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Class: Red Mage
Allignment: Chaotic Evil
	A kid? What's a kid doing in a tavern? What's a kid doing with a shortsword and an ancient tome? Why does this kid only have a cloak and some leather shorts? Surprise surprise, this kid just stabbed you and torched your ass for asking such a stupid series of questions. Having to learn how to fight at a young age to get away from his near-murderous mother and fend for himself in the wild, this kid is more than well learned in how to kill things fast and easy. He's very calm and can often times be unnerving with the ways he speaks and just... stares at people with his stoney gray eyes. His white hair is choppily cut into a very short style that looks like he did it himself with his sword and some fire magic by the way some of it is charred [he did that]. He's probably just in the party to make it easier to survive.
 What's a kid doing with a knife and an ancient tome? Why does this kid only have a cloak and some leather shorts? Surprise surprise, this kid just stabbed you and torched your ass for asking such a stupid question. Having to learn how to fight at a young age to get away from his near-murderous mother and fend for himself on the streets, this kid is more than well learned in how to kill things fast and easy. He's very calm and can often times be unnerving with the ways he speaks and just... stares at people with his stoney gray eyes. His blonde hair is choppily cut into a very short style that looks like he did it himself with his sword and some fire magic by the way some of it is charred [he did that]. He's probably just doing what he can to make it easier to survive.