breath. “Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Shifter’s car.”
>Officer Silver comes back empty handed, slowly shaking his head. The group outside looks down in dread. Trixie loudly groans in frustration and shuts her eyes as she slumps down in the back seat.
>After further evaluation, it is estimated that the other two cars only have about an hour of driving time left.
>The conversing voices grow more panicked.
>”Are you sure we got far away enough?” Rarity asks in a shaky voice. “What if they’re still following us?”
>”The best we can do is head off-road until we’re out of sight and wait until morning.” April plans. “Then we’ll figure out where we are and plan from there.”
>More questions start to overlap eachother, but soon die out after April restates her plan in a louder, more insisting voice. “Silver, do you at least have a tube and funnel or something in your trunk?” She continues.
>”Yes. I saw one.” Silver already turns around to retrieve it.
>”Perfect. Here’s the plan: We get just enough fuel into the front SUV to have every single vehicle out of sight from the road. Shouldn’t take long. Then… we simply lay low until we can see, then get all of the fuel that’s left into one SUV… and fit into it the best we can so we can go as far as possible until we reach real shelter.”
>There is a lengthy moment of silence amongst the three different groups from each car. They exchange glances until they all realize that there is not much anyone can do as an alternative.
>The group goes on to slowly come to an agreement.
>Silver attaches the rubber hose to the funnel. “Let’s hurry.”
>The two officers get just enough fuel out of the second car into the first car to make sure the move into the grass won’t involve any pushing.
>”Come on, this shouldn’t take more then fifteen minutes.” April gets behind the steering wheel.
>Trixie stays in the back seat, leaning against the leather seat staring into the night outside through the window. Everyone else stays outside getting a breath of open air before they sleep in the SUV’s.
>They all go back to their designated cars from before as clock nears 1 AM. The conversations have already slowly stopped.
>Officer Silver keeps his eyes set on the road a few dozen feet away first, just able to make out the line that separates the asphalt form the grass that surrounds everyone.
>His mind does everything except let its guard down. Every movement, every sound is something.
>Despite how exhausted everyone is, sleep takes painfully long to take them away from this world for at least a little while.
>A knock is heard on the guest bedroom door.
>The dim glow of a lantern is the only thing that illuminates the wooden walls, and Rainbow Dash can see the doorknob start to turn in the light.
>Applejack enters with an almost sorrowful look on her face. But she smiles warmly as she sees Dash sitting on her mattress on the floor.
>”Hey, there.” Applejack plants herself right next to Dash, receiving an easy smile in return from the other girl.
>She pats Dash on the back, and finds the girl reciprocating, almost jabbing her fingers in like a knife.
>Or… maybe that ax in the corner over there.
>It’s enough to make Applejack eye the door again. But still, she can only assume that she’s been on edge for the entire day that started what felt like an eternity ago.
>It’s time to slow down and get a good look at the current situation. Talk a bit.
>”How ya doin?”
>Rainbow Dash hesitates a little bit before responding. “Better then before.” She sighs. “But… still bad.”
>”Ah know it must be hard with everything that happened at the school.” Applejack brings up.
>Dash pushes her lips in, letting out a small whine.
>”But ah just wanted to tell ya something.” Applejack continues. “It’s been… talked over with some of the other family and I… and it’s been decided that we’ll help you look for your friends.”
>Rainbow Dash’s face freezes.
>”We can’t keep ‘em here, but that doesn’t mean we can’t send them some help. Wherever they are.”
>”When?” Dash’s eyes grow hopeful for a split second, forgetting about that dark corner of the room.
>”As early as tomorrow. We still gotta figure out fool and all that. But it’s not like it ain’t manageable.”
>Rainbow Dash’s growing fatigue helps her be able to think more desperately. Her heart flutters when she imagines Applejack and like five of her family members marching back to a zombie-infested Canterlot High alongside her, shotguns in hand.
>It’s a… comfy feeling?
>”Ah just don’t want ya to keep worrying when you don’t have to. So you can come with us when we head out looking for extra supplies, and we’ll help you find your friends for as long as the day lasts.”
>”Th… thank you, Applejack.” Rainbow Dash is becoming glad she didn’t let her irrational feelings get the best of her.
>Applejack softly places her arms across Dash’s shoulders. “Would you like some water or somethin’?”
>Applejack rises to her feet and walks out of the room. Dash lets out a confused sigh.
>The two talk for a bit more about more casual things after Applejack returns. They stay on the lighter topics, watering down, what used to be the heavy feelings that spawned from earlier in the day when it was unclear they would make it to nightfall, let alone the next day.
>And each of them head off to bed before it’s too late to be able to wake up early in the morning; it’s probably already past midnight.
>Rainbow Dash stands up after she hears Applejack’s footsteps get far enough away through the closed door.
>She retrieves the ax from the corner and lays it next to her on top of the mattress. Keeping it close by as she drifts to sleep.
>Only now does the distant eastern horizon begin to glow with the oncoming sun. Sweetie belle is the only one awake to see it; she’s been up all night wondering if Scootaloo was in the group.
>During the whole fiasco with the SUV’s running low on total fuel, she had stayed in the back seat with a blanket over her head, swearing to herself that Scootaloo had joined one of the other SUV’s.
>Sweetie forgot what it was Rarity said that convinced her that Scootaloo was with the group, just in one of the other two cars. It was something about… everyone leaving in a rush.
>It didn’t confirm anything, so the girl only had word of mouth to go by to come to her own conclusions on where Scootaloo is. She assumes she’ll see her friend in the morning.
>She prays she will see her friend in the morning.
>Whatever it was, it was enough to get Sweetie Belle to slow her breathing and stay calm the entire night. Until now, when the slow illuminating of the landscape reveals the dozens of staggering figures speckling the fields in all directions.
>Sweetie tugs at her sister’s sleeve, holding back a scream the best she can.
>”What? What is it?” Rarity half opens her eyes.
>Sweetie only points in a random direction; it’s all she needs to do. Rarity follows her sister’s finger and finds a scream of her own within herself to hold in. Her eyes jolt completely awake and dart around for the two officers.
>April is leaning back in the reclined driver’s seat.
>”Officer Snow!” Rarity grabs onto April’s shoulder, forcing out a breathy whisper.
>In less than a half second, April instinctively grabs Rarity’s arm and pushes it away with one hand, reaching for her gun with the other.
>Only the instant she recognizes Rarity’s face does she slip the firearm back into the holster.
>”Eek!” Rarity can’t even jump back with her arm held in a tight grip.
>April lets her fall back gently. “Don’t do that!”
>”Look!” Rarity continues to point anyway.
>The figures appear to be drawing closer.
>April swiftly flies out the door on the driver’s side and pulls her gun out.
>”Shit!” April swiftly flies out the door on the driver’s side and pulls her gun out.
>She ducks down, keeping both her voice and gun as low a possible. “Silver! Silver!”
>Officer Silver can soon be heard shuffling around in his driver’s seat. The passenger door of his SUV quietly opens, and the two officers start hastily whispering to eachother.
>Rarity climbs back to Sweetie Belle and tries to get her to stop crying.
>”Is it even worth it now?” Silver winces at the figures wandering in packs out in the fields.
>”There might be time to move all the fuel if they don’t see us.”
>”But I’m still not taking that chance! I agree with you.”
>Silver curses silently as April stands up to alert the rest of the group.
>”What’s happening?” Sunset struggles to sit upright, eyes still closed.
>She notices Rarity holding Sweetie belle close by, staring out the window with frightened eyes.
>”We have to go. Now.” April mutters through the back window.
>A buzz of panic starts as everyone else is woken up.
>Day 2 has begun.
>”Everyone in my SUV. Now!” April nearly just mouths the words as everyone struggles to stay silent. “We have to MOVE.”
>”Didn’t mine have the most fuel?” Silver asks.
>”No. I filled mine up most recently, remember?”
>Silver complies without question, seeing that the zombies are almost within general earshot.
>”Go, go, go, go, go!” April urges as Celestia and Luna scurry out of Officer Silver’s SUV.
>Everyone packs themselves into the SUV like it’s a clown car, with the two officers momentarily rushing to the driver’s and passenger’s seat. Rarity tells Sweetie Belle to keep her eyes shut, not seeing Scootaloo anywhere in the group.
>”Are we just… gonna take off?” Bulk asks.
>”We have to! There’s too many!” April responds as she turns the key in the ignition.
>”Wait a minute…” Cadence analyzes everyone she remembers seeing in the SUV she was first in. She spots Trixie, Bulk and Fluttershy. “Where’s Derpy?”
>The sound of the engine turning on is all it takes to draw the zombies’ attention.
>”W-what?” April feels her heart skip a beat.
>After the zombies begin to approach the three SUV’s with terrifying speed, a sudden scream and slam of a car door is all it takes to piece everything together.
>”We have to go back for her!” Bulk can barely see the silhouette of the girl through the morning lighting and tinted windows. He’s shaking violently.
>”God damn it, we have to go back for her!” Bulk can barely see the silhouette of the girl through the morning lighting and tinted windows. He’s shaking violently.
>”It’s too late!” April is still hesitant to slam her foot onto the gas pedal.
>”No! We have to go back!”
>She still hasn’t stepped on the gas pedal yet; a deafening commotion starts up in the car as everyone comes to terms with what just happened. Sweetie Belle’s crying has turned to screaming with tears flowing down her face.
>The SUV Derpy’s trapped inside of is the closest to the first of the approaching zombies. They surround the vehicle and pound on the glass; at least five of them.
>And over ten more run over from the opposite direction.
>After two hungry claw-like hands slam onto the glass on the driver’s window inches from April’s face, the officer feels no other choice but to slam on the gas.
>Everyone in the group jerks back form the acceleration, hearing the dreaded growling of the zombies falling behind them as the packed SUV speeds up.
