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Power Level: Unknown
Race: Saiyan
Form: Base, 
Form: Base, Super Saiyan 1-4
Moves: Kamehameha, Dragon Rush, Solar Flare, Spirit Bomb, Dragon Fist, Sphere of Sorrow Big Bang Kamehameha, God Final Flash, 10x Kamehameha, Super Dragon Fist, Super Big Tree Cannon, Galactic Donut, Special Beam Cannon, Final Revenge Cannon, Holy Sphere Ball, Mantle Slammer, Holy Nova, Crescent Slash, Eclipse Claw, Chaos Shroud, Giga Blast, Giant Impaction, Mach Tornado, Heaven Bolt, Dark Freeze, Toxic Flare, Nova Comet, Lunar Frost, Aura Waves, Hyper Flame Cannon, Concrete Smash, Pressurized Cannon, Wrath of God, Aero Flame, Gaia's Wrath, Ethereal Blade. Freeze Claw, 100,000,000x Final Flash, 100,000,000x Ultimate Spirit Final Dragon Big Tree Bang God Shine Masehameha, 100,000,000x Kamehameha, Supreme Diabolation Sphere, Stellarnova, Shockwave Punch, Aquatic Cannon, Cosmic Dragon Blast, Hyper Ghost Kamikazi Attack, Supreme God Sphere, Time Speed Attack, Elemental Ghost Kamikaze Attack, Cyber Barrage, Dark Oblivion Cannon, Divine Halo Sphere, Extreme Blaze, Extreme Bolt, Extreme Freeze, Supreme Thunder Break, Raging Whirlpool, Meteor Crush, Mind Maim, Psycho Cannon, Z Wave Sphere, Lightning Strike, Dark Psycho Sphere, True Infinity Final Kamehameha, Dark Destruction Sphere, Super Galactic Donut Trap, X-Calibur God Blade Slash, Planet Shatter Sphere, Psychic Donut Grip, Dark Earth Ball, Chaos Wind Slash, Light Aqua Ball, Divine Extreme Bolt, Devil Extreme Flare, Super Special Beam Cannon, Final Fire Cannon, Heat Mantra Cosmic Rage Fist, Heaven Piercing Sea Crashing Blade, Chaos Buster, Galacta Blazing, Lost Canvas, Light Ultima Flash, Black Hollow Flash, Kyber Crystal Slash, Life Fiber Crystal Slash, Fire Dragons Darkness Flame, Infrared Particle Cannon, Chrono-Venom Gun, Anti-Hytherion Spacetime-Piercing Tachyon Blaster Cannon, Darkus Riot, Nero Fatica, Black Hole Storm, Expansive Energy Ball Barrage, Explosive Ball, Holy Relic Ball Barrage, Interstellar Dragon Flash, Meteor Swarm, Destruction Gaia Cannon, Rainbow Hope Spirit God Slash, Master Fate Blast, Nightmare Carnage Onslaught, Hyper Galaxy String Grip, Space Time Freezing Thunder Spear, Acid Hellblaze, Dark Nebula Sphere, Eclipse Inferno, Blustia Cannon, Gorgeous Fireball, Truth Seeking Sphere Of Destruction, Blue Burning Tornado, Mega Blue Chaos Flame God Sphere, Chaos Big Bang Rasenhameha, Nova Super Grand Holy Sphere, Omniversal Final Kamehameha, Ultra Universal Kamehameha, Spirit Nuke, Electric Hell Sphere, Phoenix Halo, Super Ignis Flash, Grand Devil Sphere, Devil Wave Sphere, Negative Plasma Blaze Cannon, Dark Freeze Hell Ball, Dark Galaxy Flash, Negative Sphere Of Dark Demise, Demise Dragon Fist, Shin Dragon Blast, Supreme Origin Storm, Divine Stardust Judgement, Deity Morning Star Cannon, Celestial Spirit Bomb, Unholy Dark Sphere, Astral Beam Flare, Multi Omniversal Sphere, Ultimate Sphere, Destructive Blue Inferno, Destructive Death Freeze, Sanzu River Shot, Parent's Seven Rays, Nova Wave, Prominence Flare, Zero Infinity Sphere, Infinite Dimensional Collapsing Sphere, Majestic Divine Final Dragon God Flash, True Ki Blastless Blast, Divine Omega Blaster Barrage, Dragon God Infinity Fist, Circle Shadow Bone Barrage, Helix Slash, Sparkle Bomb, Cross Blue Getsuga Tensho, Olympus God Blade Slash, Heartless Angel Flash, Omega God Sphere, Omni Infinity Sphere, Dark Reality Wave, Magic Divine Sphere, Pegasus Meteor Fist, Meta Destruction Cannon, 12 Universe Sphere Barrage, Final End Sphere, Cosmic Judgement, Flaming Blast, Alpha Dragon Fist, Infinite Final Flash, Infinite Alpha Dragon Flash, Critical Five, Sabotage Beam, North Breath, Magical Life Cannon, 
