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Chester feels very angry about things now.  What right did anyone have to use mind control on him?  This is gross human rights violation right there.  Did father need mind control on him, did relatives need mind control on them?  So why was it used on Chester? And the stupid thing is they are still doing it now and using it on chester.
Chester feels very angry about things now.  What right did anyone have to use mind control on him?  This is gross human rights violation right there.  Did father need mind control on him, did relatives need mind control on them?  So why was it used on Chester? And the stupid thing is they are still doing it now and using it on chester.
What right did people have to stop Chester working?
What right did people have to stop Chester from his education?
What right did people have to stop Chester being peaceful?
What right did people have to stop Chester from making friends?
What right did people have to stop Chester to stop Chester reading for a long duration?