>”Wasn’t she with you?” Bulk turns to Cadence.
>”No! I thought she was with you!” The dean replies in a breaking voice before the SUV jumps a little bit making the transition from grass to road.
>”Argh!” April slams on the steering wheel. “Silver, can she drive away? Where did you leave the keys?”
>”Fucking god damn it!” April slams on the steering wheel. “Silver, can she drive away? Where did you leave the keys?”
>”Passenger seat!” Silver answers. “Either there or in the ignition!”
>The group is already too far ahead to make out whether or not the other SUV has started to pull out or anything. Bulk starts to climb over to one of the doors.
>”Let me out!” He begs. “I have to go back!”
>”Maybe she drove off!” Silver tries to convince him.
>”Can Derpy drive?” Cadence questions.
>”I’m not slowing down!” April warns. “I can’t because we all know well how fast they can run!” She can even see half a dozen zombies in the side view mirror in pursuit the speeding police SUV.
>”I’m not slowing down!” April warns. “I can’t because we all know damn well how fast they can run!” She can even see half a dozen zombies in the side view mirror in pursuit the speeding police SUV.
>Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.
>Bulk already made his way to the side door, grabbing at the handle.
>”Just slow down!” He pleads.
>April’s mind races, perfectly balanced on the decision of whether or not to risk the lives of everyone else to save one unlikely to survive one.
>But she eases her foot on the gas pedal as she thinks about what decision to make. Everyone watches Bulk fall out onto the asphalt outside.
>Nobody saw him grab one of the handheld things from somewhere in the vehicle.
>Nobody saw him grab one of the nightsticks from somewhere in the vehicle.
>”How much fuel did you put in that thing?” Cadence watches Bulk charge towards the zombies behind.
>”Uh…” Silver strains. “We were trying to get just enough in there to drive the thing off the road and out of sight.”
>”Why are we speeding up?!” Sunset asks.
>”Okay okay okay okay…” April lightens her foot from the gas pedal once again. “But if it’s too late for him, we’re not going back!”
>Bulk notices a fair amount of stiffness in the zombies’ motions. They appear to be struggling to bend their arms and legs.
>The one closes to him is struck down easily, but not killed. Bulk can hear the body hit the road with a crackling splat. He steps towards the next two and dodges out of the way as they try to grab him.
>They’re moving… a little bit slower.
>The strong man beats another one to the road before it gets to bite him, he has to move swiftly without missing, kicking the third one to the ground.
>He’s surprised to see they are struggling to get up to their feet. There’s something giving them difficulty in bending their limbs.
>Except Bulk doesn’t take any chances anyway. He takes more of them to the ground as they come; it’s a good thing they were spread out enough for this to be possible.
>Another one surprises Bulk from behind, jumping onto the man’s back.
>He finds it suspiciously easy snapping the zombie’s arm in response.
>It starts to occur to Bulk that these ones have been dead for long enough for rigor mortis to kick in.
>If Derpy knows how to drive, she’s likely still alive.
>Bulk keeps the zombies squirming around on the road for as long as he can, barely seeing two or three more coming from the distance.
>He takes them all down and makes sure their heads are… no longer functional. His shoes and the asphalt help with that.
>The wind rushes through his hair as he races back in the direction of where the group left Derpy.
>Bulk catches sight of the same field after a minute or two, heavily out of breath. He stops just in case there are any more attackers that need to be taken care of.
>The SUV is nowhere to be seen in the field, but Bulk isn’t sure exactly where the group was at the time of the hasty exit.
>They had driven past too many small hills before Bulk started running back.
>He paces back to what he’s sure is the spot where the SUV had stopped the night before; looks around as he approaches it.
>The movement in the field draws his attention.
>Bulk feels a sudden rush of energy overcome him and follows it, keeping the side arm in a ready-to-swing position.
>Bulk feels a sudden rush of energy overcome him and follows it, keeping the nightstick in a ready-to-swing position.
>The sound of a car approaching comes up from behind. “Bulk! We’re here!”
>At once, half of the zombies piling on top of the other SUV are drawn to the noise. The others stay, one of them already halfway through the broken window on the passenger’s side.
>Everyone crammed into the back seat of April’s SUV duck down as much as they can while the officer drives closer to the horde of the undead. They can feel the decaying bodies getting hit and rammed through by the front of the vehicle more than they hear it happening.
>After delivering a few fatal blows to more zombies’ heads, Bulk takes a step back to catch his breath and get ready to plunge into that vehicle.
>From the ground, a hand grabs the man’s ankle followed by two rows of teeth.
>He pulls his leg away and then shoots it back at the face that tried to bite him before any skin is pierced.
>Without a second thought, he catches up to the other SUV and grabs the legs of the zombie dangling out the passenger window. He only has to stand and let the staggering movement of the vehicle pull it away from the zombie in the gym teacher’s strong grasp.
>A moist ripping sound against the shards of glass can be heard, and the zombie’s darkened entrails start to spill onto the grass below. If it were feeling any pain, Bulk would have put the zombie out of its misery with a swift thrust of the nightstick’s front end into the eye.
>Bulk notices a lot of blood dripping out of the zombie’s mouth. “Derpy!” He bolts towards the girl’s screaming SUV and pulls at the door to pry it open.
>A single gunshot sounds behind Bulk, followed by the sound of a body hitting the ground.
>”Keep going! You’re good!” April’s voice sounds in the direction of her parked SUV.
>She fires a couple more times as bulk gets the door to swing open and nearly come off the hinges.
>The keys are indeed in the ignition, and Derpy grips onto the steering wheel with blood all over one of her hands and tears streaming down her face.
>”It’s okay, we’re here! Stop the car!” Bulk climbs onto the passenger seat.
>Silver and April watch the other SUV jolt to a stop. Derpy’s screaming is the only thing they can hear over their own heartbeats for the next dozen seconds.
>They both trot over as Bulk backs out from the passenger’s side with Derpy in his grasp.
>April deftly raises her gun. “Is that blood hers?!”
>Bulk freezes in place.
>”Is that blood hers?” April repeats.
>After letting derpy back to her feet, Bulk turns to the girl, slightly distancing himself from the path of the gun’s barrel. “Derpy…”
>It’s clear that skin had been broken on her hand, but there’s no telling what had done so.
>”Step away from her, Bulk.” Silver draws his gun as well after seeing Derpy’s hand.
>”I-I’m okay! They only got my fingers!” Derpy realizes the situation.
>Bulk’s heart sinks, April’s finger is hesitant to pull the trigger.
>”Wait! Maybe she bled it out or something!” Sunset calls from the window.
>April peers over her shoulder with a confused frown. “WHAT?!”
>”Like, uh… if it’s drool or something was pushed out by the blood!”
>Silver and April looks at eachother.
>”What do you think?” Silver starts to lower his gun.
>April only shakes her head, letting the corners of her mouth twist into a contorted frown. “No… I can’t trust that. I can’t take any chances.”
>”Can’t we like… you know… cut her hand off instead?” Silver tries to suggest as lightly as he can in the heat of the moment.
>”It’s too late for that.” April denies.
>”How do you know?!”
>”We can’t save this girl! We can’t save her, Silver!”
>Derpy falls to her knees, covering her face with her hand that isn’t covered in blood. “I’m not turning into one!” She meekly protests.
>April tries to think of a way to explain to derpy that it doesn’t matter without saying anything at all. She only takes a cautious step forward.
>”April, come on! There’s no way we can be sure this early!” Silver nudges April on the shoulder, half expecting her to spin around and start yelling at him explaining why it’s too late. “This is still someone’s life! Still the same girl!”
>”April, come on! There’s no way we can be sure this early!” Silver nudges April on the shoulder, half expecting her to spin around and start yelling at him explaining why it’s too late. “This is still someone’s life! Still the same girl, god damn it!”
>With a few heavy blinks, April takes a few short but deep breaths. “I…” She keeps the potential consequences in mind. “D-Derpy! Are you sure it was one of them that bit you?”
>From a little ways behind Derpy, a staggering male figure limps towards all the commotion. April can physically feel her decision process being rushed.
>”Derpy, answer me!” Her hands begin to tremble.
>”Snow! We got another one at one o’clock!” Silver announces.
>”I see him. I see him.”
>”Well I got him.” Silver raises his gun and starts to pace forward before April yells over to him.
>”Silver, go around her!”
>He complies and stays a safe distance from a weeping Derpy. Bulk Biceps keeps his eyes glued to the girl, doing everything he can to convince her that she’s going to be alright.
>”I’m not turning!” She repeats. “Please!”
>April’s breathing increases by a heavy amount, and she flinches when she hear’s Silver fire his gun after getting close enough to the other zombie.
>A grunt barely makes itself apparent over Silver’s shouting. In an instinctive jolt, April spins around and aims at a snarling face within arm’s length from where the barrel of her gun points.
>A gargling grunt barely makes itself apparent over Silver’s shouting. In an instinctive jolt, April spins around and aims at a snarling face within arm’s length from where the barrel of her gun points.
>The trigger is pulled only to emit a click from the gun.
>April’s hands make their way to the zombie’s neck as the thing tries to push her to the ground. She overpowers its stiff legs and thrust the zombie in the opposite direction before picking her gun up off the ground.
>”Ammo!” She yells right before two gunshots sound from Silver’s gun.
>”I got him.” The officer keeps his firearm focused on the very hole he just put into the zombie’s head.
>Derpy knows that April is going to have a bullet in her gun the next time she points it at her.
>”Please don’t shoot me!” Derpy blurts. “You can chop my hand off! I don’t wanna die!”
>But April is already going back to her SUV, looking for the supplies compartment.
>”Snow, wait!”