Moves: Kamehameha, Dragon Rush, Solar Flare, Spirit Bomb, Dragon Fist, Omega Blaster, Galick Gun, 
Abilities: Complete Arsenal (Information Unknown)
Abilities: Immortality, Regenerate, Saiyan Power, Infinite Adaptability, Ultimate Mimicry, Time-Space Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Magic Manipulation, Cloning, Light Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Cosmic Manipulation, Nuclear Manipulation, Zenkai Boost, Ketsuryugan, Miraigan, Rinnigan, Batagan, Cosmic Supplice, Nijigan, Intangiblity, Pure Progress, Rebirth, Ultimate Supreme Power, Invisibility, Shape Shifting, Omni All, Reality Warping, Toon Force, Fourth Wall Breaking, Fourth Wall Awareness, Telepathy, Psychic Powers, God Ki, Technology Manipulation, Can Breath In Space, Ki Sense, Super Speed, Super Strength, Ruler Breaker, Logic Breaker, Reality Breaker, Imagine Breaker, Blood Bending, Mind Control, Aura Manipulation, Sound Mastery, Master Of The Force, Infinite Power, Soul Manipulation, Attack Negation, Ability Negation, Power Negation, Reality Overwrite, Dust Manipulation, Yin Manipulation, Yang Manipulation, Summoning, Fate Manipulation, Irreversible Destruction, Size Change, Hax, Unlimited Stamina, Alpha Reality, Omega Reality, Origin Manipulation, Can Block Anything And Everything, Mystical Powers, Plant Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Force Fields, Able To Beat Everything And All Combined With A Mere Thought, Meme Negation, Mary Sue Negation, God Modding Negation, Fiction Manipulation, True Manipulation, Acausality, Durability Negation, Animal Manipulation, Mind Wipe, All Dimension Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Chi Manipulation, Meta Ability Creation, Complete Arsenal, Weather Manipulation, Skill Negation, Endless Other Abilities,
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Eye Color: Yellow (Base) Blue (Super Saiyan 1-3) Red (Super Saiyan 4)
Birth Place: Planet Vegeta
Backstory: Unknown. Said to Come From Planet Sadala In Universe 6 To Protect The Earth In Universe 7 For Reasons Unknown.
Personality: Friendly. Likes to train and spar. Loves Cute Animals. Strategist. Powerful but always holds back his power as he loses control of himself when above a certain level of power. Cares About The Planet and all living things on it. Likes to make many friends of many things. 
Current Home: Universe 7 Earth
Occupation: Saiyan Protector Of Earth.
Fav Food: Pizza And Fruit Cake
Fav Color: Blue (The Color His Sister Likes and it reminds him of his sister) 
Dislikes: Friends Fighting In a bad way. Those Who would do harm to others. Villains And Evildoers. 
Enemies: Any Villain.
Group: Z Fighter Group (Met Z fighters during his exploration of earth and became friends with them especially goku and vegeta)
Favorite Weapon: Fists Or Ki Attacks.
Hobbies: Training. Making Friends. Exploring.
Likes: Friends. Nice People. Cute Animals (Kittens And Puppies Especially)
Love Status: Single
Religion: Unknown
Positive Traits: Friendly Towards Others. Always Willing to Help Everyone Out. Optimistic. Always happy to bring smiles to everyone. Very Social. 
Negative Traits: Trusts People Too much at times. Can Also Be overprotective. When at the higher level stages of power he loses control and his anger takes control. 
Height: 5.6
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: Black (Base) Yellow (Super Saiyan 1-3) Red (Super Saiyan 4)
Skin: White
Character Theme: Believe In Myself By Kaz Silver (Source: Sonic Adventure 2 Tails Theme.)