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/setwelcomemessage <img src="" title="Provided by Affinity - Faeye" </font> <br> <img src=""> </a> <br> <b> <font color=black> We are Actively seeking a Rock Gym Leader. E4 Round Robin will be held THIS Thursday!  </font> <br> <img src=""> <br><br> <a href=""> <font size=3> The Affinity League Website! </font> </a> <br>  <br> If you want to join Affinity, please make sure you read our rules and our way of testing in this <a href=""> page. </a> <br> If you want to challenge Affinity, please read our rules in this <a href=""> page. </a> <br> <button name="send" value="/transferbucks Affinity - Faeye, 1"target=" _blank"> Donate one buck! </button> <button name="send" value="/transferbucks Affinity - Faeye, 2"target=" _blank"> Donate two bucks! </button> <button name="send" value="/transferbucks Affinity - Faeye, 3"target=" _blank"> Donate three bucks! </button> <br> <img src=""> <img src="">
/setwelcomemessage <img src="" title="Provided by Affinity - Faeye" </font> <br> <img src=""> </a> <br> <b> <font color=black> We are Actively seeking a Rock Gym Leader. E4 Round Robin will be held THIS Thursday!  </font> <br> <img src=""> <br><br> <a href=""> <font size=3> The Affinity League Website! </font> </a> <br>  <br> If you want to join Affinity, please make sure you read our rules and our way of testing in this <a href=""> page. </a> <br> If you want to challenge Affinity, please read our rules in this <a href=""> page. </a> <br> <button name="send" value="/transferbucks Affinity - Faeye, 1"target=" _blank"> Donate one buck! </button> <button name="send" value="/transferbucks Affinity - Faeye, 2"target=" _blank"> Donate two bucks! </button> <button name="send" value="/transferbucks Affinity - Faeye, 3"target=" _blank"> Donate three bucks! </button> <br> <img src=""> <img src="">