>There’s a short pause as April reaches past the laps of the others in the group before opening a hatch and fishing out another magazine. Bulk is standing in front of Derpy as April returns.
>”We got two more over there!” Silver point back at the road where the remains of two college boys make their way over to the group.
>”We got two more over there!” Silver point back at the road where the remains of two college frat boys make their way over to the group.
>Silver gets ready to shoot as accurately as possible. “Snow!”
>”Shit!” Silver gets ready to shoot as accurately as possible. “Snow!”
>”On it!” April slaps the magazine into the gun and runs over.
>Bulk holds Derpy close to himself as two more shots are fired, followed by a third for good measure.
>”I’m not turning!” Derpy repeats yet again. “I’m… I’m not…”
>”I know you’re not.” Bulk assures her.
>Silver and April re-approach the two; April keeping her newly loaded gun drawn.
>”We gotta go. Now.” Silver urges between breaths. “There’s at least five more heading our way. They’re gonna be coming in packs.”
>”We have to take Derpy with us.” Bulk pleads.
>”In that cramped car? Not a chance.” April rejects. “She’d be a heartbeat away from biting someone if she turns.”
>Silver can see the cluster of much faster zombies already charging at their target. His mind races.
>”I got an idea!” He takes his handcuffs off of his belt and throws it in Bulk’s direction before facing the oncoming attackers.
>The two officers don’t even have to wait for the zombies to get close enough for more accurate shots. They take them out one at a time, April scoring head shots more easily. She takes out the last of them after Silver’s gun runs out of bullets this time.
>”Bulk!” Silver turns around to already find the gym teacher doing what he was about to ask him to do.
>The handcuffs click around Derpy’s wrists behind her back.
>”Oh…” Silver turns to April. “How’s this for just in case?”
>April stares at the handcuffed girl. “It’s not good enough.” She looks back at her SUV, walking towards it. “But I’ll fix it. Come on.”
>The other three follow.
>Rarity has been stroking Sweetie Belles’ hair for the past fifteen minutes to keep her from crying again. Because of that, the car is mostly silent now aside the continuous hum of the motor.
>Derpy sits next to Bulk Biceps in the back heat up against Cadence on the other side of her. She leans her head back with duct tape from April’s glove compartment over her mouth, breathing steadily.
>Cadence would have asked if Derpy was in danger of turning, but now wouldn’t be the most comfortable time for that question, surprisingly enough. Maybe once April stops somewhere less out in the open… or when there’s no gas left.
>”So let me get this straight.” Silver looks back at Sunset. “Your friend Applejack lives with people who have a lot of guns?”
>”And she’s still alive too. We were texting eachother when there was still service. Is it possible to go back to the police station and see if the thing there still works?”
>Silver shakes his head. “I doubt it. If they got the power to go off, then there’s pretty much no signal.”
>”I still don’t like the idea of going back INTO town.” April brings up.
>”And according to the sign for the next exit, Canterlot is one mile away. So if we’re not going into town, do I take the exit that says Canterlot or not because I really don’t feel like going back through that place to get to your friend’s house.”
>”And according to the sign for the next exit, Canterlot is one mile away. So if we’re not going into town, do I take the exit that says Canterlot or not because I really don’t feel like going back through that hellhole to get to your friend’s house.”
>”I thought you agreed against that plan.” Trixie joins in. “Applejack and her family are all held up in their farm waiting for everyone else to die out. Isn’t that what Rainbow Dash said?”
>”She did ask if I was alone. So it’s not like she’s completely against the idea of letting other people in.”
>”But there’s a lot of us.” Trixie complains. “We should find somewhere far away from where any houses or buildings are so there are less dead people are around. Then we can wait for the zombies to finish decaying and die off.”
>”While I like that idea, it might not do much good for us if there are still new people getting… you know…” April half-admits. “I’d rather go somewhere with more walls and protection. Just… not in town or anything. And based on what Sunset’s telling me, Applejack’s place is our best bet. We still need food, you know.”
>April draws her eyes back to the road, making sure not to hit any of the stray cars that come up every few seconds. Some of them are still burning.
>”Oh, and there’s the exit.” April notices the green sign. “Turn or no?”
>”I don’t think this road leads too close to town.” Sunset recalls.
>April takes the exit and heads down the road before reaching a few distant houses across a parking lot and a small field. There haven’t been any more zombies so far.
>The sulking feeling of even being close to the town that everyone once knew stays. Celestia and Luna turn away from the windows, while Sunset stares right through the glass. Examining the broken landscape.
>Abandoned cars scatter the roads and places alongside the road. Some overturned or burnt to black while others look as thought they simply parked there.
>Large dark reddish-brownish smudges along the sections of grass, sidewalk and street can only mean one thing. It’s where people had been ripped apart. The even darker clumps in the middle of the smudges are something least desired to be imagined.
>The screams of pain and horror can still be heard drifting through the wind.
>”How’s Derpy doing?” April asks before slowly making a turn onto another street that Sunset pointed to.
>”She’s sleeping.” Cadence answers.
>April pauses, even slowing down a little bit in grim hesitation. She looks back at the girl through the mirror.
>”Are you SURE?”
>”She’s still breathing! Just asleep.” Cadence explains. “Probably passed out. Wouldn’t be that much of a surprise.”
>”Alright. That makes sense.” April concedes as she speeds up again.
>She has to slow back down to maneuver around an overturned minivan.
>The minivan had obviously caught fire, and April can make out more than just mangled seats resting on the upside down ceiling flat against the asphalt.
>No one in the SUV likes to imagine which death would be worse; being torn limb from limb or burning to death.
>”Just tell me when you recognize something else.” April says to Sunset. “So… anything?”
>Sunset point ahead slightly to the right. “I think that church looks familiar.”
>”Wait… I’ve seen that too.” Rarity adds. “This is the same side of town that’s closer to Applejack’s house, is it?”
>”Yeah, I remember this being close to where she lives.”
>The SUV gradually pulls to a stop at an intersection; the church is on the far right corner.
>”So which way?” April asks.
>”I think… left?” Sunset tries to remember.
>”It’s left.” Rarity confirms. “Right goes into downtown eventually. And I remember Applejack’s house being to the left from where we’re facing anyway.”
>April steps on the gas and turns the wheel.
>There are no zombies to be seen on this next street either. Nothing.
>”Do you know all the roads to your friends house?” April asks Rarity.
>”I have most of it memorized, yes.”
>”Where do I turn after this?”
>”Go right after two more blocks.” Rarity tells the officer.
>April nods and keeps an eye out for the next block.
>”Wait… Bulk…” Cadence gasps. “Is she still breathing?”
>The SUV stops more abruptly this time.
>”What?” April furrows her brow and promptly turns around to lock her eyes onto Derpy.
>The whole car falls silent enough for everyone to still hear the echo from the screeching brakes still bouncing off of nearby surfaces. Sweetie Belle covers her eyes.
>”She’s… she doesn’t look like she’s breathing.” Cadence comments with a frown as Bulk puts his hand under Derpy’s nose.
>Bulk holds still, waiting and praying to feel a breath of air to come out of the girl.
>April is already reaching for her gun.
>”Relax, Snow. We don’t need bullets fired in here with everyone in the back.” Silver suggests. “She even has tape over her mouth like you wanted. She can’t even bite anyone!”
>”I’m not shooting her in here.” April glances at a gas station/convenience store parking lot a few dozen feet away from the SUV.
>”W-wait…” Sunset tries to convince April as Trixie tries to crawl over her to make it to the door. “She’s still our friend! We’ve already lost enough people close to us! We just need to relax and keep her in here until-”
>”SHE’S NOT EVEN DERPY ANYMORE!” April shouts, startling an already perturbed Sweetie Belle. “There is NOTHING we can do. Nothing!”
>”Well what are you even going to do?” Silver asks.
>”I’m tossing her outside away from everyone in here and finishing this.”
>”Well she can’t stay with us, that’s for sure.”
>”Well she can’t stay with us, that’s for damn sure.”
>”Just use some of the ropes we have in the back to tie her up to somewhere until we can come back later after the rest of us find a place to stay.” Silver tells April. “The other can stay at that farm house Sunset mentioned.”
>”You do NOT have any proof of that!” April disagrees. “For all I know they could be hiding out there waiting for one of us to step out for a long enough while. You’ve seen how smart they get!”
>”You do NOT have any proof of that!” April disagrees. “For all I know those fuckers could be hiding out there waiting for one of us to step out for a long enough while. You’ve seen how smart they get!”
>”Maybe they won’t notice if we move fast and quick enough.” Sunset grasps at every straw she can to save Derpy’s life.
>”NO!” April blares. “She’s going out there, I’m taking her out and coming back in because I REALLY don’t feel like dying today. Let alone getting ripped apart out there! Now open the door!” April feels like she needs to be careful to keep her finger away from the trigger, despite the safety still being on.
>”NO!” April blares. “She’s going out there, I’m taking her out and coming back in because I REALLY don’t feel like dying today. Let alone getting ripped apart out there! Now open the damn door!” April feels like she needs to be careful to keep her finger away from the trigger, despite the safety still being on.
>”But officer Snow…” Rarity joins in.
>”No. Open the door.”
>Bulk Biceps does nothing to stop any of this other than trying to get Derpy to wake back up. Trixie reaches past a trembling Fluttershy and pulls the handle, then pulls at Derpy’s leg. Cadence begins to stutter at the girl.
>”W-wait… maybe she’s-”
>Cadence is cut off by a sharp grunt from the girl next to her. Derpy jolts forward, shooting her eyes open to reveal that her pupils and irises are gone.
>Her very movements feel so unnaturally beast-like.
>An eruption of screams pours out of the SUV.
>Everyone in the back seat panics uncontrollably as Derpy flails herself around, trying to bite whomever her face is closest to. Her kicking legs almost whack Sweetie in the face.
