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A parkour master. He was born with dead nerve endings so he feels no pain. Because of this he is extremely reckless with his life but is also good at on the spot surgery. He has absolutely no social skills, with the mentality of a scared and insane nine year old. He's very skittish. His body is covered in scars, but on his forearms they're so condensed it looks like a tattoo sleeve. Don't touch him without permission unless you want him to have an episode. Child services took him away from his abusive mother at the age of 14, and he hopped from foster home to foster home until he was 18.
A true parkour king who taught his sister all he knows. Lean, thin, with long legs and well muscled arms and short cut blonde hair and dark green eyes. He was born with a medical condition called Congenital Analgesia which means he is unable to feel pain. This has of course led him to grow up to be a bit reckless. He has many scars on his body from accidents (mostly parkour related) and he's gotten pretty good at basic first aid. He hates physical contact with strangers and has the personality of a skittish cat. Wears loose black cargo pants, combat boots, and an old gray tanktop.