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Abra is a pure Psychic Type Pokemon, and is the first evolution stage of the Pokemon, Alakazam. It was first released in the games Red and Blue, Generation 1. 
Kadabra is a pure Psychic Type Pokemon, and is the second evolution stage of the Pokemon, Alakazam. It was first released in the games Red and Blue, Generation 1. 
Abra is a teleporter Pokemon. It had the power to move from one place to another via its move, Teleport. It strongly resembles a fox, however, it has two arms and two legs, and sits like a human rather than a fox. It ahs the ability to read others' minds, which makes it Teleport if it senses any danger. Although Abra will usually flee when it is in apparent danger, they do have the ability to learn many attacks, both physical and special.
Kadabra is a teleporter Pokemon, like its previous evolution, Abra. It is very similar to a human, although has few characteristics to a fox. Its hands each have three fingers, of which all each have a large white claw attached. Kadabra always holds a silver spoon, and bends it to amplify and strengthen its Psychic powers. Kadabra, unlike its previous evolution, does not need to sleep 18 hours a day, and dedicates its life to fighting.  
Abra are found in urban areas, usually close to humans, found in abandoned buildings or shacks.
Kadabra are found in urban areas, usually close to humans, found in abandoned buildings or shacks.