>Sunset grabs onto Derpy and hauls her out of the car with Trixie helping her. April steps out the driver’s door to find Derpy landing on the asphalt with a thud. Sunset lands right on top of her, and hears a lot more noises surrounding her than the screams from the car.
>Emerging from behind dumpsters, signs, hedges, half-walls, pretty much anything that can be hid behind… flocks of zombies charge in the direction of the car. April was right.
>And April herself jumps back into the driver’s seat with a swift slam of the door; she didn’t get a clear shot of Derpy.
>”Pull her back in!” Cadence begs, to which Sunset does not obey.
>Everyone is back in the SUV with the doors closed as April already pulls away. Derpy is outside, on her feet now and running after the others but falling behind.
>Sunset gets a brief glimpse of the crowd tackling the undead girl, still mistaking her for being among the living. There has never been a stronger compulsion to look away.
>April speeds down the road with as many evading turns as possible. Everyone inside has to hold on until the few zombies in pursuit are out of sight. Most of them stayed behind.
>It had not become clear to April had entered downtown until she started to see three story buildings of brick lined up against eachother.
>But the escape is cut short by what looks like a barricade spanning the entire width of the road. Wrecked cars, furniture, nothing but heavy items stand as a wall blocking the SUV from continuing. There’s no telling how long it’s been there, or why it is even there at all.
>There's a tiny gap between an overturned pickup truck and the side of a brick building.
>April isn't sure if her SUV can fit through, already imagining getting stuck.
>"Turn back!" Silver exclaims. "We can't get out this way!"
>Several zombies are already starting to catch up.
>April knows not to take any risky chances. She spins the wheels and soon feels the bodies of the oncoming zombies hitting the side of the SUV.
>The space between the pickup truck and the brick building starts to look a lot more feasible as April heads away from it. But the officer knows that the option she chose was the better one anyway. These are not the kinds of times for those types of risks.
>”What was that?” Rarity looks up to the ceiling.
>Everyone starts to scream as they hear the same banging from the roof that startled Rarity.
>Oh right, these things can jump.
>During the next three random turns or so, April makes the movements sharp enough to hopefully get the attacker to slide off. The cost of speed from the maneuvering allows the other zombies to catch up and latch onto the back bumper.
>Bombarding fists from the outside inflict countless cracks in the glass in the rear window. It’s a good thing this car doesn’t have a sunroof at least.
>”Shoot them!” April screams to Silver right before the rear window is shattered. “NOW! EVERYBODY DUCK!”
>”Everyone get down!” Silver aims for the first head he sees outside the SUV.
>It takes too long for comfort for Silver to get a clear shot. Especially with there being too many people in the back seats to scrunch low enough as a group.
>”I’m going straight, it’s now or never, Silver!” April’s knuckles are white as snow as she clutches the steering wheel.
>Everyone in the back shifts to the opposite side of Silver, trying to get as far away from the path of the bullet as possible.
>Fluttershy feels a sudden hand clamp onto her hair and start to pull her upwards over the seat. Her screams are absolutely bloodcurdling, and it sends a shock through Silver’s spine strong enough to get him to force a perfectly aimed shot straight into a hungry, lifeless eye.
>Another turn slides the motionless zombie out… slowing the SUV enough for two more zombies to jump on.
>Silver keeps his gun pointed at the zombies trying to crawl in Fluttershy’s direction.
>The girl lurches forward in attempt to escape their reach; one of them manages to grab her by the arm and try to bite.
>All it bites is a bullet from Silver’s gun.
>The SUV stays on a straight path down one of the streets as Silver aims for the next zombie, sweating more bullets than he’s shooting.
>”I got him, don’t worry!” He calls out with his arms as study as he can make them.
>Everyone in the group trying to scrunch together towards the floor can literally feel the bullets screaming past them as they are fired out of Silver’s gun.
>Silver urges them all to stay as low as they are right before his finger pulls the trigger once more.
>A miss.
>But Silver hastily adjusts his aim and fires again into the zombie’s head. He goes directly from eliminating the target to scanning the street directly behind the SUV for anything else he needs to defend the people in the car from.
>Even though she’s relatively safe for the moment, Fluttershy still tries to cram her way into the group of people clustered together to avoid the bullets.
>”It’s okay, I got him!” Silver lowers his gun into its holster.
>Everyone returns to a semi-normal sitting position as April speeds up to lose the other half dozen zombies still following the car.
>Silver doesn’t bother shooting them, thinking about how many bullets he might need when there isn’t a way to outrun these monsters that used to be human beings.
>”You sure that was all of them?” April asks.
>April curses with her foot bearing down on the gas pedal.
>”Oh god DAMN IT!” April curses with her foot bearing down on the gas pedal.
>Silver tries to figure out a way to reach out the window and shoot upward to hit wherever that thing is holding on; there’s no way any bullets are getting through that roof AND getting that crucial headshot.
>Everyone’s ears must still be ringing from those last few shots.
>Silver has to think more quickly than he’s able to act.
>Reaching up and out of the window isn’t going to do any good at all in shooting the zombie on the roof. A clear shot is clearly impossible.
>”It’s not gonna work, I gotta shake him off!” April tells him.
>She veers towards the next turn and holds the wheel as far as it can go.
>When everyone sees the figure of a body flying off of the roof of the SUV and landing into the street, their hearts get a brief moment of relief.
>”There we go!”
>The officer finally starts to slow down, starting to worry once again about how much gas is left in the tank. The need to learn directions to Applejack’s house once again resurfaces in her mind as the distractions are gone.
>”Do you know this part of town?” April asks as she herself is already starting to recognize certain buildings.
>Sunset regains her thoughts. “I… don’t think so.”
>”Don’t worry about it. We’re near the station. If you can remember her street name and number, I can be able to find a route based on where we are on one of the maps.” She turns to the other officer. “Silver, glove compartment.”
>”Okay, first of all, why didn’t we use maps before?” Trixie asks. “Couldn’t we pick out which street we were on?”
>”It would have been faster if Sunset just told us where to go. I’m not exactly comfortable with pulling over and scanning one of the maps for directions.”
>”Got it.” Silver unfolds a paper map of the town.
>”Well we don’t have to pull over right now either.” Trixie continues.
>”We don’t have as much to worry about anymore. So we can drive more casually.” April responds. “Just hold on, miss.”
>April does realize that all of the panic has caused her and everyone else to make rushed decisions.
>”Sunset, you told her you’re alone, right?”
>”I’m going to need you to get ready to get out first so we can drop you off first once we get just out of sight of the property. Just a heads up. Now, you got her address?”
>”Do you remember it?” April turns her head for a split second to ask Sunset before concentrating back to the road.
>”It was on… Homestead Lane, but I don’t remember the exact number.” Sunset groans as she struggles to bring the memory up in her head.
>Silver runs his finger along the map in search for Homestead Lane. The rest of the people in the car are silent for a short moment before April continues to talk.
>”As long as we know that it’s Homestead Lane, we’re covered.” She begins to explain. “I’ll drop you off somewhere on that street. Except I’ll get out first to make sure the coast is clear. Then you’ll go on ahead and make your way over to Applejack’s house without any of us being seen.”
>”F-fair enough.”
>April takes another glance at the people sitting in the back of the SUV, through the rear view mirror this time. She notices the… dead, lightless look in Pinkie’s eyes.
>”Hey, now.” She brings up. “Once Sunset talks everything over with your friend, things are going to get better.” She mainly focuses on Sweetie Belle, who is very clearly curling up in to a fetal position pretending to be… not here.
>The next turn April makes as a smooth and easy one. Something to help everyone else know that things are calming down for the moment.
>”Give it a rest.” Fluttershy huffs with her arms crossed. “Everyone we love is dead. Either on the inside or in real life.”
>April takes a few seconds to think up a response. “Come on, now. It’s not healthy to say things like that. We need to keep our hopes up if we’re gonna make it through this.”
>”We didn’t make it through this.” Fluttershy’s voice is droll and monotone. “We’re already dead. This is hell.”
>”I know everything seems hopeless right now. But you have to trust me; all is not lost. This is going to work.”
>Fluttershy would have said something back if she hadn’t gotten so choked up at the moment. She feels tears gathering in her eyes.
>Sunset stays close to the door as the SUV continues down the streets.
>"Don't go rushing out, now." April warns. "I'm gonna have to step out first. Don't want to lose you, now would we?" She gazes down the road. "You're the only one who's been talking with the ones who can save us."
>"Just ease your way into it. Explain how you've been having to fight your way through hordes of those things on your way over to the girl's house. Then bring everyone else up."
>"Just ease your way into it. Explain how you've been having to fight your way through hordes of those damn things on your way over to the girl's house. Then bring everyone else up."
>"And just ask them if there is a place on their premises where we can take cover without being in their way. Just waiting the thing out, you know?"
>"But wait." Trixie interjects. "We don't know how long this is going to last."
>"That's not what we're going to tell them, we're just going to convince them that things are starting to look better, but we're tired and need to lay low until it's over for good."
>"And we can tell them we have Sweetie Belle with us." Rarity adds with her arms around sister still covering her face.
>"They're not going to let us in." Says Fluttershy. "They would have at least let Applejack talk to her friends when this went down if they weren't focused on living and nothing else."
>"Sunset can convince them by getting through to Applejack." April tells Fluttershy, who now stares back out the window.
>"Where are we going after we drop Sunset off?" Celestia asks.
>"Silver will wait with you here for as long as it takes. I'll part somewhere far from out in the open." April replies, getting a nod out of Silver in the passenger seat.
>"Oh hey, I recognize this corner." Sunset brings up. "Turn left here."
>Everyone at the windows stares at the burnt brick buildings lining the scorched road, now aware of the things that lurk within them.
>Waiting for someone to step out.
>”It’s over there.” Sunset points to the house she recognizes on the other end of the block. “The one with the barn behind it.”
>The SUV pulls to a stop around a corner so it’s not seen by anyone in the house.
>”Alright, then.” April pulls her gun out ahead of time. “Come on, let’s hurry.” She swings the door open.
>Luna leans her head on Celestia’s shoulder and begins to drift off to sleep as she feels the motor shut off. Almost everyone else just sort of stares at the floor.
>Fluttershy’s weeping is revealed by the growing silence.
>Cadence lightly pats the girl on the shoulder. But Fluttershy only pushes the dean’s hand away and sinks further into the seat she sits in.
>”This way, Sunset.” April gestures for the girl to follow her outside onto the street.
>Sunset and April listen closely for any movements behind a few nearby bushes. They step lightly across the asphalt and concrete until they reach the grass.
>After several seconds of standing in place, the two continue across a front lawn in the direction of the house as it comes into view. There don’t appear to be any zombies in this area; which would make sense since this neighborhood isn’t very close to town.
>This becomes more and more clear as April and Sunset pass by more houses on the block without any confrontations.
>”Everything will be alright soon.” Cadence still tries to comfort Fluttershy through words.
>”Those things got Derpy. And… so many other of my friends.” Fluttershy shudders as her voice begins to break again. “I j-just…”
>She snarls at Cadence as she tries to place a hand on her shoulder again.
>Trixie groans and looks away in attempt to get herself to fall asleep as well.
>April leads Sunset across a few more front lawns. She soon stops in her tracks and looks right over to one of the second floor windows of Applejack’s house. “See that?” She points out to Sunset that the curtains moved.
>”See what?”
>”In the window. Someone was just looking out at us. They know we’re here.” April is hesitant to put her gun back into its holster. “If they have guns, we have to make sure that we don’t pose a threat to them.”
>”But…” Sunset argues. “You’re a cop.”
>April solemnly shakes her head. “That doesn’t mean anything in times like these.” She pauses. “At least not until we get word on the radio that laws and stuff count again.”
>The radio in her SUV was nothing but static and dead air each time Silver turned it on every twenty minutes.
>Sunset and April walk over with their hands up in the air, watching the curtains in the windows shift around every few seconds.
>After the two reach the front lawn of the house, Sunset can faintly hear a strangely familiar voice coming from inside the house; and it’s not that of Applejack.
>”I know her! I swear I know her!” The voice insists, hardly audible.
>April hears it too. “Remember, we have been running around looking for shelter. All we’re looking for is somewhere to hide from public view so we can lay low. Just go along with the story from there.”
>”But Applejack and I know eachother. She knows she can trust me.” Says Sunset before she notices the front door swing open.
>And out leaps Rainbow Dash. “Sunset!”
>Sunset knew that voice sounded like her.
>The two girls clash into an embrace, and April looks back over to the house. At the front door, Braeburn lightly pushes his way past Big Mac with a look on his face that says nothing less than ‘ticked off’.
>The two girls clash into an embrace, and April looks back over to the house. At the front door, Braeburn lightly pushes his way past Big Mac with a look on his face that says nothing less than ‘pissed off’.
>He’s soon pushed to the side by Applejack, who races over to her two friends who begin to involuntarily tear up.
>”Sunset!” Applejack gasps and joins the group hug. “Ah thought you were dead!”
>”I’m so sorry!” Rainbow Dash croaks as she hugs Sunset more tightly. “I didn’t mean to l-leave you behind like that!” She breaks down into tears.
>”It’s okay…” Sunset responds. “I’m not mad at you. I’m just so happy you’re still alive too.”
>Not much can be said. The three reunited friends hold one another for a half a minute until Big Mac and Braeburn approach them side by side.
>”It’s alright, officer. You can put your hands down.” Applejack says as she gently pulls away from the group hug and then stands next to her brother.
>April lets out a sigh of relief and lets her arms relax. “Sunset here told me that there were other people alive here. We’ve been running for our lives ever since yesterday.” She keeps her shoulders relaxed as she reacher her hand out to Braeburn. “My name is April Snow. Officer of the law.”
>Braeburn swallows all of the things he wanted to say and shakes her hand. “Howdy, Officer Snow. Mah name’s Braeburn. And this here is mah cousins Applejack and Big Mac.”
>”Nice to meet you all.” April knows that she can’t contact Silver over her walkie talkie without it being heard. She might as well make her case clear to the family first. Help them ease into the fact that she and Sunset aren’t alone.
>”We should go inside. It ain’t safe to linger out here for too long.” Braeburn brings up.
>”Course not.” Braeburn answers. “Those things learned to roam around in huge crowds, sticking together and whatnot. We see like… over forty of ‘em come by our place in a group every hour or so.” He’s already heading back to the door. “And it’s been about that long since the last time they came by. C’mon, we’ll continue this inside.”
>”Course not.” Braeburn answers. “Those damn things learned to roam around in huge crowds, sticking together and whatnot. We see like… over forty of ‘em come by our place in a group every hour or so.” He’s already heading back to the door. “And it’s been about that long since the last time they came by. C’mon, we’ll continue this inside.”
>”Eyup.” Big Mac follows Braeburn to the house with Applejack leading her two friends behind him.
>April’s stomach sinks. She slowly paces across the front lawn towards the door, waiting for the others to be completely out of earshot so she can warn Silver without anyone getting suspicious.
>Braeburn re-emerges from the front entrance before Applejack is inside, gesturing for April to come inside. “Better hurry so they can’t tell any of us are in here.”
>The officer steps onto the front porch and through the entrance, letting Braeburn quietly close the door behind her.
>”It’s no use. We’re all going to die.” Fluttershy insists as she stares out the window.
>”Please… you have to try and have faith.” Cadence tells her.
>”Faith was the first casualty of this disaster. Faith and hope. They both fell right when people could do nothing to hold on to the ones they loved most.”
>”Let’s just leave this alone, alright?” Officer Silver scoots over to the driver’s seat so he can put the keys back into the ignition if need be. “We need to focus on staying on out toes until we get an answer from Officer Snow.”
>”They’ll be turned away once they make it to the door.” Fluttershy resumes. “Applejack is not one to pretend to welcome everyone with open arms if it risks her dying. Dying like so many others already have. Why would ANYONE have faith in anyone else in a time like this?”
>Bulk silently gazes at his hands while he tries not to listen to Fluttershy. He only wants to find a way to bring Derpy back – the girl did not deserve what she got.
>”I don’t want to go through this anymore!” Fluttershy gradually raises her voice.
>”Flutters… calm down…” Cadence tries to place a hand on the girl’s shoulder again.
>Fluttershy pulls away with a startling grimace. Her eyes filled with something between fear and hatred.
>”We can’t give up now, Fluttershy!” Rarity tries to talk some sense into her. “We’re almost there.”
>”I don’t care anymore! There’s no way things are going to go back to normal! This world is no longer a world I wish to live in!” Fluttershy does nothing to wipe away the tears rolling down her cheeks.
>”Don’t say that, darling. Not everything is lost.”
>”I don’t care what you think!” Fluttershy’s voice shatters just like her heart had. “I’m not meant for this! I can’t… I-I can’t handle it anymore! I don’t want it to last!”
>Rarity grabs Fluttershy by the wrists and holds tight against her arms’ resistance. Fluttershy curses at the girl to let go before becoming to weak with her crying to do anything else.
>She lets Rarity put her arms around her as she hides her head in her quiet sobs.
>Having been woken up from all this, Luna figures that it makes more sense to sleep after everyone makes it into the house… if they do.
>”I know this is going to take a… lot… of adjusting. But there’s no way around it. We have to pull ourselves together and stick together until the end.” Rarity tells Fluttershy, who gradually falls silent.
>There is a long pause before Pinkie answers her: “This is the end.”
>”…Not if we don’t let it be the end.” Rarity pushes herself to believe what she’s saying to Pinkie. “Why do you think we came all the way over here in the first place? It’s not like we were going to just sit there and let ourselves and eachother get eaten alive out there.”
>”Exactly.” Cadence backs Rarity up. “We’re going to stay at Applejack’s farm for as long as we need to.”
>”I don’t want to go there even for a second.” Fluttershy starts to somberly speak once more.
>”But… don’t you want to see Applejack again? She’s your friend, let alone your friend AND someone who can help us stay alive.”
>”NO!” Fluttershy’s eyes nearly light up with a glow of self-destructiveness. “The world I know is dead! The life I had is dead!”
>”No, it’s n-”
>”I don’t have friends anymore! I don’t want to stay alive. Not in… this!” Fluttershy turns her gaze over to Silver. “Give me your gun.”
>”YES! Give me your gun!” Fluttershy violently lurches forward towards the officer.
>”YES! Give me your fucking gun!” Fluttershy violently lurches forward towards the officer.
>Bulk and Cadence hold Fluttershy back as Silver only slightly flinches.
>”No! I don’t want to live! I have the right to end my life if I can’t take it anymore!”
>”I can’t let you do that, Fluttershy.” Silver tells her. “We’re in this together!”
>”Flutters, please!” Bulk says to her. “What about me? And everyone else who cares about you? We were by eachother’s side for so long! We’ve already lost enough friends, I don’t want to lose another! We care about, you, Fluttershy! I care about you!”
>”I don’t care about you!” Fluttershy answers.
>The girl begins to scream at the top of her lungs before anyone can answer her. Sweetie Belle covers her ears and crouches away from the noise.
>”Stop that!” Silver turns around to face Fluttershy. “We have to keep quiet!”
>Fluttershy apathetically refuses to listen, aggressively climbing over the others to get to the door. She manages to get it open and slip out before Bulk can grab her.
>Everyone still in the car finds themselves hesitant to go out there and follow her. They beg for Fluttershy to come back as she falls to the sidewalk in loud sobs.
>Fluttershy feels all of the memories of the people she loved flood into her mind. The ones whom she loved so nearly and dearly before their lives were taken from them.
>Roseluck, Derpy, so many more… the list feels like it could go on forever.
>As her knees rest on the asphalt below, Fluttershy feels her hands begin to shake as she begins to think about Angel. He was at home the last time she saw him; she never even got a chance to feed him before rushing out of the house in a panic.
>It’s been well over a day now… and there’s no way her house had not been overrun.
>Just thinking about the poor thing being backed into a corner and… and…
>Fluttershy’s sobbing grows louder.
>Bulk places his hand on her shoulder, and Fluttershy is far too weak to push him away. She falls to her side with her tears now running across her face and onto the asphalt.
>All of those times Angel would play in the grass with her and all of the other animals. How happy they all were to be around someone like Fluttershy. How eager they had been to get up every morning to see her.
>How eager Fluttershy was to get up every morning to see them. To see Derpy. To see Twilight, to see Lyra and BonBon, to see Roseluck, to see… happiness.
>This is the same world in which she was so happy in. Those arms that used to be around Fluttershy must have been torn out of their sockets at some point.
>And Angel must have been wondering where she was during his final moments. Fluttershy doesn’t want to imagine, but she knows it must be true. The end of the world has no mercy for the ones she loves.
>There’s nothing left but narrowly escaping death so one can live in growing loneliness and emotional shambles for a little bit longer. Only the dark ages of mourning and living off of little food lie ahead.
>It’s… too much for the girl to take.
>”Is she alright?” Silver steps in front of Fluttershy as Bulk kneels down beside her.
>She’s hyperventilating in between wails of despair.
>Silver looks off to the horizon to check for any company. He can barely see something behind a few bushes in the distance, but Fluttershy’s crying is loud enough to be distracting to him.
>”I think she just needs some time.” Bulk sighs partially to himself before he feels Fluttershy suddenly lunge forward away from his hand.
>In one swift motion, she swipes Silver’s gun out of his hand; it had already been out of his holster.
>”Whoa, hey!” Silver gasps, having been surprisingly caught off guard.
>Fluttershy stands straight up with the barrel pointed to her head. “I’m not sorry!”
>There is a single click.
>”Fluttershy, give me that thing back now!” Silver carefully approached the girl just in case she figures out how to turn the safety off before he reaches her.
>Her head is spinning. “Stay back!” Fluttershy backs away from the other two before stumbling backwards onto the lawn.
>”Just calm down.” Bulk tries to assure her. “Lower the gun.”
>”Everything’s gonna be alright, Fluttershy.” Silver joins in.
>It’s a little surprising how the cop is talking less like a cop than the person next to him in this situation.
>”Just relax… okay” Silver repeats a couple of times before he gets a number of clicks in response.
>Fluttershy never held a gun before; never thought she would. She has no idea what the safety even is.
>”Oh no…” Silver redirects his eyes back to those bushes he may have seen something moving behind.
>There is movement behind a lot more things than the bushes now.
>”We gotta go.” Silver turns back to Fluttershy as she continues trying to fire a bullet into the side of her head.
>After only another half second, the evident zombies begin emerging from behind the bushes and nearby houses. There are far more of them than Silver would have been able to handle even with a gun. The run across the lawns covering every square foot of them with their numbers.
>Bulk grabs Fluttershy and pulls her towards him, seeing she hasn’t turned the safety of the gun off.
>”Get away!” Fluttershy is lifted off the ground and carried by Bulk back to the car. “Let me die!”
>Silver seizes the opportunity and snatches the gun away. The zombies are already within jumping distance of the SUV, snarling and growling with spasmodic hands.
>Fluttershy violently kicks and screams as Bulk hauls her back over to the SUV. She plants her feet onto the sides of the open door; Cadence and Celestia grab the girl’s ankles.
>With clumsy fingers, Silver turns the safety off and gets a single headshot in just in time. The zombie that was in front falls flat on its face with three more just a few feet behind it.
>It’s a good thing the driver’s side of the SUV is facing away from the oncoming crowd; Silver leaps across the hood, back into the driver’s seat and slams the door shut.
>”Noooo!” Fluttershy struggles and shakes her head to the point where her hair flies into her face.
>No one even needed to pull Fluttershy in to get her away from the zombies up against Bulk. Silver has already slammed on the gas pedal... before the keys in the ignition were even turned.
>No one even needed to pull Fluttershy in to get her away from the zombies up against Bulk. Silver has already slammed on the gad pedal... before the keys in the ignition were even turned.
>One wailing screech of the tires later and the SUV speeds away from Bulk and the zombies. On his own, the gym teacher spins around and swats one of the zombies in the side of the head before it gets a chance to bite him.
>At this point, Bulk has to move fast. These zombies must not have been developing stiffness for very long yet; moving considerably quickly.
>At this point, Bulk has to move fast. These zombies must not have been developing rigor mortis for very long yet; moving considerably quickly.
>”Nope. Not doing that again.” Silver sees the dozens of zombies in the side view mirror, still in pursuit.
>”Nope. Not doing that shit again.” Silver sees the dozens of zombies in the side view mirror, still in pursuit.
>He knows that there’s no way he has a lot of ammunition left.
>Bulk watches the SUV disappear down the street, praying to himself that they will come back for him despite what happened to Derpy.
>A zombie comes up from behind, almost biting the man before he smacks it away with the nightstick. Bulk can feel the cracking of bones every time he takes a swing.
>He plants his feet onto a position on the road and starts beating back every zombie around him. They’ve been trying to crowd around him. One of them already managed to get its teeth around his shoulder, but it must have had a broken jaw on account that there was a very weak bite force.
>But it’s replaced by another attacker once Bulk swats it away.
>It’s not easy, but Bulk manages to get to the edge of the small crowd trying to overpower him. They’re literally trying to climb over eachother to get to him; the man has to do everything he can to put as much space possible between him and as many of them as possible.
>This quickly turns into more of an escape than a battle, lest it turn into a massacre.
>Bulk backs away into the space the SUV left before the zombies have a chance to flank him. He has to move pretty fast, even though quite a few of them have stiffened up a little bit.
>One of them makes it behind the man. He has to spin around with the nightstick straight out and beat it across the head, making it fall to the ground for the gym teacher to leap over it in escape.
>They’re grabbing at him over and over again, and bulk is beginning to run out of breath.
>That SUV better come back pretty soon. If anything, Bulk is luck he hasn’t been successfully bitten yet.
>He kicks down another zombie that made it to the front of the group, and thrashes the nightstick into another one right behind it.
>The weapon gets stuck inside the zombie lady’s mouth; and she bites down in response.
>Bulk backs away and pulls the nightstick out, using his bare fist to beat away yet another attacker trying to get behind him.
>He punches and kicks, breaking free over and over again, using his strength to his advantage as much as he can.
>The zombie keep coming, feeling nothing but a deep seated hunger for human flesh as they continue again and again to overpower Bulk. The man has to keep backing away fast so he doesn’t get surrounded.
>Bulk’s blood is pumping, his mind racing, his stomach churning with rapidly increasing terror.
>Almost all of the zombies he knocks over get back up; this is far from a good sign.
>Bulk knows that he’s not able to run for very long after getting out of breath like this. Escape is the only option. He uses what’s left of his energy to sprint in the direction of the nearest lawn, only finding about two or three zombies blocking his path and running straight into him.
>They try to bring him to the ground while trying to bite him at the same time. Bulk throws them in the other direction in a rushed panic, even stomping over them to get away from the other zombies that have already caught up to get within arm’s reach.
>Bulk doesn’t need to think twice about it to scale the fence. His weight almost makes the planks snap, but he falls down to the ground on the other side before too many seconds of this pass. The growls on the other side of the fence become angry mutters as their prey has disappeared.
>Bulk doesn’t need to think twice about it to scale the fence. His weight almost makes the planks snap, but he falls down to the ground on the other side before too many seconds of this pass. The growls on the other side of the fence become angry gurgles as their prey has disappeared.
>But the fence doesn’t look like it’ll hold for long. The zombies behind it are making the already cracked planks bend with their combined force.
>Hands start pushing through by the time Bulk makes it to his feet. But the man can hardly even breathe or stay on his feet he’s become so exhausted from fighting countless of those things at once.
>The rest of the backyard is completely fenced in.
>Bulk stumbles across the backyard with his footfalls becoming heavier with each step. Not a single exit in sight aside the back door leading into the house.
>It’s not a sliding glass door; it’s a wooden door with a lock and a tiny window just above eye level. Nothing to shatter through.
>But Bulk doesn’t have any time to think anyway.
>The fence at the side of the house has already given way with a loud crack. The zombies come pouring in two by two.
>No matter how hard he kicks, bulk can’t get the door to go down.
>They’ve spotted him, heading in his direction.
>Bulk uses his weight to ram against the door. The frame makes a few cracking noises, but doesn’t give way as easily as the fence had. He slams himself against the door again… to no avail.
>And Bulk knows it’s time to find another way out when he feels a hand grab his shoulder and hears a growl right next to his left ear.
>He spins around with a powerful swing of his fast at the zombie’s jaw. And the man runs away from the next two, wanting all the energy he can get to climb over that fence on the opposite corner of the yard.
>Tries to slip up the side of the fence and falls back to the ground on the side where the zombies crowd around him.
>”Let… me… out!” Fluttershy grits her teeth as she keeps kicking her legs.
>She struggles in the still open door. Cadence and Trixie pull her back in and hold her in place while Celestia tries to close the door.
>”I think I lost them.” Silver announces as he looks around. “I’m gonna slow down now and see what happens. But close that door.”
>”Fluttershy, please!” Cadence begs. “Think about the rest of us!”
>”I don’t CARE!” Fluttershy is pulled back to the middle of the seat before Celestia reaches over and slides the door completely shut.
>Silver eventually pulls to a stop behind a brick building away from the street after Fluttershy settles down.
>”Alright, listen up, we’re going to need to wait for orders from April.” Silver starts up with his hands still on the steering wheel.
>Fluttershy’s breathing has yet to calm down, and the other people in the car are no more than hardly hopeful that the situation will dissolve any time soon.
>”All she has to do is contact me through my radio and we’ll how how her situation is over at Applejack’s house. Alright?”
>There are a few uncertain nods, but no one is completely certain anymore if this is going to work with organized crowds of zombies running around.
>”Can’t you contact her without anyone else there hearing anything?” Rarity asks.
>”I’m afraid not.” Silver answers. “What we need to do is wait for her to give us the okay that everyone there is comfortable with more people staying near their premises until we come up with a solid plan on how to move on from this point.”
>Luna leans back in her seat and lets out a sigh. Her sister does the exact same thing next to her.
>Sweetie Belle silently mopes out the window as she wonders when the next time will be where everyone starts screaming again.
>”So yer sayin that you’ve been running around through town since yesterday?” Applejack leans onto the kitchen table by her elbows. “Like, non-stop?”
>”Yes. We could have died a thousand times out there by now if it weren’t for you all being here. No where else seems to be safe; not even the police station.” April gives Applejack a slight frown.
>”We were held up in the school for a bit, but it was getting overrun. It wasn’t long before we had to escape and find somewhere else that was safe enough to rest and plan our next move.” Sunset recalls. “The last couple of days has been nothing but hell.”
>”Well to be honest, we were just about to get ready to go out there looking for ya, since Applejack’s friends with y’all and whatnot.” Braeburn adds.
>”Is there anyone else alive still?” Rainbow dash hopefully asks.
>”Yeah, uh, that’s something we were about to bring up.” Sunset mutters.
>Braeburn slightly leans forward.
>”A little ways back, we were pretty much overrun again. The whole group of us. With the others.”
>”The others?” Rainbow Dash gasps.
>”Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie…”
>”Oh my god, please tell me no one else died!”
>Sunset pauses, and rainbow can feel a knot forming in her throat.
>”There’s still most of us, but the point is, we’ve strayed from the group because we were forced to go in opposite direction to not get eaten alive. Sunset told me about this place, and that she had a friend here.”
>Braeburn looks towards Rainbow Dash. “Did… did you tell her?” His voice grows shaky with shock.
>”It was me.” Applejack tells him. “She texted me by my phone when they were in the school’s gym.”
>Rainbow Dash sighs as she realized what she just dodged through Applejack keeping a misunderstanding from happening.
>”Neither of us even knew Rainbow dash was here.” Sunset adds. “But the more the merrier. Because another officer and I were leading the group when we got separated. And I can still contact him through radio.”
>Wait, hang on, hang on!” Braeburn rises to his feet. “Whaddaya mean the more the merrier? You’re not planning on staying here, are ya?”
>April had anticipated something like this. “No, we’re not.” She keeps her tone calm and reasonable. “In fact, it’s a good thing you were planning to come looking for us. Because the other officer is still out there.”
>”Alright, now calm down, Braeburn.” Granny Smith heard the man raise his voice from the other room. “It’s a good thing we found more survivors.”
>”Ah honestly don’t see how it’s a good thing.” Braeburn huffs. “Ah mean… where in the hell are they gonna stay?” He spreads his arms with his voice getting louder again.
>”Sit back down and listen to me.” Granny Smith tells Braeburn. “You don’t decide who gets to stick around here and who doesn’t! This is my property!”
>”Are… are you serious?”
>”Officer Snow and Miss Shimmer here clearly know about more people who can help us stock up on more supplies from around town. We can travel in larger groups this way. And with the two officers carrying a couple of extra guns, ah really don’t know why you see this as a bad thing.”
>”We don’t have any room for them here! There are already over 20 people here! Let alone barely enough food for all of us as we are! We can’t just add more people because we don’t want them to die!”
>”Braeburn, ah have explained this to you again and again. We all can help each other out. They can help get more supplies like food from around town while us in the family lean more towards our own supply of produce. The more they can do, the more they can get for themselves.”
>”Eyup.” Big Mac agrees.
>”And tell me exactly where they’re gonna sleep.” Braeburn continues anyway.
>”This is a time of crisis, Braeburn. And these folks have been running around all day. I’m more than certain they won’t mind stayin in the barn for a few nights until we get things sorted out.”
>”Aw hell.” Braeburn puts his hands on the sides of his head and begins to pace around. “This… is… EXACTLY what ah wanted to avoid!”
>”Settle down, Braeburn.”
>”NO! This is how it all starts. In every last one of those zombie movies, they say the same got dang thing! ‘Just let us stay for a little while! We’re innocent protags who are important to our plot and we need to stay somewhere so we can plan a little more even though it’s HIGHLY inconvenient to you!”
>”Yer overthinkin’ this, Braeburn!” Applejack jumps in.
>”And now we have this! The moment where everyone already in the safe zone starts to argue over whether it’s worth it. And they come to the conclusion that it’s okay to let the other people to stay in here for just a little bit longer.”
>”What they say in the movies describes something that is actually real! It’s almost like a warning to people in case some sort of tragedy like this happens and we need to make rational decisions!”
>”What they say in the movies describes something that is actually real! It’s almost like a warning to people in case some sort of shit tragedy like this happens and we need to make rational decisions!”
>”Braeburn, enough!” Granny Smith concludes. “They’re staying here and that’s final.” She turns to April. “You said you can contact them by radio, right?”
>April nods and reaches for her walkie talkie.
>"It really should be any minute now." Silver keeps his walkie talkie out.
>Everyone else silently waits as the officer eyes the map, trying to figure out where he stopped.
>Fluttershy grimly continues to solemnly speak. "Just leave me here. You'll have less people to deal with anyway."
>"We're sticking together, Fluttershy." Cadence holds the girl by the arm with her shaking hands.
>Fluttershy's eyes look through the windshield as the broken town before the SUV.
>Imagining how doomed everyone she left behind must have been.
>How she never even got to say goodbye.
>"I don't know about Officer Snow, but shouldn't Sunset be able to convince them more quickly?" Rarity asks. "I know for a fact that Applejack would never let us stay out here had she been aware of the fact."
>"All we can do is hope." Silver replies.
>"Maybe we should think up what we're going to say to them so they're more comfortable with us staying." Celestia suggests.
>"You mean, convince them that we're worth staying for the long haul?"
>"Who knows? Maybe they need more people to help out with things over there." Celestia tells Silver. "They're more likely going to want us to stay longer if we show them right off the bat that we'd be a good use to them."
>"I like this idea." Cadence agrees.
>A sudden instance of static startles everyone in the SUV.
>["Silver, come in."]
>Not even a second later, Silver presses the button and speaks into the mouthpiece. "Snow! Is everything alright where you are? We just had to do a little bit more running."
>["More running?"]
>"There... uh, it's hard to explain." Silver avoids mentioning Fluttershy. "There was a whole crowd of them all of a sudden. I swear they came out of nowhere."
>There's a fifteen second pause.
>["Is everyone alright?"]
>Silver gulps.
>"We... we think we lost Bulk. It's not clear if he got away."
>A little bit of thumping around can be heard in the background noise.
>A male voice can be heard. ["Aw hell, how many of you are there?"]
>["Quiet, Braeburn!"] Another female voice responds to him.
>"Wh-who?" Silver leans in to the mouthpiece.
>[”A relative of Applejack’s.”] April answers. [“Where are you?”]
>”Near Vine Street.”
>Officer Silver takes another look at the map to be sure of his answer.
>[”Is that far?”]
>”Doesn’t seem like it.”
>[”Well try to make your way over here. We already told them the situation.”]
>”Got it. On my way.”
>[“Got it. On my way.”] Silver’s voice sounds through the walkie talkie.
>”This is asinine!” Braeburn protests. “How many of you are we even letting in here?”
>”It'll be fine, Braeburn.” Applejack argues. “They’re mah friends.”
>”It’ll be alright because they’re your friends? THAT’S what justifies this?”
>Braeburn paces around the living room for a few seconds, grunting to himself. Granny Smith tells him to just let it all go, but the man is having a really hard time listening.
>”There’s not that many of us.” Sunset starts off.”
>”NO!” Braeburn points at her. “We can’t afford ANY more people here! Hell, we shouldn’t have even let Rainbow Dash in here in the first place!” He turns to Dash. “And you’re friends with them too, right?”
>Rainbow Dash nods, but starts to make an annoyed face. “Well what’s it to you?”
>”Your affiliation with one another is the real problem here. Y’all are too busy thinkin’ about savin’ eachother that you completely gloss over making rational decisions!”
>”Braeburn, Ah already explained this to you!” Granny Smith repeats yet again.
>Red can be heard hurrying down the stairs. “Ah see someone else!” He calls down. “It look like one of them po-lice vehicles.”
>”That’s them!” Sunset clarifies.
>Big Mac is already walking over to the door, escorting April over with him so she can verify whether or not it’s actually them.
>”No, got dangit, no!” Braeburn stomps on the floor, feeling completely powerless in the situation. “This is EXACTLY how everything goes wrong!”
>”Is that one Silver?” Applejack ask, now at the window next to the door as well.
>”Yes.” April answers. “He and I are the only officers.”
>The door is unlocked.
>Braeburn huffs.
>”God… DAMN IT!”
>Silver had parked a little bit down the block from the house.
>The group heads inside after the front door opens, soon meeting Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Sunset in the front room.
>All grudges are dropped for the moment of reunion and a giant group hug is formed in front of the stairs. Everyone embraces one another in the wake of the disaster that struck them all and nearly drove them apart forever.
>It’s hard to tell exactly what happened to make everyone forget whatever fears or other notions they had. They all go to the living room and sit together as some more members of the Apple family come over from other parts of the house to see what’s going on.
>Everyone comes together in silence as the horde of zombies soon passes by the house again, searching for wherever the people from the SUV had gone.
>The windows in the back are boarded up; and most of the windows in the front aside one window on the second floor to see out of and the small one next to the front door that no one can fit through anyway.
>Nobody makes a single sound. Nothing.
>The radio is tried multiple times, which proves to be fruitless as it’s nothing but dead air. The entire group as a whole stays in one spot, already having had enough of this living nightmare.
>They have lost so many.
>There soon comes a point when April sits down next to him and assures him that this is going to surely end soon, as the zombies won’t be able to move at all after a bit.
>In fact, they begin to keep away from the boarded windows and stay silent no matter what. The only sound that can be occasionally heard and Braeburn quietly grumbling to himself.
>There soon comes a point when April sits down next to him and assures him that this is going to surely end soon, as the zombies won’t be able to move at all after rigor mortis kicks in.
>No one has any access to the internet, and memory in troubled brains can be hazy, so it’s down to the rough estimate of 48 hours passing before it can be safe to assume that most of the zombies out there, older or newer, will have stiffened up.
>The population of this town was a little big, but it wasn’t terribly high.
>Everyone in the house stays seated and makes due with the little available food, now even less since it was supposed to last for months exclusively for the Apple Family.
>They are NOT taking the slightest chance of running into any trouble with being heard from outside. They’ve all become so paranoid about that, especially given the choice of dealing with that again versus not dealing with that again.
>It takes a little bit for everyone to arrange where they’re going to sleep. They do it remarkably quietly, hardly saying much to eachother.
>They are NOT taking the slightest chance of running into any trouble with being heard from outside. They’ve all become so paranoid about that, especially given the choice of dealing with that shit again versus not dealing with that shit again.
>It’s pretty obvious which option everyone wants to choose.
>As some of the people in the group remember, it takes stiffness just a few hours to start setting in. So that should mean that the hordes of zombies passing by the house every hour or two might shrink a little each time, unless they replenish their ranks.
>They all wisely stay quiet inside of the house. Some almost silently mourning the loss of their loved ones, others silently listening, and even more silently shutting them out to focus on other things.
>As some of the people in the group remember, it takes rigor mortis just a few hours to start setting in. So that should mean that the hordes of zombies passing by the house every hour or two might shrink a little each time, unless they replenish their ranks.
>Nobody speaks, they only wait. Having nothing else to say anyway.
>What more would there even be to say? Those who are dead are dead, those who are alive are safe in here, and they will remain safe in here as long as everyone stays quiet and waits this out.
>More and more hours pass, and it’s starting to sound like there are less sets of footsteps going up and down the streets.
>But no one in the house takes any chances.
>They do not converse. They do not plan anything else. Literally nothing else happens but waiting.
>Waiting out the storm in utter silence now. Not wanting to lose anything else.
>And now night has completely fallen upon the former town.
>All lights must be turned out.
>Hopefully, the zombie epidemic will burn through its supply of new victims by tomorrow afternoon.
>Everyone goes to bed, but few fall asleep until late in the early morning.
>No one gets up early the next morning. With the exception of a few members of the Apple Family that were assigned to keep watch overnight.
>The night had been just as silent as the day, and everyone in the house decides to keep the volume this way.
>After late morning and into the afternoon, the small windows are checked once more.
>Braeburn is the main watcher, and he waits for several minutes for anything to happen.
>Several more minutes.
>And still several more minutes.
>Finally, he sees a group of figures traveling up the street.
>He quietly sighs in relief and excitement as he sees that there are only less than ten of them.
>After telling the others, they all silently celebrate for a half second, then go back to saying nothing.
>Braeburn soon softens up his viewpoint on letting the others stay, seeing that the multi-month food supply would be more than enough to last if they’re going to only be in this situation for two weeks at most.
>It’s boring and eventless; the only way to ensure that the risks are minimized to their fullest extent. Everyone knows to be wise about this and not rock the boat.
>Braeburn soon softens up his viewpoint on letting the others stay, seeing that the multi-month food supple would be more than enough to last if they’re going to only be in this situation for two weeks at most.
>The routine lasts into the next day as well.
>The groups of zombies has diminished to about three or four at a time.
>So far so good.
>By the next evening, it has become rare to see more than one zombie at once going by the house.
>And by the morning after that, nothing.
>But no one feels like talking yet. They continue to spend their time either eating just enough to not starve, sleeping, or simply staring at the walls and ceiling and hope that something frees them from this situation.
>Only one zombie is spotted down the block in the late afternoon.
>It’s smarter not to try to take it out, which would cause commotion and attract more.
>Applejack even noticed it fall flat on its face like a wooden plank. It doesn’t seem to be moving much, and it’s pretty obvious why.
>Another night goes by… then another day.
>But to play it safe, everyone agrees to wait.
>Yet another night goes by, the next morning is just as empty and silent as the first.
>It’s about 6 am, and most of the group sleeps in the living room as Trixie sits up after a fairly lengthy sleep.
>Out of curiosity, like how a lot of the others have routinely done in the past couple of days, she switches on the radio and sifts through the various stations for anything that isn’t dead air.
>Her heart jumps once she comes across the sound of a voice, and everyone else’s attention darts to the radio at the same instant.
>[…and therefore, supply lines are one of our top priorities, so mobility will be slow at first. So far, we have been able to provide a steady influx of food and supplies for the survivors we’ve reached so far, but the real challenge we have to face is expanding the perimeters of the safe zones. An update on the progress will come in every thirty minutes.]
>[But again, do not attempt to travel to the safe zones if you are not in one. Areas outside of the safe zones have not been neutralized or secured. If you have not been confronted by military personnel as of yet, then you are NOT in a safe zone. So I repeat myself yet again and urge that everyone remains safely indoors and away from the outside until military personnel are not only present, but authorizing you to leave your current premises.]
>[Move underground if you can, and wait for any signs of intervention from the military. Listen out carefully.]
>The volume on the radio is set on low, so everyone in the house has to crowd and huddle around it.
>The stay near the radio for the rest of the day and into the night, listening to the names of the counties being cleared becoming more and more familiar.
>No one sleeps after it gets dark, but none of the lights are turned on yet.
>Still not taking any chances.
>It’s sometime in the middle of the night, presumably around 1 in the morning.
>The darkness inside the living room makes it easier to spot the multiple pairs of headlights appearing down the street.
>The loud turbo flutter of heavy jeeps approaches.
>The sound of a voice through a megaphone. Saying: “Congratulations! You’re on apocalypse TV and this whole thing was just a joke!”
>The sky automatically turns to day again for like, no reason.
>Everyone steps out of the tanks, jeeps and the houses, all coming together in unison in the streets.
>People come running for the location and rip off their zombie costumes. A marching band turns the corner with Spongebob leading it playing happy music.
>Twilight, Flash, Roseluck, Derpy, Indigo Zap, Lyra and literally everyone else who didn’t actually die step out from behind a thingy of curtains as everyone else around them claps and cheers.
>The music keeps playing. Oh, the muuuuusic!
>The people who pretended to die clap and cheer too as the people inside the house go outside the house. They get nickelodeon-slimed on the front porch and Steve Harvey come forth to congratulate them but forgets all of their names.
>Rainbow Dash starts snapping her fingers and breaks into a musical number with the rest of the band. Everyone else follows, with Trixie doing acrobatic stunts on top of Applejack’s barn.
>They sing in the fashion of The Saints Come Marching In: “It’s just a joooooooke! It’s just a joooooooke! It’s a joke joke joke joke joooooooke! This whole thiiiiiing it was aaaal just a joooo-ooooke! It’s just a joooooooke! It’s a joke joke joke joke joooooooke!”
>The Dazzlings ice skate up the street alongside Barney the Purple Dinosaur. Sci-Twi (who wasn’t in this story until right now) genetically programs a bowl of mashed potatoes to turn herself, Norman and Flash into immortals. They all live forever.
>Street sweepers clean up the debris as the Rockettes do their kicky dancy thingy in the middle of the road. Clowns ride by on unicycles juggling bowling pins, the Bellagio fountain appears out of nowhere and starts shooting tomato sauce into the sky.
>Everyone starts dancing in the street like in that 80’s song, while Sunset announces next year’s Super Bowl Winners on her Twitter account.
>Young men from the 1950’s get on top of nearby cars, lie on their backs with their arms and legs sticking straight up and start spinning really fast.
>Smokey the Polar Bear hops out with an Easter basket and gives it to Fluttershy.
>Smokey hops away and starts doing tumbles and flips and throws firecrackers into the sky. Giant octopus tentacles coming from the sewers do the same, sinking the Titanic all the while.
>All of the animals in Applejack’s barn get in on the singing and dancing, doing a cover of Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Dah by the Beatles as Vinyl Scratch presses play and out comes dubstep from 2010.
>Applejack and the family band play “It’s the end of the world as we know it” on their banjos. Singing and clapping along with the rest of the party.
>Celestia, Luna and cadence all sneak a slice of cake each when no one is looking. They also each sneak a cup of milk each one.
>The festival continues. “It’s just a joooooooke! It’s just a joooooooke! It’s a joke joke joke joke joooooooke! This whole thiiiiiing it was aaaallll just a joooo-ooooke! It’s a joke joke joke joke joooooooke!”
>”Congratulations!” Yet another announcer chimes. “You’re on TV!”
>And everything was alright happily ever after.